Friday, February 01, 2013

Even Google is finished with caring about Sarah Palin.

December 19, 2012. Sarah Palin's last appearance on Fox News.
Courtesy of US News: Searches for Palin's name on Google have spiked and dropped many times in the years since she ran alongside Arizona Sen. John McCain, but interest in her had always been high—and it had always surpassed interest in her former running mate. 

In January, however, searches for Palin dropped to their lowest point ever since 2009, and became almost as low as the number of searches for McCain for the first time.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the interest in Palin that does remain is concentrated in Alaska, where she still resides. If Palin's social presence is any indication, she seems to know interest in her has waned. In November 2010, fully two years after the election was over, Palin tweeted more than 100 times in the month, according to the analytics site Tweetstats. In November 2012, she sent out tweets only eight times. 

You know it has seemed like an eternity that we have been waiting for Palin to finally disappear from the public arena, and now that it has come is JUST as satisfying I as I always imagined it would be!

Like I said earlier politically Palin is persona non grata, but remember she has dropped off of the radar before, only to reemerge in another arena.

Though admittedly I am not at all sure what other venues are still open to the Grizzled Mama. Perhaps one of these:
  • Opening a school dedicated to road kill wig making. 
  • Appearing on QVC to sell unwanted illegitimate children.
  • Starting the Sarah Palin Evangelical church and shooting range.
  • Or perhaps simply finishing her promised fitness book "Getting Skinny the Wasilla Way: With diet pills, Red Bull, and the reduction of water weight through tears of shame."

Well whatever happens next I doubt too many people are holding their breath to see what it is.

Let's face it, after awhile EVERYBODY'S star burns out. Especially when that star was never really anything more than a sparkler shoved up a reindeer's butt, before it was sent running across the tundra.

Update: Well speak of the devil. I just finished writing this post, and look who immediately took to Twitter to prove the article wrong.

I'm not sure what it means, or even if Palin wrote it, but apparently the corpse still has a few signs of life in her.

Hmm, I wonder what things from the past, that she needs God's forgiveness for, could Palin be referring to? After all the list is so damn long!


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    HAHAHA !!

    that pic of the skank fraud is the one that looks like a Dr Seuss cartoon character

    LMAO !!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      She looks like the loony toony character that she is.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      She is probably pissed b/c I tweeted out about 60 tweets with this Why isn't the FBI investigating Todd Palin

      Karma bitch. Karma. As they say....we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us...

      And Bitch we won't be happy until you do the perpwalk!

    3. You know what I think is so hilarious about this post...that Gryphen didn't have to put up one of his funny ass"click on the snarly face to play the video"! THAT literally was the LAST TIME that the dumbass was seen drunk/high...uh I mean LIVE on TV.

      I finally got around to seeing that video of Baldy shambling around like a bag lady with the Toad at some car show! WHEW...she looked as if she was one vomit away from collapsing in an oil pit at the race track!

      WTF is up with the Toad? Is he TRYING to kill the old bag of Baldy worth more DEAD than ALIVE! do we know that Baldy is really among the LIVING...I mean didn't it look like the Toad was recreating his verison of "Weekends at Bernies"...dragging a corpse of Baldy around and then posing her with that insipid smile with her "fans"?

      Just because the Pimp has been exposed (hehe) doesn't mean he's stopped pimping...right RAM? LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous5:12 PM

      '''And Bitch we won't be happy until you do the perpwalk!'''


    5. Anonymous5:16 PM

      At 252, a toothless looney-toon, at that!

      It's harvest time, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving cartoon character.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It must be a message to herself and "God forgave you," does it have something to do with faking a pregnancy???

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I had the same thought.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I think in her tweet instead of "you" she subconsciously meant "me" but she can't bring herself to say that. No way - Sarah must above all to herself appear perfect. After all this is a narcissist who is NEVER at fault and NEVER apologizes for or takes responsibility for her actions - no matter how many people she & Todd have hurt with her ladder-climbing and revenge vendettas. The laughable "undefeated" absolutely can not admit failure of ANYthing. Her phony belief system would crumble if she did. And when she came close to seeing herself she ended up curled in a fetal position on the bathroom floor.

      This behavior reminds me of a bulimic or any number of addictions who are in denial. Throw up in private but try hard to hide it. No wonder the drugs or whatever it is she is on.


    3. Anonymous11:15 PM

      So is Sarah Palin planning to go on Oprah to tell how she duped the entire world with a square pillow?

    4. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Good one, 11:15!!!

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Perhaps HER fake magical being forgave her...but the world will NOT.

    You don't fake a pregnancy for political gain. It's just not done!

    The ONLY way she'll gain forgiveness is with a FULL CONFESSION and she will never do that.

