Saturday, September 01, 2012

A brief heads up on the Schaeffer Cox case.

Courtesy of the Fairbanks Newsminer:

Convicted Fairbanks militia leader Schaeffer Cox is being held in Washington state while awaiting sentencing in November, according to U.S. Marshals. 

Cox’s new lawyer lives in Washington. 

From what I am being told it is VERY unusual for somebody awaiting sentencing for crimes that took place in Alaska to be held out of state, which has a number of us thinking that Schaeffer might have been removed for his own safety because he is singing like a bird to the Feds.

I don't have confirmation of that yet but since his co-defendant Coleman Barney has already been convicted, and the other two defendants Lonnie and Karen Vernon have plead guilty, if true it would mean that Cox is giving up some MUCH bigger fish a little farther upstream.

I have already laid out in earlier posts just WHO some of those bigger fish might be, so there is a definite chance that this case might get quite a bit more interesting.

Stay tuned.


  1. Jesus, he really does look like a reject from "Newsies"!

    Dead-ly serious, this cherub-faced little shit is, make no mistake!

    I dare to dream he'll sing and it'll lead to the Payliars, but perhaps once they start in on the AIP, and Mark Whats-his-face, the connection to the Payliars will become more apparent.

    maybe some Favors done, while the Payliars sat their smelly asses in the Juneau office?

  2. AJ Billings4:15 PM

    In a nutshell, Gryphen's earlier quote on this was,

    "Hopefully having this connection between Cox, Bailey, Miller, and Palin on the court transcripts will be enough to shake some reporters awake to the now much more obvious connections between the AIP, the sovereign citizens moment, the militias, and our half term ex-Governor Sarah Palin

    Boy wouldn't that be great if Granny Grifter got nailed as an accessory before the fact, and had to face sentencing for conspiracy.

    Hey $arah, I wonder how your new wigs and facelifts will look contrasted with orange jumpsuits!

    1. What if $he got 5 years and didn't get to do the 'maintenance' on her countenance?

      I bet $he heads straight for her injections as soon as $he's released.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So long as they are holding auditions for the big house production of "Newsies," he'll fit right in.

  4. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Sing like a little bird, Coxie.

    I hope Joe Miller is shaking in his smarmy little boots. Todd and Sarah should be shaking even harder. Miller doesn't seem to be a guy willing to go down alone.

    There's no honor among thieves.

    I'm looking forward to the circular firing squad.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    Gryphen, Thank you so much for covering this case and doing it so well. The lower 48 wouldn't have a clue. The connections you've expanded on in the past, especially with the quitter, that Paxson worm (Trig's middle name, coincidence?).
    McCain had to pick her as his running mate because of his past unethical dealings, he'd never have gotten the talibangelical vote without her.

    Ardiva left this link in one of the threads you linked in this post, it's worth reading

    The photo you use makes him look harmless in his ski jacket and Andy Capp dweeb hat while eating tapioca ;o).

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Andy Capp dweeb? That's a rat in his shirt eating the tapioca. Ugh

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      8:24....Eeks! You're right, there is a rodent at the top of his zipper eating off his spoon!

    3. Thanks for posting the link. Probably touches on tip of iceberg. No mention of Abramoff investigation....John doing favors for not ratting on others involved. I guess it is time to look into Paxton.

  6. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Yes, that would be a reasonable guess. States have transfer agreements and he is probably tucked away somewhere in protective custody.

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Do you think Sarah and Toad are sitting on pins and needles? Could it be they will be wearing orange outfits sooner than later? (Further Fed investiagations - yea!!!)

    It couldn't come fast enough as far as I'm concerned. Sarah has lost more and more credibility as time has moved along, but this would be the icing on the cake!

    Plus, we have seen the stash she has put together during the past four years. We are also seeing the donations dropping and I suspect will stop completely at some point.

    She's eventually going to have to stop paying those that are keeping her secrets and could very well end up w/legal bills that she'd REALLY have to pay on her own...which will draw down her net worth and mean she'll probably have to sell real estate, etc.

