Friday, December 14, 2012

Possibly the cutest internet video EVER!

This from the YouTube site:

Little Arthur takes a break from walking his dog to play in a puddle, taking a stroll through the woods with 12-year-old Shar Pei Watson. Arthur treks through it before deciding to head back and splash around some more.

Sometimes it is just nice to take a break from all of the conflict and ugliness in the world and take a moment to focus on the things that make life wonderful.

Like a boy and his dog. And a puddle.


  1. Sally in MI4:15 AM

    I love how he puts the leash on the ground and then looks at the dog to make sure he doesn't go anywhere. You're right...very very very cute. I'm smiling.

  2. I adore the way the little boy so carefully sets the leash handle on the ground. And SUCH a good dog. Thanks for the sweetums video.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    So cute! Usually it's the dogs stopping to sniff something, or dig through someone's lawn while the owner stands around holding the leash, waiting, until Fido is finished exploring.

    This dog seems very protective and well-trained. It's like he's taking the human out for a walk. And of course what little boy would pass up a puddle?

  4. Anonymous5:28 AM

    What a nice way to start the morning! So gentle and sweet! Thank you IM.

  5. angela5:38 AM

    Thank you for this. I needed it . . . . .Wonderful.

  6. That was so CUTE! Cool way to start a Friday! Thanks Gryphen!

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Very cute. Very sweet. Now excuse me while I go grab another hanky...

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    You're right. That was fabulously cute.
    M from MD

  9. Adorable kid and dog!Thanks G!☺

  10. Anonymous8:55 AM

    In the 21st Century way of mothers and adult daughters, I opened my email to send her this, and she had sent it to me, less than 5 mins before.

    My comment was that I was so happy to see that whomever was filming just let the two friends 'be'. There was no cooing and coaching, no impatience to hurry up. That lucky child has a respectful adult in his life; one who is allowing him to explore the world at his own tempo.

    And I suspect that wise adult will also be able to model calm, wise and loving interactions with other humans, as well.

    Thank you for sharing this with the IM family; and today is the birthday of aforementioned daughter!


  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Cute little boy..good dog!!

  12. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

    Thanks for sharing.

    Arthur's a cutie!

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I saw this and sent it to my niece. She has a boy that looks a lot like this little boy. I have a play date every Thursday with my little nephew, and when I get there, the first thing he wants to do is put on his boots so we can go play in the mud puddles. Kids are so much fun!


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