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"If'n they come fer our guns we gonna lock'em right up!" |
Saying Americans should be able to 'defend themselves from tyranny,' state Rep. Joe Carr said today he is proposing a bill that would allow federal agents to be arrested for enforcing new gun-control laws.
Isn't suggesting a response like THAT to law enforcement kind of the reason that Alaska terrorist Schaeffer Cox is doing time in Federal prison right now?
Looks like old Schaeffer might get him a bunk mate.
And he better have a roomy bunk because even BEFORE the President outlined his plan Texas Rep. Steve Toth was making similar plans to handcuff federal agents:
Republican Rep. Steve Toth told WOAI 1200-AM that his Firearms Protection Act will make trying to enforce a federal gun ban in the state subject to a $50,000 fine and up to five years in prison.
"At some point there needs to be a showdown between the states and the federal government over the Supremacy Clause," Mr. Toth said. "It is our responsibility to push back when those laws are infringed by King Obama."
"King Obama?" Isn't this idiot being a tad melodramatic?
In Mississippi they simply decided to make laws against the new laws, making those laws no longer laws. Can they do that?
In a letter sent to his lieutenant governor and the state speaker of the house that was posted on his Facebook page, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) on Wednesday called for immediate legislation that would make any "unconstitutional order" on gun policy taken by President Barack Obama "illegal to enforce in Mississippi by state and local law enforcement."
Bryant wrote that the president's executive order on guns — Obama and Vice President Joe Biden actually unveiled 23 executive actions on Wednesday — would likely infringe on the Second Amendment "as never before in American history."
Damn I wish I had the market cornered on blood pressure medication in the South. I could be making a killing!
So to speak.
Update: Well of course Alaska can't let Texas do something crazy without jumping onto the crazy bandwagon right along with them.
Courtesy of KTUU:
A bill introduced in the Alaska House would make it a misdemeanor for a federal employee to try to enforce any new restrictions on gun ownership.
HB69, from House Speaker Mike Chenault, was introduced the same day President Barack Obama unveiled a package of executive orders and legislative proposals aimed at curbing gun violence. Obama's proposals include background checks for all gun sales and a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
His bill would deem unenforceable federal laws, orders, rules or regulations that seek to ban or restrict ownership of a semiautomatic firearm or magazine, or require a firearm, magazine or firearm accessory be registered.
It should come as no surprise that Chenault, pictured above, represents the Kenai/Soldotna area which is of course the SAME area where many of these militia assholes, including Norm Olsen, live.
Fucking Alaska!
Mike Chenault has introduced a similar bill in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteG,the king part comes from "King Rand Paul" who was blathering that same "king" meme a couple ago.
DeleteHey wasn't that bastard in trouble with the TSA?
5:34 PM That was Rand Paul's son. He was arrested for assault on a Flight Attendant.
DeleteLike Father Like Son.
I remember him donning the "king" moniker? Maybe it was RAND paul?
Deletewho can't keep track of the nutjobs?
This reaction is the epitome of ignorance. Gun-totin', bible thumping victims of fear mongering.
ReplyDeleteL@@K at these people! Crazier than shithouse rats!
DeleteKeep 'em talking and take their guns away. Mentally ill.
Hey Psychology today came out and said Conservatism is a "mental illness" sooooo take their flippin' guns away b/c they are unfit!
Maybe the 2nd amendment may be updated "carry A Gun" as a part of a well regulated Militia. So unfit for National guard...unfit to carry.
Case closed.
What a bunch of whining idiots. Do they even listen to themselves? Is each one trying to top the next: I'll call your new law and raise you five of my own? Meanwhile, the GOP twiddles their trigger fingers and does nothing about the debt ceiling, nor have they created one job in 8 years. Every time I hear a GOP talker count off the days since "Democrats haven't passed a budget," I want to scream back, "And where are those jobs y'all were SO very concerned about before you were elected?" I am so sick of the GOP...I hope they all go find the OK Corral and prove their manhood to each other at high noon. With no press around.
