Thursday, March 01, 2012

Police Sergeant who posted bullet ridden t-shirt with President's face on Facebook has been demoted.

Courtesy of Politico:

A Police sergeant who posted a photo of a group of men holding what appeared to be a bullet-riddled T-shirt of President Barack Obama on his Facebook page last month has been demoted and suspended without pay for two weeks, the Peoria, Ariz., police department announced Tuesday. 

Pat Shearer, a 25-year veteran of the Peoria police department who has been serving as a patrol sergeant, will be demoted to the rank of officer, spokesman Jay Davies said in a release. Shearer will also receive an 80-hour suspension without pay, effective immediately, and has 10 days to make an appeal, Davies said. 

“The Peoria Police Department’s Code of Conduct states, all employees shall conduct themselves in a manner that shall never bring discredit or embarrassment to the City of Peoria or the Peoria Police Department,” Police Chief Roy Minter Jr. said in a statement. “We expect our employees to exercise sound judgment and not bring discredit upon our Police Department.” 

Good for Peoria Police Department. I am glad that they disciplined this idiot.

Gee maybe there's hope for Arizona after all!

Obama is having a good week. First Rick Santorum surges from behind to challenge Mitt Romney and demonstrate how batshit crazy the Republican party has become, then Franklin Graham is forced to apologize after being lectured by other Christian leaders, and now this cop gets a public spanking for being disrespectful to the office of the President.

P.S. For those who missed it, I wrote about this incident, with a little more detail, back in January.

And it's only Wednesday!


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    The news about Bristol was like a kick in the nuts wasn't it?

    Will Sadie be doing a nude cameo?

    1. angela5:43 AM

      The real question is . . . where will Bristol hide all of her children?

      I must say I sleep better at night knowing an uneducated teen mother
      gets a reality show. Kudos to those christian values her mother panders to. Now--- as long as Bristol can keep taking her birth control and stop getting knocked up by almost--anyone . . . . .

    2. Anonymous5:49 AM

      what are you talking about? I assume Pigstool's new reality show. Sadie is hot. I'd love to see a nude cameo but typically there is no nudity on television. And why would jealous bitter Pigstool want Sadie to remind people how ugly Pigstool is? lol

    3. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Don't mind the bitter Bristol comments. Wouldn't you be bitter too if your mom stole your baby? Its funny cuz Bristol will have to live with that for the rest of her life. Good punishment for allowing her baby to be stolen by Sarah and not doing the right thing.

    4. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Bristol has the personality of a stick of wood so they had to name the show after her money-making child. This poor lonely single mother with no one to help her had to hide the nannies during actual filming. I'm sure she'll get as many viewers as came to her book signing where she couldn't even give away her book for free. After the Palin's last show "Alaskan Gold Diggers" I'm really looking forward to the one called "Life's a Shailey Tripp" starring Todd. That should be a hoot.

    5. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Isn't it a little early in the morning to bring out the green-eyed monster, Brisket? Getting tired of Sadie's sloppy seconds are we?

    6. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Yes we all pray to baby jesus that our uneducated teens have babies at 15. Then pick up an abstinence gig while sharing a house with her ex boyfriend Gino. A reality show after stating she was done with those horrible Hollywood lib types shows born again virgin Bristol is true to her word. $$$$$$$$$$

      I suggest you take a hot shower it helps with the lustful thoughts you appear to be having concerning Sadie. She is not preaching abstinence like the tent dweller Bristol.

    7. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Hey Bristol. Have you checked out the blog featuring you and how hard working you are? Over 300 comments!

    8. Anonymous6:43 AM

      No kick involved. It was more like she shot herself in the foot again lying. The confirmation of her show was another episode of palin retreat and reload. Maybe the alternative god of theirs will pick the schrapnel out of her forked tongue for again bearing false witness of herself.

    9. Why on EARTH is anybody talking about Bristol and/or Sadie? This post is about some guys shooting up the image of our president and then a cop posting a photo of said the guys, shot up shirt and guns on Facebook. Was Bristol involved in this incident?. Did she approve? Do you approve? Was Bristol dating the cop? WHY are you interjecting Bristol here?

