Saturday, September 10, 2011

The first reviews of Nick Broomfield's "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!" are in! Update!

Courtesy of the Guardian:

For its first third, Nick Broomfield's documentary feels worthy of a toast by the Tea Party. Our bumbling Brit, gamely kitted out in red-check lumberwear, heads to Wasilla, Alaska, where he's charmed by Sarah Palin's parents – plus Chuck, their antler-sucking puppy – and nods politely at gasps of adoration from wide-eyed Palin pals. 

He and his subject even seem to hit it off when Broomfield requests an interview at a book-signing: "You betcha!" is her dazzle-grinned reply. 

Such apparent eagerness to be amiable only makes the last hour the more devastating. As Broomfield encounters more and more local people, and his requests for interviews are batted away with increasing energy, so the picture of a woman who appears to have made more enemies that most of us have seen episodes of the Sopranos sharpens into focus. 

One after another classmates and relatives come forward to grind axes and shiver at the prospect of a Palin presidency. They're joined by former campaign managers, chief strategists, PR agents, mentors, preachers and policemen, all singing from the same hymn sheet: Palin's ruthlessness and venom for revenge knows little limit. 

You Betcha! works too as a portrait of how place can produce personalities: Wasilla is a defensive, isolated community where even Palin's detractors vote Republican, wear stars and stripes braces, and keep their beauty queen tiaras wrapped carefully in cake tins. It's a city where prom-queen politics can bleed far into adulthood, and one man's theory about how Palin still acts like "the most popular pre-teen girl" rings right when you hear her giggle at enemies being insulted, or watch her chew gum. It's the stuff of high school horror movies: can you stop the most popular girl in school from stabbing you in the back?

Now does that sound like the Sarah Palin that we all know and loath or what?

Tomorrow the film will have its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.  There will be few "boots on the ground" there on behalf of IM readers so fairly soon afterward we should be able to read reviews from those who are well versed in the personality and bizarre behaviors of Sarah Louise Palin.

On a similar note I am supposed to be receiving an update on Fred's babygate book so you can all look forward to learning a little more about that in the near future as well.

It has been a great summer, and it looks like the fall will be equally satisfying for all of us who have been anxiously awaiting the end to the Grizzled Mama's reign of terror.

Update: The LA Times has a review as well.

The sum total of Broomfield's research — whether with a former Wasilla mayor (and Palin mentor), a fired legislative advisor or a town gossip who was once close to the Palins and Heaths — is of a personality who can turn quickly and decisively against her allies and sees the world in strict with-us-or-against-us terms. 

What first might strike some filmgoers as a matter of standard political maneuvering soon becomes more pathological. As Stephen Schmidt, the John McCain advisor who initially advised choosing Palin for the ticket but wound up souring on her, says, Palin has "40 or 50 or 60 feuds" going at any one time. 

Broomfield's approach of talking mainly to enemies (perhaps not by design, since her current allies were surely not running around giving interviews to him) can give the sense of a stacked deck. Still, the very fact at Palin has so many enemies in the first place, and from within her own campaign and party, is telling. (Broomfield juxtaposes a lot of these interviews with an attempt to sketch out Palin's belief system from her church and other affiliations; those moments pack less punch.) 

At the end of this review the critic mentions that this documentary may suffer due to the fact that Palin is no longer considered a viable Presidential candidate and that her influence is waning dramatically. And that is a valid observation.

I recently suffered a rather  pointed attack from some who are usually on my side of the fence after I wrote that I thought Palin might be suffering poor health as well as a potential mental breakdown, and then again when I suggested that her participation in the half marathon race in Iowa was very likely staged. (By the way that remains my opinion today.)

At first I must admit that I was quite surprised at the blow back, but then I realized that the people who were the most upset at me were those who had a financial interest in Palin remaining a viable Presidential candidate or influential force in politics.  They weren't concerned that I was wrong, they were concerned that I was right.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Hope MSM gives it coverage on TV and HBO picks it up too?

    Sarah ... a tidal wave of bad press is coming your way.

  2. Virginia Voter6:18 AM

    If this comes anywhere near the DC area, I'm there. Anyone else in?

  3. I am amused as anyone by the antics of the half term governor and her skanky family. However on reflection, the entire saga, since the day McCain unleashed them on the world, is highly depressing in that the MSM and one of our political parties consider her a serious person. What has become of our country?

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    as they say in the review, nothing new here.

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Let's hope that the media does its job and doesn't dismiss this film as just another unfair attack on Palin. The last thing we need to hear is that she is once again cast as the poor victim and excused from any and all revelations brought to light by Broomfield.

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The Fall will, indeed be filled with joy by many of those (me included) wil relish every moment watching the Fall of this has been washed out sorry excuse for a human.
    Hopefully, but not counting on it yet, the mainstream media will finally uncover the veil and shatter the "mistique" Sarah Palin and her loyal faithfull have perpetuated on American Politics, and the standing of our country in the eyes of the world.

    Yes, Virginia Voter, If this movie plays anywhere on the east coast, I'll gladly join everyone.

    I feel like a kid the weeks before Christmas, Hopefully things will turn in favor of our President, watching his rise is the cherry on the sundae! Something to be saved and savored.

    Life is good, people!!!

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The more bad press the better. Rick Perry is much more dangerous. He needs to be stopped. Texans come forward and expose him for the crook he is. My family lives in Texas and they hate Perry. Texas has many gas wells and companies are allowed to put them right in peoples back yards. He has ruined the beautiful state of Texas.

  8. Balzafiar6:49 AM

    We are all awaiting more word on Fred's book and we certainly would like to hear more -- much more -- from Anon238 even if he/she only turns their notes over to Gryphen as they indicated they might do.

  9. barney6:52 AM

    Sarah is the biggest laugh of all, Fox is playing her and she is eating it up; what a stupid uneducated woman.

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Wonder if the Bear Tooth Theatre in Anchorage will run it? - Full house, you betcha!

  11. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Here's a few more:

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Palin is indeed a study in the relational aggression that characterizes per-pubescence. One wonders if she has slept with any of Bristle's ex's to help her get back at them.

  13. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The film’s more substantive investigation into Palin is wanting of new material. While it’s surprising that the British filmmakers get ample camera time with Palin’s parents, Chuck and Sarah, many of the film’s other interview subjects have axes to grind against Palin, which makes them far from reliable. The fact that Broomfield brings up stories from the National Inquirer suggests how little dirt he has on the former Vice Presidential candidate.

    But he does have one strong argument: A chorus of voices, too many to be discounted, bring up Palin’s “you’re-with-us-or-against-us” attitude that lead to innumerable firings and feuds throughout her political career. In a phrase heard repeatedly throughout the film, Alaskan State Republican Senator Lyda Green says she wants to write a book about Palin called “Under the Bus” for the number of people that Palin has used and then thrown away. There’s some strong supporting testimony in this regard from former Palin supporter John Bitney and Walt Monegan, a man who was fired over the so-called “Troopergate” scandal, and who legitimately seems to have been railroaded by Palin.

  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Woo Hoo! And many thanks go to you, dear Gryphen, for keeping the pressure on - while entertaining us in the process. No mean feat.

    The idea of "nothing new" is just not useful. Anyone who believed that only a particular gate was going to bring her down - as the result of new information coming to light - is being rigid. What do we care how she is stopped, honestly?

    The point is that she be stopped, period. It's going to be a combination of things probably, and the slow erosion from the drip drip drip of bad publicity will have a cumulative effect to achieve the same ends.

    Whether all the truths of Sarah Palin's life will ever see the light of day remains to be seen.

  15. Anonymous7:07 AM

    'What first might strike some filmgoers as a matter of standard political maneuvering soon becomes more pathological. As Stephen Schmidt, the John McCain advisor who initially advised choosing Palin for the ticket but wound up souring on her, says, Palin has "40 or 50 or 60 feuds" going at any one time.

    Broomfield's approach of talking mainly to enemies (perhaps not by design, since her current allies were surely not running around giving interviews to him) can give the sense of a stacked deck. Still, the very fact at Palin has so many enemies in the first place, and from within her own campaign and party, is telling. (Broomfield juxtaposes a lot of these interviews with an attempt to sketch out Palin's belief system from her church and other affiliations; those moments pack less punch.)

    When it comes to landing the big fish, Broomfield tends to practice a Michael Moore approach--he turns abortive attempts to land an interview into its a kind of theater. He did this to hilarious effect with Courtney Love in the 1998 cult hit "Kurt and Courtney" before eventually landing a damning on-the-fly interview.

    Here, using the same clueless deadpan that elicited laughter a number of times from the Toronto audience, Broomfield succeeds in meeting her in public forums a few times. But he only gets one question off, at an event in Oklahoma where he shouts from the back of the room a question about whether she believes her political career is over (clip below). Palin hesitates, then gestures to all the people who've attended as counter-evidence.

