Saturday, June 25, 2011

Journalist Sarah Jones bravely delves into the world of the "Quiverfull Movement."

Vyckie Garrison ex-Quiverfull member
Courtesy of Politicususa:

Sarah Jones: Can you define “Quiverfull movement” and what you’ve identified as the patriarchal beliefs behind it?

Vyckie Garrison: I like to define Quiverfull as a very powerful head trip. It’s an all-encompassing vision of a big, happy family which infects the mind and affects every aspect of a Believer’s life. The term “Quiverfull” comes from a reference in Psalm 127 which likens children to “arrows” in the hands of a mighty man, “blessed is the man who has his quiver full of them.”

Quiverfull Believers eschew all forms of birth control in favor of “trusting the Lord” with their family planning. The Quiverfull ideal embraces a “biblical” model (read, fundamentalist) of the traditional family which insists that the husband is the head of the household and the wife is the submissive “helpmeet.”

Sarah Jones: How do those beliefs manifest for wives and female children? Can you give us some examples of expectations of wives and daughters that might surprise our readers?

Vyckie Garrison: In practice, the Quiverfull ideals often result in larger-than-average families (think, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar of TLCs “19 & Counting” fame) in which the woman stays at home having babies, homeschooling, homesteading, dressing “modestly,” and most importantly, serving and submitting to her “lord,” i.e., her patriarchal husband.

The Quiverfull lifestyle is extremely demanding and the only way a woman can hope to succeed is to rely heavily on her older daughters. It is expected that a Quiverfull daughter will be fully capable of running the household, including all meal-preparation, laundry duties, child care and homeschooling of younger siblings by the age of twelve. Many girls are doing all this by the time they’re eight or ten because their mothers are so consumed with birthing more and more “arrows” to fill the quivers of their husbands.

A Quiverfull daughter is taught from a young age that her purpose in life is to serve the man whom God has placed in authority over her. She serves her father while she lives at home (she does this primarily by assisting her mother in domestic duties and child care). She absolutely must remain a virgin and is taught to expect to meet and marry her future husband through a father-led match-making process called “courtship.” Her education is geared toward developing domestic skills ~ college is generally considered unnecessary and even dangerous for her spiritual well-being.

Sarah Jones: Do Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann (both of whom share a belief in the bible replacing the constitution; i.e., a theocratic takeover of the American government) represent the beliefs you were taught and if so, how? If not, why?

Vyckie Garrison: When I was a fully-convinced Quiverfull believer, I did question how Sarah Palin could justify her political activities so long as she had children still living at home. I also thought it ironic that, according to the ideals she espouses, women should not hold authority over men, or even be allowed to vote for that matter.

Still, I supported Palin because she understands and promotes conservative Christian “family values.” I was especially impressed by her convictions with regard to “taking back America for God” — in my Quiverfull-colored opinion, Sarah Palin “got it.” Meaning, of course, that she has a decent understanding of Dominionist principles and she has a plan to lead America toward a “truly Biblical” (read, theocratic) society.

This philosophy of breeding for God is as old as religion itself. Older even.

It dates back to a time when the only hope that a community had of survival was to have more warriors, and more people working to support those warriors, than their enemies had at their disposal.

One of the main fears that Christians, even today, have is that the Muslims are out breeding them, and that ultimately they will lose their religious dominance and power structure. By the way that is the same fear that the White Power people have concerning Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans. And yes, the two ARE tied together.

I am still constantly amazed how Sarah Palin is able to gain the support from these hyper Fundamentalists when her entire lifestyle is an affront to the tenets of their belief system. It seems that essentially these people are bred to accept the lies told to them by their leaders, and therefore give her a free pass.

Please do click the link at the top and read this entire interview.  Though it is very troubling, it provides important information to help us understand where the Republican party keeps finding their supporters.


