Friday, July 22, 2011

John Boehner takes his lack of balls and goes home, essentially ending any talk of raising the debt ceiling.

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Politics is all about the negotiation, and the ability to compromise.

Hoiwever compromise requires BOTH sides be willing to give up a little something.

As far as I can tell the Teabaggers simply do NOT understand this process, and are holding the Republican party and the American people hostage until they get their way. Which by the way happens to be fundamentally impossible under the constraints they have placed on negotiations.

This is what happens when people are directed to vote by their latent racist urges and hate, instead of by their brains.

Remember many of these are the same people who believe that Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmann, have the "common sense" necessary to rescue this country from one of the very few individuals with the ability to actually solve the problems facing us today.  Which, by the way, is all we need to know about their ability to reason.


  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Everyone should be very afraid for the country with these losers in positions of power. What do they think will happen to the value of the dollar when we default? Now I'll never get my loans paid off thanks to those douchebags! If there is rioting in the streets I'll be there. Grab your torches and pitchforks, people!!
    A serious question for any bankers or people in the field of economics: what happens to investments and the stock market if the country defaults on our loans? Do I lose all of my investments?

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    One thing about all this is it will be the death of the teabaggers.Hell of a price to pay though.Congratulations to all the rwnjs,you wrecked the country.I hope you all feel better.

  3. If my mother's SS check is late I'm going to shove Boehner's balls up his ass.

  4. Anonymous6:24 PM

    What did anyone expect from the big cry baby? The Republicans and Tea Party are like a bunch of little kids having a tantrum.

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    The sad report to this story is that, as much as I am opposed to Boehner, he seems like a reasonable mensch compared to the Tea Party/Know Nothing bunch currently holding the government hostage. I can, truly, see him sitting down with Obama and attempting to hash out a compromise. An ugly compromise, perhaps, but something honoring two equals. I do think both men look beyond something other than themselves.

    Under any other circumstance, I would consider Boehner a Barabarian. In the light of these times, the members of his own party are the Lions predating upon the Christians and I find myself sympathizing with the burden he must carry, and apparently cannot resolve.

    Whom among us could?

    There is no answer to Stupid.


  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The President was kicking ass & taking names.

    Another reason we have these teahadist asses in Congress & State Governments, Democrats stayed home & whined about what they didn't get from the President. The President begged not to give the keys back; but noooo they didn't listen. Now we have a bunch of retards holding America hostage & sending us right back into the ditch.

    Oh btw DADT is officially no more. Thanks to President Barrack Hussein Obama, the Community Organizer.

  7. angela6:51 PM

    Really, Boehner is a piss poor slug of a Speaker. He must go to bed at night pissing scared of the baggers.
    The GOP is going over a cliff at full speed.

  8. laprofesora6:55 PM

    Well done, Mr. President! How refreshing to have it all explained by an adult. He explains the issues in a straightforward manner, without politics, hyperbole, or over-simplification (like Simple Scarah.)

    I wonder what poor putz has to slap Boehner out of his drunken stupor tomorrow, clean him up and get him to the WH by 11 am? Whoever it is, it sure sucks to be him.

  9. Boehner is an idiot and makes me embarassed to be an Ohioan. I can't stand his teabagging face! Cocky little jerk needs to be sent packing. There is no way you can ever convince me that man is not a racist.

  10. Olivia7:05 PM

    You said it, Mr. G.
    This is also what happens when people act on their urges to "vote 'em all out" and vote against all the incumbents without knowing what they are voting in. I am finally back to work after the state shutdown in MN and I can honestly say that the whole reason for this idiocy is the teabaggers that were voted in after promising that they would concentrate on creating jobs and preventing sharia law. What they concentrated on was limiting abortion, birth control, stem cell research, gay rights and cutting taxes for rich people, along with trying to institute Christian Sharia law.One of our best friends in Congress (Oberstar) was voted out and they voted in a carpetbagger (Cravaack) who is moving his family from Minnesota to New Hampshire. WTF?
    So for those people who are again shouting "vote "em all out", please people, pay attention to what you are voting FOR!

  11. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Look what Greta posted, the same hour it was announced that a home-grown christianist RWNJ murdered 80 young liberals in Norway.