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    A kick in society's nuts, you mean.

    We've truly hit the bottom of the barrel if a no-talent drip like Bristol Palin is what's deemed "entertainment."

    Bristol Palin...exploiting her son since 2008.

  3. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Scott Brown leads E. Warren by 10 points

    It sucks to be E. Warren

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Those polls were taken before Mr. Brown decided to back the Blunt Amendment.

    2. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Troll alert!

    3. Anonymous6:16 AM

      It sucks to be Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul even more.

    4. One sorry poll. The majority of polls has Warren ahead.

      sux to be so ignorant, like you.

  4. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Isn't this grounds for dismissal? He has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which incudes our duly elected President.
    Who would want this traitor on his police force if he can't obey laws himself?

    1. I wouldn't doubt he killed a few innocent Mexicans.

      If this fool is bold and ignorant enough to post this trash on fb, I can't see him being level headed in stressful situations.

  5. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Wonderful that this guy was held responsible. More and more people that direspect President Obama in like manner should be made accountable also. Perhaps if folks are, we'd stop seeing some of the crap that has been put out there that they seem to get away with - because of 'freedom of speech'!

  6. Anonymous5:18 AM

    To Anonymous. GROSS. I don't wanna picture any of them naked.

    And as a response to this post, people are stupid. It's like all the OWS protesters who 1. have no idea what they're protesting and who said protests should be directed at 2. throw shit at cops and vandalize things.


    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      There's SEVEN anonymous comments. But you're right no one wants to picture Bristol naked especially this early. Barf!

    2. Anonymous5:46 AM

      ROFL.. you mad cuz OWS is changing this country and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You are helpless, powerless and pathetic. Get over it Sarah/Bristol. OWS owns you and so does IM. hahahahahahaha

    3. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Suspension with pay? WTF. That's not good enough. He should be fired and never be able to work again. That would be close to true justice.

    4. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Thanks to the OWS people I took ALL my money including retirement out of Chase Bank and put it in my local credit union. So did thousands of others in my city!

    5. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Uhhhhhh It's nothing like the brave, peaceful OWS protesters you braindead idiot. ROFL. Keep trying, you'll figure it out someday. Until then stop posting because you're just embarrassing yourself. Sigh.

    6. Troll_Food5:54 AM

      hey bristol how's that stolen baby thingy workin' out for ya? you know... the baby your mom stole from you? his name was Tri-G.

    7. Oh please. #ows knows what it's doing. You remain stupid.

      go back to your sorry teabaggers and cry to them.

      Too bad all #ows good hard work will benefit idiot teabaggers.

      viva #ows

  7. Nancy5:41 AM

    O/T Andrew Breitbart has died at age 43 of natural causes. Confirmed by LA coroner. Wow!

  8. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Yesterday I went to the Post Office (Seattle) and there was a table set up with Obama's picture with a hitler mustache that said "Impeach Obama". 2 people were there motioning me to come over and sign their petition. I said, "Hell No, he's our President and I respect & love him!". One of them said, "Aw come on. It'll be fun." I said, "Yeah you look like you're having fun standing in the freezing cold and rain all by yourselves!"

    1. Thenorwegianblue6:57 AM

      Those are the LaRouchies - fans of nutbag Lyndon LaRouche. Always outside post offices due to not knowing about Internet.

  9. Anonymous5:44 AM

    OT.....Brietbart is DEAD.......That's a shame. LOL

  10. look at this pic and see that people who love guns are mentally deranged.
    they need "things' to shoot at or guns are totally useless.
    they kill animals inflicting pain for absolutely no reasons other then to see the animal die.

    they kill birds small rodents anything they can for sport.
    so you eventually see their real mentality like the soldiers laughing over dead bodies of Iraq citizens.

    this group held together by their derangment choose a picture of Obama which is as close as they can get to the human being.

    thats why thrash like palin puts cross hairs on maps and over people to incite and ignite the deranged people like you see in this picture.

