Friday, December 14, 2012

Activist Dan Savage denies that HIS totally gay marriage is the reason for the breakup of Track Palin's totally shotgun marriage.

Courtesy of America Blog:

Dan Savage gets married to his boyfriend right before Sarah Palin’s son get divorced from his wife. Clearly another heterosexual marriage destroyed by the homosexuals, if you ask me. Oh the humanity! 

Though Dan is now categorically denying that his “gay” marriage several days ago to his longtime boyfriend-in-America-husband-in-Canada Terry Miller had anything to do with splitting up the Palins (this is really from Dan, he just emailed it to John): 

“Hundreds of other same-sex couples have married in Washington state since Sunday. It’s true, of course, that every time a same-sex couple marries, a straight marriage collapses. But there’s no proof that my marriage caused the collapse of Track Palin’s marriage. It could’ve been some other couple’s marriage, or perhaps it was the collective weight of all the same-sex weddings that have been performed in Washington state since Sunday that doomed the Palins’ marriage. We are not trying to evade responsibility here—being married is all about assuming responsibility—but I feel this effort to blame us is baseless.”

While I have little doubt that all of these gay marriages will endanger hetero marriages all over the country (Because gay marriage just looks like so much more fun than boring old traditional marriage), I think Dan Savage can rest assured that HIS marriage had absolutely nothing to do with the end of this story book marriage. (And by "story book" I mean the whole thing was probably a myth.)

Instead the marriage I would blame for the end of Track's marriage is the marriage between his mother and the guy she tricked into marrying her.

Let's face it the marriage started off on the wrong foot with Sarah and Todd getting married in August 1989, and Track coming along only less than eight months later. (And I won't even go into the questions surrounding his parentage.)

Then it seems to have gone downhill fast with dozens of eye witness accounts of an uninvolved mother and a father who was off working in the oilfields almost half of ever year, who often arrived home to a house without food and piles of laundry on the floor.

The arguments that Track witnessed are legendary, and the behaviors he demonstrated in response to that turmoil is still whispered about throughout Wasilla. Essentially the kid never really stood a chance.

Apparently Palin felt that shipping him off to the military and creating a myth about his super soldier status would change him and make him more cooperative, but clearly that did not happen.

So can anybody really be surprised that THIS marriage did not survive?

Hmm, perhaps if Britta had been able to use SarahPAC funds to pay Track to stay with her she could still have the "happy" union that Sarah and Todd enjoy today. (Just thinking outside the box.)

No Mr. Savage your marriage had nothing to do with this unfortunate circumstance. In fact it could be argued that if Track had been able to grow up in the home of somebody as loving and committed as many of the gay couples getting married today, he might have turned out to be an entirely different young man altogether.


  1. wendy6:07 AM

    This is just drivel. It's embarrassing that you would try to link a good story about someone's happy marriage with unfounded speculation about the marriages and divorces of others.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Oh how cute! A drivel spewing driveler spewing drivel.

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Kristy, (Wendy) do you have any sort of reason to post your crap here?

      There isn't one person at IM who thinks anything you write is worth a crap.

      Oh, and also too, Track looks EXACTLY like Mr Menard (his real father). In fact the older he gets, the more it's painfully obvious that $arah was out fooling around while Tawd was on the slop

    3. fromthediagonal7:23 AM

      @ Anon 6:36...

      While the paternity of this young man may or may not be questionable, it does seem certain in the picture above that he inherited the "lazy" right eye from his mother. Mind you, not that it matters...

      As for Dan Savage and Terry Miller, I am glad they could finally "be legal" in Washington State.

      Now let's keep fighting for nationwide acceptance of equality in all of its facets,
      for that is what matters...

    4. How much drivel can a drivel spewer spew?

    5. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Todd Palin and Sarah Palin also have a FAKE Marriage. They keep up the FACADE because they know too much DIRT about each other. The F.B.I., FEC. and the U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT
      are not snooping around Alaska for nothing. Sarah and Todd are trying to DEFLECT ATTENTION from the 'RILL' ISSUES. They are going DOWN.

