Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump finds excuse NOT to give million dollars to charity and blame it on the President. Douchebag level = Trump.

Click worst comb over in history to play video.
Courtesy of LA Times:  

Donald Trump released his much-heralded “October Surprise” Wednesday and the only surprise turned out to be how the reality TV star and business magnate continues to find new ways to embellish his special brand of media-centric depravity. 

Since Monday, the cartoonish personality had claimed he had news that could change the course of the presidential election between President Obama and Mitt Romney . Instead, it inspired widespread mockery, as Trump merely rehashed tired old insinuations about President Obama’s national origin and college credentials. 

The big "reveal" from the sneering New Yorker turned out to be merely this: He would offer to give $5 million to Obama’s favorite charity if the president would release his college applications and records and his “passport information.” 

Trump’s gimmickry appeals to the legion of cranks and conspiracy mongers who congregate in particularly fetid corners of the Internet. There, they spin out their most fervent fantasies about Obama’s foreign birth and use of affirmative action (or similar dark arts) to connive his way into college(s).

You know this may be the ONLY person on this planet that is a bigger attention whore than Sarah Palin.

And like Sarah Palin he simply CANNOT accept that the President got where he is today through intelligence, hard work, and the kind of coolness under pressure that they will never hope to understand.

Personally I think this kind of desperation is kind of funny to watch. Donald Trump went from a relatively respected businessman to one of the biggest jokes in the country.  Just like Palin went from a promising politicians in the GOP to a skanky reality TV personality and wannabe late night fitness guru.

And the best part is, they did it to themselves..


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    When a man is an obnoxious windbag with a trophy wife, one has to speculate that his man parts are undersized and inadequately functioning.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Trophy wife that I'm sure is a very nice woman. I just cannot imagine crawling into the sack with this jerk. He has the weirdest mouth and I'll wager is a horrible kisser and lover. He'd think of himself first in the sex act I'm 100% sure!. The guy makes my skin crawl!

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I posted on my friends FB page today that his mouth, the way he puckers it, makes me think of an anus.

    3. jcinco4:09 PM

      ewww, you're right. he is God's gift to warthogs.

    4. Crystal Sage5:10 PM

      A friend of mine made the same observation years ago. Now that's all I see whenever His Royal Anus speaks. I hear that there are supposedly nude pictures of Obama's mother taken from a bondage magazine. The Rethugs are really desperate.

    5. Anonymous5:43 PM

      My friend has a beautiful foster daughter who became an 'escort' in the NYC area several years back. She drew the short straw on a weekend all guys sporting jaunt and ended up giving the Tramp a bj. Average length but thin and not very firm. He also blew wind at the crucial moment and didn't even excuse himself.

      What she thought was really funny was him using a made up first name as if she didn't recognize him. This was the late 90's and he was quite recognizable but not yet so crazy. She even thought he was good looking. Gag. The connections she made back in those days (not him) paved the way to a very nice career in interior design and space planning. I sometimes wonder if she gets nauseous when she sees how ugly and trollish he has become.

    6. Anonymous 3:35 PM
      "I posted on my friends FB page today that his mouth, the way he puckers it, makes me think of an anus."

      I didn't even have to look at his mouth b/c his face has ASSHOLE written all over it.

  2. 8tseven2:17 PM

    The laugh is actually on him. His own condominium board FIRED him. Apparently the condo board at Trump Place decided that his management of the building sucked and they replaced him with a different management company. It was due to tennants complaining about the upkeep and service from Trump's own company. Karma is a bitch. You are fired Trump!!

  3. This liver lily...chinless having..tiny lip...fucked up face...gaseous spewing mother fucker can go FUCK HIMSELF...and I would really appreciate it if he took that bald headed...bony bitch from the swamps of Wasilla with him!

    *GinaM spits on the ground in disgust*

    Sorry Gryphen...I'll clean that up later. LOL!!

    1. Olivia2:48 PM

      Why don't you quit pussyfooting around and tell us what you REALLY think, Gina! 8^D

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Gina: Your response fit my thoughts exactly! I'm getting madder and madder at these Republican assholes!

      You made me laugh too!!! Need to have some sense of humor in this election process don't we?

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Donald, I think I gotta give this round to Sarah. She's an even bigger dick than YOU are.

