Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sarah Palin was "obsessed with running for President." Gee, I wonder what happened?

Courtesy of Business Insider:

Palin was "obsessed" with running and convinced she could win, according to one of Palin's closest advisors, who added that he was amazed by the "intensity and detail that she knew about the candidates, all the process, all the debates." 

She even insisted on watching all of the debates and analyzing the candidates afterwards, he said. But Palin's White House ambitions appeared to be driven, at least in part, by a desire to protect her celebrity and guard her turf. 

But when her Merry Prankster road trip fell flat over the summer, Palin's presidential hopes deflated quickly.

I have long felt, and repeated often, that Sarah Palin never had any REAL desire to win the presidency.

However, I was never exactly sure how far she wanted to milk the "idea" of launching a campaign. In other words, I was never sure if she would back out before she actually had to declare, declare and then drop out before the first debate, or try to stick it out for a couple of initial debates, and then use her family as an excuse to get out and go back on the speaking circuit, and then possibly have a book ghostwritten for her about her experiences.

We all know what ended up actually taken place, which was that she simply never even started a serious campaign, but with this information I am now thinking THAT might not have been the original plan.

In fact, if this tidbit of information is correct, than Palin might have really been serious about launching campaign with an open ended plan for dropping out when things got too hot.

What changed? What made her quite abruptly decide definitively that she was not going to continue to drag her political prick tease out any longer?

I DON'T think it was that bizarre bus trip. Personally I think it was "The Rogue," Joe McGinniss's book that changed her mind.

During an interview Joe was asked if HE thought that his book had any impact on Palin's decision not to run. Joe said that he did (As you may remember Palin declared she would not run on October 5, right in the middle of Joe's book tour.), and believed that she had been shocked with what he had discovered and was afraid that during a campaign journalists might dig up even more.

At first I thought that indicated a little hubris on the part of McGinniss, but I have to say that he might very well have been absolutely accurate.

So, though many great journalists, authors, and bloggers, have all had a part in bringing the truth out about Sister Sarah, perhaps it really was the work of Joe McGinniss that ultimately drove the stake through the heart of her political ambitions.

And yes, I do very much think it had everything to do with the fact that he brought "babygate" out onto the national stage, in away that it  had really never been exposed before.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I don't know. The Rogue didn't even make a big splash. Only her harshest critics seemed to even pay attention. And it was forgotten early.

    That's just me impression considering I travel a lot and frequently discuss politics with locals all over.

    I was told by a couple people close to her that her advisors said to sit out 2012, as it really is long shot for anyone at this point. The future? No idea. But right now, longshot.

    Remember, there is plenty to refute contents of Joe's book.

  2. Maybe she is eyeballing Arizona.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Babygate MAY have something to do with it. Generally, people don't pay attention to "slanderous" things written about politicians. I quoted the term slanderous for a reason, not to say ALL was slanderous, but much was.

    I think if her family members complete their book, it will be an acceptable refuting of all the lies and distortions, mainly early on in her life.

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Let me be the first to comment!

    All of us who have been following Palin's underhanded and quirky dabbling in politics know it was all about Sarah's unquenchable thirst for money and attention. We are just waiting for the rest of the world to catch on to the Granny Grifter. Looks like they are catching on too!

    She's good at the tease but never follows through.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I call bullshit on this. Who's the close advisor - Todd? These people defrauded their supporters and now are trying to rewrite history. I wonder it the Palins are paying attention to the federal investigation of Walker and his cronies? Somes peoples be's going to jail.

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Well, dah. What else would you expect from the Quitter? She's a quitter and will always be a quitter. She quits.

  7. What has happened to our country that such a horrid person could be nominated as a VP candidate of a major political party and then considered to be a serious candidate for President of the United States?

  8. N'yah2:33 PM

    OMG Bristol. Do you do _anything_ besides waiting to jump on Gryphen's posts like a horny pitbull on a gimpy poodle?

    Apparently NOT.

    This is SO obvs Bristol/April, it's one "immature" away from being an (ahem) parody!

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm curious as to where Joe has been. He did his book tour, then vanished. I hope he didn't get caught up in a Palintrap.

  10. Damn, the I Don't Know Troll is back, y'all.

    IDK troll has been sitting at her computer for days on end, waiting for the Google alerts ,ready to pounce, so Sarah will keep her on the dwindling PAC payroll.

    Poor little IDK troll's gonna have to go out and get a real job soon

  11. Anonymous2:38 PM

    What happened to Joe McG? His last blog post was 10/23/11 and there's been ZERO about or from him since then. Is he still alive???

  12. Anonymous2:42 PM


    High Scarah & ilk! Why do you bother commenting here?! This alone makes you a mental case: You need to be locked up in a psych ward!

    Let's wait and see what the FBI/IRS has to say...


  13. (ahem)2:42 PM

    As you know (but I don't know), I have traveled extensively through all the states and a dozen countries and I talk to lots of locals about politics. I approach them in cafes or at bus stops or while they're in changing rooms at department stores or, heck, sometimes I just knock on random doors and start talking about politics (people love that). It's a lot of hard work, but I've devoted my life and my time to refuting "slanderous" things about the Palins and how else am I going to gauge the level of interest and knowledge of Sarah Palin and that "slanderous" Rogue book?

    I put "slanderous" in quotes because I don't really understand what that word means and I figure it makes me look smart and serious.

    There's plenty to refute in The Rogue for anybody who loves refutiating things (like me, because I speak truth and opine on everything).

    So, people don't care about "slanderous" things written about politicians because they know they are "slanderous" and can be refutiated.

    Did I mention that the Palins are writing a book? That's right. They want everyone to buy lots of copies of the book that will keep them on the DL. They are a private family and they don't want anymore attention from the media or the public. So, they're writing a book and hope you will buy a dozen copies.

    Oh, now I remember..."slanderous" the way I'm using it means "true but disastrous."

  14. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Say what the will on the troll parade about Joe's book being marginal and badly followed. I've had it on order at the library since a month before it came out and last time I looked I'm going to wait another nine months before a copy is available for me. I think the trolls have no idea how widely read that book is going to be.

  15. Holly2:45 PM

    I believe there's some truth to that. The combination of McGinniss, you publishing the museum photos, Laura Nova & Brad Scharlott turning up the heat, Nicole Wallace's work of "fiction" and the specter of Fred & Me Again may have pushed her over the edge. Or it could have been a few quiet threats from Steve Schmidt and others from the McCain campaign.

    How much longer does her Faux contract run?

  16. Anonymous2:47 PM


    You might want to ask Herb Cain regarding how people don't consider "scandalous" things about candidates. Palin won't ever run because the rest of the stuff in her past is still out there and getting closer to the surface. She'd have to put out a lot of books before she could refute the truth from so many other sources.