    Still, it's hard to escape the the feeling that, for all its entertainment value and even some of its insight, "Sarah Palin: You Betcha" is a little bit out of date; it's quickly clear Palin doesn't have nearly the political stature she did when this film was being shot. Broomfield seems to acknowledge this at the end even as he expresses worry over what a Palin White House would look like. We don't suppose he'll be working on a Rick Perry film anytime soon?'

  16. All you folks still interested in that Storm Lake race "Sarah Heath" is said to have run all 13.1 miles, the pictures are up and posted.

    The first view of "Sarah Heath" can be seen in this photo, IMG_2488.

    I'm still going through them...will post others if I find more.

  17. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Who Said It: Perry or Palin?

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    He has ruined the beautiful state of Texas.

    I don't think that would take much

  19. Anonymous7:18 AM

    6:47, sorry to say but Texans ruined Texas. They're the ones who voted Perry and other environmental nightmares into office. They have no one but themselves to blame. You get exactly what you vote for.

  20. Just finished looking at the available photos of the 9/4/11 Storm Lake race...

    No other glimpses seen of "Sarah Heath". A lot of the photos are pretty crappy, because the photographer was taking pictures of runners in tree shadow with the bright lake background behind them.

    I don't think ALL of the photos have been posted yet, because there's only a half dozen posted of the finish line.

  21. Anonymous7:23 AM

    What happened to "It's Me Again"? She had so much more to say and has not been heard from in ages.

  22. I would have ended the piece with "the Grizzled Mama's reign of error."

    But "terror" is okay, too. :-)

  23. Anonymous7:48 AM

    ¨Ã„vatar¨ was the last movie I went to a theater to see for it´s 3D effects and all. I´ll go to a theater to watch this one.

    To date the most gratifying part of sarah´s demise has been the many photos recording the deterioration of her physical appearance.

    She is vain about her appearance in public but shamed about it in private.

  24. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Chuck named the puppy after himself??? Definitely raises the question whether Narcissistic Personality Disorder is inheritable and/or environment (nature vs nurture).

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Could "it's me again" be Joe Mc?

  26. Anonymous7:51 AM

    @6:52am barney said...
    Sarah is the biggest laugh of all, Fox is playing her and she is eating it up; what a stupid uneducated woman.
    Barney, I agree with some of this. Sarah IS the biggest laugh of all, no doubt. And Fox DID play her up but more importantly Fox played her out, used her up. She looks like a washed up old hag, and that is because SP has been used by the very people she was using.
    Now, I think, Roger Ailes has grown tired of her (remember Glenn Beck?) and she doesnt create the same ratings boost for Fox. You can see it in her interviews, that SHE HAS TO DO THEM....CONTRACTUALLY!! It shows too. She looks haggard. She does not have the "fire in the belly"....ugh.
    She has backed herself into a corner and she has burned all of her bridges. Now she is truly stuck with her bridge to nowhere. hahaha
    I, too, revel in her undoing. It's about fucking time!!!
    What a glorious fall it is going to be...

  27. Anonymous7:54 AM

    With apologies to David Byrne, I think I've discovered the new theme song for Scarah's crazy tour:


    We're on a road to nowhere
    Come on inside
    Takin' that ride to nowhere
    We'll take that ride

    I'm feelin' okay this mornin'
    And you know,
    We're on the road to paradise
    Here we go, here we go


    Maybe you wonder where you are
    I don't care
    Here is where time is on our side
    Take you there...take you there

    We're on a road to nowhere
    We're on a road to nowhere
    We're on a road to nowhere

    There's a city in my mind
    Come along and take that ride
    and it's all right, baby, it's all right

    And it's very far away
    But it's growing day by day
    And it's all right, baby, it's all right

    They can tell you what to do
    But they'll make a fool of you
    And it's all right, baby, it's all right

    .....I tried to embed the video, but maybe you can't do that on disqus...but if you can watch it, it explains Scarah's past and the future she wants to take us to in an incredibly succinct manner.

    'Bridge to Nowhere'/'Road to Nowhere' betcha'!

  28. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Woohoo! The LA Times review leads with the word "pathological". At last, truth in labeling for our Sarah!

  29. Anonymous7:57 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Let's hope that the media does its job and doesn't dismiss this film as just another unfair attack on Palin. The last thing we need to hear is that she is once again cast as the poor victim and excused from any and all revelations brought to light by Broomfield.

    6:40 AM'

    Who cares if she wants to be a professional victim? That victim line runs silly, insensitive and ignorant before, during and after the az massacre.

    Aint nobody more victim than those innocent people.


  30. It says volumes that so many people are posting as "Anonymous" -- to say anything against SP or her bots.

    Sad day for America when she appeared on the political scene and sexily gave voice to what too many uneducation/bigotted Americans think is now a validation of their meanness and fear of Other. They feel authorized to retaliate against voices of reason.

  31. Anonymous7:59 AM

    For those that think she's toast and all the books and movies yet to come out will be rendered obsolete - many on the right think she'd make a great energy secretary or some other appointed position. All facts need to be laid out now, even if you think it's not worth the effort.

    And then, there will be the other wingnuts to shine the light of day on. Lots of work to do!!

  32. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Last paragraph of the LA Times review says it all:

    "Still, it's hard to escape the the feeling that, for all its entertainment value and even some of its insight, "Sarah Palin: You Betcha" is a little bit out of date; it's quickly clear Palin doesn't have nearly the political stature she did when this film was being shot. Broomfield seems to acknowledge this at the end even as he expresses worry over what a Palin White House would look like. We don't suppose he'll be working on a Rick Perry film anytime soon?'

    Nope, she does NOT have nearly the political stature as when it was shot. She is now consigned to the bargain basement with crazelebrities like Courtney Love!

    And this is no doubt why Joe McG is freaking out: he missed his market.

  33. I was wrong about whether ALL the Storm Lake race pictures were posted -- the linkages from one photo to another, and from one thumbnails to full size to another is a bit wonky.

    There are 13 pages of photos, 207 photos, and "Sarah Heath" is seen in only one, obviously at the beginning of the race.

    Note the L-O-N-G shadows for the runners at the finish line, in the last dozen or so of the photos, and compare again to that posed pic of the water-splashed "Sarah Heath".

    What a fake she is.

  34. P.S. Anonymous who was asking about where "It's Me Again" is?

    It's just my opinion, but I think "It's Me Again" is a red herring. Or rather, ANOTHER red herring.

  35. Anonymous8:05 AM

    One wonders if she has slept with any of Bristle's ex's to help her get back at them.


    This makes no sense. The kids friends like Sarah.

  36. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I wonder how many people lied in this.

  37. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Anti-Texas sentiments expressed here are just so boring! Those of us who live in Texas and worked against Bush and Perry and for Bill White and Barack Obama really find it amusing to see such comments on an Alaskan blogger's site who opposes Sarah Palin.

    Is this blog not the proof of the exception?

  38. Anonymous8:20 AM

    And Gryphen takes his frist swing, bam! Team Gryphen!

  39. Anonymous 8:05

    I have never seen the skank family children with friends. They are only seen with family members and Bristol certainly does not have any boys chasing her.

  40. Anonymous8:26 AM

    OMT-- The msm won't even ask moosewoman why she isn't wearing her wedding band for fear that it will be interpeted as a gotcha question. No wonder the msm won't pick up on any gates, too much work.


  41. Anonymous8:33 AM

    So let's see, that is going to be at least 2 tomatoes for "You Betcha" compared with the still ZERO tomatoes for "The Undefeated" (The Sarah Palin version, not the John Wayne version, which did better.)

  42. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I want to see this movie.
    Sometimes the wall gets built on brick at a time. Even if Broomfield didn't get the interview with Palin.

    But if Boomfield had gotten his interview with the half governor he could have asked her about this interview with Greta V.S. on October 8, 2008.

    Watch the video

    On October 10, 2008 the Alaska Legislative Council Troopergate investigation concluded, the legislature voted to release the Branchflower report that day. Any doubts this interview was given to get out in front of Branchflower? Any doubts she is speaking the truth when she says" "sometimes it gets personal, sometimes it gets political"?

    Transcript from TPM

    VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Let me make one last sort of -- of question sort of like that, but what's the most agonizing decision that you had to make as governor, the one that's toughest for you?

    PALIN: Whenever an issue has to deal with personnel, whether to keep someone on or whether to ask them to step aside so someone else can come in and take their place because, you know, sometimes it gets personal, sometimes it gets political. But replacing someone in a cabinet, sometimes that's agonizing, but you got to do what you got to do. Putting the people who hired you first, you got to make sure you have the right team around you so that you can best serve.

    The half governor forgot to say 'Sometimes Todd and I hafta git even with our enemies. You Betcha'. Or maybe Greta did her husband's client a favor and left that on the cutting room floor.