  11. Dancingthroughlife5:52 AM

    Gryphen, just got a CNN alert that Andrew Brietbart (sp?) has died at 43, confirmed by his attorney.

  12. O/T....ANDREW BRIEFART to HP...

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:56 AM

    Andrew Breitbart has passed at 43!!

  14. Briebhart dead.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    O/T but OMG!!!

    Andrew Breitbart died.

    Gryphen, can't wait to hear your take on this.

  16. Anonymous6:01 AM

    OHMY GOD!!!! BREITBART IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Sarah, time to TWEET your SYMPATHY for the family.


    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      She already has and FBed too

  17. Irishgirl6:01 AM

    Andrew Breitbart has died!

  18. Anonymous6:11 AM

    OT Breitbart dead as reported on NPR.

  19. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Awwww. Andrew Breitbart dead in Los Angeles at 43. Palinbots are crying everywhere.

  20. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Ding dong Andrew Breitbart's dead.

  21. Anonymous6:14 AM

    O/T - Ding, dong, Andrew Breitbart is dead!!

  22. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I guess that's better than nothing. But his ass should have been fired. I guarantee you, if that cop were Muslim and held up a picture of a bullet-ridden George W Bush, his ass wouldn't have just been fired, it would have landed in Gitmo.

  23. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Is this a joke? LMK before I cheer. And yeah all that not speaking ill of the dead? SCREW IT. HERE WAS A THING THAT WAS a malignant cancer on the human race. and America. Poor Jimy O'Keefe has no protection now and the voices of hate have lost one o their megaphones - you don't die of natural causes at 43.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Yeah you can die of natural causes at 43 when you're a pig. Heart attacks aren't picky, they'll take out youngish slobs too.

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      I have totally changed my opinion, and I am actually Giddy that this piece of shit is gone from the earth today!

      Perhaps now his children will have a chance to grow up educated, as positive influences on society, unlike their malignant father.

  24. Anonymous6:21 AM

    shocking - to add to this week's news Breitbart died suddenly

    I may not have agreed with him about anything - but my thoughts and condelences to his family.

  25. Anonymous6:21 AM

    O/T: Montana's chief federal judge admitted on Wednesday that he forwarded an email comparing African-Americans to dogs and implying that President Barack Obama's mother had sex with animals.

    Richard Cebull's email, obtained by the Great Falls Tribune, reads: "Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine."

    A joke then follows: "A little boy said to his mother; 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?' His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark!'"

    Cebull forwarded the offensive email from his official court account to six "old buddies," who then forwarded to others.


    THIS is why Breitbart dying is just a drop in the bucket. Plenty of racist, disgusting pigs to go around.

  26. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Holy shit...Andrew Breitbart has died.

    43 years old; natural causes.

  27. Anonymous6:27 AM

    OT TMZ reporting Andrew Briebart dead of natural causes.

  28. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Andrew Breitbart is dead.
    Natural causes, they're saying.
    Because apparently "natural causes" means the same thing as "raging cocaine and alcohol addiction."

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Ha Ha! Thank you, my thoughts exactly.

  29. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Glad to see some accountability... regardless of politics, the office of the President deserves respect.

    O/T -media reports saying that Andrew Breitbart is dead at age 43. Condolences to his family. No one should die so young, not even those whose politics and behavior offend & disgust.

  30. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Re Andrew Breitbart -- he leaves his wife and four children. Gawker reported that he has had lifelong heart problems.

    Even though I did not agree with his methods, I feel bad for those he left behind.

    Condolences to his family and friends.

  31. The man should be made an example and be fired. This isn't a joke. The az massacre is still fresh in our minds. this inconsiderate racist asshole made fun of killing our beloved President, it shouldn't be taken lightly.

    Plus he is influencing the young.


  32. If he was kind and generous and altruistic to his friends and to his family, then I offer my condolences to his friends and to his family. He was not, however, kind and generous to the public at large. He was a hatemonger who spread lies.

  33. If he was kind and generous and altruistic to his friends and to his family, then I offer my condolences to his friends and to his family. He was not, however, kind and generous to the public at large. He was a hatemonger who spread lies.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.