Monday, July 30, 2012

Sarah Palin endorses Missouri candidate, letting the local townsfolk realize that the circus has arrived!

Click image to view video.
Apparently this endorsement of Sarah Steelman (Or Sarah "Stillman" as Palin pronounces it) is not exactly going over well in Missouri.

The reason? Here let Tony tell you:

The ad is creating a stir across the State of Missouri this morning . . . Not because anybody cares what Sarah Palin thinks, but because it's evidence that so-called "Conservative" politics in Missouri have become a sideshow as the election approaches. 

Hey, as those of us in Alaska will tell you, what's a sideshow WITHOUT Sarah Palin?

As you can probably guess Steelman is a Teabagger, who recently was in the new for defending a fellow Missourian Teabagger who said the following about U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill:

"We have to kill the Claire Bear ladies and gentlemen," Boston said. "She walks around like she's some sort of Rainbow Brite Care Bear or something but really she's an evil monster."

And how did Steelman respond to this?

 "I may disagree with the words Mr. Boston chose in his statement," Steelman said in her own statement, "but I understand his frustration and I emphatically support his right to express his views."

Oh yeah, she's "one of them" all right!

Gee, I'm surprised Palin did not offer to endorse her earlier. Or did it take Steelman this long to raise the payoff?


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    How much money has SarahPac given to her?
    Money talks.

    No one has the right to express traitorous views, wishing violence on an elected official. He should be arrested.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:27 PM

      And the man who said that Democratic Female lawmakers



      (not to mention the lawmakers who actually had people come to their homes (or their relatives' home) and cause fear and destruction. On man's BIL had his phone line cut b/c the nutjob thought the lawmaker lived there, not his brother...and his family!

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM was the gas line.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:41 PM

      Thank you, 3:04!

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    What? I don't think she can call herself governor when she didn't finish her term. Right away my eyebrows went up when she called herself governor. She's just a commentor now and she holds no political office. She even admitted that her endorsements aren't worth a hill of beans so why is she endorsing?

    I don't get how she continues to mispronounce words and people's names. She comes off as an uneducated imbecile. Still sharpens still? No it doesn't. What an idiot! Good thing the candidate comes on in the end and corrects her name which makes Sarah look bad.

    1. jcinco12:15 PM

      she's such a dumb twat.

    2. Well, Tony from Missouri sure didn't call her "Governor":

      A strong endorsement from reality television star Sarah Palin.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I live in the television market that see steelman's ads though I don't live in Missouri. She has a banner across the corner of her TV ad that says"Endorsed by Sarah Palin" so she must be proud of it. The state of our politics is sad and scary.

    Sue In Kansas

  4. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Yikes, she looks like that old Michael Jackson mugshot.

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Does Sarah's face even move anymore? So much Botox has given her the look of a stroke patient. She was pretty back in 2008, not anymore. Yea, take that Sarah from a fan of the hate! You're dumb. Can't believe that you were actually 2nd on the Republican ticket only four years ago.

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Well with this and her support for Cruz, Sarah has her pattern going. She is out to destroy the Republican party. What does McCain and Romney have to say about this? Are they both scared to death of her.
    Is this taking away votes from Romney?

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      What do McCain and Romney say? Neither have balls, so probably nothing.

      Sarah is a bitch. And a trashy one at that. I hope "Stillman" is a victim of the Palin curse

  7. WOW! Why is her mouth so CROOKED?? Can she "fill" it? She looks terrible in this video! I wonder how much money Ms. "Stillman" had to pay the Tranny man to endorse her?

    Baldy...put down the "Shit-fil-a's and pick up some Ensureā„¢...your old age is showing! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Focus on her message. Personal appearance critique?!? Come the flip On. Yet Another Mission St8ment Fail

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Is that you crazy ass Exxodus? What's up fool! Whatcha doing over here? Oh that're too crazy for "Crazies4Palin"! Put down the vodka laced kool-aid and stop sniffing the dirty filthy panties of Baldy!

