Monday, June 04, 2012

Palin to rally army of Right Wing bloggers. Oh, this can't be a good thing!

Courtesy of Fox Nation:

The conservative blogosphere has yet to move past the death of patron saint Andrew Breitbart, but it will get a major jolt this month from an equally provocative hero: Sarah Palin. 

The former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee has committed to delivering the keynote address at Right Online, the annual gathering of conservative bloggers and online activists organized by the Koch-backed non-profit group Americans for Prosperity Foundation. 

The June 15-16 conference will be the first time the event is held on a different weekend and in a different city from the liberal online activism conference upon which it was based, Netroots Nation. 

And that’s no mere coincidence, say Right Online organizers. 

This year’s meeting is focused on higher-level tactics and strategies than past year’s editions of Right Online, which sometimes had the feel of a crash course on blogging 101. The Vegas conference features training on video exposes to be conducted by guerrilla video journalist James O’Keefe, a session on polling featuring conservative’s favorite pollster Scott Rasmussen and a session moderated by columnist Michelle Malkin entitled “How to Use Facebook & Twitter to Win,” which will include instruction on using social media to drive narratives. 

It’s an area in which Palin can rightly be considered a pioneer, having mastered a high-impact, communication style that almost completely circumvents a traditional media from which she’s sometimes gotten rough treatment. 

You know much of the reason that Palin is now considered an internet pioneer is related to her frustration over the information that was gathered and dispensed online by the Alaska bloggers.

Palin became obsessed with us, and in response brought Rebecca "RAM" Mansour up here for her "audience with the Queen," so that she could utilize C4P to fight back against the uncomfortable truths that were being revealed on a daily basis.

Of course even then she could never manage to actually work the internet without somebody ghostwriting her Facebook posts and online articles for her.

Palin has not so much "mastered" the online communication, as hidden herself behind it in order to shape a mythology about herself that her on air appearances all too quickly reveal to be false.

Having said that I have to admit to being more than a little uncomfortable with the idea of Palin somehow leading a crazy ass army of blogging sycophants, willing to fill the internet with lies about the President and attacking our democracy one post at a time, while also working to reshape Palin's image so that she can once again be relevant.

Gee can you even imagine having Sarah Palin, James O'Keefe, and Michelle Malkin all at the same conference?  That is almost TOO much insanity even for Vegas!


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Not to worry, Gryph, I think we'll ride out the wave to shore over this. Thanks for the warning.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Good grief. Training people to lie and cheat through videos and the internet. What could go wrong?

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    That crazed, feral look in her eyes says it all...and then some.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      The "feral look" seems to cover everthing I wanted to say about that image.

  4. angela1:46 PM

    This cracks me up. The crazy will be monumental! Sarah will be tussling and sweating like a pack of rats in a wool bag trying to spell.

    You get those crazies hot, girl! They all may end up clubbing each other senseless trying to outdo each other.

    Sarah Palin---the new Breitbart. Smellier, more deranged, less literate and asking bigger fees. LOL

    1. If Baldy get's anymore fringe...she'll be attached to a hippies 70's vest! And the fact that she's comfortable hanging out with Pimp's (the Toad and OKeefe) as well as terrorist (Schaffer Cox and his merry band of crazies) makes me think that Baldy really doesn't care where her money comes from at this point!

      The whiff of desperation surrounding Baldy can not be ignored! Even the Politico article knows she's not getting the big speaking fees...shit...she's probably not getting a fee at all! These dummies don't have the money to pay Baldy..unless she's taking her fee's in slimy handshakes and charging her dwindling fans megabucks to take a picture with her broke down ass!

      You know Baldy put this out there in hopes that Dunn's article doesn't get any coverage...she is so damn transparent! bald headed loon...we all know how pitiful your life has turned into.

      Especially since she's now reduced to doing the bakery speech that she's giving in a few days...I love the title of her screech..."The Heart of A Rogue Trailblazer". It's like some sort of mad lib of all of Baldy's book title's! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Yup, she is speaking at a Dairy and Bakery convention. That's a hoot...will she talk about laundering $4 million to a handful of her dairy farmer friends? Nah...probably not. The information sits out there for anyone to see. Sean Parnell keeps it buried.