  17. Mark In Everett WA2:53 PM

    I agree with you, Gryph. I think Joe's book, and especially laying out Babygate in the way he did - and further the stuff he didn't include due to not quite enough substantiation - stopped her dead in her tracks. Thank you Joe and all those willing to talk to him - including you, Gryph! I still think her enormous ego would like to run for pres, but she's just (barely) smart enough to know when the gig is up. Interesting the shift in gears trying to feature Toad in a reality show, and it being thankfully passed over (poetic justice!) leaving $P embarrassed and wondering, what grift will work next? It's been wonderful watching her slide into irrelevance. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Servant's heart my ass. Duplicitous, slave to money and validation grifting media whore is more like it. (No offense to working women and men.)

  18. How funny that one of the comments says that when the next Palin family book is completed all the lies will be refuted. Really?? Yet another book of white-washing after the first two? Another book of fantasy filled tales that Palin wanted everyone to think was her life?

    Of all the things that I've heard from those who don't visit the blogs yet distrust and dislike Palin, it was the 'wild ride' in her own words that first sunk her ship of foolishness. The second thing was her obsession with tearing down President Obama and becoming little more than a broken record. Her deranged ramblings about getting messages from G-d couldn't have helped her cause either. What may work with her small group of admirers didn't play so well with an informed and educated general public. She came off as little more than yet another revival preacher with books and snake oil for sale inside the tent.

    So whether it was McGinniss, Dunn or blogs like IM and others who shined the most light, in the end it was Palin herself who destroyed any credibility she hoped to muster. She said she dropped out of the race to spare her family so now it's time for her to bring truth to her words at long last.

  19. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Fox News refers to Barack Obama as "The Anointed One." If anyone was briefly anointed and chosen, it was Sarah Palin. She was plucked from obscurity to be John McCain's running mate. It soon became clear that she was completely unqualified to be running for VP, let alone governing the state of Alaska. When Sarah quit to cash in, it should not have been a surprise to anyone.

    Sarah was doing fine, making money from books, her PAC and appearances on Fox. All that she had to do was follow orders and play with the team. She couldn't do it. I think that she lost Roger Ailes' backing when she went against his wishes and used her Blood Libel video to attack criticism of her cross hair targets last January.

    Since then, I'm sure that the GOP looked around for candidates who could follow direction, and as Karl Rove called it, get a little gravitas. Sarah could not do either. Rove said that a reality show was not the road to the Oval Office. I would add that a bus tour in a big wrapped bus might generate publicity. But, in the end, it was all the wrong kind of publicity, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. Sarah never got any gravitas. She never learned anything. The only thing that she was good for was slinging mud, along with the other nasty people at Fox.

    Sarah might have thought that the higher-ups would change their mind when they saw her steal attention from Romney in NH, then Bachmann in Iowa. In the end, people talked about whether Sarah was really running or not-- as in the presidential race or as in that stage half marathon photo. When Palin is involved, it was always about publicity and never about public service.

    Add to the mix Sarah's famous thin skin, as evidenced in the same troll responses about "you don't know that loving family" and "you are all haters." We haven't seen much of Trig nor do we know about his therapy, troll comments aside. Then, the pitch for a reality show for Todd. It really is all about the money and the publicity. Sarah quit as governor, and that record alone would have made it hard for her to run for president. Add the fact that she still can't sit for a serious interview, answer serious questions, and has little to no organization, and the Business Insider should know the answer to "What Happened?" In the end, Sarah always has been and remains her own worst enemy.

  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Sorry, Anon 2:15 but the Palin trolls (RAM?) were on this post like stink on--well--you know.

    You can sure tell which posts hit too close to home, can't you?

    Anyhow--I agree with Gryphen. Her behavior got so frantic around the time Joe's book came out, you could see something had shaken her. Until then, I thought she was egotistical enough to maybe get in the race, though I didn't expect her to attend any debates and I knew that opposition research would bite her big time--the other Republicans would take her down early on.

    And I think the troll attack just confirmed your theory, Gryph.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Of course she was serious about running. Who else would have bought into the crazy notion of painting up the bus, running around the country and calling it a "Family" vacation all the while chasing the other GOP candidates. Only scara is THAT stupid. The only thing that debacle was, was a testing of the waters and the backfire was soooo very, very sweet! And she didn't think we would catch on........Oh, scara, in some ways I miss you and your ability to make us laugh.

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    @2:10 Where is any denial of the Palins that anything in Joe's book is
    true? The Liar in chief knows that Joe researched and vetted his sources very well. It seems that when
    a certain poster with the Origin "UNITED STATES" arrives on IM, the LIES begin without fail. I hope that you are paid for your DRIVEL.

  23. WakeUpAmerica3:03 PM

    BTW, how about an update on "Fred's" book. What's going on with that?

  24. first off...i would be very suspect to the truth of anything coming from a so called palin friend/advisor.

    she knew soooooooooo much about the process and the candidates...especially HERB cain i suppose.

    look..there is no question that joes book woke the grifter up to reality but like i said before..palin is a joke.

    a real joke like cain was and bachmann is and perry showed himself to be and santorum the worst of the lot is too.

    palin would have crashed just like they all have.
    the real reason palin will never run is NOBODY with any power or sway in the republican party wanted her to and she knows that very well.
    she is mentally unstable and so bizarre that i feel confident saying she was told in no uncertain words NOT to get involved in national politics.

  25. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “Analyzed the debates”??? Palin is as sentient as a rodent. (Now watch, she will use the word “sentient” in one of her Fox interviews. I notice she mines your blog for new words.

  26. Anonymous said...

    I don't know. The Rogue didn't even make a big splash. Only her harshest critics seemed to even pay attention. And it was forgotten early.

    That's just me impression considering I travel a lot and frequently discuss politics with locals all over.

    I was told by a couple people close to her that her advisors said to sit out 2012, as it really is long shot for anyone at this point. The future? No idea. But right now, longshot.

    Remember, there is plenty to refute contents of Joe's book.

    2:10 PM

    *SIGH*....Gov Dirty Wig™....why do you do this to yourself? You're such a crazy loon that you give yourself away EVERY TIME!

    You know that Joe's book...especially about you fucking Glen "Baby Oil" Rice was what did it for your serious fans...the thought of you fucking that big black dude and liking it did not sit well with the Toad either...come on and admit it Dirty!

    And of course you never "refuted" fucking Glen Rice...did ya'? LOL!!!

  27. Anonymous3:07 PM

    This morning I listened to an interview with Joe McGinniss on WHMP, a local radio station in Northampton, Mass. Most of what was said is already known but many who follow this website.

