Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Palin gets her ruffled feathers smoothed and the opportunity to insult our President on the Sean Hannity show. Really, again? Are we sure this is not rerun?

Queen Esther is sporting her ostentatious Jewish bling as she fields the softball questions from the only other Fox News dimwit, besides Greta Van "Sucks to be Palin's pawn," who still does not think that Palin's tiny ladylike poops smell.

Hannity starts off playing celebrity matchmaker by telling Sarah that the Donald has not completely dismissed her as an idiot, which then elicits a defense of Trump's crazy birther theories from Palin who is just happy that somebody will pay attention to her.

It is stunning that Palin is still willing to discuss the President's birth certificate, considering her own problems in that area and the fact that her fan site, the Sea O'Pee, has made the topic verboten. And it is equally ridiculous that she claims Trump does not want to talk about the issue considering THAT is the only reason he is getting all of this media attention, as well as why he has now jumped ahead of all the other GOP hopefuls.

Palin then seems to question why anybody would "give the time of day" to the MSM when they can use social media outlets to "control their message." (So how are you doing in the poll numbers right now Sarah?)

Hannity carefully leads Palin through the interview, handing her questions on a silver platter and feeding her statistics that she can nod her head to, giving the impression of intelligence and essentially doing everything but jumping back and forth from his side of the camera to hers in order to answer the questions for her.  Hell no wonder Palin shows off a little skin of him.

BTW I am not sure what "record SMASHING levels of spending other people's money in the Federal government" means.  If any of you know please tell me.

Oh now 2010 was a "Mandate" so in Palin's ill informed opinion the Teabaggers who managed to get into office should NOT be cooperating with anybody who is operating in the reality based world.  Essentially she wants to obstruct progress as much as possible and hold the government hostage until their demands are met.

Apparently she wants them to engage in a form of political terrorism.  Isn't that what Schaeffer Cox attempted to do in Fairbanks?

In part two Hannity asks Palin to continue her attack on those Republicans who have the audacity to put aside their ideological differences and work to solve problems in Washington.

Unsurprisingly she does not hesitate to do just that, by claiming that "losing is not an option," and that refusing to obstruct the raising of the debt ceiling would result in America being "owned by foreign countries." (Perhaps somebody should slip Klondike Kardashian the memo which says we are already owned by China, and that it happened under the last Republican administration.)

Hannity does his best to get Palin to announce her intention to run for President in 2012, but she refuses, and claims that "it is still to early to declare a candidacy." She also claims that forming an exploratory committee like other candidates have done is "not on even on the radar yet."  Then she goes on to say that she does not run for things in a conventional manner. "I've just jumped in there and done it what I've known it's the right thing to do. So its going to be an unconventional run if I so chose to do that" (And yes that's an accurate quote.)

Then Hannity asks Palin just who she sees in the GOP field that she could support, her answer is a very dismissive, (And kind of Robbie the Robot-like.) ""

She follows up by saying she wants to know more about their executive experience and of their "record in office and in the private sector." (Is she actually using HER resume as a litmus test for THEIR abilities? "What? They served their ENTIRE term? Well how could I possibly support that kind of competence?")

Now Palin switches gears and starts attacking the President by calling him a liar for not being able to solve all of the problems left to him by the Bush administration. (Yes PALIN is actually calling our President a liar. "Attention hypocrisy on line one for Sarah Palin.  Repeat hypocrisy on line one.")

In a rather odd ending to this segment Hannity complements Snowdrift Snooki on the background of her live shot, saying that she has "the best backgrounds of any guest we have."  Really?  Palin gets  credit for the stuff happening behind her?  Why didn't he also compliment her on the wind blowing in her face?

I think it is hysterical that after RAM went on that Twitter meltdown the other day that Palin shows up on Hannity's show to have her ego stroked and to get the chance to feel relevant again.  Good old Fox News, where would she be without them?

No really, WHERE would she be without them?


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    What in the world is she wearing for an interview on a national network? Is this the equivalent of her wearing FM platform pumps with suits? Showing she's just a rogue in the style department too? Can she not help herself, though, from wearing black under sheer white garments? Trash is as trash does.

  2. BAustin7:10 AM

    what is she wearing?

  3. OK- did I miss something?

    Did Sarah convert to Judaism? Because if she did, someone should explain to her that we tend to value education, rigorous debate and protective parenting (wink,wink).

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    She's only got two or three weeks before the books start coming out and she will have to respond to them. It's like calorie-free dessert, can't wait!

  5. Ratfish7:13 AM

    No wonder we* can't stand her.

    * I guess it's just not me

    ps Sick and Pathetic

    pps and why isn't the mama grizzly doing what a real mama grizzly would do- and that's take care of her cub?

    Maybe this is why:

  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I swear that woman is on something - drugs or booze. Whenever she does these FOX interviews her eyes look glazed over and her eyelids actually droop. Am I imagining this - or has anyone else noticed this?

