Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tea Party reaches out on Facebook to beg Sarah Palin to weigh in on the gun control debate. Are those crickets that I hear?

"OMG! Somebody misses me!"
Courtesy of a Teabagger Facebook page:  

Dear Sarah: 

We've missed you. We know you spend a lot of time with your family (Yeah right!) now and are on Fox News a lot (Not any more!), but we think it is time for "Momma Grizzly" to make an appearance again. Who better than you who grew up with all kinds of firearms to get involved again and lead a movement to protect the 2nd Amendment. Since many republicans in Congress are too weak-kneed to stand up to a tyrannical Constitution breaking President, maybe it's high time for you to come to Washington and take down some of these corrupt gun grabbing politicians just like you did in Alaska (WTF?) by showing them why Americans have an ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and it "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" upon as the US Constitution states. It will drive the left absolutely CRAZY for you to get involved and stand up to Obama and his executive orders. Give us a shout and let us know you are in! (Don't hold your breath baggers.)

You know you can almost see their little tear stained faces as they plead with their once bellicose queen to discharge her signature word salad and bury the gun control advocates in a leafy deluge of venomous verbalization.

I am sure that right now tubby, stretch pants wearing Palin-bots are dragging their oxygen tanks to the rooftops in order turn on their batshit crazy signals, in the hopes that the great Wasilla Wendigo will see them and ride to the rescue.

Yep there's one now.

Gee kids, what a cliff hanger. Will Palin drag herself out of her pill induced coma, in response to the loss of her Fox job, to babble incoherently on Facebook at this gun control issue? Will she crawl out from under her bed, trowel on some makeup, and beg some cable news station to allow her to make an appearance to drum up some dollars for SarahPAC? Will she have an opinion piece ghostwritten for her that she can them put her hoof print on and send off to those whackjobs at Breitbart?

Yeah, probably not.

But you never know. Bwa ha ha ha!


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    They know she's "on Fox News a lot"? Then they know something that Fox News doesn't know.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Gryphen, This is off the subject a bit but I missed info that Sarah Palin and Levi Johnson had a hot thing goin' on once...true? This makes the paternity issue of her son v. interesting.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      8:44 PM Willow is Trig's Mother. That is why she exited School in Juneau. Willow and Bristol were quite active in Juneau. Mono was the excuse for both of them. Willow's 1st Pregnancy scare was not a scare, hence Trig was born.

    3. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Do tell more!

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I heard FOX just hired Democrat Dennis Kucinich. Must be Sarah's replacement. Bwahahahaha!

    1. Balzafiar5:33 AM

      I am totally confused. Just 23 hours ago, a news clip said "Dennis Kucinich joins Karl Rove and Sarah Palin as Fox News contributor...".

      So what's the truth about people saying Sarah is gone from Fox? That doesn't seem to be the case. Is it just wishful thinking?

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Balzafiar, the headline about joining Sarah on Fox was written by a blogger does not have inside information. He might not be following other news enough to notice that Palin hasn't been on Fox in a long time.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM


      The lying tricksters at Fox only want to torment their craziest audience. They won't play straight and forward because they have no decency in them.

      The "Dennis Kucinich joins Karl Rove and Sarah Palin as Fox News contributor...". means nothing.

      They may have Palin's name in their just to keep up an illusion. Fox may think she is in rehabilitation for a 30 day program. Pros would have said something even if they lied and called it the flu she is recovering from.

      She could be light years a way from being wigged up and dressed to be TV ready. I would think Fox has staff that can view her and talk to whoever is running her show. They are NOT talking to the public, not even the part that does send money. All Fox wants is for people to look a way and let Palin and Fox go on with all their scams.

      I find it hard to believe Fox is still in negotiations about her contract but who can say (they aren't talking). If there is the slimmest of chance she will be joining Rove and Kucinich that only reflects horribly on Fox. What an idiot Rove would be to be on any team Palin plays with. Is he that stupid? Kucinich doesn't have a past with them and he just wants in for his point of view. I doubt he has anything to do with what Fox says about Palin.

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Creepy Chuck Jr and Brisket do her talking for her these days. Obviously she's still too incoherent.

    C'mon, Sarah! Don't retreat - RELOAD!

  4. angela4:54 PM

    Oh yeah she will----if someone will pay her . . . . .

    1. On the contrary, I believe the Bald One is reaching the point she will pay someone to ask her to appear. She's definitely not feeling the love other than from RAM and Fat Boy who are both always trying to get her to sober up and join them in a three-way. Like old times with Creepy Jr & Creepy Daddy.

    2. A. J. Billings5:30 AM

      @Boney boo boo

      Making jokes about the possibility that Sarah was sexually abused as a child is not funny

      Assuming that's what you meant, it's not a fit topic for jokes,

      I would hope that the IM community is better than that.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Dear A. J. Billings:

      No joke there. Sarah is OBVIOUSLY a victim of early childhood sexual abuse. Anyone with a keen eye and ear for this sort of behavior can confirm this. It's not a joke. It's the truth. And she demonstrates this regularly with her posturing, her languaging, her entire being screams it. I've worked in the field for a long, long time and she is classic. The odds that Creepy Daddy was involved are very high, though that part I can't confirm. Sarah is a deeply troubled, deeply wounded individual. She has taken her abuse and used it as a justification for her sexual attacks on men, her paranoid distrust of them. I'd put it at 7 or 8 that it started, but again, no confirmation. So, no, A.J. this ain't no joke, it's the truth. And if you open your eyes, it's blatantly clear. You do know that incest is rampant in Alaska, yes? You do know that incest is rampant in those good christianist evangelical families, yes? Do some homework, you'll be stunned. I did, and I was. And all done to the 'glory of god' as an excuse.

