Friday, March 09, 2012

Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity get down and dirty in an orgy of unfettered hate directed at President Obama.

Now as you know I have watched WAY more of these interviews than is in the best interest of my mental heath. But THIS one is SO incredibly ugly that it stands apart from the perfunctory Obama bashing that we have come to expect from a Hannity/Palin interview.

In this interview they are BOTH fairly seething with rage at the President.

The "Terrible Twins of Trash Talk" start off with a condemnation of Obama for accepting what they term "dirty money" from Bill Maher, who Palin contends is a "commentator" rather than a comedian, while failing to note that Maher did NOT give the money to the Obama campaign, but rather to a SuperPAC that by law he has no control over. In other words the President cannot GIVE the money back, as Palin demands that he do essentially on her behalf.

Then Palin kind of accidentally reveals one of the things that is clearly bothering her about the President in a rather passive aggressive fashion:

"Sean you had also mentioned in your intro that I have not received any call from the office of the Presidency. And please know that I neither desire, nor do I deserve a call from the office of the Presidency, and I wish that our President would save his phone calls for those who truly are deserving, like Gold Star moms and others who will forever live with the memory of losing a loved one who would be fighting in a war zone, in order to (And here she starts to get VERY agitated!) protect our freedoms, our freedom of press, our freedom of speech, uh those who are most deserving should be receiving those phone calls for the office of the Presidency."

I swear that any psychologist on this planet would have field day taking that paragraph apart, and examining it, for the barely hidden meanings within.

(By the way just for the sake of clarification, President Obama DOES in fact make phone calls to Gold Star moms and others, though he often does not publicize that fact. It also should be noted that last year he created a special day to honor Gold Star Moms and their families. So I think the President knows full well how to honor the families of our fallen Americans.)

Clearly this interview has been orchestrated (Which should come as no surprise since we have e-mail evidence that this is how Fox prepares the Grizzled One for her TV appearances) as they now move on to the subject of the "Breitbart tapes."

Here Hannity is unable to contain his angry frustration that his "expose" has garnered nothing but ridicule and derision from other journalists, and Palin is only too happy to share a cup of bitter tea at the knowledge that Obama's past associations have not destroyed his presidency yet.

For God's sake people Obama HUGGED A BLACK MAN! How can he possibly remain President after such an incredible betrayal of the country?

You certainly have never see any other President do such a...uh..uh..oh never mind.

Hannity absolutely cannot let this issue go and worries that tasteless bone like a starving dog, refusing to acknowledge that there is simply no nourishment for his hate to be found there.

Now right after this Palin exchange takes this interview into perhaps the craziest place I have EVER seen a Fox interview dare to tread.  She claims that...she introduce the idea...she...oh hell just read it for yourself:

"He (President Obama) is bringing us back Sean, to can harken back to days before the Civil War! When unfortunately too many Americans mistakenly believed that not all men are created equal. And it was the Civil War that began the codification of the truth, that here in America yes we are equal and we all have EQUAL opportunities. Not based on the color of your skin. You have equal opportunity to work hard and to succeed, and to embrace the opportunities, God given opportunities, to develop resources and work extremely hard, and as I say, to succeed. Now it has taken all these years for many Americans to understand that that gravity, that mistake, that took place before the Civil War and why the Civil War really had to start changing America, What Barack Obama seems to want to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes, based on income, based on color of skin. Why are we allowing our country to move backwards, instead of moving forward with that understanding, that as our charters of liberty spell out for us, WE..ARE..ALL..CREATED..EQUALLY."

Now you may have to read that more than one time to REALLY absorb the incredible level of stupidity contained within that one paragraph. But I caution you against reading it more than twice because after that your braincells will start to commit suicide en masse.

So let me attempt to translate what Palin is trying to say here.

Apparently the Civil War fixed ALL of the problems of racial disparity in this country and right after the last shot was fired people of ALL colors got together and starting commingling, and dating each others women, and moving into each others neighborhoods, as if there never were any racial divide whatsoever.

But then Barack Hussein Obama, the very first black man elected to the office of President, started to drag this country back to BEFORE the Civil War, back to a time when he never could have been elected the President so that....ow ow ow!

I can't do it! I cannot make any sense out of what this unbelievable moron is trying to say here.

Is she seriously suggesting that a man, born of biracial parents in the 1960's, raised by a single mother, and educated in the racially diverse schools of Hawaii, would attempt to bring this country back to a time BEFORE the Civil War?

Never before has the term "WTF?" ever been as appropriate of a response as it is to THAT statement!

Does anybody have any fucking idea as to what she is trying to say here?


  1. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

    1. Also, too...


  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sarah Palin has become a caricature of her most hideous, dumb self. I know the rest of America is seeing the crazy too. Weird. She needs someone to tell her to take a far away vacation - for a very long time.... NOW!!!

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sarah, dear Sarah, it's your so blessed Tea Party tabs dying base that wants to 'take back our country' to those good ol pre-Civil RIGHTS days.

    Ringing those bells

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Sarah Palin is starving for attention from President Obama and she can't help herself. Glen Rice was only a tease. Too bad, Sarah that PIMP DADDY TOAD won't pay enough attention to your needs. He has other "GIRLS" to service before he is incarcerated for his Prostitution Ring. "BOYS WILL BE BOYS", Sarah, you said it first.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      President Obama does not even know that trollop is in the world.

  5. We are all created equally. I will defend Sarah's remark at all costs. She is right! We are all created equally - by fucking. That's how babies are made. Sarah: ask your daughters; they seem to know how to create "equally."

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      You're leaving out the in vitro fertilization folks. But, in Sarah's case, I wonder if something might have happened with the sperm and the egg to have prevented Sarah from learning anything-- unlike other people who actually learn stuff in school and in life.

  6. she's a fraud, folks11:45 AM

    It's pretty simple.
    Sarah Palin really is an ignorant moron.

    Palin is the biggest hoax in American political history.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Not sure if she's the biggest, but she's definitely the most poorly constructed hoax in political history.

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    ?Que? She made me pee myself from laughing too much.

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    She must be in the lower 48 because a professional obviously did her makeup and hair this time. I can only comment on her appearance because I can't stand to listen to her screeching her vile hate and ignorance.

    This scary radical they're talking about was a professor of law at Harvard. It's not like he was some peckerwood militia nut from the backwoods of Alaska--you know, like the terrorists Sarah and Todd pal around with.

    As for her stupid Civil War comment, what is she talking about the war ending the class system in America? Is she confusing it with the French Revolution? She obviously NEVER took a history class, which tells us she never really graduated from the U of I, because in the 80s they had a core curriculum that required everyone to take history as a prerequisite for graduation.

    1. Sally in MI2:09 PM

      Yes, history, an presumably 4 or 5 English courses for a "Journalism" major, as well as an ethics class. She apparently skipped them all and majored in the fine art of hate mongering. She got all "A's" also too.

  9. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Yes, I know exactly what she's trying to say. She's screaming, "I am such a FUCKING MORON!!"

    1. melissa1:27 PM

      Oh how I wish there was a like button for this comment!

  10. Yes, the Civil War ended all racial tensions in the United States of America instantly. Which is why there are 43 white Presidents and 1 black President to date. 44 white vice-presidents and zero black Presidents to date. It's also the reason why as recently as last week, a Federal Judge in Montana sent out such a vile & racist email about President Obama (the first and only black President to date in American HISTORY) that he had to personally write a letter apologizing to the President.

    Yes, everything Sarah Palin says here makes perfect sense. She should continually talk every time she gets a chance, with or without Fox News or a microphone. To show everyone everywhere that the stupid woman in that terrible movie Game Change has no bearing on reality.