    Western Mass. is a very liberal enclave. Palin hasn't been on the radar around here since John McCain and Palin were defeated in 2008; she's just not newsworthy, unless, of course, she's making a fool of herself.

    Our local Barnes & Noble has had several copies of Joe's book on the shelf. Maybe this interview will help move them. Or it just may be the locals bought them as e-books, as I did.

    When the interview comes up in a podcast format, I will send the link, might be a few days from now.


  28. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I love seeing Sarah Palin talked about in the past tense

  29. Anonymous3:08 PM

    2:10 “refute” material in Joe’s book? Please do tell, as you seem so informed!

    The Rice material was priceless!

  30. Olivia3:13 PM

    WhooHoo, Mr.G. You hit a nerve again with the bots jumping right on. You know the truth is close when they are here so quickly.

    BTW, Anonymous @2:13. It isn't slander when it is true. If her family could read and write, they might finish their book but more likely, they are paying someone to write a new set of fairy tales. I suppose with the money drying up, they are fantasizing about millions of books being sold. All that needs to be told is the truth about the wild ride and who gave birth to Trig and you could sell a million. Otherwise it will be the same old bullshit and everyone has pretty much had enough.

  31. Anonymous said...

    Babygate MAY have something to do with it. Generally, people don't pay attention to "slanderous" things written about politicians. I quoted the term slanderous for a reason, not to say ALL was slanderous, but much was.

    I think if her family members complete their book, it will be an acceptable refuting of all the lies and distortions, mainly early on in her life.

    2:13 PM

    Oh Lord! more books from the ignorant, hillbilly, racist family of Gov Dirty Wig™!

    Look Dirty...haven't you gotten the memo? YOU ARE DONE...STICK A FORK IN YOU AND YOUR HILLBILLY FAMILY! Just go away already....if nobody bought Brisdull's book of "lies and distortions, mainly early on in her life"...who the fuck wants to hear from your Creepy ass Daddy and your equally creepy brother?

    PS...Babygate has ALOT to do with your dumbass not running for's not going to change in 2012...2016...2020 and by then you won't be able to show your face...because you will have grown a beard and no one will be able to tell you and the Toad good luck with that!

    Menopause will not be your friend Dirty! LOL!!!

  32. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Generally, people don't pay attention to "slanderous" things written about politicians.

    Hahaha. Riiiiight. Ask 'ole Herb Cain about that.

  33. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Well guys keep your ink and make sure you have backups to all things Palin because I have a feeling this woman is going to try again in 2016. She will work her butt off being a celebrity but when it comes to doing the work you should say forgetaboutit. She is all show and no stay. Prick tease is about right.

  34. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The problem with this story from Business Insider is that it quotes "one of Palin's closest advisors".

    Any human being stupid enough to be a close adviser to Sarah Palin is inherently unreliable. No one can be long in the Palin circus and retain morals, integrity, intelligence or common sense.

    Anything purported to be from a close adviser is either the product of Sarah Palin's sociopath brain or a zombie fanboy going rogue.

    Do you notice that this "close adviser" is willing to relate how well Sarah Palin is able to learn and retain information about other candidates. Reeks of fanboy to me.

    Sarah Palin is stupid, ignorant and over-medicated. She couldn't even manage to relate a Paul Revere story without mangling it. I'd like this "close adviser" to reconcile Palin's comical rendition of simple history with her supposed ability to observe and comprehend debates.

    Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of rocks. Business Insider is peddling a fantasy.

  35. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I think the fact that many people talked to Joe is what threw Sarah. Many more did not but she must have wondered when/if they might.

    The remainder of Palin's emails haven't come out yet.

    Also, Loughner hasn't gone to trial. Just because the msm said nothing tied Palin to Loughner, it doesn't mean that to be so. No one knows, but those closest to the case, what influenced Loughner. Maybe she did, and knows it--but the public doesn't know yet or know the details.

  36. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Long before McGinnis started his book, Sarah Palin quit the governorship of the state of Alaska.

    Sarah Palin quit to avoid exposure (and probably jail). That's the same reason she won't run for political office ever again. Joe McGinnis had exactly zip to do with it.

  37. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Let's prove Sarah reads this blog. Sarah, next time you're on Fox, I dare you to use the word "flabbergasted."

  38. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "She even insisted on watching all of the debates and analyzing the candidates afterwards,"

    Oh, good grief. This is coming from a woman that misquoted something she "read" off of a Starbucks coffee cup.

    Please, stop trying to rewrite the Grifter's history.

  39. Anonymous3:36 PM

    “Analyzed the debates”??? Palin is as sentient as a rodent.

    3:06 PM
    You nailed it! Thank you.

  40. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "I don't know. The Rogue didn't even make a big splash."

    @2:10 PM

    The same could be said about Bri$tol's piece of shit book. Joe M's book certainly made a big enough splash to $arah Palin, since she threatened to sue Joe M., and felt the need to release a statement after the Glenn Rice story came out.

  41. Ailsa3:48 PM

    To Anonymous @ 2:10 PM

    My impression, having traveled to 48 states of the Union and to countries in every continent except Antarctica in the past week, is that millions of people have read The Rogue.

    I expect you are going simply on book sales, but there is a thriving global lending library in existence together with volunteer translators. I, my own self, have read the book in Urdu, Farsi and Lengua, and can say *babygate* in every major language of the world.

    We will never forget.

  42. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Palin Troll @2:13 PM

    "Generally, people don't pay attention to "slanderous" things written about politicians."

    Yes, they do. That's why the President had to show his birth certificate.

    "I think if her family members complete their book, it will be an acceptable refuting of all the lies and distortions, mainly early on in her life."

    Don't tell me these assholes are trying to publish another book. Nobody cares. No one wants to hear the Palins whine, anymore. Their time has passed.

  43. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "I was told by a couple people close to her that her advisors said to sit out 2012, as it really is long shot for anyone at this point."

    Awesome! I sincerely hope she listens to those "advisors" and stays out because 2012 is Palin's ONLY shot at becoming Queen. If the economy stays bad and the right can goad Obama into starting a fight with Iran, that's the best chance she'll ever get.

    By 2016, she'll look like a shrunken apple head doll, her political heat will be stone cold and the Dems will be running Hillary whom Palin could NEVER hope to compete with on any level.

    So yeah $arah, listen to your "advisors" and stay out. Remember, you can "have more influence without a title!" Bwahahahahahaha

  44. I believe she really wanted the Presidency: her absolutely delusional narcissism led to her conviction that she was some biblical kind of heroine chosen by God in this case to be President (this belief affirmed by some weird pastor).