    4. An European Viewpoint10:01 AM

      I personaly know very well two female victims of childhood sexual abuse and they are nothing like Sarah Palin. They dress and behave always on the unsexy side. They distrust men, sure, but they don't launch paranoid sexual attacks against them. They hate injustice, especially against children. They are honest, law-abiding citizens.

      I think you're trying to excuse Sarah Palin's horrific behaviour by throwing survivors under the bus.

      It's not acceptable. Female childhood sexual abuse survivors are not disgusting harridans.

      Maybe evangelical families are ripe with incest, but you "with your keen eye and ear" don't seem too legit to me.

      Early childhood sexual abuse defined by beginning at 7 or 8 ? That's not early at all, that's usual. Unusually early would be before 5. A worker in the field would know that.

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    That was a pretty funny take-down on this pathetic stunt Gyrphen.

    Oh she wishes, but she's scared shitless right now. She's not reloading, she's staining her grifted Arpaio pink underwear.

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    If you sign the petition you can leave a comment. 190 people signed it in December. Earthquake!

    1. Good. I hope ALL of those crazy, low life, low brow, low-intel people sign the petition. That'll be a target list for the mental health depts to work from as a check-off lIst. Stupid people. Sarah for President in 2016? She better get in rehab or she won't even see 2014. All that hate and meth are eating away at her every day. She's reaping that which she sowed from 2008 to the present. Fuck that wittch. Feed what's left on her scrawny bones to the hogs, although we might see them lose their appetite after the first bite. I wouldn't blame them. She's toxic, and that smell....

    2. Anita Winecooler8:55 PM

      190 people in December- Earthquake? Erhmagad!!!
      Blink Blink Blink

      Ohhh that's scary! My guess? Krusty and her 189 personalities were lonely as hell in December.

      Amiright? E

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I love how 'they' don't even capitalize 'Republicans' because they are: 1. Ignorant 2. Stupid! 3. Simply don't even understand basic English, or how to write properly.
    Typical of teabaggers! Remember the famous sign, "Get a brain, morans!"....

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:30 PM

      4. All of the above and keep hitting the #2 key for extra emphasis!

    2. I don't capitalize "republican" either, because I don't it's a party deserving a capital! However, I do capitalize "Democrat" as it has earned its capital!

    3. Repug isn't a proper noun. Nor a proper political party, what's left of it, anyway.

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      It could be capitalized reTHUGS. Sounds correct to me.

  8. Anonymous4:58 PM

    It's easy to see Sarah, has produced "BooBs" the same way she produced TRAY.... And Toad doesn't want fake anything..

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I am sure this will make her day to know that somebody wants her. They can have her. The Bots are convinced that she would be better off without FOX and she can be a free agent... They will never believe that Ailes didn't renew her contract - they will always believe it was Sarah's decision to quit.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      They also would never believe that she's known for months that Ailes was going to get rid of her. She didn't take it well - remember when he took her off the air during the RNC and she took their fight public? Ailes should have realized that after he dumped her she'd have nothing to lose.

      But a Palinbot is forever, and when she doesn't run in 2016 they'll immediately start talking about her unconventional run for 2020 and by 2024, when she still won't run, most of them will have died off.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I didn't know he told her that he wasn't renewing her contract and she does what she always does - makes a fuss, let's someone else fight her battle - her fans... I bet she thought she sure showed him how important she was. Between the Blood Libel video when he told her to lie low and stay quiet and her uprising over the RNC air time, she really showed her colors. She thought she was above reproach from anybody, including Ailes...

    3. The palinturdbots don't understand that if no one wants to sign you when you're a free agent, you might as well say you're retired and try to save face. She's toast. Yesterday's. Stale and burned. Not worth a pat of butter and the birds won't eat that shit. The cognitive dissonance if the Pee Crowd is as pitiful as it is entertaining.

  10. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Let´s put guns in every school to ensure a decent firefight. What´s the problem with turning our schoolyards into combat zones?

    Let´s ignore the fact guns have evolved since the Second Amendment was inked on paper.

    This is the beginning of the downfall of the NRA. Americans place the safety of their children over the ¨right¨ to own a tank.

    Obama´s got a green light on this one.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      We need WMD's and Chemical weapons. Nerve agents. Shit like that will slow down the charge of the gun crowd.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Har har, new member at the Pond

    "I belive that Sarah has already done way more for our cause and has suffered way more for our cause than anyone should ever be expected to do and suffer for any cause.

    Instead of asking her to do our work for us, we should learn from her example and take it upon ourselves to do what the Tea Party is asking Sarah to do!"

    I'm guessing chuckiejr (who is unable to get her out of bed)

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Come to think of it, anyone could have retweeted that bible quote the other day...

      Maybe she IS in rehab.

    2. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Write a check to Sarah, pee pond rookie. All you got. That's the initiation fee for the TRUE believers.

  12. bluebelle SC5:28 PM

    Okay. I'm starting to get worried about Baldy. If gun control can't smoke that rat out of hiding then we all have to wonder what kind of facility Sarah has taken up residence in. I wonder which member of the family committed her? Meth should not be used as a diet aid.

  13. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Look at that receding hairline on that picture of Sarah, tall and buzzed.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      That's the Meth bob.

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      LOL. Meth bob. Wallow better put that one one her specialty price menu at her Skanky Cuts Salon & Salmon Cannery. All the pee ponders will want the meth bob just like their bony-assed leader.

    3. Anonymous3:32 AM

      lol Sarah Tall and buzzed.
      I can't think of the real Sarah title now!!!

  14. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sad Tea Bags, they really don't get it.

    How long will they take to figure out she is hiding from the Feds?

    They will deny the most obvious facts but she is not hanging out with the family like they want to believe. They are sad delusional people.

