A study for the Combatting Terrorism Center, a think tank associated with the United States Military Academy at West Point, warns of the threat posed by rightwing extremists. It identifies the potential for violence in groups defined a “far-right,” and provides a “[C]onceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks.” “In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics,” the report’s executive summary reads. “These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition.”
The report warns of three categories of rightwing extremists that represent terroristic threats: “[T]he Racist/White Supremacy Movement, the Anti-Federalist Movement, and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement.”
The report notes that it focuses only on those groups that have perpetrated violence and not political causes which are deemed extremist but have no violent incidents attributed to them.
I imagine that the response from most of you is something along of the lines of "Yeah, no shit!"
However surprisingly enough the usually uber anti-terrorist Right Wing is not happy to hear that the report points the finger at them. Go figure.
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Schaeffer Cox and his fellow Peacekeepers Militia members |
Courtesy of the Atlantic Wire:
Conservatives love appealing to these kinds of studies when arguing that we need to get tough on terror, right? Well, not in this case. One Republican congressional staffer—who thinks only Muslims can be terrorists—told The Washington Times' Rowan Scarborough:
If [the Defense Department] is looking for places to cut spending, this junk study is ground zero. Shouldn’t the Combating Terrorism Center be combating radical Islam around the globe instead of perpetuating the left’s myth that right-wingers are terrorists?
The National Review's John Fund also wants to change the subject to terrorists in other parts of the world:
The world is beset by terrorists—witness the American hostages taken in Algeria this week—but portions of our federal government continue to obsess about alleged home-grown threats from the "far right" ... My sources inside Congress tell me they continue to worry that efforts to monitor domestic Muslim extremists as well as interdiction efforts against radical Islamists crossing the U.S. border are sometimes put on the back burner. The government denies this, but it seems to me its protestations would be more persuasive if it spent less time producing half-baked warnings about the danger of "right-wing extremists."
World Net Daily's Michael Carl extensively quotes blogger Pamela Geller in his article on the report. "This is another appalling attempt to demonize loyal Americans and whitewash the Islamic threat," Geller says. "West Point probably is working on orders from higher ups. Or else it has bought into the dominant PC culture."
Yeah well personally I am FAR more concerned with the whackos we have on the Right Wing than the ones that we started two wars to eliminate.
And ANY group that starts openly talking about arresting, kidnapping, or shooting at law enforcement officials to protect their guns should certainly NOT be surprised to find themselves categorized as "terrorists." Because if talk like that does not terrify the American people then nothing else should.
Or is it only scary when a brown person blows up a building or open fires in a shopping center?
ReplyDeletehope the sensitive palin apologist @ 12:06 from the current car auction/wobbly palin thread doesn't chastise you for calling out these treasonous/seditionist bastards
Deleteadd to your post:
".......palin thread doesn't chastise you for calling out these treasonous/seditionist bastards, Palin Family friends!
There fixed it for ya :)
Wait. When is the last time a 'brown person' opened fire in a theater or school, showed up dressed to kill in JC Penney's, or was photographed with his militia in full assault garb? The last time a Muslim killed anyone in this country was on an Army base, and HE was trained by the US Military, should have been recognized for his mental problems, and was not going around threatening the President or his family, let alone half the country. Yes, these white faux Christians are terrorist and unpatriotic, and we should be watching their every move.
ReplyDeleteWe are. Not me, but US agencies because these creeps are too stupid to pass under the radar. They're just making it easy for the NSA.and FBI to have a dossier assembled and up-to-date whenever their mindless chatter comes up in their eavesdropping. And I guarantee you that less than a half percent of these gun goons can even spell the word 'encryption', much less, use it to keep their rants private. When idiots say the things that these domestic terrorists say and threaten, then they are forgoing their rights as citizens because of their sedition, as far as I'm concerned.
DeleteNormally, I'm a stickler as an advocate for individual privacy and everything else prescribed in the BILL of Rights, but in the case of these smack-talking inbreds, I'm actually glad we have agencies to monitor them and then bait some of the more goosey lunkheads into appearing on their very own candid camera video.
In a related study, the Southern Poverty Law Center has an interesting "hate map" that includes neo-nazis, white nationalists, black separatists, racist skinheads, the KKK, etc.