    Sarah Palin is the height of grace and reasonability (not to mention sanity!) in this Hannity interview. She should continue to give these same interviews, speaking exactly in this same way all the time. She should continue to give speeches like this too! Because that would be the best way to counter against the portrait of Palin in Game Change as a vain, vindictive, vicious, lying harpy with no self control and an ego the size of Brazil.

    (Keep it up Sarah! Every time you speak your approval rating tanks another 3 points!)

    P.S. What is she trying to say here, you ask? She's saying that she wants President Obama to pay attention to her so bad, she's going crazy.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      She looks like shit, too. PWNED and I'm LOVING it.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      '''What is she trying to say here, you ask? She's saying that she wants President Obama to pay attention to her so bad, she's going crazy.'''

      Exactly. And he has always ignored her crazed ass. He will not stoop to even acknowledge her existence on this planet.

  11. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She's in the deep end and drowning. This is what a person going nuts looks like. Yikes.

    But just a normal day at the Palin Place.

  12. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Did she really just say that President Obama, the first black person to serve as President of the United States, the only non-white person to hold that office in the history of the country, wants to take us back to a time when he, himself, would have only been counted as 3/5 of a person? Really?

    Put down the crack pipe Sarah. Seek professional help because obviously the movie premiering tomorrow night illustrating your mental & emotional deficiencies has you wigging out (pun intended).

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Okay, I took your advice and only read it twice. I don't think it would matter if I read it a 100 times - I still wouldn't have any idea what she is talking about. Has she picked up the "class warfare" talking point of the Republicans? Of course, she is constantly having to prove how smart she is and can't just say "class warfare" she has to create this word salad to make herself sound smart. The Civil War? Really? And please tell me why she is expecting a call from the President? What did she do to deserve that honor? Maybe she wants a sympathy call because of th game change movie

  14. Anonymous11:51 AM

    3/5* of a brain quitter harkens Ailes twisted fox whistles: white enslavement

    *this is not meant to be a factual statement

  15. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Does Sarah Palin have a Learning Disability? She knows nothing about History, and it shows each time she opens her PIEHOLE. Bristol does the same thing with her numerous postings on I. M. Some people should never DROP OUT OF SCHOOL.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      PROVEN. ;))

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Don't insult people with Learning Disabilities. Most LD people I know learned that stuff better: perhaps differently or slower, but better that Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Some intelligent people have learning disabilities, some people are just plain DUMB.

  16. ibwilliamsi11:53 AM

    Hater's gonna hate.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      That's Sarah's problem. She can show nothing but hatred. Very sad really.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Yep...Sarah and Sean sure *are* haters, huh? They just ooze it, don't they?

  17. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Oh no she di-int!!! First they wanted to take the country back now they want to take it forward? I'm so confused and she's making my head hurt. Make the stupid stop Uncle Gryphen. Make it stop!!!

  18. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Sarah's in the news again. All the msnbc programs are talking about her and game change, many of the anchors, like Andrea Mitchell, fallling all over themselves to state how sympathetic they find Mrs. Todd Palin. I dont know whether I believe in the Trig Truther conspiracy or not, as it seems rather far-fetched, but then, as Palin herself has recently stated, "anything is possible." She needs to be exposed, and "Game Change" goes a long way in doing that, I hope.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Given the photographic evidence, I do not believe that Sarah Palin is Trig's biological mother. And she doesn't seem to be doing such a great job as his adoptive mother either. She should be spending her time concentrating on seeing that he gets every opportunity to grow and thrive. But she's too fixated on herself.

  19. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hard to know where to start. Besides the obvious stupidity, ignorance, viciousness and utter disregard for factual truth - did she confuse Civil War and civil rights movement?

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      You may be on to something!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      You may be on to something. Thought the same thing!

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Hah! I bet you are right, so she's not only irrational she's just plain monumentally ignorant. Is it possible she doesn't really know what the American Civil War was about? Or did she read civil rights in her daily talking points and decided it was interchangeable with the Civil War?? Arrrgggh!!!

    4. AKinPA3:57 PM

      Thanks. Now her screed makes slightly more sense. I know she's incredibly and willfully ignorant, but I really had no idea what she was trying to say with the Civil War reference. I couldn't believe that even she could think the Civil War ended class, gender, and racial divisions. But when you substitute the civil rights movement for the Civil War, it makes a little more sense in a right wing nut job sort of way. On the other hand, who would mistakenly say Civil War when they meant civil rights? I think you're giving her way too much credit. She's not confused; she's an idiot.

  20. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm sorry I have to respectfully disagree with Palin - we are NOT all created equal at least when it comes to the level of stupid one can achieve - she is without a doubt the winner of the award for the Lowest IQ person on the planet to have ever held been elected to public office.

    Our mistake is trying to make some sort of "sense" out of what comes out of her mouth - which only causes our brains to start leaking out our ears or twisting itself into a pretzel - we have to remember she is NOT trying to say anything at all - it is a string of phrases, hot button words, and vague sweeping sentences that are sprayed out into the universe -- only her most rabid fans can understand it -- and that is because they hear ONLY what they want to hear and because she is saying NOTHING - they can hear what makes them the happiest by interpreting the word salad any way they want too (fueled by their own low IQ, hatred, fear, and racism).

    My husband and I both watched the tape of President Obama from his college days - neither one of us could figure out what the heck it is that has the right all riled up. There is NOTHING there to be upset about - and seems to be it is something the left will admire him more for.

    If you glare into the bright light of stupid too long it will begin to burn - so I'm not going to try to figure it out - instead will focus on Game Change !!!!

  21. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Sarah Palin is mentally ill. That is the only theory that explains why she is becoming increasingly incoherent and illogical. Mind you, she has always been on the edge of mental illness, but she is now a full-blown certifiable mental case.

    I can only conclude that no one cares enough about her to get her to medical care. Her family and handlers need to do an intervention. Honestly, who lets someone they care about make such a spectacle of her or himself?

    I bet books will be written about the mental deterioration of Sarah Palin - books not written by progressives, but medical professionals and historians.

    I do not like her or agree with any of her positions, utterances, or pathetic parenting, but no one should be left floundering. She is, after all, a human being (I think).

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Her ongoing and continual mental and emotional deterioration is incontrovertible, and is on videotape for all the world to see. But before we can agree that this is only the result of mental illness, the woman should be drug tested ASAP, before she has a full-blown meltdown . . . . on camera.

  22. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Sarah and Shawn are EVIL.

  23. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Richard Nixon looks like a great person & President compared with the likes of a Palin or a Santorum.

    "Rill" Republicans like George HW Bush, Nancy Reagan, Ronald R., Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower are shaking their heads, whether alive or in their graves.

  24. Palin's remarks about the Civil War are an example of the frequent Republican use of the psychological defense mechanism of PROJECTION - when the other person is accused of doing what you yourself are actually doing or want to do. Although it sounds crazy (it IS crazy) it is something frequently done by the right wing. What Palin means is, "Uppity n____." If Obama loses in November one reason will be that too many people feel this way, alas (also, of course, they will be using voter suppression methods like "Voter ID", as well as actual tampering with vote totals on voting machines).

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      I think what worries me most is that they are trying to take away our citizens' voting rights and that there will be tampering with the election machines. The Koch Brothers really don't want to see Obama in the WH again, and they aren't the only ones.
      M from MD

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Lawd have mercy!! Palin is the dumbest person on the planet.

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    In a sense, Palin is right about her pre-civil war comment. Obama IS dragging us back to those days in the sense that up until now, most of the racist scum in America were content with being ambivalent about and largely ignoring the plight and/or existence of anyone without white skin. But now they're "forced" to be openly racist in order to protect "their" America from "change".