ReplyDeleteI saw a bunch of men in the post office today, wearing camo and being old and having beards and looking generally liked they lived in cabins and lived "rough". That happens in AK, and when I first came here I found it "charming" like they were maybe the same as us other folks that came to Alaska seeking adventure, but now these guys freak me out.
ReplyDeleteI think I need to step away from the internet for a while and get back to just appreciating people for what they are and not stereotyping them, because until now, I've felt comfortable being a greenie Alaskan liberal that loves mountains and hiking and climbing and pretty much ignoring any of those "hunter types", as they do what they do and I do what I do and thank the stars that I don't have to hunt for food, but hey, they can if they need to, but now they seem sinister because of their guns and possible NRA'ness.
Isn't suggesting a response like THAT to law enforcement kind of the reason that Alaska terrorist Schaeffer Cox is doing time in Federal prison right now?
ReplyDeleteI had the same thought.
I fully support the 2nd amendment...I believe all Americans should have the right to own as many Revolutionary War weapons as they want. With the exception of cannons, of course.
ReplyDeleteGood One!
DeleteThat guy at the top, Rep. Joe Carr maybe? Maybe he should have foregone a few big-ticket assault rifles and invested in his teeth? They look like a fence that Todd Palin built.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous5:03 PM
DeleteThat guy at the top, Rep. Joe Carr maybe? Maybe he should have foregone a few big-ticket assault rifles and invested in his teeth? They look like a fence that Todd Palin built.
Best comment Evah! Thanks for the laugh (and truth, also, too ;) )
Yep, classic. thanks.
DeleteHoly shit that was funny!
DeleteSounds like sedition to me. Does the South have a corner on the market of fucktards?
ReplyDeleteThere are fucktards everywhere, but South does seem to have an embarrassment of riches.
DeleteOr Sedition? Maybe the DOJ should start charging these "lawmakers" or gov servants with "Sedition"?
DeleteStart with Sarah palin!
No, absolutely not. But it's.not for lack of effort.
DeleteThere's just way too much fuckin stupid for it to all fit below the MasonDixon line. And there's too goddam much in every state whether a red or a blue one. Except maybe Hawaii. But I haven't been out there in 10 years.
The Republican party in Alaska is corrupt and messed up too! Watch some of their Legislators introduce bills that match those in the lower 48 that spread obstruction, fear and anger. (i.e. regarding voting limitations - they already changed the districts to favor their party) and gun laws to be anti President Obama and VP Biden.
ReplyDeletekeep painting the picture as if all gun owners are crazies gryph. you folks have no idea. if obama and biden and dems all venture far left and attempt to over-legislate, this will be a windfall for the repubs in the voting booth. pubs are going to sit back and let obama dig his own hole on this, will he take the bait?
ReplyDeleteAnd you are on this blog for what reason?
Delete"...this will be a windfall for the repubs in the voting booth."
DeleteIf you can not comprehend that the demographic momentum is not with the Republican party then you should give a pass on making predictions about the "voting booth". There just aren't enough angry old white men (with issues about their penis size) to float the Republican party.
you are so wrong on that.
Deletecheck out the statistics on what the overwhelming majority of americans, democratic and republican, and members of the NRA, support. gun control exactly as laid out by President Obama. he listens, he responds. he leads.
his approval rating is on the rise and at the moment even Rasmussen has him at 54%. you are so wrong.
people are tired of these massacres. people are tired of grieving over butchered children. americans have had it and President Obama is responding as such.
you are so wrong about voting. you'll see, repubs are the ones digging their hole, it's apparent in the gutter ratings for the House, it's apparent in every poll out there. the gop is fucked.
and as far as obama digging his own hole, what has he got to lose? he's taking on big things and big things will get done if the goddamned repubs get off their sorry asses and legislate instead of throwing tantrums and behaving like spoiled little brats, stamping their political feet.
yep, you're dead wrong on all counts.
