Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New surgically enhanced Sarah Palin appears on Hannity to blast President Obama. New face, same old moosepoop! Update!

Of course right out of the gate Hannity takes a few shots at Newark Mayor Cory Booker, over his MTP gaffes. (Interestingly enough while this was taking place, Rachel Maddow had Booker on her show talking a mile a minute trying desperately to do damage control. My opinion? He's a douche!)

Then the trumpets were sounded, the curtains parted,  and "Tah-Dah" the surgically tightened Lunatic from Lake Lucille makes her appearance. If I may say, she looks faux fabulous, and if it weren't from her voice which is suffering from smoker's croak...screaming at her children...recent neck surgery...a slight cold, she was flawless.  Okay, well not "flawless" but a damn sight better than she has looked in recent appearances.

Palin appears very chipper (Because until her face relaxes from the surgery, THAT is the only emotion she can display) and goes right after President Obama with the ferocity of a rabies infected Chihuahua.

Her Lego hair bobbing up and down Palin goes right to work attacking the President, however when it comes to defending the GOP nominee Mitt Romney she can still barely bring herself to say anything supportive about him, though she sort of defends the "idea" of him.

Here is a brief synopsis of Palin's remarks: "Time tested truths....free market...community organizer...redistribute wealth...don'tcha know?"

About halfway through the interview Hannity brings out his favorite chew toy, Reverend Wright.

Hannity: "This is relevant. You thought so in 2008. Do you think it's relevant, these issues, today?"

(Red meat thrown, Palin spies it on the floor, and pounces.)

The Lunatic from Lake Lucille:  

"I do. And I thought so in 2008, and that's why I went rogue if you will, and disagreed with some of John McCain's advisers when they said no, a lot of these issues, past associations, Bill Ayers, and those that helped shape Obama's world view, needed to be off the table and not discussed. I disagreed then, I disagree now! Barack Obama back in 2008 was an empty vessel (Hooah, hooah! Projection alert!) the public did not know what, or who, filled this vessel in order to create, what has become, I think a very confused and mission envision-less leader for our country. (Seriously is she looking into a mirror here?) Well now, its not too late to change course and, this next go-around, understand what has filled up that vessel, who are these people? Who are the radicals, the Marxist professors that he said he'd like to, he'd hang out with, and some of his friends and associations. And even what his past voting record represents. How that filled up that vessel and has led to this very confused country in so many respects."

Later in the segment Palin goes on to attack teacher's unions, continues to bring up the fact that Obama was not vetted, claims that the media are Obama "lap dogs," compares some GOP operative's fighting spirit to Sesame Street's Mr. Snuffleupagus (WTF?), and states that Mitt Romney (without ever saying his name of course) should choose Alan West as his running mate.

All in all the interview is reminiscent of watching an intake interview before having a patient is committed to a psychiatric unit. "Okay lady, how about we take all of these sharp objects out of your pocket and have you go with these nice men in the white lab coats."

Palin is clearly agitated and still desperate to fight those 2008 battles that she feels she was not allowed to fight back then. However she also seems to want to blame her OWN confusion on the President. As if the fact that she cannot maintain a coherent thought in her head is HIS fault.

Listen lady, you were a dipshit while running Wasilla.

You were a dipshit while governing Alaska.

You were a dipshit while running for VP in 2008.

And you will remain a dipshit long after President Obama has successfully finished his second term.

Deal with it!

(P.S. And by the way you crazy bitch, don't you ever, and I mean EVER, bring up the delightful Mr. Snuffleupagus in one of your crazy tirades again! He is a shy loveable creature who disdains conflict, and simply wants everybody to get along. If certain people I could mention would recognize, and embrace, his message this world could be a much, much better place. Long live Snuffy!)

Update: By the way this is how the folks at Fox News labeled this interview with the "Disasta from Alaska."

I have every confidence that President Obama feels completely "un-pulverized" this morning and probably does not even know that the moron was talking trash about his again.

You can read more over at News Corpse.


  1. Awww...so that explains the smooth waxy face! She had three giant binder clips pulling back her skin and she took them off after the show so now she's back to looking like a Sharpei!

    Well..she's scheduled to be on Greta VanCrookedFace tonight so expect more diarrhea eruptions!

    1. This is what I posted about Baldy's appearance last night!

      Well now we know what Baldy has been doing for the last few weeks while recovering from her face reconstruction...watching TBS...Disney Channel and Sesame Street! She gave a shout out to "Cory in the House"..."House of Pain" (boy she really likes her black folks huh!) and Mr. Snuffleluffagus!

      First...no screech..apparently she must have been yelling at the Toad...about what (could it be the Secret Service testimony this week that caused her to lose the screech?) because she sounded hoarse. I guess her head must not have healed properly because it looks like the wig was screwed on and then sprayed within an inch of it's life!

      The FACE!!! Looks like she finally saved enough to get her nose fixed...and her cheek bones filled out...but what was going on with her mouth??

      She also looked like she got some new "teefus"...top lip was barely showing...and when she smiled...she looked DERANGED. Her face looked like it was made of wax and her neck definitely was starched and ironed out because it didn't have that turkey thing going!

      Loved the Lieutenant Uhura shirt she was wearing...thought she would yell out..."Beam me up Toady" at the end of the interview! LOL!!

      Sean of course had her foaming at the mouth about President Obama and of course the pitbull couldn't resist the plate of dog food placed in front of her...because she chowed right on down!

      Instead of telling you word for word what Baldy spewed out this time I put what she said into my "Racist Hillbilly/Redneck Translator® purchased on Ebay and this is what she said....

      "That N***** boy ain't suppose to be President, that's only for good white folk except for Romney"!

      That's it...that's all she said! Just so everyone knows....she ain't going NOWHERE! She's got a new face and she ain't afraid to use it!

      Lord help us all!

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Watch her in between talking. Whoa! That is some major chest heaving/heavy breathing going on there.

    Turkey neck looks better, though.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      She hasn't had a televised "I hate President Obama" tirade in weeks, she was ready to hyperventilate from the excitement of it! Also she had to go get a new face since President Obama said she wasn't delicious. She hopes he will notice and finally call her! Am I delicious now, Obama? Am I?? lol

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM
      She hopes he will notice and finally call her! Am I delicious now, Obama? Am I?? lol

      LMAO...not even if he put hot sauce on her will she ever be "delicious"!

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Can you take a few screen shots out and do a comparison with her last appearances? I'd like to see a bit more documentation and comparison on her cosmetic surgery and don't really have the energy to watch this idiot spew venom.

