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'Hey, I hear according to Right Wing morons you're not eligible to run for office. Welcome to the club." |
A Juneau man has filed a lawsuit trying to compel the state of Alaska to prove that President Obama is qualified to be on the ballot.
Gordon Warren Epperly claims in the lawsuit filed in Juneau Superior Court that Obama's citizenship status is unknown, and that Obama was illegally inaugurated in 2009, KTOO reported.
He also claims that Obama, by taking office, has committed a crime of trying to overthrow the U.S. government. Epperly is acting as his own attorney.
The lawsuit is seeking the state Division of Elections to obtain a physical, "verified" copy of Obama's birth certificate.
Epperly also questions U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi's right to run for federal office. He claims that as a woman, Pelosi has no inherent right to be a U.S. citizen or to hold office.
"There are no provisions in the Constitution of the United States that grants Women 'Political Rights' of Suffrage to hold any Political Office of the United States Government," the lawsuit says.
God just when I was relieved to learn the LAST insanity attributed to an Alaskan was a prank, this guy shows up!
Gee I wonder what his motivation is for questioning Obama's eligibility? Which by the way, after already serving four years, is a moot point.
And one has to wonder, since he is challenging Pelosi based on the fact that she is not a man, HOW he felt about Alaska's first female governor? I mean I didn't hear this guy challenging whether Sarah Palin could hold office due to her lack of a penis, did any of you?
You know I would move to Canada, except that would cause the intelligent quotient for the state to drop at least 20 points. Fucking idiots!
ReplyDeleteGotta love Alaska!
Wouldn't it be great if the courts charged these dingalingbats with barratry and billed them for the costs of reading their frivolous complaints?
ReplyDeleteWe can only hope the Judge has the balls to do it......
DeleteGiven the sheer number of them, such a tactic could be used to pay down the deficit in a matter of weeks!
DeleteI smell desperation. Hey, don't y'all think your guy romney can win fair and square??
ReplyDeleteNot just desperation, but probably one of the many far right wing self declared "Constitutional scholar". There seems to be a rapid rise of these experts from the far right. They're the, as Sarah puts it the "Constitutional conservatives" who want to us to "get back to the Constitution". Two of Sarah's favorite phases. Just don't ask them what those two phrases means. And of course, these enlightened individuals all know that Obama has been running an unconstitutional government in order for him to turn our country to communism. Sarah, of course, is the only politician who is bought out and who can stand up to this corrupt administration. Don't believe me, just go to the web site Conservative for Palin (sea4pee) and they'll educate you and tell you how great Sarah really is.
DeleteI am going to assume that this person believes that the Amendments to the US Constitution are also not legal. Tell this As**hole to read the 19th Amendment. Can you imagine what would happen to every male in office if it were suddenly to come to pass that this idiot was actually able to get this through? Of course, it would have to go through the Supreme Court first. Or does he think he can bypass them, too?
ReplyDeleteI would dearly love to see this man's face if he were suddenly faced with a female judge when the bailiff cried "All Rise!"
Also, someone should tell this idiot that it isn't the presidential CANDIDATE which is required to verify eligibility for office. It is the STATE which he or she claims as a birth state! They are not required to SHOW the certificate, merely VERIFY it is true or not true.
I sincerely hope the court system actually refuses to hear the case and TELLS this freaking fool exactly WHY they refuse. What a waste of your money - and mine if he decides to pursue it in Federal Court after he loses there.
SPLC labels this nutter as a sovereign citizen nutter.
"Epperly appears to have been comingling sovereign and neo-Confederate ideology some time. In 2006, he sued Congress for unconstitutionally enacting the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, which, he alleged, placed him “in a state of involuntary servitude” and made him “liable for the debt of the United States.”"
After this it would not be a surprise that he felt Lisa Murkowski was not a legitimate winner in 2010. Again from SPLC link:
"Amazingly enough, this is not the first time Epperly has challenged the eligibility of an elected official he does not like. In a 2010 letter to the Alaska director of elections, he declared that Lisa Murkowski, who had just been elected senator, was not qualified for office “as she is not a citizen of the United States under Article I of the Constitution for the United States.”