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Hmmm... 'God forgave you'.... Well, maybe, $arah, but we HUMANS have not forgotten...
    Besides... Just HOW do you want to know wether God really DID forgive you? What if he/she just put it on the back burner, in order to surprise you in a little while by confronting you with your abominations, like the - at least - accessory to murder for Dar, the seven people who died in Arizona because of your crosshairs on Gabi Gifford, and your former lover and father of your son? (How many more were there, $arah?
    Just remember, your God KNOWS EVERYTHING you did and didn't do, and he/she knows every thought you ever had.


    1. It’s a problem with evangelical religions; the idea that you could steal an orphan’s last blanket in a Minneapolis winter and still be forgiven, if you asked for forgiveness. Maybe that’s possible, but you’d have to do more than mutter an indifferent “forgive me.” This sort of thing sends my blood pressure soaring, and I don’t have high blood pressure.

    2. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Exactly Darlene. I posted the same thing you said below before reading your comment. Evangelicals get themselves off the hook by saying god forgave them....even if their own kids hate them for beating them and neglecting them. they are safe. God forgave them.

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Ol' Whack-A-Mole Sarah is going to resurrect herself as a televangelist. Mark my words. She already has the TV studio to do it in. Look for her to re-fashion herself as a Joyce Meyer or modern day Amy Semple Mcpherson. Franklin Graham will for sure be helping her in her latest grifting venture. Queen Esther leaves no stone (bank account) unturned!

    Sarah Palin Ministries coming soon. BARF.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      + 1

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Yeah, if people are willing to listen to that old hag Joyce Meyer, who sounds like she smokes 3 packs a day, I guess people will listen to Sarah. Joyce is perfect for Sarah to model herself after. She has her own compound with her family all working for her. And her personal security officer ended up killing his wife and two kids. Yep, two peas in a pod.

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Isn't it always people with the biggest mistakes and, often, the people people who go around telling people they should forget the past and move on?

    1. Should be "the religious people with the biggest mistakes"

      This is why so many love their religion - do horrendously horrible things - go to confession - then do it all over again.

      The Sea seems to be on a downward spire again - the truth of the exit from politics is not what they want to hear.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      God may have mercy on your soul, but with the help of the FBI, IRS, and the DOJ, your worthless lying ass will be ours BITCH.

    3. Olivia4:34 PM

      @TS...It is certainly that way in my life. The one close family member who has committed the most contemptible acts to hurt others is always the one to tell you not to live in the past and forgive and forget if you point out some nasty thing she did. However, if someone offends her, she will go out of her way to inflict retribution.

  7. Janice, Puerto Rico2:57 PM

    Maybe she feels guilty for stealing from her Pac to give all her family and friends five star vacations and riding around in the huge motor home her Pac bought. Maybe Pac also bought her Arizona compound to be used as an office when she runs for something again.

  8. Yes, she has dropped off the radar before and come back. But! There is a difference now. She had a chance as the most recent VP nominee to shoot for the top spot or create and lock down a persona as a serious pundit who not only could accurately predict future political events or winners, but who actually had the power, connections, and know-how to create political winners, a "kingmaker."

    She has had the chance to show us what she could do, and the answer is, not much.

    She hasn't bothered to educate herself about issues or people, and it shows.

    She had the top spot on the ticket lined up and guaranteed for herself in 2012, but she couldn't be bothered to a) stay in the office to which she was elected, b) strive for a higher office, or c) educate herself politically and achieve success as an intelligent, educated, savvy political commentator.

    She would have also had to show the dedication, hard work, and constant self-improvement needed to establish a serious, respected, ground game, setting up a professional candidacy. She couldn't be bothered.

    Instead, she careened around in her tacky "vacation" RV, as a political cock tease, no wait, you should see me as a candidate, no wait, I am just a little old every day person on vacation.

    She is lazy, unintelligent, tacky, sleazy, and she blew the top spot that could have been hers.

    She is done.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      "She is done." And she knows it!

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Nefer3:01 PM

      She is lazy, unintelligent, tacky, sleazy, and she blew the top spot that could have been hers.
      No way in hell was the GOP going to nominate her.

  9. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Yep, Sarah Palin hopes her and her family's past will not be getting her down. Must be nice to believe God forgives her every sin.

  10. Anonymous3:07 PM

    So, according to Mrs. Palin you can be a nasty person, doing deceitful things and then poof! You are forgiven. Lol! What a joke she is.

  11. Anonymous3:09 PM

    She is like a bad case of Syphilis, easy to catch, but hard as hell to get rid of.

    1. ROFL That made my day. Thanks!

  12. jcinco3:12 PM

    she looks like a deranged furby in that picture.

