Sunday, October 14, 2012

Billy Graham endorses Mitt Romney, right before his website is scrubbed of statement calling Mormonism a "cult."

Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:

Billy Graham last night endorsed Mitt Romney for president, and shortly thereafter, his website was scrubbed of a statement Graham or his organization made calling Mormonism a “cult.” 

“It was an honor to meet and host Governor Romney in my home today, especially since I knew his late father former Michigan Governor George Romney, whom I considered a friend,” the 93-year old Christian Evangelist Southern Baptist minister said via a statement. ”I have followed Mitt Romney’s career in business, the Olympic Games, as governor of Massachusetts and, of course, as a candidate for president of the United States.” 

As of June 5, 2010, if not much earlier, Billy Graham’s website stated: 

A cult is any group which teaches doctrines or beliefs that deviate from the biblical message of the Christian faith. It is very important that we recognize cults and avoid any involvement with them. Cults often teach some Christian truth mixed with error, which may be difficult to detect. 

There are some features common to most cults: 

• They do not adhere solely to the sixty-six books of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. They add their “special revelations” to the Bible and view them as equally authoritative. 

• They do not accept that our relationship to Jesus Christ is a reality “by grace through faith” alone, but promote instead a salvation by works. 

• They do not give Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, full recognition as the second Person of the Trinity, composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 

Some of these groups are Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists, Scientologists, and others.

Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

As I said before the Republicans and Fundamentalists have come to the conclusion that they only have ONE shot at beating Obama, and unfortunately for them it resides within this arrogant, entitled, liar, who believes that Jesus visited America, Indians are really Jews, and when he dies he gets to have his own planet.

But hey, at least he's not black.

P.S. To see just how racist Mormons are against blacks click here.


  1. Anonymous3:39 AM

    ThatÅ› right, Billy boy, sell your soul for a moment of air time.

    Our Heavenly Father can´t see you. (Or so you think.)

    That´s right, conservative Christians, bow your heads and follow the leader.

    Our Heavenly Father can´t see you. (Or so you think.)

    Nevertheless, I fall on my hands and knees and pray for you.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      You had better pray for yourself....and pray hard! Billy Graham could not be bought out for any amount of money and only a complete fool would believe one word you say. Are you on Obama's team? Oh, I thought so!!!!

  2. It’s all about money.

    If there is an afterlife, Graham, you’ll have some explaining to do; conning old ladies out of their pensions.

  3. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Obama grabs wide lead among those who have already voted: Reuters/Ipsos poll

    Obama leads Romney by 59 percent to 31 percent among early voters, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling data compiled in recent weeks.

  4. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Obama is best choice for president

    Americans have a clear choice between two presidential candidates with starkly different ideas for spurring the economy, providing for the health of our people, defending our interests abroad, educating our children and protecting our environment. We believe that President Barack Obama’s progress on these issues merits him a second term in the White House.

    Four years ago on this page, we endorsed Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona over Obama. We wrote that we were impressed with Obama, but McCain would “bring the Iraq war to a successful conclusion, work to end American dependence on foreign oil, reduce America's output of climate-changing gases and begin the rebuilding of our economy.”

    The Democratic president has done all those things and more. He is calm under pressure and courageous in standing up for the rights of all Americans, including the poor, veterans, the elderly, women, gays and immigrants. In contrast, we’ve sometimes found it hard in the last few weeks to tell just what Obama’s challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, really stands for.

    Obama is not always as gregarious as many Americans might like him to be, but he is committed to his country and candid with it — to the point of releasing far more of his tax returns than Romney. While Obama commits the occasional gaffe, we can’t imagine him ever dismissing 47 percent of his fellow Americans — as Romney did, and later apologized for doing.

    After weeks of challenges, Romney’s campaign was on an upswing last week after a decisive victory in the first debate. But Obama has had a generally strong four years. He and Vice President Joe Biden form a seasoned, consistent ticket, one much more promising and reliable than that of Romney and his running mate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

    Under Obama’s policies, including the successful bailout of General Motors, the country averted what could have been a far worse economic disaster, maybe even a depression. The economy is slowly recovering — the national unemployment rate has finally fallen below 8 percent — and the president’s policies of continued government investment in infrastructure and education offer the best hope that the recovery will accelerate. Obama promises to cut spending and raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but keep taxes where they are for the vast majority.

    Romney’s policies — warmed-over trickle-down economics — will make matters worse. We say that with a caveat, however, because Romney’s plans are ever-changing and it is hard to know just where his policies would end and those of the much more conservative Ryan would begin.