    6. Anonymous9:05 AM

      t does seem certain in the picture above that he inherited the "lazy" right eye from his mothe

      either that or he's stoned...agsin....still??

      Also hey Krusty: this is a funny post.

      But you are right to insult us all. We ARE emotionally constipated, all of us IMers. We don't give a SHIT about what you think :)

    7. emrysa7:53 PM

      who has the happy marriage? todd does his prostitutes and track is getting divorced. neither one of those sound like happy marriages, so I'm not sure who you're referring to as being in the "happy marriage."

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Oh, Wendy, I can see that you can't recognize satire, not even when it is mocking you. Whatever reasons Track and Britta had for getting a divorce, they cannot blame homosexuals getting married for their problems. Maybe you should ask why people publicize their private lives in TMZ instead. And we don't know that Track and Britta had a happy marriage. She was pregnant. She HAD to get married. Track was away in Afghanistan protecting our freedoms. And, Dan's marriage had nothing to do with their divorce.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Uhm just some musings... - Brita was $carah's secretary - any chance that she and $carah planned the pregnancy to force Track into marriage to improve her image?

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      10:20 I don't know if $carah plotted with Britta or if she was just highly manipulative. I have known mothers like that. They want to control every little thing in a son's life.

      The $carah/Britta relationship is well established. When wasn't $carah training her? I would think that $carah knows exactly how to control Britta to get what $carah wants. Sometimes I wonder if Britta isn't almost brain dead, in a deep fog for sure. I know she is pretty and they say smart and educated, but is that true or exaggerated?

  3. Oh, Wendy, loosen up. Gryphen just wrote the blog because one of the guys getting married, in jest, I assume, wrote that their marriage caused the Track/Britta break up. This, again I assume, was based on the right wing contention that gay marriage will be the demise of marriage between a man and a woman.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Palinites are dumb as rocks.

    They are not going to change.

    I for one am glad they can't change.

    More proof of their insanity.

    Lack of a sense of humor is tragic.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Track Palin has a sense of humor.

      Because he is hot!

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      funny... Track pretty much just points his Oxycontin hangover gaze at the camera and mumbles something about what an awesome fisherman his dad is. Then he goes out with his boys and wrecks the boat trailer, because apparently, that's how kids rebel in Alaska.

      Read more

      What does school bus Track have against modes of transportation?

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      School Bus Track has now been thrown under the bus. How did he allow that to happen?

  5. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Editor's Column: Gays, In Fact, Saved Marriage

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Congrats to Dan and Terry, and how shameful that they had to wait 18 yrs to tie the knot.

  7. How about if we just feel bad for them that they pretty much didn't have a chance all things considered?

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      They are all part and parcel to the hoax perpetrated on the populace in 2208. As good christians, Britta and her family should spill the beans. Come on's the correct thing to do. Enuff with the lyin' for the lord shit up there in Alsaaaaaska.

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    The Sarah Palin's Alaska with Track must be viewed again, if Sarah didn't get it all scrubbed. .


    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I never watched her shit show, but this clip was hilarious. What an athlete she is!! NOT!!
      And no REAL Christian would take their lord's name in vian like she did, over nad over in this one short clip.
      Fundies: how do you justify her actions and words??????

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Where is the Track Palin footage?

  9. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Britta may have been on the chapter in nursing school where you learn about pregnancy and premature rupture of membranes and how high risk pregnanies and podunk hospitals with family practice physicians as OBs don't really make sense.
    Good for you Britta. Must have been really scary when you lightbulb went off, what with you being Palin's executive secretary and all during hoax time. Yikes!

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    What's the Root Cause of Sarah Palin's dysfunctional family?

    The Sarah Palin Curse

    The Sarah Palin Holier Than Thou Christian Family Values

    Sarah Palin's Greed

    Sarah Palin's DNA

    Something has to be the cause of all that family turmoil?

  11. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Guess this is why SARAHPac didn't spring for the big wedding they promised after the shotgun one. . .

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Would love to see Queen Sarah walking through Kmart with her smug look on her face thinking she is better than everybody else with her two Blackberries.

    What a fucking joke.

