Saturday, September 08, 2012

Because So many people requested it, here is Jennifer Granholm's entire convention speech. You might want to hold onto something.

Look don't worry if you have not had your cup of coffee before watching this, because trust me in a minute you are no longer going to need it.

Okay well I'm ready to tackle my day, how about you?


  1. AJ Billings4:24 AM

    I doubt Ms Granholm could run for President because she was born in Canada, but that's a shame.

    Unlike $arah the quitter, Jennifer Granholm finished BOTH her 4 year terms as Michigan Governor, and she even has a real education

    In 1980 she became a United States citizen, worked for John Anderson's independent run for President of the United States, and enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley.

    She graduated from UC-Berkeley in 1984 Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. degree with two majors, political science and French.

    Granholm then earned a juris doctor degree at Harvard Law School, also with honors

    See $arah, THAT is the resume for a real candidate for high office:

    1) Got a good education, proving she was smart enough to get through college AND law school
    2) Didn't quit 1/2 way through her 1st term as Gov.
    3) Can actually give a good speech without sounding like a narcissist hillbilly pit bull with lipstick.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Please stop bothering Sarah with details

      She is busy producing the next Palin family reality show, "Bristol Boo Boo".

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Shout out for UC BERKELEY! WOOHOO!

      I am glad she came to the US and became a citizen. I like her.

    3. Anonymous10:21 AM

      AJ Billings4:24 AM

      Phi Beta Kappa is a sorority. It has nothing to do with grades, or GPA.

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Suma Cum Laude, and Magna Cum Laude has to do with grades and GPA.
      President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which means, at the top of the class, high honors.

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      "Bristol Boo Boo". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

    6. Anonymous10:51 AM

      "Phi Beta Kappa is a sorority. It has nothing to do with grades, or GPA"

      To someonw who never went to college and has no idea what those Greek words mean, they probably all sound the same.

      But the Phi Beta Kappa Society (starts with an S, but different word than "sorority") most certainly is NOT a sorority, and it has everything to do with academics.


    7. Anonymous10:21 AM
      Phi Beta Kappa is a sorority. It has nothing to do with grades, or GPA.
      Anonymous 10:21, you ignorance is showing:
      From Wikipedia:
      The Phi Beta Kappa Society, the most prestigious academic honor society in the United States, has 280 chapters. Its mission is to "celebrate and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences" and induct "the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at America’s leading colleges and universities."[1] Founded at The College of William and Mary on December 5, 1776, as the first collegiate Greek-letter fraternity, it is also the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences and among the oldest undergraduate societies in the United States.[2] Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) stands for Φιλοσοφία Βίου Κυβερνήτης or philosophia biou kybernētēs — "Love of learning is the guide of life".[3][4]

    8. Phi Beta Kappa is NOT a sorority. It is an academic honor society and it is very prestigious.

    9. Anonymous11:46 PM

      "Phi Beta Kappa is a sorority. It has nothing to do with grades, or GPA"

      PROOF that Sarah Palin does read and post here !

      This is exactly her kind of jaw-dropping stupidity coated in malice.

  2. Anonymous4:46 AM

    This is the third time I've watched Jennifer Granholm! My sister lives in MI, but so busy with work, and after hours opera rehearsals. I emailed the youtube to her. She should be so proud of her former governor. Thanks for posting.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I really like her speech. One other thing that was so good, is when she said.

      With Romney, the cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft!

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Hearing her speak as a guest on different talk or news shows, I would never have guessed Jennifer Granholm had the great cheerleader in her. She made her point so clear and was awesome.

    How can any Republican misconstrue what she said? It's the truth. We all heard Romney's compassionless statement on letting the industry tank out - and it's true that President Obama was the cavalry who came in and rescued it. No one can deny it's President Obama cares about people. It's Republicans like Sarah Palin who wouldn't send in planes to the AK outskirt Native villages that were in dire straights on winter due to uncontrolled circumstances. She's like Romney, probably thought a plate of cookies would pacify them and they'd all move to urban areas to find work. President Obama would have found a way to send aid for immediate relief, draw from the State coffers and worry about administrative details later.

    That's what a caring parent would do for their sick or hungry child. They'd borrow, seek outside help, to get their child relief and deal with the loan later. What is it with Republicans (some) who take so long to rescue people out of their dire straights and seem to relish watching them suffer. They seem to believe those who find themselves in jobless straights, didn't pull hard enough on those bootstraps.

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    She is amazing! 5,4,3,2,1 and she will be labeled a slut by Rush et al!