  43. Martha again8:35 AM

    I couldn't find Sarah in any other pictures except the one mentioned, either. Her below-the-knee running pants make it pretty easy to disregard the "maybe" pictures. The difference in shadow lengths between "her" picture and the official ones at the finish line is VERY significant. My hunch is that Sar didn't know that there would be pictures documenting the whole shebang and so thought she could slip another narcissistic photo fabrication onto her pile of 'em.

  44. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Thanks, KaJo, for picking up the race thread again. I had the most unusual exchange with someone on Oz Mudflats about that topic, and it told me that "some people" may be freaking out that the story might continue to get attention, even from the blogo-fringe :-).

    The pictures we have so far are just plain weird. The first one, especially. Some are seeing a seam where there may have been a splice. Lots of anomalies, and then a newspaper article appeared in IA on Thursday explaining away every single one of our questions. All extremely odd.

    I wonder if perhaps the "it's me again" person didn't start to feel uncomfortable or threatened? Wouldn't be the first time.

    The Palin gang is mafioso, remember. I am so interested that it is her ruthlessness and her desire for revenge that stands out in this film.

  45. But you are rarely right when you offer an opinion like that. ie Bristol dwts and the race

    Btw, I'd trust Lyda Green as much as Hitler. And I find it ironic that she even finds herself justified in criticizing others, as she deliberately started false rumors just because she was on the opposite side of the political fence.

    If you were to analyze the critics and weed out the liars, you'll find a very sad group of people.

  46. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Well, there's at LEAST one person I know specifically who lied out of her ass. And that's just sad. And no, it's not a governmental figure.

  47. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Hey Gryphen, is there any place to see how the "Undefeated" is doing on pay per view? I loved watching the numbers tank when it was in theaters, and it would be even more fun to see how little it's making now. Do you know of any resource like that?

  48. Anonymous8:45 AM

    About the UPDATE:
    Thing is Griffen, because you come from a semi ignorant angle on things concerning Sarah personally, it's no wonder you've been proven wrong many times. You lie about her children (believing one person? cmon), you play victim when Sarah had every right to kick you out of her signing.

    Revealing someone's political record is one thing (I wish you paid closer attention to Obama truths instead of drinking his delicious koolaid) but spreading mean rumors and telling blatant lies and NOT retracting them is immoral.

  49. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Don't you think your personal logic is a bit skewed? I mean, you can't even tell the difference between a pregnant belly and jelly rolls. AND you jump to conclusions concerning a race. Um, races, esp out of town ones, aren't fixed.

  50. hedgewytch8:56 AM

    So, I'm sitting at home last night to watch a movie on satellite after I got the kid to bed, hubby out of town, and I got the scare of my life...A commercial to order on PPV "The Undefeated". Damn, I always avoid scary things when I'm home alone at night without my man.

  51. Anonymous8:57 AM

    So these are the selfish people who felt THEY were entitled jobs just because they were friends of a local politician.

    Words to the wise (if there are any wise here):
    Ever wonder why so many lies get told in small towns? Ever wonder WHY stories become so exaggerated that the truth is forever lost? In most small towns, there exists a group of people who have nothing better to do than shoot the breeze and gossip. They pride themselves on their "town knowledge" even when they're not a close source.

    Look at the people who tell vaguely similar stories as the guy across town, yet the two have never met.

    The trouble comes from weeding out the liars, the attention hungry lackeys, and the truly vindictive jealous types. There definitely ARE jealous old school chums in this story. There definitely are vindictive, jealous liars. Those people do exist in this story and some of them talk to anti Palin press.

    I am not calling everyone a liar. I have enough sense to realize that the higher one rises in life, the higher "stepped on people" number grows. (go to Chicago. Go to DC. Except THERE youd probably get shot for questioning the uber powerful's motives)

    I wonder why no one else has received the same treatment as Sarah in the press (ok besides Hillary). She's certainly small potatoes in the "under the bus" category. Compared to actual powerful people, the Palins are a pocket knife to others' semi automatic.

    Am I wrong?

  52. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I STILL don't see how you have actual evidence she's in ill health. Sarah's never been an unhealthy person from what I remember. True, even actual anorexics can somehow push themselves through and keep their energy high, but Sarah's a naturally upbeat, energetic person who is rarely sitting still.

    This is why blogs shouldn't exaggerate. Exaggeration make small minded people believe anything.

  53. That image of Sarah Heath (photo 35 of 225) was the only one she was in. Toward the end of the race in particular she was conspicuous by her absence...go figure.

  54. Dis Gusted9:05 AM

    I'm with you gryp - the race photos were staged.

    The woman at the start of the race has a different face that SP. It's fuller, younger and prettier. The same can be said about the legs - they are muscular runner legs.

    She must have lost 40 pounds getting to the finish line. She has a lined thin face featuring sunken cheeks and weak looking flabby thighs with no muscle tone.

    Two people....

  55. "They weren't concerned that I was wrong, they were concerned that I was right."

    YES, exactly Gryphen, I couldn't agree more.

    We can still learn a lot from Palin's words and actions, but we understand that her power is on the wane.

    We don't need no stinkin' fear to motivate us. We know how to use reason instead.

  56. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I felt that the time to make money on exposing Sarah Palin was last spring but am glad for any more nails in the coffin that hold.

    Even the trolling today is half-hearted.

  57. Anonymous9:08 AM

    8:07 AM No anti-Texas here. I love TX and travel there every year to see the lovely birds and wildlife you have. That said, I stand by my words saying you ruined it by not making sure shit heads like Perry, Bush, et al weren't voted in by your less than intelligent neighbors. The same can be said for me in IN. I worked my ass off to keep Mitch the Bitch out of office to no avail and I claim it was my fault. Now you do the same for the shit heads that you helped ruin your state.

  58. Alison9:13 AM

    "they weren't convinced I was wrong, they were convinced I was right"

    - - -

    We have a winner.

    I am so happy someone finally stated the glaringly obvious.

  59. Anonymous9:16 AM

    the only pictures I find currently at: are 2010 photos.

    do you have a link to the 2011 photos?

    the links already posted don't work -

    Your search - ... - did not match any documents.

  60. Anonymous9:17 AM

    wow, Lyda Green, meet hypocrisy. That's what first comes to mind.

  61. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Very astute observation on your Part, Gryph: your critics were concerned that you were right.

    Just as they were - and are - many in the media and political worlds whose vested interest lies in unexamined Palin deceptions or their cover-ups, there are now a smaller number who don't want to see her relevance fade.

  62. Anonymous9:18 AM

    My, you have hit a nerve Gryphen. The trolls are out in force today.

    I don't believe she ran the entire race either. In the pic referenced above, her sweater is much longer. The whole thing is just full of oddities.

    Keep on mentioning it. It must be driving her crazy!

  63. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I find it interesting that many F Murkowski enthusiasts are Sarah critics. Lyda and her crew are definitely in that vein.

  64. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Huh? 8:47 comment "Um, races, esp out of town ones, aren't fixed."

    Where to start? The race wasn't "fixed". Sarah Palin cheated. There's a difference. and how especially out of town ones might play into this is a mystery.

    What a slurry of illogical reasoning.

  65. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Frick on a stick, Bristol. Don't you have anything better to do on this beautiful southern California day than troll and spam this post?

    You are as pathetic as your mother. And THAT is no easy feat.

  66. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It sounds like the people who are big govt are just trying more of their dirty tricks to "kill" the opposition. Read the released emails. Read how NASTY Ramras, Lyda, et al were. Look at all the shitty things they did to make Sarah look bad. Look at their lies.

    Why are you suddenly indirectly defending these people when they were the ones you voted against in 2006.

  67. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sarah - you could make an absolute FORTUNE if you told what you know regarding all those that backed you. And that would be the best revenge, now that they are selling you out!

  68. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow. Sarah Palin IS fading fast. How to tell? The number and vehemence of the the trolls here this morning. Poor bots, sites like this must be their only coping mechanism. Oh, the cognitive dissonance! Oh, the secret fears made manifest!

  69. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Word to the wise anonymous - Ha! Sarah doesn't deserve the scrutiny? Are you kidding me? Sarah Palin is the most ignorant, vindictive, mentally unstable person to EVER get that close to the second most powerful position in the land. I don't give a flying fuck if she or her supporters believe that she gets picked on unfairly. I care way too much about my country to let some media made bi-polar freak be placed in a decision making position. So take the pregnancy-faking, tax cheating, unethical, mentally incompetent ex-governor back to where she came from. Why the fuck do you think I am here? (hint - it's not jealously). I am here to support the PATRIOTS who are helping take Sarah Palin and the creeps that enabled her down with the shame they deserve. Plus, I like Gryphs snark -he's a kick, isn't he?

  70. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Looks like sad, pathetic Sarah tumbled in about 8:40 and got those bony fingers busy tappin out her "defenses." Yeah, sure, EVERYBODY lies about poor Sarah. She's so good and the meanies (anybody who dares criticize Sarah) are so JEALOUS!

