Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jon Huntsman compares the Republican party to China. Well there goes THAT political career!

From Buzzfeed:

Huntsman, the former Utah governor and once President Barack Obama's Ambassador to China, expressed disappointment that the Republican Party disinvited him from a Florida fundraiser in March after he publicly called for a third party. 

"This is what they do in China on party matters, they punish you, if you talk off script," he said. 

Huntsman said he regrets his decision to oppose a 10-to-1 spending cuts to tax increase deal to cut the deficit at the Iowa debate lamenting: “if you can only do certain things over again in life.” 

"What went through my head was if I veer at all from my pledge not to raise any taxes…then I’m going to have to do a lot of explaining," he explained. "What was going through my mind was 'don't I just want to get through this?'" 

That decision, Huntsman said, "has caused me a lot of heartburn.” Huntsman jokingly blamed his failed candidacy in part on his wife, Mary Kaye, who told him she'd leave him if he abandoned his principles. 

“She said if you pandered, if you sign any of those damn pledges, I’ll leave you,” Huntsman recounted. 

"So I had to say I believe in science — and people on stage look at you quizzically as though you're was an oddball," Huntsman said, explaining why he was "toast" in Iowa.

You know Huntsman was the ONE nominee that the Obama administration feared, because they knew that in the general election he would be able to attract the moderates and that he could wage a campaign that would make the President's reelection an uphill battle.

Of course they didn't need to worry, since the Republican party of today could not being themselves to actually nominate a candidate that had the credential to do the job.

I have to say that I really like the idea that his wife told him that if he signed any of those ridiculous GOP pledges that she would leave him. Can anybody imagine Ann Romney telling her husband that he was pandering too much? Nope, not me either.

I guess I can admit now that it's all over that I really liked Jon Huntsman.  He had balls, and he did not act like an imbecile to gain the support of the paint chip eaters, and Civil War reenactors that seem to run the Republican party these days.

He had something else going for him as well...hmm now what was it?

Oh well it'll come to me.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    He is still supporting Romney over Obama even after criticizing Romney. Don't like how Huntsman has treated Obama who gave him a great opportunity - he could have used in 2016.

    LDS (Mormon) people are joining the LDS outreach and voting Democratic against Romney. stop by http://ldsdems.org

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Exactly. No. The FACT that he can still align himself with a party that underwrites these crazed babbling drooling idiots is the bottom line. The fact that he is LESS crazed doesn't make him even slightly palatable. AND Dems DO have a penchant for slobbering, don't they? Kind of like an abused kid when she FINALLY gets a hug. I don't see Repubs embracing any of our MANY ingratiating panderers.

  2. Chuckle, chuckle, AND his wife doesn’t act like a Rich Bitch.

  3. Anonymous4:56 AM

    The Democrats always have to have a 'pet' Repub, and Huntsman is the chosen one now. It is so sickening to see Dems slobbering all over his @ss.

    He IS a Repub and that is a fact. If he cared about Dem causes he would be one, but he is not.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Exactly. And note: he is now regretting the fact that he did not FAVOR a tax policy that involved 10 cuts for every 1 increase. In other words, he now REGRETS that he did not agree to cutting jobs, pensions, medical benefits, infrastructure, and education TEN TIMES as much as increasing taxes on billionaires.

      The fact that someone has a very attractive wife and 'hot' daughters should have NOTHING to do with our being able to see through their plutocratic policies (ahem: Gryphen!!). Huntsman is an extreme right-wing conservative who just happens to speak Cantonese, and in many instances he has been to the right of Romney. Yes, he is obviously more at ease as a person, but SO WHAT????

      Falling for Huntsman's wife and daughters is like falling for Scott Brown's pick-up truck and hunting jacket: extremely stupid. What's next? Falling for Christine O'Donnell's cuteness or (in former years) Palin's hotness????

  4. Anonymous5:11 AM

    For several years now I've thought the Republican Party was more like the Soviet Union -- saying something that does not meet with the approval of the ideologically pure Politburo will earn you a trip to Siberia.

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Hunstman is only attractive by comparing him to i,i,i,i's.* That is: *Insane, Immoral, Incompetent, Idiots.* He's still a rich scary pol.

  6. I don't find him scary at all. Yes, he is rich but he and his family are extremely generous and not (unlike Romney) just to his church. I give him credit for not pandering to the lowest common denominator of Republican. Problem is: there is no room for a statesman in today's Republican party.

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:33 AM

    I may not agree with all of his ideas, but he IS intelligent and able to have a productive conversation without veering into babbling madness. Old School Republican--can't happen with today's GOP "DC Shore" reality show politics.

    And his family is very attractive, to boot--they don't possess those crazy, vacant Stepford Wife eyes!

  8. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I think Huntsman is very intelligent, he will rise from the GOP ashes in another 4 8 yrs after the party falls apart. While I would never vote for a republican, he is mild enough to grab independents and sane republicans( if there are any left in the GOP).

