Monday, September 03, 2012

Hah! We're the GOP ticket and YOU'RE stuck with us! Update!

Don't be fooled by the televised unity seemingly on display during the Republican convention. MOST of the Republican party simply cannot stand Mitt Romney.

He is disliked by the Evangelicals.

He is disliked by the Republican establishment.

His fellow opponents in the Republican primaries did not simply attack him in order to win the nomination, they attacked him because they actually COULDN'T stand him!

Hell even his fellow Mormons Jon Huntsman and Harry Reid have attacked him and called him a liar numerous times.

And after what happened with the Ron Paul delegates, you KNOW he is despised by the Teabaggers.

Sure Paul Ryan is more popular, but not popular enough to alter people's inherent dislike for this arrogant son of privilege.

In fact he is SO disliked that the minuscule bump he received after the convention has already evaporated. Let's face it, the only people voting for Mitt Romney are those who despise President Obama even more.

The only question is will that be enough?

In my opinion, not even close.

Update: I think this comic just about sums up why the Romney/Ryan convention bump was so short lived.


  1. Super Fan In Atlanta6:24 AM

    Kinda Sorta O/T:

    Uncle Gryph,

    The DNC Convention starts tonight. Where are all the articles? Cover stories? Photos? Are you an AP insider? Can you uncover any coverage? They had an awesome protest today in Charlotte's Wall Street of the South. Only one article on HuffPo and it was somewhat buried. What's going on in Charlotte? Please help.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Everything is going smoothly for the Dem convention. It is going to be great. We Dems know how to party, and we do it without mean-spirited nastiness.

    2. Anonymous6:46 AM

      It doesn't start until tomorrow. Obama in LA today looking at storm damage

    3. Anonymous12:36 PM

      More schedule info than news, but it may be helpful.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    When will Sarah issue her new election "target" map?

    1. I really don't think she is quite that dumb - but hey - she could surprise me

    2. You reminded me of something. When Fox took away her interview slots and then let her go on the air after all, it may have seemed like a victory to her (although it was pretty obviously Fox letting her know who's boss).

      However, the RNC didn't want her at the convention, didn't invite her to the convention, and it is quite likely that Romney himself was involved in that decision.

      That did not change. At best, she was permitted to do her on-air rambling rants for Fox. But the Republican party itself does. not. want. her.

      It will be interesting to see what is in her new Fox contract come January, if she even gets one. She really is yesterday's news. Following the 2012 election, her insistence on re-hashing 2008 will make giving her airtime seem even more pointless.

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I've wondered about that, too. She was so full of herself using that campaign tactic and going around the country saying 'don't retreat, reload.' The, of course, the tragedy in Arizona. She goes on TV and it's all about her and her being victimized. Unfreakin' believable. Surely to God, she isn't using that tactic anymore. Is she???

    4. That's the only thing $arah knows. She'll be reliving 2008 for the rest of her miserable life.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Hell, we already knew that.....his only chance of winning is pushing racial hatred of Obama, and scaring people away from voting. There are rich people in this country determined to "buy" the presidence, what do you think all those damn "I'm a Mormon" commercials on TV ad-nauseum were all about the last few years? The sad reality is, I think our voting public is just too stupid to get it.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Tell me how can Romney scare Dems from voting? If that can happen, it is the fault of the person who does not vote.

    2. It's not always scaring people from voting - there are a number of things the GOP are doing to suppress votes
      1. Using state laws to stop people voting
      2. Using said laws to make it difficult for people to vote
      3. Blasting people with millions in advertizing lies about the Democrats campaign.

      The GOP also intimate people at the polls - that is where the "scaring" is used.

    3. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Scaring? Requiring the poll tax of a photo id is not scaring - it is illegally disenfranchising.

    4. Ailsa9:48 AM

      "The GOP also intimate people at the polls - that is where the "scaring" is used."

      The GOP getting intimate with me would be scary!

      I jest - I know you meant intimidate. :D

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Paul Ryan looks like a cross between Eddie Munster and a basset hound.

