Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Lunatic from Lake Lucille has her ghostwriter fire off a Facebook response to the SOTU speech. The question is, does anybody even care? Update!

Courtesy of RAM posing as the Tundra Taint:

 If you missed President Obama’s State of the Union address last night, you didn’t miss much – especially if you watched any of his past four State of the Union addresses. 

We heard the same recycled rhetoric, and we heard his Orwellian declaration that the cornucopia of new federal programs he proposed, as well as his intention to eradicate world poverty, wouldn’t “increase our deficit by a single dime.”

"Orwellian?" Seriously?

Palin's ghostwriter goes on to challenge essentially everything that the President said last night (Duh!), claiming:  

What is the true state of our union? Though this may sound harsh, I’ll speak the truth here. We are a country going bankrupt to fund a bloated, distant, and often corrupt federal government led by venal politicians more concerned with paying off their campaign cronies and consolidating their own power than in preserving the constitutional republic that so many have fought and died for (including our brave men and women in uniform who were barely mentioned last night). 

We are a country with an economy being stifled under the weight of a bankrupt and voracious federal machine demanding more taxes and burdensome regulations. Job creators are the ones stuck with the bill when Obama calls for “new revenue.” Their businesses bear the brunt of the nearly 87 million paperwork hours imposed by federal regulations in 2012 – annually costing them $1.75 trillion. And I haven’t even mentioned Obamacare yet, which looms like the dark cloud it is over our private sector. Is it any wonder why our economy is stagnant or why job growth is so anemic? President Obama’s “solution” to these problems is to make the federal government more intrusive, bankrupt, and controlling.

Of course the ghostwriter ignores the fact that the deficit has actually come down under President Obama and that job growth has steadily risen after George Bush (A President who Palin supported by the way), almost destroyed the country's economy.

She (I'm assuming it's a "she") also fails to understand that much of the nation's debt is due to the Bush tax cuts and the two unnecessary wars he launched, which this President is still attempting to wrestle with while providing new services that we desperately need.

The ghostwriter goes on:

Here’s the good news: President Obama is in many ways a lame duck president. None of his ridiculous ideas will come to pass via the legislative process. Of course, he may try to force them down America’s throat by imposing them through other means. But they can be undone if the right people are in position to undo them. He is very bold right now – some would say cocky – because of his November win, but there is another election around the corner, and we can check his boldness at the ballot box by electing constitutional conservatives. We must continue to affirm the fact that growing our bankrupt federal government is NOT the solution. Most of what the federal government does could be handled better on the individual, local, and state levels.

The President has every right to be cocky, he won! And virtually EVERYTHING the Republicans stood for lost. The only reason they were able to gain any seats is due to gerrymandering, because as we know, if Republicans don't cheat, they don't win.

And Palin's ghostwriter is right, there IS another election coming up, let's see how that one works out for the Republicans, shall we? If this idiot is expecting a replay of 2010 I think she is in for quite a huge disappointment, similar to the one she just felt in November.

Oh, and Palin's ghostwriter is right about another thing, there is some good news. And that good news is that Sarah Palin no longer welcome on the cable news airwaves to spit venom at our President and say ridiculous scurrilous things about him, his party, and the patriotic people of this nation who voted for him.

All she can do is have some poor underpaid hack write a rage filled, and fact free Facebook rant about his speeches, which she can then hope that somebody, anybody, will link to and give her poor decomposing corpse a little attention before it slips completely beneath the waves of irrelevance.

Well here you go, I have done that for you right here.  Happy?

Update: By the way i would be remiss if I did not point out that MOST of the rest of the country does not share this dimwit's opinion of last night's speech. This from TPM:  

The overwhelming majority of those who tuned in to the State of the Union address approved of the speech delivered by President Barack Obama, according to the findings of a snap poll that was released Wednesday. 

The automated survey, conducted Tuesday night by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling on behalf of the National Resources Defense Council, showed that 67 percent of those who said they watched the State of the Union approved of Obama's speech while 33 percent disapproved. Seventy-two percent of women and 62 percent of men said they approved of the address.

Do you see that 67 % Palin? That is the same 67% that will support this President's policies and who will vote against any Republican candidate who is running for election on sabotaging progress in Washington or on opposing what this President wants to do for this country.

Which is why I kind of agree with how your ghostwriter closed the Facebook rant:

So, do something. 2014 is just around the corner. Get motivated! Get organized. America, don’t retreat. In the words of yet another White House program, “Let’s move.”

Yes, let's.


  1. jcinco11:58 AM

    why doesn't this filthy, hate ridden shrew go crawl off in a corner like the sick vermin she is.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Because she is trying to figure out how the hell she's going to make money now that no one really gives a shit about her... Except to laugh at her desperation.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Because Todd's pimping money isn't steady income and someone in that family's gotta shake their money maker!

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Have faith. We had quite a nice long period of Palin remission until a few days ago. These periods will get longer and longer but will still be punctuated by acute Palin flare-ups every now and then. We have your back when these occur!

    4. Anonymous2:40 PM

      she needs to be putdown..

    5. Did y'all see the pictures that Beefy Sheeran Marie Palin posted of Baldy with Trig 7.1 and the Pimp today?


      And this one of Piper...who looks cute and is wearing age appropriate clothes for a change?


    6. Anonymous5:03 PM

      7.1. Haha. Gina, you're getting back in spring-training shape. Your fastball is live and that nasty slider just falls off the table. Just sayin you got your shit together, girl. Nobody's gonna want to get in the batter's box with u up on the mound.

    7. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Thanks for the links, GinaM. I am very glad to see Trig looking so happy and with appropriate clothes on.

    8. It looks like La Palin has graduated from a waterbra to a nerfball bra. Those are some huge wide flat melons she's sporting under that sweatshirt hoodie.

    9. Anita Winecooler8:48 PM

      LOL!!! nerfball bra? I love it. So that's what happened to the dry rotted empathy belly!

  2. Olivia12:05 PM

    Didja ever notice that Sarah Palin has a perpetual fantasy about the President forcing something down her throat? She can't ever say a single word about him without mentioning it.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      As a true Teabagger, she can dream of a big stick, can't she?

      Since it's nothing she'll ever see at home or at any of the barn-raisings that she makes appearances at these days.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Sarah is still fantasizing about Glen Rice shoving something down her throat.