    1. WakeUpAmerica4:33 PM

      Rabies will do that.

  13. Janice, Puerto Rico3:13 PM

    So, Sarah is telling her followers that God has forgiven her for all her past sins and she is ready to move on. I thought God didn't judge us till judgment day or does Sarah just think if she is truly sorry and repents, things are fine with her and God now. We should always tell God we are sorry so he will judge us accordingly, in the end that is.

  14. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Cranky and Skanky will not be missed. I hope they both exit in orange.

    1. WakeUpAmerica4:34 PM


    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      thanks a lot...just sprayed water all over my screen..bwahahaha

  15. I have to disagree with your 4th bullet point. $arah has no tears of shame. She has no shame at all.

  16. I was reading the comments on an article about how Palin is too thin... Her supporters think she's never looked better. In fact, one commented on how she's "a man's pet and a woman's threat." And I almost threw up in my mouth.

    1. Chella3:58 PM

      I Honestly feel the woman has an eating disorder. I had one for five years, and she has the tell tale signs.

      Waxy, gaunt skin. Sunken features.

      She looks seriously ill, and there is nothing attractive about that.

      And as much as I loath her as a human being, I don't wish that illness upon anyone.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      "a man's pet and a woman's threat." Pet, like a Penthouse Pet? Perhaps back in 2008-2010. Present-day Sarah looks frail, sickly, and confused.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Sarah's a man's pet and a woman's threat?

      That makes sense. She must be a different breed than my dog... I've got a Rottweiller that guards my yard- front and back to keep a stalking ex-girlfriend from even getting out of her car. Potsie is better than a restraining order, because he enforces his orders and, unlike Sarah, he doesn't bluff and bark to get attention. And he knows where all the boundaries are on the electric fence, so he has open acces to any trespassers.

      If Sarah would just stay in her yard and STFU, she'd be a good dog there for all those unemployed people who live on her property. If that idiot comes in my yard and tries to take a shit, she'll last about as long as a pork chop. Not long.

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Here's what $arah looks like lately.

      How any woman of 50 could go out in clothes like these trying to dress like a teen and appear in public as a speaker is beyond comprehension

      You could not possibly imagine a worse outfit, uglier shoes, and more hideous jewelry if you tried:

      Not to mention she is anorexic,and looks like an escapee from a mental health facility

      Another set of recent photos,

    5. Anonymous11:26 PM

      One of the best gifts my Grandmother taught me was to dress my age and appropriate for where I was. It is called having self respect. Since Palin is only a cartoon character,dressing like her unwed highschool
      Skank daughter isn't going to impress many who write the checks. Valley Trash is the Family tradition. Well,unless you are pimping one of your girls out to Toads friends.

  17. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Sounds like one of those self-affirmations that addicts are supposed to tell themselves. Speaking from experience here, and can also add that we can spot one of our own in a second.

  18. Anonymous3:31 PM



  19. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Is she talking to herself or others? She carries a grudge forever and is known for plotting revenge on all she perceives as having done her some wrong... But God forgives her and doesn't forgive anyone else?

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Not that it would be a surprise, but Sarah would lose any statewide election in Alaska today.

    1. blind_dog_smith3:52 PM

      Even though it contains the following:
      "Palin (34% favorable, 60% unfavorable) and Miller (21%-56%) have net negative image ratings," the title of this article is: "Palin Competitive in U.S. Senate Poll."

      If the competition is "How Fast Can You Become Irrelevant," Palin's competitive--otherwise, not so much.

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (FULL MOVIE)

    A 16-part series of clips from Sarah Palin's governership.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      I'd never seen the video of Palin giving a speech at the 2007 Governor's Picnic in Wasilla. OMG! The word salad!

      at 00:11:50 "It was a thrill for me just this morning to arrive back home from a trip I was privileged to be a part of to Kuwait and Iraq even and visiting our injured troops there in Germany."

      [important to note that Palin's trip did NOT include Iraq]

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      LOL, lets just call her "Word Salad Sarah, from now on.

  22. lostinmn3:48 PM

    I'm guessing this is a pre-emptive tweet because she knows the hammer is about to come down on one or more of her scams. So she's getting the word out early so her brain dead fans can parrot her words while they're digging in the couch for the last of the loose change.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Agreed, the dollar-sign search light signal is as good as lit.

  23. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Perhaps she was in a ketamine daze when she tweeted that. Ketamine, meth, and Red Bull--Palin's magic weight-loss potion. Isnt Wasilla, the meth capital of Alaska?