    When egotism crosses over into egoism, (narcissism) there's a complete break with reality. I think she's that delusional.

  45. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Dear "Hm, I Don't Know" Fairy Tale Troll: I bought Joe's book. And I never purchase any of the Palin ghost-written books. But they are all fairy tales, those Palin books. So it's easy to see why you like them. Do you think you can find them in German libraries? Or will you pack yours to take with you?

  46. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Equally as damaging as the fact that McGinniss published the Rice episode was the media and public reaction to it. When major media and internet sites cover the Glen and Sarah story like Alaska WTF; that must suck to be be in the news like that. Other pre publication excerpts were treated similarly by the media. Despite the Palin 's best efforts; none of the allegations were disproven by the Palin clan in the media, and none were retracted by the author.

    Once the book was published Joe McGinniss actually ran a real support tour for the book. Joe made many major media appearances, to discuss his book and it's subject. Compare this to the tours that Sarah did for her books. Selling the book like the Ginzu Knife guy or the ShamWow guy is not the same as what Joe did. Sarah knows this. Sarah knows she could not have put a tour like this together, and she knows she could not have handled the questions that she would have gotten on such a tour. There is not enough room on her palms to write all the answers.

  47. Anonymous4:01 PM

    So, where is Fred's book? It would be a great follow-up to what McG wrote.

  48. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anon 2:10 is the fairy tale troll and now she is harassing and demeaning Shailey on her blog. Why oh why do you give her a forum for her delusional hatred?
    You are enabling her Gryphen and she isn't funny.
    If she made one post fine but she obviously is sick in the head because she posts SO much.

    she is an abusive bully and I wouldn't be surprised if she is Sarah herself or a family member.
    How the he'll does she know what Palins advisors told her?

    Troll you are really sick. And you really are dumb if you think McGinnisses book had no effect.

    Get a life!

  49. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anon @3:26: Amen.

  50. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anon @ 2:10: You are so full of shit.

  51. ibwilliamsi4:07 PM

    Remember when Brisdull said that her mom had "already made up her mind" about the the run last summer? If Scarah was taking money from the PAC for a fake campaign when she'd already made up her mind to not run - she was - that's illegal, isn't it? This could just be their way of trying to pull her feet out of the fire by saying "She had every intention of running until the last minute. She came by that money honestly."

  52. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Babygate is not a thing of the past - it will come out in full detail and Sarah knows it. She was fucking scared it would ruin her future grifting if she declared and was forced out shortly thereafter. Ha - there is no pot of gold regardless - with no demand for speeches and failure to launch reality tv. And watching her foolish running mate babble on the Senate floor shows how far they have both washed up. Sarah, you are a loser.

  53. Anonymous4:10 PM

    "...... I was told by a couple people close to her that her advisors said to sit out 2012, as it really is long shot for anyone at this point. The future? No idea. But right now, longshot......"

    2:10 PM

    Does this defender of Sarah Palin (maybe Sarah herself) realize that they just outed why Sarah did not run for POTUS?

    This person just admitted Palin did not run for POTUS because there was no way Palin could beat Obama so her advisors told Palin to drop out.


    Palin gave her ignorant gullible followers a whole different reason why she dropped out.

    Hey Sarah.... Obama beats you again!

    That's why you hate him so much.

  54. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Yes, Sarah fucking a big tall black guy with a huge one is what finally made her poll numbers shrink. And it was the final straw for Todd. Their marriage was a sham before but little Todd couldn't compete with Glen.

    I work in radio and TV and honestly Rush, Beck and the Fox group were laughing and snickering at the idea of Sarah with Rice. By the way, NO ONE doubted the story or anything else in Joes book.

    I hate to break it to the first poster here, but the conservative media really believed all of it and laughed hysterically. Sarah has mistreated so many people that many were happy to see her embarrassed and her hypocrisy brought to light.

    I can share that Beck will never look at Sarah the same way after hearing about Rice.

    PS Sarahs "advisors" are a joke. They are paid BY HER stupid and told her to sit out because she never had a chance.

  55. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Where is Trig's birth certificate?

  56. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "..... She knows her sexiness sells, or at least she thinks so, but she is no porn star. No, she sells herself as a mom who just happens to look sexy. If she were just a hocky mom, who would care abut her?....."

    LOL, I guess you didn't see Sarah Palin's Hawaii vacation picture when she wore that blue McCain visor with his named blackened out? Believe me you wouldn't look twice at that flat chested aging piece of shit.... Hell you wouldn't even look at her one time.... she looked so old and fucked up. That's the time she got the phone call on the beach that whorie Willow was in custody for vandalism, breaking and entering. It was disgusting, Sarah's exposed arms and legs were pasty and blotchy. No wonder Tawd wandered off and was spending time with tanned Miss Shailey!

    "Have you seen shapely Miss Shailey?"

    That is why Sarah has to stuff her bra like a junior high skank otherwise no one would give that boyish looking tranny granny the time of day.

    Sexy my ass!

  57. Enjay in E MT4:27 PM

    $arahPalin doesn't want to work to get the US Presidency. No media, no debates, no protestors at speaking events - no hard ball questions. According to her, Gawd will make a way.

    I envision the scene when (Elizabeth Taylor) Cleopatra arrives in Rome, dressed in her golden regalia, carried by thousands of (slaves) kool-aid-drunk idiots to deliver her to her Roman destiny.

    Gawd must have a warped sense of humor telling Perry, Michelle and a couple others to run this year while neglecting $arah & Huckabee.

  58. Cracklin' Charlie4:27 PM


    That's absotootly one of your top five! LOLOLOL

  59. Anonymous4:31 PM

    LOL Sarah Palin may have been obsessed wanting to be POTUS but it would of been PINO (President In Name Only) like she was GINO (Governor In Name Only).

    Palin would of loved the Secret Service, limo, Air Force One, Marine One, White House, banquets, traveling, "Hail To The Chief" song, the media and everything else.

    Basically Sarah would of been equal to the Queen of England... no responsibilities.... just a title.

    So sad Sarah Palin has only to look forward to everyone in her family unemployed and uneducated looking to her to scam and grift for money while Toad snowmobile race, Brisket rides mechanical bulls, Willow just does nothing, Piper and Track - well who knows what they do?

  60. Not What You Want To Hear4:31 PM

    Anon 2:19: "I call bullshit on this. Who's the close advisor - Todd? These people defrauded their supporters and now are trying to rewrite history."

    I agree.

  61. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "She even insisted on watching all of the debates "

    This makes no sense to me. Who did she insist to? Weren't the debates on TV so she could just watch them herself without doing any insisting? Maybe she was institutionalized at the time and had to put in a request.