  13. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Palins and Heaths are the perfect examples why retards shouldn't breed.

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Track is the spitting image of Curtis Menard, Jr.....I am sure he must know who his real father is.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      If Track is not Toad's kid, then neither he nor Kyla get IHS medical care - that would be FRAUD.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The FBI would not be asking Britta some pertinent questions?

    Britta is a long time participant in a national fraud perpetrated on the good people of the USA. No one wants to know what she knew and when she knew it?

    A kid being made an executive secretary is a red flag signal that should have been investigated long ago.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      How about Palin's high school realtor bff in charge of agriculture? Another red flag?

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Bff Kristan Cole is a serious red flag. As well the one who loves cows. There is no way the FBI will pass over any of these close ties to Palin and dairygate. Brother Chuck is another one. He better double up on all the damage control, including for his nephew Track.

      Now that Track has quit early on the Army has anyone seen him signing up for classes or doing any work? We already know the commercial fishing lore is a big fat lie.

  16. As Detective Lenny Briscoe (Jerry Orbach on "Law & Order") once said, why not let them get married. Then, they can be as miserable as us. -:)

  17. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Bless their hearts. Those Palin demon seeds never had a chance with a mother like Sarah and a pimp for a father.

  18. Anonymous9:58 AM

    How much will Bristol charge SarahPAC to give Track a speech about abstinence?

  19. Anonymous10:00 AM

    How much is Track giving Britta each month?

    Would of been cheaper if Todd gave Track one of his prostitutes!

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      She gets a pauper's pittance from the father of Kyla. She will need to work for Todd if she can't make it in freezing cold Ak

    2. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      How much is Track giving Britta each month?

      My guess would be "none", or why bother getting divorced?

  20. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Sarah or Bristol should give a paid speech on:

    "Pussy is the root of all evil"

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    America by Heart, Reflections on Family Faith and Flag by Sarah Palin

    Lol HA HA HA HA

  22. Anonymous10:09 AM

    What are the Vegas odds that Track or Bristol will ever get married?

    Maybe that's why Sarah won't divorce Todd? Nobody would want to marry Sarah with those things she gave birth to hanging around.

  23. Anonymous10:12 AM

    My best advice for Britta Hanson, stay away from private airplanes, dairy buildings, churches, school buses and yachts.

    Accidents happens!

    Get my drift?

  24. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Not to change the story, but how is Dairygate and Pimpgate doing?

    Any progress? Arrests?

    Keep us posted Alaska.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I want to hear more from Andrew Halcro on Dairygate!

      What is appearing in the Alaska media (limited) is not involving Sarah!! The loans have been 'recalled" by the State of Alaska? They should recall Gov Parnell who followed exactly in Sarah's footsteps. Both of them need to be pulled into this matter as to the legality of it! Will the Bankruptcy Court do so?

  25. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Well the good news is nobody is talking about Bristol's Jay Leno chin, her dancing debacle or her bastard child with the homophobic mouth!

    I hope Bristol sends Track a Hallmark thank you card?

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM


  27. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I have always believed Britta was the best thing to ever happen to Track.

    I have always believed she is a good mother, a lady whose child you do not mess with, a person who makes personal sacrifices for her daughter.

    I suspect a clash of family values, a tipping point, occurred that forced Britta to get Kyla as quickly and as far away as possible from the Palins.

    It´s what any decent person would do.

    (Atta Girl!)

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      The palin family may not have liked what Britta told the investigation agencies that are smoking out all the Palin Gates. Army Gate, Dairy Gate, Welfare Gate, SarahPac Gate, Tax Gate, Sex Gate and so forth. Too many to go on.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I have always believed she is a good mother


      Why would you "always believe" that?

      Do you know her?

      Plus, she's only been a mom for about a year.

      You're weird to put personality, morality and anything else on some girl who is a stranger.

      People do that a lot here -

      Palins are scum, therefore anyone NOT a Palin is Good, Decent, Hard-Working, blah blah blah.


      THESE people were ATTRACTED to the Palins! There must be something there they liked. Even though the evidence was Right in front of their faces.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      I've always believed that people who respond to someone's post with drivel, then asks a question only to go on to answer their own question is a sign of an unstable person.