    See? "It's the black man's fault for being all uppity and getting himself elected! We freed them and let them have sitcoms and the NBA and this is how they repay us?"

    See, it's not so hard to figure out how "rill Mericanz" think. they really barely even try to hide it anymore, which is exactly why Palin is, in a demented sense, right. Without a black man in office making them hate their country, there would be no racism.

    They just can't stand that his very existence rubs their nose in their own hate every single minute of every day, and that self-loathing, ultimately, is what makes them so angry and frustrated.

    To be honest, and not to cast any comparison between the two men, but I suspect they'd be having the same repressed anger issues if Jesus were alive and hanging around, making them aware of how far off his teachings they were just by being there.

    1. lostinmn2:24 PM

      It's people like them that would have sat in judgement of and condemned Jesus to the cross.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Your comment is SPOT ON!

      '''See? "It's the black man's fault for being all uppity and getting himself elected! We freed them and let them have sitcoms and the NBA and this is how they repay us?"'''

      This particular part of you comment almost made me spit out my tea, from laughing.

  27. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Ok that's some wild-ass shit. But does she even know what the Presidency IS? That it can't make a phone call?

  28. Anonymous12:05 PM

    If I ever see Sarah Palin in Alaska, I will be verbally abusive to her! The woman is a fucking idiot and does nothing more than spread hate and division to America. She's been doing it since the campaign. I think there is a place for 'freedom of speech', but think her chat goes way past it. As does that of Limbaugh.

    Thank God, we have President Obama who is smarter than shit, doing a hell of a job and ignores this broad. He is always cool under fire and that is what I especially love about him. Remember the room of Republicans he went in to just to take their numerous questions on anything they wanted to put out there? He kicked their ass and they came out looking like the crud they are as a majority!

    Sarah Palin is nothing more than a barker and Hannity provides her the platform. No one else is doing it!!! Just turn off FOX folks and then you'll not be subjected to her. I never watch it - just learn about stuff on the various blogs.

    Palin has a place in hell awaiting her and lives a very sorry life - no wonder her kids are such a mess and her husband gets his loving somewhere else (Shailey).

  29. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Here's what she's trying to say here:
    I slept with a black man while I was "dating" Todd. Joe McGinnis found out and published the story. Glen Rice admitted to it. Now, as a menopausal crone, I try to say something every day to remind people that I am obsessed with African-American men. And it's not just me. It's Todd, too.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      1. But the President does not know she exists. He has never acknowledged her.

      2. Glen Rice hit it and did not come back for seconds. It was a one-night stand. So it must not have been good to him.

  30. Anonymous12:07 PM

    This woman is not only an idiot; she's deranged. What is it going to take to get her her off the stage and sit down and shut up?

    The stagehands are ready with the hook!

  31. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The woman has a brain the size of a pea.

    Those frozen moose nuggest spill out of her wide oops mouth as she jabs her fingers, licks her lips and rolls her eyes. And Hannity eats them all up.

    What is she saying, and who really cares.

    An ignorant bitch who made it because she gave a bunch of men woodies, Nothing more.

  32. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Hail Sarah petty Hater In Chief! Your melt-downs are publicly showing for one and all to see. Keep talking bird brain. Please pretty please keep on talking LOL! You are the best endorsement EVER for Obama 2012 and the movie Game Change! We pwn you!

  33. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Proving once again that education really DOES matter. Could she be any more ridiculous? I'm almost embarrassed for her...nah!

  34. Anonymous12:11 PM

    She wants the POTUS to call her? To speak to her? To breathe hot and heavy after her? ( like the Sarkozy pun king incident)

    To ask for her advice?

    To beg her to play basketball with him?

    What on earth would any man in his right mind want to say to this bitch, except, why don't you shut up.

    1. Tessie3:10 PM

      Wouldn't it be awesome if Key & Peele called her? What a great skit that would be!

  35. Anonymous12:11 PM

    'What Barack Obama seems to want to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes, based on income, based on color of skin.'

    So, if I get this right she either wants to go back to the 'Good ol' days' of slavery (but now Barack wants to be the master of his white property) or the happy days where all people wandered in the Garden of Eden.

  36. Mark In Everett WA12:12 PM

    Right Sarah, Pres Obama wants you and your looney tunes family to be his and Mrs. Obama's indentured slaves. Come to think of it, that'd be poetic justice.

    Sarah, you and your flock have such an odd view and understanding of history and current reality/affairs, it's a wonder you're able to function at all. If you were my child's history teacher - or pretty much any teacher - I would pull my kid out of your class so it'd make your

    Anyhow, thanks for the continuing laugh. Don't you get tired of the mean? I will be happy when the day comes when you're replaced by some other whackaloon.

    Gryph thanks again for all you do to expose this cancer on society, and her dysfunctional family.

    Obama 2012 - 4 More Years!

  37. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Why in the hell would she think the President would call her?I read this article and it made 0 sense. No surprise there.I always think she can't sink much lower (like limpballs) but they always do. She is scary crazy in this interview. I think Shaileys book and Game Change are pushing her even farther off the edge.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      As for mental illness, check out the check list in this Yale University publication, Fifty Signs of Mental Illness.

      It's enough to make you wonder whether hate, when engaged in intensely enough and over a long-enough period of time, can make a person go completely delusional – off the rails, so to speak.

      But beyond mental illness and a complete lack of education, there appear to be behaviors that reflect deep and unresolved spiritual issues – something very, very dark that seems to be getting even darker as time goes on.

  38. Way to go Sarah...just keep a ridin' while yur ringin' those bells and firin' tham there warnin' shots to warn the British that the Americans are a comin'...YEEEEHAAAW!

    What she just said, makes as much sense as what she said about Paul Revere's "midnight ride" ...after she was given a full explanation by a tour guide....

    Even the satirical Old TV show Hee Haw, didn't have a character THIS lame brained.

    "go back to before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin."

    OBVIOUSLY she does not understand that ARE different classes based on income and color of skin"

    Neither does she comprehend that.."pre Civil War".. being owned by a white person, being a slave...cannot possibly be described as merely being a "different class".

    The 3/5th clause.... ( that the GOP REFUSED to allow to be read, in their ridiculous exercise to read aloud the Constitution to start off their take over of congress) effect "pre Civil War"...reduced slaves to 3/5ths of a person....when you are not considered a whole person, you cannot possibly qualify to be in a "class" of whole people.

    And the salve owners were able to direct that 3/5ths into a 3/5 VOTE for anyone they pleased.

    So not even the slave owner was recognized as owning a whole person!

    The WassillaWindbag is just plain Nuckin' Futz.........but we knew that already!

  39. Anonymous12:17 PM

    PLEASE read this wonderful article:

    Palin: The First Black President Wants to Revert to Pre-Civil War Society

    In her view, the very act of acknowledging or talking about race's role in U.S. history makes one a racist.

  40. "Sean you had also mentioned in your intro that I have not received any call from the office of the Presidency. And please know that I neither desire, nor do I deserve a call from the office of the Presidency, and I ..."

    What the fuck is "the office of the Presidency"? Is this moron saying the office itself makes the call? Or someone representing the office? Or what?

    I don't often call Sarah Palin a complete moron - at least in public - but this is the stupidest thing I've heard or read that she's said. And she said it twice.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      She never refers to Pres. Obama, as "Mr. President" or "the President" or "President Obama", it is always, with a sneer and a snarl, "Obama".

      She can't bring herself to overcome her visceral hatred of the man. It is so evident she has no self-control over her language. It erupts from her.