  7. angela7:18 AM

    Count on Sean to lick the crazy Tundra Tart like a newborn neurotic kitten. Yeah—Sean is the only one that makes Sarah feel truly good about being stupid. It is indeed his job and he does it well. I'll bet she got to go down on her meds after Sean rubbed her.

  8. laprofesora7:21 AM

    Instead of Fox paying her, Paylin should be paying Fox for giving her any attention at all since no one else cares.

    And the Star of David bling was obnoxious and offensive, and I'm not even Jewish.

    I think Scarah's going to have that smirk knocked off her face by two upcoming books and the emails. May is going to be a very good month on the blogosphere I just bought popcorn this morning so I'm all set. In the words of our favorite Quitter Queen, "Game on!"

  9. Chenagrrl7:26 AM

    Never thought I'd say this, but after the blood libel narcissism, listening to the RawStory version of her Madison speech and watching this . .. .. She really does seem like a sociopath.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I get nightmare visions of Hannity, Sarah and Greta in a three way..

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    ok, I can interpret palinese.

    Her statement: "I've just jumped in there and done it what I've known it's the right thing to do. So its going to be an unconventional run if I so chose to do that"

    Interpreted: I don't know WTF I'm doing, so I just sling crap against the wall and see where it lands.

    Cheryl from NJ

  12. "..So its going to be an unconventional run if I so chose to do that".

    I think if she so chooses to do that, she will run as an independent.
    She will not declare up until the last min., milk fox for all the money she can.
    If she doesn't win, she can then run in 2016 as a republican. They may be so angry at her for splitting the vote and ensuring a victory for POTUS Obama, that the R party may disclose the Trig story!
    What ever the number of people who vote for her will be used by her supporters as a platform for change.
    THEY will never change, they just want others to.

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Can't run. Won't run. Got her eyes done.

  14. Anonymous7:32 AM

    The grifter is well aware of what happened to Beck when he didn't tow (toe?) the company line!

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The eyes, they're dark and lifeless, slit like snake's eyes. Not the same perky open "Gidget" eyes at the RNC speech.

    And the Star of David bling. Very tactless. She exploits it because she wants Jewish adulation, and she thinks she's Queen Esther, and/or the North Star. Really, I'm beginning to think the men in white coats need to come and get her, bring her to the funny farm.
    Ho-Ho, Hee-Hee.........

  16. @anonymous 7:14

    I also wonder what's wrong with her eyes. They look filmy and the left eyelid is always at half-mast.

  17. Chenagrrl7:45 AM

    And that, of course is Wasilla behind her. She's not with Bristol because Bristol has dust storms and tumbleweeds behind her house.

  18. Anonymous7:50 AM

    If sarah were in office, calling the president a liar would be hypocritical. As a private citizen, it's commenting on truth.

    But since we all lie, no one should really be criticizing anything.

  19. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Does the best backgrounds include the chopping off of turkey heads? Backgrounds are not important if one has anything to say.

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Why does she have to respond to them? Politicians and celebs typically don't respond to trash or unauthorized bios.

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Seriously, Sarah, take the necklace off. What's the first thing she said to Sean? "Happy Easter Week." Not a word about Passover?

    She's not even pandering to Jews. We're not stupid. Certain Christians have adopted Jewish symbology as some kind of declaration of kinship, but if you ask them or read their obnoxious websites, it's quite clear that they want to convert Jews or throw us to the apocalyptic fires. That's not showing solidarity with Israel.

    And don't give me that crap about it being Celtic either. If it's Celtic or you mean it in medieval sense, then it's pagan.

    Here's a little test to see if it's a mark of kinship. Do you see Jews wearing crosses? Do you?

    Besides, if you're not a member of the clergy, wearing something that large is just tacky. It's supposed to be for yourself, close to your heart, not big enough to see from the press box.

  22. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Yeah that's not wasilla. She's outside wearing a spring outfit. Its probably pheonix. Bristol was just there or still is currently.

  23. Anonymous7:57 AM

    So is Scarah in AZ? sure looks like it, the greenbelt area behind her looks like the AZ golf course out my back yard right now, our temps are beautiful.

    It's weird Hannity would even remark about the background.

  24. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Oh my God. He STILL calls her governor. Trump is an arse, also too. "Tremendous energy? Probably the Red Bull going it's job. PLEASE take this witch down. The rally in Madison Wi. was a total fail for her, drowned out by protesters. Someone said she was dressed like a baked potato. PLEASE get the truth out about this miserable witch.

  25. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Looks like she is wearing a neglige.(?) Probably speacially for Hannity, ceryainly mot for absentee Toad. She should be full of energy, since she never wastes any of it on her family.

  26. Anonymous8:01 AM

    The background looks like Tri-Citys Washington.Aunt katies ...the wind, the trees, houses etc.

  27. Ratfish8:03 AM

    Check out Doonesbury today!@

    The Donald and the Quitter!

  28. Anonymous8:04 AM

    According to Fox News just a few short years ago, criticizing the President of the US during a time of war was un-American and supportive of the terrorists.

    Someone should tell this shill that she's helping those who seek to destroy this country by complaining about our Commander in Chief during a time of war.