Gryphen, Alaska has only ONE group listed!! Your wackos must be more militia-oriented than political...
Since our military academies are becoming both more xtian fundamentalist and more right wing (along with racist and misogynist) I can only imagine how extremist the right wing has to be in order for West Point to consider them a threat.
ReplyDeleteTrue power does not rest with anyone who believes in fairy tales. These people understand that religion, patriotism, nationalism, fear, greed, etc are all simply mechanisms of control used to exploit those lacking the ability and courage to think critically for themselves. Herd mentality overcomes their logic functions, and then sadly, each in the herd follows one another into the slaughterhouse. It's a metaphor, sure, but it's their reality. They don't understand that that fucking cow in front of them that they're following is not smarter nor more well-informed than they are. And on the chance that it IS smarter than them in some cases, it's still a fucking cow whose ass they have their nose wedged into. No wonder they can't see 'the big picture'.
DeleteGotta love the picture of the 4 fucking crazies, all dressed up in their pseudo uniforms mr. bill sold them. And all good ex-friends of bill too, right up until the feds came to see bill and made bill shit his pants when they told him he better turn turtle to cover his useless wannable ass. You all know that's true don't ya now. Mr. bill was sooooo brave!
ReplyDeleteI was a fireman one year at Halloween. Not really, I dressed up as one, because I was 5 or 6 yrs old. Theses donks think some kind of pseudo-uniform makes them a patriot? Hardly. No more that wearing a bandana around their heads would make them grow to 6-feet and a bunch of inches and weigh three hundred and a lot of pounds so they can appear on WWE as Hulk Hogan on Monday nights. Just little boys with a fantasy. At least I knew the jig was up the next day, and I had a boatload of candy to show for my time. These militia boys? lol. I'm sure Bill told them they could play whatever game they wanted as long as they paid cash and told all their friends to shop with him for their 'official' uniform.
DeleteIn case the gun folks don't realize it, there are places where you cannot bring your gun, even if you are a member of the Tea Party. Let's start with airports, no guns or any other kind or weapons in carry on luggage. Want your gun? Put it in your checked luggage or approved gun case which is checked.
ReplyDeleteIn our area, all government buildings require you to go through a metal detector. Purses and brief cases go through an X-ray machine. I've been to museums that have the same kind of security. They are more afraid of a sharp knife which can cut a valuable painting out of its frame in a minute. Some of the schools in our area have had a high level of violence, so all students go through airport security. Want to hear a speech when your favorite candidate was campaigning? Airport security to get inside. It will be the same thing for the inauguration, and President Obama will view the parade from behind bullet proof glass. I have been to theaters where I have to open my purse for security. Maybe the star has a stalker like Sarah and Bristol have.
That's a welcome and reassuring study. Now if only the dots are connected between the goons and the NRA and new GOP, we might start to make real progress.
ReplyDeleteSuggestion: edit the photo caption to say 'convicted terrorist Schaeffer Cox (center)......'
I see in the photo that Cox and his pals are wearing their cute terrorist outfits. Sometimes it's camo to go with the guns and the rest of the outfit.
ReplyDeleteHow can you play Hoppalong without the outfit? WaaaaaaH! I want my toys. Where's my Superman Cape? Oh, okay, let's all wear black shirts then. Shut up, Congress! I want my toys.
Growing up, oNe of my neighborhood friends that really didn't understand TV special effects, jumped off his roof with his alms extended, wearing a beach towel affixed with a safety pin to the corners around his neck. We were about 7 and he was a year older. He survived with only a broken wrist and collarbone. The docs thought it was a miracle that he didn't have a brain injury. Still, as you would likely guess, he grew up from a semi-bully that we thought had huge cojones to still be a 50 yr old "watch me show this mutherfucker something'" numbnuts that still doesn't have a lick of sense.So of course, he's a bagger these days, through and through.
DeleteI ran into him over the Christmas holidays for the first time in a couple of years, and he reached in his car and pulled out a magazine and handed it to me and told me to "check out their movement".
The Barnes Review. A Journal of Nationalist Thought & History. Actually pretty decent writing and editing as a shill mag for White Supremists who favor Putin over Obama every day of the week. But written with enough verifiable facts and cleverly-disguised absurd opinion interwoven into the.narrative to 'sound' authoritative. But be forewarned. They make Holocaust Denying seem like the assumed default position.
