Saturday, May 05, 2012

Fox News gets dissed by perhaps the BIGGEST movie of the summer. Aww, sucks to be them!

Courtesy of Politicususa:

In the upcoming blockbuster The Avengers, MSNBC and CNN are featured, but after dissing Spider-Man last summer, ratings leader Fox News is conspicuously missing. 

TVnewser has the scoop, “MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts appeared as himself, gamely pretending that the world had just been saved by a giant green man and the Norse God of Thunder. In addition to MSNBC, “footage” from the battle ran on CNN, local Time Warner Cable channel NY1 and ABC affiliate WABC ( we didn’t see any real anchors, just clips and an interview with a “witness”). There were also some fictional TV networks, including a fake channel 5, which is a Fox affiliate here in New York. We also noticed that the only cable news channel not featured was Fox News Channel.”

Now you may be wondering WHY Fox News, who is certainly not shy about self promotion, would not have their name prominently displayed throughout this movie? Good question.

A possible reason for this might be that Disney, who is distributing this movie hates Fox news, or perhaps that Fox News hates them back.

Or it could be this:

Fox News has accused the left of forcing Marvel to “take a radical left turn to extreme political correctness” by making the new Spider-Man half black and half Hispanic.

Marvel, which is also the comic book company behind the Avengers, is undoubtedly sensitive about having one of their most iconic characters attacked in this way, so that might very well have something to do with the fact that the movie now portrays Fox as being perhaps the ONLY cable news network that would not consider the saving of New York by a group of colorfully garbed super heroes to be newsworthy.

Undoubtedly Fox was too busy covering another socialist political move by President Obama, or reporting on how a white person exercised  their first amendment rights by delivering justice through the barrel of a gun to some poor minority that walked too close to their house, or perhaps they were busy making sure that the stupidity falling out of Sarah Palin's mouth was broadcast into the homes of unsuspecting Americans.

Yeah I know that it will probably not have any real impact on Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, or the shareholders of Newscorp.  After all they have a Hannity, an O'Reilly, and a Van Susteren as their own personal "superheroes," assuming of course that blatant lies and obfuscation can be considered a super power that is.

Well personally I am very excited about attending this move today. Because even though Fox News may have an army of brainwashed paint chip eaters who are still ignorant enough to support them, those of us who are NOT seeing a Leftist agenda behind every corner have something much more exciting, we have a Hulk!

Oh boy, I can taste the popcorn already!


  1. Virginia Voter4:20 AM

    Don't forget, Marvel is now owned by Disney, so it's not just comic book superheroes that Fox has to dis...Fox News Talking heads hated the Cars 2 movie because of it's message about dirty oil, the Muppets movie (Disney)also was a socialist communist plot against big business . It's just all a big plot by the radical leftist movie producers to indoctrinate our young, dontcha know?

    Ugh, not even fucking Al-Qaida took Fox News seriously, proven by the recently revealed writing of that Adam Gidahn dude.

  2. Does anybody except old white men in their 70's take Fox "News" seriously? They're a JOKE.

  3. Doeshn' M'gyn Kelly take Fox sheerioushly... Seriously... "How!" lol lol lol.

    Fox in a nutshell.

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Perhaps too, we should consider that some of us US Americans actually are understanding and so appreciative of characters that simply must apply thirsty free market principles in pursuing the ril American dream of wealth as markers of success in ways that not all of you will like in terms of legality and morality and transparency. Let's face it, some corporate loopholes or bending of rules in bad behavior show that there are rewarding consequences. Like mansion golf-course lake owner Papa Jack's whose figured out just how little cheese hungry god-fearin patriots will accept to qualify as a pizza food-stuff at their homes celebratin good national pastimes such as baseball and football and Fox News.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get the name of Papa Jack's plastic surgeon, haters keep bringin up my turkey neck.

  5. Well, it could also be that they wanted *real* news stations, not propaganda opinion networks. I'll be they didn't have QVC or TLC in the movie either.

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    PLEASE tell me we will NEVER, EVER see Hannity or O'Reilly in tights and a cape!!!

    Ohhhh, where's the brain bleach???

  7. dancingthroughlife3:14 PM

    Hope you enjoyed the movie, Gryphen. They filmed part of it in Cleveland, and I was rerouted on my walk to work while they filmed!

  8. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    whoa, it must be bad when a fictional movie doesn't think "Fox News" is "News".

    Fox even made an issue of a mixed race superhero. They just can't leave the President out of their faux poutrage!


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