    On national security, Obama has gotten American combat troops out of Iraq while winding down the American presence in Afghanistan. He has used American military might to fight international terrorism to a degree that no one anticipated in 2008. He showed strong leadership in ordering the successful raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The Obama foreign policy — as seen in Libya — requires our allies to handle a great share of our common defense burden, especially when the interests at stake are dearer to those allies.

    We like the president’s stand on Iran, slowly but steadily undermining the Iranian economy rather than launching a premature military strike and setting off another Middle East war.

    In contrast, Romney and his supporters have rattled the saber at Iran. Despite Romney’s efforts in the last few days to tone it down as he tacks to the middle, his foreign policy seems to come straight from George W. Bush. Some of Romney’s foreign-policy advisers are the former Bush neo-conservatives who got us into the unnecessary Iraq war.


  5. Anonymous4:03 AM

    We like Obama’s health-care plan, finding it far better than that offered by Romney, even if it is largely based on Romney’s own Massachusetts program. We see no sign that Romney, should he succeed in repealing “Obamacare,” would succeed in balancing the many competing health-care interests that Obama worked into a compromise.

    We fear that Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program that would not match the full cost of private insurance for the seniors. His hybrid plan would drive the sickest Americans into a government plan and let the insurance companies cherry-pick the healthiest clients.

    On education, Romney, just as Republican leaders here, seems to believe that if we continue to cut public education, we will somehow educate our young well enough.

    And on the environment, we’re concerned that Romney would gut protections Obama has restored.

    Obama has a keen vision that he has worked hard to achieve, against considerable obstacles and often courageously. But the goal is in sight: An America respected worldwide as much for its prosperity as its defense of liberty and justice.

    The Journal editorial board endorses Barack Obama for president.

  6. Jeanabella4:21 AM

    Billy Graham has long been out of the public as his son Franklin has taken over for him.
    The elder Graham has little to say to anyone & I believe has dimentia.
    just my opinion.

  7. Anonymous4:22 AM

    My, my, my . . . so personal politics trumps religious beliefs. How surprising. And here I thought Billy Graham and the fundies and the Catholic bishops were all about living godly lives and, you know, following the Beatitudes and rendering unto Caesar and stuff.

    Silly me. I should have known they were only Christianist Republican Party shills.

    -Molly Malone

    1. fromthediagonal8:24 AM

      Hedgewytch, are you seeing this?

      There is a broom right above Graham The Elder's head and it triggers the old comment "You Sir, are giving Witches a bad name!"

  8. It is thundering, gloomy, and ominously dark here in Houston as I type this. And after reading this post- the weather and my mood match PERFECTLY.

    Billy Graham hasn't been in his right mind for years. He has been dealing with cancer, Parkinson's disease, and dementia for years.

    JUST as I believe Franklin orchestrated the "meeting" between Billy Graham and Sarah Palin, I am positive Franklin was puppet master here as well.

    Billy Graham likely never knew that bit about cults was ON the website, much less authorized it being removed.

    I know Graham was no saint but at least when he had control of his mental and physical faculties, he made an effort not to be so distinctly partisan.

    I've always thought Franklin was a snake. His use of charitable contributions donated to Samaritan's Purse as Sarah Palin's Personal Private Jet Fund cemented for me that he was NOTHING like his father.

    I have no doubt these "statements" from Billy Graham are 100% the partisan web spinning of Franklin the money grubbing buffoon who was born with a silver collection plate in his mouth.

  9. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Graham has no clue who Romney is. Nobody is paying attention to his endorsement. He probably was told by his despicable son, Franklin to who to endorse.
    His son Franklin the one nasty despicable SOB.

    1. You are absolutely correct.

      IF the elder Graham can even speak any longer, Franklin likely forced him to give the "endorsement".

      "Daddy, you can have your snack pack AFTER you look in the camera and read the card."

      Sadly, I am not trying to be funny. I can absolutely picture Franklin holding the spoon just out of Billy's reach. Franklin seriously is THAT disgusting.

    2. Paul - Minnesota6:21 AM


      As is his daughter*. She's also disgusting as a human being. Another one doing a great scam as it pays well to shill in the name of Jesus.

      *Anne Graham Lotz (born 1948; runs AnGeL ministries).

      Though I'd not trust any of his other children (or grandchildren or other relations) if they're also pushing their religious outreach. As it's a scam which makes them big money, gives them power, control, via guilt and shaming other people, they get their egos and more stroked.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Billy Graham must have taught his children well.