    It looks to me pretty major, at least three areas. Neck has definitely been smoothed out, something's been done on the cheeks - it's the chin and eyes I can't really see. A nice definitive comparison and you might get some plastic surgeons to comment. Any shine off this clown helps.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Cheek bones look different too.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      What makes you think that anyone else has the time to do screen comparisons either?

    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      The point of this comment is.....

      There are so many important things to worry about. Why are you worried about speculating of shit you'll never prove? Go educate yourself on what's really happening in the US because you won't find truth here.

    4. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I'm sure Sea4Pee is working on it.

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      You could drive a dump truck up each nostril.

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Why is she breathing so heavily? Back on the diet pills? Could the hoarseness be due to the anesthesia used during her "lifestyle lift"? Hmmm, things to ponder.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Could be sick from traveling so much in May.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Anonymous 8:02 AM= stalker troll

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Yep...that traveling back and forth to plastic surgeons can wear on a person! Thanks for confirming!

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      One or two big old snorts of coke will do that to your breathing.
      That's what I would guess she's been on ever since her oil drum days

    5. Anonymous9:32 AM

      There are many politicians and people in general who travel as much or more than Sarah Palin did in the month of May, and they make television appearances without looking like they're about to hyperventilate and have a panic attack. So, what's your point 8:02?

    6. Anonymous12:06 PM

      One or two big old snorts of coke will do that to your breathing.

      I know a guy that gave up snorting coke and smoking meth but breathing didn't recover. Now if he takes even ginseng he almost goes into cardiac arrest.

  5. melissa6:31 AM

    Ha, I knew it! I guessed correctly that she disappeared to have her neck worked on. Hate ages a person prematurely and she needs to hold onto her 'looks' to keep grifting the good grift!

  6. lostinmn6:34 AM

    The surgery explains her absence from the screen. Wouldn't be pretty to have her bloated, swollen face and neck on TV while she healed. The woman is fighting a losing battle with her appearance. I won't listen to her anymore. Like Kramer and Mary Hart when I hear her voice I have seizures so I just have to read what she says.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I was hoping her absence was due to the David Chaney/Shailey Tripp investigation. Bumma.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      8:33 AM yep.

      I can not imagine all she might be taking to try and balance her. She may be doing something to end the screech in her voice. Something is happening with that. Hope she can survive all her procedures and be able to testify one day.

  7. Wow that is still alot of ugly. The hate is all over her face.

    Plastic surgery doesn't cut it for you dear (get it - cut?). Why not join a nunnery? They don't care about the external you, only the godliness in your heart.

    Oh, wait...nevermind.

  8. OMG...on Morning Joe this morning they had a segment about oil in Alaska and they didn't call Sarah Palin to comment. But...but...but...McCain said that Mrs. Palin was the leading expert on energy in the whole U.S. of A.! And they were talking only about drilling for oil in Alaska!

  9. Anonymous6:41 AM

    With "Mr. Snuffleupagus" now added to the political lexicon, we finally have a term for what Sarah did with her one-time high office title.

    By the way Sarah, you look marvelous. No wonder you've been out of the public eye. Every hard earned donated CPAC dollar or Alaska Fund Trust iteration spent on this work was worth it!

    What's Bristol going to have done next?

    Not criticizing plastic surgery [or jaw realignments] just going after your fucking nervy hypocrisy.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      She's been off television, not out of the public eye in the strictest sense. May was a busy month.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Anonymous 7:59 AM= stalker troll

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM
      She's been off television, not out of the public eye in the strictest sense. May was a busy month.

      I'm sure Baldy was hoping no one would notice the tweaking she had done to her mug...but it's because she's been out of the public eye that we noticed the BIG changes to her mannish mug!

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      What's Bristol going to have done next?

      She may be almost healed. When was she last seen or heard from? Facebook and blog do not count. Nancy French cosmetic procedures are not of interest. Just the main hypocrites that keep so busy covering things up.

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I was almost praying for a new fake pregnancy so we'd be spared seeing her neck with her stealth gestation garb (a scarf.)

    Now she can vomit her fungible vocabulary at will with no turkey neck.

    (That is not to say we are so shallow we can't stand visible markings of time, but when you are so ugly inside, it's hard to look at flaws brought on by a life-time of tanning bed use, especially with one put in on State money.)

  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    She looks like Tina Fey's nasty older sister. i think that was the look she was going for, more "Feyish", younger. Sorry, but it did not work.

  12. A great TED talk about the value of "job creation" that they decided is too blunt to post: http://witsendnj.blogspot.com/2012/05/sinking-deeply-into-chronic-disaster.html

  13. dlbvet6:53 AM

    God what a serious buzz-kill to my morning mocha. And it was tasting so good too.
    I never even click on your links cause I'm afraid I'd throw my computer through the window if I heard her voice or saw her snarky mannerisms.
    But just reading your synopses of her appearances is always enough to give me a righteous headache and stomachache.
    I can't believe this has been going on for almost 4 years now. Are you all as sick of this pathetic excuse for a mother (that's my biggest pet peeve with her...but the list is definitely long) as I am??
    Thank you Gryphen for having the intestinal fortitude to carry on.

  14. Paul - Minnesota6:53 AM

    It doesn't matter what she does on her exterior.

    Her fugly superficiality will still come from her core and be spewed into the world.

    She's still an ugly person. Full of hate, pettiness, resentment, bile, bitterness, a failure, and her a quitter except for being an easy, from her home, hit and run one with her comments.

    An ugly woman on the outside and on the inside who's only concerned about bling and ka-ching and what's good only for Sarah Palin. Except when she can use her family to advance her cause: herself.
    Also except when she can milk other delusional USA Taliban and the wrongly righteous Jesus people for what's best for Sarah Palin.

    PS ... also Sarah, you aren't the wholesome folk you try to portray through your accent. It's not intermountain western or midwestern. It's another con you pull so some idiots think, why, golly, she's one of us. Nah, you're one who thought Alaska's independence from the USA was a great idea until other people saw the real you and, as usual, you tried to cover it up. Why don't you really speak as the traitor you are to the rest of us (USA) in the lower 49 and to other Alaskans too. You want to be queen of Alaska or the world. Good luck with that, meanwhile, all you are is tarnished queen on who's only relevant to Fox Noise.

    Good riddance. Most of the world is laughing at you, not with you. Not because we're mean, yet you are mean and it's wonderful to watch you slide into oblivion because you're a bully.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Yet the people who just hung out with her earlier this month found her and family engaging and nice. Its called meeting someone and paying attention to what they say in relation to the whole picture of the world. You'll find your own views are , er, off.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      "hung out with her"?? You can't call private nurses "friends" dear. Paying people to take care of you when you're recovering from a facelift hardly counts as "hanging out with friends".