    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      And that's what pisses her off. PRESIDENT Obama has never needed nor wanted her stupid ass version of "help." She's an idiot and everyone knows it.

      Sorry "security" stepped in when you attempted to talk to PRESIDENT Obama at the dinner, idgit Queen. Medicate yourself well. Tomorrow brings "Game Change."

    3. The "office of the Presidency" is two doors down from "Department of Law there in the White House". Both offices are near the room where they keep the bells which is handy just in case the Queen of England declares war on us.

  41. ThanksABunchJohn12:21 PM

    I think idiot Sarah is trying to pick up the flag that Breitbart dropped on the... sidewalk, but she has no idea what to make of the lame video he was so excited to share with the world. So, in typical Palin fashion, she makes it up as she goes along. If people really took her seriously anymore, there would be an OUTRAGE over what she says here, but she is just a punchline. I've seen a couple MSNBC hosts take this on, but it's treated with shits and giggles. That Sarah, what WON'T she say for attention?

  42. EdieBee12:22 PM

    Sums it up, don't you think?

    "I did not run for this office just to get us back to where we were. I ran for this office to get us where we need to be," President Barack Obama 3/9/2012 in Prince George, Virginia

    Obama/Biden 2012

    1. ThanksABunchJohn1:50 PM

      Sarah has no idea what that means.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM


      OBAMA/BIDEN ....2012! Let's make it happen!

  43. Anonymous12:23 PM

    She was so excited in anticipation of her questions I thought she would burst. Like the kid in class who finally knows an answer and shoots their hand up. Her remarks tie Michelle Bachman's this week about the POTUS potentially mandating a 2 child limit on families. The smell of desperation is thick.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Sarah Palin wasn't even surprised about the question.

      Sarah must of kept telling herself wait until Hannity finishes the question before answering it.

      She was biting at the bit.

  44. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Thanks Gyphen for giving it your best try. You go where I fear to tread. I simply can not listen to her anymore. What I did find interesting was her usage of Dirty Money. She must have said at least 4 times. I think the Dirty Money that Todd The Pimp has made is what is on her mind.

    On Martin Bashir today he lead with this interview on Hannity and blasted her for the false equivalency of her argument on Rush and Bill Maher.


    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      I just watched Bashir too. They were all laughing at her.

      Sarah would you please tell us the story again about baby Jeebus riding to Bethlehem on a dinosaur also, too? You just can't top that one much as you keep trying!

      Notice to museums all over America: Do us a favor and shut the doors when you see Sarah Palin coming!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Bill and Rush aren't alike. Maher is an inbecile with no respect for women and Rush is just a blowhard who throws shit right back in the shitthrowers face. The latter is respectable still, though I would caution him to cool it occasionally and the former is an ass.

      Listen to Rush over the years. He's not a bad man, whereas Bill Maher is a pretty hateful human being, hateful just because he can be and still maintain support from radical liberals.

    3. I dont usually get to see Bashir, but I was home today and he excoriated her. :-)

    4. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Someone living in a house built with prostitution proceeds and materials stolen from the city shouldn't be accusing anyone else of Dirty Money.

  45. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Jon Stewart Mocks Hannity for the 'Radical Crowd' He Runs With After Latest Breitbart Debacle

  46. If I didn't know any better I think Palin seriously needs a Obama2012 Rabies shot...
    Every-time she hears his name her blood boils, pulse rate increases along with her respiration, and don't even go to veins popping out everywhere.
    Poor thing, instead of tending/raising/herding her children to be responsible law abiding citizens (I won't even touch Toads prostitution ring, cause it makes me want to hurl)she's out with panty sniffer BeckHanity Jr.

  47. The woman is so far into outer space that it is impossible to even imagine where this is coming from. I think it's a schoolgirl crush gone horribly wrong. She really wants him to call her.

  48. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Holy shit. That is some crazy talk on the Civil War front...said it before and I'll say it again - she's come undone.

  49. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sarah thinks that Obama wants to go back to a period before the Civil War, which solved all our problems, made all people equal and eliminated class distinctions. Was that when Paul Revere fired those warning shots and rang those bells? If Sarah is going back before the Civil War, there goes her right to vote (1920). As for class distinctions based on income, they still exist. Sarah hasn't been paying attention to the war between the 1% and the 99%. Sarah may have millions, but she still ain't got no class. And, in what world would Obama want to go back before the Civil War when he would be a slave?

  50. Sharon12:31 PM

    Every time you think you have heard it all, she manages to go lower. The only thing worse of her tortured use of the English language is her utter lack of knowledge of history of any kind. This woman is filled with so much hate, I can't imagine what life must be like just breathing the same air....ugh. This is indeed a heavy load for the McCain staffers to live with, esp Steve...knowing they infected us with this poison. But in the bigger picture, look how exposed it all is now. She started it, then the Teabaggers exposed the Koch brothers and Alec...these pathetic candidates helped start the 99 movement and all the buyer's remorse for the Republican governors elected. 2008 was a real game changer....America is finally waking up to the lies. They ran on jobs...and all they are trying is voter suppression and birth control, it's the light of day and the book of Karl Rove ain't working.

  51. chickadee12:32 PM

    She seems to think that she is a victim of Maher somehow.

    Can anyone tell me what exactly has Bill Maher said about Palin? Is it anything even remotely similar to what Rush said about that law student?

  52. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Why did Bristol name her son after Shailey Tripp? Hmmm that's weird.

  53. Uh, gravity was a mistake? Oh, right, it's just a theory.

  54. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Meltdown straight ahead. Only hope it's on camera.

  55. Anonymous12:34 PM

    hannity & Palin = two racist peas in a racist pod.

  56. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Poor pathetic Sarah still can't get past the fact a black man sent her ass back to Alaska

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      “I have to win this thing. I so don't want to go back to Alaska.”
      -Sarah Palin 2008

  57. I told ya' was one of most insane "performances" I had ever seen! "Game Change" and Shailey's book has caused Baldy to show her REAL face! And it ain't pretty!

    What you see on this tape could only happen with someone like Insannity...he hates President Obama as much as she does!

    Both of these idiots have so much hatred between the two of them towards the President...that if they had did this interview together in the same room....the studio would have caught on fire and those two dummies would have kept right on talking and spewing...even while Baldy's face was melting and Sean liquefied...and the only thing left would be two big piles of donkey poo (Sean) and moose shit(Baldy)!

    I think Baldy is under sedation until Sunday...which is why we've been getting the flurry of crazy troll comments...hopefully the crash comes soon...because these troll comments are getting on my last good nerve!

  58. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Huh? Get some help, woman. Seriously.

  59. Anonymous12:35 PM


    Clearly she is trying to get racial. I believe the woman is race baiting.

    She is actually trying to bring Bell into this... via how O wasn't vetted.

    Its a total hate fest.

  60. Anonymous12:36 PM

    OMG she is so jealous of Sandra Fluke it's incredible! Could she be anymore obvious in her ENVY & jealously of that brave courageous woman? It's really pathetic. Um hey sarah: PRESIDENT Obama doesn't even know who you are let alone spend one millisecond of his busy day thinking about you. Get over your obsession, it's really quite creepy.

  61. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Palin, no stranger to racism herself...

  62. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It sounds to me that Sarah Palin is trying to garner and gather the racist people of America to follow her.

  63. mitchethekid12:38 PM

    Me thinks Track Palin cut the wrong brake lines.
    Just sayin'.

  64. Tessie12:39 PM

    She's projecting, per usual. She has been called the most polarizing and divisive figure in politics. So basically, what she's trying to say is "I know he is but what am I?".

