I will skip over the pandering to females that starts the ghostwritten post and go directly to the meat (Get it, meat?) of the ridiculous defense courtesy of Brancy's (Totally stole that!) blog:
When I was on Dancing with the Stars, I was only nineteen years old. I was active and fit, but I did gain five to ten pounds over the course of the show.
![]() |
(Five or ten pounds?) |
Rather, I’m saying that I’ve been the brunt of jokes, speculation, and criticism about my appearance, and it’s not fun.
When people choose to mock young impressionable females and even more mature national political leaders, it spreads the lie that the value of women resides in their appearance. As women, we should resist the urge to laugh at our sisters, both Democrats and Republicans alike. Plus, Hillary looks good! (Agreed! Hillary looks fine. Who said she didn't? However she is NOT somebody who got to where she is by batting her eyes while wearing short skirts and high heels.) I think we should give her credit for not having a make up artist following her around and being comfortable in her own skin.
Okay, let's get something straight. The people, at least on THIS blog, who mocked you Bristol, did not mock you because you were overweight. They mocked you because you were clearly pregnant and tried to pretend that you weren't.
And unlike the paint chip eaters that supported your mother, and helped you stay on DWTS far longer than you deserved, we were not fooled!
And by the way it certainly does NOT help to make your point that you gained weight on the show because you were a high school basketball player and the show's exercise regime actually "took my activity level down a notch," when you left the show looking like this..
..and today look like this.
I mean it kind of makes one want to ask, "What kind of exercise are you doing now that is SO much more strenuous than what you did during Dancing with the Stars?"
P.S. I guess I should add that Bristol posted this new picture of her mom to demonstrate how natural she is by saying this is how she looks 90% of the time.
Actually if Bristol wants to make the point that her mother is not somebody who cares about appearance most of the time (Something I absolutely disagree with by the way.), than perhaps she should have chosen a more representative picture of what her mother looks like without all of her fake hair and makeup on.
For that purpose I feel this one is a better choice.
There, fixed it for you Brancy!
The more Brancy keeps talking and trying to do damage control over yesterday's hateful homophobic jealous screech about President Obama, the First Lady and their two young daughters, Sasha and Malia, the worse it gets for Bristol's laughable reputation - what's left of it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a HUGE mistake letting Brancy write the blog. I just wrote a letter to Lifetime promising to boycott Bristol's shacking up with Gyno show and to write ALL the sponsors if it ever airs!
Lifetime's submission form is here:
Poor Brancy... Bless her heart.
DeleteThank you. I will do this again and again and again.
DeleteFYI, the reason they compared her to Hillary is because John Coales, Sarah's lawyer & Greta's husband, also knows & has worked with the Clintons. Maybe she's never actually threatened the Clintons as she does the First Family.
Five to ten pounds my ass!!! Ten times two, you mean for that bun she had in the oven.
DeletePlus 5 lbs for each of those thunder thighs.
Then add 3 lbs for each arm, and 2 per ankle.
What's that? an increase of 40 lbs? I think that's way closer to the actual number. Probably a low estimate.
They had Bristol PACKED in those outfits. It reminded me of working with cement. That shit gets heavy. Still, nothing like Mark, her dance partner, had to go through. He earned his paycheck and hers, too, dragging that heifer back and forth across the floor. Makes my back hurt to think about lifting ole Beefy.
Beefy so slim now? Wait ummm yes adderal will DO THAT!
DeleteHas anyone seen beefy sweating at the gym? Nope she is popping adderal aka speed and that is how she lost all her weight, like Mommy dearest does.
Natural my ass!
Don't forget about Bristol's book reviews on Amazon. New stuff there!
Absolutely hilarious commentary and criticism of Bristol/Nancy's previous criticism of the state of the nation.
Worldwide Parody & Satire Industries Collapse
"...“Parody and satire were already on life support thanks to Rush,” said analyst Seymour Butts of the Under the Bleachers Report. “But when Bristol let loose, even hard-bitten industry veterans who had survived the Nixon and Reagan years threw in the towel.”..."
Hard-bitten industry veterans reminded me of this:
DeleteI was asked by a business owner yesterday who I thought would win the election. I asked him and he said "Obama, because he's a likeable guy and inherited a bad economy and it seems like it's getting better. Plus the Tea Party has done nothing but screw up and is too extreme." Lifelong R. Defended Bush for 9/11 (I reminded him of Katrina). Lives in a wealthy town near where one of Mitt's many houses are.
Speaking of Mitt and Sarah and Bristol, check out this list:
Very interesting site everyone should read. I believe the only thing they left out was 'lives in Alaska'.
DeleteExcellent links - both of them. Thanks for the laughs!
DeleteWhat a back-handed "compliment" about Hillary by putting up a picture of her ugly-on-the-inside mentally ill mother. Of course we all know whose idea THAT was since "adult" Bristol allows her mother do all the thinking for her.
ReplyDeletePiper and Trig if you are listening when your Mommy offers to do a blog for you just say NO.
Pick on more "mature national political leaders?"
DeleteHa ha, Brancy, if you are putting your idiot mother in league with Hillary. . .sigh. . .no, you mom is not super smart and would not make an awesome President. You idiot also.
5 or 10 pounds? Try 30. Math is hard for the Health / Palin's.
Delete"Rather, I’m saying that I’ve been the brunt of jokes, speculation, and criticism about my appearance, and it’s not fun."
ReplyDeleteBrancy-gate, you might as well enjoy the ride you chose because it is going to be as long as you are conning people out of money with all the tricks of your grifting family.
I guess those shorts were called Daisey Dukes but now we can call them Brancy Pance?
"Brancy Pance", I like that and it's much more polite than my first thought, "C**t Cutters".
DeleteDifferent strokes for different folks!
DeleteOh man, I hope you got your game loads handy.... These are NOT mama bears just waking up.... This looks lmore like mama Moose just shedding !!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly....
Oh why not post the a better Hawiaan beach photo? Like this one! Some moons are made of cottage cheese.
DeleteNow, thems rill runners leggs. Yummy!
DeleteTAAWWDD!! Git hrh one of your washcloths, it's fingers are all sticky don't wanna hold it's check by the edges again!!
DeleteMy legs look like that but I am 60 and disabled. What's her excuse?