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I'm shocked anyone believes any politician is a person of Godly beliefs. God doesn't endorse selfishness and lying for personal gain and there is not one politician I can think of who doesn't lie or use their office for selfish or "cult" gain.

    God does not endorse mafias that seek to destroy competition ie Chicago. God does not endorse groups that single out another group ie too many to mention, but the DEM party, GOP, some churches fit this bill.

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I just came back from a fundie relative's wedding and the preacher's first line "Who gives this woman away?" set my teeth on edge. It only got worse from there.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    How [is] Sarah Palin able to gain the support from these hyper Fundamentalists when her entire lifestyle is an affront to the tenets of their belief system?

    I think they think she can sneak past us mainstream, godless heathens. That we'd be so shallow as to let this know-nothing loser run roughshod over our secular nation as long as she does it with a pretty face.

    She is ugly. Ugly through and through whether you are a believer or not.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Thank you for sharing. I enjoy Ms. Jones's work.

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Look at these people...murky gene pool.

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Palin emails paint accurate picture, but not pretty one

  7. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah Palin gets it? She got it from Todd and Curtis and who knows who else before she was married, and if all those rumors are true about affairs and spouse swapping, got it from who knows else AFTER she was married. She sure hasn't taught her oldest daughter or son to wait until marriage.

  8. Olivia5:55 PM

    The reason the fundys will support Palin and Bush and Bachmann is because they stupidly believe and follow anyone who says they are Christian. All you have to do is say it and they believe it. You can then go out and lie steal and cheat all you want and they will support you 100% as long as you keep spouting the Christian crap. If you are an atheist but are the most moral, upright, kind, altruistic person,a person just like Jesus Christ, they will condemn you to hell, they will persecute you and kill you if they have a chance because you are not a Christian even if you act like one. The point is, you have to loudly proclaim your Christianity and make grand gestures to show everyone how Christian you are but if you merely act like a Christian is supposed to act and aren't one, you are scum.

  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Not surprisingly, these quiverful freaks have poor reasoning ability. How can Sarah serve her husband if she is serving the country?

  10. Balzafiar6:05 PM

    Such a situation as a Quiverfull woman finds herself in has to be absolute hell for her. The physical devastation to the women's bodies alone make me want to find a way to stop the madness.

    This isn't the 19th century and early 20th century when people had large families to help sustain them and in today's world it is not needed.

    It is also dangerous in other ways to the rest of us, the nonbelievers, should these people become entrenched in the halls of power. That would be a world I don't want to live in.

  11. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I've been following these Quiverfull types (along with other Dominionists) for several years. And it is no joke to say that they are literally outbreeding the rest of us.

    I think their aim is not just to "let God control the family planning," but to produce lots of voters to move their political agenda into place. And, mark my words, they *will* permit and encourage their women to vote at some point because they will realize how many more conservative votes that will bring to their agenda.


  12. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Reminds me of "Papa Pilgrim" and all his virgin daughters . . . except, of course, those he raped.

  13. Anonymous6:49 PM

    This is just like the Mormons, and not just the "fundies" but mainstream. Heavy patriarchal cult, condescending to the importance of women, and breeding to propagate their faith. Major brainwash on their youth. These people are not Christians, no matter how much they try to "mainstream" their religion. There beginnings as a religion are glossed over, their founding fathers were a bunch of conniving crooks who took peoples money and raped their young daughters under their commandment of spiritual marriage. Read about Mountain Meadow Massacre, those two young girls gang-raped, and how the women were sent out to remove the clothes and jewelry from the victims. Mormons make me fucking ill, the brainwash they place on their children is sick. To be a member in good standing requires 10% tithe to see your daughter married in the temple. Otherwise you wait outside. Family focused? You have to pay, or be looked down upon. Women don't get their own planets, but men do. Fuck 'em, any woman that belongs to this faith is a brainwashed dumbass. Sorry, but living in Las Vegas my whole life I know what I'm talking about. These people will only help other Mormons. Fact.