    Anyone have a word count on "radical"? I watched the video last night, but I can't bear to sit through it again. How does she know Professor Bell was radical? Has she ever met him? How could she know anything about him if she never met him? He had a strong, happy family and his haters only made him stronger. She's so immature commenting on someone she never met. She's just jealous of him. He got a hug from President Obama!

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      LOL! Where is our resident troll? MIA.

      As far as I can tell, the only "radical" thing about Bell is that he was a black professional who wanted see more blacks get ahead. Not allowed in Sarah's world.

  65. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Poor, poor Sean. It's tough being laughed at by pretty much everyone in your industry. But Sarah is always ready to come on your show if you'll have her and spew her usual toxins, and she's happy to oblige you by saying pretty much whatever you want just as long as you tell her in advance what that is, and maybe give her some notes, oh and feed the lines to her really slow, plus be sure you don't react when the babbling starts, and never ever interrupt her, ask her the same unanswered question twice, or point out any laughably outrageous lies. Other than that, she's your perfect guest.

  66. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Please God, if you do exist, give this horrible woman the Breibart treatment ASAP. The world would truly be a better place. Thank you.

  67. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Gryphen, you didn't use your super secret Palinese decoder ring. Here, let me assist: "What I am saying also too, not to be seen as some sort of office of the presidency, that here in America, that great beacon shining city on the hill that Paul Revere rode to warn the british, that by him hugging that civil rights leader, that radical professor as they all are anyway also, that teacher who worked with justice marshall to you know, desegregate our schools radically changing too the way we educate our children, our great children of this great land of ours that troops serve to protect in our wars and such as, and that by hugging him, he has embraced the idea of equality that is so radical because we didn't need that civil war being shoved in our faces again and again, reminding us of the over reach of the federal government and it's minions and to the detriment also too, of our young women who are being taught that it's okay to take birth control, leading to more sex and unwanted pregnancy and abortion, that Ronald Raygun would have so tried to prevent in the first place, being that strong leader that he was and that he stood for." See how much easier that was?

  68. Anonymous12:44 PM

    So great to see this interview on the eve of the expose of the dolt from dirt.

  69. angela12:46 PM

    Poor Sarah. But she is a famous idiot.

    And isn't it sweet that she finally admitted that all she's been
    wanting is for the President to call her up on the phone. It is exactly
    as most of us have been saying. She has been stalking the President
    'cause she wants his attention.

    Anyone want to make a guess where Sarah's "secret" room is that she
    keeps massive amounts of photos of President Obama taped to a wall.
    Eeewwww, she is one creepy woman.

  70. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Sarah Palin is really takin up the Beirbart tapes....

    Now that the guy is dead, I wouldn't put it beyond her want to gather up his followers...

    Clearly she is a mess.
    Any audience will do...
    It ain't about POTUS, when she's screeching that he wasn't vetted.

    Game Change is all about how the process relied on a shinny object, that came with no brains.

  71. Anonymous12:48 PM

    From the Berkley professor Brianus at the seeforpee:

    "America is the Land of the Free. She cannot ABIDE slavery; nor can she be GOVERNED BY SLAVES!!!

    I might add as a coda and conclusion, since thoughts of the Civil War evoke memories of the Old South:

    The best and finest of the Old South, like the noble and immortal Robert E. Lee, did not care for slavery, but very much loved, to the LAST DROP OF THEIR HEROIC BLOOD, their States, and the sovereign integrity of their States.

    In the bleak and dark world of barack hussein obama, the opposite is true."

    Yes, they are worried that the blacks will now turn the tables, so to speak. He basically says slavery was only a speck in the Grand Old South's history, and now this black man wants us all to pay for such a small crime.

  72. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Again, It's time to read Andrew Sullivan. BTW I agree with a previous post that she has the Civil Rights movement and the Civil War confused.

    9 Mar 2012 01:08 PM
    Sarah Palin, Innocent Naif

    Pareene reviews Game Change, which premieres tomorrow:

    The film subscribes to the simplest theory of Sarah Palin: That she is childlike, vain and incredibly ignorant but also an essentially decent person and wonderful mother. The moments that come closest to "unfair" — Sarah Palin doesn’t know that the head of Great Britain’s government is the prime minister, not the queen — are basically plausible. This isn’t Andrew Sullivan’s conniving, dangerous pathological liar. It’s an overwhelmed working mother whose most unhinged moments are explained by a crash diet.

    Anyone with even the faintest grasp of Palin's reality - including former close aides like Frank Bailey - understands that she is emotionally unstable, paranoid, vindictive, self-destructive, religiously fanatical and clinically deluded. Her "wonderful mothering" led her to take a tiny child with Down Syndrome and parade him in front of the cameras as a political prop, and later hauling him out half-naked at night to show off to fans on her book tour. None of her children has made it to college; one was a teenage vandal, another a teen mom. A man who lived in her house, says her children had to raise themselves. She quit office in mid-term because her vanity and rapacity were more important to her than public service. The victims of her vicious career lie strewn all over Alaska. Anyone faintly aware of reality also knows that John McCain was as cynical, brutal and expedient a figure as anyone to run for president - and that Palin's selection was an act of such grotesque vanity and cynicism that it instantly disqualified him from the presidency.

    I suspect the real truth about how this deranged, comic, vicious ignoramus nearly became a heartbeat away from the presidency will only be absorbed in the future, when we are not so close to the embarrassment.

    Liberals are restrained from really laying out the truth for fear of further attacks from the Palinite right. Establishment conservatives cannot bring themselves to understand what they did - although Steve Schmidt has admirably copped to intense and abiding remorse for his part in the process. The far right, which Palin helped bring to further heights of lunacy, has continued to debase any prospect of a sane two-party system in the US. Palin's legacy lives on to damage the country.

    Of course, Game Change was not The Rogue. And Hollywood is neither. The truth was far more interesting and infinitely darker.

  73. Anonymous12:50 PM

    She is an idiot. What the hell is up with that star of David necklace and those new glasses make her eye look wonkier than ever. The too large fake leather jacket and the shimmery green top is unreal. The woman has no class whatsoever!

  74. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sarah ... has Todd always been a panty sniffer?

  75. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Oh I get it now! <>> Palin confused the Civil War with the Civil Rights Movement. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

  76. Anonymous12:51 PM

    And why on earth should President Obama have to apologize for anything Bill Maher, or any comedian/pundit has to say about her?

  77. Anonymous12:53 PM

    LMFAO She looks so ridiculous.
    bald head with terrible wig on top ...check
    ugly fake glasses......check
    missing upper lip.....check
    throbbing infected herpes sore....check
    clothes too big for her.....check
    turkey waddle neck....check
    wonky crossed eye.....check
    Yep she's looking like she's going through a mental breakdown.

  78. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Why is her head so big and squarish?
    Her face looks like a man. No joke.

  79. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I think her star of david is a scoshe too small don't you? I think she needs a big hat and earrings as well. Just sayin,

  80. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Okay, I've finally blown a fuse where this stupid wretch is concerned...even better: I dare this racist fool to come down where I work in DC and spout this foolishness in the presence of my co-workers. They'd give her the tongue lashing that would set her wig on fire and send her scurrying back to whatever cave she belongs in. I dare you, Palin.
    M from MD

  81. Anonymous12:56 PM

    She is the ugliest person I've ever seen in my life. No wonder her family hates her guts and makes fun of her behind her back.

  82. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Maybe Sarah Palin will calm down after she sees "Game Change." At this point, she has clearly lost her mind and FOX is not doing her any favors by allowing her to be shown on camera. Why in the world would President Obama phone Sarah Palin? And what is she talking about -- President Obama is taking the US to pre-Civil War civilization? Each day she gets weirder and weirder. The rest of us need a break from her - please FOX. Send her on a vacation - anywhere - just to a place where she cannot communicate by email, Facebook, twitter, telephone or video. Maybe Mars?