  29. Anonymous8:05 AM

    LOVE Angela's quote "Count on Sean to lick the crazy Tundra Tart like a newborn neurotic kitten" Laughed my ass over that one.
    Re: the Star of David". She's exploiting the Jews now. Some may be willing to exploit her, too. Most Jews I know (married to one), think she's an idiot, and are offended by her using the Star of David as a fashion accessory. The woman's chutzpah knows no limits.

  30. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Unconventional, is just plain "laziness" in Sarahspeak. She shows she does not have what it takes,and will not do the hard work for anything....the Princess syndrome. She believes that all she has to say is she is running and all the flying monkeys will do he work for her and people will just vote for her because she is Queen Easter!

  31. Ouch.

  32. Anonymous8:09 AM

    To CHERYL fr NJ at 7:28

    LMAO! You said it all!

    PS I think you may owe me a new keyboard. One of these days I'll have to learn NOT to drink coffee while reading :)

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Poor poor pitiful crazy Sarah. The more she opens her mouth the crazier she sounds.

  34. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "It is stunning that Palin is still willing to discuss the President's birth certificate, considering her own problems in that area and the fact that her fan site, the Sea O'Pee, has made the topic verboten."

    No, it isn't. Look who (what) you're dealing with.

  35. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Two questions about the Jewish bling;
    1. are we going to war with Iran?
    2. why won't Jesus return without prodding?

  36. imnofred8:15 AM

    She just doesn't get it. Trump is in the double digits, Palin is in the single digits. Trump is up in the polls because he has the BALLS to do an interview. While he may dodge some questions and give vague answers, he will do a live interview. On the other hand, Sarah is deathly afraid of the media because she will be asked to go into some depth on issues and not simply spew empty talking points like she does on Fox. Hell, she can't even handle a Bill O interview without almost coming unglued.

    While she sucks up to Trump, she didn't exactly give him a ringing endorsement, either. I would like to hear Trump's response to this.

    What really chaps my ass about her is the fact that she thinks that potential GOP candidates must meet her "executive experience" requirements. She's a quitter, plain and simple.

  37. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Yeah, where would she be without them? Probably at the perfume counter at the Anchorage Nordstroms.

    She has no shame and is without conscience. Also, have you noticed how she talks like a con with a fourth-grade education? She attempts to fill the air with flowery elocution but trips up on sentence construction. I know this type. They always start their performance with "I'm not an educated man ..." And then they go on to insult all of us.

  38. Laura Novak8:17 AM

    Excellent article on Fire Dog Lake right now:

    With compliments to all the bloggers. A must read.

  39. Anonymous8:19 AM

    She's wearing the star because she might be celibrating the passover holiday. Also, she's probably delaying her announcement as much as possible so that the media will have much less time and opportunity to start digging and investigating her.

  40. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Wow, has she fallen. She looks so trashy and drugged. Her outer look is now mirroring her inner state.

  41. Anonymous8:26 AM

    why is Palin wearing a swimsuit and coverup in this "interview"?

  42. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Yes, there is something definitely wrong with her left eyelid. What in the world would make it remain at half mast like that?

    If she is indeed intent on running an unconventional campaign; not debating, not giving MSM interviews and hiding out on Twitter & Facebook, does she really think that with that method she could actually garner enough votes to put her in the White House? Surely, she must realize by now that the majority of Americans are not loyal Palin worshippers but sane individuals who just want her gone from the political arena altogether.

  43. Lynne8:30 AM

    I had the sound off, but I watched her eyes during the interview. The other commentators are right. Her eyelids are so heavy she is having a hard time keeping them open.

  44. emrysa8:31 AM

    anon @ 7:37 am sez:

    "Really, I'm beginning to think the men in white coats need to come and get her, bring her to the funny farm."

    it should have happened a long, long, time ago.

  45. Anonymous8:35 AM

    @7:27 said: "I get nightmare visions of Hannity, Sarah and Greta in a three way.."


  46. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "But since we all lie, no one should really be criticizing anything." - 7:50

    Speak for yourself, loser.

  47. Anonymous8:41 AM

    It's almost to the point that "Fox and Friends" are her only friends. Still, Sarah seems determined to mess that up also/too.

    I've got to admit I'm learning a lot about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) by seeing her demonstrate it day after day. Question: What do you do with a narcissist? Answer: Just let her self-destruct.

  48. Anonymous8:45 AM

    7:14AM - No you're not imagining it. She is definitely on drugs. Looks stoned on weed to me. Why is FOX taking the ramblings of a drug addict seriously? This woman should be drug tested immediately before being allowed to appear on television again.

  49. Well done on the Hannity show Sarah!
    Sarah might run for president in 2012 but is still undecided. All the rumors about Trig not being her baby are false. If anyone wants to know the real story and why it's never been told they can email me and I'll tell all they want to know.

  50. Anonymous8:46 AM

    It's odd that during Holy Week Sarah chooses to wear a Star of David. Maybe she is changing religions...

