Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's cousin has a message for Sarah Palin.

Dear Sarah Palin:

I am writing today about how you are responding to and how you will respond to the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six other people.

By way of introduction and background, I am a cousin of Congresswoman Giffords. I am also an ally of Dr. George Tiller, the Kansas doctor who provided abortion services and who was assassinated on May 31, 2009.

When the Congresswoman’s offices were vandalized after her vote on healthcare reform, I wrote to her. As I recall, I congratulated her on her strong spirit in the face of that attack and other threats. I told her that I was proud of her courage on behalf of health care reform and sorry that she had to show the same courage as those who provide health care to pregnant women who need abortions and other reproductive health care services. Both have been the subjects of hateful, vitriolic language. Both have been put in rifle crosshairs.

In the aftermath of the murder of Dr. Tiller and the attempted murder of Congresswoman Giffords, many have spoken out about the role that hateful language played or might have played in encouraging these acts of violence. Immediately after Congresswoman Giffords was shot, many people voiced concern about such things as your "Take Back the 20" map targeting congressional districts of those representatives, including Congresswoman Giffords, who voted for health care reform by placing their districts in the crosshairs of a gun sight. Commentators have also noted your advice to people disappointed in the outcome of the 2008 elections to “lock and load” and “don’t retreat, reload.”

As I am sure you are now aware, Congresswoman Giffords herself had expressed concern about your map in particular. She said: “We need to realize that the rhetoric, and the firing people up and ... for example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, the way she has it depicted, we're in the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they've got to realize that there are consequences to that action...”

Your response so far, has been to defend the images and language you use. In an e-mail to Mr. Glenn Beck you said, “Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence.”

Ms. Palin, the moment calls for more than this. I am a strong supporter of the First Amendment and of your right to defend your words and to challenge those who seek to connect them to the assassination attempt and murders in Tucson, Arizona. I also know that there is often a very long distance between words and actions.

But even if your map and your language had nothing to do with these murders or any others that might occur in the future, a compassionate response would acknowledge that possibility and indicate a willingness, in her honor, in honor of the people who died, to consider this concern.

Whether or not you are willing to take this concern seriously, it is, nevertheless a critical moment to clarify your beliefs and principles. Now is the time to answer these questions and lead.
Do you believe it is appropriate to bring about political change in America through the use of or threat of violence?

When you suggest targeting candidates, use gun-sight crosshairs to do so, and speak repeatedly about guns, locking and reloading do you mean that violence is or could be properly used to encourage or ensure certain outcomes of elections or legislative votes?

If you do not mean literally that elected officials should be targeted with rifles and threatened by political activists armed with loaded weapons, what do you mean? What should politically frustrated Americans do when their views are not prevailing?

Throughout the course of history people have demonstrated that the most effective change comes through non-violent action. Many of us believe that the most courageous leaders and activists are those who are willing to be attacked for their beliefs not those who threaten to attack.

Ms. Palin, if you are among those who believe that political change can come about non-violently, without hate, violence, or the threat of violence, now would be an excellent time to say so.



  1. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Sarah will never take responsibility for her words and actions. Never.

    In her mind, it always is, and always will be, the fault of someone else. She is the victim, not the perpetrator.

  2. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Very nice, intelligent letter. I doubt very much that this was written by a "ghost writer", but by the actual person who signed it. Palin, as usual, hides from anyone who could possibly call her out on her despicable rhetoric. Once again, just like when Palin was in office there should be bumper stickers asking "Where is Sarah?"

  3. CorningNY3:00 AM

    What an eloquent, reasonable response--exactly the opposite of Palin's responses.

  4. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Sarah's lips will tire long before she gets to the end of this letter.

  5. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Well, Sarah finally facebooked and, naturally, she didn't address her crosshair map. No, she didn't think she did anything wrong. Sarah paints herself as a bigger victim than Christ. Is there enough wood in this world to build her cross?

  6. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Excellent letter, and honestly we should have been connecting the dots years ago. But we didn't want to make religious leaders upset, or powerful conservatives in washington or in the media, upset, and we certainly didn't want to upset the guy with the gun rack in the back of his pickup in Alabama!

    Liberals laid down and died, politically, and that's a sad thing. It's time to step up and say the truth - that radical religous forces and right wing forces are destroying this country, not liberals. I'm glad she talked about dead abortion doctors because it's time to drag out the INCONVENIENT VALUES of the democratic party and put them front and center and say to the opposition, look...we let you have your guns, we let you have your bibles, but don't use both to destroy us. Don't destroy our rights to choice, to basic healthcare, and to life - all life, for gays, women, minorities, everyone.

    I'm tired of them trying to pull funding from NPR, I'm tired of them picketing at soldiers funerals, I'm tired of laws against abortion, I'm tired of laws against gays, I'm tired of hearing nothing but right wing talk, and I'm tired of Democrats refusing to defend our values.