  14. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Sarah Jone's article is chilling in so many respects. This lifestyle was probably once quite popular to keep women sumbissive, and to get plenty of cheap, free labor to make their farms profitable.
    Leah Burton's God's Own Party blog also delves into this warped, outdated lifestyle, where women were nothing less than subserviant breeders to fulfill their husbands every need, even if it means health issues and possibly death for the woman and possibly the children.
    It makes absolutely no sense in today's society. These women need to wake up and smell the coffee.

    There's a reason and direct correlation to the lack of education and control of their own reproductive rights to "serve and obey" the men they love and the God they believe in.

    It's very dangerous to take the bible, or any other religious book, in a literal way and apply it to an ever dynamically changing society.

    That being said, Palin and Bachman do not fit in their lifestyle, yet they'll vote for them soley taking them on their words that they are "Christians".
    Most single topic voters are willing to overlook the obvious, without researching the candiadates other views are ripe targets for these politicians.

  15. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I wonder if the "Quiverfull" people would align themselves with the Taliban? The Taliban try to control their womenfolk making them wear the bee-keeper garb and all. I bet the king bee won't let his womenfolk wear pants - always got to be a dress and God forbid don't show any ankle! I guess some women just don't know any better. They deserve that kind of life. I'd sooner kill myself.

  16. Anonymous6:54 PM

    As a former fundie, even I never cared for the quiverfull people. I knew a family like this and they were as weird as hell. Their kids were very abnormal and odd. I'm sure the Duggars are nice, but a lot of these women die after having so many pregnancies because it wears their hearts out. I found a quiverfull magazine at these people's home and it had a couple of memorials to women who had died after giving birth do many, many times. Then what happens to these kids? Sarah Palin, is not like them at all. I just read Dunn's book and Bailey's book and all I saw was an egotistical, backstabbing, vengeful idiot. All she cares about is herself and getting back at her so called "enemies." She added to that list almost daily. Ick.

  17. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I loved what Bill Maher said about the Duggars in the video you posted - if they had 19 cats instead of kids, people would call them hoarders!

  18. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Vyckie just described 20 years of my life as a "good Mormon wife." Absolutely EVERYTHING she describes was taught in Relief Society and Women's Conferences. There's even a private Mormon joke--Logan Brimhall substituted the word "Flivver" for quivver.

    I can only claim that I was very young and very naive. I really should have gotten a clue when my new husband came home with a 3-ring binder and announced he had enrolled me in a wonderful class called "Fascinating Womanhood," and I should study hard. And if I couldn't fulfill all my emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs within the confines of the Church, then there was something wrong with *me.*

    I thank God every day that He sent a certain lapsed Catholic my way. Celebrated 17 years yesterday.

  19. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I'm not done. Everyone's focus is on The Dominionists, but the Mormons are a real threat, too. They are trying to become mainstream and accepted, but if you study them you will realize that they are a sick cult.

  20. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Thanks for the info. I have always presumed as much from extremist adherents of many different beliefs. GAH!

  21. If you can stand it, read the heartbreaking and terrible conditions these women and girls live at this excellent website.

    I took a few hours recently to read through some of the stories of abuse, depravity, deprivation, and utter despair that members of Quiver famlilies must endure. Of course the adult men have a much easier time, in keeping with their patriarchal theme.

    If family members ever escape into the "heathen" world, they are typically disowned and permanently shunned, much like the Westboro Baptist cult does to anyone who won't adhere to their every command and demand.

    Every religion, sect, and faith has obvious degrees to which members comply with various laws, tenets and beliefs, but the Quivers are extreme beyond measure. Micro management of women and girls extends to the tiniest matters of daily life.

    In contrast, as Americans, every person should enjoy some very basic, rock bottom freedoms to practice or not practice religion of any stripe.

    The fact that Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, and their ilk consider anyone outside their religious belief system as inferior or lacking, or even defective, speaks volumes about the true intention of their movements.