      The only message Baldy Tranny man is sending out is....


      So get to sending dummy! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Doggz Pesky mission st8ment kinda gets in the way of ur tip lib H8 speech. Lets deb8 policy

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I don't believe that freedom of speech should be confused with threatening death on a person running for public office otherwise there would be a whole helluva lot of people wishing death on a certain half-term governor from Alaska. Sheesh! And the liberals get blamed for spewing hate. Those Republicans love to project all of their failings on to the other party.

  9. Is it just me or her face looks fucked up? Like she's having a stroke?
    Damn! she's one ugly evil looking brute. All that hate is eating her from
    the inside out! Sucks to be her.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      It's it's not just you. She has become very ugly. Lying and calling others haters when she is tthe one consumed by hate obviously
      is catching up with her. She is ugly and pasty and manly looking now

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Focus on ur journey. Pesky blog standards Y even bother?

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sarah charged money for that endorsement. Maybe we find out how much later.

  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

    What a great screen shot. What a fecking dolt she is.

  12. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:24 PM

    Damn, Grandma!!

    You lookin' like Judge Judy's older sister!!

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Positive Vibration Yeah! Positive!

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Lifeā€™s a Tripp -- a troubled one

    Bristol Palin, Sarah Palinā€™s canā€™t-stay-out-of-the-news daughter, made waves again last week for laughing, instead of reprimanding her 3Ā½-year-old son, Tripp, when he used an antigay slur to address his Aunt Willow. According to Bristol, who took to her blog 24 hours later, Tripp used a different word, and she added, ā€œI guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.ā€

    But if you watch the video, itā€™s clear what he said.

    For those who donā€™t know, Bristol Palin has a reality show, ā€œLife with Tripp,ā€ which airs on Lifetime TV and is about a single mother, Bristol, raising her son, Tripp.

    Why is this a TV show? Because itā€™s cheaper for networks to film real people messing up than to pay actors to entertain us. And Palin messes up a lot.

    This latest incident with Tripp was filmed and went viral ā€” a whining, clearly in need of discipline, 3-year-old hellbent on swimming in a pool he can see from his hotel window, repeatedly telling his aunt and mother that he hates them because they wonā€™t let him swim, then hurling a word at them that no 3-year-old should know.

    The sisters did not leap out of their seats and say to Tripp, ā€œWhere did you hear that?ā€ They were not horrified. They looked at each other and laughed.

    Two years ago, Willow posted homophobic rants on Facebook attacking a user who criticized the premiere of her motherā€™s reality show. (Yes, the mother had a reality show, too, ā€œSarah Palinā€™s Alaska.ā€)

    Hereā€™s what the Palin girls donā€™t seem to get. That not too long ago in America, there would have been a lot of nasty words pigeonholing them, too ā€” Bristol, for having a baby, Willow for sticking by her side. People snickering and pointing and laughing and judging. Because for decades in this country, unmarried teenagers who had babies were not given book contracts and TV shows and celebrity.

    They were given the boot, kicked out of their homes, their school, their lives, and whisked off to a relativeā€™s or some wrongly titled ā€œhomeā€ where they hid until they had their babies. And because there was no place in society for unwed mothers, most gave up their babies. And lived the rest of their lives as if they never had them.

    What the Palin girls donā€™t seem to know also is that there was no place in society for children like their brother. There was no such thing as ā€œinclusionā€ for children with Down syndrome, only exclusion from school, from community, from life. And ignorant people saying hurtful words that made other ignorant people laugh.

    How do you go from being part of a group that is maligned and denigrated and kicked to the curb to being the kicker? How is it that Bristol and her sister donā€™t know that itā€™s only because of time that they are the persecutors and not the persecuted?

    1. shughes28531:05 PM

      Anon 12:27 - that is an excellent post and I agree 100% with everything you said. Your points are profoundly true.