  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    How many of his daughters have given birth out-of-wedlock?

    Sarah thinks this is the key to winning "family value" voters.

  10. Falling for pictures of pretty girls...tsk tsk, Jesse. You get to need your pajama clad blogger self out of your parents' basement and get a real live girlfriend.

    And I agree about Huntsman. He was the only Republican I both respected and worried about if he were to (impossibly) get the nomination.

    1. Lynne, my parents couldn't afford my basement.

      Besides you have to admit those are some gorgeous young ladies. Smart too.

  11. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Come on, JH is just another rich Republican w/a Barbie wife (she converted, just like Ann Rmoney). These people get by on charm, not solid credentials.

    If Huntsman had any balls, he would have stayed in the race and fought the rest of them for the nomination.

    Glad he didn't, though, since he seems to dupe even Democrats. He quit being a diplomat, and he quit the R primary. He doesn't need a job, either, just like Rmoney.

  12. Yes, Jesse, they are absolutely beautiful young ladies. (Their parents are pretty beautiful too.) I was just enjoying giving you a little bit of a bad time. Too bad I haven't had any coffee yet this morning so I could get my sentences straight.

  13. Seriously?7:35 AM

    Quite frankly,only the middle one is even cute.

    I can't separate the disgusting parents from the disgusting children.

    Pretty superficial to "accept" them b/c of their looks, kind of like what people did with Sarah Palin, eh?

    They have their whole lives to prove that they are smart, and have more conviction than their pasty father.

  14. Huntsman has always appeared to be too smart for the Republican party. For one,he can complete full sentences without backtracking. I appreciate his candor,which is something I usually don't associate with them. I tortured myself by watching all the debates and he struck me as the only sane one among the bunch, I probably would not have considered voting for him but I lean towards voting for someone smart. The Presidency is not for idiots, didn't we have enough of that with George W.? I would think the country would have learned something by now in that regard.

    Love the fact that his wife would leave him if he signed the pledges, smart man,he actually listens to his wife. I know nothing about her but that was cute. And his daughters are beautiful,not that is an indication of their character.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Huntsman is a cousin to Romney. Literally, they're cousins.

  15. Anonymous9:17 AM

    And I was for Huntsman. That doesn't even make sense. Well, the Chinese are brilliant capitalists. Though it's intersting that so many people from there migrate here to start great lives. That is one thing they have in common with the GOP, successful people who work hard.

    I always say to democrats, if you're unhappy and feel like you're missing out on something you THINK you SHOULD have, LEAVE.

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Newsflash for you: the Chinese government is still Communist. Second newsflash for you: We Democrats have as much right to live, prosper and speak our minds as you have. Our system of government is not totalitarian. I know that many Republicans would much prefer a corporatist state (read that as fascist if you want to) but that is not the case or maybe you have never had a government class in school.

  16. Enjay in E MT9:47 AM

    I thought Huntsman was the most sensible of all the GOP candidates. Someone you could disagree with, yet at the same time was able to look beyond "party" to see the the "big picture" (what is best for the country).

    I find it ironic that the GOP is throwing him under the bus (they ban you in China) - well that IS the GOP Party since Bush. If you aren't with us - you're against us. Only true American Patriots supported the Iraq war..... Where REAL America meets... Guns, God & Religion ...

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    When Huntsman entered the race, my husband said, "For sure he is going to win the nomination. He can beat Obama." I told him that he is completely out of touch with today's GOP. They only nominate crazy people. I was right, and now I use his words against him. Vote for Obama or one of the candidates from the Insane Clown Posse. No contest. God really swung open that door for him, didn't he, Sarah?

  18. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Huntsman was just as batshit as any Repug. He just hid it better.

    He was anti-female reproductive rights. That's all I need to know about a candidate.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    I agree with you, Gryphen. The man was the only one to stand on his convictions, and bowed out gracefully when the GOP made it known he was on the dinner menu (they always eat their own). He's filthy rich but didn't let it spoil him. He spoke in complete sentences and was smart to defer to his wife's wisdom. His daughters are beautiful, but smart as hell. Those you tube videos they did were smart and funny.

    Can anyone explain why Newt still has Secret Service Protection? It's impossible to get enough delegates, and all he's doing is hauking books and videos. Those are OUR tax dollars being wasted.

  20. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Huntsman really fooled a lot of you into thinking he wasn't so bad.

    Newsflash: He was. He hid it well. He was in lockstep with the GOP on all the issues. He just managed to not sound like a crazy rightwing ideologue. But you can't be a Republican and not be.

    He ended up screwing himself because the rest of the GOP wasn't interested in anybody who won't talk the talk as well as walk the walk.

    But if you think Huntsman wouldn't have walked the walk, you are naive beyond belief.


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