    I call them all christian supremacists, which may seem harsh, but it's precisely true.

    Of course *some* religious people are radiant wonderful examples of charity, love, and faith, without all the trappings of hard egdged fundamentalist dogma.

    In my experience, those few people are somewhat of a rarity compared to the aggresive and militant movements demanding absolute obedience, and attempting to wrest the control of our government and laws into the hands of people as ignorant, savage, and prejudiced as Granny Quitter Palin.

  22. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Too CrAZY for words! As a Christian, I do not spend ANY time worrying that Muslims are "out breeding" Christians. I worry about the nutcases that claim to be Christian giving the rest of us a bad name.

  23. emrysa7:45 PM

    thanks for posting this gryphen. it makes me sick, but it is important for folks to know that this weird shit exists. you are so correct about how this is driven from fear that "the other" is going to take over and dominate. and at the same time, it's also driven from the old patriarchal thinking that the male is the ruler of the house and the female is to be submissive. and finally, it's a sign of weakness on the part of the male (fear of loss of control). it is an interesting lesson in human behavior, sociology, etc.

    males and females are equal, and the idea that one is superior and the other must submit is garbage!

  24. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Once Napolean established martial law over France, he realized that he could have better control over the people if he let Religion back in, so he had the Pope declare him Emporer.

  25. Anonymous7:47 PM

    It's THE HANDMAID'S TALE by Margaret Atwood. They are living it.

    Here's what Sarah Palin did. There were 3 movements she tried to co-op: SECESSIONISTS (Teabaggers); DOMINIONISTS AND FUNDIES; and CORPORATISM (BIG OIL). Her entire "power" was based on where 3 three movements met/intersected in a perfect storm in 2006-2008. However, she failed at all three and that's why her brand is over.

  26. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I'm glad others are pointing out the parallels between the fundie Christians and Mormons. The Mormons have gotten a free pass for too long because of their money. Prop 8 in California, Mormon money.

  27. Anonymous8:07 PM

    And did I hear some repub politicians & fundygelical Christians yell, "Shari Law"???

    What was that other thing I read?
    --"Daddy Dearest Arranged Marriages" for their daughters?

    D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S is what I get out of that.
    Oh and mentally warped too.


  28. emrysa8:15 PM

    anon @ 5:36pm sez:

    "and there is not one politician I can think of who doesn't lie or use their office for selfish or "cult" gain. "

    I guess you haven't thought of - kucinich. never does a selfish thing. he's a good man who frankly, is probably out of place in this country.

  29. Anonymous8:18 PM

    1951 - The Catholic Church remains resolutely opposed to artificial birth control, but Pope Pius XII announces that the Church will sanction the use of the rhythm method as a natural form of birth control. Previously, the only option approved by Rome was abstinence.

    1961 - It is still a crime to use birth control in Connecticut. In bold defiance of Connecticut law, Dr. C. Lee Buxton, the chairman of the Yale Medical School department of obstetrics and gynecology, and Estelle Griswold, the executive director of Connecticut Planned Parenthood, open four Planned Parenthood Clinics. They are promptly arrested, but their case brings national attention to the anachronistic state laws.

    This is what they want to take us back to. The dark ages. It's called People Control.

  30. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Be sure to watch the earlier post featuring Bill Maher's clip featuring the Duggers.

  31. Anonymous8:28 PM

    We have two Mormons running for president, and no one wants to look at the Mormon faith. These people are rich, they are a threat, and they are much more powerful than the Dominionists. Sarah Jones is not brave enough to dive into the Mormons, right Sarah? The Mormons are "okay", right Sarah? Sarah can delve into an offshoot, but ignore a real threat.

  32. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Funny how they hate abortion, but don't want to take care of them after their born.

  33. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Is this true that Shawn Christy had a sexting affair with Sarah? Have you ever read his Facebook page, open to all??? There is a lot of weird / interesting talk on there. Gryphen, have you interviewed them? Getting their side of the whole story migh be interesting.