DeleteWhen did Bristles play basketball? I thought she got most of her exercise on camping trips. All of the professional athletes on the show still lose weight, so that argument is useless. Pregnancy weight is different and it was obvious during DWTS. She complained that the other "stars" did not like her. Probably because she was there under false pretenses. PLEASEmake this entire useless, untalented clan do back to Alaska and stay there. The lower 48 have all the grifters and money hungry loafers we need.
ReplyDeleteThe Scarah picture without the F-me shoes and doing her exercise gig is FAR FAR BETTER then how she does her hair and dresses for her Church Lady speaking tours that pay her to mess with them. How she must hate those ladies and doing those awful screeches, check out how she looked. The women of joy must have lost all joy after witnessing such contempt.
LOL this is a good one. Thanks for making me laugh!
Deletep.s. I wish you had "anonymous" posting. I don't need to join another site and try to remember that password too. So I can never comment at see4peepee. Sorry.
Cute bird feathers coming out of the top of Baldy's head!
ReplyDeleteThe patients are reporting that Baldy's speech is today and that she greeted the folks with "Hello 1 percenters...More power to ya"...And one guy tweeted that Baldy is really really tanned! LOL!! Looks like Baldy's hanging out in AZ baking like her sister in arms...Gov Jan "Burntface" Brewer and the Jersey tanning mom!
Here's a link to a SALT conference twitter...
oh no, now she is jealous and competing with Tanning Mom.
DeleteWhat she really was saying was "I got mine, f***k the 99'ers." She is evil to the core.
DeleteAnd that was her purpose all along plus she can obstruct as much as she wants, too because the damaged govt and program cuts won't affect $arah$$$$$.
Clearly she was pregnant... what a liar she is, wonder where the baby is now? Anybody have any idea?
ReplyDeleteLiars are gonna lie. And grifters are gonna grift. That's just who they are, and that's all they know how to do.
DeleteYes, Bristol was definitely pregnant during DWTS. But there is no "other" baby.
Remember, Bristol already had the "celebrity bug", and even she and her grifting mom could recognize the challenge they'd have trying to market Bristol as a 19-yr-old single mom, with two out-of-wedlock kids (Tripp and DWTS prego, not to mention Tri-G) and no solid prospects for a steady, secure, monogamous relationship. That's just too much baggage for the sellin' to the re-virginized teenager abstinence market.
This is so strange that they are trying so hard to put this propaganda out there--- when, it ought to be an issue that begs for privacy. If only Bristol and her ghost-writin' two-bit one-hack PR shop (yes, that's you, Nancy) would only shut up about the matter... It's a little too obvious that Nancy is pushing this revisionist nonsense as a part of Bristol's much-needed image rehab.
Lying and working so hard to push this false persona is so pitiful given that Bristol, Nancy & Sarah think folks are buying their story is naive on their part. Most folks could avert their stare and give Bristol a pass for terminating a pregnancy (or two), but only if she and Nancy would just STFU with the false narrative, because "it ain't workin' to fool nobody". People are not the idiots like these grifters think they are.
Likewise, using a tactic like paying a back-handed compliment to Hillary will not serve to shield Bristol from criticism about her "weight gain". To compare Bristol to a respected, accomplished 64 year old "renaissance woman" with Hillary's list of accomplishments is a bit of a stretch. No, in fact, it's laughable.
So stop with the bullshit, Bristol and Nancy. You two are just embarrassing yourselves, whether either of you recognize that or not.
That Hillary underwent unfair attacks on her appearance is about as appropriate as Sarah saying her appointment to serve as a running mate (not actually earning a place on a ticket) was tantamount to helping Hillary shatter the glass ceiling.
DeleteF U Palin womens.
You are SO right Anonymous1:03 PM. Sarah is like a nagging fishwife. She just can't stop herself from yet using another one of her children to get her message out how she just hates the Obama family. Her envy has eaten her up from the inside out. Sarah takes NO advice from anyone and therefore ends up shooting herself in the mouth because she thinks she knows better than ANYone how to manage her sleuth grifting campaign or Bristol's "career". And I have ZERO respect for Nancy who is supposed to be a christian author. Apparently she has no conscience about how she is helping to ruin Bristol. But again Nancy is on the SarahPAC payroll and money comes before christianity. Money talks!
DeleteOh, my eyes!! My eyes!!! Egad!! My eyes!!
DeleteI feel the need for SPEED!!
ReplyDeleteMy 5 to 10 pounds on each ass-cheek, but no 5-10 pounds total.
DeleteYeah, five to ten lbs. That was the size of the baby, righ?
ReplyDeleteMust have been a 9 pounder.
DeleteHere's a pic featuring Bristol & Jessica Simpson, who was known to be pregnant, side-by-side. The belly is UNMISTAKABLE; that girl is pregnant!!
Wow!! That is an excellent illustration of two preggy bellies!!
DeleteThat comparison is a dead ringer. Bristol was pregnant. What happened to that baby?
DeleteYeah, and somebody needs to ask the Kyle brother why he said Bristol's children (plural).
DeleteAccording to HuffPost, Lifetime has ordered a reality show with the late, great Whitney Houston's relatives.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they're still in any way interested in the still here, talentless Big B. show.
Obvious that Sarah is writing this blog with cleanups by Nancy doll.
ReplyDeleteWhy not post Sarah without her Belmont twin breast, maybe where her breasts or in different directions as they slip, of her fat ass in Tennessee with her crack. They pick the worst picture of our great Secretary of State, to compare with one of Sarahs cheesecake look at me fella's shots. Even doubled in the mirror.
So sorry ninny bitches, no one is swallowing your puffing yourself on your looks.
The Secretary of State is not a pin up girl. She is a serious woman doing a wonderful job, and well respected all over the world, while mommy dimwit is laughed at all over the world.
What? Sarah's boobies have shrunk but at least they're in the right spot and not popping out from under her armpit like we've seen recently. As for Bristol's weight gain she was the only one on the show that got bigger rather than smaller. Why do the Palin women always bring up Hillary into their rants?
ReplyDeleteIt keeps the Pac money flowing, what little there may be. They are attacking or supporting political contenders.
DeleteWhat is a PAC?
Political Action Committee (PAC) — A popular term for a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. Most PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests. PACs can give $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. PACs may receive up to $5,000 from any one individual, PAC or party committee per calendar year.
I saw Peter Scweitzer(sp?) on tv today, the "Throw the Bums Out" author whose book she pushed so hard. He said he no longer works for her.