His argument stemmed from a 22-page “Proclamation,” apparently researched solely by Epperly, which supposedly proves that female and non-white elected officials are “usurpers of office” who “have no political privileges to hold public offices of the United States under the qualification clauses of Article I, Article, II, and Article III of the United States Constitution.”"
I am so sick of these fucking idiots & clowns! And they get traction from the head idiota of AlassKa, Baldy Palin!
DeleteWhy don't these bastards crawl back under their fucktard rocks?
B/c miss chik-fil-A eggs them on! Hey we don't Rilly know that she was born in the states?
Nor do we know that Sally is her mother?
Watch the stupid bitch will be spouting this shit on the fox snooze airwaves.
Based on previous nuisance allegations which were addressed and dismissed, he apparently is not mentally capable of understanding the ruling.
DeleteTherefore, he should be remanded to a county or state mental facility for who he is -- a nut case -- who needs a diagnostic work-up to determine his ability to function in society.
Either that or throw him in jail for creating an unnecessary nuisance.
There now, I feel so much better.
Mr. Epperly is a busy guy. Link below references another lawsuit in which Mr. E. states the President is not eligible to be POTUS because he is of mixed race.
Sadly, this is one of the "dingalings" or "not quite right" folks in Juneau. He has filed similar frivolous lawsuits in the past. He runs along the lines of Schaeffer Cox and friends, doesn't believe in anything done amending the constitution past about the 10th amendment. Even his family disavowed his letter he wrote to the Juneau Empire a while back when he used their business name (the letter was similar to his lawsuit).
ReplyDeleteThis guy needs to retain Oily Taintz as counsel. She has a lot of experience with this sort of stuff especially at the federal level. Which is where, as it deals with a matters of US constitutionality, it should have been filed in the first place.
ReplyDeleteit **NEVER** should have been filed in the first place.
DeleteFixed it.
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks ago, I saw the video of the Alaska town whose mayor for the last 15 years has been a cat. Nothing in his lawsuit about the cat? Cats are okay, women aren't? Hmm...wonder why?
But if it was a female cat...I don't know.
DeleteAs long as it's a guy cat.
DeleteMore Gordon Warren Epperly from the Juneau Empire.
ReplyDelete"U.S. flag, like the cross, is sacred" http://juneauempire.com/stories/091300/Ope_Sacred.shtml
Is there a SP or TP connection?
ReplyDeleteYou now I come to blog everyday, and each day I hope the nutters in America will one day wake up (not you fine folks here) but this apparently will not be happening anytime soon. Being Canadian I wish I could vote in your election.. 'Cause this idiot must not realize we don't truly own any part of this country as it was stolen from the Indians.... Never mind
ReplyDeleteSome people are just born Stupid!!!
Every single case like this gets tossed out on its ear without being heard because the plaintiff has no legal standing to demand satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteBarack is still standing.
ReplyDeleteMichelle is still standing.
Nancy is still standing.
Harry is still standing.
Bristol is dancing like our puppet.
Sarah is owned by IM and bloggers.
Any questions?
ReplyDeleteBristol review from Boston Globe yesterday!
Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin’s can’t-stay-out-of-the-news daughter, made waves again last week for laughing, instead of reprimanding her 3½-year-old son, Tripp, when he used an antigay slur to address his Aunt Willow. According to Bristol, who took to her blog 24 hours later, Tripp used a different word, and she added, “I guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.”
But if you watch the video, it’s clear what he said.
Read entire piece!
No Bristol, there is no temptation. Your son is as ill-mannered and potty-mouthed as his family is..at three (or four, or five?)
DeleteAnd you are determined to let the entire world in on what a terrible mother you are. This has nothing to do with left and right. This has to do with raising a child to be a caring, loving, educated, productive adult. So far you are failing on all fronts.