  83. This wench is so ignorant it makes my hair hurt.

  84. Olivia12:59 PM

    That Civil War bit sounds like it was peeled off of the last few remaining brain cells of Michele Bachmann or possibly even Victoria Jackson. That is the kind of nonsensical drivel that we have come to know and love from their empty little heads. She must be getting desperate for new material. Perhaps trying to learn a new word every day was too difficult because people expected that she should also know it's meaning and use it in context ever after.

  85. Anonymous1:01 PM

    She is trying to say that Obama has "felled" but she can't spit out any actual reason. "Felled policies." She also reveals that she is unaware that on this very day we are still divided into classes (try 99% and 1%, as just one of many ways to say it), and the color of one's skin DOES matter. Yes, even today! Newsflash!! To me, it reveals that she has never listened to Candidate Obama's race talk, a risky venture that he did exceedingly well, explaining that we have come a long way and we have a long way to go. If I hadn't already been 100% for Obama, that speech would have converted me. Not only because of his depth of understanding and eloquence, but also it was taking a big political risk. It was the right thing to do (I forget what routine incident made it seem like a good idea at the time), but it could easily have ended his bid for the presidency. All his advisors advised against taking this risk.

    Doing the right thing: you know, like McCain et al.'fessing up about the hoax. Then or now. Too chicken-shit to do that, they are.

  86. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Here's Martin Bashir's take on the Palin/Hannity performance called "Short Circuit".

  87. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sarah is going apart at the hinges. I bet she read all of the filthy things he did to Shailey Tripp.....right under her nose. Closing time was when Todd liked to show up at the spa. Then to read that Todd Palin had prostitute operations in Huntsville, Atlanta and Seattle, as, my. Or did she know? The IRS may be interested in their past history.

    Somehow I believe orange jumpsuits and ankle bracelets are in their future. Enjoy your freedom while you can, Palin's!

  88. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sarah Palin would like us to believe that everything in "Game Change" is a fabrication. She's not that dumb. Then, she tells Hannity that the first African American President, Barack Obama, wants to go back to a period before the Civil War when he would be a slave.

    What war does Sarah think eliminated class distinction? Racial discrimination? What world does she live in? We still have a wide divide between the 1% and 99%. The people who are quickly losing their right to vote are poor African Americans who victims of new voter ID laws. There are far more minorities serving time in prison, compared with their percentage in the population.

    Every time that Sarah appears on Fox and says something stupid, she confirms what's in "Game Change," that we really dodged a bullet when she lost, and that she was never vetted, never qualified, never intelligent enough to be VP.

  89. With every Sarah Palin interview, we are getting a rare glimpse of someone succumbing to mental illness, right before our eyes. Sarah's sane days and brief moments of clarity of thought are rapidly dwindling.

  90. Anonymous1:09 PM

    FYI - Julianne Moore is on Anderson Cooper talk show today. They will be talking about Game Change from the ad I just saw.

  91. Olivia1:12 PM

    I know, I know...(waving hand excitedly in the air)

    She and the flying monkeys believe whoever said that "Game Change" is flattering and sympathetic to her and they are trying to drum up as much interest as they can. She was promised a percentage of the profit and the more people view it, the more she gets.

    Why else would she be all over the place stirring up publicity? A sane person or someone with class trying to downplay this movie would just stay down low for awhile and ignore it.

  92. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Waaaa waaaa waaaa...

    Maybe Toad should give Sarah one of his washcloths from his pocket to cry on if Sarah doesn't mind the used condom wrapped inside.

  93. What the fuck is this insane moron trying to say? And what the fuck is this idiot Hannity doing with a TV show?

  94. Anonymous1:16 PM





  95. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I can't stand to watch the interview, but the tag below Palin labels President Obama's speech as being made during his "college years."

    No, he was a thirty-year-old law student, in his third year of graduate school.

    They're trying to dredge up ancient and dusty memories of the '60s, when "radical" students were active on college campuses. Only, this tape was made 23 years after the big anti-Vietnam protests.

    Also, too, if she really meant pre-Civil War, does she forget that she, as a woman, would not have been able to vote, or run for office? In most states, she'd have no legal standing in court, that her property would belong to her husband, that she couldn't serve on a jury?

    I think the commenter who hypothesized that she meant the civil rights movement instead of the Civil War might be right.

    Otherwise, she's beyond helping, and the University of Idaho should consider asking for its diploma back. (If they gave her one in the first place.)
    Same with Wasilla High School.

  96. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Is that a Jewish star on the chain?
    Is she wearing a raincoat inside?
    Does that mean she is pregnant again?

    Petty questions I know

  97. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Interview with the actress playing Bristol. Pretty damn good.I like the part about Bristol being pushed into the spotlight by her mother.

    I saw the Palin people have already attacked the film.

    My cousin just sent me a YouTube video where some Palin supporter re-cut the trailer to show that the film was full of lies. There’s concern for sure, but, you know, if a movie’s being made about you, you’re going to wonder if it’s going to be what you want it to be. I think the film is a very balanced portrayal of Sarah Palin. In politics there’s always bound to be controversy, but I think this is storytelling, and it shows the behind-the-scenes of a campaign -- both positive and negative. I think the film really empathizes on a personal level with Sarah Palin the woman. I think that’s something that maybe the Sarah Palin team is scared is not going to happen, but it does.

  98. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The person with the dirtiest mouth on tv who challenges mens sexuality and cajones is hurt?

    Well boo fucking hoo Sarah.

    Did you cry when your husband was banging Shailey Tripp or is that okay because like you said Boys Will Be Boys?

  99. Anonymous1:20 PM

    When people were saying I didn't give birth to Tri-G the president didn't call me.

    Sniff sniff sniff tears tears tears

  100. I'll ignore the bizarre historical perspective and the clothes (oh, the clothes), but can't forgive the grammar. Yikes. All people were created equally? What does that even mean? "That gravity, that mistake, that took place before the Civil War and why the Civil War really had to start changing America." My grammar students are going to have a field day Monday night parsing these sentences.

  101. Anonymous1:23 PM

    There Sarah Palin goes again crying like a little bitch just like the time Obama won and she had to get off the stage without giving her concession speech.

    Sarah put on your granny panties and STFU.

  102. Tom Joad1:25 PM

    The Repugs needs to shut her yesterday!

    She is costing them votes, senate , House of Reps on down to your local county offices.

    Between elrushbo and $arah, who is left to insult?

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Exactly - keep talking Sarah!!!!

  103. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Martin Bashir: Palin’s wrong-headed defense of Limbaugh: Attack Maher

  104. Anonymous1:26 PM

    MUST watch:

  105. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, we are not created equal. You are stupid and I am not. Theoretically, we are all EQUAL under the LAW. I learned this in fifth grade. Were you absent that day?

  106. Anonymous1:31 PM

    FUCK YOU Sarah, you ignorant narcisstic BITCH. It really must suck to live inside that head of yours.

  107. Anonymous1:34 PM

    It was in bad enough taste when Surveyor's Symbols Sarah wore that NRA jacket. She is hoping people have forgotten about Tuscon. Shame on the media for reporting on her dog-whistle hate. $arah is a dangerous malignant narcissist and the media would be well advised to ignore her.

  108. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Oh man, Gryphen, I feel the pain too.

    It's, it's, it's.........INSANE!!

    What the heck?