    2. Wonkette is having a lot of fun with the announcement that Bristol will be returning to DWTS:

      As usual, the comments are the best part of anything at Wonkette.

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Credit where credit is due shughes2853...

      I am the one who posted the article and those words were pulled DIRECTLY from the article, so the writer of the article is the one who has laid this out so well, not I.

      However, I agree it is an excellent article and the points made in it are profoundly true.

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM

      KaJo, I think you are right that Bristol has been set up to play the bitch. Just to create tension on the show. Just to get ratings. so people who actually want to watch dancing (not me) will have to endure all the drama of Bristol the Bitch - AGAIN on tv.

      I wonder who will be her partner this time - whoever draws the short straw I guess.

    5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:44 PM

      whoever draws the short straw I guess.

      Well, actually, since it's Brisdull and all, they were forced to have a weight-lifting competition...

    6. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I'll bet the partner for Palin on DWTS asked for more money than is normally paid! Can you imagine having to put up w/the idiot and drag her all over the floor?

    7. Anonymous6:28 PM

      You're missing a whole chunk of that history, Anon @12;27. It wasn't just time, it was progressives and feminists who forced those changes. And DEMOCrATS - you ungrateful bitches.

    8. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Thanks Anon @12:27 and @1:32. I agree with everything except it's not her brother but her son, Trig,

  14. Dis Gusted12:41 PM

    the video proves that Romney and Palin absolutely look alike. They have the same crazy eyes with the empty vapid look in them while they lie out of the side of their mouth.

  15. The same shit sandwich, just warmed over. Grizzly, maverick, blah blah. I swear she's just screeching what she memorized off of index cards in '08. I'd love to see her in a real, unscripted, in depth discussion of political science. She'd nosedive so fast it'd make heads spin.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      She's a broken record with a dusty needle...a true "grammyphone."

  16. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sarah - have your camera operator back off a bit so your eyes don't have to dart so dramatically from side to side as you read the TelePrompter.

  17. Palin talks out of the side of her mouth, like a recent stroke victim. Step away from the Botox, Sarah. You're starting to look like the cat lady. I wish someone would do a timeline of photos from 2008 to date, just showing her face and how it has morphed into a pathetic example of bad plastic surgery.

    1. I have a lot of pics, but just gave up uploading this year's batch -- there's more to life than keeping up with Joan Rivers Redux.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Joan Rivers looks 100% better than idiot Sarah and she dresses one hell of a lot better!!! Plus, Joan has a sense of humor and would cut Palin to ribbons given the chance!!

    3. she's been speaking out of both sides of her mouth so much and for so long that the wire holding the sides finally snapped so now it just tilts to that one side.......

    4. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Why can't you do it, Crystal Sage? It was your idea. THere are plenty of pictures and picture hosting sites out there. You know how to Google, right?

    5. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

      Seeing her face morph over time is scary as hell! She was kind of sort of "cute" in the early ones, now she looks like that "MAdame" puppet. Wonder if she's trying to compete with Greta with the crooked mouth?
      Thanks, KaJo!

      Loved your comment on the Bristol / God Thread on Washington Post!! Good Job!!

    6. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Oh whatta new day!

  18. Anonymous12:56 PM

    First off, $arah, you are NOT "governor" and, second, you are the last person who ahould be talking mama grizzlies taking care of cubs.

  19. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Mentally ill sarah still hasn't learned how to speak properly? How embarrassing! I would be so ashamed if I were her daughter. Sarah is the devil. She is evil incarnate.

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Barack... still standing.
    Michelle... still standing.
    Harry... still standing.
    Nancy... still standing.

    Sarah... has been forced to sit down and shut up by IM and bloggers.
    Any questions?
    Good job guys! We own her and her entire family!
    We even forced Bristol to do another DWTS to prove she was pregnant last time.
    Epic win!
    They are our puppets. We pull the strings and they dance for us!
    Anyone who defends any Palin is also our puppet.
    Dance puppet, dance!