      Sorry Kristy...try again.

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Anonymous 7:57 AM=stalker troll

    4. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Yet the people who just hung out with her earlier this month found her and family engaging and nice.

      Was this when they were at Applebee's yucking it up while laughing at the haters...or when they were at Wallow's "early graduation"? LOL!!

    5. Troll alert @ 7:57 am.

    6. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Still stalking the Facebooks huh.

    7. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Poor deranged Kristy! Telling others how they should think or live their lives? That's really rich Kristy. Get some help- look in the mirror.

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Well, her skin does look pretty smooth, but, I was a little taken aback by how stretched out her toothy smile looks. You know how one of the pitfalls of plastic surgery is that weird stretched out mouth. I think she's beginning to head in that direction. I don't recall her smile ever being that elongated.

    Don't smile like that, SP. Gettin' kind of scary. Small smile, nice smooth skin. Go that route.

    Of course, it doesn't change what comes out of her mouth. But, I think most Americans have no interest in listening to a woman who "palled around" with America-hating, flag burning secessionists for so long.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Her nostrils look huge. Her nose must have gotten stretched during the process.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah who ?

    Hannity who ?

    Ho-hum; do either of them actually think they are still relevant to anything ??

  17. Looks like she finally hired a stylist. The makeup is trendy (no more little girl lip gloss!) and she's wearing subdued colors.

    I think she had her eyes done again along with the turkey neck fix.

    Has her lower right lip always pulled down like that? I usually don't watch the videos (she makes me twitch) but I did check this one with the sound off.

  18. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sorry, think she looks different and older. Compare a photo of her in 2008 to the one showing on the blog...big, big difference!

    She will never be what I call 'pretty' because of the hate that constantly comes out of her friggin' mouth! She's ugly inside and out!!!

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I'm sorry you can't see through Dem lies.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Are you referring to dem lies Sarah tells?

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      And I'm sorry you are such a horse's ass. Must be tough going through life being so stupid.

    4. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Anonymous 7:54 AM = stalker troll

    5. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I'm sorry you can't see through Dem lies.

      ♫ "Dem lies...stop telling dem lies"♫

      I LOVE that song!

    6. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Kristy = delusional. She thinks the Democrats lie, but she can't see clearly the most pathological lying nutjob in the country? Sarah Palin is a sick, nasty pathological liar. Every word out of her mouth is an outrageous lie. And she is a TERRIBLE parent-- teaching her children how to lie.
      It's sick and delusional for Kristy to come here and defend Sarah and call the Democrats liars. You are a sad delusional hypocrite Kristy!

  19. Smirnonn7:01 AM

    I can't stand watching these two db's blather their RWNJ talking points back and forth. Dumb and dumber.

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Dear God, one more "tighten-up" and she's gonna have a beard.... or at least visible chest hair. Other than that, same old moose poop, just spewing out of a smaller & tighter pipe

    Did anyone else catch that "clever" little shout out to Kyle Massey (refering to C.Booker as "Cory in the House")? Oh, she's a clever one, our Sarah....

  21. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for dealing with the video. You spare us so much grief - physical and emotional. You hear this all the time, but thanks for doing it so we don't have to.

    A word to Sarah - are you sure you are going to have enough money for maintenance? Those surgeries are not a "one for all time" proposition, you know. They have to be renewed periodically and there comes a point where you will resemble Michael Jackson or Joan Rivers - the point where all that can be done was done and it all comes home to roost. Poor baby, you are not coping well. AARP will be sending out its invitation to you sometime next year. You cannot escape the inescapable regardless of how much money you pour down the drain.

    Age gracefully, Sarah, if you can, take some classes, grow your heart and mind. Be at peace with yourself or turn into the old biddy you are fine tuning inside yourself. Nasty destination that - old biddihood. If you lose your money, you will lose all those hanging on to you for the ride. You are not going to like your own company (as if you do now, hehe).

    I guess all we have to do is wait. You will self-destruct on so many levels eventually. It won't be pretty or pleasant, but it will happen, probably sooner than later judging on your current state of desperation. The more you agitate and the more you grasp at straws to retain your youth and what little sanity you have left, the louder you telegraph your own disintegration.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      She's going to be a Joan Rivers clone before she's 50.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Joan Rivers looks better than her.

    3. Oh pretty soon Baldy will have to ask InSannity..."Am I smiling"?

      Because that waxy toothy smile looked literally frozen on her face!

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Imagine two blue light bulbs in her eyes and she looks just like Geof Petersen, Craig Furguson's robot skeleton sidekick! But she can never match the words and humor coming out of Geof's jaw! She's a perfect example of self mutulization. That's one sick mind!

  22. Irishgirl7:11 AM

    I don't understand how you think she looks good. I think she looks like a caricature of a bobbly head.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Like her daughter, Bristol, Sarah Palin looked a lot better before the 2008 Republican Convention. I'm sure that they were just as stupid before but they looked better.

  23. Anonymous7:15 AM

    She still has that ugly smirk on her face!

    Sarah: all the surgery in the world won't change how ugly you are. You are a terrible human being. God knows you. You aren't chosen. You are a hypocrite and fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Probably a good thing you're not a believer.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anonymous 7:52 AM = stalker troll

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Probably a good thing you're not a believer.

      "believer"?? Of what? The Cult of Baldy? Who wants to believe that this crazy ass mannish face woman is taking folks hard earned money and spending it to fuck up her face....a "believer"...that's who!

      Dumbass "believers" deserve to eat ricearoni and top ramen noodles! Baldy needs some new boobies to go across that flat chest of hers! So get to sending Krusty!

    4. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Actually Kristy, I am a " believer". That is one of the reasons I find Sarah's lying and venom despicable. Her ACTIONS and WORDS are not consistent with Christ's teachings. God help you Kristy. I will pray for you because it's pathetic that you can't see the pure evil coming out of Sarah's lying, surgically altered mouth. You, who lectures everyone about " judging others," had the gall to come here and go after people? God help you Kristy. You need it.

  24. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Maybe she has hired a image consultant!!! The flag pin is smaller. I can't listen so thanks for the summary. I still think she is up to something at the convention.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I think she's just had a good, busy month and she's just motivated to get someone in the White House who IS change and thinks for the better.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Of course she is "up to something" at the convention! She and the Paultards are gonna stir up some shit, you betcha! If the convention won't invite St. Sarah she's going to have her own convention, which is better, also, because it's all about her! She'll draw together a small band of the intellectually challenged and entertain them with her wit and wisdom and make them sad that she is not the nominee for POTUS for 2012 but remind them that 2016 is right around the corner and if they keep the money flowing she just might find it in her to throw her hat in the ring next time....she'll get back to y'all on that one right around October 2015...just keep patient and keep that cash a flowin'!