5:27 PM You LOST, get over it, CLOWN.
Delete"...attempt to over-legislate..."
DeleteLots of those attempts at absurd legislation just dig the Republicans into their own hole. The medically unnecessary trans-vaginal ultra-sound legislation attempt just did wonders for the Republicans. NOT!
Blah, blah, blah.
Deletelook fucker...we don't have to "paint anything"!
DeleteLook at the headlines, beside fauxsnooze.
Over legislate?
You favor GUNs over kids? Fuck YOU!
I do remember in 2009 when ST. Sarah was giving a speech to the NRA at the exact time a 1 and one half year old child was blowing his brains out in ANCHORAGE,AK ! Oh they gave her a pretty white assault rifle....
Yea, Daddy left the gun on the TV stand where jr. found it.
Bet no one remembers it but I do.
Fuck YOU and Fuck your NRA 5:27 your actions speak! You are all incapable of having a "Gun".
Your NrA tried to make all about "mental issues" you've bought yourself a "Tempest in a teapot" for sure. Good luck as all you fucks get tried for being loony toons!
If the NRA was smart it would STFU NOW, but its stupid and that will be it downfall as well as TAXING their asses!
You call the DEATH of Children a
"Windfall"? Fuck you and fuck you again fucktard!
What bait? Get a clue. You've already seen what they're proposing. Does it look far left to you?
Deleteand i raise you shaeffer cox!
DeleteYou betcha!
DeleteWhen has Obama ever dug his own hole? He has made cons his bitch. Since his election Rush has lost so many advertisers he's driving the Bain owned Clear Channel into bankruptcy, Fox fired Beck and Palin and has hired Dennis Kucinich, the GOP is coming apart at the seams and might not even be around after Hillary finishes her first term in 2020. If were not for the gerrymandering affirmative action program the Dems would control Congress.
Delete5:27. You don't know your head from your ass. and I cat tell which is which on top of your neck either
DeleteLots of gun owners all over the political spectrum, including myself, a hand gun and a shotgun. But I don't think because there are boundaries to what is safe or sound policy that it makes my dick a lot bigger to talk shit about the leadership of the opposing political party.
So fuck you. If anyone has been baited to come out of their stinking holes and show their idiot mugs and identify themselves, it's these fucktard gun goons that need to use their fucking dental insurance at least once in their lifetime. Yourself, included.
You have a typo... it's 'pubes' not 'pubs'
DeleteRand Paul is on Hannity right now saying he and others think President Obama has a "King Complex".
ReplyDeleteThis is getting scary. Who can reason with these people?
The King Complex is exactly how Rand Paul's son acted with the Flight Attendant on a Flight. But Rand Paul requests Privacy for that incident.
DeleteIt is scary. An anon (guest) posted this at the pee pond,
Delete"if that be true then BHO needs to be removed from taking oath next week."
I think the far-right nutjobs have been riled up by fox news et al and have crossed the line of sanity.
No one, which is why we need to take their fucking guns away NOW!
DeleteFuck Rand Paul he's out of here in 2014 only got elected by cheating as all of them do...
He's toast.
Be sure as a SENATOR his words will come back to bite his ass but good!~
Oh shit, two weeks ago, Sarah was going to step in as the mystery leader and take over as the Speaker of the House.LOL. Then she got one less vote than Herman Fucking Cain, who got exactly ONE vote. Do that math, PeePonder.
DeleteNow, some retard over there thinks she's going to sneak in and be sworn in instead of President Barak Obama? Yeah, I think that, too. So let's both write a check to Sarah directly for every penny we can. beg, borrow or steal. Now, time is short!!! By the way, let's just make the checks out directly to Sarah to save her the trouble of laundering from her PAC. Let's do it.