DeleteWhy, 11:10? Because Sarah thinks she is as smart or smarter than Hillary Clinton, and feels justified in comparing herself to her.
DeleteShe does the same thing when talking about President Obama.
It's a pitiful delusion knowing Sarah's actual scholarly (cough cough) background.
Looks like Brisol has inherited the mutation that allows such thinking.
During DWTS Bristol was only 19 years old.... yet she was out in bars. That one night she was on video and all the pictures where she looked so drunk. All of her chaperones and friends, Willow and Ivy Frye were there, all ALLOWED HER TO DRIVE A CAR FILLED WITH YOUNG GIRLS. Ivy Frye is such a fake, she and all the old milk cow grannies that scam the system.
ReplyDeleteWe who got Sarah lite's number are not fooled by back handed compliments, her and that French person are horrid, but the love of money will be their downfall.
ReplyDeletePray tell, what's the point of including a flattering pic of the queen of grift?
I usually don't take the time to comment anywhere, but so many are slobbering over that pic saying how great she looks for 48 so let's have some fun linking IM's pic of how she REALLY looks 99% of the time AND get some folks here, promote Gryphen's blog and DEBUNK the myth that is the "hottest Guv from the coldest state".
Adore this place. Thank you, Gryphen.
When did she play basketball? I thought she got most of her exercise on camping trips. All of the professional athletes on the show still lose weight, so that argument is useless. Pregnancy weight is different and it was obvious during DWTS. She complained that the other "stars" did not like her. Probably because she was there under false pretenses. Please make this entire useless, untalented clan do back to Alaska and stay there. The lower 48 have all the grifters and money hungry loafers we need. But above all that, she at her absolutel worst is still a lot prettier than that ugly little bridge troll dotter you have that you showed us on that ski hill. That's a problem isn't it!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous11:13 AM
DeleteYou keep stalking Gryphen and complaining about his "dotter"...maybe you got some "issues" to work out on your own.
It's too bad you have to steal comments from others to get your fucked up point of view across.
i think it's psycho willow
DeleteUgly is as ugly does. Per your post, we can deduce you are an ugly little troll and we win the award for understatement of the year.
DeleteYour words are clearly meant to stir up anger and hate, because those emotions must be eating you alive, how much money did you lose donating to a cruel evil ignorant pseudo-pol?
Bet you've been stewing since Oct. 5th 2011, amirite?
Gryphen and his daughter are out of your realm, Gryphen knows empathy and love, compassion, seeking accountability and justice is his daily goal, so no, your words cannot touch him nor his daughter.
I truly pity you.
Is Willow working in Todd's Stable now, or is she still Pregnant? All of the Plastic Surgery in the World will not improve the thought process of you Uneducated Palins. Nancy French is as Juvenile in her Rants as the Palins have been all along. Birds of a Feather?
Delete11:13 AM the only desire of the young men in your circle is for you Palins to keep your LEGS SPREAD like an open Gate. If being sluts make you Palins happy, you are the best at it. Pimp Daddy Todd Palin taught you
Oh don't you just love the Arizona Slutty Cowgirl picture?
ReplyDeleteSarak may "look like" that 90% of the time, but she's mentally ill 100% of the time.
ReplyDeleteTypo - "Sarah."
DeleteLooks like the grifters are cleaned up for the next outing!
ReplyDeleteInjections & lipo and feel good drugs do the trick for a while.
Who does Brancy think she's fooling?
Who will she mention on her blog next? Maybe some of the famous & not so famous people who are incensed by the hubris of this family, especially Bristol the pistol who they say is following in her infamous mothers footsteps!
Great job with keeping up Gryphen, especially with all that's going on.
Thanks mainly to you, the grifters are now just a joke to the entire world.
During DWTS Bristol was only 19 years old.... yet she was out in bars. That one night she was on video and all the pictures where she looked so drunk. All of her chaperones and friends, Willow and Ivy Frye were there, all ALLOWED HER TO DRIVE A CAR FILLED WITH YOUNG GIRLS. Ivy Frye is such a fake, she and all the old milk cow grannies that scam the system.
ReplyDeleteWhat a total crock o' sh-t. Thanks for all the laughs Brancy but again you go too far.
Very Christian of her. Getting drunk & what not.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear Bristol- you should let your mom know that when she jogs without her water-bra on, she not only risks dehydration, she also doesn't get what she wants, she looks like a complete idiot for wearing one for those "pay me $" days...just saying, if you play the part you have to play it 24-7.
ReplyDeleteThe Lies from the Palin Family are intrenched in the Alaska Independent Party.
I would post this comment over at your blog, but I've been mysteriously banned by Nancy.
Happy Mothers Day Bristol to all your wee ones out there.
Well, if she gets dehydrated she can always poke a hole in her bra and stick a bendy straw in it.
Looks like Sarah needed to show some leg and tease the devoted with an almost crotch shot! Send me money is all I hear, and I am prettier than Hillary and you best remember me in 2016.
ReplyDeleteThere is a taunt here, to see if any one will break the news about the DWTS baby. If it stays out of the main stream, they will feel safe. These are intentional ploys and messages. Nothing but manipulations. Disgusting.
Why did she even have to put that photo in the post? It's about Hilary, right? Why did you do that, Sarah?
DeleteOh wha? Hey Bristol Pistol, you caught me just bein ril and gettin ready for one of my 10 mile runs, uphill with Trig on my back, mowing the lawn. I'm so ril. And breezy. Like Tripp's half sister coming down the pike.
DeleteAfter looking at that last photo of sarah, I'd love to see her at Hillary's age. Hills already looks better.
ReplyDeleteScreech needs to close her legs in pictures and well Beefalo just needs to close her legs! Both bitches need to close their mouth!
ReplyDeleteTo compare Sarah and Bristol to Kim and Kris Khardashian is more real. Sarah is not even a political player now. Just b/c she is milking the SarahPac game does not make her relevant to politics. The Fox appearances make her a total joke, so that does not help. All they have is some speeches and trying to surpass JWwoww and Snooki.
ReplyDeleteOddly enough, it seems both JWoww and Snooki have men in their lives who truly care about them.
DeleteHow much are you paying Gino, Bdull?
Gino needs a raise. You gotta feel some of his pain, nothing could be worth selling out like he did. Don't forget he once knew how bad they preform.
DeleteThat is not Gino in the pic? It is a paid photo-op to make Levi "jealous" b/c he was on teevee with Sunny~
DeleteAnd she is on adderall & BC or else she would be preggo b/c palins don't shut their mouths or legs!