    Gifford wasn't liberal, she was a blue dog, and yet even THAT wasn't conservative enough for them. That goes to show you, they won't be happy until we're all dead and gone and if we have ANY chance to make it in this country then we'd better start proudly standing up for our values and not slinking away from them in shame. Our Shame and Fear put a bullet in Gifford's head just as surely as the right winger/skinhead did.

    We need a Martin Luther King, or Bobby Kennedy, or Harvey Milk, or Bella Abzug, or somebody to stand up and say, we are here and you won't drive us out!

    It's not enough to say, put the gun down. Why are they picking up the guns in the first place? What atmosphere have we created and what has been our role in that? You can't just look at the husband beating the wife and ask why, you have to look at the wife and ask why is she allowing herself to be beaten? And how can we empower her?

  7. Anonymous3:06 AM

    What a thoughtful, well-stated letter.

    However, we already know where the contemptible woman stands. Even if some behind-the-scenes power twists her arm to provide an appropriate response, ten minutes later she will be back at her old tricks.

  8. Anonymous3:13 AM

    She had to one up the President's appearance today in Tucson... What a POS!


  9. Anonymous3:17 AM

    RAM's sleeping on the job... the negative Facebook posts are staying up longer than usual.

    Mark Denzler
    I hope you realize that your "Target Map and list" is to blame, the "deranged" people took it literrally and seriously. Politics is politics but there is a standard how low one can go, and you have gone well below this benchmark. I was one of your supporters but there you've lost me!!!!!
    8 minutes ago ·

  10. Anonymous3:20 AM

    She just put out an 8 minute video. Too little too late.

  11. Anonymous3:21 AM

    She speaks:-

  12. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Wow! What an incredible letter.

    What say you, Sarah?

  13. angela3:29 AM

    Palin has come out with a video.
    They combed her her and she is still a nutjob blaming everyone else for this. She rufused to admit her rhetoric is toxic.

  14. deebee3:42 AM

    "Speak now or forever hold your tongue!"

  15. Anonymous3:43 AM

    What a surprise - Palin's latest speech contains no apology, no promise to do better just her usual SMUGNESS.

  16. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Gryphen, thank you for posting this. There are many portions to highlight that were pointedly addressed. This morning I awakened thinking how lmae it was of Palin to have Mansour lie to deny the obvious and then run to the Beckster to convey she is against violence. Once again their is a grandosity gap between what Palin does, says and how she portrays herself.

    Beck and Palin turned things around as dysfunctional and deceving people do that it is not what Palin did by her own hands and months of her own words to portray her self but the blame is on people who spoke to her facts.

    All of them were complicit to change the facts and switch accountability around even to the extreme it is everyone else putting Palin in danger. Factual reality is people have been in danger due to Palin's words and actions.

    I suggest that Palin is enraged right now for that is her pattern when held accountable for her behavior. This situation is worse then the Katie Couric interview when she revealed her limited knoweledge and attitude. Palin turned that around also.

    It is true some of the general public has linked her to the Tuscon massacre that she "has blood on her hands". We shall learn if Palin's "death panels" lie was the source of death threats. From this letter it comes through that providing health care was the source of death threats.

    Palin has a personality that is solely focused on what she will gain void of care, concern or consideration for anyone else enen when confronted. She gains by delivering harm to others and does not stop even when it leads to death threats. She is mentally incapable of comprehending cause and effect to others (including her offspring)and her clear intention was to demonize people over health care distorting they seek to take health care away and even murder people. Palin is a far most extreme of people who tear others down to portray they are superior and build self up. Meanwhile she demonstrates no personal improvement with the exception of increased income. She gains being 'loved' by means of fostering hatred of others steeped in her lies and personal attacks demonizing people. She is incapable of discussing policy, cause and effect with reason, facts or substance.

  17. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Sarah Palin released a lengthy video statement charging critics with “blood libel” for trying to blame her for the shooting in Tucson. From her statement: "...Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible."

    There is the bitches answer.

  18. imnofred4:04 AM

    Sarah has responded, it's on MSN. She claims the media is irresponsible because of finger-pointing. This is exactly what I expected her to say. She is defiant as ever. What a worthless piece of s%&t.

  19. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I have been thinking about this since Saturday and realized that people are wrong who are saying that some people are taking advantage of a tragic situation and showing disrespect for the victims by making it political. Had I been a victim, I absolutely would want people talking about why. A CONGRESSPERSON was the shooter's target. Of course, this was political. I want BOTH sides, left and right and in-between, to stop with the aggressive talk. Saying it has no effect on people is unbelievable. Certainly the shooter is responsible for his actions. That doesn't mean we should stop with him when looking at what other causes there may have been for this tragedy. There may be no connection between what happened and the angry rants that are out there, so blame cannot be placed unless a connection is found. But out of respect for the victims and their loved ones, all aspects of what makes a moment like Saturday's happen need to be investigated.

