Thursday, February 03, 2011

Apparently John Boehner and Lindsay Lohan have knocked the Shailey Tripp story to the back burner. Temporarily.

So as  I am sure many of you are aware I have been worried that the Enquirer is not going to go forward with the Shailey Tripp piece, or that they will miss key elements of the story.  So  I called my contact at NE and asked what was up.  What I heard back is that they are still committed to doing the story, newly inspired by my blog post yesterday morning to dig deeper, and will be back to it as soon as they have finished publishing the breaking stories about John Boehner and Lindsay Lohan.

Okay I have to admit I am pretty interested in the Boehner story myself.

From Stark Reports:

The New York Times passed on the story (if there ever was one; Page 6 of the New York Post isn’t known as the beginning and end of truth), but evidently Boehner hasn’t been successful in making the story go away. I was recently contacted by a reporter from the National Enquirer, and now I have confirmation that their story will hit the newsstands on Thursday.

Wonder how well Boehner’s zero-tolerance pledge regarding corruption will hold up when it comes out that several hundred paper-making jobs were lost in his district and he refused to do anything about it at the same time he was sleeping with a lobbyist for the printing industry that was very happy to get their cheap paper from China.

Yet somewhat less interested in the Lindsay Lohan scandal du jour:

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... last week the owner of an L.A. store filed a police report, claiming a $2,500 necklace was stolen from her business. We're told the store surveillance video shows Lindsay in the store, wearing the necklace before it disappeared, although it's unclear if the video actually shows Lindsay walking out of the store with the jewelry.

Cops got a warrant to search Lindsay's home, but last night -- before the warrant could be served -- one of Lindsay's associates turned the piece over to the cops.

Ho-hum.  Hell Sarah Palin fakes a pregnancy, inspires people to threaten our President, and is the de facto leader of the most venomous group of mental patients on the planet.  Lohan is just some B actress kleptomaniac with a drinking problem.  But oh well, no accounting for taste.

Anyhow by next week, or the week after, we should see some movement on the Shailey Tripp story. 

Though I STILL think they ought to let me interview her first. I am just saying.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    G- when are the real big stories going to break? The Tripp story is interesting and all, but where is the bigger dirt?

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    have you seen this story:

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Glad to hear it.

  4. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Matt Taibbi: The Crying Shame of John Boehner

  5. Virginia Voter5:07 AM

    No comment from Lisbeth=it's true.

    From a purely superficial perspective, Boehner is so not attractive. I tend to like a swarthy guy, but the year round orange tan is ridiculous. Go back and look at the videos of the last State of the Union, for Christ sake, Boehner is about three shades darker than the President! Besides, he looks like he just reeks of cigarettes and booze all the time. Maybe he's really charming in person....not.

    I love celeb gossip, but Linsdey Lohan is the entertainment world's Sarah Palin...we are so over this has been loser who hasn't had a real job in years. I hope they both wind up in jail.

  6. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Just heard Sarah was the inspiration behind the JFK assassination. It's more than a little crazy to say she inspires death threats on Obama. Every president receives them. Of course the first black president is going to receive them, but not because he's black. Because he threatens the America we know and love

  7. Anonymous5:19 AM

    There is, of course, the possibility that the Mayans had some divine foreknowledge concerning the fate of 21st century American politics, particularly with respect to the upcoming 2012 election. I would guess that if the Mayans had some clairvoyants on their calendar-making staff, Sarah Palin's picture may have been etched above the month of December for the year 2012. Whether or not the former governor of Alaska and mother of the second runner-up on Dancing with the Stars will actually run for president is not yet certain. But the very possibility of it does seem to bestow some credibility upon the Mayans' claim. I for one think I would rather succumb to the sky falling and/or a zombie attack than witness Palin become the 45th president of the United States.



  9. Anonymous5:26 AM

    In the future, be sure to talk to the NE reporters and give them a week or so to follow up, then publish your post. Sometimes I think you telegraph too quickly to the Palin camp when you publish things and they are able to quash stories. Now that she has hired higher quality handlers, getting stories out is going to be tougher.

  10. Anonymous5:46 AM

    My bet, Lohan was so messed up she didn't know she walked out wearing the necklace.