So, regarding the Daisy Dukes--didn't she say before going on DWTS, that she wanted her costumes to reflect her Christian ways & not be so revealing.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm.....Makes ya think, don't it?
Hog couldn't afford revealing the baby bump.
DeleteSooner or later, it all comes out in the wash.
that was teevee.
Deletewe know what a whore she is in "real" life.
I'm from Texas and I can't tell you how much I despise the city slicker faux cowboy dressers. Wonder how many turns BP took in front of the mirror before deciding that she looked pretty "cool" in that getup?
DeleteI'm from Texas, too, and I HATE the cowboy boots with shorts thang.
DeleteAw come on, folks!
DeleteWe just had a birthday party for a 5 year old last weekend, complete with a riding pony and petting zoo. And all of the kids were dressed up JUST LIKE Brisdull and her faux-cowboy-fella, with their boots & hats on and all.
Actually, these two cowpokes wouldn't know the difference between a cow pie and a moon pie. Come on Brisdull, ya'll come git yer snacks!
To compare Sarah and Bristol to Kim and Kris Khardashian is more real. Sarah is not even a political player now. Just b/c she is milking the SarahPac game does not make her relevant to politics. The Fox appearances make her a total joke, so that does not help. All they have is some speeches and trying to surpass JWwoww and Snooki.
ReplyDeleteYes, Kris and Sarah both read the same parenting manual- although Sarah had hers on an audio....
DeleteIf that is how S. Palin looks in real life, no wonder pimp TP cheats.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know where to begin with this...
ReplyDeletePalin at SALT: "I would have taken an earlier, more consistent stand with Arab Spring freedom fighters compared to Obama"
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, President Obama to you, fucking dried up fraud.
"I would have?" Really? You mean if you and old McCunt had won, you would've could've?
Of course, because the nasty fool would be six feet under courtesy of The First Pimp and handy AIP buddies, ne c'est pas?
So much wrong with that statement, but the envy and bitterness sticks out like a sore thumb.
So....is this Ms Palin's bull riding outfit?
ReplyDeleteArchie Butt
So....is this Ms Palin's bull riding outfit?
DeleteNo, it's Bristol's Levi, Gino, Ben and the Masey brothers riding otfit.
in SP's picture is she supposed to be tying her trainers? cuz, judging by the loop to her left (our right), they're already tied. SP, if you were trying to come off as a candid shot you really screwed up.
ReplyDeleteNotice the reflection of Sarah's legs in the picture. Her bots will be jacking off to this for years.
ReplyDeleteAnd the mirror appears to be propped up on the dresser at just the 'right' titillating angle. Maybe it is just hayseed cluelessness about how to decorate... although I doubt it.
DeleteCheesecake, no doubt about it.
DeleteOkay, so I guess that picture means Brisket isn't currently pregnant? Yet, I mean...
ReplyDeleteThese women are so hypersexualized they find it appropriate to both appear in shorts, very short shorts and, on Sarah's part, even a crotch shot in the mirror. What in the name of god would make Bree want to revisit her hefty DWTS days?? They must have been stressful for her...enough to make her emerge from the whole thing wanting to "give the middle finger to haters." And she f'ing looks preggers, so why would she draw everyone's attention to it all again??? Sick bitches with sick personalities.
ReplyDeleteI think it came up on Grypen's posts from yesterday about her weight again. They also did want to change the story and end the homophobic Bristol meme. She does better as a victim, in their scheme. Plus a good opportunity to say she only gained 5-10 lbs and Sarah can show some leg for the viagra crowd. Hypersexualized and sick is what they know.
Delete"Pity the fool" mr. T.
DeleteSO that must be a picture of Screech prior to 2007? Sure was taken before she had her face lift failure.
ReplyDeletePsychopaths need the sex card to feel loved and know they can control their people. It makes sense that they would play that one after getting knocked down yesterday. They were totally deflated. What else can a psychopath do?
ReplyDeleteOh shit Gryphen, the barracuda is going to be pissed when she sees that you posted that one picture of her. That must of been taken before Sarah got her surgeries.
ReplyDeleteI suggested that G should post the cottage cheese moon picture of Sarah but he hasn't yet. I'm sure that's another Sarah favorite!
Isn't that bottom photo from the big Hawaii trip after the electio9n blowout, when Willow was home alone and up to her neck in booze and boys in someone else's home? That was 4 years ago when she looked that haggard. Whew.
ReplyDeleteAnd Brancy, no it is not fun to be poked fun at...you should know, having used Facebook to taunt classmates. So when you start being honest and sweet (as your mother insists you are!) then we can stop paying any attention to you at all. So, let's start now. I have been pregnant twice in my life and raised both children to successful adulthood. Your turn.
"Isn't that bottom photo from the big Hawaii trip after the electio9n blowout, when Willow was home alone and up to her neck in booze and boys in someone else's home?"
DeleteYes. They did 10s of thousands of dollars worth the damages to the home they broke in to, but hey, pay restitution - naw - that's neither the Palin's "Christian" obligation nor the Palin's Republican party of personal responsibility rill patriot murkin way.
Guess the kids that vandalized the Morlock home were pretty lucky that Jeremy Morlock was off in Afghanistan taking out his anger on innocent citizens of another country, else he'd have taken his M16 to them!
DeleteIf she was pregnant during DWTS, wouldn't all that dancing movements and tight costumes harm a baby inside of her? Where do all these unknown Palin babies go? Adoption? Who would give their child up for adoption? Someone in Alaska or somewhere these days has to find a birth certificate for Tripp and Trigg with the dates, etc., fathers, etc. I cannot believe in these modern times, someone can't find it.
ReplyDeleteNo, they wouldn't harm the baby. The baby is well insulated. Many pregnant woman continue to do everything they did before pregnancy like running, yoga, etc.
DeleteNah- the dancing she did (and I use the term dancing VERY loosely) was fairly low impact. Moderate exercise is recommended while pregnant. The costumes, however, must have been uncomfortable. Thankfully, she only had them on for a short time.
DeleteThe unknown palin babies become godchildren - of course the names of the "parents" are never revealed.
As for adoption, many people give up their children for adoption - for many different reasons.
having the AIP/Rep/fundies in control of the AK capital can make all sorts of paperwork disappear. Heck, the RNC made the kid's SSN numbers go away, right?