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      12:30 PM

      A pox on Rice's house for not leaving it there.

    4. Anonymous2:28 PM

      1:10 LOL does not begin to describe...

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sarah who? Oh, that funny lady who sells white plates from QVC. Yeah, I remeber seeing her on TV one time. She sure writes funny stuff... but hey, comedians are like that, right?

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sarah Palin has shown the World 'How Not To Raise Your Children'. Not 1 of her Adult Children has a Spouse, an Education, nor Talent. She has thrust a Family of Grifters upon us. A woman married to a Pimp
    has no business trying to advise others how to live.
    How does one have Grandchildren and no Sons-in-laws?
    Sarah and Todd are FAILURES when it comes to FAMILY VALUES.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      How to fake a pregnancy.
      How to steal money for per diem by staying home and not working.
      How to grift every last cent out if stupid, superstitious people.
      How not to tell your kids about sex or contraception.
      How to lie about shit that wouldn't really matter if she just told the truth.
      How to tell the same lies until she's convinced she heard someone else say it so it must be true.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Facebook is so high school anyway.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Agree 100%. Palin is now inhabiting the realm of teens and preteens with her FB and Twitter rants. What, you can't get a real platform from which to speak Sarah, like a television gig or another political office?

      I bet she and Piper sit around and Facebook and Twitter together. Palin is just an arrested teen and that's why she behaves like one.

    2. One of her fans logged this comment on her Facebook ghostwritten screed:
      "Kim Hall Jones PLEASE run again for president!!!!! I think that you would tell the truth and get our country back to where we are a great nation. I'm not sure that you could get us out of debt in 4-8 years but I think you would put a dent in it and get us on the right track.
      30 minutes ago"

      The above delusional birdbrain is under the impression that Sarah Palin ran for president before. In 2008? Palin herself seemed to share that delusion at times, back then. But are some of her fans equally deluded about 2012?

      Good gawd. They're so stupid.


      Then, I saw this:

      "David Horine maby it is time to get rid of him
      about an hour ago"

      How do you notify Facebook of a threat to the President? Or do they care?

    3. Anonymous4:55 PM

      KaJo, please forward it to Secret Service and copy Homeland Security and let them handle it. You never know what some "fan" trying to win favor with Queen Quitter might actually do. Facebook might only cut off access for this nut and piss him off. Thanks for keeping an eye on those wackos. I've had to take a break since last month from even going to anything Palin-related because it's so sickening (other than IM, I mean). You're a REAL patriot. And I'm glad there are many others here as well.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Forget Sarah Palin's comment on the SOTU.... we want to hear Sarah Palin's comment on Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp!

    Come on Sarah say something....

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I want to know if she wears clothes while she's doing housework these days. Ok, I admit it. That's a trick question because if she did housework, their house wouldn't smell like the dog that ran away in 2011. Still.

      Plus, no one really wants to see that bag of bones naked. The hardlegs from C4P just think they do. They'd be repulsed as much as Todd is looking at the famished one.

  7. Randall12:24 PM

    Personally, I rather enjoy it when Sarah "Punchline" Palin runs out of hiding to clown around a bit before scurrying back to obscurity. Highly entertaining: especially when she tries to use big words.

    1. AJ Billings3:40 PM

      No kidding!

      Does $arah's ghostwriter imagine in her wildest dream that Granny Grifter would ever use the term Orwellian in a sentence?

      What planet is that ghostwriter from?

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    President Obama is a lame duck?

    Bristol and Sarah Palin are lame fucks.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      But wait, according to Palin "lame ducks" just up and quit during their last term because, well because of their "lame duckness". Obama ain't no quitter, honey pie.

      I've never understood either why Palin thought she was a lame duck in the second half of her FIRST term...that term usually applies to those that are in the SECOND term of elected office. Just chalk another one up to Palin not understanding politically terminology, just like she doesn't understand that babies gestate in their mommas tummy for 9 MONTHS, not 9 DAYS :-)

      I guess that Palin's "pregnancy" with Trig was a "lame duck" event, given that she quit it a month early.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      It's clear that it's a term that she only knows is "bad", because it is part of her excuse that she gave in her "I'm quitting this fucking job!" speech in 2009. To say that a President is powerless with more than 47 months left in his 2nd term is part of the stupidity that she is known for in entertaining all of those who don't worship her by putting our faces between her saggy, wrinkled butt cheeks and playing smoochy smoochy. Gag. I think I made myself sick thinking about the ponderbots.

  9. vegaslib12:27 PM

    I'd say the answer to does anyone care is a bit fat EFF NO! She really has lost her fucking mind over Obama. I think it's hilarious.

    1. Queen Ester is using up all her pre-paid tweets from RAM on the 1st day. I see bologna sandwiches in her family's future. Not that she'll ever lower herself to preparing a meal for them.

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Recycled rhetoric? She'd know. She hasn't had a single new and original idea since she first ran for the Wasilla City Council.

    Pathetic temper tantrum of a sore, colossal loser.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I doubt she even understands several of the words the ghostwriter has put in her mouth - "Orwellian", "cornucopia", "venal" - sheesh. We ALL know that's not her style of word salad.

    As for "our brave men and women in uniform who were barely mentioned last night," he announced that more troops will be withdrawing from Afghanistan this year - how is that barely mentioning them??

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Is Track still over there? Was he ever really over there? Surely we could track the movements of the Akasja National Gayrd, which seems to be deployed constantly!!

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      You are correct that the ghost writer missed the mark.

      Palin must have hired on the cheap because the best ghost writers capture the style they are trying to immitate.even if it is marekedly different from their own. This ghost writer either didn't know Sarah's style (word salad with a side of poor vocabulary (or misuse of useful words).

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Let that pony run! The more teabagger she goes, the more she sounds like a Congressperson, and we know how respected they are. She's so shrill she must be completely desperate for money. All she can use to get attention these days is dead people: Reagan, Kyle, Schiavo, and pretty soon she'll be prostrate on the grave of the unlamented Breitfart, tearing her hair and wailing for money and sympathy.

    With that noxious heifer Bekki doing the thinking, and Sarah doing the acting, what could go wrong?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Ha! RAM is Sarah's brain!

  13. She sure jumps at the chance to claim lame duck status for anyone who is going out of office.

    She assumes it always means you are a lazy, dead, decomposing fish just going with the flow. Someone that doesn't have to raise a finger to do a lick of work, because whatcha gonna do, fire her?

