Thursday, January 17, 2013

MSNBC's Krystal Ball offers topics for the Republicans to discuss during their sleepaway camping trip this week.

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By the way possibly the BEST part of this segment was the look on S.E. Cupp's face as they handed off to Martin Bashir for the start of his show. She looked like she was seething, which to my mind only made it that much better.

I really like Krystal Ball and I am not the only one, she is all but ubiquitous on MSNBC these days appearing as a contributor on The Last Word, with Martin Bashir on his show, and on any number of other programs as well.

And why not, she is quick witted, charming, and gorgeous.

Like I said I can barely force myself to watch the Cycle, but if it had a lot more Krystal Ball and a lot LESS S.E. Cupp I am pretty sure I would become an avid viewer in no time.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I've never seen this show before, much less heard of this Krystal Ball person, but hey, if she's on our side I can forgive her for having a porn star name!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    She looks like Bristol Palin. This is what Bristol Palin could have been if only she'd been born with a brain, instead of just a vagina.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Bwahahaha Bristol has no 'looks'. You must be WONKY-EYED.

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    If Krystal's maiden name is Ball then I think Krystal's parents played a very cruel joke on her .

    1. How about my friends, the Whites, from college back in the 60s that named their daughter Snow?

    2. Anita Winecooler8:21 PM

      yeah, you should see Krystal's siblings, Blue and Policeman's Other.

    3. Yeah, it's been tough going for Blue and his twin. Sore subjects for "the boys".

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I wonder how many hookers Todd Palin has been asked to provide for "camp"?

  5. CHLOE IN3:34 PM

    Yea, I have to agree with you on that observation concerning S.E. Cupp. Why do the liberal shows have to have one token, boring conservative? She was horrible when she was on Bill Maher a few months ago.

    1. DetroitSam10:28 PM

      I have been asking this question of some of the tv show hosts. None have responded.

      Not only do they invite cons they also invite the rabid right-wingers like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, etc.

      I try to watch all new progressive shows but when the invite the first nut job on that's it for me.

  6. What, you don't like the naughty school girl look? Just wait, one of these days those glasses will come off, the hair will come down and she'll be transformed into a red hot porn star. Hey, mebbe even with some girl-on-girl action with Krystal.

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I'm glad Ms. Ball is a liberal. Ball is my maiden name. Would have been fun had my parents named me Krystal. I grew up in the 50's. Lucille Ball was an icon so didn't suffer too much sarcasm. However, I understand Krystal, being in the public eye, has has her share of juvenile.

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Where is Sarah Palin?

    Where is Todd Palin?

    1. Leland4:42 PM

      Who the hell CARES?

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Short E. Cupp is very Boring and uninformed. Her Snickering when something is going her way is Unprofessional.

  10. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I don't watch the Cycle because I can't stand SE Cupp.

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    3:57 Who gives a shit? It's so wonderful not seeing either of them any longer. Wish it had occurred a lot sooner!

  12. mrsbutterworth4:54 PM

    OT: Too bad couldn't unearth Sarah's "pregnancy" with Trig. Ed Schultz says that the blogger, Tom Scocca, at DEADSPIN uncovered the hoax of the year. Weeelll! What if this guy investigated Sarah's pregnancy hoax? Wouldn't he be hailed as a hero? If there's this much press devoted to the hoax of a sports QB think how much MORE outrage there would be if America found out that they were punked by a VP candidate of a major political party!!?? Now THAT would be HUGE. Palin's hoax would make this Manti Te'o's hoax look like a piker did it. Too bad all those lazy "journalists" in 2008 didn't do their jobs and vet the person who wanted to be a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world. Worthless!

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Manti Te'o is a LB not a QB.

  13. For pity's sake, she didn't name herself, as far as I can tell. And she sure as hell doesn't look anything like Bristol. Seriously, she is a very articulate, well-informed, intelligent, and impassioned commentator. She also happens to be gorgeous. Some of these comments are really disgusting.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:23 PM

      I totally agree. Great comment!

    2. Anonymous10:25 PM

      There's no way I'd mistake Beefy for Krystal. Not enough alcohol in this county to make that mistake. Only the baggers fuck cows. Or goats. Or sheep. Or Beefy.

  14. Anita Winecooler8:34 PM

    Amazing that a woman can look good AND be smart/ quick on her feet! I would LOVE to watch the show, and I've forced myself a few times. Toure', Steve and Krystal are the only redeeming features on that show, but as long as S.E. Cupp is part of the show, they won't get my viewership.

    Seeing Krystal and Toure' doing guest gigs on other shows gives me hope that they're considering kicking S E to the curb. She's insufferable, full of herself and shallow.

  15. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I don't remember clearly seeing her before (I have a vague image) but if this is the sort of reporting she does, funny, articulate and spot on, I'll keep a look out for her posts. Nicely Done.

  16. S.E. Cupp is nothing more than an empty shell spouting empty winger shit...Her only redeeming feature is the way some of her fans want to dry hump her in the green room...Oh...wait...that was me...I am a sick person...


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