Thursday, April 11, 2013

Now I usually support Democrats, and Anthony Weiner used to be one of my favorites, but this is a bad idea!

Courtesy of the New York Times: 

Saying that he would like, at some point, to “ask people to give me a second chance,” Anthony D. Weiner, the former congressman who resigned in 2011 amid a scandal over his lewd online behavior, is mulling a run for mayor this year because “it’s now or maybe never for me.” 

In an interview with The New York Times Magazine, which was posted online Wednesday morning and is to be published in print on Sunday, Mr. Weiner cautioned that he did not know when he would decide about entering the race, and conceded that “the fact that I don’t know tells me I shouldn’t run. Or I should not run now.” He also acknowledged that he would be “the underdog in any race I ran,” citing a poll he commissioned earlier this year to gauge whether voters were prepared to forgive him and take him seriously as a candidate. 

Mr. Weiner and his publicity-averse wife, Huma Abedin, sought in the interview to demonstrate that he was a changed and humbled man: a stay-at-home father living in what the magazine writer describes as a “sprawling apartment” on Park Avenue South, far from the Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods Mr. Weiner represented in the House of Representatives for more than a decade. 

“Some people just don’t buy it,” Mr. Weiner said. “Like they just don’t have room for a second narrative about me.”

Oh hell no! Those people are right not to have room for a second narrative.

Like I said, I used to REALLY like this man, and often stood and applauded his aggressiveness in taking on the Republican party, but he needs to stay the hell out of politics.

He just does.

I am beyond impressed that he managed to save his marriage, I have certainly had marriages end for far less than what he did, but he should simply be happy with that and look for another line of work and NOT try to get EVERYTHING back to the way it was when he tweeted his penis.

Once you do something like that, lie about, and then have to admit that every Right Wing rag that called you out for lying were right, the Democratic party just does not have any use for you any more in my opinion.

I mean if he were a Republican like David Vitter, or Larry Craig, or Mark Sanford, or Larry Craig, it might be acceptable. After all being a pervert, a hypocrite, or a habitual liar, is how you get into politics as a Republican.

But not for Democrats, we need to be better than that.

Anybody disagree? Or think I am being too harsh?


  1. We (“liberals") are often accused of having a streak of deep self-righteousness; I know in my case that one's true, and it's something I work to keep in check.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I heard Mark Sandford who when to visit his paramour in Argentina, left the state, his wife, no one know where he was, now divorced to marry Argentina woman is going to run for something again.

      Anthony Weiner was set up by Brietbart.

      I wish people who know better would not pay attention to the defunct site? If he wants to run
      again, let him.

      He really didn't do anything wrong.
      His ego got in the way.
      Not like "Sexting a teen boy"!
      Right Sarah?

  2. Randall2:28 AM

    I hate to be dickish, but Weiner has shown what a prick he really is. I mean, you don't get much more in-your-face than he once was - but just because now that he's once again swollen and full of himself that doesn't mean I want him thrust upon me again.

  3. Too harsh. I read the piece yesterday and I think the idea of giving people what they want (explanation, day-to-day life, marriage details, ie gossip) was a good idea. I think politics is all he knows how to do. Americans' memory is short, they believe in redemption and on the scale of sins and aberrations, I'd rate his on the low end. He was stupid, he was childish/immature, he was full of himself. Sounds like he got a wake-up call and has been growing up. I'd vote for him.

  4. mc30312:50 AM

    I think you are being too harsh, Gryph. Yes, he lied his way through it but when there was no going back, he did the absolute right thing and stepped out of the limelight. (I don't think he should have resigned but that's just me.)

    He's kept a low profile, seemed to pull his shit together and IMO, we need all the loud progressive voices we can in any position of authority. If he can deal with what running for Mayor brings, more power to him.

    I'd take him a thousand times over some fool like Romney who may be a faithful husband but is a jackass who will hurt this country in many ways. Weiner has paid his dues, IMO, and if he wants another chance and is ready for it, I wish him godspeed.

  5. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Umm, you obviously support "second narratives" if you're thinking about supporting Hillary as a future candidate. #duh #180 #mosthatedtomostadored

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Don't use hash tags. They are not clever or cute. They are stupid.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      You just can't fix stupid, or those who use Twitter


    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Anonymous5:15 AM

      Don't use hash tags. They are not clever or cute. They are stupid.
      #FuckYou! #A$$hole!
      Oh its the blog police again!

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Only twits tweet.

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Nobody actually responded to it. They attacked your hashtags instead.