    1. Sally in MI6:18 PM

      Hangin' out with family, sis she? Whose family? And which kids? She showed no inclination to mother any of her girsl; Track couldn't wait to get away from her, and she has only mentioned his daughter ONCE publicly. Let's see, he's already divorced, Bristol has kids and has never married, and Willow got a free pass for underage drinking, breaking into a home, and trashing it. Yeah, one great Christian, all-American, patriotic family she has raised. I am SO impressed with her parenting skills. About as impressed as I am with her command of English, and her knowledge of history and the Bible. Hahahhahahahaha

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Don't forget that the kids' Uncle Fat Boy ditched his family after knocking up a much younger co-worker. And Dandy Daddy Todd is a working pimp and closeted cocksucker himself. Lots of family values to go around in that bunch.

    3. Hanging out? If she leans over while wearing a t-shirt with out a bra, she'll be hanging out--- one of those floppy titties will pop out of her collar. Drooping like a fried egg on the end of a slinky.

      PS I can use help with my metaphors re Sarah's mushy mams. Feel free to jump in and I'll take notes.

    4. Anonymous4:54 AM

      Speaking of grammy mams, I heard she had a real scare with cancer when she felt a lump in on of her breasts - but it turned out to just be her belt buckle!

    5. Anonymous8:38 AM


      $carah's mushy mams e.g. windsocks

  15. you all underestimate sarah.
    she is very shortly going to announce her becoming a scientologist.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      She'll never pass the personality exam.

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Scientologists don't like dope except for their leaders. They can't use her. Look how much she took Greta down. She is poison. They might help her from the sidelines. If she were ever well enough to set up her own religion scam.

  16. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I don't think Sarah Palin will be crawling out from her rock anytime soon but one of her peeps can write the usual garbage for her. Those poor teabaggers are in pain. Chuckles, or someone help them.

  17. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Several things I've been happy to read already in these here comments. One, Dennis Kucinich may be replacing Sarah on Fox. Two, most palinbots will have died off by 2020. Three, Sarah may have been committed. I don't even care if any of them are true, they just sound great.

  18. Anonymous5:52 PM

    If Palin is in a real rehab she will need to do like Lance Armstrong with Oprah eventually. There is no half ass way anyone can cheat if they truly purged and turned their life around. She can't fake it or she will be revealed as a fraud.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Oh, Sarah was revealed as a fraud LONG ago. She just hasn't read the memo yet. The US Marshalls will provide her a copy when she peeks her head out the door.

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I dare the skank to reply lest she be exposed over and over again that she doesn't even know how to handle a weapon. Ask Levi. Or see this -Sarah in Kuwait:

    Notice her blank look while being given instructions. Notice she has her finger on the trigger as soon as the weapon is handed to her. She hold it up like a three year old would hold up a toy. It's a simulation rifle but I wish it were real. She would have shattered her eye socket, dislocated her shoulder or cracked her collar bone from the recoil.

    Here again, proof on video that: she can't load her own weapon, she's a lousy shot, for Pete's sake finger on the trigger again when she's handed another rifle!!!!!!!! Can't assume the correct stance for a shot all the while keeping her finger on the trigger (again!!!!! --WTF), then approaches a downed animal, rifle pointed up without checking for signs of life. She had to be warned by her pappy to get back. She who is a Hunter??? Hell no.

    I showed this to a few of my hunting buddies and they all agreed she's on the same level of a dangerous amateur who broke every safety code in the book.

    She's a fraud. A fucking poser hunter wannabe.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Thank you for revisitIng that, she and her supporters will be going on and on about her being a great lifelong hunter in their quest to make her 'qualified' to speak on the 2nd Amendment.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      She is crazy! All "her" guns should be taken away.

    3. Anonymous9:57 PM

      8:44 PM Can you imagine the massive number of assault weapons they stash at their fortresses for the day when their paranoid dreams come true? You can bet she will never stay in a place that is not armed to the max. Not going to get the any guns from her cold dead hands.

  20. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Is Sarah asking Chuckie jr. to carry the Palin Family burden of grifting? Wow, what a low to which she has fallen.

  21. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Obviously Sarah is too busy living vibrantly. She must have some excellent drugs.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I was wondering what she meant by "living vibrantly."

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      I don't think the drugs are treating her too well. She looks like she a wasting disease.

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      She hears green and she sees loud.

    4. hedgewytch9:04 PM

      Someone should take that "neck massager" away from her. Too much vibrancy isn't good.

    5. Anonymous3:29 AM

      anon 8:30 lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. God help me, I want to whack her followers upside the head…

    1. Sally in MI6:20 PM

      Yes, with some of the moose meat in her freezer!

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Moose they had to crib from neighbors to appear all wild game proteiny

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I've never heard it called a freezer before, although I'll bet Sarah's is cold as the Bering Sea.

    4. Anita Winecooler9:04 PM

      I have a feeling God beat you to the punch.

      Just look at her!

  23. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sarah has lost her Faux cheering team? what ever will she do for a platform and for money now?

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      She'll just pay her brother to write stuff on her Facebook wall and in comments all over the net, because Fat Boy works cheaper than RAM. I mean it's not like he has anything else to do, being unemployable for violating the ethics that school employees are required to uphold.

  24. Anonymous6:11 PM

    oh my god. she is just straight up trash. sad are the people who worship it.

    but i love them, they are endless entertainment. endless.

  25. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Negotiations to renew a contract usually begin months prior to the expiration date , which for Palin is this month.
    Her last appearance on FOX was on or about Dec 19 .
    Which is a long absence .
    Hannity must be going through withdrawal.
    Palin's absolute silence and
    the weird tweet says a lot .
    She's either in intense negotiations or she has been dropped.
    Or as others have speculated , she's in rehab.
    FOX , in a glowing release , just announced that they have renewed Rove.
    Should the Tea Party begin putting her face on milk cartons ?