  21. melissa1:05 PM

    Wow, that is one massive cold sore she has on her lower lip!

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Y not help 1 Another along the way?

  22. lostinmn1:06 PM

    Hey Gryphen - I caught a couple of minutes of GMA today and tried to change the channel when they were talking to the brisket but as I fumbled I was astonished that I finally see why they invited her back. She's the bitch everyone loves to hate. I think there's one like that on every show. The other dancers were talking about their coming back while brisket talked about the victim - people hating on her and her family - the old mantra of course. And that's when it hit me. They don't want her for the dancing - they want her to be the bitch. Couldn't have picked a better one. Sadly that means they'll manipulate the votes again and she'll be around til the bitter end. Glad I've never watched the show and won't be starting now.

  23. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I'm having a hard time deciding who is stupider: Willard or Sarah.
    They are two of the dumbest, least intelligent people to run for office in the entire history of the world (yes dumber than Bush!)
    Willard does a better job of hiding it since he's got the suit and the money and a lot of yes men. Sarah's stupidity has been proven over and over and over and over again.
    They really are both pathetic morons with no intelligence. I guess its like choosing which piece of shit smells better.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      He also knows how to dress appropriately.

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      No he doesn't/ While he can do the suit thing, the minute he unbends, he looks like Daddy Warbucks trying desperately to unbend. How many movies have there been about the preppy pompous ass who tries to go slumming, only to fail miserably?

    3. Give the Mittster all the props you can for appropriate dress, appropriate public demeanor, appropriate appearance everywhere, but it still doesn't overcome his basic cluelessness about normal life everywhere. There, he is absolutely palinesque

  24. I live in MO and have been watching the circus going on between Steelman and two other candidates for the R party. I have not seen the above ad (we live in the STL tv market). Perhaps they are only running it in KC and Springfield markets.

    Claire McCaskill is the Democrat incumbent who will face one of these Republican ditto heads. She is in for a tough race; Claire McC is not squeaky clean either.

    1. ETA I saw an ad for Steelman a few minutes ago. It showed whats her name's picture and saying "endorsed by".

      There is no clear frontrunner in this primary race so it will be interesting to see how this affects Steelman's appeal in the rural areas. Lot's of good old white boys in the Ozarks ya know.

    2. Claire McCaskill is as squeaky clean as it comes in politics anywhere. I live in MO too, and am hoping and praying and voting for every Democrat who's running. We have a state legislature that is made up of people with the intelligence level of pond scum.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      tiny quibble Jaye,
      Democratic, not Democrat

    4. Cracklin Charlie9:04 PM

      Haven't seen it in the KC area, either. The only one we have is Sarah S. saying "the status quo has got to go", whatever that means. She doesn't seem real bright, but she's not afraid to stick her boobies in the old guy's faces. Hasn't she been running for, and losing, several different positions since about 2004?

  25. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Typical T-Bagger pieces of guano.

  26. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah tries fool us she has an accent. Even if one has an accent, and pronouces s-t-e-e-l as s-t-i-l-l, would be tactful enough to pronounce someone's name the way it's supposed to be pronounced. She refuses to show some decency and pronounce Sarah Steelman's name correctly.

    All Sarah has to do is get that 'eeeeee' going. She endorses a woman and doesn't have the common respect to pronounce her name the right way. This is her way of being a contrary child.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      She also offended the people of Norfolk Nebraska when she told them how great they were and how she understoods them but couldn't even pronounce Norfolk and said Norfoke instead. The townspeople didn't find her credible and thought it was an act.

      Personally I don't think she speaks english. Palin speaks moron.

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Sarah, Greta and Liz have to be the most 'cold fish' women I've ever seen and I'll wager they are all horrible in the sack. Cannot imagine any of the three of them trying to please a man/or woman!!!! All are pretty masculine in looks and actions.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      Hey, give her a little credit, she got the "Sarah" part right. Six years of alleged college makes her two years smarter then everyone else. She saw "DOS for Dummies" at the used book store, and looked for the rest of the series, she's studying to say numbers in Spanish.