Okay, this troll's shift is over. Time for din-din.
Nobody should be allowed to have open fires in a shopping center, regardless of whether they are brown or white. But one thing is for sure and that is that mr. bill got such a bad scare from the cops that he won't be fucking around and buddying up to his old militia friends again for years!
ReplyDeleteGod, guns and gays has been the Christian conservative right-wing talking points forever. And who better to propagate this than the half-term granny grifter herself...Sarah Palin.
ReplyDelete'Faith, family and flag.' This is their mantra..
As horrific as Sandy Hook was, can you IMAGINE the blowback if the shooter had been black, moslem, hispanic, gay...all of those factors would have taken this in such a different direction than a bored white kid living with his paranoid mother.
ReplyDeleteRacial hatred would boil over and Obama hate would skyrocket. Islamophobia would be unleashed. Anti immigrant fear would explode. Bigotry would put so many at risk...none of it for any reason than venting long stored up ignorance and hate that is allowed to burst out into the open as a justification or payback for 'killing the kids'.
Mental health is a matter of opinion. Anyone who is joined up with a military and hunkering down, amassing an arsenal, waiting for the government to bust down their door, well they've got a screw loose and I'd stay as far away from them as I could, deeming them 'fucking nuts!'.
We will see more and more of this violent behavior, mark my words.
Ha! the Obama's give back to their community..something the Bushies never did..
Happy Gun Appreciation Day. The Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Raleigh, North Carolina was closed today after an accidental gun shooting in the Jim Graham Building injured two people.
ReplyDeleteWRAL reported:
Emergency crews responded to the scene shortly after 1 p.m., and two people were loaded into ambulances.
A witness told WRAL that a gun went off after being checked by an official at a safety check-in location, hitting a man in the hand and a woman in the side.
So an “official” at the check in probably made this error but we need to arm our schools. Yesterday, a ‘firearms instructor’ hired as an armed guard left his loaded gun in a school bathroom.
The Dixie Gun and Knife Show is opening tomorrow but they warn patriots that you MAY NOT BRING PERSONAL GUNS TO THE SHOW.
The "three categories" need to read The Sermon On The Mount. These are not Old Testament times.
ReplyDeleteThis still photo
depicts actor Mark Wahlberg using the powerful .50 BMG Barrett M82A1M to shoot down an approaching helicopter at the outset of the 2007 motion picture, Shooter. Later, in the same film, what appears to be a Barrett M82A1 mounted atop a computer-operated weapon platform, is remotely accessed to carry out the long-distance assassination of an Archbishop who is standing next to the President.
On a segment of Thursday night's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, the host addressed the fact that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is funded and controlled by those who are making obscene profits off the very weaponry used to carry out mass murders of civilians in the U.S. O'Donnell pointed out that, since 2005, when former Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig (R-ID), now an NRA Board member, pushed a bill through Congress which immunized weapons manufacturers from civil liability for the carnage wrought by the weapons they unload on the public, the NRA has received over $38 million in contributions from weapons manufacturers.
O'Donnell's list of NRA Board members included George Kollitides of the Freedom Group, owner of multiple weapons manufacturers, including Remington and Bushmaster. Kollitides' company manufactured the AR-15 that was used to murder 20 children and 6 educators at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT last month. Another one of his companies, Advanced Armaments, manufactures silencers, that, according to its web site, are legal in 39 states. Who inside this country, aside from mob hit men, need silencers?
The truly disturbing revelation, however, was that the military grade weapon, the Barrett M82 (see narrated video below), akin to the one seen in the still photo above, is being sold to the general public by Ronnie Barrett, yet another wealthy member of the NRA's Board of Directors.
The Barrett M82 semi-automatic sniper rifle...
The greatest threat this country faces is not Islamic terrorism, it's white Christian conservative Southern America.
ReplyDeleteDang, the comments are so ugly at Mediate on this article. My only question is why do people have to label themselves? I think the root of our problem in America is too many people labeling each other and themselves. The media is behind a lot of the propaganda regarding the labeling, but damn, isn't it enough just to be human and have this one chance at life on this fascinating planet, especially as an American with so many benefits that a lot of the world doesn't enjoy? Even the poorest of us live better than a lot of the world yet we continue to argue over things that don't even matter.