  71. Looks like Bristol, Sally or Chuckles Heath just slipped thru the open window.

    I just love it when they get their underwear all in a wad trying to pretend that Sarah, the ignorant one, is such a saint and not the USA's biggest liar.

    Sarah must be forking out the money for their stupid comments.

  72. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Ok I am NOT the JJ from above

    Looking at the race photos, just check out how large the shadows are at the finish of the Storm Lake Race (in particular look at the shadow of the race official)

    and then look at the shadow of the man in the photo when Sarah "finished the race"

    I call BS


  73. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Wow, the Palin-Heath trolls are out like crazy! You always know when you've hit a nerve, Gryphen, because their knee jerk reactions are repetitive and hysterical.

    And I think you are right; people like McG have a vested interest in Sarah still being topical and scary, and thus do not take kindly to someone who comments on her obvious deterioration.

  74. Anonymous9:39 AM

    OK, Joe McG is just getting a little bit pathetic with his headlines. Really? "Even I have to to read The Rogue to get this reference" He is really workin' it. Not sure it's going to matter. Palin - even if she announces she's running - will either continue her fade or crash and burn. And in the interim, the other candidates' opposition research will surface, planted in multiple media, so who will buy his book when the shitstorm starts up in real time? Either way, he's screwed.

  75. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think I have an answer to your logic problem. You seem to doubt things because they don't happen in YOUR way. Because you or anyone you speak to (a small number comparatively) doesn't actually see people running, it means shes unhealthy and not a runner. Because YOU see pudge squished under spanx and fabric, you assume it means pregnancy and therefore spread hateful lies.

    Now you wonder why good people don't trust blogs?

  76. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It's interesting to me: because Gryphen didn't know anyone back in Jan who had seem baby Tripp, he didn't exist. Because Gryphen was told by a random Dr friend Bristol was pregnant, she was pregnant. Because Gryphen has never seen Sarah run nor heard the few people he talks to has seen her run, it means she doesnt run.

    Who's flawed again?

  77. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Congratulations, Gryph! I think you've hit some kind of jackpot today with all the trolls posting their nonsense. Sarah is suffering from end-stage irrelevance or end-stage revelation, either one spells trouble for the trolls - and they know it, evidenced from their repetitive and shrill protestations here today. Too bad, so sad, hah!

  78. Anonymous10:12 AM

    GOP's new kingmaker is Jim Demint of SC, according to a new story over at Daily Beast. Tea Party, yet.

    Sarah the loser, once again!

  79. Anonymous10:12 AM

    She's in picture # 2755, 2756 and 2757 here:

  80. "They weren't concerned that I was wrong, they were concerned that I was right."

    Good observation. Totally agree.

  81. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Regarding the possible Palin/Heath sighting...

    ...the 3/4 tights, white headband and visor are all there, but curiously the red jersey is pulled down completely covering the grey t-shirt and therefore the infamous #63. Perhaps a legitimate runner started the race with her own number while hiding #63 under a layer of clothing just to get it time checked at the starting line?

    Why is it that whenever SP is involved 1 + 1 NEVER EQUALS 2?

  82. Anonymous10:17 AM

    This is the same woman who faked a pregnancy. The same woman who made her daughter run a lemonade stand to create a false story to smear a concerned citizen. I can buy the fake marathon run. Her whole persona is a lie. In her world she actually believes her own lies. She is what she says she is, not what she really is.

    She's a Mama Grizzly - yet she throws her kids under the bus and pimps them out for political and monetary gain and leaves their care to others.

    She's a hunter - Who needs her dad to reload the gun and can only shoot something with the trickery of camera editing.

    She's a runner/athlete - When was the last time she played basketball? She's only a runner when it's convenient and her thighs and lack of muscle prove she's no runner. Remember the e-mail where she had to find a running stroller to make it appear like she ran with Trig for a photo Op.

    She's smart - she has other people write all her op eds, Facebook post and even twitter posts. What smart person can't even come up with 140 intelligent characters? She can't face real questions that aren't prescreened and reads answers from a teleprompter while on Fix news. She also has to write reminders on her hand. She wears glasses too she must be smart!

    She's beautiful and young - She's gotten tons of plastic surgery, peels, lipo injections, wigs, tanning, make-up and glasses etc. to prove it.

    I believe she did it to directly answer to Gryphen's post about her looking sickly and to send a message to her bots about running. She's not sick, she can run a half marathon so she's still able to run for president...send money now!

    But again she goes to far. Todd sends a terrible photo to Greta. If she was really trying to be incognito, she wouldn't have sent the photo. Takes a photo with a known Palinbot who heads up and blogs for IAforpalin who was somehow informed that GrannyP was there despite her trying to be inconspicuous. And of course she had an great time despite the lack of training. She probably wanted to come in first with 6 minute miles, but Tawd explained that it would be a little too obvious it was faked.

    Then an LA times article/palinbot interview which magically explains all the inconsistencies in the photo. TMZ (Granny's favorite tabloid to leak to)also gets the story.

    This is pure Palin myth maker at work. Frank & Dunn both showed many examples of this type of reaction and usage of the press.

    Imho - She started the race, got out somewhere, splashed some water on her neck and shoulders and reentered to cross the finish line.

    Call me crazy, call me blinded by my extreme dislike of this woman, call me paranoid,call me a Trig Truther, but I just don't believe anything this woman says or does. In school I learned that past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior and we all know Granny P can't learn anything new. Once a pathological liar, always a pathological liar.

  83. "I realized that the people who were the most upset at me were those who had a financial interest in Palin remaining a viable Presidential candidate or influential force in politics."

    Not true, Gryphen. I'm just a normal everyday person. Again, why risk your credibility on the Trig issue based on pure speculation about some photos from the race? The one that shows her feet not touching - the guy next to her also has feet not touching the ground.

    Time to admit when you are wrong. Don't turn into Palin.

  84. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Possible Sarah sighting...

    ... also brings into question the "eye-witness" reports that SP quietly started behind the walkers, and then took off. Looks that the SP phantom was there with the rest of the runners at the start of the race. Not a walker in sight.

  85. Anonymous10:21 AM

    2nd anon @ 9:22
    $carah's a piece of shit, always has been always will be.
    Concerning 2006 it was nimrod 'tards such as yourself that bought into $carah's bullshit.
    Other folks , such as myself, saw through the smoke and mirrors back when $he ran for mayor of that fukin' stripmall/big box store eyesore, wasilla.
    It really became obvious what a piece of shit white trash $he was/is after $camming her way into the mayors seat....

    $carah is a malignant cancer that needs to be cutout and tossed in a hazardous warning trash receptacle

  86. Anonymous10:23 AM

    @8:47. Ever hear of Rosie Ruiz? Look her up.

  87. Anonymous10:25 AM

    $Scarah $Payme trolls are all over this Gryphen. I wonder if they are paid by number of posts. Of course, it may be Brisdull, Willer, or Pipe. And to the Anon poster at 8:36AM who mentioned their curious exchange at Ozmud's. I noticed what you mentioned. It was all very odd.

  88. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I've long wondered why Joe M's publisher decided on the late Sept. release date. I asked on his blog: crickets. Seems to me last spring was prime time, but maybe someone was counting on her having thrown her hat in the POTUS ring about now. Anyone know?

  89. They are still uploading photos of the Storm Lake Half Marathon. The finish of photo of SP is there plus two more taken seconds afterwards.

    She definitely crossed the finish line--which I don't think was ever in doubt.

    Unless there's something unexpected still coming, we don't have anything that clears things up.

  90. @8:57 am Anonymous:

    Do Sarah's lawyers know you're posting again, Rebecca?

  91. Anonymous10:32 AM

    don't know if it's been mentioned:
    the reporter character on doonesbury declares that the rogue " boring".
    uh oh, joe.

  92. Anonymous10:42 AM

    We can not depend on the MSM. Please don't hold your breath.
    As with all the issues that concern and engage we must find ways to circumvent them through
    techonology and social connections.
    George Orwell was prescient, propoganda is alive and thriving in every medium.

    I hope this film comes to my area, as I will definitely attend. And I will promote it in every way I possibily can. I take Sarah Palin and the corrupted influences she represents and is represented by, seriously. If we care about America and the values that we represent we all should treat this very seriously.

    I agree with Anon @ 6:44 Life is Good, because we strive to make it that way.

    Oh and Anon @ 8:57 defend your position that Sarah has been victimized by the MSM. By your comments, I'ld say your head needs to extracted from Sarah Palins backside. Although like attracts like, so from your comments it is easy to see why you are drawn to Sarah Patron Saint of Victimhood.

  93. Anonymous10:42 AM

    @8:45 said...
    About the UPDATE:
    Thing is Griffen, because you come from a semi ignorant angle on things concerning Sarah personally, it's no wonder you've been proven wrong many times. You lie about her children (believing one person? cmon), you play victim when Sarah had every right to kick you out of her signing.