    When Rick Santorum spoke of man on dog sex was he looking at Paul?

    1. Ooooooo, naughty, naughty.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      You owe an apology to basset hounds.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      he says with a lascivious grin on his face...

    4. Anonymous10:09 AM

      More like a cross between Eddie Munster and an anime character. Those eyes just freak me out.

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I'm worried about the anti-Obama leftists...

    1. Yes, it will be interesting to see how they play out. I have noticed in the wake of the RNC convention and the overwhelming dishonesty about the president that at least a couple of people that I am used to see criticizing the president are actually loudly defending the President. I don't think it will make a difference to those who consider him to be Stalin in training, but we'll see.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Think positive. Don't look for things to worry about.

    3. angela7:10 AM

      Don't be. They weren't going to vote for him anyway. President Obama didn't fart enough rainbows and save the planet quick enough for them. Or as Michael Moore so disgustingly said "I voted for the black guy and we got the white guy."

      I'm about as leftist as one can be--but I live in the reality based world. I'm not some fat assed liberal millionaire like Moore whining that we didn't get world peace and single payer. Or other people who choose to ignore the economic nightmare this president has had to contend with--along with the GOP who have gone insane.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I actually had an acquaintance say that maybe Romney should win as "tough love" for the country. Since Pres. Obama didn't do everything she thought he should, but "sold out".

    5. I generally like Mike, but he’s been wrong before (Nader). Let’s hope he’s wrong again. He’s a very round peg that doesn’t fit into any square holes.

    6. Anonymous7:56 AM

      angela7:10 AM

      ''Or as Michael Moore so disgustingly said "I voted for the black guy and we got the white guy."''

      Are you serious? He said some foul ridiculous shit like that?

      It is time to just ignore Michael Moore. Please do.

    7. No "leftist" is going to vote for Mitt Romney. They may/may not vote but can then only blame themselves if they are hit with the right wing lunatic policies

    8. Anonymous8:08 AM

      angela -

      So are they PO-ed enough at President Obama to vote for Romney and Ryan who will do their level best to completely destroy this country and hand whatever's left over to the 1%?

      I also wish that the POTUS was able to accomplish more and get it done more quickly, but I also recognize that he faced the most obstructive and partisan Congress in history. They were more than happy to send the country into the toilet in order to prevent the president from getting anything done and regain power for the GOP. The President can't do it alone.

    9. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Don't worry about the anti-Obama leftists, stay focused on the intelligent ones who realize, one man cannot do it alone, especially when he has a hostile obstructive congress, who took a vow to obstruct everything good Pres Obama want to do.

      BUT the President has accomplished a lot in spite of them. SO focus on the intelligent ones who recognize this.

      I also noticed these so-called leftists did not expect Clinton or any other president to walk the water, although President Obama accomplished more than they have regarding healthcare, and other stuff.

    10. I'm not. President Obama made the huge mistake of thinking he would work with the other side. He really did try for the bi-partisan approach. In a second term, he won't make that mistake. And if he gets a majority in both houses, the GOP can bitch, moan and complain all they want. Eff 'em.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Agree. I can't imagine what's being discussed in those Republican back rooms - they probably have the white flag of surrender already pressed and ready to lift. I expect the GOP shakers are discussing new sabotaging techniques now for the second Obama term.

    Where is Donald Trump, Orly Taitz, Limbaugh, all those carnival barkers that always had a quick put-down or accusation on President Obama? Nary a peep from them this week or little to no praise or enthusiasm about Romney.

    Romney is like a Ken doll. One has to pull and twist his arms and legs to make him move. He always looks good, clean, manicured and stiff. And Ann Romney is the Barbie. Barbie and Ken doin' Malibu beach, Barbie and Ken skiing in the Alps, jet-skiing in the Caymans, riding at their stables, hob-knobbing with their friends, corporate masters.

    I just hope people vote and don't rely on a high turnout, and get complacent thinking that other democrats will do the voting.

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Good morning!

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM enthusiasm there.

      A shame that no one showed up.

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    This is sublime!

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Why do they stand around pointing at guys only a few feet away from them? Looks silly.