Someday someone will come forward, hopefully while it's still relevant.
Bristol disappeared after DWTS. Did she deliver her fish picker in Alaska or Arizona?
DeleteShe must have had her DWTS baby in Arizona. There would have been too many options for Alaskans to recognize her and report on her "condition." hmmm. 5 months of confinement with "mano" before Trig was born. months of isolation in Arizona, Bristol goes from very pregnant to not pregnant. NO, we are not fooled. Where did the baby go?
DeleteBristol, I was looking at that picture of you in the short daisy dukes and I think that I may have spotted my Wasilla High School class ring?
ReplyDeleteThe next time Gino is in there can you have him retrieve it for me? I don't want you to think that I'm an Indian giver, the ring must of slipped off the last time because I haven't seen it since.
Thanks, you're a doll.
Too much acid in there, it's probably rusty and corroded by now! I say let her keep it. Eventually it will just pass through when she urinates.
DeleteYeah, I'm missing a couple of my plumber wrenches here myself. And my weed whacker, too.
DeleteLemme know if they turn up there again.
Oh, and the cable remote for one of the bedrooms.
i would just like to say that i don't come visit this site very much anymore because i got tired of all of the mean girl-ing here. it really is too bad as you did have some really witty and fun regular posters, but i found myself feeling ashamed, reading bullies being encouraged and having talks with my tween about bullies at school. i choose to practice what i preach. when you say that the reading audience here didn't mock any/all of the palin's appearance, i call bullshit. can't conquer hypocrisy with more of the same
ReplyDeletego look up "bully", "mom".
DeleteNot even close.
Well it is clear you would be more comfortable at a different blog. The various Palins and Palin ghost writers keep posting this shit and the Immoral Minority blog has very little to do with why these washed up and wrung out Wasillabillies seem to think they are newsworthy in any way. We report and comment on it, but the Paylins are responsible for it.
DeleteSo here once again we have the always defensive and offensive Beefalo and probably someone else who writes this crap and posts it under Beefy's name. Public figure= fair target to call out hipocrisy and stupidity.
Ahh, and the attack on the president's daughters is also really special coming from a former quitter governor's daughter.
DeleteWhat a waste of a comment. Kristy has nothing on your whiny post.
Then why are you here?
DeleteI wrote a comment and then lost it somewhere to the right of the screen . . . . So I'll try again. How can Bristol Palin even remotely compare herself to Hillary Clinton, a well-educated and articulate woman, former First Lady, respected senator and superb Secretary of State, who is also over 60 years of age.
ReplyDeleteWas Bristol trying to compare herself with Chelsea Clinton, who was savaged by the right-wing press (notably Fox News) while her father was president and who excelled in school, graduated from college, earned advance degrees, launched a genuine career and who is now married and expecting her first child? No comparison there, Bristol. Opting for DWTS and quick money, celebrity and tabloid coverage. Poor choices made by Bristol but then she did not have the loving and supportive parents that Chelsea had growing up. As a commenter I've always been sorry that Bristol had thought so little of herself and had such a poor self image that she chose plastic surgery. She had a lovely young woman's face back in 2008 at the time of the Republican Convention. It's a pity her parents have cared so little for her.
That bottom picture of Sarah Palin in Hawaii looks like she forgot to put her dentures in.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say that but didn't. Some one will call us mean for saying this. Oh well...
ReplyDelete"When I was on Dancing with the Stars, I was only nineteen years old. I was active and fit, but I did gain five to ten pounds over the course of the show."
It looks like Bristol had gained ten pounds during her DWTS lunch break? What's she talking about?
This is all about drawing attention. The grifting machinations continue.
ReplyDeleteLooks like soft porn pictures of mother and daughter showing way too much leg for someone who wants to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteSeeing that picture of Sarah Palin in the Army shirt explains why Todd had the affair with Shailey Tripp.
ReplyDelete"Have ya seen Sarah? Ewwwww!"
No kidding about finding information, there is so much identity theft that has gone on even.
ReplyDeleteHoly smokes-->ewww! Please keep exposing her. Yeah, like she normally looks like that. Please keep exposing the real sp na s ty.
Hope you don't mind but I borrowed the Hawaii pic and posted it on Bristol's blog. I'm sure it won't be long before I'm banished from there.
ReplyDeletePost up the cottage cheese moon please! I think i've been banned at Beefy's, also, too.
DeleteBoy, those Palin women sure are a whiny bunch...
ReplyDeleteI think Gino's gay
ReplyDeletewhen I see that pic
I think brokeback mountain
Is this stupid two-bit ho seriously comparing herself, at age 19 or even 21, to Hillary Clinton, our accomplished Secretary of State, who is now in her middle-sixties??? Unbelievable. The stupid, it hurts! I think the best way to shut these a**holes up is to not ever pay attention to them anymore. Just go and DIAF, all of you dimwit Paylins.
ReplyDeleteoh what happend to political pundin'nt.
ReplyDeletewhat is it now s3 x1e palins now to your house your..... gross. They need that triple letter host now.
I'm not sure, the one picture of Sarah in the gray shirt is confusing. Does Sarah Palin have an adam's apple or is it just excess old skin waddle swinging in the wind?
ReplyDeleteYou can’t claim you are fit and healthy when you are eating at McDonalds in large quantities. Plastic surgery and drugs will make you look thin but that doesn't change your health. Eventually it will catch up with you.
ReplyDeleteHow delicious!!
ReplyDeleteKnowing that we've gotten so under her skin, they still can't let DWTS go!!
Just show the pics of the KID you had Brisket and we'll let it go.
We aren't the stunned and stupid ones Brisket -- that's you and your failed mother. We know all the Babygates you lie about.
Come clean for Mother's Day. Your kids will respect you more as all the evidence is there for them to read when the get older and I'll guarantee you -- it will bite you in your fat lard ass later.
PS: Quit the prescription drugs Brisket. The only way you've lost the weight is those pills contain speed.
Gryphen knows about Taxgate too.
DeleteNot open shot...made me think of SACI where Miranda...LOL. She probably really wanted to. LOL!! anyhows yes, I agree how does she tie her shoes. This is a teaser pic. Go for it duds.
ReplyDelete"When I was on Dancing with the Stars, I was only nineteen years old. I was active and fit, but I did gain five to ten pounds over the course of the show." -Bristol Palin
ReplyDeleteMe thinks Bristol gained about 31 pounds towards the end of DWTS. That wasn't 5 pounds Bristol slapped on when she was standing next to Sherri Sheperd. Wanna try again Bristol? Keep repeating it and maybe Gino will believe you. We don't!