See, Creepy Jr? I'm financially supporting all of the great patriots and sister-fuckers like you. Just sayin. I've notices you haven't missed a meal, Fat Boy.
I have been remembering a lot lately when candidate Obama gave that speech in PA and mentioned people who 'cling to their guns and their religion.' By golly, the man was certainly right about that! No wonder Fox still gets their panties in a twist over the statement. Too bad they aren't really religious at all, because if they were, they would not be so anxious to kill the first person to tick them off.
ReplyDelete"Damn I wish I had the market cornered on blood pressure medication in the South. I could be making a killing!"
screw the blood pressure meds, hope they have an aneurysm and fukin' tip over, permanently, ala breitfart
I'm reading the BOOK version of Oliver Stone's "Untold History of the U.S." and have worked my way up to the early 50's.
ReplyDeleteThose were the days when, should a citizen utter out loud, that the reason they need an assault weapon, is to start shooting at elected government officials if they don't act in a way that pleases them--they would be sitting behind bars about three hours later.
Can we get THAT America back again?
Let's take our country back . . . to that.
DeleteYea! Please write a email to VP Biden or POTUS!
DeleteI have thought that in "other times" (like not having a AA POTUS) this shit would be TREASON! Its time to bring the country back, tho where it is!
Fuck the NRA!
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah Palin avoiding a subpoena?
Her mysterious MIA is not her usual. Anyone from anywhere can send anything from her blackberry. She may use it to throw off agents who want to ask her a few questions about Todd or any number of matters. She decides to leave it at the Dead Lake place while she hides in Arizona or at a friends mansion with another device under another name. Very clever.
Now all this about an NRA war and generating states secession just unifies nuts who see only evil in our government.
The Palin as victim must be protected at all costs from the attacks against her. Including from the Justice Department or any official agency.
Is there any evidence that she is actually locked up in Wasilla with her blackberry?
I am starting to believe she is hiding from a subpoena or questions from a government agency. The NRA war is a good set up for a stand off if she is found hiding from questioning. Her protectors would have every claim to the necessity of using assault weapons to save her from those they see as evil doers.
Is Sarah Palin hiding from authorities and their questions? Has anyone seen Todd?
Paranoid much?
DeleteWatching "Game Change" again. Maybe she's in rehab. FINALLY.
DeleteJudging by that skeletal, almost spectral image of her hiding behind a relative in that holiday photo, I'd say she's being intravenously fed in some clinic that specializes in eating disorders/chemical dependency/sexual issues - say, The Meadows in Arizona.
DeleteAmazing, 7:40PM, what they've become. This blog has called it from the start. No wonder the TROLL is so angry tonight.
DeleteMy friend had a roommate that was being investigated, a local situation. Several times various authority came by his house to ask questions. They never fully said what all it was about. In fact, one time when the roommate was gone they drilled others about another situation from the one where an arrest was made.
DeleteIf true, that people in Alaska have been questioned about Dairygate, why would they not at some point question Sarah Palin? Perhaps they have talked with her. If she felt anxiety and didn't want to answer questions why wouldn't she leave? It might be an incentive for her to go into rehab.
Anonymous6:16 PM
DeleteParanoid much?
And YOU fucktard? Where is she? I can't believe Greta is still pushing the "Benghazi" questioning of Hillary instead of his this shitZ?
WTF is screech?
It might be helpful if these "patriots" actually read the Constitution and studied basic civics.
ReplyDeleteUnless things have changed since I was in school, these fools should look up a little legal principle called the federal preemption doctrine. Valid federal laws take precedence over state law in areas where both federal and state law rule. That simply means the states are going to lose unless the courts rule otherwise and on these issues, they will lose. They are idiots that some voters were rooked into voting for - due to their own ignorance.
The real shocker is that there hasn't been a screeching flyover anywhere by the Double-Breasted Alaskan Ding Bat. Somebody musta ducktaped 'er to the floor up there at the slab.