  34. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Shawn Cristy's dad Craig said Sarah had a sexting relationship with Shawn when he was 17
    Them she reported him for harassment to shut him up about it. It was the same Palin mo threats and more threats from those who dont know the truth

  35. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Anon 5;36 please stop calling it the DEM party, that isn't the name. And it's obvious who you are because you are the 1st or 2nd person to post. You ALWAYS say something ignorant about the "Dems" and something really stupid about the President. Your Chicago mafia comment is a big hint to how uninformed you are. Why are you even on this blog? I'm sick of you and those like you and your ignorance!! Where do you get your information from?? Rush Limbaugh? Sarah? You are brainwashed and don't even know it. Please spread your hateful comments about the President and Democratic party back at the zoo where you will find like minded cretans.

  36. Gasman9:27 PM

    This woman seems to believe that her gender exists only to serve as breeding stock and that silly women shouldn't be allowed to think or vote or any other such nonsense.

    She can believe whatever she wants, but she is preaching inequality and subjugation. She is out of her fucking mind. Actually, it sounds like fucking is all that is ON her mind.

    Luckily, I don't see that too many women are going to be flocking to this cognitively moribund asshat's banner.

    I just love this woman's conviction to principle: she disagrees with essentially every aspect of Palin's professional life, yet she'll support her.

    So far, Dominionists ALL seem to be feckless morons. I guess it kind of comes with the territory, eh?

  37. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I'm so sick of all this mess. No one can afford all these children . I get all my pets nutered and spaded, the responsible thing to do. People learned a long time ago that lots of children mean poverty. These so called christians want no birth control or abortions, wait they will be the first to go along with child labor.

  38. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Bullshit. A "Quiverfull Movement" is an ORAGASM! A Quiverfull daughter is taught from a young age that her purpose in life is to serve the is generally considered unnecessary and even dangerous...

    In other words, you don't have to be intelligent or informed, as long as you're willing to give men "quiverfull movements". That would explain the push-up bra's, tongue action and dirty dancing, eh Palin Ladies?

    Please excuse my rant. This topic makes me angry. When I was 23, I told my ex-husband when we started getting serious that I had no desire to give birth. If we decided to have children, I'd want to adopt, and I'd want to be a full-time mother, so he would have to make enough money to support all of us.

    The world is overpopulated as it is, and it's proper upbringing, not genes, that make a decent, happy, responsible human being.

    22 years later, I'm still being asked "Why don't you have kids?". Does anyone ever ask "Why do you have kids?"?

    For some reason, I'm abnormal for not contributing to population growth, so it's an acceptable question. I have a 23 year old FB friend who's always complaining about about dealing with WIC, her oldest kid's special needs counselors, couch-surfing...I could go on. She recently announced she's pregnant with her 3rd child. No one asked "Why are you having another kid?". It's not an acceptable question. It's high time it is.

  39. Anonymous10:50 PM

    All i can say is that people like the Duggars make me sick. I don't understand how they can keep popping out kids like Golden Retrievers and become millionaires in the process. Isn't that against their religion? Hypocrite much?

    I would rather be a godless drunk than believe what those nutbags believe. Talk about freakshows!!!

  40. The breeding war between the Christians and the Muslims will destroy this planet. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe there is A God, and only one. And yes, he did create us with the urge to procreate, but I don't believe He wanted a contest between which of his followers procreated the most.

  41. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I read Sarah Jones' interview with V.Garrison, then went over to the NLQ blog and read a number of the posts and stories there. I also listened to the interview that Garrison did with Snap Out of It.