      #strawman #dodge #truth

  6. To err is human, and to learn from that error is wisdom. And a philosopher will fall but never in the same hole twice. In other words, we must learn to forgive ourselves learn from the mistake and prove to others that we are capable of regaining trust we have lost, by not repeating the act.
    It pained me to learn of Anthony Weiner's stupidity, but it pained even me more that the Democratic Party abandoned him, to the point that he had to resign his seat. The only victim here was his wife, who has since forgiven him for his indiscretion.
    Society suffered not because of his indiscretion though, but more so, when he was no longer
    able to stand up against the voices of the vile and repugnant Republican party. His voice against corruption and greed was silenced.

    So,I do disagree, for there is no greater example than Senator Byrd,who after being a KKK member, lived the rest of his life as a senator fighting against injustices, always atoning for his youthful indiscretion.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      "His voice against corruption and greed was silenced."

      Wow you are a drama queen.
      And just in case you were wondering, no, I did NOT mean it in a homophobic way. Just in case that distracted you.

      Also, how ridiculous do you feel reading this comment! Carlos Danger strikes again!

  7. I used to love this guy, but lost all respect for him when the scandal happened - not so much for the "scandal" itself, but for the way he initially reacted to it. He denied his involvement, claimed he had been hacked or pranked and said he couldn't say "with certitude" that it wasn't his genitals in those pictures. If he had manned up and owned up to it right away I could have gotten past it as a simple typical human failure, but he chose to initially deal with it by being a lying, responsibility-shunning weasel. I'm with you on this one, Gryphen. If he still considers himself to be a Democrat he needs to do what's best for his party and his country and stay out of politics and just be thankful that he managed to save his marriage.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I agree. It wasn't what he did as much as the fact that he vehemently denied it right up until he finally was forced to admit that he was guilty.

      I think this situation is yet another example of the difference between Democrats and Republicans. When Democrats are caught doing something wrong, the rest of us expect them to admit it and accept the consequences for their actions. Often, this means giving up a lucrative career in politics/government.

      Republicans expect that, if they cry on camera and claim to be forgiven by the Li'l Baby Jeebus, all of their indiscretions should be forgiven and forgotten. With little or no punishment, they should be allowed to blissfully continue on their way to fame and fortune, supported by our tax dollars and their ever-generous corporate supporters.

      Of course, is a Democrat is caught doing the SAME THING as a Republican, the Republicans demand that the Dem be burned at the stake for their mistakes while the Republican is immediately forgiven and congratulated for being a repentant sinner.

  8. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I was following him on Twitter at the time and even I felt dirty. He had been a very good politician and should have had a great future, and then he goes and behaves like a Republican and gets exposed by Breitbart! Maybe there's more that little story, but I don't need him in Democratic politics. He should go join the Palin Party where rules only apply to other people.

  9. I agree with you. Mr. Weiner should count his blessings in private life and stay in private life!

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    ITA, Gryphen. Weiner demonstrated a total lack of judgment not to mention a total lack of integrity. Much like Bill Clinton, whose continued veneration despite his lewd antics with Monica Lewinsky at the near expense of his presidency never ceases to amaze me. I'm a Democrat, a very liberal and progressive one, and I refuse to be a hypocrite. I judge politicians by the same standard and don't make excuses for Democrats.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      I think what Bill Clinton did was wrong and kind of disgusting and it certainly shaded his reputation in my mind. I still think his good overshadows his bad, and unlike his republican opponents (I'm looking at you, Newt, and others), he was not a hypocrite who pretended to be a champion for "traditional family values." But, I still shake my head at his gall and stupidity.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Too often, the arrogance that people must have in order to aspire to those levels of politics in the first place is the same arrogance that encourages them to get into situations like Clinton and Weiner.

  11. Anonymous5:18 AM

    He can still do public service, but his reputation is shot as far as being an elected official goes. He at least needs to put more time between the incident and stepping back into the limelight. Come back in five years, and they we'll talk.

    In the meantime, work hard for progressive causes and help behind the scenes. Nobody will take him seriously right now.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Agreed. He is a very smart man and has great experience in accomplishing political and legislative goals. There is still a lot he could do to benefit political causes from behind the scenes.

  12. Anonymous5:37 AM

    NY Post Gives Anthony Weiner ‘Second Coming’ The Wood (PHOTO)

    The New York Post's "wood" -- a term that refers to the front page of a tabloid newspaper -- on Thursday carried a bold headline on the news that former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is considering a bid in the New York City mayoral race.