Baby: 7-8 pounds
Placenta: 1-2 pounds
Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
Uterus: 2 pounds
Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
Maternal blood : 4 pounds
Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds
Bristol Palin is so far out of touch with reality. I doubt they allow her to know much of what goes on. Only when they need to script her to preform. Nancy is also clueless about Bristol and only works to please her religious cult and her bosses.
DeleteNeither of them remember all the photos of Bristol stuffing her face during DWTS when they wanted to have a reason for the unusual logic defying weight gain. At that time she was eating too much junk food and that is why she was the only one getting heavier on the show. Now they change the story. Like little Trig's story, he was born in Wasilla/Palmer and another time it was Anchorage.
Now Brancy says: "I was active and fit, but I did gain five to ten pounds over the course of the show." as if that is Bristol. Active and fit stuffing her face with yogurt, cheesecake, burgers and all. Her trolling pal April Morlock was helping and can swear to all the activity. Did April gain tons of weight, too?
Will someone please explain to Bristol Palin that she is the only known DWITS [that's how it sounds] contestent ever to gain weight? And that everyone understands she gained that weight because she was pregnant?
ReplyDeleteNo, no, don't you see? She gained weight because she was doing LESS exercise. Brustol's body is used to JV girls basketball workouts. DWTS was a step down for her.
DeleteShe gained weight because she was doing LESS exercise.
DeleteBrustol's body is used to riding Levi in her canvas tent.
DWTS was a walk in the park for her.
The Palins must hate the internet and Youtube. It always comes back to bite them in their stanky asses!
ReplyDelete"As women, we should resist the urge to laugh at our sisters" -Bristol Palin
Video comments from Bristol's obnoxious rude rants towards an elderly woman who is an Alaskan school teacher.
Video posted below:
"under no circumstances should a responsible parent let a teenage kid address an adult in the smartass way that Bristol does here"
"Great video! What I find almost as disturbing as Palin herself, is her parrot daughter. They both shared a look that oozed subtext after finding out the woman was a teacher. And the way ParrotBristol talked to the woman was super-condescending. My parents raised me to be more respectful and they aren't conservatives. Shame on the Palin family. I hope she gets the Republican nod in '12. It would be high entertainment and clinch the election for the Democrats."
LOL.... in case you missed what Bristol said:
"As women, we should resist the urge to laugh at our sisters" -Bristol Palin
Okay Bristol, not cool to laugh at our sisters, but I guess it's okay for Bristol to ridicule and belittle our senior citizens.
Dang..... Beefalo is smackin' that gum like a cow chewin' cud.
DeleteHere's another video of Bristol from another angle.
Good point! Bristol must have heard her mother laughing at a middle-aged woman with cancer being disparaged and called a 'bitch' on live radio.
DeleteSorry, Bristol, no one is buying your pity-party.
"As women, we should resist the urge to laugh at our sisters"
DeleteThat's why mother Sarah with the radio dudes had at it with the lady she knew with cancer. Lida Green?
OMG Gryphen, have you seen this looneytune?
Bristol, honey, the last time I tried to convince my wife that I had only gained 5-10 pounds, a nice set of digital scales soon magically appeared in my walk-in closet. Of course, if I had been in the middle of a pregnancy like you, it would've been tougher to lose the thirty pounds I lost by jogging on the treadmill every day for 10 weeks.
ReplyDeleteQuit trying to spin this line of bullshit. The only one you're gonna convince is yourself, and how the hell is that going to help you? Stop the self-delusion. You don't have to be "all that and a bag of chips, too. So just give it a rest, huh?
I still think it's ridiculous that you honestly believe she was pregnant just because she had a belly. My daughter is 3 years old and I still have belly fat from it and stretched muscles that make me look like I could be with child still. I wish you would focus on the realistic things like Trig not being Sarah's but you take stuff so way over the top that it's hard for you to be taken seriously anymore.
ReplyDeleteOh whatever!
DeleteEven Krusty says that Trig isn't Sarah's!
Brisdull WAS preggo on DWTS.
Had you been supposedly exercising and learning new dance routines dailY?
DeleteYour totally right. Trig cover-up? Plausible. DWTS baby? Bonkers.
Occam's razor.
Anon @1:35 PM, I don't think you are being "realistic." I'm being polite. Now I won't be. Truth be told, you sound like an idiot. Is that you Bristol?
DeleteThat is NOT fat in those pics, especially the purple outfit. That's a HARD belly. Nice try, troll!
DeleteLike her mother, she just can't let it go. She and her mother are using her blog as a means to rebuke all the mean things said about them.
ReplyDeleteThis has to be a mental problem with them. Most celebrities accept the consequences of 'celebrity' when they begin their journey - they ignore their critics and don't exact revenge on them. They pay a price to live the lifestyle and yield high salaries. But at least, they don't then whine and complain about how hard it is to be 'celebrity'.
The Palins want to have their cake and eat it too. Bristol insults people who have to work for a living by blogging about her petty problems. She insults those who work hard to raise their kids on low incomes and who have people criticize their weight as well. They don't have financial security to fall back on. Has she ever stood in an unemployment line? Has she ever talked to women who have to rely on meds to survive and put on weight because they don't have time to exercise because their holding down tough jobs with long hours on their feet all day? When these women lose their jobs, and they are desperate for work, they no doubt get overlooked for more sleek-looking women.
Bristol has NOTHING to complain about. She should be thankful. Unthankfulness is a rotten fruit of the Spirit.
The day that Nancy French realizes who she's been protecting and who she's been supporting and defending, she's going to have a nervous breakdown.
ReplyDeleteIf she knew what these Palins are capable of and the constant lying, the excuse-making and whining and exploiting will be the day that she regrets ever having spent one moment with these people.
She AND her husband know what they're doing. It's all about MONEY and LIES. They're both being paid VERY well.
DeletePoor Bristol. Trying to matter to someone, anyone, and digging a bigger hole with every action. From the day she appeared with that god-awful chin, it was blatantly apparent the psychological issues she has.
ReplyDeleteI thought Brisdull had to miss the prom because she was knocked up. That's what she told Matt Lauer, anyway. But, hey, it looks like finally she got some Wasilla High shit-kicker suckered in to going with her!