    It is all about the subjugation and control of women--supposedly following God's orders. The scary part is that they get women to buy into this garbage--homeschool their children in it, and it's nothing more than brainwashing. The attitude toward women is archaic, destructive, psychologically, emotionally and sometimes physically abusive and in general, horrifying. That doesn't even take into consideration the effect of this toxic ideology on their children. No wonder there is depression and suicidal thoughts (and actions). Living like some of the quiverfull females live, denying they are a person and are there only as a servant and breeder, is victimization so terrible that it is difficult to comprehend, the reducing of women to breeders--like some science fiction horror story. We do not live in "biblical times" but apparently there is a strong movement whose goal is to take us back there.

    Why is it that "religion" the belief system designed to save and better mankind, so often employs doctrines, tenets and ideologies that seek to control, enslave, oppress and destroy people in one way or another? Obviously, not all religions are guilty of that, but it seems there are too many that are. Basically unbelievable God has anything to do with this, instead, it reflects the work of man and his lust for power and control (domination) over others.

    This bunk, this bible-based male entitlement to control and dominate and oppress females and
    treat them like property and breeders rather than as equals, (fundies/talibangelicals) must stem from some terrifying fear of losing control over them.

  42. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I looked into the Christy story and was surprised the sexting part of the story was never investigateyd or taken seriously. Some seem to believe it was Sarah and that she interfered again into AK courts. The Christys were crazy according If not true, why have many judges in AK recently been removed or reassigned. All the. ones appointed by Sarah.
    Perhaps Sarah did sext this young man? She certainly wants to destroy this family.

  43. Anonymous2:26 AM

    It's rather eye openning that the republican party cuts money to educational programs, whether that is the public school system such as what Perry did in the state of Texas or nationally with all the cuts to the university systems through the grants and loans for students. In the same vien Planned Parenthood is under attack and any healthcare mention of women's health or abortion issues. The dumbing down of America and the squashing of women's rights is a solid plank in the republican platform. It's a grand old party for rich older white men which is why they love younger stupid women like palin and bachmann who give them nothing but bumper sticker politics and a boner.

  44. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:00 AM

    I may be mistaken, but isn't this movement also intended to create an army of young, impressionable "Christian warriors" to be used when the call finally goes out to convert the unfortunate, mislead heathens? I read about Quiverfull after watching one Duggar episode, and remember something like that being mentioned. It was also implied that the Almighty Husband is free to replace his wife should she no longer be able to bear children, so women are basically considered disposable.

    On the topic above, wasn't Sarah involved in a symbolic "sword ceremony" at her church several years ago? I know I saw a video of it awhile back. It was essentially passing out swords (not sure if they were decorative or real weapons) to young people who had completed some type of religious training, with the implication being that they'll be soldiers in the upcoming Crusades. This also tied in with the "Alaska is shaped like a crown, so it will afford sanctuary to the believers" meme. I'll have to look this up again, but it's something that should be presented to the public along with all the other sketchy skeletons in SP's closet.

  45. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:07 AM

    They were Samurai swords; Palin was at the ceremony (this was in June 2008--Bruce Wilson article at HP):

    "...But media did not delve into the nature of the Masters Commission program, nor did reporters and journalists, or bloggers for that matter, bother to watch the video segment of the June 8th, 2008 Wasilla AoG video segment in full.

    "Anyone who did so would have noticed, later on in the ceremony, 1) a speaker addressing Palin from the stage, indicating she was still in the audience and, 2) shortly after, a ceremony in which a speaker invoked the Samurai code of honor and male 3-year Masters Commission students were then presented with Samurai swords.

    "Special note was made of the specific uses of the Samurai swords gifted to the students, such as cutting down opponents from horseback, ground-level combat, and in very close combat -- as an auxiliary blade to be plucked out for a sudden, killing blow.

    "The one female 3-year graduate of the program present in the ceremony was presented with a western-style broadsword larger than the Samurai swords presented to the male students."

  46. Anonymous4:27 AM

    What a sad life , pregnant, mounds of laundry and cooking all day every day.
    The repubs forget about the orthodox Jews though. They all have tons of kids also too, and they are all democrats (at least all the ones I encounter in my profession.) So, these breeding factory religions kind of cancel each other out politically, don't they?