  62. Anonymous4:32 PM


    If there is so much to refute in Joe's book, why didn't a single Fox "news" or opinion person spend even one segment doing it?

    All the Palins did was issue a statement that said the book was full of lies and that they were suing.

    That's sure was some mighty fine refutin'.

    How's that suit coming by the way? LOL!

  63. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hey Sarah how's that lawsuit thingy against Joe McG doing?

    That trial should be over right about now.

    Did you win?

  64. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hey what's going on?

    Is this "Wack A Sarah Mole Week"?

    Bang bang bang

  65. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "$arahPalin doesn't want to work to get the US Presidency."

    4:27 PM,

    The Quitter doesn't want to work at all.

  66. Anonymous4:47 PM

    ".... Yes, Sarah fucking a big tall black guy with a huge one is what finally made her poll numbers shrink. And it was the final straw for Todd. Their marriage was a sham before but little Todd couldn't compete with Glen....."


    Hey Sarah now you learned your lesson... Don't screw big black guys..... All that manhood just made your eyes wonky and permanently crossed.

    That's why you settled for 4 inch pencil dicklet Toddy!

  67. Anonymous5:07 PM

    (ahem) you are my hero!

  68. Anonymous5:09 PM

    There is more to Loughner than everyone knows. And it will come out and Sarah does know about it.
    In the meantime, Bristol is upset because she has no income. Thus the increased anger she is showing. Sarah is frantically looking for a new source of income since only a few delusional bots still send in money. She knows Fox isn't in her future nor are 100,000 speaking contracts.

  69. Anonymous5:17 PM

    4:31 I am laughing SO hard!!! Maybe she was institutionalized and had to put in a request!!
    Toooo funny!!! And you are so right! The claim that she insisted is ridiculous.

  70. Did anyone click on the Business Insider link Gryphen put at the top of the story.

    It's hilarious that the picture of Palin at that site dates back to 2006!! when she was running for Governor!

    Evidently they couldn't find any recent pictures where she was still an attractive woman. Oh, that's right, they could have used the primped, coiffed, sprayed, coutured woman of the 2008 campaign, but who HASN'T used those pictures?

  71. Anonymous5:41 PM

    As someone who has followed the Palin saga and hoax pretty closely since the end of the election, and as someone who read Joe's book, I wonder if anyone can point to a single thing in it to refute.

    Large or small. C'mon -- this is a challenge. I saw not one thing.

  72. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The Business Insider link is to a Business Insider review of a new ebook. So the quote is not originally from Business Insider, it is from the book.

    Released today, the book kicks off Playbook 2012, Politico's four-part digital book series that will go behind-the-scenes of the 2012 presidential campaign.

    In this first installment, Allen and Thomas trace the evolution of the GOP presidential race as the Republican party struggled to find its identity after the 2008 election. Through a series of exclusive interviews with political operatives, advisors, ex-staffers, and even the candidates themselves, the two reporters uncover revealing details about the campaigns and answer some lingering questions about this year's boom-and-bust primary cycle.

    We read through the book and pulled out the juiciest campaign intel.

    The book is here, $2.95.

  73. Olivia5:53 PM

    Anonymous @ 5:41 I am pretty sure that the troll has no idea what refute means.
    Hey there, 'I don't know' troll... refute = prove that someone is wrong. Denial is not refuting an allegation. They(and you) will deny and obfuscate all over the place but they(and you) will never be able to refute.

  74. Anonymous5:53 PM

    There is no way, no way this is legit. If there is one thing we know about Sarah, is she don't do homework. She would not study debates and know about candidates. Just like she wasn't an avid reader as a child or sat next to a tape recorder listening to Joe O'Biden's Senate Floor speeches when she was in middle school.

    All she reads is prayer chain emails (about her and for her) and SarahPAC die-hard fan mail.

  75. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sarah Palin is obsessed with being in front of a camera. And getting lots of other people's money.

  76. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The authors of the book this Business Insider excerpt came from are Mike Allen and Evan Thomas.

    Evan Thomas is the original on the record use of the phrase "Wasilla hillbilly coast to coast spending spree, looting Neiman and Marcus coast to coast" about the Palin RNC shopping spree.

    Mike Allen is the co author of this Politico post from October 31, 2010.

    "Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin"

    Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.

    Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s midterm campaigns. (See: Sarah Palin wreaking havoc on campaign trail)

    Sarah responded to this Politico post on Fox News the same day.

    ...these are the brave people who want to lead the nation and run the world. And but they're not brave enough to put their name in an article," she told Greta Van Susteren. "I learned back in the day that who, what, when, where, why of journalism. You report that facts; you let other people decide what their opinion is going to be. So having unnamed sources in an article like this is very, very, disappointing, you know. And it doesn't do anybody any good. It doesn't educate anybody.

  77. Anonymous6:06 PM

    There is more to Loughner than everyone knows. And it will come out and Sarah does know about it.
    In the meantime, Bristol is upset because she has no income. Thus the increased anger she is showing. Sarah is frantically looking for a new source of income since only a few delusional bots still send in money. She knows Fox isn't in her future nor are 100,000 speaking contracts.

  78. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I would love to hear from Joe McGinniss what he now thinks re MSM reluctance to take on the Palin Hoax. Sure, Joe got on some prime time programs for some discussion, but it didn't have legs. I wonder why? Why did NPR's Terry Gross not interview him? I would LOVE to hear Joe's thoughts on this.

    My own opinion is that after McGinniss's appearances, any bright-eyed ambitious reporter who wanted to research and write the story of the hoax AND ITS IMPLICATIONS (which is the important part, not pathetic SP) was rather quickly told by his chain of command to go count the Campbell's soup cans in the back closet as his next 2-month assignment. There is simply an MSM blackout on this story.

    Why? Because the deep background enablers and funders are the same ones who just treated us the klown kar kandidates, and they'd rather not discuss their role re enabling our dear SP. It's a good plan that should work: the fat cats tell SP to keep a lid on it, and SP says "I'm not going down alone if I go down," so everyone has a lot invested in keeping the hoax a vague memory that never really came to light.

    Joe!! We want to hear the post-mortem. Fred: where are you? We need you.

  79. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "Palin was "obsessed" with running and convinced she could win"

    That actually makes me giggle. She is so silly. I remember her shit eating smirk during the '08 campaign, so convinced she was Jesus Mary Palin come to rule the world. As though she had something to offer. Silly, silly, silly...

  80. Smirnonn6:09 PM

    The eski-ho will never run for public office again because it knows that there's people who know exactly what it is. Skank, unfortunately, usually rises to the surface.

    Thanks for the years of divisive snark, paylump. Please fuck the fuck off and just go away forever.