In the spirit of everything is upside down and sideways in the heads of some right-wing folks:
ReplyDelete"I'm proud of Sarah Palin," McCain said. Liz Cheney also differed with her father's assessment, tweeting, "Rarely do I disagree with best VP ever but @SarahPalinUSA more qualified than Obama and Biden combined. Huge respect 4 all she's done 4 GOP."
Whoa - perhaps the heat wave and drought have affected Liz Cheney's brain. But then, she has never made sense to me.
LMAO...Liz Cheney is such a fool and a tool! "Rarely do I disagree with best VP ever..." "...Sarah Palin more qualified than Obama and Biden combined."
DeleteHey, Liz, stop barking and foaming at the mouth, and prove that Sarah Palin has done anything for anyone besides Sarah Palin and her family!
And while you're supporting and giving props to the homophobic and hateful grifter. Why don't you take her out to lunch? How about Chick-fil-A? You can invite your sister, and her wife. You can't make this stuff up!
Obama 2012...Seriously!
Lizzie wants to be VP. Very badly!
DeleteUh Oh, Dick won't like this one bit! No more daddy suits for you!
DeleteI have a question for all the birthers, but first, a little background:
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama primaried against Hillary Clinton - a woman who was the sitting Senator of a state she's not even from (to show you what kind of power the Clinton machine had/has).
Bill Clinton is an ex-President - with all the power and connections that go with that office.
Here's the question:
With (again) all the power and connections the Clintons had/have to find out if Barack Obama was ineligible to be president for any reason - do you think they just let him slide because they're just such nice people?
Do you think the Clintons let the chance for Hillary to be the first Woman President in history...
for the Clintons to be the first in history to have both husband and wife be President of the United States of America...
...do you think they let that very real possibility slide because they're just such sweet folks?
You're trying to use logic and reason on unreasonable people. They have their opinion and no facts are going to change it. Sigh.
DeleteI agree with you. If there was anything "bad" about President Obama, the Clinton machine would have found it and used it. The best anyone could come up with about President Obama was Jerimah Wright (how he could pray in a Christian church for 20 years and be Muslim always escaped me).
These people are loons. You can quote fact and reason until you're blue and they'll just make something else up and run with it.
I've heard this question raised many times in the past four years. But I've NEVER heard any birthers come up with an answer.
DeleteBecause they can't.
And they know it.
And I also love how they believe that Joe Arpaio and his crew of losers, armed with nothing more official than shorts and flowered shirts, can find proof that the Clintons, Secret Service, FBI, CIA, Congress and RNC couldn't find.
DeleteIf you believe that, I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell ya.
Do we have St. Ronnie to thank for closing the mental institutions?
DeleteWhat I decided was that the GOP was paying zero attention to the drama in the Democratic primary. None. They assumed Hillary would win, and were busy looking for more madeup dirt on the Clintons. So Obama wins, and they have nothing on him except the color of his skin. And they are STILL running against that. Sad, really. Adelson will dip into his fortune to support Mittens, who will do his bidding and attack Iran, except Mitt will never get elected. I don't care how many millions Adelson and the kochs spend in the dark, the people of America are smarter than that. We cannot be bought.
DeleteIt never occurred to me, but that makes so much sense. The rise of conservative craziness must be due to the closing of the mental institutions. Good call !
DeleteGreat, more of our taxpayer dollars going towards defending a bogus lawsuit. How patriotic is that? What an imbecile.
ReplyDeleteIt's as useful as all of Captain Zero's (Governor Sean Parnell) lawsuits against the Federal Government.
DeleteCan a family member or concerned citizen ask that Epperly be forced to have a mental evaluation made for the safety of himself and the public?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, he sounds on the verge of major mental breakdown and should not be allowed to own or handle guns. Of course, his obvious low IQ might be problematic in processing that evaluation.
We have our own mental deficients in Kansas (e.g., The Westboro Baptist Church folks), but it seems as if Alaska has a huge lead for the title of state with the most crazies.My sympathies.