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anonymous 7:51 AM= stalker troll

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I think she's just had a good, busy month and she's just motivated to get someone in the White House who IS change and thinks for the better.
      Yep...busy getting that neck tightened...nose shaved down...cheek bones inflated..."teefus" rearranged...mouth widen to accommodate the new "teefus".

      It's to bad the plastic surgeons haven't figured out how to take care of those lobster claw hands of hers!

    5. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Just what was she sooo "busy" doing 7:51? Do tell us all since you seem intent on acting like you know them so well...

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:16 AM

    Meanwhile, back at Toddlers4Palin, the writhing masses are searching for every little sign that the SnowFLAKE from AK is cleverly planning to overtake Mittsy in Tampa, the entire country will rally around her, and she'll be installed as monarch, er, President by unanimous decision. Oh look, she's wearing her "battle dress"--it's "Army Green"! OMG!! She said "the eventual nominee"!! That MUST mean she's...

    The comment from one of the usual C4Blech suspects :


    **"Even when she is under the weather, and when her voice is a bit scratchy, she sounds forth as AMERICA'S GREAT AND CLARION AND FEARLESS TRUMPET OF LIBERTY!!!"

    *Ah, that MUST explain why she's always throwing her family to the wolves!

    **Providing that the ideal "Trumpet of Liberty" peels paint, boils battery acid, starts crop fires and induces seizures.

    BTW, Sarah--one more plastic surgery experience and you'll be playing yourself at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Horrific.

  26. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Isn't Sarah Palin a lap dog in the media? Is that not essentially her role in politics?

  27. I really try hard not to comment on her looks, after all, people have been having work done for years. I just wish she would go to a better doctor. I mean, she's got the money, right? She had the neck smoothed out quite a bit but now she looks more and more like her bobble head dolls. The neck is to long and lean for her head, very giraffe like. I would also say cheek implants, I don't remember her having apple cheeks before though that could just be residual swelling from the face lift.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I think that she is going to Greta's guy. You know, Mr. GoodWench.

  28. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Unfortunately, I think we are going to start seeing more of Mrs. Palin and her hateful rhetoric as the election gets closer. The only role she is good at is the attack dog. A word of advice for Mrs. Palin. Humans are generally repelled by hate. You may speak to the hearts of a few, but most people are disgusted by someone who spews nothing but hate. You're a one trick pony that will be used by the Republicans, but you will never get elected to a national office. People want hope and optimism, not the hate you incite. You are not a good person, and it shows.


    2. Wait... but I do NOT agree that we will be seeing more of this broad. Other than faux news, she really is pretty irrelevant! More and more I'm hearing,"So what ever happened to that Sarah Palin?" from friends and fam(conservative!) in the lower 48. Ahhhh...refreshing.

  29. New wig, chipmunk cheeks. Other than that, same old same old grinning and grimacing, finger-waving, goofy facial expressions with a lot of extra big-swallowing/fast-talking/chest-heaving. I never turn on the sound, so it's all visual effects for me, highly entertaining.

  30. Anonymous7:33 AM

    IT has resurfaced. Now that the old skanky Hag has been serviced by Jiffy Lube with a full body tune-up, she is back to her old bullshit. To which we all say, BITCH, just shut the fuck up.

    She is only good for 3 months, or 3000 fuck you(s).

    Probably hoping that the facelift will last through the GOP convention, so that the old silver foxes can droll.

    Oh you silly rabbit.

  31. Anonymous7:34 AM

    OUCH! that tight neck looks painful! I wonder if she can turn her head.

  32. hedgewytch7:36 AM

    Looky, looky, who got some fresh botox. Yumm!

  33. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Personally, I do not think Sarah looks any better. In fact, I think it is surgically impossible to make her pretty again. When your heart is hard and toxic and your spirit wholly negative it is impossible to appear attractive. The way she now holds her mouth is particularly peculiar- perhaps there has been some dental work also, too?

    As for her lukewarm opinion of Romney, that would change in a nanosecond if only he'd throw her a crumb. I would LOVE to see her storm into the GOP Convention and insist of a speaking slot- which I think is entirely possible. How else to get the old geezers' blood flowing at an otherwise bloodless gathering?

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      She cannot DEMAND a speaking slot at the Convention...and the last I heard, she is setting up shop across the street to try to get rid of her and brissy's stupid books and get her picture in the paper. It will be interesting to see just who they do have speak.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      No, of course she cannot insist on a speaking slot but she can hang around and be a pain in the ass long enough for them to allow her an appearance of some sort in light of the fact that she was a VP nominee. Never mind that since she walked off the stage defeated and not able to give her rejected little speech, she has been, unquestionably, the BIGGEST embarrassment to serious Republicans. She is just looking for another handout, guys. She's a grifter... that's what she does.

    3. Loving the image of Baldy hanging around the Convention hoping for a speaking slot!

      She'll probably have on her aluminum foil trench coat with nothing under it and flashing every big name Repub that comes through!

      Giving "shout outs" to the Orange Man(Boehner) and the Turtle (Mitch McConnell)...but then "Herb" Cain and Fig Newton will be the only ones to take her up on her "offers"...but they better watch out for the Toad hiding behind that pillar with a video camera...Pimping ain't easy...especially when the Pimpette is getting a little long in the tooth!

  34. lostinmn7:41 AM

    OT - has Gryphen been editing out the screech from Brancy and Brisket who used to come here and go apeshit over every post or are they over at the new blog spewing their shit and don't have time to come here anymore. I kind of miss the "mean girl getting her ass handed to her angry, frantic defensiveness" she used to exhibit here. Maybe the trolls didn't make the budget cuts when SaraPAC stopped raking in the easy money.

    1. Brancy just put up a new post...and there is so much whine in the post that I actually felt a little tipsy after I finished reading it!

  35. No amount of cosmetic surgery will cure an ugly, hateful and spiteful inner spirit. Palin's new look will garnish more $$$ from her delusional and old geezer 'fans' but that's about it. Her voice, recovering from the effects of anesthesia, will return to normal 'screech' soon enough. But her hate talk will carry on.

    She is totally anti-intellectual and what I call of 'low birth' status...meaning little to no intelligence, no independent thinking skills or ideas - a pretender - and yet smart enough to use her 'looks' as her best asset. In America, that's good enough for a lot of people.