    Thanks Sean for bringing attention to the fact that the Quitter seems to be doing recent interviews, what few she can get, outside. Did Fox dismantle her studio, or what? And she's dressing like someone they just plucked off the street. Nothing to look at, just move along. She's become so irrelevant.

  51. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Please, somebody, anybody, shut her the fuck up! PLEASE!

  52. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The woman is dressed like a whore to ass kiss with Hannity. Guess Bristol must have picked out those clothes and she is wearing the Jewish jewelry. What a whore, she truly is one.

  53. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I call bullshit. Just how were her mayoral, gubernatorial, or vice presidential campaigns "unconventional?" Being incapable of answering policy questions renders Palin unqualified, not"unconventional."

  54. Anonymous8:56 AM

    7:50 am

    Bristol, the big liar is typing while being drunk again on ignorance.

  55. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Sarah looks and talks as if she is heavily medicated.

    That looks like a bathing suit with a cover up, the jewelry looks really trashy on her.

  56. Randall8:59 AM

    Trump/Palin 2012

    The Brash and the Trash

    Ok, ok, all kidding aside:
    wouldn't you love to see the results of a Sarah Palin drug test?

    Or Sarah/Trig DNA test?
    Or Trump's tax return?
    Hell - Sarah's tax return, for that matter!

    The Prez showed his, after all...

  57. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Did I hear her correctly when they were talking about the S&P ratings and she said we would end up like GERMANY, Poland and Greece? I thought Germany was in better shape than the USA. She says so many stupid things it's hard to keep up.

  58. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Her eyelids are droopy-looking because of the Botox injections, which after for the first 2-3 weeks can temporarily affect (weaken or even paralyze) nearby muscles, such as the ones which control the upper eyelids. Remember, these injections are both above and to the side of the eyes. Sometimes a nerve is affected as well... not always temporarily.

    Or, alternately, it could just be the downers (Xanax, Vicodin, anti-psychotics, take your pick)

  59. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I have to hand it to you Gryphen. Your ability to listen to either Pathetic Palin or Sean Insanity proves you are a brave soul. ;-) They are both so full of shit that I can smell it from O HI O.


  60. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Excuse the language and what may appear to be sexism (I'm a woman, so don't worry), but why is she such a cunt? Is it because she's not getting any action? Seriously, her disposition may be improved by practicing a little self love, if you get my drift.

  61. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Oh, she's celebrating Passover, well that explains everything. I know my eyelids get droopy when I'm loaded on Manischewitz. Save some for Elijah, Sarah!

  62. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Something's wrong with her. The eyes look like the eyes of a drug/alcohol user.

  63. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Ladylike is not a word I'd ever associate
    with Palin. No matter how many $5000
    suits she wears, she is still a manly backwoods
    gal. Ladylike poops? Ha! You know when
    Palin squats in the woods, other hunters
    think there are bears in the area.

  64. London Bridges9:32 AM

    Yes, there is something definitely wrong with her left eyelid. What in the world would make it remain at half mast like that?
    My guess is that Sarah is a zombie, a half-Koched zombie.

  65. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I have so much to say about what she is saying, but a few commenters mentioned her left eye. I blew it up to watch full screen (ugh) all 20 inches. Her left eye doesn't even open halfway; it looks dead. No sign of a stye or injury. Crazy.

  66. Anonymous9:43 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    The eyes, they're dark and lifeless, slit like snake's eyes. Not the same perky open "Gidget" eyes at the RNC speech.
    7:37 AM"

    Blech. She sounded like such a vicious
    old bitch during that speech. I'm so glad
    she isn't a Democrat, because I would
    never be able to support her. I can
    hold my nose & vote for my party, not
    the individual candidate, but I could
    never vote for someone like her, no
    matter what. Voting for Blue Dogs is
    bad enough, but I could never vote for
    someone so gleefully hateful/hate-filled
    and sophomoric.

  67. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sarah, well done on getting Hannity to throw you softballs! We all know you can't handle real interviews. So, can we expect more of this type of non-interview during your unconventional run if you so chose to do that?

    Still teasing us about running! Good for you for continuing to milk money from your fellow racists and from Fox News. And you got on TV. What's better than that (for a grifting racist narcissist)?

    In any case, the mysteries surrounding Trig's birth are going to be fully resolved. Game on, as you would wordsalad.

  68. Anonymous9:45 AM

    "If anyone wants to know the real story and why it's never been told they can email me and I'll tell all they want to know."

    @ 8:45 AM
    OK. Would love to email you to get the 'real story'. How do we obtain your email address?

  69. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Sarah gets paid by Fox and Koch Brothers to spew hate at our President. She is a terrorosit in the making, she is jealous of President Obama and the First Lady.

    Of course, everyone knows that Sarah is mentally ill and uneducated.

  70. Anonymous9:52 AM

    anon @ 9:41..

    don't strokes affect the left side of the body ? Could be $he's having a bunch of mini strokes, that or some damn good drugs...

  71. Anonymous9:55 AM

    RAM and Sarah, a marriage made in hell. Both are uneducated loons.