You taken the words out of my mouth.
DeleteForget the family member -- the state should remove all guns from his ownership and he should be added to the list of those mentally incapable of owning/buying guns.
It should also be the issue of him and the others that bring this wasteful lawsuits that should be forced to pay for wasting the time and resources of the justice system.
President Obama's ancestry is interesting indeed. :)
Barry and Sarah are 10th cousin's, also too.
So does this mean Sarah Palin wasn't eligible to be Mayor or Governor? And don't let's even mention being on the 2008 national ticket..... Does this mean someone owes the town of Wasilla and the state of Alaska a whole lot of money that she wasn't legally entitled to?
ReplyDeleteHmm, per Sarah's racism, aren't her (not all 100% white, She: "thanks for nothing, Todd") kids something she despises.
DeleteNo wonder she mucks up her kids (and now will work on the grandkids too).
Though considering her past, when she was having sex outside of her marriage and before marriage, I'd not surprised if her kids are sired by different men.
I doubt Palin EVER LACKED a penis! She probably had as many as she could handle! just sayin!
ReplyDeleteI doubt Palin EVER LACKED a penis! She probably had as many as she could handle! just sayin!
ReplyDeleteI doubt Palin has ever LACKED a penis! She's probably had all of them she could handle! Glad to see her daughters are following in those footsteps!
ReplyDelete"...She's probably had all of them she could handle!"
DeleteMolly, I don't think anyone would argue that Palin has handled a lot of penises....
Another idiot from Alaska that makes national news! This guy sounds kind like Sarah Palin et al.
ReplyDeleteGordon, Gordon, Gordon. Up to your old tricks again, huh? I wonder did he just get time transported from 500 years ago or what? This man is notorious for this kind of wasting of our time and dollars crap. They should start fining him for frivolous law suit filing - you know like what the Palinbots wanted to do about all the ethics complaints being filed about Palin. Alaska - we are embarrassed again.
ReplyDeleteWow. WTF are those Alaskans smoking or drinking, cause the crazy just keeps on a-coming. I yanked this....because man, everyone needs a point and laugh/reason to drink screwdrivers for lunch on Monday, right?
ReplyDeleteThat dude can be on poster on why abortions are sometimes necessary. Douchebag. His mother should be so proud.
ReplyDeleteSomeone has too much time on his hands. Can anyone please give this moron a job?
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, Gordon Epperly has been in Juneau for decades, and his name pops up in interesting ways from time to time.
ReplyDeleteAnd y'all make fun of Texas! LOL
ReplyDeleteThis is what makes Alaska so special! We have the largest mountain in the largest state, we e grow giant vegetables and plants and when we grow idiots, we grow 'em big!
ReplyDeleteSeems that all those hours of sun sometimes fries the less sturdy brains!
DeleteNot sure sociologically what it is about this place. It takes one part Frontier mentality. It also involves the vast physical separation from the Lower 48 and our low population. Those factors together can create this mentality of "cranky individualism" that is found in some of our residents, we call them "grizzled old men" or "cooterpies" in my house and you definitely know them when you see them. They don't often come to town but when they do they can be identified by the their long grey beards, obvious lack of running water, and extensive well-worn Carhardtt wardrobe. It's kind of like wildlife sighting here in AK; "Cooterpie" watching!
DeleteThere are basically two types of people up here, at least on the road/marine highway system: Those that travel outside frequently and feel as attached to some Lower 48 travel destinations as we do to life in Alaska, and those that NEVER get out....they just stay here usually a bit off the beaten path year after year, winter after winter. If they weren't already "freethinkers" then they become that way (ie crazy) by isolating themselves and not getting out of here a few times per year. That's just my opinion on how these AK kooks come to be...don't forget to slowdown when you see "Alaska Cooterpie" Crossings!
ReplyDeleteOne point about Hillary Clinton being a sitting Senator from a state she's not even from.