  11. Anonymous5:48 AM

    5:17, you fail. People at Sarah Palin's rallies in Fall '08 yelled "kill him!" when she spoke about Barack Obama. People post threatening comments about the President on Sarah Palin's facebook page. The Secret Service asked Sarah Palin, during the '08 campaign, to tone down her statements about Barack Obama, because his death threats had increased alarmingly since her entry on the scene. Get it?

    As for this statement of yours: "Of course the first black president is going to receive them, but not because he's black. Because he threatens the America we know and love."

    You are an unmitigated moron. So, "of course" the first black president will receive threats, but not because he's black? You directly contradict yourself. But why am I surprised? You're a Sarah Palin fan, thus you are a complete idiot.

  12. angela5:51 AM

    No comment?!

    How about "I don't know where you got this story but you were fed bad information. I have a working relationship with Speaker Boehner and nothing else."

    Jeez these people are dumb—meaning Boehner and those who he chooses to do.

  13. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Ms Lyon's reaction was she was caught off guard. And her voice said she was lying. No Comment? Why not if you did not do it you would say NO!

    I would be cautious with your phone lines and computer. I would not put anything Palin and her team regarding bugging and hacking.

    I also believe do not give to much info out on your dirt of Palin. It needs to be a surprise attack where she has no time to plan redaction or squash it.

    We are at War with Palin and her team. They are the enemies.

  14. angela6:01 AM

    and Anon 5:17
    You are a testament and example of the failing American public school system. You make absolutely no sense as you spout out your racists meandering with a total lack of awareness.

    And by the way, G W Bush did more than ten presidents to destroy all we hold dear in this country--and at no point did I think it made sense that anyone in anyway should harm him. If I knew who you were I'd have the FBI watch your dumb ass. But they'd probably laugh at you because you probably can't tie your own shoes without drooling and pissing yourself.

  15. Anonymous6:03 AM

    DISGUSTING! This woman is just as sickening as can be:

    Sarah Palin Eats Organic 'Wrapped in Fur, Not Cellophane'

    Legitimately DSM IV-diagnosed insane Alaskan and potential 2012 Republican presidential nominee Sarah Palin recently spoke to a room full of Luddite hunters in Reno. According to Andrew Romano, "Some [were] dressed in tuxedos; others are sporting ankle-length hides and Flintstone-style fang necklaces." Ms. Palin was there to spout evil nonsense. She didn't disappoint. Though, interestingly, she does eat organic.
    "We eat organic—we just have to shoot it first"

    Since Ms. Palin thought there was no media in the room — Mr. Romano, perhaps, had rented an ankle-length hide and grown a beard — she really let her mouth say all that her brain was thinking. The mouth of Ms. Palin, a Trevi fountain of nutiness; an untamed sluice of insanity; a cataract of WTF?!?!!

    Playing to the room, Ms. Palin said she named her kids after things and techniques used to kill things. "Piper was named after Todd's airplane, the Piper cub, which gets us to the hunting grounds. Bristol, Bristol Bay fishing grounds. Willow, a local sport-fishing stream. Trig, I pull the TRIG-ger. Track... I remember when we told my dad that his grandson was named Track, he said, 'Like TRACKing an elephant?'"

    Ms. Palin, however, did note she eats organic, but of course she made that crazy too. "My family loves animals in the wild—and also next to the mashed potatoes. "For most of these frou-frou, chi-chi types, the extent of their experience is in the Tiki Room at Disneyland." "We eat organic—we just have to shoot it first. And it comes wrapped in fur, not cellophane."

  16. London Bridges6:04 AM

    Lisbeth: We all want to know (not) is Bo(eh)ner's junk orange? Or the color of his jaundiced coca cola eyes?

    A suggestion: Can we consistently use the terms "Big Tripp," and "Little Tripp?" At least for the next 2-3 years?

  17. Anonymous6:06 AM

    An example of the inside out thinking that goes on on the right.

    7 Reasons America Needs Sarah Palin In 2012

  18. *shudders at thought of Boehner having an affair*

    How could she stand his crying and orange skin...?

    So I guess instead of Boehner it should be Boner...?

    *snickers like 10 year old*

  19. Anonymous6:30 AM

    @5:17 - Please look up "how to use a period" in references on grammar.