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    This is a dream for the David All group, Joe Mansour. It is probably still on-line when they lamented President Obaba winning. Social media did it and they were ready to turn it around for Sarah Palin after that. I would like to see film of the keynote address and morphing of Sarah Palin for the "higher-level tactics and strategies than past year’s editions of Right Online".

    "It’s an area in which Palin can rightly be considered a pioneer, having mastered a high-impact, communication style that almost completely circumvents a traditional media from which she’s sometimes gotten rough treatment."

  6. Gryphen, where do you get these wonderful photos of our favorite dunderhead?

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM


    Those are some big ears Sarah Palin has!

    That's must be how she knows how much change we have in our pockets.

  8. Anonymous1:57 PM

    will someone please put a stake thru that bitch's heart. she has a pimp for a husband and children who are juvenile delinquents, promiscuous, engaged in pre marital sex, got pregnant before marriage, committed acts of vandalism, did drugs, etc etc, just like their MOTHER and grandmother. thats their freaking family tradition.

    SHUT THE BITCH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      This could be construed as a violent threat. How is it any different than using crosshairs on a map of political components. Put a stake thru her heart?? Shut up the bitch? This is a violent threat. If you can say you mean it metaphorically, then Sarah can say the same thing about her comments.

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    May their oversized egos prevent them from coordinating and combining their various poisons into an even more toxic brew than they already serve up to their followers.
    Small wonder they want to abolish the EPA!

  10. Smirnonn2:07 PM

    Haaaa! Love that pic of the paylump! She looks like the creature from "Alien" and her second jaw is about to pop out of her mouth :)

    That conference sounds like pure hell. Just a bunch of scheming liars trying to figure out how to further shove their ignorant bullshit agenda down the rest of the country's throat. Despicable.

  11. Anonymous2:08 PM

    A Zombie Apocalypse and now this??? We are doomed........

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    A Confederacy of Dunces.

    She will fly in, give one of her typical gobbledegook speeches bashing Obama, Democrats, and crony capitalism, masturbate all over a picture of dear dead Breibart, and fly back out.

    These people are already such hate-mongering, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant lunatics I don't see how it's possible for even HER to whip up their hate and fear any more than they already are. She'll just be reading gibberish to the choir.

    Wonder if she'll be wearing pajamas and stink of musty basements so they'll recognize her as one of them.

    1. I wonder if she'll get her usual speaking fee, her two bendy straws in bottled water, her "luxury" accommodations, her first class flights, her limo transfers. It is ALL ABOUT $arah, after all.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Bingo! That's about the size of it.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      One of my favorite books!

  13. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Palin looks like a mad woman in that photo!!

    The article on Huffington Post about her doesn't seem to be getting much traction (500+ responses last time I looked)...could be the result of folks not giving a crud about her anymore. Remember how she use to garner thousands and thousands of responses on articles about her? Taint happening anymore.

    Can't even imagine being in her body and soul continuing to spread evil, racism and hate throughout the United States. People are way past being sick of her!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Who will give a rats ass about Michelle Malkin and that pimp guy? How low can a Palin go? All this proves is that she has really sunk. Has anyone heard of this before? Who and how many go to these conventions? I would like to see pictures. With Scarah yapping I am not interested in hearing a word.

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Vegas eh? Todd must be loving all those Vegas gigs Sarah gets.

    1. WakeUpAmerica5:28 PM

      He has to check on his stable from time to time.

  16. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I am very uncomfortable with this "news." Remember what Sarahbots did to get Brissypants to 3rd place on DWTS?

    1. angela2:55 PM

      Well, in an actual presidential election you can only vote once . . . . .
      Unless you are a bagger in a nutty ass republican governors state.

  17. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Criminals, all of 'em. Not surprised she's aligning herself with these idiots. I'd love to be undercover at that gathering, can you imagine the freedom they'll feel to be even more racist and anit- anything non-white Christian?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Michelle Malkin isn't white.

    2. Anonymous1:58 AM

      Michelle Malkin thinks that she is White.
      She has no clue what the Right Wingers really think about her.

    3. Don't tell HER that.......

  18. mitchethekid2:42 PM

    Good time for her to get arrested. Right in the middle of a screech. On stage!

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Todd or Sarah would do. I would also settle for something of a lesser nature that would lead to that final outcome.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The blind leading the blind. And in Vegas, no less. Where fading entertainers and now politicians converge.....LMAO!