    I propose the term 'Black Widow Spider' be used for Sarah. Attractive on the outside, but she'll destroy you without a moment's hesitation. Applicable to her entire family actually - with Todd being a destroyer of women through his pimp business. Very disturbing to say the least especially with the APD, Secret Secret, and CEOs involved. F*cking crazy, all of them.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Go check out Malia's blog this morning! Sarah's other world is crumbling around her real fast. I doubt she will be spewing her hate too much longer when the first Dud will be called before the committee investigating the SS and prostitution. She's going to get all the attention she ever wanted. And more!

  36. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sarah is quickly become irrelevant. Her two choices for VP: Allen West and Thomas Sowell are completely unvetted, and each has some serious baggage. Sowell has never held any elected office. He is less qualified than Sarah was when McCain chose her. And the thought of Sarah vetting candidates is a joke! Sarah's choices are Tea Party choices, which means that the Establishment Repubicans are trying to distance themselves from her. She is limited to making some endorsements, like Sharon Angle and Christine O'Donnell for example.

    Sarah may have tightening up the loose ends, but she is incapable of expressing a clear, direct thought or a simple sentence. Her mind races all over the place. Sarah's body language gives her away, jumping all over the place, shaking her head, licking her lips, eyes much too wide open, facial smirks and smiles. Please watch professionals who appear on TV, and they don't squirm like Sarah does. She is on something, or her springs are wound too tightly. People claim to like her energy and her "authenticity." That's not passion; that's medication. The kid next door is ADDH, and he squirms like that. He can't sit still, and neither can Sarah.

  37. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Has she always had that sibilant s? She's sounding and looking more tranny then ever. Over puffed cheeks, Jack Nicholson's Joker smile, helmet hair,asymmetrical eyes. A overdone mannequin face does not = beauty. And it really is too late for this woman. She is distilling down to internet chatter about her looks. ALL of this is fading, fading, fading.....

    1. "She is distilling down to internet chatter about her looks. "

      Ouchy! That's gonna leave a mark :)

  38. Re Booker, I was thinking the same thing: he's dancing as fast as he can! After a bit, I fast forwarded to the next segment.

    He's one of those politicians who is greatly admired outside his city/state, but not well liked at home. Spent a huge amount on his last campaign and won by only a few points.

    This episode (toadying to a major contributor to his campaigns, Bain) may derail his broader ambitions. At least, temporarily.

  39. Anonymous7:49 AM

    He has stolen lines from her though. Someone on O's staff listens. It was a good interview. Intelligent people see through Obama and his web. The issue at hand is that the more candidates are ridiculed for stupid, non-political things, the less likely it is that good people will run for high office. There are no good, selfless people in high office and it's sad. And all the medias fault.

    Hillary 2016. So sad she didnt contest Obama this go around.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Wow, where ya been? Waiting for Scarah to show up on TeeVee again? I know it's been a while, and you must be just full of frustration, and now you must also be a little freaked to see her new puss. Ugly, pulled, unbalanced, frozen. Sorry, she used to be kind of pretty, now you'll just have to love her for her empty head.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Many Americans and virtually all Democrats disagree with you about President Obama. He is extremely intelligent and has done a remarkable job considering he has had a most disloyal opposition in the Congress. In fact, his Republican opponents in Congress are traitorous.

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anonymous 7:49 AM = stalker troll

    4. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Awww..there you are Krusty! I didn't think it would take you this long to recover from your assault on Lifetime's comment section from the other day! Did you see that they deleted most of your yammerings? LOL!!

      Girl...stop lying to yourself...you know your ass will be voting for President Obama in November...you ain't fooling nobody with your Hillary pining!

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Fuck you! As if President Barack Obama needs to steal ANYTHING from that fucking moron Sarah Palin. She's a fucking loser, why do you keep acting like President Obama wants or needs ANYTHING from that skank?! And quit acting like you like Hillary, that shit is so transparent. And it's hilarious that you pretend you can relate to or even identify intelligent people with your 3rd grade writing/thinking skills. Let me guess, you think Sarah Palin is fucking brilliant, right? PATHETIC!

  40. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Sarah, how was Mexico?

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Anonymous 7:50 AM = stalker troll

  41. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Looks like Todd isn't the only "madame" in the family


    1. OMG!!! Too funny! And sadly true. Yup, SP has now entered MadameVille!!!!

  42. It doesn't matter what she does to her exterior. All I see(and hear) is a twisted and hateful narcissistic child.

  43. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Same shit...different face! Blah blah blah! I hate Obama...blah blah!

  44. Sharon7:56 AM

    The best is yet to come.....the Democratic convention and win for Obama. The Repubs know this is it, their base of old white men are dying out, will be the minority soon, and the USA will again be that shining light to the world. Clean out the house and senate....4 years of non hate, worldly vision, maybe some of those criminals go to jail, and then Hillary in 2016. We will be ready, women will dominate politics...oh happy day. McConnell, Bohner and Cantor suck wind.
    You just know Sarah used her PAC money for all that surgery...can you just imagine those idiots without much money sending it for that...its just too pathetic. Beans and rice honey cuz Sarah needs a facelift....hahahahaha

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Oh you dumb ass Bots. She got you again. Send her your Social Security money why don't you, so she can get her permanent breast enlargements. You fools have been Pimped. You might as well go turn tricks for Toad.

  45. Anonymous8:02 AM

    You can see how the tendons in her neck are pulled outward from the surgery. ick

  46. telah8:06 AM

    666 comments at Huffpo on this, another 386 pending. And not a single positive comment in sight. Oh what a beautiful day!

  47. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Well congrats to Scarah because NOW she LOOKS like Tina Frey.
    I swear, I thought to myself, what did Palin do, hire Tina Frey as her stand-in?

    BTW, I don't see an ounce or one itota worth of an improvement.
    If anything, she looks so drawn-out looking which in turn makes her chin stick out more and thus look more pointy.

    Yet I thought it was so funny hearing the TRUE "Empty Vessel" referring to Obama as one considering that a long, long time ago, back when the nit-wit was showing Americans just what an actual political "empty vessel" she was, that "BJ Rudell" from the DAILY KOS, had called Sarah Palin that very same thing. Back on October 21, 2008.

    So that's all Sarah can do. Is use "other people's" talking points, catch-phrases, terminology, and borrow written words/plagiarism.
    IOW, she's good for nothing.


    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Fey, but you see the same thing I did when I first looked at Sarah 2012. I did a comparison of her in 2008, Tina fey, and the 2012 Sarah. You can put 2008 Sarah on one end, 2012 Sarah in the middle, and Tina Fey on the other end, seamless transition. Insane.