      At lease she didn't claim her shizzle was going to be actually important. She just shows up. Throws up. And then collects her check. But you have to make sure the world is watching when you try to blow yourself and say, "Hey everybody, watch this!"

      I told ya this was gonna be yuge! YUGE!

    4. Hey...I have to laugh at these idiots...especially at Baldy! She doesn't realize how much I ENJOY tearing her bald headed ass up on a daily basis! And if the added bonus is that her ugly...soulless ass reads my comments...then it's ALL gravy!

      Fuck her and the snowmachine...snowmobile...or whatever the fuck they call it in hillbilly land she rides on! LOL!!

    5. Snowball Machine. Tutti Frutti anyone?

    6. Anonymous9:27 AM

      'Chinless having'? What? Why do people humour this idiot? I hate Trump but GinaM just ain't funny. Writing popular stuff now doesn't erase the shipment of evil hate she dumped on the Willow-trying-hard thread.

      Try 'absent-chinned' or just chinless.

      Seriously guys, why do we love someone that SCREAMS abuse at anyone that dare express an opinion that deviates in ANY slight way from hers? I'm talking daring to say 'it goes too far to pour hate on Willow, we don't want to use Palin tactics; we need to stay above that level' or similar. For daring to say that you get abuse about your looks, or job, or that you're 'Krusty', or that old go- to 'must be a Palin fan!' which is absurd.

      I just don't want to lose the war against Palin by sinking to her level.

    7. Anonymous9:27 AM

      You mad? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Wallow is an untalented cow just like her sister Beefy and her bald headed racist mother.

      YOU are MY troll puppet and I love it whenever you whine about what I write about this family of gargoyles! Please don't ever make my day...EVERY TIME! LOL!!

      PS...and as far as that "war against Palin"...if you haven't notice...the stupid bitch LOST that war!

      Oh yeah...FUCK OFF TROLL! LMAO!!

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    He is as big a jerk as is Sarah Palin. Both of them are an embarrassment to America! Don't they understand that people (the majority) just laugh at their stupid antics?

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Trump is obviously mentally ill and shows signs of early dementia. I really wish his kids would intervene.

  6. How in the world is this an October Surprise? He's lost his mind.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      I know, right? I have to admit I was a bit nervous because the RWNJs will jump on anything, no matter how old, how benign. But this is just, well...stupid.

  7. Boscoe2:37 PM

    Unfortunately, we all know it wouldn't matter if the President DID hand the info over, they'd just say it was fake.


    Trump is a piece of shit. Whatever happened to the "amazing stuff" his investigators uncovered? Why is it that anyone aligned with the Republicans are always full of lies, bullshit, propaganda and hysteria? Where are all these "facts" they're always claiming drive their beliefs?

    Why is it that whenever they're pressed for details backing up their spew, they react by projecting their bullshit on everyone else and running away. I swear, they're like octopi, spewing ink when cornered.

    One thing you do have to admit, Palin really is the perfect condensed representation of everything that's broken, wrong and stupid about the political discourse where the conservative side of the aisle is concerned.

    I'm not giving the liberal side a free pass here, but damn, the endless torrent of sludge that spews forth from the right is simply stunning.

    1. I'll tell you what Donald.

      I have Obama's college transcript and passport applications right here, both certified under sworn affidavits by the State Department and the Deans of Admissions for both Occidental College and Columbia University, and you can have them for free, if you let me screw your wife while you watch. But it has to be "to MY satisfaction".

      Keep your money. I'll put the transcripts and apps in the mail just as soon as I get home.

      Hey come on, Donald. What could go wrong?

  8. Sharon2:44 PM

    Birds of a feather....I think he is related to Robme, they have the same DNA defects. I was born and raised in NJ and I can tell you, there is no bigger laughing stock than Trump. If you did some research (Rolling Stone) you would find how many times he went bankrupt and used the law, just like Robme to rip off thousands of creditors. He inherited his money, just like Mitt and lost it all. He is the original snake oil salesman and now his daughter is doing exactly the same thing ripping off people selling condos. When he was ruining Atlantic City, he was so deep in debt the banks had no choice but to loan him more. The real story of Trump is just as immoral and full of theft, just like Robme. The big difference is the media whore thing, like Palin...they are addicted. When you consider Bush was the worst president in history...and we never saw this level of disrespect for the office. It is treason, they hate this country pure and simple.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    You people reeeaaally should put up some kind of test for your politicians to weed out the crazy ones...