  27. Anonymous2:03 PM

    greta and lizard cheney love sarah for her "still" tongue.

  28. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Soooooooo Sarah - She will not part with her ill-gotten PAC money to endorse a candidate but films HERSELF for an ad. ANYTHING to get in front of the tv.

  29. Anonymous2:48 PM

    O/T ā€”ā€” Romney does it again.

    According to Rev. Al on Politics Nation MSNBC, Willard speaking in Israel today strongly implied that the Palestinians have an inferior culture. The Palestinians are not pleased.

    1. That's just the Romney version of international diplomacy. Another reason why he needs to go back to Utah and pray in the temple.

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      I'm confused. I thought Mormons believed Jesus walked in the US. Do they also believe he was born in Israel now?

  30. Kristy2:56 PM

    Sarah looks gorgeous in that photo and she really knows how to pick her candidates.
    She loves our Republic and God and that's why I love and admire her.
    Palin 2016 !

    1. Kristy2:56 PM

      Hey look....old Krusty has finally stopped stalking Beefy long enough to send some love to Baldy!

      Uh Krusty...that's not a picture dumbass...that's a video of Baldy and she looks half dead...please get your eyes checked...oh that's right....bed ridden shut-ins don't leave the house not even for her psychiatrist appointments!

      Oh and by 2016 Baldy won't even look like THIS! The ugly has already taken over! Good old Krusty....always good for a laugh!

      Thanks Krazy...LOL!!!

    2. Grey Lensman3:17 PM

      Oh Kristy. The sad clown. Still funny though.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:48 PM

      She loves our Republic

      Now which part of the PROUD AIP creed is that?

      Yeah, didn't think so, shitfurbrains.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Palin loves herself and no one else and certainly nothing abstract like a Republic or God. She loves only herself.

    5. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Hi Louise Sarah

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    A bit off-topic, but I'm going to tell you a little story.

    I noticed the peepond linking to this article by Atlantic Journalist Conor Friedersdorf:

    Of course, the peepond peeps were none too thrilled about it.

    IMO, Mr. Friedersdorf's articles are usually right-leaning, though I don't believe he calls himself a Conservative, per se, and he's definitely not a Tea Partier. He's been quite critical of Palin for years (or in peepond-speak, "attacking").

    Last July, when "The Undefeated" came out, Mr. Friedersdorf was the reporter who went to the first showing (at midnight) in Orange County, and reported that the theater was practically empty. I believe it was only him and maybe 2 or 3 other people. Well, the peepond became furious, and insisted it was an "unadvertised" showing... but it was advertised, through in a small blurb in the local newspaper.

    Well, that little feud went on for a couple of days, because HOW DARE ANYONE CRITICIZE SARAH or her silly little movie that never did amount to anything.

    So zoom ahead to November of last year. I was checking out the Wikipedia entry for "The Undefeated" (I forget why), and in the "Reception" section it mentioned Mr. Friedersdorf's article about the empty theater... and in a footnote, some rabid Palinbot linked to this article:

    It's the most disingenuous piece of tripe I've had the misfortune to read from one of Palin's cult members, and I've read the BriAnus and MSheppard musings.

    So, I emailed Mr. Friedersdorf and informed him... and he emailed me back and thanked me... and I have to admit it was months later, but when I did go back to that Wikipedia entry, the offending footnote was gone.

    Now... let me ask you this: If you were Conor Friedersdorf and Mr. Cheney just lambasted Palin with his remark this weekend, would you just sit on your hands and NOT report it? Nah, I didn't think so.

    This is how Palin's minions operate. They and their Dear Leader deserve every bit of negative publicity they get.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      WOW! Good for you! Dan Riehl is a bigoted scumbag who is BFF's with another bigoted scumbag The Other McCain! Those pieces of shit loved them some Baldy until the Glen "Baby Oil" Rice story came out! LOL!