    I am not sure what she will do. She certainly is a lazy individual. If she resorted to wigs because she was too lazy to wash/brush her own hair or too cheap to have someone do it for her prior to her brief appearances on Fox, she will be unable to handle selling stuff on the air. It is a lot harder than it seems. Can you imagine her selling stuff and slipping in a few comments about Obama? Same about preaching. Her verbal skills have not grown past high school and her best communication skill--ripping someone apart. Also, I bet Franklin's wife keeps a tight leash on him.

  24. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Are you suuure God forgave you, you thieving money hungry ignoramus? Tell it to the senior citizens you got done fleeced you cross eyed bitch!

  25. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Alaska's deadliest snatch is basically grandma's dirty underwear now.

    1. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Choked laughing...

  26. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Welp, there's always Bing! Bwhahahahaha!

  27. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Gayle Trotter, who gave her fantasy testimony on guns on Wednesday -- failed in more ways than what we saw.

    Where her kids are entrolled in school -- Over $31,000 per year per child - Hope it offers a group discount as she has 6.

    The 'armed guard' at the school -- those armed guards that are supposed to be fine upstanding citizens keeping children safe -- Fine, upstanding -- Not so much.

    Story on Crook & Liars site have the story that one of the said 'upstanding' guards was the ex-boyfriend of one of Trotter's kid's school teachers. Off the school property -- he held her hostage in a police standoff. They were both fatally shot.

    An armed guard like that that every parent would want around their kid's school -- NOT.

    Armed guards - Mentally stable my arse.

    These armed guards/police aren't working out so well as a few short weeks ago, I believe it was a retired police officer, forgot his gun in the washroom in another school somewhere. I don't believe if I recall it was loaded but that could have happened.

    1. Anonymous2:50 AM

      His gun was not loaded, so they said. Well, what good is that? Would he ask anyone who was shooting to wait until he located his bullets and loaded his gun?

  28. WakeUpAmerica4:24 PM

    We are seeing Palin's agonal breathing, respirations at the time of or shortly before death.

  29. PalinsHoax4:26 PM

    What a curious expression on Ol' $carah's face. It is almost as if she realizes that she's sitting on:

    - her square "pregnancy" cushion that she shoved up her shirt or
    - or sitting on Todd's washcloths that are wrapped around his used condoms
    - or maybe she realizes that she's sitting on her "Belmont Girls".

    Oh wait, maybe her water just broke and she's recalling her "Wild Ride" from Texas.

  30. Anonymous4:27 PM

    You won't move forward if you keep letting things from your past bring you down! God forgave you!
    -Sarah Palin

    We don't want to pat ourselves on the backs, but didn't Immoral Minority readers predict that the next phase of Sarah Palin's life will be her Rev Jimmy Swaggart ask for forgiveness chapter?

    This is when Palin will resurface and cry for all her wrongs? Well baby girl it aint that easy!

    FIRST you need to sell all your and your family's ill gotten goods and give the money you laundered and SarahPac money to a non profit, non-Palin and non-Heath charity. A charity or church with no ties to you, no ties to a relative or Alaska.

    Then maybe you can move forward.....

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      We know Sarah like the back of our hand.

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Sarah does this mean you will cooperate, turn in state and federal evidence against Pimp Daddy Todd and end the life of slavery and prostitution for the women and girls of Alaska?

  31. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Palin doesn't know the meaning of the word shame, among others.

  32. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Betty Ford rehab for her. And a bigger set of Belmonts.

    Dr. Drew sex rehab for him.

    Extra babies all around.

  33. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Is it just a coincidence that law enforcement officials with ties to Todd Palin’s prostitution ring always seems to retire and resign unexpectedly?

    Lt Dave Parker of the Anchorage Police Dept suddenly retires when there are questions if he destroyed Shailey Tripp’s evidence against Todd Palin after the courts ordered Parker to return her property and that Parker tried to protect Todd Palin from pimping charges.

    Sarah Palin’s Secret Service agent that was identified as a client of Todd Palin’s prostitution ring also unexpectedly resigns.

    Funny thing is that Sarah Palin doesn’t believe in coincides.



    Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan’s resignation was announced Friday.

    NBC News’ Kristen Welker reported via Twitter Friday afternoon that “Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan will announce his resignation today according to multiple sources.”

    The Associated Press also confirmed that report through a Secret Service spokesman. Sullivan will retire effective Feb. 23 and his replacement has not been announced.....


    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Are the rats jumping ship?

    2. Anonymous4:16 AM

      No, I'll bet they all got sweet deals to go away. This is all part of the cover -up promised to Palin when she resigned as gov. This is all to save face for the GOP who would be destroyed if the truth of the Palins ever came out.

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    It looks like Sarah is missing her teeth in the photo that you put up.

    1. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Her top lip has disappeared. I wonder why she has not had filler put in it, like the rest of her face? My hope is that she and Bristles end up with fish lips like Lara Flynn Boyle. I wonder if Bristles has come out of her tent yet, and been told Fox dumped her "hot" momma?