    @5:19 - Let me be the first to assure readers that the world will not end in 2012, not metaphorically or otherwise. I get the satirical commentary the blogger is making; however, we have some "literalists" who read this blog and they might be fearful that Sarah Palin is going to bring the world to an end. If you are of Mayan heritage, 2012 will be a year of beginning a new cycle. Congratulations! Otherwise (you heard it hear first), 2012 will be just another year of your life, same as it ever was. And by the way, the next president will take office in 2013. That's the way it works--not the election year.

  20. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I suspect NE's investigation will go away. There are forces more powerful that Sara protecting her brand. Like it or not I suspect she is a key bit player until they get they get the far right to switch allegiances to some new crazed hottie. MB isn't it. I think they are trying to develop someone who has some brains and MB is just the lower 48 brand of Sara.

    In the mean time I fear Sara will plod on, assaulting our brains and continuing the dialog of hate

    Ain't America great?

  21. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Back to Sarah Palin for a recap. She took a failing but honestly run state business and gave it to a bunch of incompetent people who happened to be her friends from high school or from the Valley. State and Federal money was poured into the new venture and it still failed to show any results despite obtaining generous (but somewhat suspect) loans on several occasions. Money and equipment were used in many fiddles and things were not properly accounted for. Dare I say that Sarah Palin made a bad situation worse for the state but a lot better for her cronies? Some fiscal conservative, ethical governor!

  22. Anonymous6:46 AM

    As for the bone man. I have scoured and see nary a peep about it. One does wonder if this one's a reach, even for NE. They can't possibly have enough credible reporters out there to handle Sara and John, not to mention LL who people still follow religiously despite her doing absolutely nothing!

    I do worry that you provided information to them they didn't seem to know. Good digging but it makes me wonder what kind of research they are doing

  23. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "Of course the first black president is going to receive them, but not because he's black. Because he threatens the America we know and love

    5:17 AM"

    No, it is religious rightwing zealots that are threatening the diverse, no longer backwards nation that America has become, with people like Palin and Beck making a mint o' money off your backs.

    The good news is that your kind is being relagated to the sidelines. America is different - people like you are no longer in charge. Our nation has spoken, and if you don't want to get along with everyone else here in our nation, those who also have just as much right to a voice as you do, then prepare to be left where you now are, on the sidelines of the future.

    Palin and Beck and Rush,etc, won't even be names that people will have heard of in about 5 or so years. Because they are just in it for the easy money you fools are tossing at them, hoping they will keep tossing red meat hollow empty phrases at you. Capitalism - gotta celebrate it.

    It would be lol funny, except most of the rest of us realize that you guys don't know you are on the expiration side of history, and being used to boot.

  24. Anonymous7:13 AM

    5:17, Compare the country under Bush with the Iraq war, the national debt, the Medicare debacle, Halliburton (not only the no-bid contracts but they moved their headquarters out of the country so they wouldn't have to pay taxes on it), how he was elected (Florida and Ohio) and then compare the country under President Obama and what he was handed his first day. Now tell me your faux outrage isn't because he's black.

    History will not reflect well on you and your ilk. Go have some tea and try not to crash your scooter.

  25. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Sarah Palin Turns Down Coveted Keynote Speaking Slot At CPAC Conference

  26. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Comment @ 5:17 am

    You are an uneducated azzhat, go live with grifter Sarah in her mansion in Arizona. She is living off poor people and elderly people who receive social security checks.

    The woman is a blight on America and should be arrested for making up lies about our President.

  27. Anonymous7:28 AM

    This is a hoot!

    Since quitting her job as governor, Sarah Palin has prayed for and been granted superhuman powers by Republican Jesus. She now fights liberalism as Hockey Mom Woman, armed with powers far beyond those of Ann Coulter: Able to give political speeches for one million dollars each, she uses a magic golden automatic assault rifle to shoot down RINOs. She is the leader of a group of angry voters known as "Mamma Grizzlies"--these are Republican women who are covered all over with body hair, weigh 600 pounds, and smell like bears. Two of her most faithful followers are Nevada comedian Sharon Angal and anti-masturbation crimefighter Christine O'Donald, who is starring in the film Gidget Goes to Washington after her surprise loss to ACORN candidate Lil Kim in Delaware's Senate race in November 2010.

  28. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The necklace is not the first thing Lindsay Lohan has "walked away" with!

    In 2008 Lindsay snagged a fur coat she casually took from a coat room at a private party.