  10. The Chump got his ass handed to him on's the link...favorite...what The Onion did! LOL!

    1. Rosie O'Donnell tore your ass in half and handed it back to you the last time you showed it this much. Have you no sense of decency, Mr. Trump?

  11. Wow. And Romney thinks people have attacked him over stuff; nothing like what Obama has had to deal with for the past 4 years.

  12. Anonymous3:06 PM

    How dare he. He demands the President of the United States' college and passport applications and records and has the nerve to say:

    "When he does that to my satisfaction..."

    He actually thinks the President should bow to his lunacy. I am truly incensed. Douchebag is too good a word to describe him.

    1. AND, anyone who has ever done business with Trump knows that he will stiff the charity anyway. Never pays his bills with tradesmen. Never pays his legal bills. Always claims the work was bad and threatens to sue.....

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Donald Trump is a buffoon. He is a clown and a media whore much like Sarah Palin. Trump is a poser and an attention freak. Both Palin and Trump should punch each other in the neck. This latest attempt to gain media attention during the elections proves it. He seems to pop up at the wrong time to use his name brand to try and garner a "look at meee" ala Palin. I'm almost sure it was this orange oompa loompa skinned fucktard that advised Sarah and sarah-mini-me to trademark their names.

    1. Trump's brand is stale. Like Sarah's Hoo-hoo.

  14. angela3:18 PM

    I'm starting to think republicans are all at the masturbatory phase in life.
    Trump, Palin, The "god is okay with rape babies guy" . . . . Pitiful.

  15. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I'll betcha that if some guy threatened to beat the shit out of Trump, that he'd run like a baby. The guys is a total asshole. "to his satisfaction"? Pompous ass!!! President Obama is so much smarter than he is...remember too, Trump inherited his fortune and has worked it since declaring bankruptcy many times (much as Romney has done with his companies!).

    Trump's daughter is married to a newspaper guy in Florida that recently came out in favor of Romney. Go figure!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Actually, Trump's daughter Ivanka is married to Jared Kushner, a 20-something year-old newspaper man in New York City, not Florida. It used to be a great paper; now it's a conservative rag. Top editor quit after Kushner came on board.

    2. Rather than slap the piss out of Donald Dickless, I'd much rather have two ladies hold his arms while I blow a fan in his face and muss his hair.

      That'll get us both on the 6 o'clock news. Or TMZ, at least.

      Photo-Op! Hurry, call the Papz!

  16. Realizing that President Obama is about to be re-elected, the usual racist suspects, revert to their usual dog calls to the old white folks - some of whom just might be thinking to support the President - due to the insane policies of the GOP.

    When all else fails - remind them he is a black guy. Maybe Sarah wants to be the next Mrs Trump?

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      I think she's too old for Trump. And really, just not attractive enough.

    2. When Sarah wants to see a hair-do like Trump's, all she has to do is take off her wig and look in the mirror.

  17. Dinty3:24 PM

    I've heard that Trump is known in the fundraising industry to make promises of huge donations while the cameras are rolling and then not come through when the cameras are off.

    Even if The President was to supply everything he is asking for his "to my satisfaction" prevarication gives him an out.

    What boggles my mind is that no matter who is in the White House, these guys are going to be just fine. If they are good businessmen that is.

  18. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Far more interesting than this moron's latest stunt is the fact that he was the one getting FIRED this week:

    His is one job loss that doesn't break my heart in the least! Of course his lack of running a quality operation means that the actual employees doing the real work will lose their jobs. Which makes him and even bigger DOUCHE if that's even possible! LOL

  19. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I have a weird feeling that trump is under investigation for the Scotland golf course boondoggle and he wants to set himself up as a foe of the presidents so he can play THAT card if he ever gets arrested.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      They had a story on TV recently that I watched about what Trump did in Scotland as to his newest golf course. The guy is a real slim bucket in business there is no doubt! The people of Scotland, in that particular area, are very, very much against him! Hope they sue his ass!!!