    It would be a hoot watching her fall to the absolute bottom. Toad and Bristol will follow too!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  8. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Very interesting....wonder who he will take down ...?

  9. emrysa7:43 PM

    interesting, gryphen, thanks for keeping us posted!

  10. Anonymous8:02 PM

    What's the story about the rumors regarding Sarah and Todd Palin? I read that Sarah and Todd has made plea deals with the higher ups to avoid prosecution and investigation of their money laundering, political and civil criminal offenses and Todd's pimping business because they gave up info regarding the Alaska militia?

    Is there any truth to that?
    Is that how Todd and Sarah avoided investigations and prison time? Did they squeal to get immunity?

    1. Dinty8:26 PM

      The only way you get immunity in a federal investigation is to squeal upon people higher up than you, and testify in court about it.

      I'm sure they haven't done that and it is apparent they are higher up on the food chain than Mr Cox, so who knows?

  11. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I doubt anyone. She has the higher culling you know.

  12. Anonymous12:50 AM

    man you got to be dumber than a box of rocks to actually think the garbage you idiots all have posted,
    try google ndaa or the imac report , look up the definition of what fascism is and what a police

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      "Guilty as hell, free as a bird..." but can't show at RNC2012 (blood on hands)
      This is a lengthy one but covers a lot and great history lesson.
      Here's to the state...

  13. Anonymous12:51 AM

    police state

  14. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Is there a new reality show on the horizon like
    "Pimps, Palins, and Prison"? It could even be a family affair - filming the family visits to the new Palin Prison Palace, thus allowing Bri$tol to revive her hard ass work ethic Hollywood career. Or better yet, Greta and Sham-Han can break new barriers and hold their weekly hate-fest from Princess Palin's personal cell. Talk about viewer ratings! I'm in.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Still waiting for Toad to deny his relationship with Shailey Tripp.

      It is best for Todd to keep his trap shut and not upset Shailey Tripp by calling her a liar. Shailey Tripp doesn't come across as one who will take any more of Todd's bull shit.

      Todd Palin is hoping it will all go away. If Sarah Palin could overlook it because of her business arrangement with Todd, they probably feel that America will overlook it and it will just go away.

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Todd Palin is afraid to say anything bad or not true about Shailey Tripp. She would tear him a new asshole!

  15. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Any news about Bristol Palin? What's this about Bristol letting Tripp go see Sunny and Levi?

    Is Bristol making nice since Life's A Tripp revealed how awful a mother Bristol is and she knows she would lose in court against Levi and have her story publicly told?

    So Levi found some Kryptonite to battle the Chin!

    How much do you want to bet Bristol doesn't want to go to court and wants to settle and make an arrangement with Levi.

    One Palin down, a few more to go!

  16. He is in the federal detention center called Seatac in Seattle. I suspected from some of the things I read he has a mental health issue, so he could have gotten treatment and be on meds now. Perhaps they moved him for the purpose of getting him treatment. The health care and especially mental health care in Alaska prisons is horrendous or non-existent. They may have moved him for security reasons or to separate the defendants. Of course he could also be spilling the beans on some people who were using him and others and made them feel like they were protected and sanctioned. They may have actually told them they would be protected. Interesting and I wonder what he might know.
    SeaTac FDC has administrative level security, which is all levels with some special functions. What they do at administrative facilities is treat medical problems, house those prone to escape and keep dangerous prisoners secured, but I don't know specifics about SeaTac. I have to wonder if they may have moved him to prevent contact with news media, etc. He would be the kind to speak up. Hmmm, is he being held in solitary confinement? A search of the federal bureau of prisons inmate locator shows inmate not found, but perhaps they have not entered him into the system yet.
    You could be right about the reason for the transfer, but it could be benign. We know he is narcissistic and never shuts up. I don't know for sure any more than that as far as mental health goes. He is intelligent, manipulative and charismatic so he may have been a problem for them.

  17. Did anyone else notice that Cox seems to be feeding tapioca pudding to a white rat he has tucked in his jacket?

    Just sayin'.

    Interesting choice of photos.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Yes, I mentioned it above in a reply. I agree - interesting and symbolic.


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