  35. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gryphen, tell us you will never give up on finding the truths out about $creechy $link Away ! IMs are counting on you for our morbid pleasure.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      I wouldn't call it morbid. I call it making SURE she never has a voice again in ANYTHING without people worldwide guffawing as they do now.

      When the Creepy Chuckies had to write a book, that was desperation personified. They will do ANYTHING to keep that money rolling in.

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      The book by the two Chuckles was not a good seller. Their book tour was ended after only one (?) book signing event. Much like Bristles book signing when $carah had people buy her book before they could get one by Bristles. Problem was, not many people showed up.

  36. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I wonder if this news has anything in connection with Sarah Palin's "God forgave you"?

    Has the Palins been tipped off that Homeland Security is coming after the Palins? Coming after Todd's prostitution ring and Sarah is now facing reality and asking for forgiveness?

    "Secret Service Director to resign after 30 years with agency and less than a year after Colombian prostitution scandal that involved a dozen agents"

  37. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Really!! Sarah..You are nothing but a hate filled, race baiting, evil person..You have caused so many vindictive actions by your words..Never ever forget Christine Green..Gabby Gifford..All the others that were killed that day..

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I hope EVERY DAY she looks in the mirror she sees those faces.

  38. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I KNEW she'd go the evangelist route. KNEW it. It's the next free gravy train to keep the money coming in. She obviously doesn't know the true meaning of "repentance." It's ten letters after all....

  39. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Coming back to bite them on their grifting asses?
    Posted on Monday, March 26, 2012

    The date was January 19, 2011. The headline news from the National Enquirer boasted headlines that Todd Palin had been involved, sexually, with a prostitute by the name of Shailey Tripp.

    It was undisputed that Shailey Tripp was a prostitute, as she had been arrested on March 4, 2010 and charged with running a house of prostitution, to which she pled “no contest.” Kashawn Thomas was also arrested in the same office and charged with prostitution. She also pled No Contest.

    For the next 6 days there was no comment by the quick fingered Sarah Palin through Tweets or Facebook posts. There was a total absence of discussion of this story on Fox News. If Sarah Palin and/or Todd had been willing to deny that story, you can bet it would have been the lead story on Fox. Yet, both Todd and Sarah were conspicuously silent.

    The three lie detector tests the National Enquirer had done on Shailey Tripp before reporting the story have NEVER been denied or controverted by Todd Palin. A defamation suit has not been filed against the National Enquirer. Truth is a defense to a defamation suit.....

    More at:

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      $100 Todd Palin is guilty as hell on this issue. Don't forget that these are the Palins that always threatened law suits if they didn't like something that was said or printed about them. Nary a word of denial by them on this issue. No lawsuit filed against the author of "Boys Will be Boys" either as they'd have to appear in Court under oath!

      I so hope they go down due to FBI and IRS investigations. They have ALWAYS been such hateful people as well as being liars and frauds. Hell awaits them!

  40. Anonymous5:10 PM

    No, her story won't be over until she is wearing Federal Orange and ghost-writing another book from prison.

    P.S. I do think she HAS made a effort to dazzle Franklin Graham and worm her way into their ministry. I think he likes her, but the Graham women know a snake in the grass when they see one.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I recall reading that he was ready to divorce his wife for Sarah. There was a rumor they had something going on.

  41. Concealed Truths5:13 PM

    Note to sista sayrah:

    Forgiveness is generally NOT so forceful.

    Sadly, grace has never been one of your attributes . . . but oddly enough, God's grace and forgiveness can even extend to a wretch like you.


  42. Anonymous5:14 PM



    You won't move forward if you keep letting things from your past bring you down! God forgave you!
    -Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Isn't that what Chuckles told her the first time she lost her underpants?

  43. lostinmn5:19 PM

    I just had an epiphany. Perhaps the water breaking story was true, at least the water breaking. There was an earlier comment about sitting on her Belmonts. So maybe she's in TX and her Belmonts spring a leak so she can legitimately claim her water broke, she just never said what part of her water broke?

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Hmmm. Like padded insoles. Dr Sholl's? Sarah had a sharp bony ass, even when she was at a healthy weight. Not a fit runner's behind. Just a mushy butt with cottage cheese thighs and no shape.

  44. Anonymous5:29 PM

    How come the Heaths and Palins are not posting happy family pictures like they used to?

    Where's Chuckie's Jr talk of a 3rd party lead by Sarah Palin?

    Where's Bristol telling everybody how awesome Sarah is?

    Are the worms even seen in public anymore?

    They had to know this day was coming.

