Saturday, July 21, 2012

President Obama's Weekly Address. The Comforter in Chief.

Comforting, respectful, peppered with a few unobtrusive religious references, and ultimately hopeful.

Well done.

Now just imagine Mitt Romney delivering a similar address. (Or better yet do your own side by side comparison.)

Remember there is MORE to being the President, than simply increasing the number of jobs.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    In his own 'comforting way' Rmoney quoted from the Book Of Mormon...My flipping gosh, ain't that comforting. Quoting from a book 'written' by a sociopath, sexual deviant who started a 'religion' to avoid prosecution. Look it up, people, the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints isn't a religion, it's a cult. Look into its founder, Joseph Smith and then Brigham Young. Scary, scary stuff.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      All religions are cults.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Increase jobs? I thought they wanted a SMALLER govt. I thought they wanted LESS govt intrusion into their lives. I thought the money and jobs were supposed to trickle down if we let the "job creators" pay less tax?

    I'll stop now

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Over at the C4P asylum,we have this take--

    I believe the Obama administration is behind this.

    Not one week from the rumored Obama signing of the UN Gun Ban Treaty,on Friday the 27th and Obama is 'Gift Wrapped' this horrific slaughter, that he can take and use to Obliterate our God given Send Ammendment Right's. Bulshe! This ain't no coincidence!

    They can't realize any of their plans to enslave and then murder us,in order to destroy the United States of America as founded,unless they take our Firearms away.This is an administration that thought nothing about creating a program like,'Fast and Furious',specifically designed to result in the murder of 300 mexicans and two American Border Patrol Agents, to see their goal of taking away our Firearms so we can't defend ourselves. You think they would have any qualms about murdering little children in a theatre? They wouldn't. At the foundation of statism is mass genocide. It's what they feed off of.

    This person just happens to aquire a massive amount of cash,to buy all these weapons,then happens to gain access,through the theatres side door,by kicking it in.Now keep in mind,i know this as a 30 year firefighter in Greater Boston,those theatre side doors are locked at all times and open outward.They can not be "Kicked In".

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    John Boehner Praises Colorado First Responders while Cutting Their Budget

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Tick tock, ladies.

    For a war that Republicans insist does not exist, the war on women continues in yet another battle with 112th Congressional House Republicans (aka known as the Tea Party House that Boehner can’t lead). This battle is centered around the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, which has already expired and with just weeks left to go before Congress goes home, may not be reauthorized this session. With 3 women a day dying as a result of domestic violence, the clock is ticking on American lives.

    Seems the House Republicans came up with their own version of a Violence Against Women Act (H.R. 4970) that is so bad the National Organization of Women (NOW) has declared a vote for the House version of VAWA to be a vote against Violence Against Women. In other words, the House version is a pro violence against women act.

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    FUCKING CLUELESS! This is disgusting and beyond all reason...Twisted and bigoted thinking at it's finest!

    American Family Association: Churches Supporting Gays Caused Colorado Massacre

    In the community there were community standards that reflected biblical principles, whether people knew it or not, the standard in the community was based on Scripture. In that short period of time, roughly forty years, we have seen such a transformation in values in our communities, whether it’s rural or whether it’s big city. I have to think that all of this, whether it’s the Hollywood movies, whether it’s what we see on the internets, whether it’s liberal bias in the media, whether it’s our politicians changing public policy, I think all of those somehow have fit together—and I have to say also churches who are leaving the authority of Scripture and losing their fear of God—all of those things have seem to have come together to give us these kinds of incidents.

    I think the sources of this is multifaceted but you can put it all I think under the heading of rebellion to God, a rejection of the God of the Bible.

  7. Sharon3:41 PM

    What is happening in this country is like a bad movie....the real dregs of society are finally free to show their sheer hatred of the non-white, non bible thumpers. For those true Christians, this kind of rhetoric must be tearing them apart. When you have a bus full of nuns calling them out...jeez. So many good people in our country live their faith everyday and share love and material possessions and time. What do the Romney clan do for the truly in need?
    Romney is gonna make his overseas tour...just imagine the greetings he will get compared to our beloved, the world is watching and you know the leaders are thinking....this guy is worse than Bush, holy shit. America is the light for so many of the world...and that is what Obama brings, just by standing there...thousands of babies can't be wrong, its instinct.

  8. Anita Winecooler10:40 PM

    President Obama isn't doing this out of a sense of duty (aka President George W Bush calling attention to himself as "hugger in chief" "That what "I" do,") No, he speaks from the heart. This is a man who reads and sometimes responds to letters from Americans at the end of every workday. I'm so proud to have him as a leader, he's been tested and met the challenge with grace.

    Mitt, what can I say? A filthy rich snob who's lead an unchallenged life.

    This tragedy is being spun by the crazies all over the place, It demeans and dehumanizes the victims and their families, friends, co workers, neighbors and everyone who's lives they touched. And by extension, it demeans all people who can put themselves in other's shoes.


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