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Now don't you be forgetting Donald TRUMP!! ;-)

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Trump is in there also too! Vegas baby! All in?

  20. Why do they keep giving her money - when she has not a clue what she is talking about - anything online with a Palin byline has never been written by a Palin

    She should write a book - "How to keep the fools onside and supporting my lifestyle"

    1. I would bet my life savings she no longer gets her $100,000 fees those days are over.

    2. mmboucher - I really wouldn't bet on it - she has to find money to support her lifestyle and there are enough idiots out there willing to pay to drool over her - it just can't be because of what she says - even a fool would not be able to understand anything she says.

  21. Michelle Malkin, James O'Keefe and Sarah Palin - what a bunch of creeps. Koch brothers, Trump, Malkin, O'Keefe, Nugent, Palin .. who can take Republicans seriously? Eisenhower is rolling in his grave.

    1. AKRNC6:24 PM

      Sarah really loves pallin' around with terrorists & criminals like James O'Keefe, child predator Nugent & of course, Todd, the PIMP. She's reduced herself to the joke she is and only emphasizes it with a gathering like this, full of wingnuts & crazies. Maybe Bristol can find a new trial husband while she's there with her mother. What? You don't think Sarah's going anywhere alone? LOL!

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      maybe Bristol will get into another bar room brawl. Filmed of course for her sequel, I Tripped Up.

  22. Looking forward to the comedy (of errors) to come. Uncomfortable? Nah. This should be an interesting ride of crazy people running wild with scissors. Now why in the world does she want all of this attention NOW? Hmm....too much dirty news coming out soon? Let's play offense right SP?

  23. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Word of the Day at Merriam Webster is

    Lookism, Prejudice based on physical appearance

    something Ms. Palin is losing. So time is not on her side, as the above photo attests to, since that was part of her influence on her followers.

    1. $he's looking like a cartoon of her former self.

      (Uh, $arah, that's not a compliment.)

  24. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Put a blonde wig on James O'Keefe, and he looks just like Rielle Hunter (John Edwards girlfriend)He is the idiot who really thought pimps dressed like a 1930's era Guys and Dolls character. He is not too bright, getting caught trying to bug the politician's office. He is yet ANOTHER repub. who has a daddy with some influence to keep him out of prison. These three make a great group. Not a brain cell to be found.

    1. Anita Winecooler10:37 PM

      Orly Taitz came to mind, for some odd reason!
      your comment is a hoot! Thanks for the laugh!

    2. Good one! With a blond wig, he would look like Rielle Hunter. Leave the wig off, he really looks like Timothy McVeigh.'Keefe&hl=en&prmd=imvnsol&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=beDNT7OdIYHs2QXv2JTUDA&ved=0CIMBELAE&biw=1046&bih=704

  25. Palin hasn't mastered anything except lip-licking, boob wiggle and thigh rubbing, which she does well enough to divert attention from anyone else who thinks they have something to say. This could be a good thing.

    But, this is a very different group from the usual League of 14 Moms, or the Crosshairs Christian Academy groups she usually screeches to.

  26. Vegas in June, what are these guys getting ready for their eternity in hell.

  27. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I find it very interesting that this convention with a roster of anti-govt types is coming up just as the Cox et al trial is ramping up. I bet there are some connections between these two groups.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      I hope some enterprising reporters are in there connecting the dots. I am sure the FBI will be.

  28. O/T but Beefy related...check out this picture of Beefy with Gino(he is NOT cute!)

    And it looks like Beefy must have let the "early graduate" Wallow do her hair! Because it looks like a black mushroom cloud exploding out of the top of her head!

    PS...that poor puppy! Even he looks a little worried about the Palin know how dogs talk! LOL!!!

    1. Opps...posted the wrong link! Here's the correct link to the picture!

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Where are the pic links? The link you shared gores to the stalker story.

    3. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Is that a new pic? Bristol's chin looks less... pronounced. It looks less pointed, more rounded. Did she get an allowance on the trade-in?

    4. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Gee what happened to her other little dog? I think it was a shitzu..

    5. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Great photo! I never thought Gino was good looking. Poor puppy. Someone should notify the local Humane Society. It will be fed junk food, not disciplined, exercised, or have a life of consistencies. I will predict that within six months the puppy will be gone.