      At first they waited for Baldy to deny the story or sue and when that didn't happen they left her Jungle Fever having ass ALONE! LMAO!!!

  32. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Just saw Bristol on ET and OMG she is such a bitch. She said that she would be based in Arizona because that was a better place for Tripp and more room to breathe...whatever the fuck that means.

    She said she didn't care what people said about her or her family because they are very grounded and know who they are.

    She is full of shit!!!

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Well that means Levi is letting Brisket take his son out of state again.

      Sorry, but I can't believe he really wants his son with him if he is letting that happen.

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      I agree with you. Levi seems to like to sell stories declaring he wants Tripp but we do not see any action to obtaining it. He did say he got an job as an electrician this week. Sunny posted she wants to run a marathon in Chicago, IL 4 mos. after her baby is born. WTF??

    3. Anonymous11:06 PM

      I think it means her Mom and Dad's mansion that they bought with other couples to share is available for the Palin family to use at the same she is doing DWTS.

    4. comeonpeople8:30 AM

      Maybe Tripp isn't Levis. Maybe only Tri-G is.

  33. Anonymous4:01 PM

    nice hair extensions, buy them at Walmart????

  34. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Boy, her lip/jaw is off kilter in that video. She needs to have the surgery redone. She reminds me of that TV interviewer (cannot remember her name) that always interviews Palin on FOX - her mouth/jaw/chin are off too. Did they use the same surgeon for crying out loud?

    Palin and Bristol are substantially less attractive than they were four years ago!!! God, wouldn't it be awful walking in their retarded shoes? The hillbillies from Wasilla, AK!

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Greta VanSustern?

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      7:10 That's her name!!! Fox interviewer that seems to be the only one interviewing Palin besides Hannity. O'Reilly won't have a thing to do w/her anymore OR Palin is scared to death to go on his show because he doesn't put up with her idiocy.

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Has Sarah Palin had a Stroke? She looks so bad and used up.

  36. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Oh my... I live in Missouri and I've seen the "banner" ad (the Steelman ad with the Sarah-approved banner) but I'd been spared from seeing this mess. Wow. I moved here from Texas several years ago, and at first, it was a welcome change. However, over the last 8 years, we've seen a big shift. Things aren't as friendly here now. Lots of nastiness in campaigns. I'm so ready for this election to be over. I hope that Obama gets re-elected, but it appears that Missouri might be getting even more red, and that makes me sad.

  37. Anonymous6:20 PM

    OK, I'm 6:04. I spoke too soon - saw the Sarah ad. Funny moment - we have a local hospital commercial that talks about dignity. So right after the Sarah Palin ad, the next commercial had a voiceover that said "Oh dignity, where have you gone?" Perfect timing!

  38. Trust me on this one, Palin is very late to the idiot party in Missouri. There is a constitutional initiative on the August ballot that states "that no student shall be compelled to perform or participate in academic assignments or educational presentations that violate his or her religious beliefs". The entire Missouri legislature has a cumulative IQ that is lower than Sarah Palin's. A member of the Missouri Bar characterizes this as a jobs program for lawyers. Ya think?

  39. I nearly forgot this. Sarah Steelmen live, speaking to any audience anywhere, makes Sarah Palin look like a seasoned orator with a superior intelligence.

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      And then there is Billy Long!

  40. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    LOL Abs of Still endorsing Steelman, what a maroon! She's starting to look like the BBQ pig roaster with the disjointed jaw.

  41. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Did Scarah fail to notice that the animal pictured is a dog, not a bear? or does she not know the difference?

  42. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Something is wrong with her face?

  43. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I don't understand Bristol and Sarah, they are always throwing God's name around but you never see them in church. As a matter of fact Bristol says that her family is too busy for church?

    Another thing about these Palin, they keep bringing up God's name but they seem to be unhappy with what God gave them. Those two got implants and Bristol lied about her chin. It looks like they got their faces rearranged with botox or lipo. That would be understandable if they were in an accident or deformed at birth or had breast cancer but they weren't.