Hillary was a inhabitant of the state of New York at the time she filed to run for Senator, she was at least 30 years old and she had been a US citizen for at least 9 years.
According to the Constitution that's the only qualifications she had to meet in order to run for state senator.
Gryphen,you're intelligent,rational and sane.Do you drink filtered water? Because I'm starting to believe there must be something in the unfiltered drinking water of Alaska.And they say California(where I was born and raised) has the most crazies? Hmmm,think if we did a statistical percentage study and factor in the population variation,I'm thinking Alaska wins the most crazies award hands down:)
ReplyDeleteYou know I would move to Canada, except that would cause the intelligent quotient for the state to drop at least 20 points. Fucking idiots!
ReplyDeleteThis guy is an idiot, but your pretty full of yourself too.
Awww, someone needs a hug and a lollipop. :( Sorry that is you.
DeleteAnd your is you're ... you are ...
DeleteSo you need more than a hug. How about some English language and grammar lessons too. I'll toss in a snickers bar if you'll learn something new today.
Anonymous11:23 AM
DeleteMust be a Palin. Illiterate is their middle names and grifting is their game!
Where in the (rhymes with duck) is Gordon Warren Epperly's long form birth certificate and all other certification, verification, etc. that he is who he says he is and was born in the USA (or Alaska territory, yet still the USA).
ReplyDeleteThat he is here legally.
Also, that he's not whining about everyone else and their loyalty to the USA while he could be part of any Alaska independence or secession movement.
He should not whine about anyone else nor about taxes, him living in Alaska, a net taker state.
Meaning the rest of us (USA) in the lower 49 who are in net giver states are covering for him to be a sucking off the government teat in DC via the socialistic welfare that goes potentially people like him in net taker states.
Gordon Warren Epperly should provide his long form tax forms so everyone can see he's fully paying his own way for everything he gets from government and from everyone else.
Also, he should pay for all related court and administrative fees and costs regarding his birth certificate crusade.
I really want to know all that he's doing to make sure he's pulling himself up by all of his own bootstraps and fully paying for everything he uses, demands, wants, etc.
Gryphen and other Alaskans, I don't mind if some of Minnesota tax monies end up in Alaska. Though I do mind if they're not benefiting the most needy (no, that isn't you, Sarah nor your family members since you're well off or covered by Todd's healthcare), it is: other seniors, children, families or individuals. The disabled, sick, vulnerable and more people who really need government services and assistance.
Not monies going to tea party people who think they're not getting anything from government. Or think they're the only ones who've ever paid taxes, so only they should get what they're getting from government. Or, no one now who also pays taxes now should get in the future what tea party people have gotten from Medicare, Social Security and more.
Come on Gordon Warren Epperly, show us your tax forms, birth certificates, all other documentation that you are who you say you are. In triplicate, to any person who asks for it, no copies. Come on, please have the honesty to provide from yourself what you're demanding from and of other people, costing them monies, taking up their time and resources. If you cannot do that, then give up your petty crusade and tea causes.
Thank you.
I hope the first judge that reads this petition throws it in the toilet where it belongs. Who is this guy? His name sounds familiar.
ReplyDelete"I mean I didn't hear this guy challenging whether Sarah Palin could hold office due to her lack of a penis, did any of you?"
ReplyDeleteOh, she's got a penis. It's Toads. It's in her purse next to the ketamine.
Oh, how stupid! This guy is in denial of his own stupidity! He needs to get a life and take some classes to counteract his gross stupidity!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, he is far too stupid to realize just how stupid he is.
DeleteThere is no known cure for gross stupidity.
a 20 point derp in teh intelligent quotient! u made a funny.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't.
DeleteTodd, is that you?
Delete"Epperly is acting as his own attorney." are the key words, he's got a fool for a client.
ReplyDeleteI hope the nutters in America will one day wake up....
ReplyDeleteMedicare Alabama
Okay. So why did he wait so long. Where was he when Sarah Palin was running for Governor? Why didn't he question her right to run for political office?
ReplyDeleteThought so.