    "Lame Duck President
    by Sarah Palin on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 7:11pm
    After listening to the President’s press conference today, let’s keep in mind the following:

    This is the same president who proposed an absurdly irresponsible budget that would increase our debt by trillions of dollars, and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in over 800 days! This is the same president who is pushing our country to the brink because of his reckless spending on things like the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus” boondoggle. This is the same president who ignored his own debt commission’s recommendations and demonized the voices of fiscal sanity who proposed responsible plans to reform our entitlement programs and rein in our dangerous debt trajectory. This is the same president who wanted to push through an increase in the debt ceiling that didn’t include any cuts in government spending! This is the same president who wants to slam Americans with tax hikes to cover his reckless spending, but has threatened to veto a bill proposing a balanced budget amendment. This is the same president who hasn’t put forward a responsible plan himself, but has rejected reasonable proposals that would tackle our debt. This is the same president who still refuses to understand that the American electorate rejected his big government agenda last November. As I said in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Tax Day Tea Party rally, “We don’t want it. We can’t afford it. And we are unwilling to pay for it.”

    Now the President is outraged because the GOP House leadership called his bluff and ended discussions with him because they deemed him an obstruction to any real solution to the debt crisis.

    He has been deemed a lame duck president. And he is angry now because he is being treated as such.

    His foreign policy strategy has been described as “leading from behind.” Well, that’s his domestic policy strategy as well. Why should he be surprised that he’s been left behind in the negotiations when he’s been leading from behind on this debt crisis?

    Thank you, GOP House leaders. Please don’t get wobbly on us now.

    2012 can’t come soon enough."

    This is SO IRRESPONSIBLE. I truly feel that Ms Palin serves the Dark Side...and that life is becoming more and more like a Tolkien novel. The 'lines are being drawn.'

  12. Anonymous7:10 PM

    So now Sarah has weighed in... She is so filled with hate that it literally shouts off the page.

  13. @ merrycricket 6:55 pm

    I think Boehner's heart is in the right place (with his convictions). And I think he and POTUS get along better than either could politically admit.

    Check out the info TPM collected on his predecessor from a FOIA request. Donald Lukens died last year, but he was an arrogant, corrupt, sexual predator

  14. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Who says the GOP doesn't believe in gay marriage? Johnny has two daddies...and their names are Eric and Grover.

  15. Anonymous7:41 PM

    If the Republicans can't rule the country, they really don't care if there even IS a country.

    Oh, and Anon @ 7:07 - Sarah Palin has been deemed a fucking retard.

  16. Anonymous7:44 PM

    So I see the Coward Ass Bitch, Princess Dumbass hides behind Greta's pantsuit with some ghostwritten BS.

    Listen Psycho Bitch from Wasilla, Shut the Fuck Up. You are irrelevant. No one gives a fuck about your Karl Rove manufactured talking points anymore.

  17. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I absolutely find the "dug in and not giving an inch" attitude beyond the pale immature and certainly not the way a democracy works. Boehner is intent on taking this county apart. There has been no give on raising taxes or cutting back Pentagon spending. I am beginning to blame Obama for not pressing on in this regard. Missile Defense in Alaska should be the first thing on the block and I say "good riddance."

  18. emrysa7:51 PM

    gryphen, I feel that it is important to be consistent.

    I didn't like it when dubya raised the debt ceiling 4 times, and I don't like it when obama wants to raise it once.

    most of these fuckers have no problem with shit like this when their party does it, but they bitch about it when the other party does it.

    MOST of the people who are complaining about raising the debt ceiling had NO PROBLEM with dubya doing it - even supported him doing it four times. but now these same people have a problem with obama doing it.

    I don't like it either way, but just want to point out that the "conservatives" who have a problem with raising the debt ceiling are bonafide HYPOCRITES.

  19. Beldar Hypocrisy Coehnhead7:52 PM

    Perhaps John Boner is a sad sack of shit loser douchebag, but all you screechy wretch haters who claim she's stupid and has no policy ideas may owe her an apology. Check out this rather brilliant policy suggestion to deal with the debt limit impasse in Washington:

    As a proud common sense conservative real American former governor of a state which can rise upwards majestically to tall mountains that soar above and down into valleys of people and wildlife and that resource extraction living together peacefully. I must for the good of the citizens of this exceptional nation of great people and for all the great founding fathers whose faith and determination and patriotism with their muskets and that gunpowder dealing with a budget crisis failing from leadership of both parties but really mostly the party of the president.

    That policy I announce today will be called "Beep, Bop & Boop". It's a simple plan from simple minds for solving simple problems in a way that appeals to simple people. Simple, right? And to be solving the greatest crisis we now experience since that previous crisis we all remember so well, today, yesterday and also into tomorrow. How does my plan work?

    Yes, it works! Step 1, "Beep" to signify the honking of the horns of our great nation's automobiles and also the motorcycles ridden to honor our great veterans of so many wars and conflicts across this great land. To show the lamestream media, yes!, we're angry and want a solution to this great country's problems of deficits and also debt which may affect and cost jobs thru higher taxes and rationing of health care.