ReplyDeleteSumthangs goin' on.
DeleteHey, G! i apologize b/c this is totally O/T, but below is a YouTube clip of Julianne Moore performing Sarah Palin vs Sarah Palin's actual appearances.
ReplyDeleteI thought the moment where Palin said that Special Needs parents would have an Advocate in the White House was really interesting. I paused the video, and took a screen shot.
Palin is SNARLING about being an advocate for little kids with problems.
It is so.very.telling.
Also, the part when Palin talks about Trig; I thought Moore's delivery was extremely interesting. Moore places emphasis on Every. Word:
A. Per-fectly. Bee-you-tee-ful baby boy, named Trig.
Wanted to add that the tagline of the RNC Palin speech, was
ReplyDelete"Let's elect a great man as the President of the United States."
We did, bitch.
How's the weather in Wasilla, asshole?
LOL Bill Maher rocks, Palin fans are pissed.
ReplyDeletePalin 'Illiterate Forrest Creature,' Romney 'Cold Robotic Tax Cheat From A Polygamy Cult'
fukin' domestic taliban needs to go
ReplyDeleteThere will be blood....
DeleteGet out of that country -- NOW!
I detest the Republic party to include many of them that are in it in Alaska. Alaska has a long history of being corrupt in that specific party and I totally believe it is continuing! They need to be watched very, very carefully.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the mortgage business and I'm required by the Banking Commission to be licensed and also take a certain number of classes per yr to keep my license active.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, I'm required to pay a fee to the Banking Commission annually - I have to pass a background check - a REAL one - I am held to the strictest standards in my profession to protect consumers against fraud and financial damage.
Every 2 yrs my background check is updated and my fingerprints are on file.
My point is this - WHY is it ok for those people that own weapons that could end my life if I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time-but they aren't held to the same standards of accountability as I am?? What's wrong with this picture?
The worst thing I could do is screw up someone's mortgage - and yet, guns have killed countless innocents - but the owners of those guns bitch about a background check?????
The laws need to change NOW. I believe gun owners should be required to pay a license fee every year and attend annual classes on gun safety among other things.
And they should pay a fee to the state for the massive cost of damages resulting from their negligence and stupidity. They need to cover the cost of the massive and tragic consequences of their "right" to own guns. Funerals, first responders, schools, teachers, anguished parents - the gun owners need to pay up.
They should be required to pay insurance on those guns - we have to insure our cars, right? Why don't they have to pay insurance for the "right" to own a gun? That gun kills people. That gun is a threat to my life. That gun shouldn't be on the street, in someone's home or anywhere else unless they've been registered, insured and the owner has proven to the state that he/she is mentally competent.
If you own a pitbull, insurance companies charge you a much higher premium. So, why not gun owners? Guns have killed a lot more people than pitbulls.
And wtf is this crap about license to carry a concealed weapon?? What sick bullshit is THAT?
Nobody, NOBODY needs to be licensed to carry a concealed weapon and i have the right to know if someone standing next to me in a store or on the street has a gun hidden on them. We all do.
Time to start a petition and tell Obama enough is enough. We the people....we have a right to live our lives free of terror and risk of death.
Our rights trump their "right" to own a gun.
Shughes28537:19 PM
DeleteTotally agree with you.
Many years ago, I worked at my kids school, I had to have a FINGERPRINT background check to work there.
Why are they screaming so hard?
The gun show loophole. Allows those fucks to buy assault rifles with no Background checks!
Some jobs now a days CHECK your CREDIT before they hire you!!! Where's the flippin' outrage????
Yep, real estate agents, financial advisors, food service personnel, bartenders, and everyone who drives a car or rides a motorcycle has to be licensed. And trained. And show prof of that training. Shit, my spouse has gone through countless hours of training and had to do the fingerprint and background check just to coach youth hockey. But he could go out and buy an a multi round assault rifle without any of that? WTF?