    She evidently doesn't realize that unlike her lazy, no work ethic self, many dedicated, principled, hard-working elected officials enjoy not having to tread carefully because of having to campaign again. They enjoy being able to vote and campaign proudly and enthusiastically for whatever issues they care about without fear of their constituents' opinions.

    This can be a good thing or a bad thing of course depending on your viewpoint vs the politician's, but regardless, many of them consider their lame duck status to be a chance to leave a great legacy behind.

    Not ol' lazyass dead fish Palin.

    What a moron.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Her "stated reason" for quitting the governorship of Alaska was that she did not to hinder Alaska with her "lame duck status." What a dolt.

  14. Anonymous12:50 PM

    So she has to steal Michelle Obama's tagline? 'Let's Move'? She can't even come up with her own? And man she is OBSESSED with President Obama, isn't she? She is so out of step with America it isn't even funny.

    And the 'Lame Duck' QUITTER couldn't even finish out her term and she has the fucking balls to question our president who is sure as hell not acting like any 'lame duck'. He's rarin' to go and he's got the majority of America on his side. It's a sight to behold and Sarah is beside herself that she can't stop it. All she has left is FB and Twitter. No one wants to talk to her, interview her, or really post much of what she has to say. It's barebones unless it's Breitfart. Even FOX isn't covering her verbal vomiting.

    Oh, and Ms. Skankerific, here's what 'real americans' thought of the awesome SOTU:

    Americans Are Responding to the State of the Union

    This is REALLY cool! You can highlight any part of the speech and offer your response.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Her "Let's move" is a message to Todd to vacate Alaska because she is so despised in her former home state. She's reduced herself and her family to punch lines for jokes no one wants to hear any more. Yeah, y'all fucking move. Please. All of you.

  15. Anonymous12:51 PM

    A Behind the Lens View of Why Marco Rubio Crashed and Burned

    ...But in Rubio’s case, he also lacks experience, he lacks an aura of leadership, he lacks presence and he lacks substance. You have to have at least one of those things to be a rising political star, and preferably many of them. He has also alienated both Hispanics and women — the two groups the Republican Party so desperately needs to court. Rubio has the right color skin for the Republican Party’s new branding, and that’s about it.

    Rubio is trying to brush “Watergate” off by laughing with it, and good for him for having the ability to roll with being the butt of a viral joke. But he’s missing the point. Forever etched in Americans’ minds is the image of this upstart criticizing the president as he tanks under the pressure of the national spotlight. Ineffective, uninspiring, and forgettable, save for the bewildered Lost Boy moment.

    This fail is more the fault of the Republican Party than Marco Rubio. They wasted yet another young talent by shoving him out of the nest before he was ready. But they’re also guilty of letting their desperation delude them into thinking they can make anyone a star. If star-making were so easy, everyone would be doing it. This is also why Republicans are so derisive of Obama’s star power. You can’t manufacture a real star. They just are.

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Well, little miss Muffet Sarah is all riled up about the bad mean man who stole her scepter. She writes that her "country with an economy being stifled under the weight of a bankrupt and voracious federal machine demanding more taxes and burdensome regulations", as though she's concerned about the economy, little people, small businesses, job creators and an anemic job growth.

    Sarah, maybe look in your own back yard. Start examining your income these past 5 years. The pay gap in the public sector is very unfair. People like you can take $100,000 per 1-hour speech and be flown to the job site and flown back home. Doesn't it make you weep that you get paid so much for doing nothing but speak? Doesn't it make you feel any guilt or shame that you get so much for doing so little when the little people get paid on average $10 to $20 an hour who stand on their feet all day? Undertakers, nurses, orderlies, nurses aides, surgical staff, health practitioners, doctors, hospice nurses, elderly care facility staff, staff who work with children with disabilities, children with down syndrome, staff who work with the blind, the disabled, the mentally ill, the homeless shelters, the teen pregnancy clinics, abused women clinics, those who do the jobs that many people don't have the emotional stamina to do. These people are the heroes. These people lift heavy bodies, wash urine, and every crappy thing off floors, wash sick people, feed people, do the servant's heart work, and they could never dream of being paid the amount that you, Sarah, has received. Yet very few of them are complaining. They have what you could never have, "thankfulness".

    Anyone who has the gall to criticize others on their failures to keep an economy going strong, that takes advantage of the atrocious pay gap between those who give absolutely nothing versus those who give their all for few dollars has NO mercy, sensitivity, love, compassion, for anyone in the world except THEMSELVES.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Hear, hear!

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      I think the days of private jets, SUV's with tinted windows and bendy straws are behind her. I doubt those days will EVER be back for this shrew.

  17. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Can they be more clueless???

    GA Republican State Senator Claims Frying Pans Kill More People than Guns

  18. Anonymous12:57 PM

    All that ranting and raving hasn't got her anywhere. It's the same old bullshit lies over and over again like a broken record. Sarah and Bristol would label me a "hater" and I'm getting sick and tired of her that I'm losing interest in the old shank. Just think, if the "haters" no longer care what Sarah says, she'll only have her devout followers whose numbers are dwindling.

    Sarah, you're so done.

  19. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Awwww..... po widdle boo-boo isn't getting attention anymore.

  20. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Stern then tried to get Trump’s true feelings about a certain ex-Alaskan Governor and Fox News contributor: “You think Sarah Palin’s an idiot, don’t you?”

    “No, I don’t,” Trump said. “I think she’s tremendous…. I know Sarah Palin, I spoke to her yesterday. I think she’s a wonderful woman and there is a group of people that absolutely adores Sarah Palin. I think she’s been treated very harshly by the media.”

    “Well, she doesn’t come off well when she speaks,” Stern retorted. “She’s very, very simplistic.”

    Listen below:

  21. Anonymous1:02 PM

    OT, Iron Dog starts this weekend and Todd is NOT one of the favorites to win. Perhaps too much time in AZ and Texas and not enough time on his machine?

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Toddy's saddle sore already for pinch-hitting for a couple of his male prostitutes. He needs all of the cash from the transaction rather than his usual 40% off the top, because money's tight when his old lady gets the red-ass. And since she's been off TV for 2 months, she's been even bitchier than usual. I can only imagine, praise the lawd.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      If Toad has been in AZ instead of rehearsing his tricks for the Iron Dog, there must be a good reason why. Either he's planning on not starting, or his wife is in a socialite rehab facility a little north-west of Phoenix. Or both.