ReplyDeleteGood for you Beefy. And you too, shit-for-brains. Ya'll shure take a perty pitcher ta gayther!
The pictures of Bristol and Joel Kenworthy going to the prom were on the internet. He was also a friend to Track. Joel was very proud of what he had to offer and for awhile had his picture up where he is featuring his huge slong, he is wearing shorts but has it outlined. He thought he was to be the baby daddy or he wanted to be (Levi won).
DeleteHe thought he was to be the baby daddy or he wanted to be (Levi won).
DeleteYou mean Levi lost!
He thought he was to be the baby daddy or he wanted to be (Levi won).
DeleteDidn't Ben Barber think he was the daddy of one of Bristol's babies?
And didn't Bristol pray that Levi was not Tripp's daddy? If not Levi, then who could it be Bristol?
Does Joel Kenworthy have blonde hair and blue eyes? Anybody in Bristol's neighborhood with blonde hair?
Anybody in Bristol's neighborhood with blonde hair?
DeleteCousins or uncles?
4:06 Yes, that would be that Levi lost. At the time from a young boys perspective, Levi won the prize. Remember how they think in Wasilla. Young, young kids want babies. Too many at 15 and 16 are proud parents. Joel is of lighter hair, most likely blonde as a child. You might say sandy blonde or light brown when older. Can't recall or be sure about his eyes. Joel goes back to when Bristol was in school, that was a baby before the child we know as Tripp. I wouldn't know which one or exact times. I think he was before Johnny Chandler. Joel is another typical Wasilla type. Played hockey with the gang, had drink issues, left town for a year or two to go to rehab. There are a lot of questions about him and what was up. On the surface he was just like so many others from the area that Bristol knew. I think he joined the Army, don't know what happened after that. He may come from money, at one time after or during Army time he had the nice snow toys the boys up there like. Don't know that his lifestyle is like that of an Army sgt or whatever he is or was.
DeleteLet's see .. Bristol had Tripp when she was 17? 18? years old? On DWTS, Bristol was 19 years old according to Brancy and "had been exercising strenuously" because of basketball. So, is Brancy asking us to believe that Bristol went BACK to high school and played basketball AFTER she had Tripp? But..but..I thought she had Tripp, moved into a condo in Anchorage, got engaged, went to Arizona, went to Hollywood to try to dance on DWTS. Some where in that timeline, she got re-engaged to Levi, re-unengaged to Levi, had at least one or two other boyfriends. She was so busy but I didn't know she went back to school. Now I find out she come back to Wasilla, re-entered high school and played basketball between Arizona and DWTS. Is that right?
ReplyDeleteI think that was the Ben Barber time. The hockey friend of Levi and Track. There were no stories or indication that she was playing basketball. She was working hard as a receptionist at a place where Sarah had work done, taking care of Tripp with the help of all the nannies and Britta. Her stories at the time had her alone and independent single parent. Levi did hang out or move into the Anchorage condo. She gets her stories mixed up. I doubt Nancy has any idea what was going on. She just hears the most current lies.
DeleteI think Britta and Track got the DWTS baby, that's why it's not talked about our photographed too frequently, because Bristol had it in Spring of 2011 and Britta pretended to have it in Summer 2011. It's really 6 months older than stated.
DeleteIt would be easy enough to check if she played b-ball - just look at the IHSAA team rosters. has to be public so that ringers can't play. You Alaskans know what teams she would have been on - start checking.
DeleteColony? Is there a Wasilla High? Juneau? Anchorage?
Gryphen, don't forget Sarah's well toned runners legs:
Bristol keeps reacting to comments that she gained weight when she was only 19 and dancing with the stars. The reason this bothers her so much is because she has absolutely nothing else in her life. Bristol is a very angry young lady. Her only job appears to be trolling the blogs and writing notes to the "haters." Her other "work" consists of trying to promote herself into a career for which she is completely unqualified-- just like her mother. Bristol does not belong in a TV reality show or delivering abstinence speeches. How sad to be manipulated by her mother, using her ghost written Facebook to settle old scores and promote her mother.
Hence the Kardashian chin. That sure helped her, now didn't it? She has NOTHING else to offer. Just like Mommy wanting to be Ivana Trump.
DeletePathetic. My money's on Piper being the absolute WORST of all for what they've put her through.
Careful there Beefy, them britches is creepin up on ya there. Looks like a good place for a Stick-Up.
ReplyDeleteOr a bug strip!
DeleteHA! Jesus Christ has blessed BP's blog with a comment:
Wow, where are all the heathen girls with shorts. oh I mean palin girls. Just by these pics it is major tease.
ReplyDeleteLine up those pics and count the moose toes.
DeleteBristol probably has two sets.
Brancy and most of all BRISTOL is a total loser scaredy-cat coward not to answer JWoww. Brancy shows how sad and weak they are to go off in another direction today and not even face the ruckus they started. Flame hoes without balls. To bail out and hide is too pathetic for words. Bristol may as well be living in a cave miles and miles under the earth with no communication to any humanity.
ReplyDeleteMay 11 2012 Snooki, JWoww 'Proud' Of President Obama For Supporting Gay Marriage
They stopped by MTV News ....
Snooki, who's expecting her first child with fiancé Jionni LaValle, feels that same-sex couples should enjoy the same rights she does.
"We're very strong when it comes to the gay community," Snooki said. "[JWoww] has a lot of friends; her best friend is gay. I have a lot of friends who are gay. They need to be equal because they are amazing friends."
Bristol looks good, when she's not pregnant or lactating. Now that she's a size 4 she should just STFU about her "fat dancing" because she's just opening that can of worms, again, and begging people to revisit what looks very suspiciously like a pregnant girl dancing. I must say, she did a pretty good job dancin' around in her second trimester. I do however have to wonder what little "spanx baby" looked like when he or she was born? Did it's limbs grow okay under those two layers of spanx? Was it all "smushed up" looking? It would have turned 1 in February 2012 so would be walking now; does it like to dance or does it have deformed "spanx limbs" that prevent it from being ambulatory?
ReplyDeleteThat mirror crotch view of Sarah Palin should come with a warning label. GAG!
ReplyDeleteIt's somehow reminiscent of "The Graduate" poster with Dustin Hoffman framed in Mrs. Robinson's bent knee. The female bent knee is often presented in ads as a subliminally sexual marketing device. I guess Sarah has nothing else in her arsenal but vaguely sexual posing? Nice to see that she has sunk so low. Presidential? Nope, just on the cusp of marketing booze with that pose! Someone get Madison Avenue on the phone, stat! We have our new poster girl for DiSaronos!