    Step 2: "Bop" to show that solidarity of the American conservative and other people willing to strike directly at the problems of that land of ours caused by socialism and community organizers of all races, colors, creeds and religions, because of our great freedoms in this great land.

    And finally Step 3: "Boop" to remind all of the exceptional peoples of this great and exceptional nation founded on great principles of freedoms can come together to solve a problem as one nation and "BOOP!!" the problem is solved including many world wars, especially the One and also the Two and many other problems solved without the raising of the taxes on the wealthy and the killing of the job creators. So, in closing America, remember: "BEEP, "BOP", "BOOP"!! Let's solve this problem TOGETHER!!!

    Ain't she somethin'?

  20. emrysa7:56 PM

    oh, forgot to point out:

    the only reason that the debt ceiling was raised 4 times under dubya and now needs to be raised under obama is - WAR.

    WAR - WAR - WAR - WAR - WAR

    fuck war and fuck all the assholes who support it.

  21. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Simple truth:

    Boehner can't control the tea party folks and no one can. They are a fungus growing on the foot of America. Cantor thinks he can---if he disposes of Boehner.

    It'll never happen.

    Malcontents are just that...malcontent.

  22. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I am sure the rant Greta posted came directly from the keyboard of Sarah Our Princess of Perpetual Victimhood. More than likely RAM (Becky the Hutt) wrote that.

  23. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Republicans and Tea party= cry babies.

  24. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Biggest slimeballs in this country right now in order

    Rush Limbaugh
    Sean Hannity
    Sarah Palin

    notice none are elected officials but the GOP doesn't make a move without their consent

  25. Anonymous9:18 PM

    No, 6:55 - Bo[eh]ner isn'th the cocky little jerk - that would be Can'ter. Or Ryan. Or that idiot misogynist Allen West.

    Bo[eh]ner is a Republican, but a politician tat knows how to compromise, negotiate, etc. However, he has no room to do so, with the debt n one side and the idiot 'baggers on t'other.

  26. Anonymous9:22 PM

    The GOP totally blew this & they know it.

    Sarah Palin who? The one who quit her elected job because it was too hard? She has the wrong definition of "lame duck"! She is so stupid she doesn't know how to use the term correctly!

  27. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Uh, Beldar - does it hurt to do that? Or do you just buy the brain bleach by the tanker truck?

  28. Anonymous9:23 PM

    14th amendment solution, please.

  29. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Beldar, please lock the BEEP-BOP-BOOPer in a padded cell and throw away the key. Buh bye, Quitteresse.

  30. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Anon 7:52 OMG...ROTFLMAO!!! I can't breathe. Help me jeebus!

  31. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Boehner is scared of the tea potty - what an idiot he is!

  32. Anonymous9:37 PM

    You and your readers need to check out the searing article written by Matt Taibi in Rolling Stone about Boehner...its a must read to understand this asshole. This is Eric Cantor's chance to get his job and hopefully the country, esp the really dumb ones that voted in the tea party know nothings and these horrible Republican governors really see how elections have consequenses. Wisconsin figured it out...after reading the article about ALEC, it all seems so very clear. I thank everyday Obama feels the calling he does.

  33. Anonymous10:02 PM

    The ONLY good thing about seeing our economy go into a tailspin, will be if it finally drives home to even the most dimwitted citizen, that the Teabagger philosophy is completely wrong...and the consequences of letting them hold the steering wheel, is the same as letting a two year old do so.

    But, WATCH: they will somehow construe this to be a "librul plot" (just like how Rush Limbaugh just blamed the nation's heatwave on the Obama government.)

    So, I'm afraid that even taking their money away, will not educate those who are beyond help.

  34. Anonymous10:12 PM

    According to news reports, Boehner refused to take the president's phone calls. That's bad. He should be fired.

  35. During periods of unemployment and economic difficulties countries usually increase assistance to the poor. The reason is not out of kindness, it is to keep civil unrest down. Until we start agitating on mass they will continue to take from the middle and working classes. The increases in welfare in the 1960s was due to the protesting and rioting, not because those running the government suddenly felt compassionate towards the poor. Back then the state did all kinds of manipulations to keep certain parts of the population from getting welfare. They have to know cutting medical care and social security will cause people to rise up, so what are their intentions? Why would Obama agree to cut these programs now of all times? Why did they wait until almost the last damn minute to start the negotiations?
    Next month the elderly will get their SS checks because they are all issued on the 1st. SS disability is issued on Wednesdays according last name so many disabled may not get their checks.

  36. Anonymous12:35 AM

    America has become a Forrest Gump movie.
    Run, Sarah, run!
    Stop, Boehner, stop!