    She can't find anything to pin on President Obama, so she just makes it up as she goes along. Why would an African-American man want to bring back the days before the Civil War? She is disgusting. Did she forget the part of history where African-Americans have endured violence and racism and every kind of undignified treatment? Did she forget the hate and the segregation? Where has she been hiding?

    I agree, this interview has to be the most hateful and irrational.

  109. OverMountainMan1:37 PM

    So Bill Maher is a commentator ? Asking for equal rights for minorities is racist ? Bill Mahers money is dirty ? What a stupid cunt !

  110. $arah says the most retarded things, and Hannity eats it up. It IS dumbass bigots like her, who is trying to divide the Country.
    Do yourself a favor $arah. Shut the Fuck Up. The more you speak, the more stupid you sound. And really girl, I know that you get your questions in advance. Can you at least not fuck up the interview? You still sound like an idiot trying to answer a question. Is Piper writing your answers for you?
    The more hate you spew, the better the chances of another term of Obama. Independents, and intelligent people, are tired of your know nothing but hate, screeches.

  111. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Seething with rage? Aren't we dramatic today. This was one of her more docile interviews that actually contained thought, focus, and truth.

  112. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hannity: Sarah did President Obama call Bristol when they erected her vajayjay statue in front of Wasilla High School for all to see?

    Sarah: No! Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa

  113. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Here's a question. I know from certain commenters' self-indicating statements that some of you are struggling financially and do rely on social programs. No judgment. My grandparents do as well. Do you think maybe you're (those people) are jealous at the fact that there are Alaskans (not Palins) who are in their early 20s, have multiple children, some had their first baby in high school, and are doing well financially? Bristol's different and she has a child AND name recognition. She's the only parent who can say that up there. There are plenty of youth who chose to have children at 18, 19, 20, 21 and aren't doing badly considering. This is why judgment must be reserved when it comes to personal decisions.

  114. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Damn woman if the president had to call you every time somebody made fun of you you would need 4 blackberries 24/7 to take his calls.

  115. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I agree with Mistah Charley - it's about PROJECTION. The GOP wants desperately to drag this country back to pre-Civil War days, when women and minorities were basically livestock.

    Ever since Obama was sworn into office, she has been trying to get him to notice her. I look forward to the day she shows up at the WH and makes a rush toward him, only to be body blocked by an enraged Michelle Obama. "Hands off my man, bitch!"

  116. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah, you've become a black hole (pun PURELY intentional).

  117. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The fucking bitch has lost all of her minimal brain cells!

  118. I've always heard that Roger Ailes is at least a bright man. If that is true, you've got to wonder how he can promote the idiocy of Palin on his network. I would have thought that the head of a company would have pride in their product. Guess where Fox is concerned, Mr. Ailes has no pride.

  119. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Obama hugged a black man.....Sarah FU$$ed a black man.

  120. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The days leading to the premiere of Game Change has a lot to do with this. She's stressing out, overloading, pressure cooking, up to the gills -whatever you want to call it. There's a lot of pent up hostility in those eyes. Keeping in mind that the questions are sent ahead of time, I believe her responses were pre-written not by her but it looks like she signed off on the content. The tell --"Codification" is not in her vocabulary.

    "Sean you had also mentioned in your intro that I have not received any call from the office of the Presidency. And please know that I neither desire, nor do I deserve a call from the office of the Presidency, and I wish that our President would save his phone calls for those who truly are deserving, like Gold Star moms and others who will forever live with the memory of losing a loved one who would be fighting in a war zone, in order to (And here she starts to get VERY agitated!) protect our freedoms, our freedom of press, our freedom of speech, uh those who are most deserving should be receiving those phone calls for the office of the Presidency."

    I'm going to try and clarify this. Lets see... she's jealous that Ms. Fluke got a personal call from the president when Ms. Fluke was called a slut and a prostitute by Rush but the phone never rang when Sarah was called the more vicious word "cunt" by Bill Maher. I think this is the poor me, I'm being victimize here and no one wants to look my way -plea. She got agitated towards the end of this rant because she had to fight back the tears. It's all she could do to keep composed. Look at her face. She about ready to pout and have a tearful tantrum. She really really wants attention from Mr. Obama and all he does is ignore her. It's like a teenager with a big crush and since the intended doesn't acknowledge her existence, instead of fawning, she resorts to hateful remarks. This love/hate obsessive behavior seems to borderline on stalking. I hope the secret service is paying attention to this. Look what happened to Mr. Menard. It's a good thing Hannity moved on to the next subject or we would have seen Ms. Scarahmanga break down.

    The rest is really confusing. It looks like she's trying to decipher the Breitbart tapes to show guilt by association but the word salad with no objective is all jumbled gibberish. Strange though at the end of the interview, she was so happy to get through it, she perked up and almost jumped out of her seat. Manic??

    My two cents.

  121. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Here's what Great-Granny-To-Be LuLu is saying: it's a good thing that neither she nor any of her teenage-parent children finished college, because in college, you have to hug black people! Just like Obama did! Yes, GGtB hugged Glen Rice, but there's no video on that.

    Obama does want to take us back to a time before the Civil War, before Alaska was part of the US and we had to be exposed to their nut jobs. GGtB is Russia's revenge for getting swindle by Seward.

  122. Anonymous2:06 PM


    Trick or treat! Romney's son and daughter-in-law dressed as the Palins last Halloween for famous couple's party

  123. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Her jealously is literally eating her alive. Of course President Obama will call her; when hell freezes over you stupid, ignorant, waste of space.

    She wonders why every hates her so much? It's because all she knows is hate and bitterness. She must live an absolutely miserable existence; and I for one don't give two shits.

  124. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Her experience with Glen Rice informs every word of her obsessive, unhinged attacks on our Commander in Chief.

  125. Sally in MI2:13 PM

    I think if anyone in the GOP had even the faintest thought of her speakin g at the convention, let alone being put forward for a slot on the ticket, she just blew it to smitereens. She has got to be the most narcissistic, dumb, and mean person on earth right none.
    Hannity is a racist tool, and he means every word to incite violence against liberals and the President. Sarah is just stupid.

  126. Anonymous2:15 PM

    From Maryline Blackburn to Glen Rice to PRESIDENT Barack Hussien Obama. OH, how she hates black people that had "their way" with her IN HER MIND and never called back.

    How's that working for you, Queen Esther? You're looking pretty crusty these days.

  127. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Her rant is rage about Affirmative Action, in particular aimed at President Obama, plain and simple. She had to talk in some weird code, however, and couldn't bring herself to just spit it out.

    THAT'S something these racists can really chew on, Affirmative Action. They just hate it, and they refuse to acknowledge why we had, and continue to have, a need for it.

    Anyway it's bullshit, because our President got where he got by getting up at 4:30 am every morning as a child, to go over his schoolwork with his mother. And he is a brilliant man, regardless of his racial profile.

    People like Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity would have you believe otherwise, and they would have struggling whites believe that people of color have some sort of unfair advantage with Civil Rights legislation. It's just bitterness because they are miserable and frustrated people, that's all.

    And as people have said, it's an attempt to cast our President as the "other" who is trying to work against them, or that he is somehow not a real American. (Which is why these guys running against President Obama get chants of "USA, USA!" every time they raise their voices against the incumbent.)

    We are coming after you racists - we will not let you get away with your code and your innuendo. We are going to call you out on every instance of it, overt or implied. Enough is enough.

    You hear me, Sarah?

  128. Sorry to report...

    I think our governor now is WORSE than yours was!!!