  48. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Sarah is sounding more and more like Shirley Phelps.

  49. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Well the good news is that she's obviously been watching sesame street with some toddler, we just don't know which one.

    DWTS Baby
    Track's Baby

    That show is just right for her intellectual level.

    No wonder she's been asking for PAC money so much lately. She needs to pay for all the plastic surgery. I wonder if she went ahead and finally got the new boobs too. The shapeshifting of her chest creeps me out. Just do it granny, you're not getting any younger and if Todd gets busted for being a pimp, you'll need them to snare a new man. How else will you catch the eye of your daughter's boyfriends? Plus you're not all the way Hollywood until you get new bigger boobs.

  50. Anonymous8:18 AM

    She better hope Obama wins or she won't have an audience to listen to her verbal vomit for the next four years.

  51. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive. You're a 1/2 term quitter turned professional shit merchant for a propaganda channel. Who do you think I am going to believe?

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      And we as a country are still F'ed. Nothing's changed because we elected more of the same in 08. Even hardcore democrats see this. What's stopping you?

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      What's a "hardcore democrat"?? Sounds like somebody's been watching "Nailin Palin"! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      9:26 am - Actually, Democrats love their country and hope to change it for the better, they aren't so depressed and full of fear and hate that they just want to hand power to a lunatic so Jesus will end it all and come back and get them. That's your side. You have a messed up world view.

  52. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Are you sure she got surgery? She looks as ugly and mannish as ever. She also looks very sickly and unhealthy like she hasn't eaten in days. Or is it just more drug abuse? I hope FoxNews drug tested her before letting her back on the air.

  53. In time she will be looking like Katherine Helmond's character in the movie, Brazil :


    yep- it won't be long now....


      *GinaM clutching her chest*

      My goodness..wished you had posted a warning...I thought that was Baldy there for a minute! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Brazil - great movie! Have to laugh at the comparison to the over plasticized woman in the film. Or Joan Rivers "Am I smiling yet?"

  54. Anonymous8:30 AM

    LOL! So sarah FINALLY got over the diss by Obama at the correspondent's dinner and was able to pull herself together long enough for an interview? SHe looks like she's about to lose it at any moment, like she's about to have a live on air nervous breakdown. President Obama knocked her out of commission for like a month, that was so awesome. Good job Obama!

  55. Anonymous8:30 AM

    As long as she keeps that nasty smirk on her face, she will be ignored.
    As soon as Romney picks a vice presidential running mate (NOT certifiable Alan West), Palin is old, old, as old as last week's halibut in the bottom of the hold of her fishing boat. Some tpers will listen to her, but the national party has too much at stake to let her be anything but the clown in-between the serious business at hand. Bye, Sarah! You have only a few more weeks on the national stage.

  56. SuperPrayerWarrior8:33 AM

    Let us all pray that Sarah's Tri-G hoax is soon revealed. The poor little guy deserves to know who his real mother and father are. Please God, provide us with a birth certificate and DNA test to prove Sarah is not Tri-G's birth mother. We will be eternally grateful. Amen. #prayerwarriorsactivate

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      As someone who is adopted, I resent this.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Not according to your 6 siblings! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Anonymous9:24 AM
      As someone who is adopted, I resent this.
      Okay I'll play along troll.

      So your mother ALSO stole you from your real mother and faked her pregnancy with you? You should resent your mother then.

  57. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Now Toad will only have to put 2 bags over her head, instead of 3, when he sleeps with her.

  58. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Why is Sarah trying so hard to look like Tina Fey? Tina should seriously consider a restraining order or lawsuit. Manipulating your face with plastic surgery to look like someone else is entering stalkerish territory. Are you that desperate Sarah? You'll never be as beautiful as Tina Fey. Never.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      She's now like Octomom who tried to look like Angelina Jolie. What a hoot.

  59. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The last photo that Gryphen posted has Sarah smirking. The last Republican that I remember smirking like that was GWB, mostly because he was a dumb guy and he just thought that he put something over on someone, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, can't get fooled again.

    Sarah's facial expressions are a window to that racing, frenzied brain of hers. Sarah Is filled with hate, revenge, and she can't keep a lid on her nasty emotions. I am hoping that one of these days, she simply bursts.

  60. Boscoe8:37 AM

    So, I wonder how her new face is going over with all those people who loved her for her "down home earthiness"? Getting plastic surgery is what those foo-foo elites do, isn't it?

    ...and what about all the ones who were frightened of ventriloquist dummies as kids?

    1. Boscoe...according to the Patients at the Asylum/Crazies4Palin...Baldy looks "rested and tanned" from the Arizona sun! LOL!!

      Umm...if Baldy was in the "Arizona sun" wouldn't she look like her "Sun sisters" Gov Jan "Burntface" and tan Mom of New Jersey?

      Awww...the stupid...how it continues to burn!

  61. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The sick deranged mentally ill lying stalker troll is back and more delusional than ever! See comments starting at 7:49AM. Is it Sarah? Kristy? Bristol? Whoever it is needs serious professional help. No joke.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      People who write ignorant, hateful things and read too much into simple things need help.

      I'll help you out. I am talking about you.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Wow. All those people who love her are so well known and credible sources for character judgement. Gee, I guess I should change my opinion of Sarah Palin based on those anonymous comments from the stalker troll.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Um...so which ONE are you? Baldy? Krusty? Beefy?

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Anonymous9:23 AM = stalker troll

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      That IS Bristol's job, troll comments. And teaching her kid to stick his tongue out at a photographer. Maybe she is teaching Tripp to stick is tongue out at us. Piper wants to push people.

  62. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Guess what sarah? Your new surgery looks like shit. Your turkey neck will be back in a month. Sorry you failed again.

  63. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Face tightened.

    Screws still loose.

  64. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Her parents get substantial pensions from public teachers' unions.
    She's a hypocrite.

    She's also a peasant. That's the sum and substance of it. She doesn't know nor can she understand the ideas and words she throws around. Pitiful.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      How is she a hypocrite. Why would you want a union to protect someone who has a negative impact on children?

      You really need to consider things before you write stupid comments.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Er...you might want to take your own advice Krusty....HINT...."before you write stupid comments".

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Anonymous9:23 AM = stalker troll.

    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Anonymous9:23 AM

      Are you referring to Chuck senior?

      I know he had a negative impact on children. I mean... c'mon, just look how his own kids turned out.