  72. Anonymous9:56 AM

    anon @ 9:13 am..
    even though it's crass, the "C" word fit's $carah perfectly ! I've constantly wanted to use "the word" in and about $carah but have so far refrained, I do applaud your usage of it though..

  73. Anonymous9:57 AM

    There is nothing wrong with Sarah's eyes. She's tired because she has been working so hard to stop Obama's destruction of our country. Aren't Shawn Hannity and Sarah Palin beautiful people! That must really bother libruls a lot. It sucks to be an ugly librul. Sarah is on the edge of a golf course in Arizona if you must know.

  74. Anonymous9:59 AM

    "She's wearing the star because she might be celibrating the passover holiday" - 8:19

    And why, exactly, would she be doing that? Please explain. She is not Jewish. She is an Evangelical Christian. She looks like a moron in that huge Cross of David. Like Flava Flav if he were a Jew.

  75. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Is Sarah running a meth house in her compound, she appears stoned all the time anymore.

  76. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I second Cheryl from NJ; SP is just throwing everything she has against the wall, seeing what sticks and what slides off.

    Quitty has no idea or intention of running a professional campaign, she just pops up occasionally to give a "stirring" speech HOPING that the tide will turn for her, that people will suddenly rally to her.

    I think her "blood libel" speech, IN HER MIND, was meant to be her campaign kick-off, and when that bombed, her Wisconsin speech.

    So we have Rebecca Mansour frantically tweeting when that "historic" speech was hardly covered.

    I look forward to the day (perhaps decades from now) when Becky wakes up and says "What the hell was I thinking?"

  77. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The 2010 midterm elections were not a "mandate" for the republicans. I guess Palin hasn't seen the numerous polls showing the public is opposed to the republican agenda. That is not a fucking mandate.

    $arah Palin is a quitter, a liar, and fraud. She has no ideas on how to solve the problems in this country. Barack Obama actually has a job to do, unlike Palin who has it easy just standing on the sidelines shooting spitballs.

  78. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Are Budget Dills cheaper than Kosher Dills?

  79. Anonymous10:11 AM

    If only Hannity had asked her: "Nice Star of David necklace. Can we assume you don't believe that Jews will go to hell for not believing Jesus is the son of God?"

  80. She wanted to be a governor and discovered it was attached to a real job so she quit. Then she claimed to be a 'feminist' and her desire to reverse Roe v. Wade cost her that membership . Now she wears our Star of David for reasons I've yet to comprehend.

    I hope her next attempt at identity theft involves a burqa or a vow of silence. With this lil con-artist, less would be more.....pleasing, that is.

  81. Anonymous10:13 AM

    @7:52 AM,

    "Why does she have to respond to them? Politicians and celebs typically don't respond to trash or unauthorized bios."

    Why not? $arah Palin already responds to "trash," because she's a stupid thin-skinned bitch who can't help herself.

  82. Something's wrong with her. The eyes look like the eyes of a drug/alcohol user.
    she has been toasted for a while but her speech lately is not good at all.
    She be all fucked up!

  83. Anonymous10:14 AM

    "Control the message?"

    Is she serious? Doesn't she realize "controlling the message" is exactly what non-democracies do to stay in power? Why is Chavez shutting down stations? He's "controlling the message."

    Honestly, this woman has no clue what America is about. No. Clue. Whatsoever.

    It's clear she has no idea what goes on in the rest of the world either, otherwise she wouldn't think "controlling the message" is such a mondo-jovial idea.

  84. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Man...her eye is really fucked up. Has it always been this way and I never noticed or is it botox gone bad??
    BTW....why did she show an OLD picture of Tri-G in her public birthday greeting to him?
    Maybe he doesn't want anything to do with her these days and a photo would reflect his feelings. (witness the back-arching and wild arm flailing in the last video I saw)

  85. Anonymous10:32 AM


    "Well done on the Hannity show Sarah!
    Sarah might run for president in 2012 but is still undecided. All the rumors about Trig not being her baby are false. If anyone wants to know the real story and why it's never been told they can email me and I'll tell all they want to know."

    Are you stupid, or something?

  86. Anonymous10:38 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    There is nothing wrong with Sarah's eyes. She's tired because she has been working so hard to stop Obama's destruction of our country. Aren't Shawn Hannity and Sarah Palin beautiful people! That must really bother libruls a lot. It sucks to be an ugly librul. Sarah is on the edge of a golf course in Arizona if you must know.

    9:57 AM"

    LOL--Yeah! destroying this country is
    Sarah Palin's job! Everyone know that!
    The Lord sent her here for that, so
    Jesus will come back & save us from
    global warming.

    Republicans are waaaayyy hawtter than
    liburals! I bet all the men & hookers
    hawt Tadwy Palin fucks are equally hawt
    Republicans! Tawd fucks other assorted
    holes because Saint Sarah is soooooo
    beautiful he hates to soil her! Duh!