    Revealing someone's political record is one thing (I wish you paid closer attention to Obama truths instead of drinking his delicious koolaid) but spreading mean rumors and telling blatant lies and NOT retracting them is immoral.

    You're scared aren't you? hahahaha You're scared that your queen is about to be dethroned and beheaded!!!!! hahahahahah It's gonna be a great halloween!!!
    p.s. take your head out of Scarah's ass, troll. She's not that into you!! hahahahahahah

  94. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "they weren't convinced I was wrong, they were convinced I was right"

    So right, G. And furthermore, they people going after you are tipping you off that you are getting closer and closer to the truth about Sarah Palin. Whenever, you get blowback, THAT is the time to focus on what exactly in you blog caused them to panic. Often, it is not what they say is the problem, because they want to distract from the real issues.

    Sarah Palin is mentally unstable. Powerful people who want to control this country are using Palin to gain access to money and poser. They are willing to endanger this country for their own personal gain.

    Palin has to be banished from public discourse. After that, the people who thrust her forward need to be investigated and exposed.

    It's not the faked pregnancy or the faked FOX news appearances or any of her other idiocies. It's the people who are propping her up that need to STOPPED>

  95. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I have looked at every picture of the race at posted on the Storm Lake website (all 332 posted so far). I have not seen a single picture of Sarah during the race. Only one taken from behing at the beginning of the race where "Sarah" is wearing the red shirt and the headband underneath her visor, and the three at the finish line. None in between. Maybe I missed something, but I have really scoured every picture. Things taht make you go hmmm.

  96. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I am getting tired of everyone lumping Texans together as if we are all one and the same. I did not vote for that asshat Perry and campaigned against him. Texas does have beautiful parts and some good people. Its going to lie in ruins because of the drought and the wildfires. If Perry is endorsed by God, it sure doesn't look that way from here. Perry is a fake, a tool and he is a crook through and through. Why won't people with the time and money investigate him? Where have the days of digging up the dirt on politicians gone? I think in this day and age, Nixon would not have had to resign. No one cares what these crooks get up to anymore. But again, not everyone in Texas voted for or likes Rick the asshole Perry.

  97. Anonymous10:50 AM

    " .... prom-queen politics can bleed far into adulthood,... Palin still acts like "the most popular pre-teen girl".... "

    So do her trolls. I wonder if they are any relation.

  98. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Some of the comments on this blog are interesting.

    Many of us from Alaska, that have lived in the state for years and were here to see the rise and fall of Palin, have also been able to view the many inabilities of Sarah Palin.

    It should be noted that Alaska is a 'red' state and a recent poll here showed President Obama in more favor than Ms. Palin. She is no longer regarded well at all up here.

    When she ran for governor of our state, she was horrible in the art of debate (obviously, she didn't get my vote). She could not handle press conferences well after being elected and actually went to the format of having her commissioners present in later ones to allow her to defer specific questions to them vs her having to provide the correct response. It did not take Alaskans long to see they had been duped.

    She was proven not to work hard too. The Alaskan Legislature actually had pins made up (that they could wear on their clothes) that showed Palin's face with the words "Where is Sarah?"

    It has further been proven that Todd actually was doing some of the governing work vs Sarah.

    Plus, it is proven she lied, stole money from the State (she had to reimburse it), was proven unethical by the State Legilsature and on and on.

    The woman is in no way capable of holding any office...go back and check her record in Wasilla as Mayor...she was a disaster there too.

    The pipeline she said 'was under construction' when she was on the campaign trail w/McCain was not being built and still isn't! McCain said she was an energy expert and she has been proven not to be.

    She's proven to be mean, vindictive, nasty in personality and terribly reactive (in a negative way). Her constant demeaning of President Obama over the past recent years is bringing her further down in the opinion of many. She never has solutions - it's just ALWAYS nastiness coming out of her mouth.

    She has become the laughing stock to many.

    Sarah, you have aged considerably during the past recent years, so I suspect the stress of all of this is really getting to you - mentally as well as physicially.

    I think you need to find something you are actually good at...whatever that might be??

  99. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The Sarahbot posted at 8:41 AM
    "Well, there's at LEAST one person I know specifically who lied out of her ass. And that's just sad. And no, it's not a governmental figure."

    I totally agree with this sentiment and categorically submit to you that person's name...SARAH HEATH PALIN. She has "lied out of her ass" about every single aspect of her life, whether it about her pregnancies, running races, etc etc. And I also agree that she is "NOT a governmental figure". Glad to see you got sometime right this time. Sorry if this means your mother won't pay you now, Bristol or Willow.

  100. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I love Palin fans and trolls. They've turned even ultra conservatives off.

  101. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I, too, have only been reading the titles of Joe's posts. I noticed the tone has gone from "O noes! My book is being leaked! No fairsies (unless I do it)!" to "My book IS relevent!"

    Notice that he called anyone who blogs (except him), reads blogs (except him), comments on blogs (except him), or tweets (except him) about Palin "obsessive", yet left out people who buy books about Palin.

    Face it Joe, these are the people most interested in buying YOUR book. I'm no writer; is offending your audience considered good marketing? If so, here's an idea for the title of your next book: "Bruce Can't-sing-steen".

  102. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Poor Queen Esther. Here's a song for you...

  103. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Just a thought - her interest as a viable politician may be waning - but I think her status as a public curiosity remains high.

    It's killing me knowing how long it's going to take this film to reach downunder. Is there even a hint of an online version or DVD in the wind?

    (the ID thingy works now since upgrading my browser to firefox - yay!)

  104. Blogger Barbara Carlson said...

    It says volumes that so many people are posting as "Anonymous" -- to say anything against SP or her bots.

    Sad day for America when she appeared on the political scene and sexily gave voice to what too many uneducation/bigotted Americans think is now a validation of their meanness and fear of Other. They feel authorized to retaliate against voices of reason.


    Wait, "sexily"? I think you meant screechy voice.

    Also, too, the McGuinness blog is a PR vehicle. The people who are so freaked by it, realize that controversy calls media attention, so he might have been a little too late, but this is part of a PR/media campaign.

    The Frank Bailey xtian-asking-for-forgiveness book was boring--he still comes across as a dork who was in love with the almost prom queen. I never saw the leaked book, so maybe it was juicier, but the final product was about a pathetic person who still is a believer and realizes he screwed up, but hasn't fessed up to just how bad...

    And, Also, didn't It's Me Again say that they would be away for a couple weeks? It's not been a couple weeks yet. Maybe It's Me Again has other things to do like be with family, so how about being a little patient?

    Chasing off Wendy Waitress was not very nice--the way I'm crossing my ankles while sitting and typing, someone behind me would be able to tell if I was wearing Louboutin shoes because the bright red soles would be showing. See, even in the ads: they show the heel inside is red. I'm wearing sandals, so I'm not showing off red soles, but attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you isn't very adult. Take in the differing information and process it for yourselves.

    Am I glad McCain/Palin lost? Hell yeah, but is President O doing a flawless job? No. Let's be realistic and not turn into a bunch of koolaid drinkers ourselves. There is an over 12% unemployment rate here, there are 40% of the homes in my area for sale that are REOs from the banks trying to unload their foreclosures. All of us have lost a great deal of equity and net worth. The Administration is using the same tired ideas trying to stimulate the economy and while I want them to work, past experience shows me otherwise.

  105. FEDUP!!!11:05 AM

    OK. Something up with the Lyda Greene (sp?).
    Trolls are out in force, trying to discredit her, even though she is only mentioned kind of as a byline in the articles.

    This post definitely seems to pull the trolls here - since it is Saturday, they are a bit slow in getting up, but they sure are here now...

  106. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Sarah is so so yesterday and Joe's book is out there somewhere and fading faster by the day.

    She is already a has been who has seen better days, Joe is going to have to read his own book.

  107. Gryphen, Can you find us some Texas bloggers that we should follow?

  108. JayKen Knotstirred11:28 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Does Tirgs birth certificate appear in Nicks movie?

    I'll be in LA, with a sign a the premier...

  109. Anonymous said...
    Don't you think your personal logic is a bit skewed? I mean, you can't even tell the difference between a pregnant belly and jelly rolls. AND you jump to conclusions concerning a race. Um, races, esp out of town ones, aren't fixed.
    8:47 AM
    "Um, races, esp out of town ones, aren't fixed."

    "Um", you're the one whose logic is skewed. Any race anywhere is out of town to anyone who isn't from there, dingaling.

  110. ManxMamma11:35 AM

    Anon 9:18 AM
    Keep on mentioning it. It must be driving her crazy!

    She's already crazy.

  111. Anonymous11:35 AM

    May the Wicked Witch of Wasilla go down in a very public way. With as much LSM publicity as was given her unexplained and meteoric rise to 2nd place nominee.