      First we had her wobbly performance at the auto auction, then she turns up with hardly any hair. The fact that the bonier she gets the more skanky she dresses tells me that she doesn't have a serious illness.

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      They were back in Wasilla last weekend and were spotted with Piper, Bristol, and Trig at the equipment check for the iron Dog. Photos are on Bristols blog. Poor little Trig has the worst lazy eye I've ever seen, as if life isn't going to be hard enough for that one he's inherited Sarah's crazy lazy eye. Bristol is lucky that she didn't inherit the strabismus but it can skip a generation and low and behold, poor little Trigger got it bad. He looks so much like Bristol these days it's amazing they even let her pose with him in photos.

    4. Anonymous5:07 PM

      You mean Sarah and TriG were actually together at the same time?

      I don't know if Sarah's "lazy eye" is genetic or not, but I do know sometimes "lazy eye" is the result of feeding an infant from a bottle that is always held only one direction. The baby's eyes fix on mother's face and if you don't change directions the eyes don't focus properly.

  22. Anonymous1:03 PM

    OT Every now and then, it's fun to check out another author/writer from Alaska, the famous Chuck Heath Jr.'s Facebook posts. Today, he is upset that the Olympics have dropped wrestling from their program. Chuck wrote, " Let the IOC know that you're disgusted by their decision." Disgusted? When it is is a decision, you either agree with it or you disagree with it. You could be disappointed if you were a fan of wrestling, or if you participated in it as a sport in junior high. Disgusted? That's disgusting, and for a famed writer, author and teacher, I expect better use of the English language. Then I remember that Sarah Palin is his sister, and his attempt at fame is based on her, and Sarah's attempts at fame are running on empty.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Faux rage from the pretenders. Fat boy was never much of an athlete, nor was his fuck-toy/sister, Sarah Lou Heath. Fat boy better be careful and not get too disgusted, or he'll wet his Depends again. And that young sweet thang that he married after knocking her up is probably at the point where she's going to let his fat ass sit in his piss a little while before changing him.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      If the loser had any interest in the Olympics he'd know that minor sports get rotated in and out of the Olympics all the time. Where's his disgust about softball being gone for 2012 and 2016?

  23. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think that the reason for Sarah's long long Facebook post is because she needs to appear active in politics in order to fill her PAC purse. Sarah turned a memorial service for two veterans into a political statement, in order to have her PAC pay for her travel expenses (and Todd's). What a great game. She doesn't have to memorize some talking points for Fox any more. All she has to do is post some garbage on Facebook, keep her grudge match with President Obama going, and she is a political advocate, with a PAC. Be sure to give generously to pay for the ghost writer, because while much of her self-serving Facebook sounded like Sarah's bitter, run-on sentences, it was much too long to have actually be written by Sarah.

  24. Anonymous1:10 PM

    She's freaking out because it's been EIGHT weeks since her last TV appearance. Sarah's going through withdrawal and suffering from the DTs.

    The main symptoms of delirium tremens are nightmares, agitation, global confusion, disorientation, visual and auditory hallucinations, fever, hypertension, diaphoresis, and other signs of autonomic hyperactivity.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Poor thing's really freaking ... she spent all that money on plastic surgery and can't show it off on FB.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Well, at least she got an audio on some radio station. Along with her picture in her Harley black leather jacket.

  25. angela1:15 PM

    I feel the need to ignore Sarah. Give her any attention and she'll just spread her idiocy like a bad case of herpes.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      She's the same old same old becoming a boorish hate monger and has always been comedian fodder. If you google "Sarah Palin" and "stupid" you get a lot of hits....LOL! She'll go down in history as being one of the most stupid ass VP picks ever.

      No matter what she does she can never erase "stupid" from her name. It's on youtube for all posterity.

  26. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Would love to see a graph of all the times she's claimed someone "rammed it down her throat", combined with the times she wants to "punch someone in the neck". She is stalk in the oral stage of development.

    Also, think the "cornucopia" wording was by chance? Might she have read or seen Hunger Games and figured that she could use the negative associations? (Or rather, might RAM have seen Hunger Games?)

  27. Anonymous1:23 PM

    She's never understand that we have always laughed AT her, not with her. And now she doesn't get the concept of NO ONE cares what she thinks (or what talking points she can spout out).

    $arah your 15 minutes are OVER and have been for quite awhile. Each rant you just look and sound more pathetic than the previous rant.

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Now It’s Sarah Palin Vs David Tennant

  29. Bless that poor little piece of black charcoal that stands in for a heart beneath her silicone filled chest.... the wacky ol' gal just can't help herself. How will we ever miss her if she just won't go away!!!

    Does she just not understand big words like 'majority' when it comes to describing the people who voted for and support our beleaguered President? One would think a loser like her would have a working knowledge of the sentence "Your side lost, act like grown-ups and STFU if you have nothing to contribute to the well being of this Nation".

  30. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Palin's ghostwriter gets published in a right wing rag:

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      By tomorrow, both Bristol and Chuck will post Sarah's comments. They operate as her echo chamber. Or to put it another way, three voices are better than one.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      1:44, it's called "spreading the wealth"

  31. lostinmn1:30 PM

    I guess she's dropped the "reload" part of her don't retreat mantra. Wonder why?

  32. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You know.....I have a feeling she's not going away...I started re-reading McGinniss's "The Rogue" and was taken back by her religious bigotry....mark my words...she's gonna be back as a preacher

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I see that as her last grifting opportunity. She would draw some crowds but she has not courted any official religion, except Franklin Graham. I doubt she would get her hands dirty at some third world outpost, but would rather sit at the some televangelism tv venue all gussied up, raking in the millions for her tongue talking. No, she'd have to start her own "ministry, and I do not believe that would happen. People are just not into Sarah. Sarah from Alaska.

  33. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Haha. Even Ted Nugent gets invited to the SOTU. And John McCain, and Gabby Giffords was there. Hahahahaha. All the folks that work for a living were there. It must be awful for an ex-VP candidate to never get her naughty monkey shoe in Washington's door and everyone make a beeline when they see her coming.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM


    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Over at the Pee Pond they all consider it a badge of honor that Sarah was fired from Fox and wasn't invited to the GOP convention. Yep, this mentally deficient and roguish political outsider is going to swoop in as a third party candidate (an as-of-yet unformed third party, mind you) and take 2016 by storm! That's the way you do it! Facebook, Twitter! Third Party Candidacy! (well, Fourth Party if you count the Baggers) Yep, that's gonna happen, fer sure.....