    Just go here>>>>>>

    Scroll down until you get to the photo of Lindsay wearing her stolen fur coat in public the next day entitled, "Lindsay Lohan in fur coat she stole"

    As the story goes, the owner of the coat saw a photo taken by the paperazzi in the paper with Lohan leaving a nightclub wearing her coat and gave that evidence to the police and got her coat back.

    Feb 2, 2011 ... Of course she stole the necklace, just like the fur coat.


    Always the "misunderstood victim" just like the Palinistas.

    Wonder how many other expensive items klepto Lohan has stolen and not been caught wearing?

  29. 6:30 a.m.7:30 AM

    Should be: "you heard it here first."

  30. ottokatz7:32 AM

    6:16 AM, we haven't been able to pronounce it "Bayner" for years! I find myself saying it in my head correctly before saying it out loud in mixed company, and have even then messed up a few times.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Prediction for 2011 for Palin - she will divorce Todd and marry an elderly rich old white man and will just travel with him and go to social gatherings. The younger children will stay with Todd in Alaska.

  32. Anonymous7:40 AM

    IMO, it's frou-frou and chi-chi to expect real american english speakers to pronounce Boehner as Bayner and Koch as Coke.

  33. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Oh, anon@6:33: "I suspect NE's investigation will go away. There are forces more powerful than Sara protecting her brand."

    I fear you are right. I wish you were wrong.

  34. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Is Taco Bell organic? BTW- I think TB's oat filler probably makes them healthier than if they were all beef, they just need to market them that way.

    Anyway, the Boehner story compliments, not distracts from, the TP story. It's credibility could build up the credibility of the other story.

  35. Anonymous8:05 AM

    @7:17, of course she turned it down. Its an ACTUAL event, not just for mouth breathers, and will be covered by the press. As such, a no-go for Palin the Cowardly Asshole.

  36. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Model: Lindsay Lohan Also Stole My Clothes

    A Los Angeles model claims mink-swiper Lindsay Lohan has a sticky-fingered history -- accusing the "Mean Girl" of raiding her closet and making off with thousands of dollars' worth of clothes.

    Lauren Hastings, 23, says the fashion fleecing happened last spring, when the model was out of town and her house-sitter threw a party that included Lohan.

    "Basically ... my closets were emptied," Hastings said in an interview aired on the TV show "Inside Edition."

    Earlier this week, The Post published a series of stunning photos that showed Lohan apparently making off with an $11,000 mink coat belonging to Columbia co-ed Masha Markova.

    The student got her coat back three weeks later. But now Markova wants Lohan to pay for the unauthorized rental.,2933,354690,00.html

  37. Gasman8:18 AM

    Anon @ 5:17,
    I'm sure you hear this all the time, but you're a real asshole. Please, with great specificity, detail how President Obama "threatens the America we know and love." And save your vague bullshit claims of "socialism" etc. I want verifiable, tangible threats.

    Anytime a shithead like you uses the phrase "but not because he's black" you can damn well bet that it IS PRECISELY because he is black. You are just another cousin humping racist cracker whose worst nightmares came true when we elected a black POTUS.

    There are many valid criticisms that could be leveled at Obama, but being a "threat to America" ain't one of them. So, you avoid legitimate concerns and go straight for the batshit crazy. In addition to being a racist, you are also obviously a feckless moron.

    Take off your sheet, pull your head out of your ass, and realize that you are WAY out of step with the vast majority of your fellow citizens. Lobbing your racist turds over the transom anonymously is about as loathsome and cowardly as you could be. But I'll bet if you really try, you might just find a way to be even more of a chickenshit yet.

  38. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Why don't you tell us what you know? The NE had their chance to tell it first. Now it is your turn!

  39. Gasman8:32 AM

    As for Boner, that WAS his nickname in high school. I say let's keep using it. After all, he already answers to it.

    Funny thing is, despite his moniker, I suspect that Big John can't really count on Lil' John jumping to attention when summoned to duty. Maybe THAT'S what all the crying is about. It would also be a good reason to drink. But, he is still a prick.

    Once a dick, always a dick.

  40. Anonymous8:38 AM

    To 5:17 "because he threatens the America we know and love".

    Oh, so THAT makes threats justifiable?!

    Your are a sad and warped human being to even utter such a silly thing, and for the record- President Obama reflects and builds the America that I know and love- one where we aspire to have our children learn, be safe, interact with other countries and become scientists, teachers, artists rather than home-schooled, narrow little people who feel they are constantly under siege.