    1. Because they are idiots - they try to emulate the President - BIG FAIL

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      LOL... I was wondering the same thing. They look ridiculous.

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    President Obama drops in on The Buff Restaurant on way to CU-Boulder rally

  11. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Speaking to an estimated 13,000 people at the sun-soaked outdoor rally, Obama vowed to help the middle class and called on CU students and other supporters to not only vote, but also get classmates, friends and neighbors to the polls.

    "I want to make sure that America is standing by you every step of the way, because if you succeed, then we succeed," Obama said.

  12. lostinmn7:23 AM

    I don't know Gryphen. Hating on non-whites has taken on a rather sophisticated tone that has the "holier than thou" screaming racial epithets in nuanced words and then throwing the race card back in the faces of those who dare say it. I had a friend in college who told me the south was easier than the north. Down there every white person hated you and called you names. Northerners might have the same feelings but they couched them in words while they smiled, slapped your back and told you how many "colored" friends they had. Racism has been given a free pass since Sara came to the scene. Trouble is there are very few Repubs with the guts to just say the hateful words and organize lynching's. Their racist forefathers and mothers would be disgusted at what wusses their children and children's children have become.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I think your "friend" was deluded. I've lived in both the north and the south and I am a person of color. Far fewer northerners are as out-and-out ugly and prejudiced as southerners, and for the most part, if they smile in your face, they are not stabbing you in the back.

  13. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I am a closet Democrat down in Louisiana where everyone is complaining that the President shouldn't come here today, should have come here earlier, hasn't done enough, doesn't know what he's doing, and more. Anyone who defends the president is assumed to be on welfare. I can't wait unit Nov. 6 when he wins in a landslide.
    Obama/Biden 2012

    1. Every person who meets the President there will love him. They won't be told to go home (yes to the under water home) and call 211 - per Mitt Romney.

      I hope you find some other "closet" democrats - there are no doubt many more there than you think.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Here in NW Louisiana I am preparing myself for the hate crimes that will be ocurring on my property when I put up my "Vote Obama" yard signs again.Last time it was trash dumped in my driveway,the tires on my truck flattened by an 8 year old who heard his parents talk about how bad that "Obama lover" was,and a BB cracked my picture window(same kid?right now he is tearing up his front yard on a 4 wheeler,it resembles a dirt track).Thats ok,I'm a tough old biotch from NJ who will stand her ground-my best line was when another kid hit my grandson with a rock and told me his daddy could beat up my grandsons daddy,I told his mother that my grandsons daddy could hire a lawyer.She paid the cost of repairing his broken tooth.

  14. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Why am I not surprised I would see a bunch of negative comments when I came in here. I get so sick of negative people. Always seeing the glass as half empty.

    I have always been a positive person, and always see the glass as half full.

    We are going to win this election for President Obama, all it takes is all of us VOTING for him. He can't win if Dems just sit at home, not vote and say, "see I told ya they were going to steal". STOP IT! Do your share, make sure Dems and other President Obama supporters are registered, and ready to VOTE. Put action where your mouth is.

    We WILL win, if we VOTE, elections that have a large turnout of Dems are hard to steal.

    So let's have a LARGE turnout.

    1. My family will be there, voting Democratic all the way. If someone breaks a leg, we’ll carry them, lol.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Darlene Underdahl7:46 AM

      I am so happy to hear that you and your family are avid voters. I appreciate people like you.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      I agree. Encourage people in your community, especially the elderly because of voting restrictions, to get out and vote. Offer to drive them to and from voting precincts, etc.
      I can't donate much at all this year. My husband and I are both unemployed and have lost all benefits. But by gosh, we can vote!

    4. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Heck,here in Louisiana voting Democrat won't carry the state,but its a big statement that helps keep the GOP in check.If Dems stayed home,The Repukes would assume they had a blank check to do as they please,at least making the gap smaller shows them they have to consider us.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    And yet,according to Rove and Co. it's true love.....some folks will do ANYTHING for money.....