  37. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Obama Gets A Hickory Stick And Takes The GOP To The Woodshed

    After John Boehner quit on the debt ceiling talks, President Obama delivered a lashing to the entire Republican Party that will definitely leave a mark.


    This was a masterful use of the bully pulpit, by a president who often gets criticized by those on the left and right for not showing enough emotion. At this press conference, Obama showed more than emotion. He revealed where his heart is. This president is trying to protect the most vulnerable members of our society, and those who are hurting in this recession.

    The message was clear and powerful. Republicans want to cut the deficit by hurting those who are most in need of our help. Republicans are more interested in playing politics than reducing the debt. Republicans are cowards who refuse to make the tough decisions. Most importantly, his message to average Americans was I am here working for you. I am willing to make the tough decisions, and take the heat from my own party for uncomfortable compromises.

    Not only did Obama position himself as working for the American people, but he painted the Republicans as Washington politicians who are beholden to their ideology and special interests.

    Republicans could have had trillions of dollars in spending cuts, but as the minutes tick away it is looking more and more like they will have to raise the debt ceiling and get nothing. The GOP now has two options. They can raise the debt ceiling with no spending cuts, or they can allow the country to default and be blamed for another collapse of the American economy.

    Obama has not only won the political battle over the debt ceiling, but he has exposed the GOP as deficit frauds. If Republicans don’t agree to cut spending and increase revenues, they will have given Obama the ability to run for reelection in 2012 as the only candidate who is serious about lowering the deficit.

    Republicans ached for this fight over the debt ceiling, but the thought never occurred to them that President Obama would take them to the woodshed and beat them within an inch of their lives.

    Obama may end up getting everything he wanted and giving up nothing.

    He is the best politician in the country, and this press conference illustrated why even with a bad economy, he leads every potential Republican nominee in the polls.

  38. Anonymous2:19 AM

    A part of what is going on that I haven't seen discussed is the ability of a country to feed its urban populations and to support its own food producers, farmers and ranchers in the face of a truly major depression.

    Since money is largely fictional, built on the trust that parties doing business with one another will live up to their obligations in goods, services or money, when the trust is gone, money becomes useless, investments become what they really are, blind trust.

    We saw a small part of what happens to the economic chain or cycle in Georgia where food crops are left unharvested.
    There, the reason was the lack of stoop labor to pick the crops because of laws against illegals.

    So the food is lost and those farmers income is lost. And the decision to invest in next year's crops or herd is problematic if not impossible. A link was broken in the food chain and little food reached the market.

    Any serious economic break down strains and breaks links in the chain that finances farmers and ranchers to plant corps and grow herds, also all the steps that finally facilitate that food getting to the "captive" urban population that now dominates in this country.

    It is not just the lack of income that creates deprivations and starvation. It is the breaking down of the whole economic engine.
    Once broken it takes a long time to reestablish all the links of the economic chain, especially an economy's trust in money. It takes even longer for the average person to recover, if ever.

  39. Seen at Sea of Pee

    Fox News polls tend to be slanted towards Obama. The Gallup Tracking Poll shows Obama sinking.
    If this result were true then Obama's numbers would be going up in Gallup's tracking poll.

  40. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Just how far will the people like the Kochs and Murdochs push this process?

    They may be less ruined in the end than the average person but their empires will implode along with everybody else's.

    Surely they realize that, and presumably they intend to pick up, on the cheap, ruined businesses, cheap property and stocks that get dumped, as I did in 2002, in a last ditch effort ot same something of what had been my financial future, a future that went from comfortable middle class to deep deep poverty once I can no longer work.

    Are they really willing to risk everything to come out the other end of this as rulers of the world, literally?

    If being as rich a the Pharohs is that important to them that they will destroy the economy of the world, then they are truly as insane as Hitler or any other dictator.

  41. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Reagan raised Debt Ceiling 17 times

    "Ronald Reagan was a strong conservative. But Ronald Reagan said that there were important times for compromise for the good of the country," Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee, said at the Capitol on Friday.

    "The debt ceiling was raised 17 times when Ronald Reagan was president, and as Alan Simpson – former Sen. Simpson said – that when push came to shove, Reagan agreed 11 times to packages that included revenue for the good of the country, for the good of compromise."

  42. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Another reason we have these teahadist asses in Congress & State Governments, Democrats stayed home & whined about what they didn't get from the President.
    6:43 PM

    Two questions.

    What homes?

    Are you really implying that Democrats, or more specifically liberals and progressives did not vote for liberal or progressive candidates?


  43. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This is the same president ....and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in over 800 days!
    7:05 PM

    Try listening to a real news source.
    Or reading up on how our government works.