  47. Anonymous4:37 AM

    IRT: Anonymous 8:28 PM
    11 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Mormons

  48. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Some years ago we took a trip to England sponsored by a machinery dealer from whom we had purchased some big items. On the bus was a 30ish man, the only person alone. I struck up a conversation with him and rapidly learned he was a member of some very strict religious group called "Apostolic". His wife had stayed home with their 7 the 8th was due daily..he proudly told me they were all exactly 11 months apart.

    Then he told me something that blew my mind. He had never seen her before their wedding. His minister in Ohio had arranged their marriage with her minister in Iowa. They had talked on the phone a couple of times, but only with someone else listening. WTF!!! I thought.

    He said something else that made me think that we live on different planets. He said that they never fight, because God chose them to be partners so it would be disrespectful to him to fight.

    I have no doubt that by now they have a lot more kids. That picture with this article could have been them, except she was a lot prettier woman..and she also did some strange thing with her hair and wore some kind of band on it. I never understand why the men seem to dress normally and the women have to wear ugly dresses, shoes and hairstyles. What does God have against pants and short hair?

  49. Anonymous said...
    I'm shocked anyone believes any politician is a person of Godly beliefs. ...

    God does not endorse mafias that seek to destroy competition ie Chicago. ...but the DEM party, GOP, some churches fit this bill.
    5:36 PM

    I'm sure you think that your remark was a very clever hidden attack on President Obama, because after all you mentioned the GOP.

    But referring to the "DEM Party" (why all caps?!) and the "Chicago mafia" and "some churches" is a dead give-away that you are nothing more than a typical under-educated, un-thinking, fox-watching dullard that has no concept of morality or ethics or Christianity.

  50. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Thank you for posting this and providing the link. I can now comprehend the call when MB and Palin shout out to take the country back what is meant by that.

    I understand that Palin is the voice of the evangelical base calling for America to return to this minority culture's ideology to live as God meant according to their religious convictions.

    I hypothesize the desire to have their beliefs trumpeted is so great that it does not matter that the Palins do not live the life. What matters is Palin claims to live the life and controls these followers that contradictory facts are lies and makin stuff up by "haters" whistling those who hate their Christian life. (part one comment)

  51. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Well @ 6:11 - think about families - think how many kids DON'T do what their parents say once they get older. I'd love to see the study on how many kids the daughters of Quiverfullers have. My guess is, that like the Amish, at some point, they breed themselves into the real world.

    These days, the AMish are getting dispensations right and left to take government aid . Once upon a time, that was unthinkable, they just retreated to their farms and hunkered down and the neighbors helped out. But with farmland too expensive, many Amish have moved "off-farm" and work manufacturing and construction jobs, and there are too many of them for the community to support in times like this recession.

    Same thing will happen to Quiverfullers. One family with 19 kids is a curiosity that sells - 100 is "so what?" Unless daddy is making really good $, they'll be living on welfare - and those kids will grow up to have maybe one or two kids when that reality smacks them in the face.

  52. Anonymous5:57 AM

    @ 7:23 - Yep. Some Amish sects even proscribe the type of underwear women must wear.

    Fortunately, the Amish at least offer rumsprigga, which is purportedly a chance to decide to stay in the community, though with only an 8th grade education, it's not really much of a choice for the women. Guys can do construction.

  53. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Part 2 comments

    I went to the blog of women who no longer live the quiverfull life. Reading about their standards of physical purity prohibiting hand holding and kissing prior to marriage gave me perspective. To maintain control of the followers or position of leader Bristol spun Levi stole her innocence so she is still pure. Then despite their sexual relationship it is spun she only did it so Levi not spoil other girls as if she made a sacrifice to spare others.

    I grasp it is imperative to keep their position the Palin women give lip service they provide all the child care, do all the domestic chores and home school. The lies maintain the leadership role that Palin is a warrior who shall return the country to evangelical/biblical values.