      Guess you have to say that they can definitely take some lemons and make some delusional lemonade over there at the Pond. It doesn't matter what missteps and mistakes Palin makes, those dirty dozen commenters that make up the Pond will chalk it up to Divine Intervention or Palin's Most Masterful Secret Agenda for Taking Over The World of Politics. If someone accuses her of being stupid they will counter with "Everyone knows that Sarah keeps her intelligence carefully cloaked in order to keep her opponents' guard down. Viva Sarah!"

      The Crazy, it amuses.

    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      "keeps her intelligence carefully cloaked"

      OMG I can't stop laughing at that!

    4. Anonymous4:34 PM

      +1 x 100

  34. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Well here we have another snake in the grass, lying, manipulative Rethug singing a way different song than reality. Reminds me of how Sarah used the Alaskan government to pay for her illegal deeds:

    Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

    Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio came with a simple message.

    "More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

    But government hasn't held back Marco Rubio.

    For Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party, more government did indeed create more opportunities. As the Tampa Bay Times reported during his U.S. Senate run in 2010, it's hard to determine with Rubio where politics stops and the private begins:

  35. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The drugs that Todd is giving her will ensure that she will be dead by 2016. Milk her for all she's got Pimp.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I've said several times on this blog that I think Todd is slowly poisoning her. He has the motive (all that wealth; don't have to carry her purse anymore); the means (I wouldn't put anything past Todd Palin); plenty of opportunity (here honey drink this it will make you feel better).

      And I will finally say: Todd has been pimping his wife ever since the City Council days when he saw how men looked at her and how she ate it up. He enabled her and she turned so many tricks (not literally)that she "earned" millions. And oh the fame also too!

      I hope when Sarah passes there will be a very thorough autopsy. Some drugs are hard to detect.

      Wouldn't it be a fitting end to this soap opera? Todd Palin hauled off to prison for murdering his wife. All of his sleazy criminal background will surface, like scum on a pond. It won't be pretty.

  36. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The most beautiful part of all this:

    Barack Obama will always be known as a two-term PRESIDENT, beloved all over the world.

    Sarah Palin will remain a PATHETIC punchline.

  37. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Skankarific rides again! This time, however, no one is paying any attention to the screeching witch from Wasilla.

  38. Anonymous2:07 PM

    This is what "Sinking Into Irrelevancy" looks like...

  39. Anonymous2:11 PM

    You ask: Does anyone care?
    Answer: No. Not anymore.

  40. Anonymous2:13 PM

    What a sore loser she is. I love how she marginalizes herself by keeping up her stale stupid bullshit. The people who want anything to do with her can soon be counted on one hand.

  41. WakeUpAmerica2:27 PM

    I sure don't give a rat's ass what the wendigo thinks. I do think RAM is off her game. This is a bitter, jealous, irrational rant, but not written by the Turd.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Some of the stuff is pure Sarah, still going on about death panels or reloading, calling out the President for not mentioning the troops when he mentioned that the troops would be leaving Afghanistan next year. Maybe Sarah writes some rage-filled stuff, fires it off to RAM, with the command, "Get that up on Facebook and be sure to call out the Washington Post again for making fun of me."

  42. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Republicans and Democrats Think With Different Parts of Their Brains

  43. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Suck on this you asshole, lying Skank Woman:

    1. Jeanabella4:24 PM

      Thank you so much for posting this link!

  44. How fast did Baldy turn into that crazy aunt that emits strange smells and says all kinds of off the wall shit but you just laugh at her and give her another Pabst Blue Ribbon and a plate of ribs and hope she shuts the fuck up before she ask you to help her to the bathroom and don't forget to take her draws down first!

    You're DONE Baldy Louise Heath Palin! Only your cult members are listening to you. Unfortunately for the few that are left they are actually dying and posting about it at the Asylum!

    Poor "Virginiagentleman1" is literally on his deathbed and he is STILL posting comments over there...that is some sad ass shit! Old dude even posted a picture of himself so folks could see what he USE to look like!

    *GinaM shaking her head at the foolishness of Baldy's fans*

  45. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I have yet to see any mention of her Facebook rant in the news. Just goes to show you how irrelevant she has become. I'll bet that fact is eating her insides, knowing she can't even attract the notice of the "lame stream media". I admit I haven't looked, but has FOX even mentioned her Facebook posting. If not, that really shows how much she is ignored.

  46. Caroll Thompson3:10 PM

    To answer your question - does anyone care? Short answer is no - no one cares. Yesterday's newspaper, if you will.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      I'll go one step farther, Caroll--- she's like yesterday's newspaper after my new "not ready for just puppy pads" puppy has tinkled all over it while standing on the puppy pad. The thing is, he's learning but Sarah never will.

  47. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Tweeting and facebook was made for Sarah Palin.

    Nobody knows who is typing for her so she can hide from anybody asking her direct questions

  48. Reading the comments from her fans under that Facebook RAM screed, I was surprised how many are women.

    There's a lot of delusional women, seemingly middle-aged and christianist (one actually commented a exclamation-point-laden screed of her own), in addition to the dwindling number of tingly-legged middle-aged men who still think she's HAWT.

    "A lot" is relative, though. A couple of thousand. Seems a lot have also dropped out and dropped off.

  49. I sent this message to "Stolen Valor" a FB page dedicated to uncovering lies or deceptions of meritorious military service- any suggestions on what else to add?

    From: Circuit Surfers

    I think you guys should investigate Track Palin, (Sarah Palin's son) and see what the real reason was for him to enlist in the Army.

    It may not be as patriotic as Sarah would like to make it sound- and as a result of a diversion program for slashing the tires of some Alaskan school buses?

    As well- Sarah touts his heroism as having served as a combatant in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are many people that doubt that he served in any sort of front line role at all"

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Track was never in combat in Iraq. He was driving officers around in the Green Zone. And you can bet, his records are sealed.