    2. Crystal Sage5:14 PM

      I have downloaded a movie about that called: Trumped. I look forward to seeing it in the next few days. How he decided to destroy a picturesque Scottish coastline to install a golf course. What a douche.

  20. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I want to see Mitt Romney's tax returns for at least the last six years, preferably the last ten years (what he asked of Paul Ryan) and I want to see his medical records including any and all records of his having been treated for any kind of "mental" illness. That's the least he can do for the American people. President Obama has been through all of this four years ago. He has proven himself to be of sound mind and body and he is serving the American people with amazing dignity and competence.

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      I want to see the records from when he was governor, the stuff that he deleted!

  21. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Richard Mourdock has the Palin Plague, 'How's that Endorsement Thingy workin' fer ya? Bwahahahaha.

  22. jcinco4:08 PM

    too bad sarah's such an old hag or she become the donald's next gold digging wife. This latest one is having to go above and beyond to grift him...

  23. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Check your headline, Gryph.


    PS - Trump is just another snake oil salesman. Oh - and did you hear? His company lost operational rights to a Trump property in NYC!!!

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      He's a master at bankruptcy, much like Romney himself.

  24. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Melania Trump must be mortified that she is married to this clown. Notice how they are rarely seen together in photos?

    She probably is hiding so far under her covers tonite!

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Crying in her huge pile of money and jewels. Anybody who would marry Trump gets what she deserves.

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM

      God well said and faved!

  25. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Let's not forget the time Trump was in the running for President. Here he is on tape with CNN's John King after PBO released his birth certificate. In this interview he's rude, arrogant, pompous, conniving and most of all A FUCKING LIAR!! I have to commend John King for remaining calm to not reach across and smack the asshole lips off of Trump's face after Donald repeatedly interrupted
    him like it was his show. King exposes him towards the end of the interview. The Trump in this interview is the same bloviating ignoramus Donald Trump stirring up the media today with his 5 million dollar offer. He hasn't changed.

  26. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Jesus fuck, is this turd still circling the bowl?

  27. Anonymous8:51 PM

    How about he offers $5 million to the special Olympics if Sarah Palin releases Trig and Trip's birth certificates.

    And I'd throw in an extra $20 myself if she threw in her own college transcripts.

    I'd pay another $50 if she released all her e-mails from her time as Governor, and I'd kick in $100, if she released everybody she has non-disclosure agreements with.

    $200 more if she holds Rush Limp Paw and Ann Cold Heart responsible for repeatedly using the word Retard.

    And last but not least, I'll donate another Five bucks if she comes forth with proof that she and Todd still have sex. A video would be best, but stills that can be verified by an independent expert not to have been photo-shopped will suffice.

  28. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Sarah went ballistic when Rahm Emmanuel, when he worked for Obama in DC, said something like "are you a retard" to someone he didn't respect. Limppau made the same inflammatory accusation to someone and she didn't peep. And there has been no response to Colter, most likely b/c the slur was directed at her nemisis. Faux Variety show insults my intelligence by having her be a pundit on what happened in Benghazi. She couldn't find it if it were next door, has NO understanding of the conflict, and she has no intelligence or history in foreign policy. God, what has happened to this country!?

  29. Anonymous9:44 PM

    How the fuck can his wife stand sleeping next to him, damnit he is so creeepy! He sounds like Mike Myers (Dr. Evil) in Austin Powers Movie.

    1. Anonymous1:51 AM

      Something tells me she has her own room with a lock on the door.

  30. Not What You Want to Hear5:00 AM

    Gryphen: "And like Sarah Palin he simply CANNOT accept that the President got where he is today through intelligence, hard work, and the kind of coolness under pressure that they will never hope to understand."

    In their hearts, they know it, though. But that is how today's rightwing movement works. Identify your opponent's strongest traits, and then convince people your opponent is actually the opposite of those traits.

    It's called bearing false witness.

  31. Crystal Sage5:53 AM

    I'm waiting for the Trump response to Stephen Colbert's dare that his PAC would donate $1 million to any charity if Trump would take Stephen's balls in his asshole-inspired mouth. I just knew that Stephen's PAC money would come in handy.

  32. Anonymous9:43 AM

    $5 million? Chump change Donny Boy. Make it $500 million and you have a deal

  33. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I think Donald DUMP needs to spend some time in the bathroom


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.