  81. angela6:15 PM

    With Palin, it has always been about the money and covering up the rot and criminality . . . .

    NOT running for president.

  82. Anonymous6:26 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Let's prove Sarah reads this blog. Sarah, next time you're on Fox, I dare you to use the word "flabbergasted."

    3:29 PM"

    I think she should try to say laissez-faire. That is a good political word, and she needs to brainiac it up to compensate for being such a hot pieces of ass. The glasses were supposed to have toned down her secks appeal, but she insisted on wearing push-up bras and low-cut tops, red peep-toe pumps, and lots and lots of leather. She needs obscure words, not just biguns.

  83. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I'm beyond certain that the ill-fated bus tour was the unofficial launch of her presidential campaign. That's the reason for the focus on DC and NH and the constant haunting of Iowa and peeing on other candidates' big events, the purchase of the AZ house, the Bannon thing (that started out as a campaign ad), not to mention the cheesecake posing for Newsweek ("The hottest President from the coldest State").

    All her millions of Rill American supporters were supposed to mass in the streets in angry mobs of thousands demanding that she run, run, run ("only YOU can save America, Sarah Palin!"). Only the media showed up...

    The history-making Palin Phenomena sweeping the nation, restoring to We the People the will to live, would completely steamroll any old McGinnis book.

    She believed every word that was written at the Peezoo - every single word. She genuinely believed she was all that, and destined to be the next President, just like any other psycho would.

    She disappeared from the radar for a very long time between "bus disaster" and September, so Reality must have left big teeth marks in her saggy old butt.

  84. Anonymous6:33 PM

    @6:26 - she's already used "laissez-faire" in 2009. In Hong Kong? She needs to say a word that no one's ever heard her say before. Go ahead, Sarah. We dare you. Say: "Flabbergasted" on Fox.

  85. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Hey Trolls, try a new approach, something like:

    Sarah Palin is the best thing to come along since Charmin Toilet Paper came up with cute bears who sh*t in the woods and have their God given choice of different softness and strengths of toilet paper.

    No one believes you travel the world and speak to tons of people who LOVE Sarah Palin. How many languages does one have to learn to be able to do that? And who can afford interpreters and airfair after sending all their money to Sarah PAC?

    Everyone relates to bears sh*tting in the woods. They're such dang cute critters and they come in pastel colors! Just like Skittles!

  86. Anonymous6:37 PM

    So remember that story that Mittens relates on the campaign trail about how he had to tough it out on his stay in France when he was serving his church? It's the story that he tells as a way to show that he knows how it is to struggle and can therefore relate with the unemployed and downtrodden. Well, it seems for him 'toughing it' meant staying in a palace with servants. I kid you not.

  87. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Anon 2:13. If it is true, it is not slander. Joe is a seasoned author, he does NOT write slander. His research is thorough, and factual.

    So you can take that to the bank.

  88. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I don't know. The Rogue didn't even make a big splash. Only her harshest critics seemed to even pay attention. And it was forgotten early.

    That's just me impression considering I travel a lot and frequently discuss politics with locals all over.

    I was told by a couple people close to her that her advisors said to sit out 2012, as it really is long shot for anyone at this point. The future? No idea. But right now, longshot.

    Remember, there is plenty to refute contents of Joe's book.
    2:10 PM
    Ok Brooklyn fuck off! Do you wait until Gryphen post a blog so you can be first out the gate?
    Joes book did not surprise all of US who know but what about all the people who didn't know what a lying thieving grifter she is? Also Aduteress x ?
    I wouldn't be surprised if a movie comes out of Joes book! And also,too, WHAT ABOUT THE PARTS HE LEFT OUT? AS MORE EMAIL COME TO LIGHT HE MIGHT BE ABLE TO RELEASE A 2ND BOOK ON THOSE! And stupid, Roger Ailes is his friend! Did you miss the American Dad show that showed sarah adopted the antichrist? Do you think that was a accident?
    No! She is done. Poof.
    The word is out. Palin is nothing.
    Refute? Refute Palin!!!!

  89. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I think Joe is a scumbag... not for exposing the Palin hypocricy,...

    but for using his blog JUST to promote his book...(the blog now non existent)

    he was in it for the quick "win" not for the long haul...

    boo hissssssssssssssssss joe...''ya bailed...

  90. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I really give a lot of credit to all the bloggers who were on this since jump street. They all added their own insight and approaches, they did the grunt work that was the foundation the books eventually covered.
    I have to agree with you, Joe is an accomplished writer who stuck his neck out even marginally addressing babygate. He threw down the gauntlet to Sarah, and she knew that running would open her to real vetting and a lot of digging.

    People like You, Andree McLeod, Celtic Diva, Jeannie Devon, Shailey, Mercede, and a lot of the Alaska bloggers were like Paul Reverere, shining those lanterns, firing those warning shots, and making a line of affordable cookware that warned the world of the real Sarah Palin.

    P.S. Thanks for letting the hysterical troll comments through. They're so much fun to read!

  91. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    As someone who has followed the Palin saga and hoax pretty closely since the end of the election, and as someone who read Joe's book, I wonder if anyone can point to a single thing in it to refute.

    Large or small. C'mon -- this is a challenge. I saw not one thing.

    5:41 PM

    What's the one thing Sarah Palin loves more than God, her kids, family and everything else?

    MONEY! MONEY and mo MONEY!

    So it puzzles me (not really) that Sarah and Todd turned down BIG MONEY (I mean really BIG MONEY!) to take a lie detector to prove that they are and were faithful to each other. This is free money that no one in the world can claim except for those two and they did not take the offer.

    Does this really surprise anyone?

    So Sarah and Tawd can prove the book wrong and make MONEY at the same time by taking the test and there is only one answer.....

    Its either "Yes" or "No"

    No Gotcha questions Sarah!

    Hey Sarah ya can even take the lie detector test and if your heart feels like it you can donate the money to a DS children's charity or pocket the money for yourself!

    Sarah why dontcha take the test? Its not like you and Tawd has anywhere else to go since everybody in your family is unemployed and not in school!

  92. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "She even insisted on watching all of the debates and analyzing the candidates afterwards"

    First of all..what do they do, monitor this site 24/7? Look how often the troll is the first to respond, even when it is the middle of the night.

    The above quote is a good example of how delusional this troll is. I agree with the other poster..why would she have to "insist" on watching the debates. As a politician, it would seem automatic that she watches them. The line I enjoyed the most was about her analyzing them afterwards. I could hear her "did you see his hair..what was he thinking? And how about the ugly old lady dress that Michelle had on...I wouldn't be caught dead in something like that". I seriously doubt she has the brain to remember a single point they made.