    5. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I don't think that either Chuck Heath would have liked teaching in a place that had no tenure, where they would be subject to review every years.

      As far as the tape played where the teacher appears to be yelling at a student, that comes from a period at least four years ago when then President George W. Bush did not allow any other point of view except his own. The tape was not identified, and it was not an example of bullying. It was an example of two people having a much-too-emotional talk about censorship. If you want some real examples of bullies, I give you the Palin family.

  65. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hee hee, $carah! You look just like the JOKER with your hard puffed up cheeks and stretched out mouth. Karma is a wonderful thing......

  66. So will the Monkey Queen be showing off her new stretch lines on BaBa-Bristol's new whine fest ??

    This group of heathens sure know how to pull the neo-nuts ball sack... it's astounding to watch...

  67. Anonymous9:15 AM

    So where did she have her work done this time round.

    She must be hoarse screaming at Toad for the Business with Shailey Trip and the secret service dude who short changed Shailey Trip for sexual services. Toad being the point guy pimp.

  68. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I found these recently.


    1. WOOOO...Krusty....I'm telling on YOU! "Found these recently" my ASS!

      Still STALKING!

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Creepy... did you take that picture with a telephoto lens? Stalker much?

  69. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Wow, nothing on her face moved during that video except her mouth. She does look very stretched. Even her nose/nostrils looks stretched out. She's obviously somewhere where a professional did her hair and make-up. She doesn't look as dirty as usual and her make-up doesn't look like a 12 year old did it.

    Still didn't get rid of those frown lines though granny. They still stretch from your nose to your chin. You'll need to be pulled a bit tighter to get rid of those.

  70. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I hope the reichwing DOES go after Rev Wright, US veteran and decorated war hero, Rev Wright. It would certainly put the spotlight back on the cowardly draftdodging Swiss mitts who spent the war hiding in France.

  71. Had forgotten how much when she "answers" Hannity's "questions" she sounds just like Miss South Carolina opining about "The Iraq" and people not having maps and such. Plastic surgery, face time . . . All the world's a pageant to Palin.

  72. Anonymous9:46 AM

    She's almost breathing as hard as she was for the "I Quit" Speech. Her whole chests is heaving. I've never seen anyone on TV breathing like that. What kinds of drugs would make you breath like that?

    Facebook troll - You should tell her to see a doctor about that heavy breathing since you're so close. That's not normal.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Drugs. One day she will explode.

  73. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I think her jaw/chin is much more prominent now - at least in the above photos. No way can she rid herself of that manliness!!!!

  74. jcinco10:01 AM

    Malia is charging on. I hope other bloggers join the march and pool all their information to end this psycho's assault on America!!! Malia has now contacted Senator Susan Collin's office and has been told they are aware of the todd/shailey/SS prostitution connection.

  75. Speaking of plastic surgery, has anyone else noticed the uncanny resemblance between Bristol Palin and Jenna Talackova? The transgender woman who represented Canada in the Miss Universe pageant? I'm not kidding. She's like a blonde Bristol.. and skinnier.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I thought that Bristol's role model was the Kardashian look.

  76. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Let's see...tighter and taunter, bigger cheek bones....I swear that is a new chin, but the adam's apple is still huge....but the same screechy voice...same looser.

  77. What's with the constant eye-blinking? Those who study body language name rapid blinking as a sign of lying. Maybe even she know what she's saying is BS?

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Drugs. Seriously, drugs! She couldn't sit still. She had a thousand different facial expressions and tics. She licked her lips. Blink blink blink (dry eyes). Sometimes, she just smirked or over-reacted to things that Hannity said because he said, "You're smiling." The point is that most TV hosts sit still and just look at the camera. They exude an intimacy and a connection with the viewer. Sarah can't do that because she talks rapidly, never completing a thought or a sentence. She is scattered and emotional. I'm sure that is what her fans like in her, her so-called "authenticity." I think that she runs at such a frantic pace because of drugs. Some time ago, I heard the rumor that the drugs were to control ADDH. The drug of choice for that is speed. You do the math.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Maybe it should be "you do the meth!"

  78. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The bitterness inside this woman is eating her up, and really aging her...she has such a distasteful facial expression every time she speaks...It must burn her up alive to know that Romney wants nothing to do with her or her politics...

  79. Anonymous10:27 AM

    It's funny to hear Palin talk about private equity. If you recall she was pretty poor by the time she quit her job as Governor of Alaska because she was getting sued so much she couldn't afford to pay her legal fees. So she took the "high road" and wrote a book, and became a talking head on Faux News.

    What Palin calls rogue, people who understand politics call stupid.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      All quite true but your bawling over her making herself very wealthy with her politics is not going to change the fact. Get a life.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      10:53 - And that's what it's all about for her, isn't it. At least you admit you worship a grifter and con artist.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      @Anonymous 10:53 AM back for more eh troll? With sarah's drug abuse, hush money, useless plastic surgeries and other payoffs to those who know her secrets, she will be out of money, broke and begging for pennies on the street by 2020, 2025 at the latest. Mark my words.

    4. Anonymous11:44 AM

      "making herself very wealthy with her politics"

      ...is that the servant's heart we keep hearing about? I think not.

      You just confirmed what everyone has been saying about her. It's all about the money.

      You're a moron.

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Anon @10:53 may be Tawd. I've seen his drivel over at The ADN. I believe he has been posting there again under a different pseudonym (Sam something or other). Same 'you should see her bank account' theme. The "Her Politics" line is laughable. No, Tawd, she doesn't do politics. She is a low info, low IQ, grifting, lying, fake, fraud and phony. What happened to your "SuperCub" ID at the ADN Tawd? Did someone call you out on it and you scurried off like the little rat that you are? And if, by small chance, Anon @10:53 isn’t Tawd, Anon @10:53 is still an idiot of a similar ilk.

  80. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "Which then inevitably brought us to the issue of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, which Palin said she still thinks is relevant and fair game. We need to understand the “radicals” and “Marxist professors” that led to who Obama is today."-- lectures on radicalism coming from a secessionist-friendly governor who married a member of treasonous secessionist nutjob group.

  81. Anonymous10:28 AM

    She's getting crooked mouth from all the botox. Pretty soon she'll just be drooling puddles of lip gloss all over her flag pins. Who knows ... it might just make her more coherent.

  82. Anonymous10:29 AM

    It's great that they keep putting these kooks (tea baggers) in place of Republican candidates that can be taken seriously. It's just more Senate seats that we can "Angle" for in November. ;) And for those who are deluded enough to think that this is 2010 again? Think again. The DNC war machine is just starting up.

