Saturday, September 08, 2012

Apparently conservative CNN contributor Erik Erickson has decided to NEVER GET LAID AGAIN!

Courtesy of Think Progress:

This afternoon, (Actually September 4th) in just over one hour, 23,000 people signed a petition asking CNN to fire contributor Erick Erickson. 

His offense? He referred to the Democrats’ packed list of female speakers at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina as “the Vagina Monologues” 

Here is the offending tweet that this sorry excuse for a man tweeted after seeing all of the inspiring women speak at the DNC, and which has caused females all over the country to tell their vaginas that they can ALWAYS do better than THIS asshole.

This resulted in an absolute deluge of angry calls to CNN, and the signing by over 105,000 women to this petition, calling for CNN to remove this sexist cancerous idiot from their broadcasts from this day forward. (That was the number when I wrote this post anyway.)

Erickson, decided that he could probably "calm the ladies down" by posting a follow up tweet.

Really? If his intention was not to offend women, then just what WAS his intention?

Yeah well just as a demonstration that this idiot knows NOTHING about women (As if we needed one) his half assed "apology" did NOTHING to placate the women, who continue to call for his removal.

God I hate idiots that make men look THIS insensitive and Neanderthal like. However WHAT can one expect from the representative of a party that has done NOTHING but attack women's health, their ability to be paid the same wage as a man, and has attempted to turn them into nothing more than breeder stock?


  1. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Speaking of a vagina monologue...

    Palin starts just before the 3 minute mark of the video. Was her Star of David necklace worn to remind folks of the DNC delegates voting about God and Jerusalem?
    She's pathetic.

    Choice In This Election Comes Down To ‘Free Stuff Or Freedom’

    Palin: There is an estimation of an unintelligent voting block out there, I think that President Obama is assuming will continue to want to get free stuff, despite free stuff will replace freedom and he's just assuming that the voting block will be large enough to get him back in there.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      This from a lady (I use the term loosely) in Alaska, home of the government-provide "free stuff".

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    OT--One of the most prolific commenters at the sea of pee ,posted this last night--
    ""Pete Petretich Today 01:03 AM
    Here's a little newsflash from the wonderful world of food stamp assistance:

    I've been receiving them for over two years and lately it seems like the system is overwhelmed. My balance was kicked up to $238 on Friday. I get $200 per month from this program which is primarily administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    It seems like they were supposed to do a telephone update recently about my status. It never happened. I can amply demonstrate my continuing poverty with paperwork, which I have done two times in recent months.""

    What is wrong with these people?He posts in favor of Ayn Rand policies,complains about people who get "handouts" etc,yet he has been getting food stamps for 2 years.In Nov he will go and vote for the very people who would deny him that assistance.These people are warped.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      It's like the senior citizens they dredged up during the health care debate to complain about government dabbling in health care - all of them Medicare recipients. I'm a proud Medicare recipient and I sure hop that one day it will be the base for universal healthcare in this country. it is run efficiently and it works.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Him. He posts on C4p and Palin's facebook pages pretty incessantly, complains he can't find a job, has an ego that needs constant stroking for his volunteer work - likely recruiting for Catholicism.

      Between reading his posts - all easily, publicly accessible online - he comes across as an anti-social, unambitious religious nut with a huge chip on his shoulder. A liberal arts BA, but has always held very low-level jobs, no history of promotion, even with a decade of work at a single company. No wonder he can't find a job, especially if his in-person demeanor matches his online impression.

  3. Jeanabella3:16 AM

    I signed that petition. He will be welcomed at Fox, the Official home for the delusional!
    He's been on the edge of loosing his job for a while now. It's only a matter of time.
    BTW Sarah is now an official Z list celebrity!

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Jeanabella, I signed the petition too. Hope he gets what's coming to him.

  4. Anonymous3:25 AM

    The "moi?" meme is past due........

  5. As I posted at Huffpo:

    he needs to grow a vagina so he can go fuck himself.

  6. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I signed that petition! I didn't take it as a joke, the dickhead!!!

  7. fromthediagonal4:10 AM

    Eric Erickson (@EWErickson)!
    EWE, the female sheep!
    Is this really his address?
    Sometimes ridicule is better than shouting.
    Oh yes, I signed the petition as soon as it came out.

    This misogynist is so totally unrepentant in his so-called apology that is shows how deeply held his distaste actually is for all things Woman.