DeleteIf Obama was really a dictator fools like Carr, Toth, Stockman would be starving to death in some gulag instead of collecting a government paycheck.
Delete"King Obama"?? Call me crazy, but it has a nice ring to it!!! HA!
ReplyDelete"the usual suspects" Fox, Rush, etc... are chiming in with the peanut gallery mentioned in this post.
If you look at what President Obama has laid out, it's actually making SURE responsible gun owners have the right to own their guns.
The crazies who think they have a right to army weapons are scared, as they should be!
Remember, George Bush I rescinded his NRA membership because of their extreme positions on gun control. For the good old days, when ReTHUGlicans were still a bit sane.
DeleteI thought the fucking baggers were going to try to fuck with me today in Rednecksville, TN after the Biden/Obama press conference. My engine fan sheared off on my car and did all kind of damage under the hood to my radiator hose and radiator as I was traveling through a white-flight redneck burb outside Memphis. I limped into an auto service center and luckily I was able to get them started working on it bc they had an appt that had cancelled due to icy weather. I told them if they couldn't fix it by 1:00, I'd have to call around and see who could get to it now. They said no problem and found the parts pretty quickly and they were on the way to deliver them pretty fast. Good so far, other than the $425 I was gonna be out of pocket.
ReplyDeleteThen the damn press conference starts, and half of the guys are clocking out for lunch early so they can see what that damn commie was up to. The shop owner went to lunch right after Biden finished talking, and the rest of the shop shut down and then they stood around and talked shit about "them 23 goddam presidential orders tocome git our guns". I was fuming about them fucking around and my car sitting there in the bay, and one of the jerks said, "Hey man, you don't look too happy. You NRA, too?". I bit my lip because I didn't want to walk home, and said, "No, not any more. I don't have time to hunt these days. But I sure need my car done by one o'clock so I can get all my shit done this afternoon."
Luckily the shop owner walked in behind me and asked if there was a problem, and one of them said, "Naw, we's just tellin this gentleman not to worry, we'd have him fixed up easy by the promise time". Those guys weren't exactly whistling as they worked once their little tea party broke up. Fuck em.
Boney, you were probably close to receiving some Boo Boos or some sabotage on your vehicle.
DeleteThere is much to be said for thinking fast.
"At some point there needs to be a showdown between the states and the federal government over the Supremacy Clause," Mr. Toth said.
ReplyDeleteI thought these RWNJs were all about upholding the Constitution? What about THIS do they not understand? "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
Right? So they say one minute they are responsible gun owners and law abiding citizens, the next minute they way they are going to shoot law-enforcement the moment they feel threatened.
DeleteThe disconnect is breathtaking.
If there are any current or former Southpark fans here...
ReplyDeleteRWNJ's like this dickweed remind me of Cartman doing his "Re-Spect My Authori-Tay" drivel.
It's just hard to not laugh at adults being so clueless and juvenile. So I don't even try to hold back. In fact, the only time I don't ridicule them is when I get bored and decide to completely ignore them if they're just being little attention-whore bitches. I do feel sorry for their kids though; having ignorant patents must be embarrassing.
I am waiting for the ex Governor to support the President's children. EVERY time anyone said something about her children - true or false - she moaned and groaned and demanded apologies.
ReplyDeleteThe NRA has created a brutal ad attacking the President's children - they who have NEVER been in the spotlight - are only seen publicly when with their parents - are not used as supports against the world - and Mrs Palin - doesn't say a word. Too busy crying about the 15 minutes finally being up.
Palin is hiding from questions.
DeleteIt is suspected she may even be attempting a re-hab program. Highly unlikely since it would be against her fake religion.
One way or the other the RW extremist is gagged. Another crazy has control of her blackberry and can only spew twisted bible mumble jumble like Brancy.
You would think they are taking their MTV. These clowns have no right to be making our laws.
ReplyDeleteOh noes! Now we gotta put up "No on 69" signs!