  5. Fired up!!! Ready to go!!!

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I like her but she was really kind of over the top. I happened to turn on the convention during her talk and frankly my first impression with all the yelling & hanging all over the podium was that she was drunk. But if she got people fired up, that's good.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      It would have been a whole other speech, if she was more laidback. I think she wanted to rally the audience, so, yes, indeedy, she did. Also, it makes good youtube for us to keep passing around. Independents and Rs, may actually listen to this, due to the fact that she is yelling and hanging all over the podium. Gets the message out there in an exuberant way - with facts about job creation and President Obama being the only one who came up with a solution - when everyone else gave up. Good points to get out to the masses.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I think her roll that evening was as a cheerleader and she did a superb job. Also do not forget that Jennifer Granholm, as governor of Michigan for two terms was witness to the spiraling downturn of the auto industry. George Bush's idea of help to the struggling industry was a tax credit on the purchase of Hummers for business purposes. What a slap in the face that was! Almost as bad as giving most of the federal aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to Mississippi (75% as opposed to 25% to Louisiana). Jennifer Granholm knew that the Obama bailout of the auto industry was absolutely necessary to keep the US economy going. It was a national emergency - something the GOP does not want anyone to know about.
      I think the Hon. Jennifer Granholm is just great!

    3. physicsmom9:18 AM

      Don't get me wrong, I love Jennifer Granholm, and as a Michigan resident, I voted for her. She is a passionate advocate for the US auto industry. That being said, I too thought this speech was over the top and a little embarrassing. It reminded me of Howard Dean's scream speech. (I wonder why the media didn't chastise her as they did Dean? Women are more emotional and get a pass? Something to think about).

      I had thought that Gov. Granholm would be an excellent candidate for a Supreme Court appointment, but this display of rabid enthusiasm would make me question my judgment. I loved everything she said, just not the way she said it. Made me sad at the time and continues to as the video gets more distribution. Sigh.

    4. Anonymous10:31 AM

      She was GREAT! NOT over the top at all. I really enjoyed her speech. She was on FIRE, and the audience LOVED it!

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    She was fabulous! Loved the drive forward, not reverse!

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      D(emocrat) means drive forward.

      R(epublican) means reverse.

      I love that.

      She was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Jimmy Fallon last night.....

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      THANK YOU for that link. LOVED IT!!

  9. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The right said she appeared "off" or kooky or in drugs or alcohol. She is usually not so loud or wild in her speaking.

    I loved it. I did notice it wasn't her usual style but so what.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      The Far Right also says President Obama is a Muslim, Kenyan, Socialist, etc....

      That is their rebuttal.

      It´s all they have.

      It didn´t work in ´08 or in the last four years.

      I am exactly the type of voter the GOP needs to win this election.

      In ´08 I called her ¨Jobless Jenny¨ and voted for McCain, ¨Bush´s least favorite Republican.¨

      I was wrong.

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    National Treasure right there!

    She was great!

  11. Wow, she was awesome! I was born and raised in Michigan but left many years ago...many more years in Alaska than ever in Michigan. I knew they had a great governor in Jennifer Granholm, but I never realized what an amazing woman she is until seeing and hearing her speech.

  12. I'm proud to say as a current Michigander that she was my governor.

  13. Granholm was terrific. I roared. At the top of my lungs.

    I am so very tired of the proposition that all discourse must be the same. Sometimes we need measured statesman or states-woman-ship. President Obama is the master of this. Sometimes we need deft evisceration, in simple but passionate language. Bill Clinton does this like no other.

    Sometimes we need FERVOR! Thank you Jennifer Grandhom!

    And sometimes we need outrage. Thank you Chris Kluwe! And Gryphen!

    "They" don't want us to be fervent. Or outraged. Because then we are engaged and we are dangerous. So "they" - often masquerading as "us" - say, on this blog and elsewhere, "oh, you'd be so much more effective if you'd tone it down". When what they really want is our silence, apathy and despair.

    To all those who call for monotonous pablum, I say "bite me."

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      I agree. The democratic platform is about diversity in EVERY way, including the speeches that were delivered!!

      Let's see had to look up three word today...

      Love it!!

    2. Not What You Want to Hear5:42 PM

      Fantastic post, Liz! I actually chills at this part: "'They' don't want us to be fervent. Or outraged. Because then we are engaged and we are dangerous."

  14. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Nate Silver says...PBO Chance of winning

    +6.1 since Aug. 31

  15. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I found Jennifer's speech so inspiring and uplifting and funny and smart. I also found this breakdown fascinating. What a rich treasure trove of speeches were found at our DNC. Made me so proud.