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Should the Tea Party begin putting her face on milk cartons ?

      Why waste a perfectly good milk carton?

    2. hedgewytch9:11 PM

      They can't put her face on a milk carton, it would sour the milk.

    3. Anonymous10:01 PM

      They are too stupid and can't give up the fantasy.

  26. Palin could not "stand up to" Obama. She could, at best, pester him like a mosquito.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM


    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      I don't think she is even a faded memory by now. People think of her as the joke that just keeps the funnies rolling.

      Most people don't remember her or know she is MIA or about her Bible spewing Blackberry.

  27. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The staff at Life Healing will pass along the offer to Mrs. Palin.

    "Life Healing Center treats adults who are struggling with chemical dependence, eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorders."

    1. Anita Winecooler9:09 PM

      All of the above are fine and good, but they can't "treat" the stupid.

  28. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sarah and Todd keeping busy trying to bring SledNecks to Kinkaid Park in Anchorage. Coming soon a new TV show?" Also too a daughter or two marrying SledNeck royalty?

    "Snowmobiling fans outnumbered others at the hearing. And the Sno-X Club brought a packet of letters of support, including one from "Todd & Sarah Palin, and family."

    Rodda said the Parks Department has been bombarded with emails and as of Thursday afternoon they totaled 196 opposed to snowmachines in the park and 14 for."

    Where is Bristol?

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Yep, Bristol is dating those two stoners in the lower right corner. Or is that one sledneck with two heads? She likes it freaky. Todd is the one after Junker.

      If you want to bring the best shit to your community bring in the snowmachine riders. They know how to get down.

    2. Anonymous2:54 AM

      Bill Maher said "a tent and a six pack of wine coolers, OR as Bristol Palin calls it - DATING"

    3. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Bristol is lucky they have tents and wine coolers in Alaska. If they sober up she they will see what they are dating.

  29. AKinPA7:00 PM

    Maybe she can be the NRAs new spokes-ass. I haven't seen "Call me crazy" LaPierre since he made a total ass of himself at that press conference and subsequent interviews. I only see the NRA president on TV these days. The NRA needs a new ass to speak on its behalf. Now there's finally a job that Palin is eminently qualified for. NRA Spokes-ass.

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      LaPierre did a boo boo. Sarah is the big name the NRA is stuck with. Tom whats is name may be a nice guy, but who watches his show or remembers his long ago past?


  30. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sarah is probably broke - they just don't look like a family that would put money away for a rainy day - or invest for tomorrow.

    And over at the Cee - they haven't shown a recent photo of Sarah in forever - would probably scare away the remaining few

  31. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I betcha Sarah is trying to figure out how much to charge the tea know baggers

    Ass Grass or Money. . .

    Nobody gets Sarah Palin to talk for free.

  32. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Palin's brother had that post about a third party and the type of leader needed (Sarah in disguise, of course). Then Todd does Alaska magazine and talks about Sarah's bipartisanship when she was Gov.-- And Sarah is being quiet.

    Because Sarah thinks she is the USA savior, I do believe she is sitting back, once again, watching people (some she helped elect)argue and flail. Then, she probably thinks she can swoop in in 2016 and cure the ails of the USA. Palin is that delusional, but I do believe she was quite aware that her Tea Party candidates would create alot of chaos and that is exactly what she wanted-Then in her mind, she could come to the rescue. That's the reason Chuckle and the First "Dud" are suddenly discussing Palin's "bipartanship", I think. However, they don't realize people won't forget 2008 or Gabby Gifford and nobody would believe she could act in a bipartisan way.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Toad thinks bipartisan means you're attracted to men AND boys, just like he is.

    2. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Speaking of Alaska magazine. I tore off the cover and sent it back to them w/a note saying they should have investigated Todd's background before putting him on the cover. Also, said that he won his last race years ago and that someone with more respect and likability, as an Alaskan, should have graced their cover. Felt good!!

    3. AKinPA7:56 AM

      Anonymous @7:21
      For some unknown reason, I detest the word, "dude." Back in 08, when I had no idea who Palin was (I confess, I'm an old, myopic East coast elitist and socialist, also too)when I heard the term "first dude," I cringed. Just so classy and vice presidential that Palin. Even though I read here regularly, I've never seen "First Dud." Thanks so much for that. Now I can forever replace dude with dud. Suits him to a "t." Mr & Mrs Palin, Dud and Dudder.
      PS: Thanks to Gryphen and all of you, I've lost some of my shortsighted view of the US. Thanks, Everyone!

  33. ThanksABunchJohn7:22 PM

    Sistah Sayra already waded into the whole gun issue... only it was so vague that everyone misunderstood it. That last tweet she sent was a GREEN LIGHT for civil war or whatever these nutjobs want to do:

    Be confident of this: No matter what you face, you have what it takes! You can do all things through Christ. Phil 4:13

    That wasn't a cry for help. That was a sanction to "do what you have to" for Jaysus and the nutjob cause.

    Sarah, you are going to be more specific - people thought you were crying out for help.

  34. Anonymous7:32 PM

    When $creech isn't asked by anyone/anywhere her ópinion'on gun control - after she created a phony personna around bein' a real huntin' Annie Oakley type gal, always in photos with rifles -- you know she's been dumped by FOX. Not a peep from the half term half wit. Bwahahahahhhhaaaa

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Without a doubt all of her scams and hoaxes must be exposed. Lance Armstrong is minor compared to a political hoax. He was scamming for 14 years.

  35. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Sarah has been laying low. My guess is that she must be aware of an iceberg coming their way. :-)

    Or laying low because she is too embarrass she got canned from FOX, I mean Sarah resigned from FOX because she doesn't want to be a lame duck.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      The only people who can tell Sarah to shut up would be her lawyers.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Has ANYONE else ever been fired by FOX? I can't think of anyone! Except the Quitter.

