Sunday, July 31, 2011

The epic defeat of "The Undefeated."

You know sometimes an image is almost all that you need to make your point.

This film was doomed from the start, which anybody who was really in Alaska, and knew about Sarah Palin's time as governor, could have easily predicted.  In fact I do believe that I did.

However besides simply indicating how bad this movie was, it is also an indication of how truly inconsequential the Palin-bots have become.  After all they both begged and threatened people to get them to go see this film, and virtually NOBODY responded.

It is very hard NOT to see this as a dry run for Palin's Presidential campaign.

If she does declare in September I have little doubt that the result will look very much like the box office results pictured above. In other words, in the immortal words of my daughter, it will be another EPIC FAIL!

(H/T to Box Office Mojo.)

Update: It looks like Malia wrote something about this as well.


  1. Sweet anny4:30 PM

    Sorry Sarah. Not good enough. Never will be good enough.

  2. Beldar J. Conehead4:39 PM


    (heh heh heh...)

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM



  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    That was one lame movie. Sarah has been defeated.

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I sat through this disaster, and my strong impression was that this movie WAS her 2012 "campaign". Yes, the most lazy, greedy campaign ever run.

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    $carah, i hope you and all yer local AIP buddies choke on yer snot.
    it disgusts me that we live so close together.
    why don't you just drag the hell up, take all yer slimy spawn/relatives, ALL OF 'EM, and get the hell out'a here.

  7. Beldar Tinseltown Conehead4:52 PM

    Gryphen, aren't you being a bit rough on the screechy wretch here? Afterall, that chart you show is a matter of perspective. Just because you dislike her you choose to look at the figures in your own biased way.

    But, notice what happens when you read the numbers in REVERSE order!! There's an irrefudiatable and very impressive trend from $5k to $25k to $65k in just 3 weeks!!! (my quick calculation estimates that's about a 2,300% increase per week, ya know... approximately.)

    Let's see your so-called liberal Hollywood media mogules duplicate THAT performance.

    A simple projection shows that, if the backward trend continues, by October 25th, 2009, "The Unwatchable" will rise to being the single most successful film in history with over $25 gabillion dollars in ticket sales alone, not including what private individuals collect while showing the DVD to small groups in their homes, also, too.

    Mock her if you must - and you must - but I think she's accomplished something pretty darn impressive - and a total delusion on top of everything else.... Wow! Run, Lulu, Run!!!

  8. Here's another chart with laughably small numbers

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Run, Sarah, Run! They'll get you, my pretty, and your little dogs, too!

  10. Anonymous5:06 PM

    +/- 14,000 literal asses in seats? Hahahahaha. 4:30 is right - Sarah will never be good enough to live up to her delusions.

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Are they saying anything about this epic failure at the Sea of Pee? I just can't bring myself to go there.

  12. emrysa5:16 PM

    gross to date: $112,200. omg EPIC FAIL is an understatement! I wonder how much pac money she funneled to this dude to make this film. I bet she was thinking this was going to be the ultimate thing that would make america love her again.

    note to the quitter: this is what you get for QUITTING on your constituents and running around attacking people with your juvenile insults and claiming authority on subjects that you know NOTHING about. things really could have been very different for you.

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Bill O'Reilly Says Drunken Women Shouldn't Get Free Birth Control

  14. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sarah can't even "woman up" to smurfette! She's not even "Spongebob"-worthy. HA HA HA!!!

    I think what did her in was the corpse with sand being shovelled on it.

    So the best Sarah could hope for is the first "Razzie" award for a movie that lost half a mill in less than a month.

    The Palinbot troll patrol is scurrying to find lame excuses...can't wait for the onslaught!

  15. Olivia5:29 PM

    "EPIC FAIL!" seems to be the theme of Palin's life and times. Maybe she can find a way to capitalize on that.

  16. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Box Office MOJO!!!!

    Movie has as much mojo as Sarah.

    Change the name and re-release movie.... "Total DEFEAT"

  17. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "EPIC FAIL!"

    To which I can only add... YAY!!!!! :)

  18. laprofesora5:45 PM

    How could someone who can't generate enough interest to fill one movie theatre possibly think they could be elected POTUS?

    Oh, that's right, it's Scarah.

    1)she doesn't think
    2)she doesn't really want to be POTUS
    3)it's all about the $$$$

  19. Anonymous5:57 PM

    As I read it, this is GROSS amount. What do you think the NET amount would be? Did they have to pay the theaters to show the movie? How did they come up with the income figures...if they counted butts in seats and multiplied it by the cost of the tickets, that would be wrong, because we know that they gave away free tickets.

    Totally and completely an EPIC FAIL of the highest level.

    Couldn't happen to more deserving people.

  20. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Ooh, that's gotta sting just a tad.