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      Chuck Junior is posting a sick spaced out poor Sally picture from a hospital room. It should be a picture of Sarah with a new born when she allegedly gave birth. Sally is with kids and the young woman Chuck knocked up. He was married at the time he had an illicit affair and had to marry the replacement. They are a proud family no matter what lying creeps they appear to others.

  45. Anonymous5:34 PM

    What is coming down that pike? Something is... remember her, "closing and open doors, etc." memo before the FOX canned her news came out... She is always trying to get ahead of whatever is coming out, so this tweet must mean something is coming...

    1. Very perceptive. I agree. Stand by for new developments.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      I hope so!

    3. Anonymous8:28 PM

      She ALWAYS tries to get in front of any story - there must be a story coming.

  46. Anonymous5:40 PM

    When will Sarah "You won't move forward if you keep letting things from your past bring you down!" Palin come out with her version of this video?

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      What about Bristol's version?

      Will Bristol come out crying and apologizing for ruining DWTS for America?

      I'm through for life with that show thanks to the Palins.

  47. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The toppling of the Palins in Alaska has similar feelings to the toppling of Saddam Husseins's statue in Iraq.

    The end to tyranny and corruption in the last frontier.

  48. Anonymous5:51 PM

    If past is prologue, one would expect Palin to tweet snarks about John Kerry and Chuck Hagel or Hillary Clinton.
    Instead , she ( or her stand ins ) tweet nonsensical
    and head scratching jumbles of the Bible, 12 steps and
    New Age gobbedly gook.
    The rumors about her taking an online divinity course to become Pastor Palin seem unlikely as they
    would require study and comprehension.
    Palin's emaciation and bizarre tweets
    make her seem especially disconnected and out of it .
    The fact that she has not referenced current events indicates
    that she may be tucked away somewhere .
    Hmmm...Could she be participating in a new season
    of Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew ?

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I highly doubt it's even HER. Someone tweeting for her, like her Facebook posts using big words. You KNOW it's not her, but her handlers.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Not to worry. The minute any Palin does anything "big", Americans will be like kids at Chucky Cheese having a great time playing Whac-A-Mole. Those Palins - they are SOOOO entertaining!


    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      I don't think she has anything to do with it, either. She's obviously not in a fit state if the person in charge of her phone is simply reTweeting her bible bitz and inspirational daily BS quotes. Even the Breitbart thing was clearly written questions emailed or faxed, easily answered by someone else. Last seen she had to be held up by her handbag manager, so any guesses as to what institution she's in? My vote would go to this one:

      Personally, I hope God gave Sarah Palin a complete nervous breakdown like the ones she used to give to other people.

    4. Anonymous2:49 AM

      I agree. She is not able to do much. It is an old trick to use biblical platitudes. Whoever is doing that for the brand shows Palin as incredibly weak. Like death is near for all things Palin. Not that they won't dress up the corpse for more smoke and mirrors. The fools that are suckered to send money are dwindling.

    5. Anonymous3:07 AM

      I doubt that she would go into any rehab, unless she was PAID. If Dr. Drew is ready to lose his viewers, then maybe he will have her on his show. Somehow, even after being surrounded by nuts, I think Dr. Drew is smarter than THAT.

    6. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Ram could pretend to be Palin and take the online course for her.

  49. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Per her tweet, my reply would be that yes, we are forgiven and can move forward, but we are also asked to forgive, like in, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

    When Sarah stops verbally attacking the POTUS, democracts and media, then I'll believe that she truly wants to move forward.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Well FIRST one has to CONFESS, then and ONLY THEN is there any chance for forgiveness. She has yet to confess, so she's screwed out of forgiveness until she does.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      "Mom, I put your picture up on my blog and everyone said hello and to get well soon"

      "Alright, Chuckie Jr, let me guess. You want to borrow the car and need $20 bucks because your sister cut you off again?"

      "No, Mom. Can I get $50 instead. I'll pay you when PAC donations pick up again."

  50. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Since Twitter has been hacked, maybe the "ghost of sarah's future" floated the "forgiveness" tweet.

  51. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Is Sarah running short on money and she fired Krusty's a$$? And what in the hell is Chuck doing putting pics of Sally on his site while she's in her hospital bed,,what a sick a$$hole! What a bunch of losing users!

    1. Anonymous3:09 AM

      Well, in their world they have to prove everything they say since people are really wary of anything they say.

    2. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Yeah Chuck! Where are the pictures of Sarah in a hospital bed holding a newborn Tri-G?

  52. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I'm sure google spiked "palin" searches last week all over the place because Fixed News dumped her and it made millions and millions of people very happy to see her disappear down the drain. I've also noticed that afterwards, nobody cares about her anymore. Google search "Palin" doesn't bring up much this week. Yes, ding dong the hate screeching witch is dead. I can see her naughty red monkey high heels sticking out from her Fixed News studio and they are all shriveled up.