  87. OT for this post - but...

    As far as Trig's birthmother - since it is the topic that discussed alot and theories being tossed out there such as Sherry Johnston or Sherry Trip - neither of these two women are plausible (since their both are in dire straights financially - it makes no sense either is Trigg's birth mother - Sarah would be paying who ever big bucks to keep quiet either one of them quiet)

    my theories - very tiny possibility it is Bristol - but I think it is more likely that through her "christian" connections with high powered wealthy backers - they knew someone desparate enough who could not keep their child and is a "believer" in their agenda so would think Palin "walks on water" and an arrangement was made for Palin to adopt a DS baby to cement her selection as a vp candidate and electrify the evangelical base. Who ever the birth mother is her circumstances have to be such that she will NEVER say anything - either because of shame (or possibly rape, incest?) or other horrific circumstances - or she was so well paid off and signed an agreement that if she talked she would have to give back all the money - OR she is such a true believer that she would talk simply because she believes Trigg is where is belongs and it is all part of God's plan

    either way - that makes the most sense on how all this has been kept so quiet - the birth mother may NOT even know who adopted her child -- some adotions are closed and neigther party knows the other but the baby most likely came from her "church" connections - could even have been abandoned on the church steps.

  88. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    The 2010 midterm elections were not a "mandate" for the republicans. I guess Palin hasn't seen the numerous polls showing the public is opposed to the republican agenda. That is not a fucking mandate.

    $arah Palin is a quitter, a liar, and fraud. She has no ideas on how to solve the problems in this country. Barack Obama actually has a job to do, unlike Palin who has it easy just standing on the sidelines shooting spitballs.

    10:05 AM"

    Very well said--thanks!

  89. Anonymous10:43 AM

    This all about distraction. "Oh look at the shiny object!"

    Palin wears the Star of David for distraction.

  90. London Bridges10:49 AM

    Chavez's case is a little different. The American's want to get their hands on his oil and other businesses. He's shutting down the Fox-like stations. America want the rest of the hemisphere to remain 3rd world nations and U.S. sattelites.

  91. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anon: "Sarah is on the edge of a golf course in Arizona if you must know."

    Wow, working hard for the "little guy" isn't she. I can't believe how gullible you chumps are.

  92. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "Unconventional" i.e., won't do debates or interviews because SHE'S TERRIFIED.

  93. Anonymous10:54 AM

    TTWF (Turd-That-Won't-Flush) must feel all calm and refreshed now that she has ejaculated on Hannity's show. How long's that gonna last?

  94. Anonymous10:55 AM

    9:57 the edge of a golf course with a soccer net in the background??? can someone zoom in on the license plate of the truck..2 pictures.

  95. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I think it's funny when trolls come here, and say things like, "There's nothing wrong with $arah's eyes..." and, "She's sitting on a golf course in Arizona, so there!" As if those are major, earth-shattering "facts" that matter, and will stop us from insulting their queen! It's even funnier when they respond with, "Libruls are ugly!" Blah, blah, blah... It means we hit a nerve. The trolls are so cute.

  96. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I'm sorry to change the subject, but I just read the morning blog and looked at some pictures of Palin post-partum and she does not look like she just delivered. That lying piece of shit! Same thing prior to delivery, her stomach did not look like it had a baby growing in it until the last month.

    "Our reader ItCouldHappenInAmerica lightened a detail of one of the photos of Sarah post-partum and we can observe that she was as flat as when she was 7 months pregnant. Her tight abs are indeed extraordinary!

  97. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Well, if you make your living off grifting from gullible rightwingers, I guess the stimulus was "useless," but for the millions of unemployed, it helped pay for their health insurance in between jobs. It also kept millions more American teachers and cops from being fired, and it put a lot of investment back in this country where it belongs instead of blowing up goatherders and poor farmers in the Mideast.

    Not everyone can live off a scam PAC, Palin, so sit down and shut up!

  98. EVERY THING connected to this woman ends up being phony in one way or another:

    "Jews for Palin" group consists of one, maybe two Jews
    "Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin" appears to be a public-relations vehicle for a single right-wing Jewish activist


  99. Anonymous11:12 AM

    @9:57 "on a golf course". Well, how elitist of her! By all means, keep giving your money to Sarah while she enjoys her life as a multi-millionaire.

    I would bet Sarah has a drinking problem--maybe even a bit of "wet brain". It would explain her constant lying.

    Palin may not run because she'll have to reveal her finances to her bots. As a multi-millionaire, the hokey, aw shucks, folksy, Joe Six Pack meme is pretty weak.

    Palin doesn't look young anymore. She looks like a hard drinking, toughened up middle aged women--old piece of leather look.

  100. Donald Trump gets the Palin treatment: heightened scrutiny

  101. Anonymous11:17 AM

    @9:57 is the first anon troll who I truly believe might be Sarah!

    "Aren't Shawn Hannity and Sarah Palin beautiful people!"

    It would be so YOU, Sarah, to misspell your #1 panty-sniffer's name AND to forget to use a question mark.

    But anyway, no. "Shawn" looks like Fred Flinstone and you, Sarah, look like a hydrocephalic hooker on downers.

    p.s. - I'm far younger, smarter and prettier than you are. Bonus: I dress well!