    Told ya sarah, God will not be mocked!

  21. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hey Sare (that old mare ain't what she used to be) . . .

    What else do your puppeteers have up their sleeves? Can you sit & spin?

    Scratch that.

  22. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Great job Pbots! Thanks for hastening her demise. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of sheeple.

    No, really.


  23. THAT really *is* the poster for this movie?

    Oh, my gawd. I thought it was a parody of the real movie poster.

    Who does she think she is? Stalin? "You will attend this movie, or else."

    It makes me so sad that there are people so illiterate of history or so gullible (or just plain stupid) as to be brainwashed by the propaganda of Palin, Beck and Limbaugh STILL, after everything that has happened.

    I guess referring to them as the "BASE" is appropriate, since they tend to have the basest of motivations; bigotry, racism, hatred. Has this country really become so self-centered and ugly?

  24. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Theaters usually show a movie 5 times a day.

    5 times x 3 days [Friday, Saturday & Sunday] = 15 showings per theater on the weekend.

    4 theaters x 15 showings = 60 showings altogether.

    Divide that $5,200 by $8 per ticket, that's 650 tickets sold.

    650 divided by 60 showings = 10.83 per show.

    So there was an average of about 11 people per showing.

    All of this in handpicked Palin country.

    Those delusional folk on C4P are still convinced that she's the savior, eh?

  25. Anonymous6:32 PM

    They stopped showing the Undefeated in my area and I'm about 5 tickets short of 1,500 viewings.

    Does that mean I won't get the grand prize of drinking Sarah Palin's bath water?

    Jim Joe Bob of Iowa

  26. Anonymous6:33 PM

    holy crap - i've run fund raisers for my kids elementary school that have brought in more than this load of crap did this past weekend. $1 million to bring in $112k - the free market speaks and it says Sarah Palin sucks.

  27. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Bill O'Reilly Says Drunken Women Shouldn't Get Free Birth Control

    5:18 PM

    That's okay, Bristol rather eat a quadruple Big Mac and a one gallon container of chocolate shake with wheel barrel of fries anyway.

  28. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Does this mean Sarah can finish her family vacation bus tour across America?

  29. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Hey Sarah I guess Todd was right about your piece of shit movie.

    Ya should of listened to him like you always did as governor you f-n retarded con artist.

    See what happens when you go rogue and don't listen to anybody!

    You are dumber than a box of Palins.

  30. Anonymous6:53 PM

    With Sarah going out of town to give a Tea party speech, that leaves Todd with his rolodex of prostitutes he can call.

    Hey partna, you can scratch Shailey Tripp's name off of your list and I believe Bristol will be in Compton with the brothas.

    There is always Sally Heath and Aunt Molly!

  31. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Didn't her "Toad" tell her it was awful? Seems I read that somewhere - and, that she should never have appeared with it and actually made a speech after the viewing!!!

    She's an idiot, but Alaskans FOR SURE know it!

  32. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Congress and the White House just reached an agreement on the debt ceiling. Looks like you LOST THIS ROUND TOO, Sarah!

  33. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Gryph don't you know the EPIC FAIL is all your fault!

    According to CofP:

    "The psycho blogs are instruction their drones to vote down the Undefeated. The piece of shit blog Immoral Minority and others have helped drive "The Undefeated" to 1.5/10."

    Oh, the power of the Gryph. :D

  34. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The following is an "editorial" on the dangers of a Third Party in the next Presidential election:
    Way off topic but I see that Firedoglake is again trying to elect a Bachmann or a Romney. They did such a good job last November encouraging everyone to stay home and not vote to show that turncoat Obama. We'll show him, won't we? We just won't vote. Well, I hope they're happy because by staying home the Republicans and Teatards took over the House. They're now getting all of the Democratic voters to turn on Obama. I don't like it either (what is sure to pass tomorrow morning on the debt-ceiling "crises") but I sure as hell am not voting for the only alternative in the next election!!
    I heard that they are now working on a Third Party for the '12 election. Newsflash: That worked out so well in '00. Ralph Nader took votes away from Gore. Granted Jeb Bush/Florida plus the Supreme Court appointed W as President but the "Third Party Alternative" approach DID NOT work and it is just too dangerous to work this time around IMHO.

  35. Anonymous7:44 PM

    it's no wonder she is hiding away, ha ha ha ha......
    someone lost allot of money on that JOKE. the lesson is don't bank on a Palin just ask Alaskans, John McCain and many more(said to a jingle)...

  36. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Yeah you can bet that, after daily updates breathlessly announcing how this was the most important film ever made in the history of mankind, Pravda4Palin will now ignore its total failure. They have already moved onto the Next Big Thing, the Sararapture on 9/3.

  37. GBIllinois7:56 PM

    I guess it's safe to say Sarah won't be giving away many tee-shirts to the "Killer Whales".