    If CNN does not fire this sorry example of male chauvinism, then it certainly deserves its moniker Fox Lite. What a downhill slide from its beginnings under Ted Turner.

    I am glad that MSNBC is rising, though what little I have seen of Morning Joe makes me glad that I am not much of a TV watcher.

    And Gryphen, Thanks!

  8. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Didn't Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs have shows on CNN? So no surprises it would have this bottom feeder on.

  9. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Roland Martin was suspended for making insensitive comments.

    Why not this guy?

  10. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I don't believe we've 'evolved' in toleration at all. Yes, people act more politically-correct these past few decades and both men and women are careful not to exploit the male/female stereotypes, or use insulting ways to refer to the handicapped, or anyone different than their beautiful selves. But TV advertising still does, magazine cover advertising, pageants do still exploit human sexuality, ignoring how undignified it appears; and certainly people like Erickson and Palin and their ilk have no problem mocking the opposite sex by using sexist remarks about those they don't like.

    Just saw a repeat of Life's A Tripp (first episode) and Willow and Bristol are shopping in a women's shop and the first thing that comes out of Bristol's mouth, after Willow asks her about who wears the revealing clothes, is 'strippers'. There are still some that refuse to break free from the sexist norms, because they secretly like being(ogled), or they like being with women who know their place(Stepford Wives).

    By the way, he's a creep.

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    It would be nice if they would get rid of him this time but they never do. And stop saying "also, too"

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Also2. is that better?

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Maybe you can start a petition.

  12. Staring at his oh so clever tweet on his computer screen is probably the closest this pasty-faced doughy pantsload has er, come, to a vagina in years.

    I stopped in turning in to CNN for even just a cursory glance at the day's news after they hired this un-credentialed buffoon from his moronic website, an homage to imbecilic thought processes if there ever was one.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      And amazingly, CNN is still baffled that their ratings are in the toilet.

  13. Anonymous5:54 AM

    well..... sometimes the company of guys is all you have. I'm an engineer, grew up with three brothers, married to a superlative guy (but not an engineer). Sometimes you want just someone to laugh at geek comics with, and it's hardly ever another woman in my line of work. There aren't any.

    Let's do something about that for the next generation.

  14. Beldar T.K. Conehead6:17 AM

    "God I hate idiots that make men look THIS insensitive and Neanderthal like."

    Gryphen, there you go again. Typical Cro-magnon hate speech. Sure, the Neanders were somewhat less evolved than so-called 'modern man', but they knew how to treat their women!

    If they hadn't gone extinct 25,000 years ago, it's entirely likely they'd be grunting insults at conservative pols and pundints just like you do. Without insensitively comparing them to a defunct branch of the human evolutionary tree characterized by powerful musculature, prominent brow ridges and receding chins, of course.

    Let's all look forward to an enlightened era when the cruelest characterization of a far right-wing media hack would be to call them 'a far right-wing media hack'.

    1. True.

      Neanderthals get a bum rap.

      They invented tools. They had religion (Okay, I know that doesn't score with Gryphen but they buried their dead in graves with their belongings, showing love and a hope in an afterlife).

      We have no indications they made war on the upstart Homo Sapiens invading their territories. In fact, they may even have interbred.

      They were really quite advanced for their time. Their extinction was due to 1%. 1% too many deaths and 1% too few births. This may have been a result of their basic metabolism, requiring a higher percentage of protein in their diet than the more omnivorous Homo Sapiens.

      So let's give the Neanderthals some credit.

      Shave one and put him in a suit and when he walks down the street, you'd never know he wasn't a Wall St. investment banker.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      DNA analysis shows that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon may have interbred. I give you Erickson as modern, living support for that theory.

    3. Anonymous10:31 AM

      This place is so funny and full of information.

  15. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I don`t agree with what Erick Erickson said.

    This resulted in an absolute deluge of angry calls to CNN, and the signing by over 105,000 women to this petition, calling for CNN to remove this sexist cancerous idiot from their broadcasts from this day forward.

    But don`t he has the same right as

    "Okay so the above picture is of a linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens named Brendon Ayanbadejo who has been an outspoken advocate of marriage equality in this country."

    Chris Kluwe did NOT take very kindly to this Maryland politician/minister essentially telling somebody to shut up, and decided to fire off his OWN letter in defense of his fellow NFL player

    "1. As I suspect you have not read the Constitution, I would like to remind you that the very first, the VERY FIRST Amendment in this founding document deals with the freedom of speech, particularly the abridgment of said freedom."