  102. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anonymous said...

    9:57 the edge of a golf course with a soccer net in the background???

    Dustin Farrell, the cameraman, captions the picture as being shot "in some non descript park in BFE Arizona."

  103. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Oooops, STAR of David. Sorry, seeing Sarah Palin wearing one short circuited my brain.

    - anon 9:59

  104. Beldar Lou Conehead11:20 AM

    Seriously, Gryphen, you're doing Thor's work, man. I simply could not bring myself to listen to that screechy wretch as you do, but I appreciate the summaries you blog here. We need to know what she's up to. She's sixteen different ways of awful but it's not implausible that she or another right-wing maroon like Bachmann could slither into the presidency as Shrub did in 2000 and incredibly again in 2004.

    Let's stay vigilant, peoples.

  105. Anonymous11:21 AM

    [quote] Bristol:

    LOL! You are one fucked up loon! Are you fucking kidding me? Your mom is not fucking "working!" She QUIT her job! She's a fucking, lying, grifter, piece of trash! Unlike your mother, Barack Obama has got a real job, trying to undo the destruction your mom and her ilk have forced upon this country! Your mother's eyes are probably all fucked up from CRYING! LOL! It must suck to be an ugly, inbred, conservative! LOL!

    10:47 AM [/quote]

    When libruls get desperate they get even more foul mouthed and evil. God is listening to you all the time. Soon he is going to send his sky fairy partner, the easter bunny and the bunny will leave you no chocolate eggs.

    You fucking murican losers really are having a nervous breakdown over Palin aren't you!

  106. Anonymous11:21 AM

    If Sarah is in AZ, where is the birthday boy? You know, the precious prop? She couldn't even be bothered to go home for her child's birthday? Some great mom.
    And liberals can spell, are great people, and we care about all the people in this land, not just those who are wealthy and white and can give us money for bashing the President. What job has Sarah ever held? Seriously. She turned over tiny Wasilla to a City Manager. She turned Alaska over to her high school buddies and Todd so she could play at Governor, Now all she does is sy speeches someone writes for her (and not very well at that), pretend to write books when it is obvious from her misuse of the English language that she has never read any, and collect her checks. Nice. She sure is a hard worker. Millions and millions for doing nothing but complaining about the media and calling the President names.

  107. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I believe Quitty Pants might be behind this group...,6866/

  108. Anonymous11:24 AM

    going back over posts from Palins Deceptions, it seems probable that Bristol gave birth to Tripp in December 2007, not 2008. He is the child presented in all the pictures, including the curly haired blond baby on today's Palingates post.

    It's not clear WHY Bristol faked a pregnancy in 2008...but it's apparent that is what she did.

    Hard to say where TriG came from, but I don't think it was Bristol. Obviously, it wasn't Sarah unless it was truly a MIRACLE.

  109. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @10:55, LOL, that is ONE craptastic "golf course"! Good find!

    She looks to be in a bit of a "mood" there. Something the matter, Sarah? Shit hitting the fan on ya? Bless your heart!

  110. Gut im himmel! Is that a hideous Star of David? Does it glow in the dark? Does it flash off and on? That's grotesque.

    As a Jew with moderate good taste, I am offended by that, that whatever-it-is. On both a religious level and a taste level.

  111. 10catsinMD11:28 AM

    What a crock about all the lies she is promoting. I am sick of directing family and friends to the truth. I guess if you keep promoting lies, you hope everyone will believe them.

    She is so full of it!

  112. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Grifting and getting all her 'bots to send their hard earned money to her is hard work. No wonder her eyes are so droopy! Poor poor Sarah.
    Either she is using drugs - xanax mixed with alcohol is my guess....she's trying to take the edge off so she can appear on Hannity - or she had an unfortunate side effect with botox. How long has she had it? A wonky botox eye typically lasts a couple months.

  113. Beldar Cohenhead "Jew 4 Scarah, LLC"11:34 AM

    "hydrocephalic hooker on downers."

    All right, now.... Isnt that a LITTLE over the top, mean and nasty, also, too?

    I'm looking at the nice pictures of the screechy wretch that Gryphen shares with us and... MADRE DE DIOS!!!! You're right! She's HIDEOUS!!!!

  114. WTF
    Bristol Palin Gets Invite to White House Correspondents' Dinner

  115. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah must be in Arizona visiting the plastic surgeon again. She looks like hell and that hair looks like a rat's nest, it needs to be cut short and styled.

  116. Anonymous11:44 AM

    9:57 am

    Sarah on the edge of a golf course??? Is she at the Arizona mansion that her PAC donations from poor people are paying the bill. Maybe some golf balls will hit her in the head and knock some sense into her dumb ass.

    Sarah, keep on stealing money from your unsuspecting bots.

  117. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Mystery solved where the so-called "interview" took place. It was near Bristol's house in a nearby park (Cobblestone Farms in Maricopa, Arizona):

  118. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "You fucking murican losers really are having a nervous breakdown over Palin aren't you!"