    The WH presents the annual budget ever year. It tends to run to a thousand pages or more. Lots of work goes into that budged. Real news sources discuss it for months.

    That budget is formulated with the help and input of the President's party leaders and anybody else the President chooses to include in the discussions.

    Parts of that budget plan are also a large part of the State of the Union address. That is one of the reasons it is call "The State of" the Union.

    The biggest problem with
    this country isn't the economy, it is the bald faced stupidity of the Republicans. Many of whom are holding public positions of responsibility, and like Palin had and still have not idea with the VP does, or what the mayor, or state rep. or national senator etc. does in their job.

    Republicans, are Americans, who can brainlessly repeat the PR mantra that there has been no Democratic or WH budget in 800 days. And that is truly scary.

  44. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Boehner is weak and listens to Eric Cantor and the baggers; he absolutely has no balls whatsoever and cries at the drop of a hat.

    Nancy Pelosi is a tiger and Boehner is a little mouse; she should have ate him long ago.

  45. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Unfortunately I live in Utah. I've been reading the comments on the local news covering the walk-out. Overwhelmingly, they believe the GOP is correct and think it is the Democrats who WANT to cut SS benefits.

    How the GOP get to define tax loop holes as raising taxes - I don't get it. Paying to subsidize school lunches for poor students (or other type of subsidies for poverty level) is bad policy (for GOP), but paying to subsidize the cost of jet fuel for people who own their own private jets is good. The GOP calls their tax subsidized benefits as raising taxes, but when it comes to the programs for the poor it is call spending.

    How is it not "spending" to provide these tax incentives for special projects?

    How is restoring the former tax rate after the "temporarily" tax break is raising taxes? Coupons expire, sales end, specials are time limited - and it is time to return to the original tax rate.

    People I work with actually believe in their hearts that it is Obama who wants to cut their social security benefits (they are senior citizens who are still working) and it is the GOP who has their best interest at heart. They believe it is Obama who wants to cut their health benefits from Medicare. Some how they believe (with as little income as they have) that it is the GOP who is watching out for them to allow them to keep their paychecks.

  46. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I am outraged by the behavior of the Republican party. This is no way to run a country.

    I don't understand how they can keep ignoring the will of the American people.

  47. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Keep in mind that the Republicans need for deficits and debts to stay high in order to win more elections. If the problem was to actually be solved, or at least meaningfully mitigated, they would lose one of their trump cards for the 2012 elections. Granted, they still have the high unemployment rates, and their endless petty social grievances, but they've made the debts and deficits their centerpiece.

    So I think Obama asked a legitimate question in his recent press conference: are Republicans really serious about lowering these debts or are they just using the issue for political purposes? (I give him props for showing extraordinary restraint in posing this as a question rather than the obvious fact that it's the latter.)

  48. Anonymous6:10 AM

    On every single fucking issue, the Republicans have the dreariest, most depressing can't-do vision for this country.

  49. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Republicans are also now coming out against Obama's policy to have the automakers raise gas mileage standards to 56 miles per gallon. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to drive a car that gets that kind of mileage???

    Anything that would be a quantum leap in progress for this country, the Republicans are consistently against.

  50. Beldar Chlorine Conehead9:29 AM

    Gryphen, before they get all compromisey and stuff wouldnt it be better to at least give "reloading with reality" a little more time to work? Dont forget it was "reloading with reality" that built the legendary Titanic, the 2 mile high Pyramid of Pittsburgh and the 2008 GOP presidential ticket.

  51. Anonymous7:22 PM

    People are giving the orange crying man too much credit. He didn't even have the cajones to answer the President's phone call, one of his "Aides" spoke to Obama on his behalf, delaying the time of the meeting.
    Then orange crying wimpy man whines that Obama moved the goal post.

    Watch the clip Gryphen provides, Obama clearly is playing a masterful game of chess, while Boehner, Cantor, Won'tor, et all, are cheating at checkers, sitting back in their chair and demanding "king me"

    Take you checkers, and put them where the sun don't shine. Boehner states he took the same oath as the President, well if he did, he clearly had his testicles crossed as he took that oath.

    President Obama clearly put this mess exactly where it belongs, squarely on the spineless leadership displayed by Boehner.

    There will be hell to pay, and the people aren't going to let this one go. The GOP's obstuction and refusal to compromise or even debate the issue is hurting everyone, especially veterans, the poor, the disabled, and elderly.

  52. Anonymous7:27 PM

    ABSOLUTELY must read!

    Especially Boehner and the GOP.

  53. Anonymous8:45 PM

    If this isn't terrorism, then I don't know what is.


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