    By the way I agree with Brendon Ayanbadejo and Chris Kluwe

    1. There's a difference between free speech and hate speech.

      (Forgive me Gryphen and readers.)

      Can you call an African American a nigger simply because they are black? Is that free speech?

      What Erickson said was denigrating to women. It was insulting. It was belittling. And it was done intentionally to dismiss and minimize women's voices in politics.

      OH, and it's one of the 14 signs of Fascism: #5. You could even include #3 and #2 as a bonus.

      Danger signs of fascism:
      1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
      2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
      3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
      4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
      5. Rampant sexism.
      6. A controlled mass media.
      7. Obsession with national security.
      8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
      9. Power of corporations protected.
      10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
      11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
      12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
      13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
      14. Fraudulent elections.

      I think there is a vast difference between calling for No Hate and the insult that Erik Erickson so callously exhibited.

      That apology just fanned the flames. It was insincere and disingenuous. That wasn't his intention? Really? What *was* his intention? I think it was exactly his intention. What wasn't intended was the backlash he received. He was sorry he was called out for termination as a result of what he said, not for saying it in the first place. They're always sorry they opened their mouths when it looks like they'll get fired. I hope he is fired. He was unprofessional. Extremely unprofessional. Because you know who doesn't have the right to express their personal beliefs under the first amendment? Journalists while they are performing their duties. They are supposed to be unbiased when reporting the news. We've forgotten that. And so did Erik Erickson.

      He's a reporter, not a stand up comedian. He forgot that and he's paying the price.

    2. There is a huge difference, 7:15.

      Eric Erickson is commenting, on his official, verified Twitter account, in his role as a news network spokesperson.

      We still have the reonable expectation that news networks maintain the appearance of fairness and civility. That would include not demeaning or demonizing an entire gender. Imagine if he had tweeted about race?

      NFL players do not represent network news. They lobby for and express their own beliefs as mere celebrities. Exhibit A is Tim Tebow.

      Those in the news business--or service--are held to a different standard. They can and should be sanctioned for describing Hillary Clinton as "pimping out" Chelsea or for describing the Democratic convention as the Vagina Monologues.

      Kluwe made a deft analysis of our the Maryland elected official's hreats infringed the first amendment. I suggest you read it again in its entirety.

      Then reflect on the particular responsibilities of those who deliver the news as part of the Fourth Estate.

  16. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Gryphen, thanks for posting this. I signed the petition and forwarded to some friends. I can't believe CNN would have someone like this representing their network.

    What has happened to the news culture, anyway?

  17. I think to put all of this in perspective, we need to revisit the danger signs of fascism:

    Danger signs of fascism:
    1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
    2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
    3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
    4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
    5. Rampant sexism.
    6. A controlled mass media.
    7. Obsession with national security.
    8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
    9. Power of corporations protected.
    10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
    11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
    12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
    13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
    14. Fraudulent elections.

    Now, go through that list and start comparing it to the right's agenda. Do you see Citizen's United? (#9) Do you see War on Women? (#5). How about voter suppression? (#14)

    Start going through that list and checking off what the Repub1%can't party is doing in this country.

    That's right.

    The Repub1%can't party is moving us towards Fascism. And they'lll never use the word for that very reason. It's way they'll call Obama, Democrats, Liberals, anyone they wish to disparage Socialists, Communists and even Nazi's. (And the Nazi's were Fascists, not Socialists.) They will not draw attention to the F word just in case someone actually looks it up and says "Hey, that's not what the Democrats are doing...but it does sound an awful lot like what ALEC, KOCH, the Teabaggers and the Repub1%can'ts are pushing."

    So let's call a spade and spade.

  18. I can go with this asshole's assertion of dem women only if the gop women are known as the "The Dried-Up Vagina Monologues"

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      What's the matter? Trolling for hits on your blog?? FAT CHANCE!!!

  19. Smirnonn9:34 AM

    Ironic that a douchebag would refer to the DNC as the vagina monologues.

  20. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I have always had male friends and work in a male dominated industry. I'm not into shopping or makeup although I do like to look feminine when the occasion calls for it. Not sure how to feel about your statement. The thing about guys is they tend to be less complicated when it comes to maintaing a relationship. Bottom line is Erickson is a misogynistic PIG!!