    I've always wondered if throwing a bucket of water on her would melt her into a puddle of vitriol.

  112. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Your either with us or against us, that's so true. That whole famn damily is bass ackwards!!! This is the month things are really going to heat up. She will be out for blood. You may think your safe but so did a lot of other people. They were quickly put in their place. Her favorite place. They have a song about it.....The wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. How ever, ahe manages to hit a lot of bumps along the way! Be careful because the next one could be you.

  113. Dis Gusted11:55 AM

    so WHY is Sarah Palin not listed as a winner in this race?

    are the older ladies listed somewhere else?

  114. Here are some more perspectives as food for thought:

    I've been around these parts since figuring out what Gryphen's Blog meant on The Mudflats in the fall of 2008, know Palin is lying like a bear skin rug about the Wild Ride, and am not a troll....

  115. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What has always amazed me is how long it's taken for the true Sarah Palin to be exposed to the mainstream when it was plain obvious how phony she was during her first few moments on the national scene. All one ever needed to do was simply open their eyes to see it. Most people realize that she's grossly unqualified for any office, but even the popular perception of her as "an idiot" is not accurate. Sure, when she speaks about politics, she has no clue what she's talking about, but I would look just as much out of my league if I showed up an some conference and posed as an expert speaker on a subject I know nothing about, being prepared only with a collection of catch phrases designed to encourage applause. It doesn't mean I'm an idiot, just a fraud. In fact, when it comes to capitalizing on fools, she's a genius. Let's face it. She's very good at what she actually does. But politics simply isn't her thing and never has been. It has always just been the vehicle she uses to fuel her extreme narcissistic hunger. At the core of Sarah Palin is an insatiable desire to be the center of attention at all times.

    I haven't seen this film but plan to do so. I don't know how accurately it portrays the real Palin, but from the sound of it, it might be among the closest out there.

  116. Anonymous12:02 PM

    About the race photos, is it possible to see from the posted results who (jersey number) finished around her same time and then see if there are pictures of those runners crossing the line for purposes of shadows, etc.? Also, did anyone notice if any other runners are photographed more than once while running, since we're claiming that as a major point? I don't believe for one second she ran the whole thing. I wish it were possible to contact some of these runners (maybe the one who didn't get the very award that she took instead) to see if they believe it...

  117. WakeUpAmerica12:07 PM

    "...then I realized that the people who were the most upset at me were those who had a financial interest in Palin remaining a viable Presidential candidate or influential force in politics. ..."

    HUH? Can you elaborate on this?

  118. WakeUpAmerica12:14 PM

    Let me guess. Would that be Sarah?

  119. WakeUpAmerica12:16 PM

    Gryphen, is there anything you can do to stop the Colbert videos from automatically playing every time we open your site? It's so annoying. It seems to only happen with Colbert and Jon Stewart.

  120. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Texas bloggers to get you started:

    Jim Hightower
    Texas Observer
    Burnt Orange Report
    Juanita Jean's
    Austin Chronicle

  121. Anonymous12:21 PM

    @FEDUP - Granny Palin hates Lyda Green, so all the trolls are trying to discredit her. Or it's just Sarah herself showing her true colors in comments on the blog of another person she hates.

    Sarah - you're giving yourself away again.

  122. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Wouldn't the Belmont "girls" slow a real runner down? How many marathon runners are sporting pole dancer "girls"? Just saying. But certainly worth thinking about. Check out some of the real women marathon runners.

  123. Anonymous12:31 PM

    The other thing about this race, is the fact that anybody would think it's a hoax. If anybody else had run a marathon we would not question it so quickly. She has lied so many times that no one believes anything she says or does. Not a quality I'd want in someone in the Whitehouse.

    The real story may be that she can't be believed even more than whether or not she did fake it. She's proven herself to be deceitful, vengeful and a person who just makes things up.

    Sarah - Stop making things up! Stop it right now!

  124. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I wish I was paying more attention to the TIFF. I didn't know there was a Pearl Jam documentary too! I wouldn't travel all that way to see one film, but two? You betcha!

  125. Tyroanee12:31 PM

    "40-60 feuds going on at one time?"...Eeek!
    Finally an answer to that burning question of The Tale of Two Blackberry's

  126. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @meredithp---You might want to check out

    too bad Molly Ivins isn't with us anymore.

  127. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Here are a few Texas blogs to check out.

  128. Anonymous12:48 PM

    @7;18 Not "Texans ruined Texas." It is those who voted Republican who ruined Tx. Many of us who live here have never voted Repub, and never will, but we are outnumbered. Tx, however, will not stay Republican. Demographics and unhappy residents will soon change that--and may in 2012.

  129. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Must be some sort of new troll record today!

    Do you think they have any idea how revealing it is that they feel they have to post this stuff - here, of all places?

    Who will they worship when she's back in the compound doing her Gloria Swanson imitation from Sunset Boulevard?

  130. Gasman12:49 PM

    I'VE got a "financial interest in Palin remaining a viable Presidential" - I bet my mom $10 that Palin will end up declaring herself a candidate for POTUS. However, I also think you are spot on. I find it curious that if Palin did indeed run the race, why we haven't heard from any other runners that Palin was indeed there and that they ran with her? If there have been any such testimonies, I haven't heard or seen them. If there HAVEN'T been such corroboration, it is fairly damning confirmation that the whole thing was faked, and lamely.

    How much do you want to bet that "Sara Palin: You Betcha!" sells WAY more tickets than "The Unintellible?" How much would that gall Palin?

    Oh Sarah, as much as it sucks to be you right now, it is going to suck SO much more in the near future!

    Sarah, karma is such a bitch, but so are you!

  131. Anonymous12:49 PM

    my post @ 10:21
    oops, what I meant to say was ;
    It really became obvious what a piece of shit white trash $he was/is after $camming her way into the GOVERNORS seat.....

    I'd first wrote mayors seat

    oh well, $he's still a lying grifting lazy ass $kank coward

  132. Anonymous12:51 PM

    anon @ 11:21

    here's a great texas blogger:

  133. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Isn't Lyda Green the one that Sarah publically laughed at when it was mentioned that Lyda had or had had cancer? This was on a radio show (favored by Palin) where she said she'd announce her candidacy if she ran for POTUS.

    Lyda has a good history in government in the State of Alaska. She knows one hell of a lot more than does Palin.

  134. Anonymous12:52 PM

    sorry it was "meredithp at 11:21:

    texas blogger:

  135. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Wow... you lost me at the end there gryph. I have no financial interest in Palin, but any "blow back" from me was a result of things that denigrate the overall anti-Palin narritive and reduce it to the kind of cheap attacks and paranoid conspiracy manufacturing that Palin herself is known for.

    And the fact that you attempt to white wash what you REALLY said and HOW you said it, trying to make it all sound so innocent now, just sours my opinion more.

    Here's the deal, you didn't "express concern about Palin's health and emotional state" you wrote bizarre fiction where she was on the verge of collapse due to drug abuse and mental illness. That she was hanging on by a thread and about to have a psychotic break at any second.

    You then added additional fiction (aided and abetted by "anonymous", whom I still don't believe) which indicated that there was some sort of miraculous transformation brought about by "her people", possibly involving coffee and Ritalin, that somehow rendered her competent and coherent just long enough to deliver a speech.

    That's Saturday morning cartoon shit right there Gryph.

    Then there was the hysterical "this photo of Palin at the race was photoshopped!!" garbage. There is no evidence her appearance there was staged, and I've worked with photoshop for nearly two decades, and I didn't see evidence that the pic was fake and the details people pointed to were all bullshit and wishful thinking to my trained eyes.

    So, apparently, lacking any credible evidence, you simply decided it MUST be fake, because "obviously" *everything* she does HAS to be fake.

    That's just bullshit, and worse, you're setting yourself up to look like an idiot when she proves you wrong. And all over something that meaningless compared to the mountain of real, credible stuff she's got against her.

    Look, I think she's a deceptive, manipulative moron who doesn't deserve to manage a donut shop, much less a state or the country. I believe she faked a pregnancy. I think she's untrustworthy and vicious and has no inkling of what the word "leadership" means.

    But when you start inventing conspiracies out of EVERYTHING and start just, as the beyotch herself said, "makin' stuff up", then yeah dude, expect some blowback.

    I know there are plenty here who just want to hate and don't care what's true and what's not because they're having fun, but there are others who are here because of your generally higher standard of investigative journalism. You've uncovered some amazing shit, but I hate to think that it's come down to constructing fiction at every turn and seeing what sticks or accidentally turns out to be close to truth.

    Because that's what "they" do, and I don't want to be like them, or support people who are. I don't support a double standard, if you pull the same shit they pull, then you're just as big an asshole as they are. Just because you're on the same side of the Palin fence as me, doesn't change a thing.

    I think you've twisted the lesson to be learned here and concocted a self-serving justification.