  16. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Romney convention speech gets lowest positive rating since Gallup started tracking in 1996

    ...Romney's acceptance speech this year scored low by comparison to previous convention speeches going back to 1996. Thirty-eight percent of Americans rated the speech as excellent or good, while 16% rated it as poor or terrible. The 38% who rated the speech as excellent or good is the lowest rating of any of the eight speeches Gallup has tested since Bob Dole's GOP acceptance speech in 1996.
    To get a sense of just how bad a 38 percent positive rating is, the second-lowest mark recorded by Gallup came from John McCain in 2008 ... and it was nearly ten points higher. McCain's speech got positive marks from 47 percent of voters that year.
    With such a poorly-received convention and nomination speech, it's no wonder that Romney is seeing basically no bounce from his convention. Gallup's own survey now puts Obama ahead of Romney—even though Romney was leading before the convention. So while Romney was looking for a bounce, it appears all he got was a thud.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Nate at 538 is saying the "bounce" is indistinguishable from the background "noise". In other words there is no bounce.


  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Gryphen, I'm betting you'll LOVE THIS video! Even if it is off topic, it's a winner!

  18. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Obama vs. Romney is not a dead heat

    5. The behavior and general demeanor of both candidates on the stump and at the conventions is a significant tell as to where they stand in the polls.

    I remember when Obama was going up against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, and there were times where he looked slightly uncomfortable, because that was a VERY close fight against a formidable opponent. Obama looks more at ease in this election than he did against Hillary (or against McCain). His stump speeches are filled with fire and purpose, and he's behaving like a candidate who is winning. He's definitely fired up and ready to go. He'll give a HUGE speech in Charlotte and I suspect he'll gain a couple of more points in the national polls that he won't lose barring scandal or disaster.

    On the other hand, Romney's behavior on the stump ranges from tired to awkward to bizarre. The most noticeable thing I saw when watching Romney's convention speech was its meandering, lifeless nature. Mitt definitely looked fatigued up there, and acted like a candidate that saw how poor his Ohio and Florida polls looked before stepping on stage. Romney tends to be stiff on the stump on a good day, to the point where he makes John Kerry look charismatic. Lastly, when a candidate feels the need to crack tasteless jokes (like the birther joke) in Michigan, that's a clear tell that the candidate is desperate.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      Not only that, but, with the possible exceptions of Condi and Clint, every speaker was positioning his or her self for the next cycle. Barely mentioned Mitt at all.
      Huckabutt's slamming of Debbie Wasserman Schwartz accomplished, exactly what?

      Ann's "I LOVE YOU WOMEN!!" speech didn't seem genuine and didn't win over THIS woman.

      The bio video introducing Mitt was a nice touch, but immediately followed by two other speakers kind of took the momentum away.

      Clint talking to a chair, Rubio's stretch to reach hispanic voters.
      Followed by TA DA!!!! Mitt Romney at 10:30 pm.

      Whoever orchestrated this fiasco should get a pink slip or a thank you bouquet from the Obama Team.

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Douche Bag/Liar 2012


  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    REALLY SCARY stuff:

    1. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

      Whoa Nelly! That's worse than "The people of Wal Mart"!

  21. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Keep THIS in mind.

  22. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Add a Voter Reg. Form to Your Blog!

  23. Anonymous8:22 AM

    PARADE Exclusive: A Conversation With the Obamas

  24. Anonymous8:42 AM

    HAVE A HAPPY SAFE LABOR DAY WEEK END. In spite of the Bains and Romneys.

    Work Song!

    "Dad Has Been Laid Off"

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Be Warned: Media Prepared to Go Negative on DNC Convention

    Yup folks, the MSM has received their marching orders from their bosses, who by the way happen to be fully Republican or Republican-leaning - as in Rove, Koch Brothers, Oil companies, Corporations, etc.

    And now that the Republican Convention is over, there has been little or no bounce for Mitt Romney, whose speech was cited by right-leaning Gallup as being among the lowest rated convention speeches by a candidate in recent decades.