    I am laughing hard at the comment that the Rogue didn't make a big splash. Does she mean Sarah, who called herself "Rogue" constantly? I agree, Sarah didn't make a big splash.

    Also loved the poster who reminded us of those horrible cottage cheese thighs and flat chest pictures from Hawaii. And the tackiness of wearing the McCain hat and blacking the name out with magic marker.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen!

  93. Once she quit her job as Alaska's governor, she left electoral politics.

    She was after the money. BUT, also,too...
    she was forced out by something that we do not yet know about. If "it" could force her out of that job-- how could she possibly try for higher office?

  94. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    (Sorry I'm late to the discussion, I have a Rill job and it kept me busy the last 24 hrs.)

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  95. Anonymous7:46 PM

    About the time she apparently knew she wasn't running for president this time, Sarah's purse carrier Todd released one of the lamest statements ever issued. He didn't have the balls to read it himself.

    Below are statements to TODAY from Todd Palin in response to allegations raised by Joe McGinniss in his new book "The Rogue: Searching for the real Sarah Palin":

    Statement from Todd Palin:
    "This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us. He traffics in innuendo and falsehoods. A few years ago he interviewed members of Sarah's administration for a magazine article, and afterwards they said that he was the most disingenuous and intellectual dishonest writer they'd ever dealt with. He's spent the last year interviewing marginal figures with an axe to grind in order to churn out a hit piece to satisfy his own creepy obsession with my wife. I'd ask that people consider these facts when evaluating his latest lies."

    "I'd ask the fathers and husbands of America to consider our privacy when one summer day I found this guy on the deck of the rental property, just 18 feet away next door to us, staring like a creep at my wife while she mowed the lawn in her shorts, unbeknownst to her that he was prying. As well as our teenage daughters while they tried to enjoy our traditional Alaskan summer days outdoors. Joe's son told the media he advised his dad not to move from the East Coast to become our next door neighbor, but said his dad 'was just waiting for Todd to be out of the picture.' Sarah has never spoken to this intruder into our lives, our friends and family don't speak to him, so we have no idea where he would come up with content for his book. He was on our doorstep one day trying to make conversation with our son until Track cut the conversation short after discerning Joe's odd behavior, and I spoke to him one time when I saw him 18 feet away, just to find out who he was. He took that conversation and reported it to the media as me 'threatening' him."

    Joe McGinniss (who could probably spell the phrase "intellectual dishonest" correctly if he wanted to) reported the following allegation in his book.

    "Todd hit on me," she told me in the summer of 2010.
    "During summer, the fishing season, Todd was out there, and they'd all flirt with me. I'd probably flirt back. I remember coming out of a restaurant one day and Todd was in his old Ford truck with a boat hooked up to the back, and he was like, 'Come here.' I had on these overalls with a bikini top, and he said 'I hear lots about you.' Then he said 'Turn around,' and I said, 'What?' and he said 'I hear you got a great heart-shaped ass' and 'Aren't you just adorable?' Todd was hot back in the day, and I remember thinking, 'Hmmm.' Then I found out he was married. I was like, 'Well, I don't roll that way.'
    "J.D. had one of those big Native steams behind his house and he always invited the white girls. A bunch of us would go over. One day Todd made a comment about my nipples being pink. I said, 'You've never seen me naked,' and he said, 'Well, maybe there's a peephole.' Todd and his friends had been peepin' on us for months. And he wasn't some horny teenager; he was a grown and married man."

    Which is among the many things in the McGinniss book never denied by the Palins. Just like Herb Cain, when you make statements of denial in the press, anonymous people sometimes decide to come forward and repeat their allegations in public.

  96. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well guys keep your ink and make sure you have backups to all things Palin because I have a feeling this woman is going to try again in 2016. She will work her butt off being a celebrity but when it comes to doing the work you should say forgetaboutit. She is all show and no stay. Prick tease is about right.
    3:24 PM
    Best laugh I've heard all day (except Gina)
    In 2016 she will be a hag! She is already in meno and it is not her friend! She was prob in meno when she "HAD" TriG hardy har, har....!!!!
    Dried up tranny looking hag is too kind and since that's all her bots care about, she is done! DONE!
    All they care about is looks and hers and flying by GOING, GOING, GONE!
    She looks like a bobble headed meth freak.
    She will be lucky to be alive in 2016 eatin' all her s'mores and crunchwrap supremes!

  97. She wasn't going to run from the beginning. she is stupider than santorum and dumber than perry. she can't stand up to a real debate. she is far, far, far too ignorant, lazy, greedy and immature to even contemplate a debate.

  98. Anonymous8:15 PM

    How's that large fly swatter working for you, Queen Esther? TOLD you so!

    And! If you're holding out for 2016? You can't even do FOX every couple weeks without showing the "stupid." It's been saved, you know.

  99. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Granny Quittypants has been possessed with being president of something since the 7th grade when she first realized how easy it was to lead a clique of mean girls. First goal - PTA. Second goal - Ruler of the world!

    As for Joe, he did his patriotic duty and has moved on to writing his next book.


  100. I agree with Holly: all the pressure through the years from various sources has had a cumulative affect--esp. McGinnis recently. But it is Wallace and Schmidt who have the goods on her--they let her have her bus "vacation," but when she took the Iowa farce too far, Wallace hit the media circuit, and it was OVER.

  101. Anonymous8:24 PM

    It's all the fault of you stoopid bloggers wearing pajamas in your parents' basement!

    Too bad Toddy boy and his fishwife can't sue the internet and free speech. By the way, are Track & Britta still living in the basement of the Fox compound in Wasilla? Need Mommie much?

  102. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Twat personified.

  103. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I think the trolls have no idea how widely read that book is going to be.
    2:44 PM

    Going to be? It already is!

  104. Cracklin' Charlie8:28 PM

    anon 6:37,

    Great find on that article about Romney! He lived in a mansion while he was a missionary in Paris?

    That's not the way he told the story. What a TOTAL PHONY!

  105. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I can't wait for the Palin family book to come out about their version of the "truth". The first thing I'm going to do is buy it, copy it & bittorent it. FREE to all! It's a gamble though...I don't think anyone will be interested.

  106. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I would think after the Tucson shooting and the backlash Palin got over her blood libel video in response to it would have convinced her that she will never be elected to anything ever again.

  107. Hey Gryph! I agree that Joe was that final blow..I knew he would! The Rogue spoke to Sarah's lack of good character. It's a good read! They all are! Merry Christmas everyone!!

    Syrin's Blog

  108. Anonymous10:12 PM

    The day the country would elect a stupid bitch like Pathetic Palin, is the day I'll become an ex-patriot. She is a fucking idiot with delusions of grandeur.