    Hmmm, I think you have a spelling problem. I think you meant merkin. A merkin, you see, is what tops off the dick that is Sean Hannity.

  119. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Drunk again....

  120. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Looks like she has on a swimming suit with a see through coverup!

  121. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Her eyes are at half-mast! She looks like she is heavily medicated. Is she in a rehab center?

  122. Anonymous12:12 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Mystery solved where the so-called "interview" took place. It was near Bristol's house in a nearby park (Cobblestone Farms in Maricopa, Arizona):

    11:47 AM"

    The Palins put the ass in klassy.

    Sarah SupaStah FTW!

  123. Anonymous12:12 PM

    11:51 AM, I had to look up merkin... I totally agree.

  124. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Toad is on the prowl in Alaska, he'll be visiting the hookers and getting a happy feeling as his estranged wife Sarah is in Arizona getting the botox works.

  125. Her wearing of the Star of David has many wondering if Mrs P is adopting a new religion. A few tips for Mrs P if she's truly thinking about joining my/our tribe:

    If you attend Orthodox services, do not insist upon sitting up front with the men. (pssst - sit upstairs or behind the curtain)

    If your new friends smile and call you shiksa, don't wink, thank them or offer an autograph.

    If you connect with Netanyahu again and he says 'meshuggeneh', it's not a campaign donation pledge. Conservative in Israel is not quite the same as your version of con.

    No fishing after sundown on Friday nights anymore.

    Crunch tacos are not kosher. One doesn't mix meat with dairy.

    Do not try to impress anyone with stories of your numerous gefilte fishing trips.

    Find time to do at least one mitzvah per day. You'll feel better about yourself and you don't have to be Jewish to do it.

  126. Anonymous12:50 PM

    President Obama on Facebook live town hall right now:

  127. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Quite frankly, when I listened to as little of her speech in Wisconsin as I could, just to get the gist of it before my BP and nausea made me quit - it sounded like she was drunk and slurring her words. I usually can no longer listen to anything she says because it leaves me angry, feeling sick, and thinking horrid, inapropriate thoughts about her and the rest of her tribe, but I have no doubt there is some chemical overload going on there. I may just have to quit reading the news about her and her family, the TP, and the GOP to save myself!

  128. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Oh, god. She is just clueless. I could easily imagine her footwear were flip-flops.. this from a woman who was tutored for two months by the best image consultants in the business.

    Even if she were willing to re-create her 2008 "look" (using many of the same outfits she stole from the RNC) her dead, lifeless eyes would betray her petty soul.

    Watching her TRYING to open her left eye was creepy..

  129. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Lots of comments everywhere about idiot Sarah wearing that big star. They know she is an idiot, mentally ill and a poser.

  130. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I clicked on comments to say What the hell does she have on?! And I see that the first 2 comments say the same thing. At least I'm not alone in my observations. And that's in 2 seconds of clicking on the clip.

    What is it? Nightgown with sheer dressing gown? Swimsuit with sheer cover up? Madonna-style black bra with sheer white blouse? HOw could she possibly think this is appropriate? My mother wouldn't have let me out of the house dressed that way for a high school dance or a high school anything!

  131. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Wonkette is losing Papa John's Pizza and Huggies as advertisers for comments on her blog. Time for the boycott of Papa John's and Huggies.

  132. TruthSeeker7:10 PM

    So $carah, if you decide to run, then you'll run an unconventional campaign?

    Well you know, I like to be unconventional too. In fact, if your name is on any kind of ballot that I am voting on, I'll be sure and NOT VOTE FOR YOU, you know, just to be roguish and all unconventional.

    Unless the ballot is to vote for you to Sit Down and STFU. Then you can most definitely count on me to vote for you. Why I'll just jump right in there and do what I know is the right thing to do.

    Yes I would most assuredly vote for you to Sit Down and STFU. Oh you betcha!

  133. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I think this is the Queen Esther look. She will work it.

  134. Pursang7:40 PM

    Wow, Palin looks like she's aged 15 years since the 2008 election. For someone that's lived on her supposed looks that isn't good news in the least.

    and Sarah, Jay Leno called and said he wants his chin back. Yikes....

  135. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "The public doesnt need to be managed or controlled...we need freedom".

    I'll remind her of that the next time she shuts the media out of one of her events.

    Those of you who are offended by SP wearing the very large Magen're not alone. How tacky can she get?


  136. Michiel12:57 AM

    "Queen Esther is sporting her ostentatious Jewish bling as she fields the softball questions from the only other Fox News dimwit, besides Greta Van "Sucks to be Palin's pawn," who still does not think that Palin's tiny ladylike poops smell."

    That is art!
    You crack me up Gryphen.

  137. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Wearing a Star of David, will not get Jews to support you.

    I hope this doesn't start a trend among evangelicals.

    Oy vey.

  138. If I wanted to prove the Prez was born in Kenya, I'd send a team of investigators to Kenya to find at some evidence. Gee, I wonder how come none of these birthers have thought of that!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.