    During the sexting scandal that led to Weiner's resignation from Congress, the Post ran numerous eye-popping headlines, including, "WEINER'S RISE AND FALL" and "FALL ON YOUR SWORD, WEINER."

  13. Two words: Bill Clinton

  14. I'd give him a second chance if he hadn't lied about his culpability the way he did, and while his wife was pregnant! Most of us only get one shot in our lifetimes and he blew his big time. My big question is...why don't female politicians (except Sarah Palin) get themselves in these kind of predicaments? Is testosterone that much more of an exhibitionist hormone than estrogen? Just askin'...

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Give them time. Glass ceiling, so many women are still on their "best behavior."

      But in general, office holders don't attain real power and the hubris that comes with it until their late forties or early fifties. And women over a certain age simply don't have the sex drive for these kind of mindless antics. They think with their heads - the one's resting on their necks, not their lady parts as corollary to mens' "little heads.".

      Men, OTOH, have testosterone production into old age.

  15. SHARON6:38 AM

    I am glad I don't live in would be a hard choice for me personally. I too really liked this guy and his loud voice against the GOP insanity, like Alan Grayson. There is so much of this lewd backroom behavior in government, he just had the bad luck of being caught. I agree with Gryph at this point at the way he handled it...lying is lying and there is no excuse good enough. Having said that... great leaders are still human, bad judgement is just part of the human condition. Clinton was a total asshole, while an even bigger asshole (Newt) was leading the impeachment effort which was a total disgrace. What he has done since out of office has been amazing....let's see what Bush and Cheny have contributed. Weiner could still be a force without holding an elected office....we need more people like him.

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    WTF Gryphen? Only R's can make transgressions? Have naughty itches that need scratching? Reform (albeit, only when they get caught?)

    Your closing of names is exactly why it'd be okay and fair for Weiner to throw in his hat for office again. The people know his past, they know him today and they'll vote their preference.

    I say, go for it Anthony!

  17. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Everyone deserves a second chance. Let's see if as a public servant he can bring some good to a bad situation. My guess is that Anthony has learned his lesson and would not repeat such stupid mistakes.

  18. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I disagree; As a New Yorker and a former reporter who often covered Anthony Weiner - he is a protege of Chuck Schumer - I would consider voting for him if he ran for mayor. He's smart, he cares about many of the issues that are important to me and to other New Yorkers, (including animal welfare issues, as we have one of the most shameful animal control shelters in the country that this mayor has turned a blind eye to, despite his daughter Georgina being an advocate and ambassador for the ASPCA). The fact that Weiner stupidly Tweeted his dick to women is something I can get over. It was stupid, but really nothing worse than what other politicians are doing. He got caught but the others so far haven't. I don't like Christine Quinn and the other candidates are bland. Weiner's got fire in his belly and he's got great connections (the Clintons, Schumer and others on his side. Huma has no reason to stay with him. She has a bright career - will probably end up as President Hillary Clinton's right hand one day - and has enough money to be a single mom. So I would consider voting for Weiner. I say tweeting your weiner is steps above screwing your constituents and taxpayers out of money or rigging business deals to pocket bribe money is way worse. I say bring it on.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I'm also a New Yorker and believed that Weiner had a tremendously bright future ahead of him. I looked forward to him being an important voice for progressive causes in Congress.

      My problem isn't so much with the stupid decision he made to send the picture, but with the denial and lies that came afterward. If he had immediately admitted that he had, indeed, made a mistake and was willing to accept whatever consequences came his way, I would be willing to forgive and move on. I have a much harder time getting past the lies and the attempted cover-up.

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      True, but how many of us have lied to our parents, friends or employers after getting caught with our hand in the cookie jar? He was scared shit less, so to speak, and eventually came clean, within two weeks. I believe he lied for the sake of his marriage, and because he was utterly mortified that he got caught doing one of the stupidest things one can get caught doing.

  19. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If Mark Sanford (who was just endorsed by John Boehner) can pull it off, why not? IMO what Sanford did was even worse!

    Look at Bill Clinton - he survived his scandal to become one of the most beloved presidents.

    We shouldn't always judge men by their penises.

  20. Well, what's he got to lose if he runs...his political career?

    I too really liked this guy and thought he did the stupidest thing. I was very disappointed in him, but if I were a New Yorker, I'd vote for him.

    Seems like they (any of them, all of them, Katie) never learn. Getting caught appears to be their only clue that they've done something idiotic.

  21. I'll be voting for Begich, and he just voted against cutting off the filibustering of gun control - much more obscene than what Weiner did, and right there in front of the whole world!