    If you have a hard time grasping the comparison, think Sputnik vs. Spudnuts.

  41. ManxMamma9:05 AM

    Gasman I think I love you!

  42. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Nobody can crush a troll like the Gasman (@ 8:18)

    My hero.

  43. Anonymous9:17 AM

    These "family values" repubs. are hoot, aren't they? Did he honestly think nobody would blow the whistle on him? He had better sober up and fly right if he wants to remain in office. I thought the booze was his biggest problem, now we have "ladies" also.

  44. Anonymous9:31 AM

    THis morning the Stephanie Miller Show there had a segment on how the NE managed to get the goods on John Edwards. THe actually hired professionals to profile his behavior so they could predict his moves and get the evidence. Are they or have they done with with Palin?

  45. Anonymous9:34 AM

    can you Alaskans comment on this conversation:


  46. Gasman, you make me smile.

  47. Anonymous9:48 AM

    @ 6:06 am: Thank you for finding and forwarding that just astounds me that there is such a on-going delusion about this woman; I keep reflecting on the reports out of Britain a couple of months ago, that there are actual, structural and thereby functional differences in the brains of those who self-identify as 'conservative' vis a vis 'liberal'.


  48. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "As for the bone man. I have scoured and see nary a peep about it."
    Me too. which could mean it's some blogger ahead of the curve, or some blogger that has it wrong.

    I mean jeez a Republican who likes golf, private planes, schmoozing lobbyists and fundraisers. That's nothing like schtupping the caddie or the lobbyist.

  49. Here in the NW we see untouched full logs on cargo barges heading east.

    But of course it's unions and living wages or even EEK that spotted owl that are the cause of job loss.

    (btw.. one of the economists that wrote this is the son of a logger where logging still supports some of the nieces and nephews and trees have sent ALL of us to college)
    Is anyone sick of the lies yet? I know I am, but I've been hearing both the lies and the truth around my dinner table for my entire life.

  50. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Sarah "I-eat-organic-if-you-don't-count-the-lead-in-it" Palin
    didn't mean that she eats organic... it was just another slam to us that do.

  51. OverMountainMan10:38 AM

    Gryph ?? Don't you read the comments ?

    From yesterday,

    OverMountainMan said...
    The NE is not caving to any pressure, Infact they are working on another bombshell story, Speaker (Weeper) of the House John Boehner has been having an affair with lobbiest Lizbeth Lyons, She was lobbying him on a Chinese paper contract that Boehner bit into causing the loss of a hundred or more jobs in his Ohio district, Story coming out tomorrow !! Scoot over John Edwards !!

    5:28 AM

  52. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Who keeps $i$ter's secrets secret?

    These folks. $i$ter's even mentioned in the Politico story.

  53. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I love you Gasman. Can I borrow that the next time I need it?


    Sarah and Bristol file for trademarks with U.S. Patent Office

  55. Encouraging news from the NE via Uncle Gryphen! Thanks for your role in all of this!

  56. Anonymous4:44 PM

    On the radio today, one of the big talk programs in the Los Angeles area, John and Ken, was taking this story seriously -- and NOT brushing it off because it was the National Enquirer. They reminded listeners that it was the NE that revealed the Edwards affair.

    They started the story by mentioning that two weeks ago the NE broke the story of Palin's massage therapist. Best of all, they reported that as a solid story, too. They did not give all the usual disclaimers as they would if they thought the story was flimsy.

  57. hauksdottir10:55 PM

    One other thing somebody in Alaska can do:

    Check out Bristol's job as receptionist in a "dermatologist's office"! Which office and where???

    As another commenter pointed out a couple of days ago, Tripp's little Spa was offering what are considered dermatology services as well as massages.

    With both parents going there, it might be natural for Bristol to get a job there.

    When Palin was parading her obviously pregnant daughter in front of those cameras at the Republican Convention, the last thing she would say was that Bristol worked at a massage parlor, lest we all draw an equally obvious conclusion. A dermatologist's office sounds medical & scientific & upscale... suitable for a teenager.

    Employment records are not protected by patient confidentiality laws. Information won't be detailed, however, it ought not be too hard to discover *exactly* where Bristol was working in 2007-2008.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.