    3. Anonymous10:22 PM

      She did say something about she would do what she wanted until the law told her not to. Sorry, I don't recall just what was said.

      Bottom line is her silence is due to the law.

  36. Anonymous7:39 PM

    That Gat Signal is one of the funniest things I've seen all day!

  37. Anonymous7:43 PM

    FOx also hired Kucinich, Jedidiah Bila (another "hot" conservative woman) and another I can't recall...Either they are building a bigger stable in a falling ratings environment, or they are replacing some of the existing "talent."

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Maybe they're replacing their old deadwood who doesn't contribute and is always complaining.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      What is great and revealing is that they can't give the deadwood from the deadlake a proper burial. They must make her and them selves look like poor pitiful unprofessional idiots and criminals that don't want things revealed.

      When quality media personalities leave professional jobs it isn't a tricky weird secret game so much. They at least honor protocol and announce a version of what it is about. The same for a worker that is going on hiatus for medical or other reasons.

      So why do they all want to make a big deal out of the silence? Do they want Sarah dogged like she is Greta Garbo? Sarah and Todd were doing the rodeo, race car happy d-list celebrity circus routine before her drunk holiday photos. Why did they stop all that and go into hiding?

      Todd and Sarah are being seen somewhere. Why is it no one can get so much as a random shot of one of them getting gas or going to the store?

      They really must live that large of a secret now? This mystery is an extension of their previous hoax and it is a monster.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      When camera men and maintenance staff leave, go on hiatus or have a major life event... they are given a decent good-bye or see you when you get back from family leave.

      However, Fox/Palin end up spinning this it will be more lies.

      Fox is stuck with her the same as John McCain.

  38. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Sarah is missing, what could be the possibilities?

    1. Sarah's family finally intervened and put her in rehab.

    2. FOX News demanded that she clean up and wash her ass.

    3. Sarah and Todd are in trouble with the Feds.

    4. Sarah went to ummm hockey camp in Michigan.

    5. I know, is Sarah prepping for the next DWTS season?

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      6. Sarah's fallen and she can't get up.

      The family is inviting people to come over and laugh at Sarah rolling around and writhing on the floor. For $10 a head. Nuttin' free in Heath-Palin grifter worlds.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      6. She;s finally taking that maternity leave she never took with Tri-G.

  39. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Don't tell me Sarah went to Europe because the leader of The Colony Girls got arrested over there?

  40. Dear Sarah,

    Help. We need you now because you're the pertiest and the smartest tea-bagger with lady parts for miles around. Bring your gun. We might be shooting at some of the darkies and brown people. And Libruls becuz they hate Merica. Any of em. All of em.



    (No, Todd, dammit. You didn't REALLY sign MY NAME to the fuckin' letter, did you? You dumb-ass, it's supposed to be a letter TO ME, you stupid prick. Just tell me you didn't hit send yet. Fuck!)

  41. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Bye, "Esther." Awww, you lost to Maryline, Glen Rice didn't work out, and the PALIN/McCain ticket lost to the black man, who now has been elected twice for all your bullshit rhetoric.

    Your family's a mess, your "husband's" a pimp, y'all eff like rabbits. Can't stop laughing at how IMPORTANT you are.

    There IS help, "Queen Esther," for you and those lo-info people who bought into you and padded your PAC. Seek it, you certainly can't run for office again. Postage.

  42. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Teabaggers you want Palin to join in on the gun debate? How much money you got?

    Sarah needs money to pay consultants to tell her what to think or say.

    SarahPac doesn't appear to be taking in money like it used to and somebody needs to fork out some major cash to keep the Palins in the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Sarah could always run for governor of Arizona and pass the Arizona Film Tax Credit then quit and make Sarah Palin's Arizona.

      Just a thought.

  43. Fake letter from Sarah to Sarah. Too obvious.

  44. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Written in Aug 2012

    By DYLAN BYERS | 8/30/12 4:18 PM EDT
    "New York Magazine's Gabe Sherman explains the real story behind Sarah Palin's mysterious outburst at Fox News last night:"

    "Last night's kerfuffle between Sarah Palin and Fox News was a classic display of Sarah Palin being, well, Sarah Palin. But her Facebook outburst complaining about Fox canceling her appearance at the Republic National Convention reveals something deeper about Palin’s often rocky relationship with the network. Palin's contract is up in January, and according to sources, Fox News executives are now weighing what kind of deal they would sign, if they sign one at all."

    Bye bye Sarah

  45. That Facebook post reminds me of the movie "Sunset Blvd." -- when it turns out that all the letters begging Norma Desmond to resume her movie career were actually written by her butler.

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      That's Sarah.

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Hahaha, I think that was written by Sarah herself or one of her family members.

  46. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Somebody misses me?

    Yeh Tri-G.

    I take that back.

    Tri-G misses his SarahPac nanny since the cutbacks due to budget restraints (lack of donations).

  47. Paul - Minnesota8:15 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, I like your take on their tea rant plea. It got me to laugh. The Wasilla Wendigo. Hee hee.

  48. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I'm sorry Tea Party that Sarah can't intervene. She is too busy attending church with her family.

  49. Anonymous8:20 PM

    The teabaggers that are sending $ to pay for Trig's nannies should all show up on her front porch if they want to get her attention. Then they can see Russia too! Then again they can show up on Bristol's porch with engagement rings.

    1. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Bristles should have taken that engagement ring, it could possibly be the ONLY one she will ever get.What guy wants to marry someone with several illegitimate kids, Botox and plastic surgery to keep up? Only the delusional ones, which is par for the course for the Palin females. The former wife of
      Chuckles Jr. must have quite a story to tell, it would be worth more than Chuckles and Chuckles Jr's drivel.