    6. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Her chin may appear to be rounder, but it is the same pointy chin. She is - in recent pics - having photo shots taken with her chin lowered, making it appear smaller. Camera is more on her eyes.

      But OMG! That mess on her head! She has taken over her mother's road kill collections, I see. Ridiculous.

    7. Anita Winecooler10:49 PM

      LMAO! She looks "patheoetic" in that picture!

      patheoetic - adjective used when Beefy poses with her hair up, chin dangerously close to dinner, next to some dumb oaf.

      "Look! Waller did my patheoetic hair!, I'm a toddler in a tiara divalicious blogger!!, also I'm totally heterosexual, as evidenced by this here dweeb trying to wrestle dinner from my grasp! Buy my book, watch my show, haterez!"

    8. Anonymous3:09 AM

      Looks like Brisdull got poor schmuck Gino to do all the work in her "fixer-upper" and then dumped him.

  29. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She looks like an amped-up Jiminy Cricket! Bring them on! I believe there already is an army of out of work people who post comments on Yahoo for the Koch Bros. It is always so obvious as they can’t tell when spell check doesn’t work and the messages are always the same: anti-union, bashing climate change scientists, anti-Obama, anti-environment, anti-tax and anti govt. Boring, anti-college degrees, and it is boring, boring, boring. Nobody reads the comments anymore.

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      "I believe there already is an army of out of work people who post comments on Yahoo for the Koch Bros. It is always so obvious "

      Yeah, the astroturf is getting transparent. But some loony people think it's an army of people who think just like they do. These astro posters are paid by the post and they copy the same lines to dozens of online forums. Here's a clue to the deluded, try engaging them in a conversation about anything other than politics. You can't. They're one dimensional. Come to think of it, that business might suit Mrs. Paylin quite well.

  30. I think it's funny that $arah is supposed to talk about something $he knows NOTHING about... hee hee.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      But she knows nothing about so many things! Jane of no trades, master of none.

  31. Anonymous6:02 PM

    How convenient that Brietbart died. Does Palin's witch doctor play with voodoo too?

  32. Will James O'Creep chair a conference titled "Dildo, Your Secret Weapon?"

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM


      How To Build Your Own Rape Barge Without Really Trying

  33. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Sarah truly is a pioneer in using social media to market herself. Those who belittle her should just look at the effect some of her FB posts and twitter on national dialogue.
    Just a few words penned by Sarah ( remember death panels) and the world takes notice. Nothing can keep this grizzly mom from marching forward and carrying the message of time tested common sense conservatism. Nothing can stop her. The blogs, the media.. Sarah has the power and she won't stop until the country wakes up and sees the truth. All of you who mock her do so because you know the attention she still garners and the power she still holds.
    None of you can bring her or her family down. You have tried and failed time and time again. Haven't you? And look, she is still leading like the north star on a cold Alaskan night. That star is always there, glowing strongly, just like Sarah.
    Keep moaning and obsessing. She's still going strong with God on her side. She is beyond reproach. She can't be stopped!

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:26 PM

      Cleanup on Aisle 2!

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Yes, "death panels" got noticed, as well as her other lies and idiotic drivel (refudiate, Paul Revere, the list goes on...).

      Palin has no "amazing power", she keeps marching because we have Freedom of Speech in this country. She can say any wacky thing that pops into that rat's-nest head of hers. We all have that right.

      I am less concerned with Palin than I am with her followers who have mentally placed her literally in the right hand of God. They've created a fantasy of a woman that does not exist... a female version of Jesus Christ. Now THAT is concerning.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      OK, whatever you say. Yawn.

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Hello deluded bot!

      That's a might purty speech you got there! You know what cracks me up about Baldy's Bot's...there defense of Baldy is never RATIONAL!

      Hey bot...why doesn't Baldy get invited to Commencement speeches and to other respected venues? Why won't prominent Republicans want to be seen with Baldy? Why is she only seen with the dregs of politics? Haven't you crazy bots wonder why she's a laughing stock?


      Are you ALSO proud of being a NO NOTHING? What you see in Baldy is your OWN fucked up illusions! That woman doesn't give a shit about you except how much money you have in your bank account... wallet...couch cushions...spare change in your car...and the couple of dollars that the old ladies have tucked into their bosoms!