  20. My GOD, have you seen this? That bitch has NO shame. Prepare to vomit after watching this. She posted it in the wee hours of the morning. It's her desperate and repulsive attempt to distance herself from her part this tragedy and turn herself into a victim. She truly has no decency left.

  21. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Now is the time for Sarah Palin to apologize, put her naughty monkeys back in the closet, put her guns back in the gun safe, put her bump-its up for sale on E-bay, swing by Taco Bell for a couple of crunch wraps and go home to attempt to repair her dysfunctional family. Her "work" here is done.

  22. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Very well written letter, and well thought out. However, a Sociopath like SP will not see that her words and actions fanned the flames of this insanity.

  23. sewnup4:16 AM

    That Westboro gang (because that's exactly what they are; they certainly aren't Christians as they claim)is nothing but a product of people with Palinesque ideas.

    In Maine a high school student recently began working with Maine legislators to write a bill prohibiting demonstrations such as those in which the Westboro gang o. Seemingly just as soon as the gang got notice of a possible new bill coming their way they jumped on the kid with both feet and were (or attempted to be) very intimidating, and in fact indicated, to both the kid and news media, that they would be in Maine to protest at the meeting (community, legislators, and newspeople) said kid had planned. Kid wrote them that he'd be glad to entertain them and that they were welcome to come express their opinion/s. They blathered and threatened and intimidated. They also didn't show.

    Christians they aren't; they are nothing but thugs in suits. This most recent act is yet more despicable than their past behavior, if that's even possible.

  24. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Palin's response:

    “journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn."

    What journalists were inciting violence? Is she not doing the same thing she's accusing others of doing with this "statement"?

  25. Anonymous4:22 AM

    That's fabulous. I guess SP released a video response on her website this am. Typical ghost written crap.


  26. I just saw a clip of SP's video response that she has on her Facebook page. She's still not willing to concede that her, or anyone's, use of violent language had anything to do with the shooting. She called Loughner "apolitical" when by every account I've heard indicates that it was very much political. She justified her use of violent language by comparing it to the past practice of dueling. To me, that would be like Bush saying that waterboarding isn't that bad because the methods used in the Spanish Inquisition were much worse. You don't need to compare one act to another to know that it's wrong. Finally, if SP is so brave and so completely stands behind her convictions, then she needs to face the public. She's behaving like Osama Bin Laden, hiding in a cave of her own.

  27. excellent letter, and i am so glad that she wrote it. whether or not palin's map and rhetoric helped this man pull the trigger, it contributed to a very poisonous political climate, desensitized people, and made our politicians seem like fair targets of all this hate and nonsense. who knows how much stress and strain that map and sarah's followers put giffords and her family through in the weeks before and after the election. giffords herself expressed her concern about such a crosshair map and her existence on it.
    i think we should all keep calling for palin to properly address this issue and to promise to cease using such vitriol and rhetoric in the future. it might give her nothing to talk about, but that would be ok too.
    i am so impressed with the strength of rep. giffords' family.
    i tried to leave a comment at the website where the letter appears and was unsuccessful. i wonder if there is a lot of traffic right now.

  28. Anonymous4:37 AM

    So, sarah doesn't respond with sympathy and empathy. sarah
    re-surveys! And once again......wait for's all about sarah!

    Blood libel? WTF is blood libel?

  29. Anonymous4:48 AM

    So here she is arguing for why she is OK to promote violence. Only she doesn't even have a CLUE to what her charges mean!

    Sarah Palin charges critics with 'blood libel'

    Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood ...

  30. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I am so grateful that this family member wrote this letter. The problem is, Mrs. Palin is a sociopath, so again, anyone who has read the Sociopath Next Door knows that Sarah can't respond in a normal way because she is not normal. Anyone who is surprised by Sarah's reactions need to realizxe that WE can't assign normal behaviors or reactions to her as she is NOT NORMAL.
    Then there is the part of her that is a 2 years old with her hand caught in the cookie jar.....panicking and lying about hr actions . If it weren't all so tragic, it would be funny.

  31. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Fantastic. This needed to be done, and done properly. I imagine this will go viral, as it should.

    The silence is deafening, though admittedly a relief after months of hearing from her on a daily basis.

    What will she say?

    I agree with those who feel she will do something today, since her arch nemesis will be speaking to the nation and the world. She cannot tolerate that.

  32. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Oh, can I mention that it was brilliant to get a unifying speech out under the transom before the President had a chance to frame things up?