    Inside Bill Clinton's Epic Convention Speech

  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Well it looks like the hag is pandering again, check out that Star of David act she's running...and boy does she seem drunk or drugged or something. Sean goads her and she laps it up like a thirsty pig. What a disgustingly vile human being this woman is. Just so hard and nasty with every intonation, every grimace. Poisonous like a viper.

  17. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Check out all of these totally bummed out, unenthused Obama supporters in St Petersburg, Florida today for Obama’s rally.

  18. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Quick DNC convention bounce update

  19. I think she was excellent! We need more like her!

  20. Holy crap that was awesome!,,

  21. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I really enjoyed her speech. She was on FIRE! She really lit that room up.

  22. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Pollster Nate Silver has done an excellent job of assembling all of the known political data on where the presidential race stood as of Wednesday. His analysis leads him to project that Obama will beat Romney 51.2 percent to 47.6 percent in the popular vote, and 311 to 227 in the Electoral College where only 270 votes are needed to win. Overall, Silver gives Obama a 76 percent chance of winning the election.

    Those who don’t follow the data intensively can be forgiven for not knowing what good shape Obama is in, because it is rarely reported in the mainstream media. There is a simple reason for this: it has a huge vested interest in maintaining the idea that the election is so close it cannot be called and will come down to the last vote cast on Election Day.

    That is because the media have huge political operations with many highly-paid commentators who need people reading and tuning in daily to see if their preferred candidate has made any headway. There is also an enormous amount of data being produced daily that requires reporting and analysis—polls, campaign contributions, charges and counter charges, endorsements, gaffes and so on. It is not hard to spin this vast cacophony of material in such a way as to maintain the fiction that the election will be close.


  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    COOL! Check this out Gryphen!

    Hustler Magazine founder Larry Flynt offers $1 million for info on Mitt Romney’s tax returns

    Flynt’s offer will play out in a full-page ad on the Sunday edition of the Washington Post. Another ad will be placed in the Tuesday edition of USA Today.

    “What is he hiding?” Flynt asks. “Maybe, now, we’ll find out.”

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Ya know, I'm very recently on Facebook and the few friends I've connected with refuse to engage in conversations about politics. What the hell is wrong with people? Do they not see what is at stake? And, this is an incredibly active year. Really, so they would rather watch drama on TV and assume that what is happening politically in real life has no impact on them?

  24. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Jon Stewart had fun with her enthusiastic hand motions starting at 2:09.

  25. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Anon10:21 Phi Betta Kappa by definition is a person winning high scholastic distinction at an American college or University and being elected to membership in a national honor society founded in 1776. Your IGNORANCE is showing.

  26. Mary Barbour11:36 AM

    Thanks for posting that video, Gryphen! I'm proud to say she was my governor.

  27. I was there and Granholm was phenomenal! Energized the entire convention. People on their feet yelling and screaming. She was certainly a thrilling sight to behold!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      How lucky you were to be there! The energy in the auditorium was electric and we could feel it watching on television. What a night!
      Obama/Biden 2012!

  28. Not What You Want to Hear12:41 PM

    She was really fun, wasn't she? That put a smile on my face.

  29. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I have to admit I missed this speech although I watched most of the convention. LOL, she sounds a lot like me if I where to give a speech after waking up in the mornings with dry mouth after smoking too much the night before but without a heavy Southern drawl. She was excellent ;)

  30. Anonymous3:36 PM

    WOW! That was an awesome speech given by an awesome lady! I had heard it was a great speech; I hadn't realized just how great. Thanks for posting it Mr. G.

  31. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I really enjoyed watching her rev up that crowd. Not sure if her spark comes from being a Canadian or not but would love her back here in Canada.

  32. I don't really care for all the yell-y stuff, but I sure agreed with all she said.

    Barack Hussein Obama 2012!!!!!

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      That yell-y stuff was to get the crowd fired up, and she did a fantastic job of it! Anyone who thinks she was drunk or on drugs are idiots. Since when is it that people can't give a pumped up voice on what they believe in without being called a drunk or a druggy. She wasn't slurring her words or anything of the kind, she was voicing the truth with a pumped up voice. I feel her strong voice was to tell the dems to get their head out of their ass and look at what this president has done.
      On a side note, I really disliked John Stewarts last show on his silly take of how the DNC went. Very disappointed.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      In the comedy network, I'll take Colbert, Conan, Letterman and Fallon over Stewart.


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