  129. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Someone mentioned this above: Did Palin mean the civil rights movement when she said the Civil War? OMG. It still doesn't make sense. Why would Barack want to go back to before civil rights? He wants us to think there are still inequalities...and she's saying there aren't? But the video is from 20 years ago!!!! I swear, the woman is a walking rabbit hole where no rational thought can survive.

  130. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I must be living in an alternate universe. I'm still in disbelief that anyone in the world would give her a microphone and ask her opinion. It blows my mind!

  131. On MOrning Joe, Joe he said that during the 08 campaign "most people didnt realize that $arah would take a call from Track, with gun fire in the background, and then go out and deliver a speech"....are you fucking kidding me?

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      He wasn't a combat vet. Must have been one of those shooting games at the bar.

  132. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You see the trouble with Sarah, your triumph return to spotlight as Queen Ester is being suppressed by Joan of Arc, aka Sandra Fluke. Hate merchants use Sarah to push the divide and despite their medieval thinking the march of sane "True Patriots" go forward. I wish Sarah put an aspirin between her lips.

  133. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sarah Palin?

    This is President Obama calling.

    I'm sorry to hear your unemployed house husband's prostitution ring has been outted and that all your kids had babies before getting married and sorry you have one almost 18 year old that was kicked out of school but is graduating a year early. Oh, I'm also sorry I kicked your ass during the 2008 elections and Glen Rice said thanks for the ride and to use less teeth.

  134. Anonymous2:29 PM


    Did anyone else notice all the sheets of paper
    that were in view on the screen? At one point
    when they returned from a commercial break,
    you saw her reading from the text/notebook notes
    and she quickly realized this and put it below
    the view of the camera, looked up and smiled!!!!

    All this was rehearsed and staged!!

    What a fraud! But we all know this already.

  135. As usual, her mind is on vacation and her mouth is working overtime. (H/T to Mose Allison)

  136. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Hey, Sarah, President Obama has not called me for advice either so what is the big wap?

  137. Andrew Sullivan isn't afraid to speak the truth about Sarah Palin, loud & clear:

  138. Anonymous2:51 PM

    She is just so kkklassy in her black pleather dominatrix jacket.

  139. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anthea Butler, Professor of Religion at UPenn issues a brilliant smackdown of Palin's race baiting comments-

    "...Palin’s offensive word salad on Sean Hannity was a Tour de farce in her attempt to turn people away from the HBO movie Game Change which focuses in on the choice of Palin as the vice presidential candidate and the trouble that ensued from bringing her on the Republican Ticket. Palin has been in full-tilt mode, bringing out her supporters to condemn the movie, in an attempt to deflect the depiction of her performance as a troubled, unstable VP candidate. Palin’s obsession with President Obama’s vetting as a candidate only serves to put the spotlight back on how unprepared Palin was not only as a candidate, but to take the office of vice president.

    Make no mistake Palin may not be running for president, but she is trying every way she knows how to get back into play. By dog whistling “race” through a convoluted reinterpretation of the president, Palin is tuning up her white-mother-of-the-nation racist rally-cry back in full-throated roar. Palin may confound the media, but her loyalists completely understand her scrambled message..."

  140. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The only way she can keep going is if president Obama is re elected if he is not she is completely irrelivant

  141. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Sarah's just butt hurt and humiliated that the Prez that she's raged against for three years has not [gasp] called her for her expertise in. . .energy? As a quitting Oil & Gas Commissioner Regulator. As a promulgator of Dutch Dykes to solve the Gulf Oil spill?

    Sarah, explain to us what fungible commodities are again?

  142. Translation: $arah should be President. President Obama STOLE the election from her. But when the GOP has their brokered convention, they'll call on $arah to save the country and she'll say YES and we'll all live happily ever after, also too.

  143. Anonymous3:01 PM

    G, here's the quick, easy translation:

    "I HATE that the president is ignoring my wonderful, glorious self."

  144. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I just saw this on another site and a post there said that they thought that Palin actually meant pre Civil Rights, rather than pre Civil War. Would not surprise me that ignorant Palin would have gotten this mixed up. Probably someone had told her what to say and she screwed it up. Certainly would not be the first, or last, thing that she screws up.

  145. Anonymous3:03 PM

    What better way for Sarah to refocus the country on her stupidity the weekend that Game Change is released? We couldn't make this stuff up if we wanted to BUT she insists that "it's all lies!" haha

  146. Anonymous3:12 PM


    I don't think Romney will be askin' Sarah to become his runnin' mate...

  147. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Palin is trying to stir the hate up as best she can. That is all she can do. Just stir up hate. How stupid, a black president trying to segregate people racially.

  148. I know why $arah is losing it...Shailey Tripp's book is now on Amazon!

  149. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This excuse for a political commentator belongs in a quiet place- a locked room- where she can receive the treatment she needs. Right now her only weapon is her vile mouth but I fear she is dangerous in so many ways. We know how she endangers her children both physically (seat belt, anyone?) and emotionally. Virtually everything she spews is a lie or a distortion. Seriously, she does need help ASAP. I know she's living for the GOP convention in Tampa (where she hopes to be the savior of her party and the nominee) but I suspect that by then she will be foaming at the mouth.

  150. Anonymous3:23 PM

    She is all over the place, trying to take the heat off of the HBO movie, GameChange. Sorry Sarah, the entire world is gonna watch and see you lookin like a fool. And since you sic your lawyer dawg on everyone else, it will be very telling that you won't sue about this movie. You will be revealed for what you are, a scaredy cat. Mama Grizzly my arse!

  151. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Just when I think she's said the dumbest thing ever, she goes and tops herself! Jebuz Christ...sometimes I think Sarah, Rush, and all the other right wing nutjobs are just putting on a performance to keep us all distracted. It really reminds me of professional wrestling, or daytime talk shows like Jerry & Maury. This can't be real, can it???

  152. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah needs to shut up because shes making it to easy for everyone to believe she really did have a meltdown in Game Change..thanks Sarah!!

  153. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I’m just amazed how quiet the Palins are about Boys Will Be Boys.

    Not a peep from Todd or Sarah.

    Nasty perverted Todd and Wonky Eyed Retarded Sarah knows when they walk around Wasilla the people are laughing and looking at them differently.

    Sarah, she needs to stop worrying about President Obama and start worrying about Todd.

    Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

  154. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The raging grifter's main problem is that Obama won't give her a first look much less a second look and like any female with a hi-school mentality and a bad case of "THE HORNIES" she is seething. (Especially since HE is gasp...a black man and wouldn't F### her with someone else's D###!, or even phone her!!!) He won't even give her the satisfaction of a response or even a putdown and it is literally driving her batshit crazy! ROFLMAO

    A clasic example of the old adage, "Hell hat no fury like that of a woman scorned."

  155. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I wonder if the sec svc is developing a file on this crazy person. Whenever she opens her mouth I fear for our pres.

  156. Anonymous3:55 PM

    She's needs a little Gitmo.

  157. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hi Gail - I'm NJ girl too -- and yeah Christie can rival Palin at least in being mean - not sure he's as stupid as she is (he isn't all that intelligent but he does have a street sense at least)

  158. So that whole rant she went on about "the office of the presidency" was actually saying that President Obama was doing what he should - not calling her - that's why she had to use the term "office of the presidency", because she couldn't say he did the right thing now, could she?

    And then there's the "pre-civil war " comment - my mind is still reeling from that one. How, why, never mind, I can't even come up with the right question for that noxious pile of dung.

  159. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Why would Sarah be thinking about the pre-civil war South and and equality while talking about the first Black President?

    Anybody else think she was nodding off during Hannity's intro. Is the Red Queen of Wasilla also the Oxycontin Queen as well??

    Inquiring minds want to know, Sarah.

    Washed you hair at least.


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