    So be prepared to see an onslaught of negative spin, focus on controversies, gaffes, protests, who-is-upstaging-who type questioning, and diminishing of otherwise excellent speeches into foolish soundbites or side irrelevancies, etc. Be warned folks. The media is prepared to go negative.

    Here are a few examples of what we can expect to see from the MSM all week long.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      My husband noticed this very thing with the Charlotte Observer (we live just over the border from CLT) the last few weeks. He said it seems that paper picks up every tiny instance of negativity they can associate with the upcoming convention and magnifies it.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Controversy. Where were the protests at the RNC2012? Afraid of a storm? Now the protests will be on and what an opportunity for the media.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

      It's already started, and the convention hasn't even begun yet. Our local paper had four full pages of "letters to the editor" with prepared talking points over the "Are you better off today than four years ago" Obama surrogate responses. They make Bachman seem sane by comparison.

  26. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The middle class is carrying a heavy load in America. But Mitt Romney doesn't see it. Under the Romney plan, a middle class family will pay an average of up to $2,000 more a year in taxes. While at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himself a $250,000 tax cut. So, Romney hits the middle class harder and gives millionaires an even bigger break.

    Is that the way forward for America?

    1. Crazy, ain't it?

      Under Romney's tax plan, his savings would be far more than $250,000. And his billionaire benefactors like Adelson would likely see their multi-million dollar campaign 'investments' pay off almost immediately in lower taxes. That's how it worked for Shrub in 2000.

      If Romney wins, SCOTUS continues to lean right, the House stays red and the Senate splits 50%/50% it could very likely be the way forward for America.

      At this time, re-electing President Obama is about all that stands between a free America and an aggressive, unrestricted right wing takeover of this country.


    2. Anita Winecooler8:35 PM


  27. Anonymous8:56 AM

    EVERYONE Yes I'm yelling.
    (Gryphen excepted.)
    Turn off the computer for a bit:

    Get out in your community - look up a convention speech party on the DNC website.
    Attend that party.
    While there, find out what you can do to GET OUT THE VOTE.
    Then DO IT!
    Volunteer to register voters
    Go to a swing state to register voters
    Include working on senate and house races so that President Obama can have a Congress he can work with in his second term (and that will work with him).
    Volunteer to help people get those voter ID's.
    Volunteer to get those folks mail in ballots or get them to the polls come election day.
    Volunteer to be an election judge to keep the TeaTHUGS honest.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      SPOT ON! I'm with ya!

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Make sure you talk to friends and family members about President Obama vs the Republican stand on everything. Then encourage the getting out to vote and reelecting President Obama.

      The Republicans across the nation should be voted out of every position possible from local, to state to national (Congress - especially the House)!

      They shed nothing but evil upon the nation and its people!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

      I've been working on helping people obtain the proper i.d. in Pennsylvania, orchestrating rides to the poles and training OFA volunteers. The elderly, especially, are confused over Social Security and Romney's lie about "Obama raided Social Security and made it insolvent to pay for Obamacare" plays into that fear.
      Every bit helps.

  28. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It is disheartening to watch the rightwingers act like mindless puppets.

    Just a year ago, even the Fox All Propaganda/All the Time Channel, was rooting for "anyone but Romney."

    He was chewed up and spit out by all the other primary candidates, and exposed as a lying, cheating scumbag.

    SUDDENLY, when it appeared he was going to come out ahead of the other clowns in that circus, Fox and all its fans became WORSHIPERS of Romney, unable to see one thing wrong with him.

    This should have been obvious to anyone with thinking skills. There should have been a lot of backlash.

    Its really hard to respect anyone who rushes to go along with the "we're not going to pay attention to yesterday, nor anything factual" crowd.

    I know they demand that we on the left uphold their right to have such opinions, but they make it so difficult to do so.

    Its like asking a parent to go along with their five year old's saying "I can walk on this bridge railing instead of the sidewalk, because I'd never fall off."