    "yeah, all those "concern trolls" are just scared that I'm right! That's the ticket!"

    Keep telling yourself that and you're as blind a fool as Palin is.

  136. Anonymous12:56 PM

    If it opens any where near NJ on a weekend I'd be happy to join up with other IM readers to view it :)

  137. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Look at the sweat on her back!

  138. Anonymous said...

    Well, there's at LEAST one person I know specifically who lied out of her ass. And that's just sad. And no, it's not a governmental figure.

    8:41 AM

    You shouldn't talk about Sarah like that.

  139. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Too late to present your newly manufactured facade to people, Lou Sarah. Being reasonable and considered??? Not tweeting inanely at every opportunity? HA! You're last desperate attempt is failing, Quitter. Your history shows the real you. We see you. We know you. You are scum.

  140. ""Um, races, esp out of town ones, aren't fixed.

    8:47 AM""

    Ever heard of Rosie Ruiz?

  141. ""Am I wrong?""

    Yes,Sarah,you are.

  142. ""9:00 AM""

    Whats up with that old woman dowagers hump thing shes got going on?

  143. ""wow, Lyda Green, meet hypocrisy. That's what first comes to mind.

    9:17 AM""

    Sarah dear,you just should never have laughed at the cancer joke.

  144. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Anon @ 10:25, wasn't that so incredibly weird? I mean, I could understand that guy (girl, who knows) being pissed that they had taken the trouble to go to that shop and then having someone like me come along and say I still wasn't convinced, but...

    They went so overboard in their descriptions and then defense, as if I had acted like they were lying about going to the shop in the first place (I hadn't even thought of it, but then when he/she went on and on it DID make me wonder). And then putting words in my mouth, too, in addition.

    All very, very weird and so I basically came away from the whole thing believing that person might have been a troll after all. They might be a regular there, but in my opinion regulars aren't any more trustworthy than anons, except in a very few cases. Don't know and don't care really, if he was a sincere guy he might just have been having a bad day, but it was the level of intensity that was very strange. Kind of a bullying quality, if you ask me, bringing to mind certain people.

    Seemed like he was so determined for that young man's comments to put to rest all questions about Sarah's training activities, hence her fitness and marathon readiness. When I said I didn't necessarily feel ready to drop our humble investigation, he was so upset.

    That bit about someone tipping the person off to his going in, also, was such an incredible leap, when I don't believe anything I had said was pointing to my thinking that. Sorry, even Sarah's Wasilla Syndicate isn't that prescient, to know someone was going to go in and ask questions, anticipate that person's visit... (Or, rather, the fact they described that scenario started to make me wonder if that is what happened, I don't know. I try not to get too cloak and dagger about this stuff, or too paranoid.)

    To me, the poster's credibility started eroding from one post to the next, sending up red flags. Maybe they're a tad off balance or something, or under terrible stress of some kind. I won't go back and check, that's for sure. I would be too tempted to address that person again and I just don't need the hassle. He/she was furious with me, whoever he/she is.

    I hope Oz Mudflats keeps the topic going. I do think it's important, especially given the uptick in iffy thread activity. Gryphen sure got socked when he proposed the idea of the photoshopping.

    That's always the strongest sign we are getting somewhere, to me, as much of a pain as it can be.

    Those photos and that whole story just don't add up.

    If we are wrong about it, fine, moving on, but there's no harm in looking into it as much as possible first.

  145. ""I find it interesting that many F Murkowski enthusiasts are Sarah critics. Lyda and her crew are definitely in that vein.

    9:19 AM""

    sarah,you really are worried about this one,aren't you? Nick Broomfield must live in your head.

  146. ""Now you wonder why good people don't trust blogs?""

    Because asshats like you post on them.

    You know I thought it was Sarah,now I admit I was wrong.Hi Brooklyn!!!!

    Its all one troll.Good ol' Brooklyn.

  147. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Most of the BOTS posting BS talk like they 'know Palin'

    The BOTS have never travelled outside their own state and wouldn't know a frigging thing about anything but being married to their cousins. Now that would be a subject they are knowledgable about!!!

  148. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Why don't any of the links posted for the Storm Lake 2011 half marathon pictures work?

  149. Anonymous1:32 PM

    As a fellow Alaskan, I couldn't agree more with 10:54 AM.

  150. Anonymous1:33 PM

    McGinniss at this point believes someone died and made him gawd.

    Personally my thoughts -- McG can go fuck himself.

    I'm giving him no credits for hits on his site as I refuse to read the arrogant asshole's spewed shit.

    I wouldn't subject my bird to using book pages for cage liners. My bird deserves better!

  151. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Anon 12:55

    If you don't like the writings -- go elsewhere. Write your own friggin' blog. Nobody is twisting your arm to read or post here.


  152. Anonymous said...
    I am getting tired of everyone lumping Texans together as if we are all one and the same. I did not vote for that asshat Perry and campaigned against him. Texas does have beautiful parts and some good people. Its going to lie in ruins because of the drought and the wildfires. If Perry is endorsed by God, it sure doesn't look that way from here. Perry is a fake, a tool and he is a crook through and through. Why won't people with the time and money investigate him? Where have the days of digging up the dirt on politicians gone? I think in this day and age, Nixon would not have had to resign. No one cares what these crooks get up to anymore. But again, not everyone in Texas voted for or likes Rick the asshole Perry.

    10:49 AM


    Welcome to how Alaskans feel being lumped in with Palin and judged on her behavior. Welcome to how Mat-Su Valley residents feel being judged as a community based on the actions of one of our residents. Welcome to the madness of those that speak broadly without doing research, or even having visited the places where we reside. Welcome to the world of "couch surfing internet denizens that don't travel AT ALL" but will gladly judge a place based on what they read on blogs. Welcome to that world.

  153. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I'd be careful of the Stormlake site as it screwed my computer up twice.

  154. RE: Texas bloggers -- Malia Litman lives in Texas and has been writing lots of blogs full of information about Perry and how bad he really is.

  155. Dude, G, I'm not even at 9AM comment-wise and the flying monkeys are coming at me left and right!


    Hit a nerve, eh?

    And KayJo- thanks for the race updates.

    No, Sarah, We're not Dropping THIS ONE, either.


    Dumb bitch!

  156. Vox Populi3:35 PM

    To all the Palinbot trolls:

    If your Grifter queen hadn't locked herself away from doing any interviews except Fake News ... ?

    If she had EVER sat down for interviews -- even with those she feared were "enemeies" -- and responded to questions with candor, providing substantive answers instead of always launching attacks on others ... ?

    In short, if she had EVER behaved as if the TRUTH was more important than MONEY ... ?

    Things would be a lot different right now.

    Face the FACTS ! The only person responsible for all the hits Palin is taking these days is PALIN.

    That's why the majority of Americans are so GLAD to watch the malicious political machine she created sink like the Titanic.

    Hint to you Palinbots: don't hang around below decks -- find a seat in a lifeboat NOW.

  157. Anonymous3:38 PM

    So, I guess critics of the critic abound.

  158. Lots of anomalies, and then a newspaper article appeared in IA on Thursday explaining away every single one of our questions. All extremely odd.


    Would someone kindly link to this? I'm still very curious how they can explain away Every. Other. Runner's. Family.

    Ya know, at the end?

    No one there for Sarah.

    No one there for ANYONE??????

    I need an explanation for that one.

  159. Anonymous3:46 PM

    @anon 9:26... Right on! A very concise, short but powerful comment. I couldn't agree more.

  160. Mary Thon3:49 PM

    Has anyone checked the marathon pix for the runners who finished around the time Palin (supposedly) did ?

  161. A lot of the Stormlake photo links go to a sign-in page.

    This link goes straight to the photos:

    (Thanks to whomever left it first.)

    I think I've looked at every 'flaw' in the race photos that has been pointed out here, at Laura's blog, and at Oz Mud and don't see any there there. Many of the nonexistent 'flaws' seem embarrassing which is why Gryphen has gotten some pushback even from some who don't have any money riding on Sarah entering the GOP race.

    With Sarah, it's hard to believe there wouldn't be something fishy going on but I'm giving her this one unless something definitive and provable comes up. And so what if she did run the whole course? Successfully running a race doesn't negate the possibility of an eating disorder or even past comments that 'she's not a runner'. It would just mean the 'not a runner' comment was outdated and her training is fairly recent.

    Good luck to anyone who keeps searching for something. It would be nice if Gryphen ends up saying, 'I told you so'. Consider, though, that she may have done this one (very unimportant in the grand scheme of things) thing.

  162. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Anon @ 12:55, you are the one and only "Tom" from Oz Mudflats. Busted.

    Verbiage the same, abusive over-the-line anger the same - you are a bully. You are not trustworthy. You are playing games, pretending to be on our side when you are anything but, I believe.

    I don't know who you are, but you are trying to cause trouble here. Try all you want, buddy. YOU CAN'T STOP US.