    2. Track's light duty in addition to his frequent furloughs were likely a result of his mother's 'influence'. It is an insult to the brave men and women who have actually enlisted to serve their country rather than to avoid incarceration for juvenile crimes. Not to mention the unfairness of allowing the spectre of his mother's wrath to afford him his one light duty obligation while others served 3, 4 & 5 tours.

      That she flaunts this egregious favoritism by falsely advertising her errant son as a combat vet is rancid frosting on an already half-baked shit cake


    Circuit Surfers
    I think you guys should investigate Track Palin, (Sarah Palin's son) and see what the real reason was for him to enlist in the Army.

    It may not be as patriotic as Sarah would like to make it sound- and as a result of a diversion program for slashing the tires of some Alaskan school buses?

    As well- Sarah touts his heroism as having served as a combatant in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are many people that doubt that he served in any sort of front line role at all

  51. Anonymous3:51 PM

    @Gina~~ "biggest panty sniffer out there..also too bre-anus!!

  52. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Our President has such a beautiful, classy, intelligent family........

    Palin's family has a bunch of knocked up, ignorant, children who have only one positive thing to say about each other, He's hot; she's hot; my sister's hotter than you; my son has a warrior body. What kind of family talks about each other's bodies like that---

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Those who practice Incest.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      What do you expect from a bunch of horny inbreds who can't keep their panties up?

      They continue the incest cycle!

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Didn't Chuck Sr tell us that they kept losing their panties?

      Just. Too. Weird.

      Also, icky.

  53. Anonymous4:07 PM

    She's been replaced at Faux News by another pretty lightweight. Former US Senator Scott Brown is the new eye candy on Hannity tonight.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Maybe Scott is smart enough to stick to the script and not interrupt Sean.

  54. Sarah has no income source - so she sends letters to the poor right wingers who are willing to give their SS so she will become President. This is how you live on the poor - have yourself a political PAC. How it can be legal to spend more money on postage than the amount donated to candidates is beyond my understanding.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      I'm always amazed that Sarah spends so much money on postage, but where are the other costs that would account for the stuff being mailed? Printing? Paper? Graphic design? Nope, just postage. I think that's code for something else, especially when it is thousands of dollars for "postage."

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      postage = botox and fillers

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      If the entire service comes from somewhere like The UPS Store, which does full service bulk mail processing, then an accountant might not itemize that on the books, just code the entire invoice as postage These places provide full service for bulk mail from graphic design to printing to the actual mailing. If an accountant sees a receipt from The UPS Store they are likely just to code it to postage.

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Sarah, Beefy, and Creepy Jr harvest emails and then Sarah "rents" her own email list to her PAC, so she, in effect, launders the PAC's money to a shell company that she owns as "rental income". She learned this from Newt Gingrich, who is one of the all-time grifters and tax cheats. If you recall, this is exactly what Dick Morris was doing when it was revealed recently. He was paying RW pundits to plug his sites to build up his lists that he rented back to his own PAC. But I think Ailes got crossed up bc Morris is such a rat and a liar. Hannity was doing some of the same type scheming with his Fallen Warrior (im unsure if this is the nMe, but this is the gist.) 'non-profit' scam in conjunction with the Tea Party as it was getting off the ground in 2009. But Ailes shut down Hannity's appearances after he realized that Hannity was grifting $$$ into his own pocket while making very few and very small cash outlays to the educational funds of fallen soldiers. Just a pittiance of the millions that Hannity took in were ever spent for scholarships. Meanwhile, Hannity was flying in private luxury jets, staying in 5-star luxury digs, all on foundation money. These people are crooks. Sorry I'm too tired to edit this or look up all the details for you--- it's been a long day-- but details are out there if you're interested. I believe Mother Jones did the Hannity story in 2009. And of course, the Dick Morris story is very recent, so it's easily accessible.

    5. Anonymous8:45 PM


      wonder if $carah's little waterass high school classmate joey austerman owns the ups store in wasilla ? I know for a fact he did own the business when it was the mailbox store prior to morphing into the ups store.
      now wouldn't that be convenient for the $kank fraud grifter.

      little joey's also heavily involved with the fuked up dairygate scam too, as $carah saw fit to include him into stealing SOA funds....

    6. Anonymous9:44 AM

      postage = hush money

  55. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Lou Crazy traded on her looks her whole life. Now those looks are gone no amount of ranting on social media will bring back the media attention she used to commanded. Muttering bag lady cranks just don't sell advertising.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      By 2014, Sarah will be the equivalent of Orly Taitz in looks and substance. Sarah's already nipping at Taitz's tits for the Craziest, Most-Obcessed Obama-Hater Award. Listening to either makes my skin crawl, but all in all, Taitz is the more coherent and self-aware of the two.

  56. Anonymous5:48 PM

    An Oldie but Goodie, behold the All-Time Popular Post by Sara Jones at

    Foreign Press Says What America’s Won’t: Sarah Palin is a Traitor:

    Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey writes in Pravda:

    “By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country’s history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral….

    And now she turns not only against the fibre and backbone of her country, but against its democratically elected President, accusing him of being incompetent for not stopping Wikileaks. Where was she and where was her GOP before and during the 9/11 attacks? She accuses President Obama of not taking “steps” to assure the leaks were not published. What “steps”?……

    If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?

    To attack the President of the country at a time when the USA needs to close ranks and stand together to consolidate the enormous strides his (President Obama’s) intelligent and respectful approach has achieved in building bridges, when her party’s period in government bombed them, Spankin’ Sarah Palin comes across as a pitifully inadequate anachronism from the times of the Far West.”

    “If Sarah Palin is not some kind of a massive political joke in the USA, wheeled out to liven up the political scene from time to time with nonsensical and pastiche (one hopes) displays of sheer and utter ignorance, then it is worrying.”

    Same day, different traitorous rant. Sarah "Screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet" Palin can go fuck herself.

  57. Anonymous6:13 PM

    he is dying too?

  58. Anonymous6:48 PM


    How many grandkids does Sarah Palin have that has both parents living at home?

    How many wives who has a husband for a pimp tries to tell America what's good for them?

    This bitch has three kids out of high school and none in college and she wants to preach to America?


    Talk about a person with narcissistic personality disorder....

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      They say that Bristol was considered borderline retarded in high school and Bristol who is just like Sarah feels the need to preach to others as well.

      They both have narcissistic personality disorders.

  59. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is to politics like Bristol Palin is to DWTS

    A pile of steaming runny stinky moose shit!