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM


  10. Anonymous5:47 AM

    And what is most pitiful of all, they are willing to cast those "deeply held convictions" aside in order to get rid of a black man. So much for principles.

  11. Anonymous6:00 AM

    If you HAVE to pay 10 percent of your income to be accepted, it's a cult.

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Graham was never a saint, no matter how much of a drooling boob he is now. He is a snake oil
    salesmen at best and an evil man at worst.

    I read on Post Secret that one person is afraid their mom will commit suicide if President Obama is re-elected. She needs to intervene but my only idea was a lot more people than her mom will die if Romney is elected.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Anonymous7:16 AM

      Graham was never a saint, no matter how much of a drooling boob he is now. He is a snake oil
      salesmen at best and an evil man at worst.
      I agree. It amazes me how many people are fooled and enamored by this man.

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Disturbing on so many levels. First, how they view and look down to other races. Totally unbiblical. And secondly, how they practice 'works' for salvation instead of relying on faith. Every christian denomination veers off and makes their own set of rules of works a bit, because it's in human nature to want to feel justified. It's true that there's a verse in the bible that "faith without works is dead" but that seems to mean (practicing what one preaches); it's not the old Law of the Old Testament works, but the works of the heart. Religious christianity creates "works" like 'lighting candles' 'praying with beads' 'wearing magic underwear' 'pilgrimages' 'not shopping on the Sabbath' 'no alcohol' 'no caffeine' etc. etc. etc........... even if a man set himself on fire, according to scripture, it won't get him into heaven without faith and grace.

    Billy Graham, at 93, has always been the man people relied on to stand on the teachings of the bible, without deviation. It's pretty surprising he suddenly decided to veer off and remove Mormonism from his cult list, after having it on all those years. Mitt's flip-flopping must be catching and Billy Graham caught the bug.

    But the biggest shocker is why Billy Graham would rub shoulders and pray for a man who is so double-minded. James says "a double minded man is unstable in all his ways". The prophecy of Matthew 24 of believers who are deluded seems to be occurring.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Please, your Bible thumping is pathetic. You don't have a clue what the Bible really is (NOT "the word of Gawd") -- and what it most assuredly is not (anything other than an arbitrarily selected group of old stories) . But look at you quoting it (AND interpreting it just like you accuse others of doing -- funny how that works, huh?) like you think Gawd is reading over your shoulder and you're trying to impress "him." Aren't you special.

      Why should it be surprising that Graham cracker endorsed Romney? They are both moneygrubbing egotists who use superstition for self-aggrandizement and power and control over others. They are the perfect match.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I have a feeling Mitt purchased this endorsement. Billy is alright, but Franklin is a snake in the grass.

  14. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The religious right has so gone off the rails they would rather endorse a cult leader than a black man who is just slightly to the left of Ronald Reagan.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I hate effing hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All people I used to go to church with save one or two are hypocrites and I'm on the edge of losing my former best friend over this election. I call bullshit on them all. Absolutely maddening and sad that at the end of his life Graham shows he has no integrity left at all.

  16. lwtjb7:38 PM

    "They do not adhere solely to the sixty-six books of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. They add their “special revelations” to the Bible and view them as equally authoritative."

    Since the Catholic church uses extra books in their Bible, I assume he's saying they are also a cult?

    Other than that, I call BS on Graham. Well, I call BS on a lot of what he says but that's another whole story.

  17. Anita Winecooler10:48 PM

    Madam Tousseau, if you count your wax figures, two of them are missing!

    Exploiting a feeble minded 93 year old who preached against cults like Scientology, The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Jehovah Witnesses is wrong at any price.

    Franklin and Ann will go after each other like two cats on a hot tin roof when Reverend Graham meets his maker.

    To quote a famous maroon. "Unflippinbelieveable!"

    Gee, Mitt, I suppose there were no Mormon Bishops available to pose with? You ARE cool with being Mormon, right? The conservatives aren't voting for you because you're with Billy Graham, they want the real Christian out of the White House!

  18. Anonymous8:19 AM

    What a picture... Mitt sitting in front of a cold stone dead fireplace talking to a cold stone dead cadaver. Put a dracula costume on Mitt and it will be perfect poster for Mittracula.

  19. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Billy Graham is a Freemason. He also told Robert Schuller he does not believe Jesus is the only way. Robert (also a Mason) said he was so glad to hear that! Look it up on you tube. Pat Robertson and Kenneth Copeland are also Masons.

  20. Anonymous6:42 AM

    You people are stark raving idiots..I'll pray for you.


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