      There are times when I feel sorry for Baldy's Bots'...but then I read your shitty comment and that feeling goes away!

      You DESERVE to be disappointed in Baldy because eventually when you finally come to the realization that she stole your time...your money...and your integrity...I hope you don't jump off the nearest "bridge to nowhere"!

      Obviously the comments here have struck a nerve with you...could it be because deep down you know that Baldy is worthless and you're too embarrassed to admit it? Get some help before it's to late bot!

    5. Oh, Mrs. Sarah Palin (AIP) is in league with someone all right, but it's the devil, not God. She has sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind. She's already rotting in a hell of her own making.

    6. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Psych Ward: New Patient.

      Patient believes she is related to or very close to someone named President Sarah Palin who will rule the world as Queen of the Universe.

      Upon admittance was Patient was determined to be low functioning, delusional, disconnected from reality and will require long term psychiatric care in an institutional setting.

      Patient's thought processes are scattered and incoherent. Her entire focus is based on her "relationship" with her Palin fantasy.

    7. Anonymous9:51 PM

      So which relative wrote this?

    8. Anonymous9:56 PM

      She can clone a new batch of Krusties, they have been so quiet of late.

    9. Anita Winecooler10:51 PM

      Calling nurse Rachett, 1 flew
      cukoo's nest!

    10. Poor tired anon at 7:01 doesn't realize that much of that is true about the President, not Palin. He is also a whiz at social media and it took him all the way to the presidency unlike whatshername.

      Unlike Palin, President Obama chooses to 'pen' his own words and they do resonate and provide hope for everyone without his having to lie or make up things like 'death panels'. And the world has certainly 'taken notice' of him as an intelligent, sensitive peacemaker rather than a divisive self-serving fear monger. Her screeches about doom may appeal to a few like you but the majority of humans on this planet have a better, bigger more peaceful plan for their lives and look up to those who work toward that. I doubt even better screechwriters could help poor Palin these days.

      Still trying to figure out what 'power' the woman possesses. Had she some, she wouldn't have to resort to preaching only to her choir while attempting to use fake feminine wiles for the choir's attention. I looked for her name on ballots in 2010 but must have missed something.

      Don't recall anyone outside the Palin family trying to bring it down. No need for us to even try as they do a fine job on their own with their words and actions. Unless, of course, you believe that we encouraged her children to not complete or further their educations with a goal of expanding their minds beyond small town Wasilly. And this North Star bidness??? WTF is that??? That star was there long before Mrs Palin and will still be up there eons after she is gone whether the AK night is cold or balmy. Why she has to resort to imagery when reality will do is another example of her not having enough substance to be taken seriously.

      Mrs Palin has lived her life on the margins and it shows. She depends solely on others to support her newly embraced high lifestyle while the President thought ahead and decided to get an advanced degree to support his family and married a woman who felt the same way about providing a better life for their children.

      No way for you to prove your claim that she has any 'higher power' on her side but it may be all you can cling to. I'm proud that my President hasn't had to stoop to assertions that his strength is divinely writ. He has shown us by his actions that he is part of us, not above us, not beneath us and certainly not given to trying to explain his success with fairytales.

      Your attempts, along with hers, to bring our President have also been noticed. Not for their success but for their futility in trying to convince anyone outside your mindset that it's working. In case you disagree, check out their respective addresses. He lives in WAshington, she lives in WAsilla.

    11. Yeah, we remember "death panels". We remember "crosshairs" too.

    12. "And look, she is still leading like the north star on a cold Alaskan night. That star is always there, glowing strongly, just like Sarah."
      Please keep your masturbatory fantasies to yourself.

    13. Anonymous4:55 AM

      "Keep moaning and obsessing. She's still going strong"

      Yeah, I think it's her with the "obsessions."

      How long has it been since she's posted something (not that she writes her own posts anyway) that affected the national dialog, hmm? A long time. The only ones listening to her now are those who are as nutty as she is. If she were really the champion you people think she is, why won't she at least go out in public like Breitbart did? He at least tried to engage progressives. She's scared to death of confronting a progressive in person. If she were as brave as she's conned you people into thinking she is, she'd go on MSNBC to try to convert the heathen population. But she won't because she knows the sheer amount of brain power over there would knock her on her ass and show her for the poser she really is.