  29. Sort of OT - I was sent a video today by a friend called "One More Term", which is a pro-Obama "parody" of a song from Les Mis. It's sung by real opera singers and is quite timely, beautiful, and smart. Gryphon, you might want to feature it in a blog entry. Here it is.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      That song is beautifully done and I circulated it to others a couple of weeks ago. ONE MORE TERM!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  30. Hey, Gryphen, I know we don't always agree on political matters seeing as how I have publicly endorsed Mittens Rmoney for president in 2012 and from what I read in your defunct blog, you're still pretty keen on this Obama character. However, I hope you've a generous enough spirit to celebrate with me the production of my latest conservative video ad that could be broadcast as soon as five minutes from now!

    Here's the script.

    Setting: generic urban background. nondescript stocky man, 40ish

    mid distance static shot: man steps into frame, screen right

    "Hello. My name isnt important but my friends call me "T-bone". For many years I had struggled to support my family by selling phony driveway re-surfacing repairs, running telemarketing scams, stealing copper wires from street lamps and stop lights and staging phony accidents for insurance company settlements. It was a hard life and I knew there had to be a better way."

    mid-distance tracking shot: man walks along sidewalk with small shops in background

    "One day I heard on the radio that the Democrats in the state legislature were proposing regulations to protect innocent consumers against dishonest business practices and I knew I had to get involved."

    static shot: man with out-of-focus GOP logo on storefront political office in background

    "I joined my friends and neighbors at the GOP and we defeated that legislation. And now I own a chain of very lucrative fortune-telling shops throughout the state that brings in millions of dollars, a fair portion of them honestly reported for tax purposes!"

    stock footage: generic families from fast food restaurant commercial outtakes

    (voice over)
    "Now my fourth wife, Tina, some of her kids from her second and third marriages and a few kids from my own previous relationships and I all live in a beautiful mansion with a dark-skinned cook and a maid. And, yes, (chuckling affably) I even have a car elevator."

    static 3/4 shot: man, smiling, standing in front of red 1967 Ferrari 308GTsi, holding an Etch-a-Sketch

    "If you want a car elevator in YOUR future, you dont need a fortune teller to tell YOU to vote Republican!"

    static graphic: GOP logo

    superimpose tagline:
    Republicans. For a better Amercia. Where the 99% serve the 1%, as God intended.

    Fade to black.

    And that is why I have endorsed Milliard Williard "Mittens" Mittens Rmoney for president in 2012.

    1. Where's the shot of an empty chair?

    2. "Where's the shot of an empty chair?"

      Great idea, but there's no money for fancy special effects like.. furniture. It's a very low budget production...

  31. Anonymous10:27 AM

    A video featuring highlights of speeches last week at the RNC convention omits someone...Hmm..The Outlaw Josie Wailed?? (Jon Stewart!)

  32. This is why Rmoney was nominated and this is why it doesn't matter if he's loved or hated.

    The Repub1%can'ts went into this election knowing they're gonna lose. Obama is the incumbent and he's still too popular, no matter what they've done to obstruct his re-election. They're not going to waste a viable 2016 candidate on it. So they probably figured, let Willard run. He'll lose. We can shut him up saying you had your shot. So we'll be rid of him and lost nothing since whoever ran would have lost anyway.

    BTW I think basically the same thing happened in 2008. McCain was their sacrificial lamb since no one they had to offer would beat Obama or Hillary.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Hmmnn...that's a good theory, except for this ugly fact: Republicans NEVER think they are wrong, or will ever lose.

      They are convinced that "God" is on their side, and therefore everything they do, even having some wacky old actor pretend as if the President of the United States would tell Romney to go "F" himself, on national television, is not only fair play, but RIGHTEOUS.

    2. Anonymous at 12:08:

      Republicans in general, yes. But the elite few that are actually running the party? The ones that set up K St. and the long range plans to privatize Social Security and K-12 public education? They're smart. And they're more than capable of sacrificing a pawn in the short term for a better chance in the long term of winning the end game.

  33. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

    I just love how smug he is. Today he's on his watercraft (again), having a swell Labor Day, basking in the knowledge that his convention made him seem "Warm and Fuzzy" enough that he doesn't have to build on that HUGE momentum it got him.

    What a maroon!


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