    Now I get it why there was press about Bristol having "modest" costumes for DWTS.

    I am left to wonder about the base receiving the extensive plastic surgery. It would resonate with the base's principals Bristol sacrificed her body for ultimate good and she had to marry Levi who stole her purity. As opposed to two horny teenagers partying, drinking who agreed to lie to parents having wild weekend camp outs.

    When Palin assassinates people as sexual predators signaling to believers the falsely accused are put to destroy her daughters purity, of course the followers leap to protect threatening even death.

    Palin is one sick bitch preying on people she is one of them.

  54. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Oh Anon6:59am, as a young Mormon girl I was told "Fascinating Girlhood" was the ticket to popularity.

    I look at it now and laugh and shake my head. Concealing your intelligence, pretending to be afraid of mice, thunderstorms, boats.. REALLY!

    My brother is a fundie Mormon and before marriage his (crazy) mo wife was saying she wanted 12 kids. This girl was brought up with maids and cooks; she had no idea about how to keep a house or raise kids.

    Six kids and ten years later her Doctor told her that her uterus was pretty much shot. Her house is a disaster, her kids run wild.

    She does not know what happened to her life, she was living "God's plan for her"; everything was supposed to be perfect!!

    One of the kids is hinting that he might be gay, and she and my bro are freaking out.

  55. indy_girl1:31 PM

    [Sarah Jones]: "Still, I supported Palin because she understands and promotes conservative Christian 'family values'."

    Sarah may understand and promote those "values" for political and personal gain, but she and her family don't actually PRACTICE them!!! The Bible calls that being a "hypocrite".

  56. Anonymous1:33 PM

    anon at 653: "I wonder if the 'Quiverfull' people would align themselves with the Taliban? "

    what the hell is the difference? It's ALL religious extremism.

  57. I don't view having a large family and foregoing a hormonal birth control that can potentially cause life-threatening illnesses as "extremism." To me, extremism is given in perfect example here by those screaming "christians are scary when they have lots of kids!" Or "No woman could possibly be happy serving her husband and family, and it must be rough washing dishes and birthing babies." I genuinely feel sorry for people with the mindset that all Christian women in this situation are suffering. Try reading blogs and other material by women who are involved with these fundamentals by choice, rather than those of women who were forced into it and now color it according to their own crippled emotions on the subject. I, personally, am entirely content to stay at home and put the Lord first, my family second, and accept children as blessings-no matter how many or few we are blessed with.

  58. I don't view having a large family and foregoing a hormonal birth control that can potentially cause life-threatening illnesses as "extremism." To me, extremism is given in perfect example here by those screaming "christians are scary when they have lots of kids!" Or "No woman could possibly be happy serving her husband and family, and it must be rough washing dishes and birthing babies." I genuinely feel sorry for people with the mindset that all Christian women in this situation are suffering. Try reading blogs and other material by women who are involved with these fundamentals by choice, rather than those of women who were forced into it and now color it according to their own crippled emotions on the subject. I, personally, am entirely content to stay at home and put the Lord first, my family second, and accept children as blessings-no matter how many or few we are blessed with.

  59. Anonymous9:33 PM

    What a sad lot you all are to just go along with the bile this woman is spewing. She has no right to speak for anyone but herself. As a mother of many and another on the way my life is full and happy...and so are my children.
    Honestly, I hope most of you posting here don't have children because we don't need more people with your misplaces values and warped views in this country.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I can't take it, the Duggars are NOT quiver-full!!!! And I agree with Abby, I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom with 4 babies and hopefully more to come! I have known since I was little this is what I wanted to do. My husband and I simply love children and see them as blessings, not only our own biological children but ALL children, we also plan to adopt in the future. You can't judge an entire group based off of what some people say about them, I mean come on those of you that are Democrats wouldn't want to be judged for Obama's failures would you? ;)


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