    Also, too, I wonder what they're going to do with those 250,000 DVDs.

  38. sunnyskies8:02 PM

    Has Mrs. Palin ever said why neither she nor Mr. Palin wear their wedding rings? Wouldn't there be some buzz among her fans? Seems anti Christian, anti-American, so not a family values thing.....

  39. Anonymous8:10 PM

    And a whopping five thousand dollar take this weekend. How's that "third week comeback" workin' out for ya?

  40. sunnyskies8:22 PM

    I am just sitting here shaking my head. She's had one epic fail after another, and this movie's failure to generate any interest - I mean even Sarah in denial would have to see that. Surely someone in her family would tell her, "Mom, we think you better not run..." But this family is so batshit crazy.....

  41. Anonymous8:42 PM

    IMDB has her at 1..5/10 Stars.

  42. Anonymous9:12 PM

    The sea-o-pee has sprung a fatal leak.....

  43. At first I thought $arah just hated about 70% of the other real Americans who disagree with her and was teasing about a faux POTUS run just for spite. Now I have to believe that she also hates her family. Why else would anyone subject those they alledgedly 'love' to the abject ridicule and scorn they receive due to her unrequited ego and lack of intellect and qualifications. She doesn't want to actually be the President, she wants the same sort of deal she had with previous 'offices'. Do the waving and winking, appear at functions, sign documents after others have done all the real work, fly around in AF1 with a staff waiting on her hand and foot.

    In all my years I've never witnessed another candidate from any party with such a hunger for adulation and an unquenchable thirst for revenge.

    If O'Really can claim the Norway assasin is not a "Christian" due to his actions then he has to step up and recognize Mrs P as another self-styled religious zealot whose devisive and hateful rhetoric doesn't qualify her to call herself a Christian

  44. JayKen Knotstirred9:18 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's birth certificate?

  45. Anonymous9:43 PM

    So much for that "Week Three Comeback" the 'bots were counting on. Week four, maybe?

  46. EX Cat9:50 PM

    Sideshow viewed this farce before it was released, yet allowed it to go forward. Out of touch much? Truly deluded. Bye Bye scary.

  47. Enjay in E MT9:58 PM

    Stuck a toe in the Sea of Pee and there is a 'vote' ha ha ha to predict what $arah will "BE" on the Sept. 3rd with a whole 201 votes! Of course 80% say she'll either announce or already be a candidate.

    Also - the QuitterQueens big contribution to the debt ceiling debate was encouraging those T-bagging freshmen to hold the line with the FaceBook post. I wonder how many of them actually read her FB page instead of their email from constituants?

  48. Anonymous10:12 PM

    8:10. I laughed aloud at your recall of a third week "comeback".

  49. Anonymous10:24 PM

    This is what I keep saying.............Sarah, honey, you're just not good enough, you've never been good enough, and you'll never be good enougy. Give it up and go crawl back under your rock.

  50. Anonymous10:32 PM

    "The piece of shit blog Immoral Minority and others have helped drive "The Undefeated" to 1.5/10."

    Three cheers for Gryph....hip-hip-hoorah, hip-hip-hooorah, hip-hip-hoorah

  51. Anonymous11:52 PM

    RUN, Mrs.Grandma Palin™, RUN !!


  52. Anonymous12:10 AM

    GBIllinois said...
    I guess it's safe to say Sarah won't be giving away many tee-shirts to the "Killer Whales".

    Also, too, I wonder what they're going to do with those 250,000 DVDs.

    7:56 PM

    The Palin kids can sell it as part of a kit to cut up their drugs.

    Those Palins are always coming up with new scams.

  53. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Lets see,
    Sarah tried being a beauty pageant winner, tried being a hockey mom, tried being a mayor, tried being a governor, tried being a vice president, tried being a motivational speaker but kept getting her facts wrong, tried being a wife but her husband cheated on her with a sexier woman, tried being a Christian, tried being a TV sportscaster, tried be a presidential candidate but could not decide if she wanted the hard work, she tried being a commentator, tried being an author, tried going to one college to get one degree, tried being a historical tour guide and again the dumbass got her facts all wrong, tried to get photo ops with important people, tried to raise her daughters to be virgins before marriage, tried to be a politician, tried being a tv reality star, tried being an actress on the big screen, tried being a grandmother but every thing Sarah attempted failed.

    Sarah was not successful at anything except for running scams and getting pregnant before marriage like her mother, sister, daughter and son's girlfriend.

    What a fucking looser.

  54. Anonymous12:31 AM


  55. Anonymous12:56 AM

    diz-I agree with you. There is something so dark in Sarah's pas that she needs the adoring fans. Perhaps sexual abuse or a loveless marriage are the reasons.