    As old as Sarah is why would she get breast implants? As old as Sarah is why stuff her bra on certain occasions? Everybody knows Sarah is not endowed because we have seen her without her Belmont false breasts but then for some reason she not only needs to stuff them, she flaunts her falsies in tight shirts as if they were God given.

    That would be like a man stuffing his underwear with socks and wearing tight pants. Something is mentally wrong with that.

  44. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Why is Sarah sad? Is it because no one has asked her to speak at the GOP convention and Sarah has to invite herself to pitifully stand outside the convention in a rented booth?

  45. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Sarah what is your take on this?

    Did God tell you to use your influence to save the Wild Child?


    There's more to Wild Child's Willow's vandalism. It must be nice to be the town fuck up and have your mother the governor take the heat off of you:

    Re: Willow Palin Vandalizes Home - $20k In Damages
    #2 by Shrunk Ā» Mar 30, 2010 5:13 pm

    I was going to say this is a private matter that doesn't need to be paraded before the world at large, no matter what we may think of Sarah Palin personally. That was before I actually read the article:

    According to sources close to the Alaska State troopers there was a secret weekend meeting. This meeting took place between the Palinā€™s and some very highly placed people involved in the juvenile justice department.

    Directly after this secret meeting the word came down to the juvenile justice probation officer, Chris Evans, that ONLY the boys who had participated would be charged with the crime. The girls would only be identified as ā€œwitnessesā€ and face no criminal penalties.

    So of the eleven Palmer teens who accompanied Willow to the Wasilla house two or three of the participants are adults and will stand trial, the five boys will be charged as juveniles for breaking and entering and vandalism, however thanks to Sarah and Todd, the girls will essentially walk away free as little birdies. Which is in direct opposition to the wishes of the probation officer in charge of the case who wants to charge all to them equally.

    This has made the State Troopers and those working in the juvenile justice department very, very unhappy. But there was nothing they could do, the Palins had connections, and for them apparently the law simply did not apply.

    As of right now the Palins have not offered to pay for the damages to the property and have refused to allow Willow to suffer any significant consequences. And this is the example of personal responsibility and courage that certain members of the GOP believe would be a great leader for this country? Unbelievable isnā€™t it?

    1. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Supposedly in Alaska, the Palin/Heath group have been getting away with many things throughout the past years. There is no doubt there is corruption and protection of the Palins by the State of Alaska as well as the Anchorage Police Department.

      It's too bad all of this stuff isn't being investigated and the Palin parents put in the slammer.

  46. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I drove home from Idaho today. There was a guy with one of those, " Don't tread on Me" bumper stickers on his car, camping out in the fast lane, slowing westward progress down, not yielding.

    I was amazed at how many people passed him on the right, middle finger extended.

    Me too.

  47. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Has anybody seen Willow at the pool where the drunks hang out at the Arizona apartment complex that Tripp wasn't allowed to visit?

  48. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I intensely dislike the mama grizzly protecting her cubs analogy. Yuck!

    1. Anonymous4:01 AM

      I also dislike Sarah Palin's Mama Grizzly crap! Sarah Palin, mama grizzly failed to protect her cub, Bristol.

      Sarah allowed Bristol, pregnant or postpartum to be paraded across the RNC stage just to quiet rumors about another cub, Trig.

      Sarah Palin isn't a mama grizzly never has been, never will be. She's just a nasty old parasite living off of different hosts.

  49. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Ted Cruz, Texas has shot up in the polls and yahoo is giving Sarah Palin the credit. Today TX voters go to the polling booths.

    Derek Hough, DWTS,defends Bristol Palin.

    Levi Johnston posted he got a job as an electrician. Will that give him enough spark to take real action to exercise his visitation rights?

  50. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Screenshots of Palin are a glimpse into her inner landscape. It ain't good. She is a goof down to the bone.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.