    I haven't posted for a while.

    Happy Holidays Gryphen and all IM posters. I hope the best for you and yours.



  109. Anonymous @2:10 P.M. Sarah's advisors told her to sit this one out? If anyone had actually said that to her, she'd be running to spite them. She's always been her own worst enemy. I have a family member who's been in D.C. for over 4 decades, he's one of the old guard members of the GOP and as he said, "we didn't have nor would we have the RWNJ's we've seen since 2008." Palin ushered in the idea that ignorance is to respected as seen by her uneducated supporters. He also knows that Palin didn't have a prayer because her unfavorables were climbing and her base NEVER grew. She also couldn't find the big money backers she needed because they knew her running would result in a landslide victory for President Obama. You and her other supporters brag about how she'd be leading the field and ready to wipe up the floor with Obama. That's so easy to say now that she's taken the cowardly road.

    As for Joe's book, which one of his 70+ named sources are you refuting? Come on, you can tell us. What's not true? Care to answer for a change? You & the rest of her fans never answer these questions.

  110. AJ Billings10:54 PM

    You know $arah, there is quite a lot in most "sacred" books about lying.

    $arah, your lies have greatly contributed to people not liking you, and calling you out on your sins and scandals.

    Want a little background on what happened, and why you didn't run for President?

    Excerpt from the "Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunn

    "In a now celebrated e-mail that went viral just after Palin’s selection, Anne Kilkenny, a resident of Wasilla who voted for Palin twice in her runs for City Council, mentioned Palin’s “predatory ruthlessness.” More recently Kilkenny described Palin as “a dishonest, unprincipled character whose aberrant and erratic behavior is savagely destructive and sows hate.”

    On one occasion during her tenure as governor, Palin went on a radio show with a pair of conservative shock jocks in Anchorage who were belittling Palin’s former mentor, the matriarch of Alaska’s Republican Party Lyda Green, by calling her a “bitch” and a “cancer.” Palin actually giggled throughout their remarks even though she knew full well that Green was a breast cancer survivor."

    Ring any bells $arah? Ever since city council, you've left a twisted wake of lies, hate, and wounded people behind you, and that legacy plus your ignorance has got you where you are today.

  111. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Anyone else notice that each day she looks more and more like her nemesis Lyda Green? Take a look at her chins and jowls.

    I can't help but think back to that interview on the Bob and Mark show where they referred to Lyda as a "Bitch". And Sarah just giggled with delight.

    Karma is funny that way and she's got truckloads of bad karma headed her direction.

    Wanna bet money that after she reads this she digs up a photo of Lyda to compare?

    Hi Sarah! Where's the birth certificate?

  112. Anon@6:46...
    People like You, Andree McLeod, Celtic Diva, Jeannie Devon, Shailey, Mercede, and a lot of the Alaska bloggers were like Paul Reverere, shining those lanterns, firing those warning shots, and making a line of affordable cookware that warned the world of the real Sarah Palin.
    This cracked me up. As a big Paul Revere fan, I'm delighted with your silliness.

  113. MissSunshine6:55 AM

    I am certain that her "Blood Libel" speech was meant to signal her bid to capture the attention of the voters and show Roger Alies/GOP financial backers that she had the charisma and following to jump start the tattered and bleeding Republican party.

    Her deep gasps, the super-patriotic props in the background, and her rambling speech was a gamble to put her in a frontrunner position.

    Of course she would have folded when it got hard or boring, but it would have meant another book and boosted her speaking fees.

    Having seen "The Oft-defeated" I am certain it was to be the centerpiece of her "campaign". See, she doesn't even have to show up to make speeches, have a campaign staff, or meet with reporters.

    As each presidential candidate blunders and falls from favor, she must be DYING to jump in the race; the field is filled with idiots and charlatans and she knows she could look as good as they do or better.

    Something or someone is keeping her restrained.

    I expect her to go off her meds, give her captors the slip, and make one last insane effort to be part of the race in 2012.

    Because that's how delusional narcissists roll.

  114. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Anon 2:10PM - There is very little to refute the verified contents of Joe's book, if anything. I think
    enough people read his book or
    were informed by others who had
    & became aware of what a phony
    she has always been. Books don't rise or fall by pundits. In fact the worse publicity a movie, play, or book gets often spikes interest
    in it. Her lawsuit against him
    fizzled quickly.

    Also, why is anyone impressed or surprised that she's informed about the candidates, the proccess & the debates?? She pays thousands
    of dollars to consultants whom she is in daily & hourly contact with to keep her informed. Remember she told Oprah she gets up at 4:30AM?
    That's about 8AM NY/DC time, & that's when she starts getting
    calls from her informers. She is NEVER seperated from her 2 blackberries. EVER.

    Sharon TN

  115. Anonymous said...
    I think Joe is a scumbag... not for exposing the Palin hypocricy,...

    but for using his blog JUST to promote his book...(the blog now non existent)

    he was in it for the quick "win" not for the long haul...

    boo hissssssssssssssssss joe...''ya bailed...
    6:46 PM
    What nonsense. Joe made it clear that the blog was part of the publicity plan designed by the publisher to build interest in the book.

    Joe is a professional author. Writing books is how he makes a living. Joe and the publisher would be foolish beyond belief if they did not use all the modern, effective methods there are to market their products.

    Why should he work for free?

  116. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Tip of my hat to Anon6:32pm. I too, am certain that SP was expecting to be greeted with a ticker-tape parade and dancing in the streets everywhere she went.

    The reality of her experience must have knocked her sideways.

    But never count out low cunning and an insatiable need for money and attention.

    Unfortunately, I expect her to slap on a dirty wig, push-up bra and padded panties every four years for the rest of her natural life and put on some kind of show for the media.

  117. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah is the ultimate prick tease. She loves the courtship and the foreplay but when it comes to consummating the "job" she quits halfway through.

  118. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I still want to know why tripp is named after shailey and why the license plate of trip in march?
    Just a few questions I have for this crazy has been...

  119. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yeah, what happened to the fire in the belly c r ap.

  120. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Why did she have to insist on watching the debates.

    That was her job on Faux. Watch the circular firing squad of clowns just like her, and comment.

    What the hell?

  121. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I am loving watching the Palins fade into obscurity. It's like watching ice cycles melt ---- drip, drop, drip, drop.....

  122. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Personally, I don't care how many black men Sarah Palin slept with. But Joe's story of the Glen Rice episode did not sit well with her Tea Party folks. That one story did more damage than anyother story. If she runs later, the Rice story will continue to haunt Sarah. If she admits the truth, she loses. If she lies, the press will prove her a liar.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.