  53. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I hope to fuck she's being eaten up by guilt over lying to her family and the world about Trig.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      No such thing as guilt in Sarah Palin's world.

      You did see her blood libel video didn't you?

      Sarah is not capable of feeling guilt.

    2. Anonymous9:58 PM

      She's being eaten up by hate, addiction and an eating disorder.

    3. Anonymous4:21 AM

      I absolutely think she is...can't even digest water.
      Too bad, so sad. Hope she ahs the nervous shits really bad. With cramping :)

  54. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Would you look at that deranged looking freak in the picture above. Please keep this village idiot in Wasilla. Are there any mental institutions up there that will take her dumb ass?

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Yes, there is API in Anchorage and it's way past time for her family to admit the idiot!

  55. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I only watch Alaskan State Troopers in hope to see them hall her off in handcuffs on day.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Unfortunately for Alaska I'm so sick & tired of the Palins that I will never go up there again. Will not watch any Alaska related anything on tv.

    2. Anonymous7:09 AM

      The Palins are no longer favored by the majority living in Alaska. She, Todd and Bristol have done nothing but embarrass their residents for the past four plus years.

  56. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Given she seems to be posting pious tweets of late... for example, about moving forward and forgiveness and all that... leads me to wonder if the feds are closing in....

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I wish. I think as long as McCain is alive it won't happen.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Must be that quasi-religious ghost writer Nancy French that got a hold of her twitter account.

  57. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Elma Gantry tweets!

  58. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Bill Maher used his final New Rule of the night to take on his old friend Sarah Palin‘s departure from Fox News.

    “Liberals have to stop gloating about Sarah Palin getting dumped by Fox News,” Maher began, “even though it happened less than a day after Bobby Jindal told his fellow Republicans to ‘stop being the stupid party.’ That’s just a coincidence. A wonderful, hilarious coincidence.”

  59. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Sarah is now "has been of the year"

  60. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Gryph, I keep telling ya, she's going to end up on Celebrity Rehab/Rehab With Dr. Drew.

    1. Anonymous3:11 AM

      ONLY if Dr. Drew PAYS!!

  61. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Palin should go on the road with Ray Lewis. The Brother's Love Traveling Crack Head Turned Religious Grifter Salvation Show.

    Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies!

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Gotta love how God tells Ray Ray who's going to win football games but somehow can't seem tell him where he hid the white suit he was wearing while committing a double murder

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      In a Dumpster.

      He didn't stab the two guys, his homies did. And got blood on his suit because he was in the middle if the fracas. Still, he was guilty of obstruction and an accessory to all the crimes committed. He's a piece of shit and a liar, and a loudmouth who hides his misbehavior behind his gospelizing preachy nonsense. He was a great linebacker until a couple of years ago. Now he's just an average player getting attention because he's a big fuckin' circus act.

      I've never liked the 49ers organization, even when I really liked a few of their players. But tomorrow, go Niners.

  62. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I feel a perverse sense a Schadenfreude about Sarah. I want her failure, and I want to know every detail, with pleasure, of her downward spiral.

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Getting out every detail is where the money is. IF Sarah, family or friends do a TELL ALL in a real way, they could make some bank. Tweeting the 'forgive' deal is too shallow and not going to make her a worthy Swaggart act. Franklin could spend a fortune staging her come back ministry and they would fail under all the sham. She is painted into a corner. The art of faking it and fraud will no longer work, let them try and EPIC FAIL. It would be good is she takes Franklin and the Brietbart farce down with her. The GOP and Fox wised up some but they go on protecting her to save their butts.

    2. Anonymous3:45 AM

      You're not alone.

  63. It won;t be QVC. They require an investment from the vendor of $100,000 up front. Has Sarah ever done anything that required her to use her own money? Nah. And Sarah. Yes, God has forgiven US, but you..not so much. See, dear, the difference is that one must repent of their sins to be forgiven, and you wo't even admit you have sinned...against God and humanity, with your lies and hate. So, yes, we are sorry that we find you so amusing, but telling the truth about someone is not a sin. Lying every time one opens one's mouth, for the purpose of making another million, certainly is. Yes, Gryph, the evangelical movement is perfect for Sarah...or maybe Robertson needs a new sidekick.

  64. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I wonder if the Great Sarah Palin is waving her white flag?

  65. Anonymous11:16 PM

    That is such odd diction: God forgave you.
    A declarative statement of fact.

    How does she know whom God has or has not forgiven?