  50. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hey Sarah where's your gun libel statement & don't retreat, reload slogan? Maybe you should call Levi again so he can show you how to use a gun since you have no clue how! Maybe you can get paw paw to load & aim for ya you old fake.

  51. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Sarah won't speak up about gun control until she figures out which way the wind is blowing.

    Sarah still has her Tucson crosshairs which keeps coming back to haunt her.

  52. Anonymous8:29 PM

    If Sarah is in rehab maybe we should be happy for her. What about the rest of the family? Maybe they can get a family package?

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      If she did have some kind of "medical emergency" that landed her in rehab she is one that will go right back to her same old ways right away. Poor thing.

  53. Anonymous8:30 PM

    My mother-in-law disappeared for a while and came back with a new face. It takes time to recover.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Palin is disappeared for a new soul. That will take longer than 30 day rehab or new face recovery.

  54. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Remember the saying: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer....

    Where are you Sarah? We miss you and want to be closer to you.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:19 PM

      Drat, She must have read that as "ENEMAS"

      "Tawwdd, where did you put those corks?!?!!!"

  55. Baldy had the wonky-eye all excited in that picture. She can't think or see straight, and her mouth is the ultimate salad tosser.

  56. Anita Winecooler8:48 PM

    I honestly think Sarah's behind that letter from the baggers, you know, to gin up interest in "The Resurrection" of Sarah's PeePac account. She must be a few quarts low or running on pee fumes. What better way to feel relevant?

    That first photo is a doosey! Teatardtastic!

    Remember when she sold out venues with her word salad "main street common se nse" speeches? Now she's lucky to fill one seat - in the portapotty section of a pissing contest.

    I still feel Karma isn't done with Sarah. Dairy gate and who knows what else is in the cards for the Grifter? This can't end well, but it'll end!!!

    OT Have you seen FLOTUS's new hairdo? It's her birthday and 48 never looked so good!

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Mrs. Obama GLOWS with good health and happiness. What a terrific 1st. Lady. We should all be so lucky to have a loving, faithful husband and two highly intelligent respectful girls.

    2. Anonymous3:22 AM

      I'm excited about the ND football player and lack of journalistic integrity and all the press about it. THIS HELPS BABYGATE. All you Tweeters, tweet like MAD!

    3. Anonymous5:20 AM

      The Lance Armstrong lies are astounding. How he lived his lie and was such an all around American great guy.

      Mrs. Obama radiates health and is genuinely inspiring.

  57. Anonymous8:52 PM

    If I was beloved in Alaska like Sarah Palin is, I would run again to be Alaska's governor or run to be Alaska's Senator.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      BWAHAHAHA thanks for the sarcasm.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Maybe Sarah would like that and live in Juneau by herself while Trig, Piper and little Track lives in the Wasilla new home and Todd gets the two story house he built?

    3. Anonymous9:39 PM

      How hard could it be this time?

      Alaska is the smallest populated state in the union.

      Don't have to worry about the dairy industry.

      Got your buddies in the Anchorage Police Dept to cover for you.

      Refill the Alaska governor's Ethics Review Board with Wasilla HS alumni and friends.

      No kids in high school to get kicked out or send to hair school.

    4. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Sarah is beloved... isn't she?

    5. Anonymous9:50 PM

      The starving Native Alaskans need some more baked cookies.

      Come back Cookie Queen.

    6. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Has Piper had mono yet?

    7. WakeUpAmerica4:03 AM

      Most Alaskans despise the Tundra Turd AND her hillbilly clan. They are an embarrassment to the state. Google is your friend.

  58. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I think a neighbor should do a wellness check on Sarah?

    I would hate to see Sarah found in the morning in a catatonic state shitting all over herself.

    Where's Track? Doesn't that grown man still live with mommy?

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Is Todd still Sarah's neighbor next door or did he move to Anchorage?

    2. Anonymous10:51 PM

      9:23 PM Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' is probably out getting Drunk.

    3. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Who knows! None of them have a job so they must be camping out in the Palin house.

  59. NRA Champion9:55 PM

    Why so glum, liberal bloggers? Does the mere thought of the NRA's vast resources and fortitude overwhelm your spirits? Does the growing thought your impending legislative failure now start to gnaw in the recesses of your mind? Knowing full well gun control laws will never make it through the GOP house, you guys lash out at your go-to target: Sarah Palin. I hope it makes you all feel better, because when you finally realize Obama will fail in his attempt to ban semi-automatic rifles, you will need something to cheer you up.

    1. Honey, I know that you're one of those retards who can't comprehend But, the post to Sarah is from the tparty. And really, what batshit crazy reply could she come up with? Her idol; St. Ronnie Reagan advocated FOR banning automatic rifles AND godfather Scalia agreed that it is Constitutional to do so.
      And really, anyone who needs to own an automatic rifle, really need to get a penile extension.

    2. Anonymous10:50 PM

      NRA 9:55 PM Does your Gun make you feel like you are a man? You can't take it everywhere. Try carrying in an Airport. Or are you one of those Wimps who cowers at home with your Security Blanket? Semi-automatic rifles must give you an ORGASM. Do you sleep with it? You Wimp. Your Semi-automatic rifle can't go to work with you.

    3. Anonymous11:08 PM

      The bigger they are the harder they fall.

    4. Anonymous11:12 PM

      There will be no legislative fail - but thanks for trolling. Amazing that the ONLY President (despite many tried) who will implement gun control will be an African American President - and doesn't that make the NRA weep so much more.

      I assume you are one of the GOP folks - guns over people - hope your children understand how much you hate them.

    5. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Ha ha ha - nice! Damn you're funny!

    6. Anonymous12:07 AM


      glum ?!?

      creepy chucky,
      go fuk yer fat ass self, ya griftin' braindead fraud

    7. Anonymous12:31 AM

      Take your hand out of your pocket, buddy, nothing will make that thing grow.