DeleteDiSaronos? Is that the high-end version for Depends?
DeleteHIllary Clinton: the only thing in common is that you can say she's okay without makeup, and thus somehow is in the same league as you are, Bristol.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton: Wellesley College (look it up), Valedictorian, '69. Yale Law School, '73.
U.S. Senator for six years.
Secretary of State for more than three years.
Also, 65 years old.
She's earned every wrinkle or gray hair, because underneath is a brilliant woman.
Underneath the Palins' make-up, there's just the echo inside an empty head.
Fabulous comment! Thank you.
Delete"Underneath the Palins' make-up, there's just the echo inside an empty head."
DeleteAre you saying Sarah hasn't had a hard life?
Sarah Palin earned every winkle she has! It is hard work getting a house built for free, avoiding property taxes, preventing her kids from going to juvenile detention or jail. Keeping her pimp husband out of prison, hiding Bristol's babies, getting GEDs for all her kids, running the SarahPac and Alaska Fund Trust scams. Getting per diem to live at home, free vacations for the entire family, free airfare for the kids and staying in expensive hotels. What about the Trig incident and the Wild Ride? Do you know how hard it was to pull that off and it keeps on resurfacing? How many years did Sarah run her I'm thinking about running for president scam? That alone was time consuming! Trying to blame President Obama for everything wrong with America for the past hundred years is no cake walk.
Sarah Palin has earned every wrinkle or gray hair under her wigs, because underneath is a brilliant woman.
And lest we forget,
DeleteHillary Clinton: mother of an accomplished, beautiful, successful young woman who has never done one d@mn thing that reflects poorly on her family or the country or anything else.
And, Chelsea Clinton is in a doctorate program. Her parents valued education, and they love her unconditionally.
DeleteThe only sympathy I feel for Bristol is that she was not loved unconditionally a nd that she could not learn and her parents did I not help her.
Bristol was able to lose weight because she has just experienced the longest period of time when she was not pregnant or lactating since around the age of 14 or 15. Then there were diet pills and surgical procedures. But still, the girll has been pregnant more months than not.
ReplyDelete"But still, the girll has been pregnant more months than not."
ReplyDeleteAnother amazing fact is the girl has been pregnant for a longer time span than she has had periods!
I think Bristol might just be more "special" than we know. Edward Teller commented on TBogg's Firedog Lake blog a few days ago that he used to teach at Wasilla High and knew many teachers that had Bristol in their classes, and despite their best attempts, they were never able to teach her to read at grade level. I think a lot of what happens with Bristol is a smokescreen so that we won't know that she's got nothing on Trig when it comes to brainpower. Perhaps sad but true? If she truly did have a learning disability and her parent's did nothing to assist in correcting it, then once again, this is just another Palin story that is too sad for words.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, this is Amy in Wasilla,
ReplyDeleteI know that in January 2011, I saw Piper with a teenager with dark strait hair ( it was not Willow) at the Wasilla Fred Meyer Superstore. They were shopping in the newborn clothing section of the children's department. This was a few days after the Tucson shooting.
Now I ask myself this: why would a teenager and a young child be looking at newborn clothes? Usually if their parents' are pregnant, the mother takes care of this. Teenagers especially are too busy with their own lives to be thinking about their mom. However, if the person who is pregnant is in the same age group as they are, then they show a greater interest and involvement.
I was not sure on Bristol's pregnancy during the Dancing with the Stars until this event at the Fred Meyer. All the circumstantial evidence just keep pointing in that direction.
Does Bristol has to throw her mom's wrinkled ass and wig at our face?
ReplyDeleteBTW apart form jogging does anyone in the Palin household plan on getting a 'real job'?
One dedicated c4p supporter, M. Joseph Sheppard, got piled on for posting a not-too-beauteous photo of sarah on his blog, saying that the haters will have nothing to hate her about since she will be losing her looks soon. LOL
ReplyDeleteMy favorite reply:
"It just illustrates what a bunch of racists the left are.
And yes, I used the word 'racist' intentionally since it relates to judgement of people based on their appearance and looks. It shows how shallow the left is.
She is a voice of reason, of hope and rightness and with every passing day her beauty is only increasing."
These people really have no grasp of the English language. Just like a Marxist is a Nazi is a Communist blather.
What I find comical is that these people are continuing to defend episodes that occurred in the past, a past that is growing more distant by the moment. The rest of us, and time, have moved on.
ReplyDeleteJust a word of warning to Bristol and Sarah:
ReplyDelete"Beauty fades, dumb is forever." Words of wisdom from Judge Judy.
This asp-clown posse will never see the light. It looks like they will just keep on giving out this crap and losing all credibility. Soon half of their own cult members will grow weary of the lies, giving them money and the continual enabling.
ReplyDeleteFor cripes sakes Brancy, you are just as thin skinned as your Momma.
ReplyDeleteWTF is up with the daisy duke picture of Brancy and the spread leg pic of $arah? Does Brancy feel the need to 'compete' with her Momma for attention from the pervs out there? It's always about sex with the Palin ilk, isn't it? Whether it's getting knocked up before you get married, sex in a tent, being an unwed knocked up teen, dirty old men spying on you or telling perverted jokes, them posting disgusting pics like this of themselves it's 24/7 sex sex sex.
Gryphen, I am begging- like actually BEGGING- for you to update this post with the photo stills from the video interview Bristol did when she gave E! and Giuliana Rancic the grand tour of her Arizona birthing cent-- uh, house.
ReplyDeleteShe seriously looks full term, about to pop.
It's also SO WORTH MENTIONING (especially with all the new attention your blog will likely get as a result of Bristy Frenchlin's crass remarks) how Bristol and Mark were the first and ONLY couple to MISS the post-show arena tour- AND the first and only time the other contestants were forced to sign NDAs. That is a major deal and together with the VIEW photo and the E! video stills, it's a smoking gun toward pregnancy on DWTS.
When I was on Dancing with the Stars, I was only nineteen years old. I was active and fit, but I did gain five to ten pounds over the course of the show.
ReplyDeleteAll that weight Bristol put on in the picture with Sherri Shepherd was only 5 pounds?
Bristol looked like she ate a baby elephant.