  83. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Funny. I do not remember Palin taking it too well when everything was on the table when she was running for the VP. You know back when she had a real political career.

  84. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Reverend Wright is fair game, and anyone who dares to make mention of my witch hunt-initiating pastor is attacking my religion.

    "The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor of Alaska founded his ministry with a witch hunt against a Kenyan woman whom he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells...

    According to accounts of the witch hunt that circulated on evangelical Web sites such as Prayer Links Ministries, after Muthee declared Mama Jane a witch, the townspeople became suspicious and began to turn on her, demanding that she be stoned."


    Jesus Christ, this woman's hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Since President Obama has been elected, he has not been back to Chicago for three years. So, that would be three years that he has not been sitting and listening to the Rev.Wright. Maybe Sarah would like us to play the video of an African Witchdoctor laying hands on Sarah in a quasi-religious service.

  85. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Palin is beyond belief! Still trying to trash President Obama these last 4 years, while thinking no one has noticed what SHE is really all about! It's ALL catching up with her little by little, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. One of these days it will all HIT HOME! Will be interesting to see what happens when she goes to the convention in Tampa! STAY TUNED!

  86. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I have to admit I think she's got a pretty good plastic surgeon; i wouldn't mind the recommendation. You think she went to Thailand or Costa Rica?

  87. Sarah looks to have a bit of tracheal irritation from her tube...happens all the time, leaves you with that same raspy crackle.
    I've seen porn stars breathing slower, Oh wait she was on Hannity, never-mind.
    BTW the Plastic Surgery Society should name this new Palin procedure:
    "L00K My Shit doesn't Stink"

  88. Anonymous10:48 AM

    How anyone could take seriously the notion that Sarah Palin would provide any intellectual competition for President Obama is utterly unfathomable. This is the woman who thinks that a “gotcha” question is “What newspapers do you read?” This is the woman who thought that Africa was a country. This is the woman who thinks the vice-president is in charge of the Senate. And now Fox thinks that her nearly incoherent rambling on Sean Hannity’s program represents some sort of victory – and not just a victory, but a pulverization.

    Fox Nation is fond of overextending itself with puerile hyperbole, but this is so far removed from reality that the guys with butterfly nets must not be far behind. The subject of the discussion was Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s remarks criticizing Obama for attacking Mitt Romney on his business resume, and specifically on Bain Capital. Booker was wrong on the substance of his criticism and went completely out of bounds when he conflated the right-wing’s obsession over Jeremiah Wright with the legitimate criticisms of Romney’s tenure at Bain. Booker later clarified what he meant and reiterated his support for Obama. Ignoring that, Palin referenced Booker as well as Democrats Harold Ford and Steve Rattner in an attempt to suggest that they were anti-Obama. She said…

    “His surrogates there come from, in many respects the private sector, and each one of those individuals does have a lot of private sector experience, unlike their leader Barack Obama.”

    Well, it was nice of her to praise these surrogates so highly. Indeed, they do have a lot of private sector experience. And what’s more, they all endorse Obama for reelection. So if we are to accept Palin’s commentary that these are intelligent, experienced people with insight into business and economics, then we should, therefore, be sure to vote for Obama in November.

    Thanks for your support, Sarah. And thanks for a pulverizing so thorough that it whipped back around and transformed into an endorsement. Seriously, after seeing this I have to wonder if Palin would even know what pulverize means. Clearly the editors at Fox Nation don’t.


  89. Beldar AARP Conehead10:54 AM

    SWEET MOTHER OF ZEUS!!! Gryphen, you don't seem too enthusiastic about The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s shiny new facade, but I'm not exaggerating when I say honestly, in all candor, seriously, for a woman approaching 70 she is way more hotter than my grandmother. WAY more hotter.

    Unfortunately, I remember exactly where I was when we heard the news that President Kennedy had been shot, so do the math....

    (yikes, two seconds after I hit PUBLISH I was just informed she's approaching FIFTY not SEVENTY. Too late to edit... still, she's hotter than my grandmother but not by as much as I had originally thought)

  90. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Maybe someone should bring up her associations with the aip and the judge killer wantabes on trial in Alaska now

  91. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Snuffie is nice. Sarah is more like the muppet "Countess von Backwards" - she counts backwards and lets out a wolf howl after. "Backwards" being the key here.

    Now, it was difficult to concentrate on her rant last night as I was trying to figure out what part of her face morphed again. It looks like she had a chin implant; her chin looks longer. Granted, I agree here, she looks attractive. But that inappropriate smiling all the time, doesn't look appealing when Sean is talking about the plights of people. He'll be talking about serious stuff and she's still stuck on "smile" - did the switch to 'appear concerned' get gunked with baby food?

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Sagging neck wrinkles tightened.

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Remember in the VP debate when Joe talked about his family tragedy. He might as well have been talking about getting his car washed.

      There was absolutely nothing in Sarah's facial expression to indicate she even heard what he was saying. Stone cold bitch.

  92. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Looks to me like no surgery, just lots of filler and botox. She had the corners of her mouth filled and some on her cheeks, which gives her the ugly Joker look. She may have had something more invasive around her jaw, maybe liposuction, maybe a Lifestyle Lift-type job. But other than that I think it was all done with injectables. She never fails to confirm her vanity and narcissism and desperation to keep her looks when there's nothing else to rely on, like a brain.

  93. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Well, well... So the so-called journalism outlets have been fine-tuning the art of gaining profit by learning that you're most likely to keep an audience when it's told what they want to hear. Fine, this is America. But it's sad when the audience is a bunch of angry, culturally-panicked, old, white troglodytes. You're really picking the low-hanging fruit here, Mr. Ailes. But it's you who's fat and rich, and not me, so hats off to you.

    Wow. That's some serious face enhancement she had done by the way.

  94. jcinco11:15 AM

    I think some of thurston howell the III's mormon henchman need to tell stupid sarah to sit down & shut the eff up. If the reverend wright crap is going to be used it's only fair that thurston's cultish religion come under close scrutiny. If the evangelical/religious right googles mormons they're going to shit their pants...I figure sarah is trying to damage romney in hopes the repugnant baggers come crawling to her at the convention and beg her to be the nominee. She's such a dumb fuck it's hard to believe.

  95. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I always thought that those who had plastic surgery would be at least in their 50's.I never thought of 40's as old until Palin showed up.

  96. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Can we have some fun and bet if Palin will take up Katie offer????

    Katie Couric to Sarah Palin: Let's talk again:


  97. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I like watching her body language with the sound off. I tried to breathe with her, taking a breath in and out every time she did - and damn near fainted from hyperventilation.


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