    8. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Is your penis so small that you feel the need to possess semi-automatic weapons?

      I suggest a sports car.

    9. a j billings3:04 AM

      Obfuscating the obvious point of the Facebook plea is a transparent ploy.

      $arah and her sullied and trashed reputation is now so toxic, she's reached the level of a national joke and a total embarassment.

      $arah is the Lindsey Lohan of failed politicians, pining away for her lipstick and pitbull moment.

      For the record, if she really is in rehab from meth or diet pills, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

      Judging by the horrific pictures, terrible wigs, and insane attire $arah's sported lately, there is something drastically wrong.

      Bloviating about guns, Obama, and rill Mericans seems trivial in light of being sick, anorexic, and addicted to laxatives

      With Jeb Bush, Rubio, and Christie on the near horizon, you Pbots, reckless gun fanatics, and assorted $arah worshipers have no one left to save you from a commie Muslim filled future of rabid lefties

      oh, the humanity!

    10. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Hey dipshit for nra,
      lol nra is shitting it pants! Gabby giffords has a new gun org and it makes sense!

      'Morning Joe' Hosts Eviscerate 'Sick in the Head' NRA for Targeting Obama's Kids
      Oh yeah! 9:55 PM they are doing great! NOT!

    11. Anonymous6:06 AM

      It doesn't have to "make it through the gop'r house" ...Executive order.
      He's giving the teabags in the "house" a chance to do the right thing, if now Executive order.

      Oh and google that. Several POTUS have done E orders including Raygun when he fired all the TSA employee I believe....

    12. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Aj "laxatives & Meth" there I fixed it for you :)

    13. Anonymous7:35 AM

      A semi-automatic must make you feel manly. Sad!!!! Too bad you don't spend time on more worthwhile things instead of defending your toys.

    14. Anonymous7:41 AM

      NRA is a terrorist organization. What's it like to be a domestic terrorist?

    15. Anonymous8:28 AM


      tsa didn't exist in raygun's era, ronnie shit canned all the air traffic controllers.
      tsa was born of 9-11

  60. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I'm not upto date on the Wasilla Hill Billies latest news. Why did Brita leave Caint Get Right Track?
    Wasn't he a decorated combat vet?

    Sarah? Anybody?

    1. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Britta probably left because "Off Track" was once again being his old self, drugs and vandalism. Maybe being surrounded by the entire clan of grifters got to her?

    2. Anonymous3:19 AM

      If Britta is really in nursing college, she maybe had her ob classes/human pregnancy rotation and put a few things together????

    3. Bingo. Britta couldn't stand having the sperm-donating junkie around the baby. She had to bite her lip because she realizes that she put herself in this situation under the thumb of Sarah's control, and it was up to her to make changes because the Palin way wont ever change.

      At least Britta has the chops to realize what's best for herself and her baby (the grandbaby Sarah Palin NEVER spoke of in public nor wrote about). Proud grandma? Only if she can use the kid as a prop to stage some type of narrative or talking point to make Sarah look like superwoman herself.

      Sarah's all about Sarah first, and if there's any left over, she'll decide who is in her good graces at that time and throw them some crumbs... With expectations of absolute loyalty to her, even when she's 100% wrong, which is pretty often.

    4. Anonymous5:25 AM

      What was all that carp about Brittle being the nanny to track's baby? Britta lives and works in Wasilla?

  61. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Why is Sarah carrying 2 to 3 big bags on one arm and her cell phone in the other?

    She's not important to the GOP party anymore or anyone.
    Who would call her at Kmart or in the parking lot that's so important?

    President Obama?
    Lol FOX News?

    1. Anonymous10:29 PM


      FOX News calling, you're fired and we are sending lawyers to collect our camera. We don't want to hear its in the belly of the plane.

    2. Anonymous3:18 AM

      Her dealer?

    3. PalinsHoax4:50 AM

      Maybe Sayrah's waiting for Sheep Creek Lodge to call, confirming her reservation.

  62. Cracklin Charlie10:27 PM

    Oh, yeah, we're overwhelmed.


  63. Anonymous10:45 PM

    She just looks NASTY in that picture. Just trashy.

  64. Anonymous11:28 PM

    People are sick of hoaxsters Te'o and Armstrong.

    It is time to wake up to the campaign hoax McCain/Palin are covering over for four years. It has been one hell of a wild ride and it's time we know the whole story.

    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Funny that the media is eating their own over this failure to investigate. . .when Palin's record and personal biography, asserted by her as truth, was taken at face value. Same for her op-ed's and such to appear knowledgeable since the elections. She doesn't know things, she isn't serious about anything and her standing as a pundent and whatnot is finally reflecting that.

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Anonymous5:38 AM
      If peeps won't get their pitch forks and pound our so called investigative journalists,
      media will go on failing to investigate what matters.

      Is media ready to admit more failure or will they prefer to keep helping the worst scoundrels keep their secrets?

  65. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Years of denial:

  66. Anonymous2:22 AM

    @NRA Champion --

    You should be hoping that Obama's gun control proposals do make it through the GOP House, because if they don't, legislation passed by the next Democratic House will make you realize what minor concessions they really are.

  67. Seriously, where is Sarah Palin (kind of like where's Waldo)? Even her fans have not heard a peep from her (with the exception of a Bible tweet). It is refreshing but at the same time unnerving. The woman who jumped in front of every camera she saw for four years seems simply to have disappeared.

    1. A. J. Billings6:49 AM

      Speaking of the C4pee fans, here's a telling exchange from the peePond.

      Even the PeeBots are wringing their hands, and are lost without their Merican Idull:

      On the other hand, I know she has being dark before, but not like this, and it is beginning to feel very depressing...