      BTW, that clip I posted in this comment? I suggest you watch it a few hundred times. There is a reason why she will never run for an elected office again. She knows it, her family knows it and everyone who worked with her on the 2008 campaign knows it.

      There are one or two who are still on her Pac payroll who are willing to stand with her in public but they're paid to do so. They will leave, too, as the well of cash continues to dry up. You people should get a clue and go on with your lives. Or stay as crazy as you want--this nation will go on and prosper, in spite of Mrs. Palin's attempts to derail it at all costs, to satisfy her contempt of the man who defeated her in 2008 and the dozens of people in the McCain campaign who saw her and know her for what she really is.

  34. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Palin loves Twitter & Facebook for the same reason she loves FOX. She never has to answer any tough questions. All she does is bash liberals, moderate conservatives, regular conservatives... basically anything left of that wacky right-wing fringe.

    She hasn't debated ANYONE, not even another "pundint" at FOX, since 2008. She spews some catchy talking points... gives speeches that are essentially speaking to the choir... there is NO substance to her.

    The RW bloggers will love her.

    Todd will probably do some "networking" in Pahrump.

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Twitter and Facebook are right up her alley. No serious person engages in either of those pursuits, unless you are 13!

  35. Anonymous7:08 PM

    So has Snowdrift Snookie had her nose done or has it always been that sorta smashed looking thing? I guess I never saw it from that angle...or maybe it is just that insane crazed look in her eyes that I am seeing.

    Snowdrift needs to go hide in the woods until the end of the world comes no matter how long it takes.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Snowdrift needs to go hide in the woods until the end of the world comes no matter how long it takes.

      The Palins are AIP, they're ready.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      The nose crease must be before botox. Interesting how it goes up into her nose like that.

      But those eyes. They got some real crazy in them.

  36. Anonymous7:19 PM


    "... undermine social sanctions for heavy-handed law enforcement,... establish friendly relations with local officials... "


    ADN: The Alaska Peacemakers Militia had a three-pronged philosophy, he said.

    The first was to "undermine social sanctions for heavy-handed law enforcement," Cox said. The second goal was to establish friendly relations with local officials, and the third was to "be ready and able to take care of your family if society broke down."

    Read more here:

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Who else in the Alaska's governor's office is AIP, Todd and Sarah friendly?

      Explains why a lot of Sarah's and Todd's emails were redacted. Was their an AIP cover up from the inside? Explains why there was no thorough investigation about Todd and Sarah's involvement in Troopergate, no thorough investigation into Dairygate, no investigation into the Trig Wildride at all, no investigation into medical insurance fraud - who delivered and who birthed Trig, explains why there are so many Wasilla Alumni working for the State of Alaska and explains why those other Palin mysteries weren't investigated.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      ...establish friendly relations with local officials...

      as in providing prostitutes? That makes for a cozy relationship, now doesn't it? That Todd was collecting "material" for possible use later as blackmail or bribery....well, it certainly fits.

      I think the hounds are closing in, and the fox has outwitted himself.

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM

      I think the hounds are closing in, and the fox has outwitted himself.

  37. Dinty8:47 PM

    Word to the wise for Ms. Palin - if James O'Keefe invites you on his boat - you should definitely go - it is a great honor he extends only to a few

    1. Anonymous1:44 AM

      Todd will go for the experience.

    2. Anonymous4:25 AM

      LOL What they don't realize is there is an uptick in progressive gorilla journalism, too. And that dipshit would fall for something like that. Remember the interview with Sarkozy?

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Maybe O'Keefe will sweep Bristol off her feet.....

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    This is like when a prominent democrat goes to a college campus to mislead or straight up lie to college students about the world and how it works.

    Dear impressionable minds, it's no mistake that the older one gets, the more conservative and republican one gets.

    1. Anonymous1:44 AM

      The Older one gets, the more SENILE one gets.
      Senility has a place in the Republican Party.

    2. angela2:48 AM

      Dear Deluded,
      Most intelligent people become more liberal as they see the real world.

    3. Generalize much, do you?

      Dear ossified mind, it's no mistake that the older one gets, the more likely it is that one will change or maybe not change their earlier view of life.

      Your comment is truly asinine.