  22. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I don't really care. His personal life is personal.

  23. Anonymous10:14 AM

    High Comedy

  24. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I have mixed feelings. I absolutely loved watching him go after his opponents and put the GOP in its place... but I actually felt hurt when the scandal broke and it turned out that Breitbart finally got one right.

    I would prefer that he stay out of politics, but to be honest, if his name were on the ballot, I would vote for him (and hope for the best). I wouldn't feel great about it, but part of me would like to see him tackle the issues again. He had a rare debating style that we need more of in Washington.

  25. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Oh, OK, let's all make this about voting or not for Anthony Weiner.

    If all I have read about this is true and it seems to be, the revolting Weiner didn't save anything, his marriage to Huma Abedin is a sham. Huma is involved in a lesbian relationship w/Hillary. It is really difficult to come to any other conclusion after all the facts are in, and of course, the facts are all online. Let's see, for starters, Huma Abedin, who works as an aide for Hillary Clinton, and her unemployed husband (as in no job) live in a $3,000,000 apartment in NYC, I mean, that makes sense, right? A family living on a single income which comes in the form of a government job and they live in a $3M apt in NYC? And included in that job is a Vogue spread? Hell, I want that job or at least their familial support! I think perhaps (and I am just guessing here) Huma Abedin has a sugar daddy or whatever? The revolting Weiner just wanted to be mayor of New York so desperately that he would do anything for the Clintons' backing? Huma and Hillary desperately needed cover to stop the incessant rumors about their lesbian relationship, so they had Weiner marry Huma? Well, what do you know? All of a sudden, Weiner was the Democratic frontrunner for the mayor's job! Imagine that! And I think it was Bill Clinton who married the happy couple? Huma is Muslim. Bill Clinton can't perform a marriage ceremony for her, it has to be someone from her faith performing the ceremony for it to be official.

    If you read the whole NYT article, you will see that at one point, a pregnant Huma, when describing what her family wants for her in a husband, goes on to say 'someone who was going to be good to me' and 'someone who will be good to my mother's grandchild'. That's it, that is the total of what she says her family wants for her in a husband. Huh? I think she meant a husband who will be good to her, 'his' child, or 'their' child. For a pregnant Huma to refer to the baby in her belly only in terms of being her mother's grandchild is a definite disconnect from her supposed husband, lover and the baby's father. That is because it definitely appears as though Weiner is not her husband, lover or the baby's father. I mean, just look how happy Huma appears on the cover of the NYT magazine!

    1. "That's it, that is the total of what she says her family wants for her in a husband. Huh?"

      That is what many traditional families think is important; other things (love, companionship, etc. are great if there, but if not, so be it. Marriage is a contract to secure the family line and financial well-being).

      The rest of your speculation is in my view, just as silly and poorly reasoned and amounts to making mountains out of molehills, as well as having a conclusion first and interpreting everything in light of supporting the pre-determined conclusion.

      Abedin's parents/were are highly educated with good jobs. Abedin's "government job" is hardly on the level of file clerk in Podunk City Hall. And so on.

      Ooh, they must be lesbians.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Did you actually read the NYT article? Have you read any articles? My conclusions were the result of researched facts (at least that is what I tried to do) not speculation, and as I stated, if the facts as I have read are true (which I can only assume they are as they are facts) than any other conclusion would be wrong but I for one would enjoy reading an educated argument. That is hardly what you are offering here. Nobody is interested in your 'view' if you don't know the facts, which you obviously know none of. One would wonder why you bother. It might be better to do some research before you automatically assume that someone is ignorant enough to comment because 'Ooh, they must be lesbians". And by the way, what's wrong with being a lesbian?

  26. Dinty2:04 PM

    I was part of a technical consulting group tasked with investigating "Weinergate" and determine if he had actually sent these photos, and to determine if an exploit existed that allowed someone to post photos to another's twitter account, as well as forensically analyzing the photos and exif data to determine if they may have been forged.

    We did find an available exploit (coincidentally the company that owns the photo-sharing site with the exploit is only a few blocks from my house), and there were also some curious issues with the EXIF data in the photos, but like Occam's Razor says, the simplest explanation was that he was sending women pictures of his schwanz, which he later admitted to.

    The incredibly poor judgment he showed in the act itself, and the subsequent handling of the crisis shows he should not be running for anything.

  27. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Yeah, he did a stupid thing, but much less egregious than Mark Sanford, Bill Clinton, Larry Craig, and so many other hypocrites in Politics.
    He's worked things out with his wife, has been pretty low keyed and deserves a second chance.


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