      Why do you judge people you know nothing about, Krusty?

  28. Anonymous10:26 AM

    If I were Piper I would be pissed at Sarah, Todd, Track and Bristol.

    What's Piper's chances of ever getting married without trapping some poor sap?

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Piper's future life is pretty bleak. She is a spoiled brat - which has been reflected via the media. Her chances of being happy isnt' there!

      Once again - her horrid mother didn't have a clue how to parent her children. No wonder they are all a friggin' mess! Poor Piper and the rest of the Klan!

  29. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Gino's mom and dad must be ecstatic that Gino didn't knock up that Sarah Palin daughter?

    Merry X-mas folks.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Gino just played Bristol's boyfriend for her TV show to earn a paycheck. Poor Bristol, luring her men in with the promise of a reality show paycheck. Ouch.

  30. Anonymous10:32 AM

    If it wasn't for those Palins and Heaths, what would Alaskans be talking about?

    The cold weather?

    Moose shit on their boots?

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Moose shit doesn't stick to your boots.

  31. Anonymous10:34 AM



  32. Anonymous10:35 AM

    White House knocks McCain for Palin pick

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Ha! WH would know about all the investigations and the facts they have collected this far along. It has only just started.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      “The leading critics of Ambassador Rice, with their wildly unfounded assertions, have a spotty record at best when it comes to making judgments about who is qualified for high office in this country,” said White House press secretary Jay Carney.

      "Well played, Mr. Carney. Palin is qualified to be a quitting governor of Alaska, nothing more. Rice was a Rhodes Scholar while Sarah couldn't read newspapers."

    3. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

      After being asked about the statement, he simply added the rejoinder:

      "you'll have to deduce"

      HA!!! He wouldn't even mention her name - That had to leave a skid mark!

  33. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Ok time to make popcorn's to watch the crazy wig lady on Greta tonight.

  34. Anonymous11:55 AM

    For pete's sake, this reminds me of how the conservatives are saying that gay marriage will ruin
    heterosexual marriages. Sheesh!

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      What do conservatives say about pretend heterosexual marriages that are arranged so the mother of the groom can finagle money from family value suckers? Do they have any clue how many heterosexual marriages are ruined by lies and fraud?

  35. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous10:02 AM
    Sarah or Bristol should give a paid speech on:

    "Pussy is the root of all evil


    All pussy? Wasilla pussy? Or just Palin and Heath pussy?

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Depends on who you ask!

      Glen Rice, Brad Hanson, Curt Menard, Todd and a few others will say one name.

      Levi, Ben, Gino, Kyle, and a few others would say another name.

      Andy and a few others would say another name.

      Trooper Wooten and a few others would say another name.

      Creepy Chuckie who started all this mess and a few others would say another name.

      So it really depends on who you ask!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      Technically speaking, Todd would be saying two names. One is his "wife" and the other- he put her last name on on a vanity license plate.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      And, what about the art work that was placed in front of Wasilla High School about a year ago that was referred to as the Palin's Vagina (all of them!)"? Did they take it down?

  36. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sarah Palin if you have any cajones you will talk about Dairygate, Pimpgate and Divorcegate on Greta tonight.


  37. Anonymous1:26 PM

    What's the difference between Susan Rice and a pitbull with lipstick? A 5.0 Stanford GPA, a Rhodes scholarship and an Oxford education

  38. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    Viva Dan and Terry! They had to come to the states to "live in sin"!

    They've been married longer than Bristol kept her virginity!

  39. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I think Dan Savage was being funny with a straight face. Hahaha homo-marriages cause direct break up of hetero-marriages. It's like Sain't Sarah saying she was qualified with foreign experience because Russia's next door.

  40. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Do you wonder what Britta's parents are going through due to this horrible Palin/Heath involvement? It must be awful for them. And, they, as minister and christians, are keeping their mouths shut....unlike the Palins/Heaths!

    I'll bet they are so friggin' happy to be as away as they can get from their daughters previous actions and the horrid Palin/Heath families. It had to be awful to experience life around them!!


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