      She is only dark for now, she is reloading and restocking her arsenal! Remember if she is through with politics, then the left wins.

      If she tested the waters and came to the conclusion that no matter what she does, she will continue to be attacked, malign and ignored, maybe she is done with politics, and doesn't care what the Left says anymore

      cheers2all why do you think sarah is being attacked again all of a sudden especially since she has been quiet. i think they sense a storm is coming.

      Got that? If $arah refuses to partake in politics, then the "left wins".

      That about sums up the ignorance, idiocy, and sadly misguided thinking of the $arah worshipers

      And YES, if Paylin dares to enter politics again, she will be suddenly and relentlessly attacked, by any of 'em, and ALL OF 'EM!

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      It's another one of her stinking mean girl moves. She despises her bots (not once has she ever given them a shout out or a note of thanks at C4P, or on her Facebook) and is purposely making them suffer. Also, too, she is trying to stretch out the media by making everybody wonder why she has shut up. You can bet her (2,3,4) i-phones are going overtime trying to find out how much people miss her. In the end, this mean-girl move will implode on her. She is history.

  68. Janice, Puerto Rico4:30 AM

    She is on her own now. The bots are the only ones reaching out to her. Not Fox, the media, the Republicans, etc.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      She can never be on her own. John McCain and others needs to save his legacy. He needs her special needs hoax and all of it to hold up and never be properly investigated. He needs to keep the ruse going more than she does.

  69. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I would think the majority of Americans are delighted no word is being heard from the idiot Sarah and her pimp husband Todd! It's a slice of heaven! Finally!

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      There is no delight in the media that will not do their job. The American people were hoaxed for the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign. When we can't learn lessons, we will be doomed to repeat them. Palin is an annoying ugly main character in one sinister game, but it is not only about Palin. It is about the truth and exposing the rot gut shit in our political system and the politicians like Senator John McCain. BTW, he is still being paid by taxpayers and we cover his medical insurance. He doesn't even need our money, he is just greedy. Don't forget his past with Keating and all the other. Oh, isn't it great he can pull the wool over our eyes time after time?

      Would Americans be proud to have another athlete like Armstrong represent us on the world stage? Do we really need successful liars and cons? How about some decent journalism instead of making us fools?

    2. PalinsHoax6:17 AM

      Anon @ 5:40 am I do hope you forward your excellent comment to all the media and news agencies.

      The media needs to take responsibility for exposing Palin's hoax, instead of enabling her and John McCain.

    3. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Yeah, I agree!!!

  70. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Of all times for the coward to retreat.

    Sarah Palin is one sick meth head. Too bad she didn't hire Howard Bragman.

    "Mainstream media ate his (Armstrong) story like strawberry ice cream"

  71. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Oh come on SaraHo, we miss you so much. Please bring your rusty ass out of hibernation like a good OLD momma Grizzly, and give us the benefit of your vast 2nd Amendment knowledge. We long for your stupidity, we pine for your ignorance, we yearn for your incompetence. Come on BITCH, make our day.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      She's a fucking coward. The whole fam damily is.

  72. LisaB259510:43 AM

    If I remember correctly, this "lifelong hunter" had to borrow a rifle from her dad to do the caribou segment on her show. It wasn't even the proper kind of rifle for such hunting and she couldn't even reload the damn weapon.

    So she's going to help how. . . ?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      What.... it took 5 shot to hit a non moving caribou and some viewers believes the 5th shot was not by Sarah

  73. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah Palin is the Lance Armstrong of Politics.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      FOR SURE. Plus 1000x worse. McCain 10000x worse as a leader of liars for many more years.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      A fake
      A poser

  74. Anonymous12:14 PM

    A mother of 5 would sure be one to ooze about this one.... The Beautiful and Efficient Anatomy of Pregnancy

    Bristol what a time to praise your mother and all she showed you about pregnancy, oh, were you blessed. This must inspire the Bible Spice in you.

  75. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Based on events and what we've read in the internet, here are a few characteristics they are perceived to have:

    Sarah - Reputation as a grifting scamming con artist with expertise in nothing, immature junior high school mentality - vain - not happy with how God cosmetically created her, hasn't mastered the English language, requires ghost writer, wants to be wanted and reality star - holds grudges and needs to get revenge
    Todd - Reputation as bully, pimp, unfaithful, can't speak correctly - wanted to be reality star
    Track - Caint Get Right, mother falsely portrayed him as a combat vet
    Bristol - Same as Sarah plus - Borderline Retard - Needy - Mean - Weak in vocabulary uses AWESOME too much - portrayed as terrible parent in Life's A Tripp - no talent - wants to be famous reality star
    Willow - Socially Incompatible with high school peers and teachers - delinquent - AKA Wild Child - Homophobic
    Piper - Deficient in math - Diva - missed a lot of school
    Trig. - DS - Used for photo ops - questionable who birthed him and who his father is
    Tripp - Perceived to be homophobic but could be just repeating what he heard in household - not sure why he is not in school - used in battle against his father - not portrayed in a good way in Life's A Tripp

    Palin family - Professional victims , everybody wants to rape them

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      There's more things to list, that's just the beginning.

  76. Anonymous1:05 PM

    What's sad is that the Palins had a chance to make a difference in Alaska and the United States but instead choosed to be reality stars with get rich quick schemes instead of getting an education or helping others

  77. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The Palin family seems to have out of control sexual needs without using protection even though they have previous generations of family members conceiving babies before marriage as examples for controlling their sexual urges. There's even a book written about the father using prostitutes and pimps them out and his single parent daughter who claimed she was raped publicly parades her trial husbands for all to see. For some reason this family thinks they are models for family values and wants to constantly preach Bible verses to others while they publicly admitted they are to busy to attend church. There's even a member of that family who impregnated a pastor's unmarried virgin daughter.


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