    4. Anonymous4:21 AM

      "Dear impressionable minds, it's no mistake that the older one gets, the more conservative and republican one gets."

      ::Snork:: Funny, I live in a very conservative area in a VERY blue state and routinely converse with senior citizens--many of them, and I mean an increasing number of them are touting President Obama as being the mature one in the room. They've been around for a looong time and they've watched what conservatism has become. The GOP ain't so "G" anymore folks, and the sane, real patriots of this country see that. Regardless of their party affiliations.

      These people have grown children and grandchildren who have been affected by the failed policies of past republican administrations. They aren't stupid and they're not falling for the soundbites.

      I suggest you get out of your comfortable little bubble and take a peek around. I just had a conversation with an 80 yr old woman last week who, because of the bottom dropping out of the economy under Bush, is forced to work 35 hrs per week to supplement her ss. Her husband had a heart attack not long ago and the cost, coupled with their depleted retirement income, wiped out their savings. We talked about the lies the republicans get on television and tell the American people. She's astonished that they consider themselves "Christians." This is an 80 yr old former "conservative." She's a taxpayer and she's not happy with her former party. She votes and is actively engaged in her community. That should scare the living shit out of the neo con conservative posers in congress.

    5. Uhmmmm, no. The older and wiser one gets one realizes the GOP is out for only the 1%. Unless, of course, you live in the Faux bubble and never venture outside.

  39. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I think there is a sequel to Game Change in the making. This time the rest of the story will be told.

    1. Anonymous11:26 PM

      It'll be a money maker there is no doubt!

  40. Hey. Greta Van Susteren just paid $125 for my leather bound Easton Press copy of Earth Abides.

    Didn't figure her for a big science fiction reader. But who would buy a used copy with the previous owner's nameplate in it to give as a gift?

    There couldn't be two Greta Van Susteren's that live in Washington D.C., could there?

    1. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Was that an EBay sale? Are you supposed to share the buyer's name with others? I'm not certain that what you just did was ethical.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Finally, Sarah Palin is going to put her degree in Journalism to good use-- Yellow Journalism.

    Sarah know plenty about how to use media to change opinion. She wrote all of those fake letters to the editor, praising the Governor of Alaska when she WAS the Governor of Alaska. Sign them Lou Sarah, Sarah Louise, or S.Heath, those letters gave Palin an undeserved 80% approval rating-- which dropped significantly after Alaska saw Sarah on the national stage.

  42. Anonymous9:37 PM

    So basically, she was able to hire someone to do it for her.

    1. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Just like a pimp.

  43. Anita Winecooler10:55 PM

    She's totally lost it, did anyone read the militia story to her yet? Hey, Tripp, give her the blue pills and read Uncle Gryphen's words to her, really really slow!

  44. Anonymous11:20 PM

    ADN: The Alaska Peacemakers Militia had a three-pronged philosophy, he said.

    The first was to "undermine social sanctions for heavy-handed law enforcement," Cox said. The second goal was to establish friendly relations with local officials, and the third was to "be ready and able to take care of your family if society broke down."

    "undermine social sanctions for heavy-handed law enforcement"???????


    You mean like Todd sending Sarah's Palin's Secret Service agent to Shailey Tripp for her services?

    Can't undermine the heavy-handed law better than that!

    Sweet, the pimp sends the law (Secret Service and the APD) to his prostitute (Shailey Tripp)! Didn't Shailey say that she was suppose to keep track of what her johns liked, how much and how they paid, and their number of visits? Looks like that way the Palins has loyalty and blackmail material for future use. Now it's starting to make sense! It's like building their own militia, but now its reaching into the Fed government. It almost reached even further if Sarah Palin's endorsed Joe Miller was elected into Congress. But thanks to a lot of Alaskans that Joe Miller plot was foiled.

    Sweet, just like a black ops militia mission.... Right out of the old The Alaska Peacemakers Militia (AIP) handbook.... "undermine social sanctions for heavy-handed law enforcement"

  45. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "When you lie down with dogs get fleas!"

    Is Alaska's Governor Parnell infested with fleas?

    He sure did redact a lot of Sarah's and Todd's emails.

  46. Anonymous1:41 AM

    She looks like a Chicken Hawk, and she has the Claws to match. Hatred ages one fast, no wonder TAWD goes elsewhere for Pleasure.


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