  60. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Sarah Palin is to politics like Track Palin is to combat vets


    If it wasn't for the military, Track would be pimping like his stepdaddy Todd.

    Both those girly boys would be running around Wasilla with pockets full of used condoms wrapped in facecloths

  61. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Tundra Taint. Cuz she likes Baggin em outdoors. Teabagger Bitch.

  62. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Sally Heath how does it feel to be the founding mother to a family full of skanky hoes that were pregnant before marriage?

    Grandmother, daughters and grandkids who can't keep their panties up to save their lives.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Todd and Track both have a hard time keeping their panties up too.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Was Molly Heath pregnant before marriage?

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Is it true that Sarah Heath slept naked even when she wasn't sleeping at home?

      Was this a Heath family tradition?

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Panties to a Palin or Heath is like road bumps to a car.

      Just gets in your way and slows you down.

    5. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Gotta love that Sarah Palin Christian family values.

  63. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Track you proud of mommy?

    "I f@#!ed a black man"

  64. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I'm not up on Twitter stuff, so I don't know the difference between a "follower" and "following." But, I'm guessing that it has something to do with who is participating vs. just passively on the list?

    2,778 Following

    A comment Rubio made today was retweeted 3,008 times

    but only 127 Following

    Most of her tweets last night were retweeted between 120 and 842 times (by the same people each time, so these were NOT cumulative). You might want to open them to make a list of the actual numbers.

    Obama's tweet the day he was reelected was retweeted more than any other in history: over 650,153 retweets.

    1. Anon, "Followers" are those following you on Twitter. "Following" are the other people YOU "follow."
      If one is famous, one may have a large number of Followers but be following a relatively small number.

  65. Anonymous7:45 PM

    No! Tell me this isn't true about Sarah Palin's "con"bat vet tattooed warrior who divorced his little girl's mother after a little over a year of marriage?

    "Track Palin Involved in Vandalism Rampage – Real Reason for Army Enlistment?"

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      "... One has to wonder whether Sarah Palin had any hand in her son’s decision to leave Wasilla. After all, it would not be the first time that Sarah Palin took one of her troubled kids out of school. She did the same thing when she learned of her teenage daughter Bristol’s pregnancy.Track Palin’s involvement in the vandalism incident could no doubt have influenced his later decision to enlist in the Army. There have been allegations in the past that Sarah Palin and her husband Todd push their son to enlist in the military. The latest news appear to lend more credence to those allegations...."

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      No! Not Sarah Palin's tattooed body warrior?

      ".....On December 5, 2005, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersmanreported that Alaska State Troopers had arrested four teenage boys for the previous week’s vandalism of school buses. The boys deflated the tires of 44 buses, broke mirrors and unplugged 110 buses from their engine-block heaters, which caused the buses not to start in subzero weather. The incident was serious enough to force the school district to close schools for a day on November 29.One of the boys was identified as 18-year-old Deryck Harris. State troopers refused to release the names of the 3 other boys, ages 16, 17, and 17, because they were juveniles. However, the mother of one of the juvenile suspects confirmed her son David Coon was involved in the incident. Two of the boys, including Coon, attended Burchell High School. The other two were students at Wasilla High School.The boys were each charged with third-degree criminal mischief, first-degree criminal trespass and conspiracy to commit criminal mischief. In addition, the 16-year-old was also charged with fourth-degree theft and furnishing alcohol to a minor. He was alleged to have stolen a bottle of vodka from a local liquor store.A progressive Alaska radio station (Newstalk 1080 Kudo) reported on September 2, 2008 that the 16-year-old boy in the story was actually Track Palin. The station cited an unnamed judicial source....."

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Didn't Sarah Palin tell the world that she raised a combat vet?

      Did Track join the Army as part of some type of scared straight program to avoid jail time?

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Palin's "con"bat vet tattooed warrior who divorced his little girl's mother after a little over a year of marriage? 

      What's with these Palins always quitting something after a year?

      Did Track consider himself a lame duck husband after a year of marriage and called it quits?

    5. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Why did Willow stop going to high school in her sophomore year?

      Did Willow have problems like Track did?

    6. Anonymous8:27 PM

      There's a pattern going on with these Palins. Wasn't Bristol sent away from home to live with her auntie in her early high school days too? Then Bristol had to drop out in her junior or senior year and had to be home schooled?

      What's causing all these problems?

      Is it the Wasilla water?

    7. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Isn't this suppose to be Willow's senior year in high school? Where is she? Was Willow sent away too?

    8. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Mommy I do not want to join the Army..... I promise to be good this time......

    9. Anonymous8:36 PM

      None of this stuff is true about the Palins.

      They're just victims, right Sarah?

    10. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Will Piper complete four years of high school? At school?

    11. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Piper must be under extreme pressure to be the first Sarah Palin child to complete four years of high school without any incidents.

      Piper is Sarah's last hope to show that Sarah could be a mother with at least one child who can complete high school like a regular kid.

    12. Anonymous10:02 PM

      to anon 8:52-
      that kid has no chance.
      sarah is a world class asshole and she will destroy any goodness in her general vicinity.
      that kid will be a bigger bitch than her sisters, plus she will feel like the world owes her, as shes growing up in the downfall of the sarah palin 'kingdom' hahaha.

  66. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Oh good lord this man is insane!

    Wayne LaPierre: More Guns Needed For 'Hellish World' Filled With Hurricanes, Kidnappers, Drug Gangs

    "Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face -- not just maybe," LaPierre wrote in a commentary published by The Daily Caller, a conservative news site. "It's not paranoia to buy a gun. It's survival. It's responsible behavior, and it's time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that."

    "Tens of millions of Americans are already preparing to Stand And Fight to protect their families and homes," LaPierre declared, but the threats are growing "during the second Obama term."

    In dramatic language, LaPierre wrote that "the American people clearly see the daunting forces we will undoubtedly face: terrorists, crime, drug gangs, the possibility of Euro-style debt riots, civil unrest or natural disaster. Gun owners are not buying firearms because they anticipate a confrontation with the government. Rather, we anticipate confrontations where the government isn't there -- or simply doesn't show up in time."

    "After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all."

    The facts, however, indicate the opposite was true. In the five days following Hurricane Sandy, there were no homicides at all in New York City -- which is unusual, considering historical data.