    1. It's the meth talking.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      You know, ive always believed Palin had multiple personalities. Now i think one of the personalities thinks it is god. Remember she wrote a lwtter as god? And now she is tweeting as god?

    3. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Remember? God told sarah to run for Vp and president. She hears voices, but it is not god, it is the paid frenchy. Gotta feeling the FEDS are moving in on the palins/heathens. Is sally in the hospital because someone told her that the entire family is about to be charged?

  66. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Within weeks Palin will be in twitter wars with Ruppert, this should get good! You know Ruppert has ALL the dirtiest DIRT on each and every Palin. Enjoy!

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      You betcha he has all the dirt and then some.

  67. Anonymous2:26 AM

    A belated comment about the subject she was punditing about it the picture above:
    Having worked at Time magazine, I know that the once-a-year Person of the Year cover story ("Man of the Year" until recent times) is a more than 80 year tradition. A huge secret even from most of the staff until it's announced, after correspondents, writers and editors have worked on the story for months. It's a big deal, at least at Time, and used to be bigger when magazines held everyone's attention. The designation is not given lightly.

    The "Inflluential People" thing, that Sarah landed on one year, was a very recent invention to stroke the egos of various celebrities and gain publicity for the magazine. It by no means coronated Sarah Palin -- she was "influential"in her destructive, loony way. Knowing Time as I do, I know that there was no one, not one journalist, who intended to promote her cause by having her go to their media-saturated banquet. They are the "lamestream" as Sarah would allege, but neither are they biased. She was a legitimate presence for a while, and deserved a bit of coverage.

    If the magazine continues this "Influential People" thing in the future, you can be sure that Sarah Palin won't be on it, and never will again. She can't influence more than a handful of crazies from now on.

    Separately: who gave Sarah Palin the cojones to tell anyone "God forgave you"? She needs to say that to herself and maybe her wayward children, while trying to repair the damage they've done. True repentance means
    real humility and contrition. And, last I heard, God doesn't talk directly to Sister Sarah, and has not designated her as his official Twitter spokesperson.

  68. our lad3:19 AM

    I've got to agree with the folks here who see Mrs. Palin's future as some sort of televangelist.The same people who envisioned this charlatan as a viable vice president will probably be ripe for the fleecing if she promises them afterlife insurance. I see the same destiny for Tim Tebow as the powers that be realize that the college phenom is probably not an NFL quarterback. Yeehaw.

  69. Anonymous3:54 AM

    That "god forgave you" tweet is part of her evangelical facade. They are all into being forgiven by hod for whatever mean/bad/horrible things they have done. My mother, who was abusive, once told me it didn't matter if her kids ever forgave her so she didn't even need to really apologize, because god forgave er and that's all that matters to her.
    Whatever makes these wackos sleep at night I guess....

  70. Anonymous4:14 AM

    We hate to see you go, Sarah. You have enlightened us, inspired us, motivated us. Now crawl back into your cave and rest assured you have done your best. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. Randall9:01 AM

    I just googled "Sarah Palin" and it returned "Sarah who?"

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Google told me to type in and search for

      "Inmate 8369025"

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Ha Ha Ha, love your comment Randall.

  72. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Mark Sullivan’s Resignation May Be A Response to Our Attempt to Expose Todd Palin

  73. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:22 AM

    "You won't move forward if you keep letting things from your past bring you down! God forgave you!"


    Maybe she invested in a pair of glasses that actually work and can finally SEE the iceberg coming? Did God send her another imaginary message saying she's "forgiven" for her endless crap, just like "He" sent a personal letter to Trig before he was, uh, born?

  74. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sounds like the beginning of the sara palin confession. This crazy woman has been commenting over at ML blog lately. Sounds like the same repeated comments. But sarah must know that she cannot move forward until she goes to court with her pimp husband and under oath confesses and tells the truth for once.

  75. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The Palins and the McCains should of paid off Shailey Tripp long time ago instead of thinking their shit don't stink and no way would anybody take the word of a prostitute over the untouchable Palins and McCains.

    Now look what's happening.

  76. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Anybody see Sarah, Todd or Bristol in public?

    Why are they hiding?

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      .....and everybody thought Willow the Wild Child would bring the Palins down.

      Willow go wash hair and keep your nose clean and you'll be okay.

  77. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I always thought the Palins and Heaths should of taken care of the Palins Narcissistic Personality Disorders instead of milking it for all they could get with reality shows and all those cheaply written books.

    Now look at all of them, a disgrace to Alaska and Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      A disgrace to all of humanity. Bunch of Leaches.

  78. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Sarah: Forgive me... I have sinned... I'm a victim....

    Todd and Bristol: You have to say it with more feelings and don't forget to blame the muslim guy in the White House... where's Trig... lets put him in the video.....


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