  56. Anonymous1:14 AM

    How much of this was donated to children with disabilities? Where is Trig?

  57. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Palin, you've been Smurfed and Pottered!

    Pretty funny how the fictional life of Palin can't compete with fictional blue creatures and wizards.

  58. Anonymous2:37 AM

    I wonder how that fire in her belly is doing? LMAO!!

  59. Of course attendance dropped off. Many of her fans are still parked on bridges across the country.

  60. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Bet she is sorry she ever showed up at the "big" premier;)

    She has always been an epic fail in my world. All you have to do is look at her very first records when she was a mayor.

  61. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Face it, Sarah. You're history. How many times does God have to show you?

  62. Anonymous6:56 AM

    NOW will the media realize that their fervor for this woman is completely out of whack with the public's resounding disinterest in her - except for free articles on the Internet? Her books were propped up by bulk buys from rightwing outlets (and her own PAC). SarahPAC does not bring in the kind of money other "undeclared candidates" bring in. She DOES NOT DRAW CROWDS on her own. And this movie, which benefited from more free press than any other this year, completely tanked.

    And yet, the media keeps trying to convince us that she's important.

  63. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Anon said, "Bet she is sorry she ever showed up at the 'big' premier;) "

    Maybe if she hadn't worn the blingy truckstop Looky-At-My-Crotch!!! cross belt buckle and two-sizes-too-small shirt, or fuck-me pumps at solemn occasions, the conservative christians might still be interested in her. Maybe she should try dressing out of Talbot's, or some other place with appropriate, well-tailored, classic, conservative clothing for middle-aged women. You know, Sarah like Michelle Bachmann! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    I bet it's gotten pretty tough for the 60+ Tea Partiers to imagine a wannabe evangelical candidate in the White House when she dresses like a vision-impaired hooker most of the time.

  64. Anonymous8:03 AM

    4:45 you are absolutely correct. she indicated she was going to run an unconventional campaign and The Undefeated was its herald.

    She has been very quiet for almost two weeks and I suspect may be experiencing whatever she experiences!

    She's still a money maker for the print and electronic more TV series though and probably no more books. Thankfully her star is if she would just fade from general consciousness we could turn our collective attention to what is happening to our democracy.

  65. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I wonder why C4P isn't trying to spin this box office report. Usually they get right on it.

  66. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "dumber than a box of Palins" Thanks, 6:45 PM. I'm going to steal that.

  67. Ratfish9:07 AM

    Really? I mean, who would pay to see Mes Stapleton, Gene Therrialut, Kristen Cole, Marty Rutherford, and other Stepford people obediently read their lines for the QUITTER.

    Who? No one.

    How's that comeback through the movie treatin' ya, Sarah?

  68. Gasman9:50 AM

    So, after their big, giant, MASSIVE effort to mobilize the army of Palin supporters, they can manage only $5,000 in the whole country? That would have been a feeble effort in a single theater; for the nation that clearly demonstrates just how flaccid this movement actually is.

    I think a bunch of us predicted just such a massive failure would occur.

    Damn, it's fun to be right!

  69. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Interesting video on how few people have not made up their minds on the Quitter:

  70. Anonymous1:42 PM

    $arah's mini political campaign movie ad BOMBED. BOMBED, yea buddy.

  71. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Who? $arah who?

  72. The wicked witch is dead, long live Gryphen! You betcha!

  73. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sarah made herself inconsequential by not staying in office or at least running for another office.
    Nobody is going to ask her to be the candidate for the Republicans, unless the Kochs make the party take her.

    She is not wealthy enough to have any major impact on a national level on her own strengths.
    Being a feral conservative opinionator...oops, rogue "...", gives lots of freedom to express one's self but also makes one smell at least a little gamey and to collect fleas, and ticks, so to speak.

    She claims to speak for the Tea Party but the Tea Party isn't actually a Party or an organization or anything else.

    Sarah is a very unpleasant very unChrist like person who becomes less liked as people see and read more about her. She is also one dimensional which makes for boring TV and movies and public appearances.

    With her partial move to Arizona and not holding any high office in Alaska any longer, more and more Alaskans are willing to speak out about what she is truly like, and what she and her family are, truly, which is, ugly, and vicious.

    Who are her friends and allies? I mean real friends, real allies. She has none.

    She has alienated many former friends, supporters, mentors and allies, like McCain and his staff.
    However much of a doofus McCain has become, he has powerful long time connections who could have been grooming and guiding Palin. But she chose to dis his whole campaign also too his family, just for good measure.

    Ugly, vicious, and now inconsequential.

    She has learned nothing that would make her a better leader or organizer since the summer of 2008. In fact quite the opposite, she is a divider not a joiner, a dictator not a uniter, even within her own party, assuming she actually has a party any more.

  74. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This is just sad...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.