  67. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

    Wow! RAM must be rolling in the ding dongs, ho ho's and twinkies, since I doubt Sarah has moolah enough to keep RAM from being snatched up by some other moron with money who needs to write smart sounding stuff.
    "Lets move"?? Does this mean a fitness book is in the offing? The only thing Sarah can move these days is her bowels, and that's once a month if she's lucky!

  68. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Its a good thing Sarah Palin was the mayor and governor in Alaska. How else would her kids complete high school and Todd never has to answer the charges that he pimped out Shailey Tripp.

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      I guess that answers why would anybody as unqualified as Sarah Palin would run for mayor and governor?

  69. Anonymous9:35 PM

    After reading all these comments about Sarah Palin's dysfunctional family, I've come to the conclusion that in ordet for Sarah Palin to have a following of people who just hands over their money to her, it must be because her followers lives must be more pathetic than Sarah Palin's life if they have to look up to Sarah as their leader and savior.

    That's the only explanation there is to throw good money away to such a low life con man.

  70. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Top Chef is on right now and they are cooking in the Governors Mansion in Alaska..I can't believe that bitch women didn't want to live in that beautiful home...this show is 10 times better at showing off Alaska than any of Sarah's shows.

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      If I ran a prostitution ring, I don't think I would want to run my business from the governor's mansion either. Too visible.

    2. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Surprised the Palins didn't steal the state of Alaska's governor's kitchen when they left during the night.

  71. Anonymous10:32 PM

    The Palins are hoping that Piper graduates high school. They want to be able to go to one high school graduation.

  72. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Sarah it must be lonely sitting in your tower in the Palin compound with no one being able to listen or talk to you?

    That facebook is for lonely people who just sit in their pajamas trying to communicate with the outside world.

    How the mighty has fallen.

  73. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Sarah Palin wants everybody to believe that her son Track is a tattooed Warrior combat vet.

    I don't know of any real combat vet that would say what Sarah said Track said?

    “Mommy mommy, he’s the ONE person in the entire world I would be star-struck to meet. He’s it.”
    -Track "Caint Get Right" Palin

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Sounds like a whipped wussy to me.

  74. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Do all Alaskan governor's kids get sent away from home like the Palin kids?

  75. Anonymous11:03 PM


    In addition, the 16-year-old was also charged with fourth-degree theft and furnishing alcohol to a minor. He was alleged to have stolen a bottle of vodka from a local liquor store.A progressive Alaska radio station (Newstalk 1080 Kudo) reported on September 2, 2008 that the 16-year-old boy in the story was actually Track Palin.

    Not Sarah Palin's tattooed warrior?

  76. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I love it that mainstream America ignores commenting at the online articles whenever Sarah has brain farts. As far as the world is concerned her shelf-life has expired like sour milk.The only ones left to care are her core flying monkeys and the anti-Sarah flying monkeys.

    Hopefully one day the truth will come out but I promise you it won't happen until John McCain is dead. Unlike Sarah (who slip of the tongue put herself at top of the ticket) and Tawd once were hoping that McCain was about to roll over & die so their trailer trash klan could steal all the white house silverware & take over the world lol, their hopes have changed. Tawd & Sarah pray every day that he doesn't die and lives a long long very long life.

    As long as McCain lives there will never be a serious investigation but my hat is off to Malia LItman who has never given up trying. You never know what will happen.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I am sure -- in my opinion -- that McCant is responsible for covering up all the palin's crimes. But he won't be seen in public with her.

  77. Anonymous11:11 PM

    The people at FOX must be laughing hard at Facebook Sarah and her giant news empire from the last frontier?

  78. Anonymous11:16 PM

    In case anybody forgot to mention,

    Happy VD Day to Bristol, Willow, Piper, Sarah and to all the Heaths spawned by Sally Heath.

    - from the folks at the Alaska Free Clinic and Planned Parenthood

  79. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Today is Valentine's Day.

    Is today the day Joey Junkie asks Bristol Palin for her hand in trial marriage?

    Hope I didn't give anything away? Sorry if I ruined the surprise.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      It must be sad to be the mother of several kids and no one remembers you on this day?

    2. Anonymous5:38 AM

      I'm sure Sunny Johnston got candy and flowers today.

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Today is the day that Joey tells Beefy to shut up and be careful so she doesn't tip his glass of beer off the top of her head where he sets it while she's polishing his knob.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Today is the day that Joey tells Beefy to shut up and be careful so she doesn't tip his glass of beer off the top of her head where he sets it while she's polishing his knob....

      While Bristol is on her knees polishing his knob, he parks his bike in her big butt crack.

  80. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Valentines Day is a sad day in the Palin household for Bristol, Track, Britta and Todd.

    Why Todd you ask?

    Its been a while since he has seen the light of his life Shailey Tripp.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      When's the last time Todd seen Sarah's snatch?

      How old is Piper?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      He sees the flakes coming off the rotted flesh ot her poon hitting the floor each time Sarah takes her easy-access zipper crotch jeans off. Must be a scary sight.

  81. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Its a shame, Sarah and Bristol gave away all that vajayjay and all their fellas didn't get them anything on this day.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Does the clap count as a gift that keeps on giving?

  82. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Some say Sarah cheated on Todd with Glen Rice, Curt Menard Jr, Brad Hanson and the others.

    Is it really cheating if it is "An Eye For An Eye?"

  83. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I'm sure Tripp made something for Bristol for Valentine's Day in his second grade class?

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Tripp's in 2nd grade. Hiis younger brother is in K-garten. Or rather, they are of age to be. Instead, neither will ever see the inside of a school---public or private--- because they'd have to produce birth certs and SS cards.

  84. Anonymous8:16 AM

    found this on FaceBook lol

    Isn't it a little premature to call the race for Obama two weeks before the election? It looks like a CBS News affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona did just that last Friday for 17 seconds when they flashed a graphic showing Obama beating Romney with 99% of the precincts reporting. CBS needs to explain this. But whatever their explanation, let's make this their "Dewey Defeats Truman" moment. Please remember to tune in to the important debate tonight. The momentum for this election is not with Obama, regardless of what some in the media might want to think.

    - Sarah Palin — with Crystal Stephenson.
    Share · October 22, 2012

  85. Anonymous10:17 AM

    No kidding free Indian Health Services. And where was it this idiort was suppose to speak?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.