ReplyDeleteThe report warns of three categories of rightwing extremists that represent terroristic threats: “[T]he Racist/White Supremacy Movement, the Anti-Federalist Movement, and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement.”
Talk about deflection.
It's always about Islamophobia with these guys. They're itching to go into Iran, and seething that Romney, their rich white boy neocon puppet, didn't win so that can't launch that Armegeddon they are so hankering for.
The results of the study make perfect sense to me.
The best boogie men are those that exist only in the minds of those wanting to attack the boogie man. That way, you'll never have to quit fighting because you actually killed him or forced him to surrender. The war phase is often more profitable than the spoils of victory to the winners.
DeleteIt's all about the war, stupid. Damn, now even I get it. I better rebalance my 401k in time to take advantage of the upcoming war in Iran. Any tips on the hottest, sexiest weapons that will debut in the next undeclared war? I let my sub to Defense Weekly expire. Gotta get in while "Defense" stocks are value-priced. Anybody know what Darty Vader is accumulating? Or did Cheney die and I ignored the press release?
Those who think only foreign or domestic Islamis can be terrorists don't know American History. They also have a very short memory - e.g., the Oklahoma City bombing - or are ignoring current evidence (the Cox gang of fools).
ReplyDeleteThe people who create policy for, raise funds for and vote for politicians who deny the threat of domestic terrorists are ignorant of our history and are potentially dooming us to repeat it.
I can only hope that the majority of Americans will start paying attention and vote out these fools and ignore the groups that support them.
Thankgoodness we have sources such as the West Point group to sound the alarm and encourage rational responses to these freaky radicals.
These groups are dangerous and have no clue that they're the goons that are being used on the front lines in a divide & conquer strategy of international bankers and plutocrats that do not give a damn about the GOP or any party, nor the welfare of the people of our country or any country (even the citizens of Israel-the men behind the curtain are statists, not religious Jews) . These fucktards the study identifies will keep on until the powder keg ignites, and then THEY WILL wake up in a FEMA camp because of the damage they've caused in bringing an arned insurrectiion to our country. And then, you know what I'll do? I'll say "Fuck them. They got what they insisted on bringing to fruition."
ReplyDeleteThink about it. Your fucking assault rifles and your fucking ammo won't do a lot of good when you're in a prison doing hard time, will it? So keep up the threats so you can whine and cry later.
But seriously, before you low-info types decide to listen to the cheerleaders that are manipulating you for their agenda, go to the fucking site where the study is published and read the report AND the other reports on Islamic terrorism and a host of others that you baggers haven't the faintest clue about. There's a reason this think tank exists at West Point. Do some fucking reading and see if you retards can figure it out. It sure as hell ain't for propaganda purposes, because you lazy fucks are never exposed to real research. Instead, you listen to and enrich a bunch of talking heads who are shills for those with their boot on all of our necks. And that's NOT the government. It might be a Shadow Givernment controlled by the plutocrats that you support by your stupidity, but it is NOT the institutions that you are attempting to destroy. Nor is it the Blah people or brown people or women or educators or union members. For your own sake and your family---THINK!
This ain't about guns, either, because we own them, too, in many more cases than you'd ever have a clue about. Not just handguns. We're just not do fucking scared like the RW bagger fucktards that think the boogie man is going to steal their gun while they're outside in their outhouse fapping their tiny wee wees. Or whatever it is they do out there together to keep warm on those cold nights in FuckTardVille.
Rant over. But I meant every word, typos and all.
Hear hear, Boo Boo!
DeleteDang, reading is just too much effort, and besides, facts don't matter.
One more smart-ass remark I left out... Regarding the photo of the bagger holding the sign declaring the he cam UNARMED this time.. Stupid bagger. If you don't have arms, I'm betting that you don't have hands, either. So how are you holding up that stupid sign, dilbert? I know you don't have the skill or agility to balance the sign on that little peanut that you call your pecker. Plus, what makes you so special that the other baggers will invite you to their circle-jerks when you're "unarmed". Never mind. I don't really want to know. Wise up, dumb-ass. Baggers. Sheesh...