    So completely busted.

  163. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Texas Tribune is one of the best to follow about Rick Perry. There is a Perry Watch and a Perry tracker plus 10 years worth of info on Perry. They are been a thorn in Perry's side. It is indepth and well worth checking out. You can also follow on twitter-- @txtribune

  164. Anonymous4:17 PM

    She's in the background of pic 2478 at the beginning of the race.

    As far as "look at the sweat on her back", who sweats like that around their neck, shoulders and down their back? When I exercise, I sweat undermyarms, between my booblage not on my back above my shoulderblades. I think seeing the "back sweat" convinces me even more that she started the race, ducked out, then ducked back in the race somewhere. The "sweat" is from a bottle of water she poured on herself while she was riding in the car with Tawd.

  165. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Anon @ 1:16....I read the posts on OZmudflats and thought them a bit strange. To begin with, no athlete is going to say that a 13.1 mile run is "easy", and anyone, even a 47 year old woman in good shape can run it. Running an 8 mi mile for 13.1 miles is a long way to run, and that is an excellent time. You need to train. It's not something even most gym rats can do. Going to the gym and working with a even a hardcore personal trainer isn't going to make you a runner. Only training can do that, and by that I mean on a regular running schedule, running varied miles each day, not a couple miles on a treadmill 2-3 times a week. Any endurance runner knows that. yes. even a young man working at a running shop knows that. Once a gain, working out in a gym, even with a personal trainer is not the type of workout that will get you into shape to run 13.1 miles, especially with a time like Palins. People making those remarks obviously are not runners.

  166. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "I'd be careful of the Stormlake site as it screwed my computer up twice."

    Someone REALLY doesn't want this story going any further. We have a lot of, "I really hate Sarah but there's nothing here" troll(s) tonight. There was even an "I believe Sarah faked a pregnancy but not her run" troll. The Palin camp seems somewhat panicky about this.

  167. In case this hasn't been posted here yet:

    This story will go down in Palin Hoax History as one of the juiciest:

    I love this eyewitness' remarks:

    "Brenda McVinua was among the Storm Lakers Palin chatted with after the race. McVinua was working as a volunteer in the 'chute' near the finish line, and was impressed with the former vice-presidential candidate's form. 'She wasn't even breathing hard. You could tell she's an athlete. If you didn't know better you would have thought she'd just run around the block once or twice.'"

    Well, that's cuz she DID only run around the block once or twice.

    And of course this:

    "Palin, who has made a few appearances around Iowa in recent days, showed up looking like any other weekend warrior runner, sans makeup...."

    Sans makeup? I don't think so. Photo evidence to the contrary:

  168. @WakeUpAmerica 12:16 pm

    I think the browser controls whether videos automatically play when a site is opened. (I think, I'm about the least technical person around).

    I open Gryph's site using Google Chrome, and no videos auto-start when I visit here.

  169. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Anon 1255 has it right. There's a reason Anon238 and Gryphen were both singing the same song about Palin allegedly being so frail and drugged up, etc. Just some basic thinking and reasoning skills would suffice here.

    Also perceptive is the poster who noticed the interesting timing of Anon238's first appearance.
    You will believe what you want to believe but as someone who has been reading these blogs for 3 yrs I can tell you that this one HAS changed in nature.

    What convinced me the most about the truth of what I say above is how the sheer volume of negative comments against McGinness, Bailey, and even Mudflats shot way up just as all three would be releasing material that would pull traffic away from IM.
    And that was when our very literate, conspiracy dream come true Anon showed up. Just something to think about.

  170. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Anonymous 12:55 is a excellent writer. Not sure why he/she has something up his /her butt with Gryphen. Maybe you two should work together.

  171. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Bruce Can't Sing Steen. Anon@11:00 AM. Love it, and the rest of your comment too.

  172. Anonymous5:31 PM

    She does appear to be in picture 34

  173. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Mary Thon, I did. (I was bored, what can I say.) The half-marathon finishers are few enough and spread out enough that there are shots of individual finishers. I've checked the clothes/bib numbers of the runners ahead of and behind Palin, and NONE of these people can be seen in either Tawd's shot, or the race photos that catch Palin & bunny-hop gal towards the beginning (images 2488-2492). It looks like the race course is such that the 5K runners would have been intermingled with the half marathoners at the beginning, but the photos show the half marathoners who were running <8 min miles were ahead of the 5K pack by the time 2488-2492 were taken. Also too, none of the people who are close to Palin at the beginning can be seen at the half-marathon finish: not bunny-hop gal, not plaid-shorts guy, not all-in-black short woman, etc.

  174. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Glad the movie is getting positive reviews. Hope it comes to Detroit soon. This was an interesting thread, filled with trolls and weird badinage about the race that I couldn't follow at all. It seems that people are referring to comments on previous posts or other blogs without fully explaining the connections. This leaves everyone else in the dark.

    Thanks to those who left Texas blog sites to check out. I asked the same question the other day, but no one responded at that time. WRT people dissing Texas, I wish people wouldn't do that. It's the same as dissing all Alaskans for Sarah's election, even though the people on this site clearly had nothing to do with it. It's like blaming me for Snyder's election, when I worked hard for Virg Bernero.

    BTW, I think Gryph is right about some people having a vested interest in keeping $P relevant because they have something to sell. They may make out okay, but they really missed the optimum time to strike, especially Levi, poor ill-advised Levi.


  175. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Gryphen, the trolls are out in full force. Boy we've gotten under their skin somehow.

  176. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @531p: Yes, she started the race. The 5K race. The photos prove it. A comment on the Storm Lake Running Club facebook page proves it as well. I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before the small group of real half-marathoners starts to compare notes, and maybe private photos, and smell a skanky Alaskan rat.

  177. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "Anonymous 12:55 is a excellent writer. Not sure why he/she has something up his /her butt with Gryphen. Maybe you two should work together"


    Anon238 is an excellent writer. Not sure why he/she has something up his/her sleeve with Gryphen. Maybe those two should work together.

  178. May I ask that fans of Griffin's website take the time to post regarding your feelings on Palin in the LA Times article on this film?

  179. Anonymous11:35 PM

    8:57 am is sooooo Sarah Palin it's not even funny. I usually am not in the camp who thinks that a poster is Sarah or Bristol, but that one just reeked of Sarah to me.

    I just see her type of mindset all over that post.

  180. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Also interesting how there were, like, ten pro-Palin posts in a row.

    Team Sarah is definitely working overtime. The documentary got ya'll scared?

    I definitely think Ivy posts here.

  181. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Anon 12:55 has made a good observation and also has every right to express it. After all, G does invite comments.

    If 1:54 and others don't like it, or fear reading comments that are not lockstep with their own thinking, then they don't have to read the comments.

  182. AKRNC9:29 PM

    Where are the comments from those in Alaska who, whether they like Palin or not, validate her running on a regular basis? Somebody would be seeing her run daily if she was able to actually do that run in that amount of time and especially the comment about her not even breathing hard.

    I ran at different times of my life and was in excellent shape especially since I had been a competitive swimmer since the age of 6. In college, I ran a marathon after training for several months and still swimming up to a couple miles almost daily. When I crossed the finish line, I was breathing hard and had to lessen the pace slowly. I didn't stroll across the finish line with a smile on my face like Palin did. I remember that by the time I did stop, my legs felt like jelly. I was 22 years old. Palin's story is bullshit!

    Remember, she lies about everything. She learned at a young age to lie in order to get out of band practice by taping her fingers together after being instructed how to do so by Chuck. She actually bragged about this in Going Rogue. In Bailey's book, she not only condones, but encourages the use of emails written by her, full of praise for what she has allegedly accomplished, yet they are signed by her supporters and sent to the Alaskan newspapers. She's lied about major things like when and where Trig was born, she obviously can't keep the stories straight. She's also lied about simple things, where there would never be a reason to lie, like the weather! This woman is a compulsive liar and for all the little 'bots who come here to attempt to defend her, you're as pathetic as she is. She's shown us who and what she is over and over again. Sarah Palin has nobody but herself to blame!

  183. To Anonymous @ 5:01 P.M.

    You're really reaching with your comments about Joe McGinniss' blog, Mudflats & Bailey(who doesn't have a blog) and Gryphen's alleged worry about traffic being pulled from his site. I've read all those sites almost daily as do many other posters. Going to one site doesn't mean that's the only one you go to.

    When are you 'bots going to realize that your attempts to make Palin out to be this persecuted, sympathic character will never work? We're aware of her history and love seeing her downfall especially since she's brought it on herself.

    Take your nonsense about Anon238 being made up by Gryphen or for him by someone else and tell Palin it won't work. She's known for the sheer volume of the lies she has told so she automatically believes everyone else lies. Anon238 rings true in every post of hers. If they are bothering you so much, check out C4P, you belong there!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.