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Maybe he can marry one of JimBoob Duggar's 50 million daughters. Those girls are taught to keep their place.

  22. Idiots like EE are good to have on the opposing side because you don't have to put much effort into framing the differences between the "ours versus theirs" regarding points of view and respect for one another.

    Suffice to say, I've never liked this guy and have considered him to be on the wrong side of most issues as a a self-promoting, pretentious blowhard and a candy-ass prick in general.

    But I can't say that I thought that he was a complete idiot or just plain dumb, just that he was wrong most of the time and an asshole to boot.

    But I have no qualms now about saying that he's not a thinking person at all. It's no wonder he's always up Sarah's ass: they're both clueless and have no self-awareness. I hope this fucker gets pounded and disgraced like he deserves.

  23. Not What You Want to Hear12:26 PM

    See, that right there is misogynistic: "I'm not into shopping or makeup." As if that's all we women do when we spend time with our friends, or as if that's our chief interest! How can you object to misogyny from someone like Erickson when you yourself make such a shallow...and frankly, insulting...judgment about your own gender?

    I'm sorry, but that just makes no sense. Are you sure that YOU aren't the one who is complicated to be friends with...and men just give you more slack than perhaps a female would?

  24. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I am so sick of these people that say something they mean and when they are called out, they act like they didn't mean it. It doesn't work with me, ever! I haven't watched CNN for a long time but signed the petition and left a few choice words.


    1. Anonymous11:52 PM

      I have not read CNN online or tuned in on TV since EE made that comment, and I won't until he is gone. There are plenty of places to get news where half the population isn't insulted.

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The Daily Telegraph of London put Erickson on its "List of Most Influential US Conservatives", giving him a rank of 69th most influential in 2007 and 65th in 2010.[12] According to the 2007 newspaper article: "Erickson epitomises the new power of the internet. A small-government fiscal and social conservative based in the south, he taps into and influences the Republican 'base' that the GOP’s 2008 candidates are courting."[13]

    Erickson was noted for having written on Twitter about Supreme Court Justice David Souter: "The nation loses the only goat f***ing child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court in David Souter's retirement."[14][15][16][17] In an appearance on the Colbert Report, Erickson said the Twitter statement was "not my finest hour".[12] Erickson stated on his blog: "A while back, Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a 'racist.' Given all the terrorists, thugs, and racists Barack Obama has chosen as close personal friends (see e.g. Rev. Wright), it's not a stretch to say it."[18]

    Erickson has tweeted controversial remarks regarding women, including (in response to a 2010 Super Bowl ad) the following: "That's what the feminazis were enraged over? Seriously?!? Wow. That's what being too ugly to get a date does to your brain" [19] and "Turned on twitter today and there was a barrage of angry feminists upset with me telling them to get in the kitchen and learn to cook"; "Good thing I didn't suggest the feminists ... you know ... shave. They'd be at my house trying a post-birth abortion on me"; and "Feminists have no sense of humor, but clearly God did in creating feminists." [20]

  26. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Erick Erickson Of Red State, CNN, Exposed As Homophobic, Racist

  27. Anonymous12:41 PM

    He has a wife:

    Erickson: I’ll ‘pull out my wife’s shotgun’ if someone comes to my door for the American Community Survey.

  28. Anonymous12:47 PM


  29. Super Fan In Atlanta4:08 PM

    Same here! I, too, was raised around three brothers and 15 neighborhood brothers (my mom was the neighborthood mom). Guys are just easier to hang out with. No matter what "type" of girl you are. Get off your high horse hon. Although it's "not what you want to hear", it is a simple non-misogynistic truth. Some girls just dig hanging out with guys more. No biggie.

  30. Not What You Want to Hear4:32 PM

    Super fan, please read what you are saying. No matter what type (I assume you mean personality type) a woman is, you are saying she won't be as easy for you to be around as a male.

    You...and the poster prior to you...obviously view your own gender in a negative light. But I'll give you this. It may not exactly fall into the category of misogyny so much as you just don't like competition for male attention. So you only seek out friendships where you're the only female around.

    To all: Beware the woman who says she doesn't like to hang around other women and is only friends with guys. If you happen to be dating one of her guy friends, she'll very likely do her damndest to undermine your relationship.

  31. otto katz12:53 PM

    I just wrote directly to CNN, above signing a petition. I thought it might have more weight that way.


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