    That is one of the comments I pasted from C4p--you would not believe the others. I have to say that this whole thing is starting to make me very depressed and I have lost faith in the human's ability to do the right thing. There is no hope for this country when the right refuses to grow up and play fair. I guess I am still just a very naive little girl.

  33. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Apparently there is something on her Facebook page, already.

  34. Anonymous5:01 AM

    What a great letter! Finally, it looks like people, ordinary, everyday PATRIOTS, are making their voices heard and letting Palin know that enough is enough. She is being backed into a corner, and her silence on all that has transpired and all the coverage that has been generated in the past few days is deafening. I can hear your political future's death toll from my house Sarah.

  35. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sarah tries really hard to justify her assinine choices.

  36. Anonymous5:13 AM

    What a wonderful, thoughtful piece. I'd love to hear a few people answer have there still been no confirmed sightings or statements from Palin herself? I can't imagine recovering from plastic surgery would keep her from twitteding.

  37. Anonymous5:19 AM

    If Sara does respond, I don't know what she'll say, but I expect she'll be in schoolmarm mode, with the slicked back hair, flat affect, reading numbly from a teleprompter because someone is, figuratively, I stress figuratively, holding a figurative gun to her head. "You'll do this, Sarah, because we made you and we can un-make you. Got it?"

  38. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I think someone glommed on to the blood libel thingey because it is an example of/defense against a false accusation, and of course Sarah is always falsely accused. However, Sarah may want to back-burner her visit to Israel until she can come up with an explanation for why she is being falsely accused of antisemitism.

  39. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Palinbot on Sarah's facebook page:
    ATTENTION EVERYONE. Can we please have a moment of silence for the real victim of the horrific shootings in Tucson: Sarah Palin? Sarah, you are in our prayers and we hope God guides you through this new phase of your pertetual victimhood. We pray that your husband, Todd, uses some of that left over wood from the 14 foot fence he built to hammer together a cross so that you may climb up on it, and we may bask in your never-ending martyrdom. Amen.

    These people are nuts!

  40. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Remarkable letter.

  41. nswfm9:43 AM

    Welcome to the $P shitstorm.

    No amount of image rehab is going to help when the McCain PR and her own people put out so many "tough" Palin photos:

    Then she has to shoot every thing in sight in her "unreality" show, with the help of her AIP-loving family.

    Too late. It's out of the tube, no shoving the toothpaste back in.

  42. Firecracker10:01 AM

    This letter nails it and has been exactly what I have been thinking. Why won't Sarah just say she never intended for anything she said to inflame anyone to violence if it did. And then follow it up by stating that out of respect for the victims of this tragedy that she will no longer use inflammatory or violent statements. Done! I might then be able to have an ounce of respect for her, maybe.

    While we may never know if this person with obvious mental problems was inflamed by any political rhetoric. It is time to put it to a stop. I agree there has to be some element of politics to it because he targeted a member of Congress.

  43. Without inciting violence, spewing hate and lies, $arah would need to rely on facts and truths. That's the problem. She would have nothing to say.

  44. I love this letter, and hope that it does reach those who have been making these sort of statements - regardless of parties.

    For the record - No, Democrats aren't blaming Republicans. At least the ones I know blame the young man for his murderous actions and hold him to justice in a court of law.

    However,psychologically if you tell a person all the time that they're bad, many wi...ll behave badly because it's what's expected of them. Ever heard of yelling Fire in a crowded theater? How long do you think "shoot him", "kill him" needs to be yelled to an unstable person with a gun before they do?

    If leaders tell a population who may or may not have an unstable individual amongst them - that other leaders should be dealt with through violence and/or threats, should we not condone those who are actually encouraging such action as well (IN PARTICULAR- we should be doing this BEFORE tragedies like this happen)?

    I don't care which party they're from - Dems, Repubs, Greens, Independents - it's WRONG. In my book, there is no place for threats and/or violence in our society - especially among our elected leaders. For too long we as a people have let all of leaders (regardless of party) get away with calling each other names like "terrorist" and/or encouraging violence through veiled threats. Instead, our leaders should be opening true lines of discourse to find the best solutions for the population.

    While the present leaders may not be 100% responsible for pulling the trigger (obviously, this young man IS), there is some truth to the incitement charges - and that's why many states have laws on the books for those who incite others to violence. Perhaps we should begin using them?

    I will note that I'm afraid for my country. On a larger scale, I'm afraid for the world - because I ask myself - what kind of example are our leaders setting - and how are they encouraging, as the one lone superpower remaining - for places like Israel, Iran, Iraq, China, India, and so on. We are bigger people than this. We are better people than this.

    It's time that our leadership sat down and discussed the issues and came up with solutions. Without threats, without name calling, without the BS rhetoric of political parties. We should have started long before Saturday - and we MUST encourage them to start TODAY.


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