Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sarah Palin pimps her daughter's ghostwritten blog, and kisses up to Billy Graham and the ghost of Ronald Reagan, all in the service of increasing her Christian bonafides.

Courtesy of Sister Sarah Simpleton's Facebook page:

Please read Billy Graham’s impassioned plea to the new president of Iran imploring the release of the imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini. Bristol has been covering Saeed’s story for a long time on her blog. We are all so grateful to Rev. Graham for taking out this full-page ad in the New York Times to bring light to this terrible injustice. 

President Obama, please act on this by using your position to appeal for Saeed’s release. We often ask ourselves, “What would Reagan do?” Well, in the 1980s, President Reagan worked behind the scenes to appeal to the Soviets for the release of Russian Christian dissidents who wanted to emigrate, and because of Reagan’s quiet work in the background, these Christians were finally allowed to leave the former Soviet Union. Reagan used the exceptional position of POTUS to appeal for justice, and it worked. Now we need our current president to appeal to Iran's new president for the release of this imprisoned Christian. 

Kudos to Rev. Graham for taking action today. I have so much respect for him. As my dad wrote about in his book, Billy Graham was the man who led my mom to Christ years ago, which resulted in the rest of the family becoming Christians in the 70s.

 - Sarah Palin

Okay, well first I think that Sarah Palin has quite a pair of wrinkly balls to ask President Obama to do ANYTHING after she has been lying about him and attacking him for having the temerity to beat her and her grandfather lo those many years ago.

Putting that aside I would imagine that there are all kinds of diplomatic measures being taken in order to gain his release (Including Secretary of State John Kerry's numerous attempts.) as well as the two other Americans being held, just like there are for Kenneth Bae currently being held in North Korea, who for some reason does not garner the same outcry for his release from Graham and Palin as does Saeed even thought Bae is also a Christian missionary.

I think it is admirable that Graham or ANYBODY advocate for the release of prisoners, though I would personally not make their religion the primary reason for my advocacy. After all there are numerous Muslims being held as political prisoners in Iran, and numerous North Koreans being held in prisons for the same reasons, and yet no outraged demands appear to be forthcoming on their behalf.

By the way it appears that the main reason Palin and Bristol are jumping on this bandwagon is because it has become a cause celebre, with numerous Christian leaders and others who are joining in to call for his release. This includes of course Ted Cruz, who, like Palin, knows a good public relations stunt when he sees one.

There is something very unsettling about certain religious types caring only of their own, and having little compassion for those of a differing faith.

Are not human beings worthy of the same rights as every other human being? Or is there a religious litmus test to determine those worthy of compassion and those deemed unworthy?

Having said that I also fervently hope that Saeed Abedini will soon be granted his freedom.  As well as the prisoners currently held in Gitmo, those serving time in American prisons for minor drug offenses, and those locked away in prisons around the world for speaking out against tyranny and in favor of human rights.

After all they are fellow human beings. And in the absence of serious criminal behavior all human beings deserve to be free. 

Christian or not.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Kudos to Rev. Graham for taking action today. I have so much respect for him. As my dad wrote about in his book, Billy Graham was the man who led my mom to Christ years ago, which resulted in the rest of the family becoming Christians in the 70s.

    Sarah makes it sound as if Billy Graham personally took Sally Heath by the hand and led her away from the Catholic Church to his church. It's funny, but I looked all through Chuck Heath's book, "Our Sarah" and I couldn't find any mention of this great spiritual event. Heath mentions that Graham came up to Alaska to hand out cookies to the natives along with Sarah, but that was Franklin, not Billy.

    Billy is old, not in good health, he can no longer see or hear well, and it is doubtful that he wrote that plea for the guy to be released from Iran. The only other mention of Billy Graham in Heath's book was the moment that the Heaths finally got to meet him, oh boy, oh joy. Maybe Sally went to one of the many Billy Graham Crusades that made its way up to Alaska. There was one earlier this year, but just because it's called the Billy Graham crusade doesn't mean that Billy is right there on the spot. I guess that Sally saw Billy on TV, and Sarah is making much more out of it than it deserves. She is only writing that now because of the "save the Christian guy from Muslim Iran" Billy Graham letter. There' s another problem. That guy has dual citizenship, both American (he's married to an American woman) and Iranian citizenship. That's makes it kind of a problem, what with sensitive diplomatic talks going on.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      If Sally Heath was born and baptized a Catholic, then she was "brought to Christ" as a little baby and did not need Billy Graham or any other money-grubbing evangelist to do it for her.

    2. Hmmmm....I don't know you guys...Baldy is VERY good at distraction and deflection! The one thing about Baldy...she's not a multi-tasker!

      Personally I think she's throwing out this Rev Graham business to change the subject and get the Cross ready for her to climb up on when Tina Fey tears her ass up on SNL on Saturday!

      She's been sucking Koch(brothers) and publically smooching all over Rafael for the last week and a half and now all of sudden she's having RAM and Brancy post a "Christian" plea!

      Uh un.....I don't trust the sneaky bitch! By the time Sunday rolls around...let's say around midnight Alaska/Arizona time....Baldy is going to be tweaking....errrr.....I mean tweeting some victimize whine...

      @BaldyPalinUSA...President Obama I'm glad your friends in Hollywood are yucking it up at my expense meanwhile Saeed is STILL in Iran!™

      That's a Copyrighted tweet DO NOT have my permission to use this...I WILL sue you....ya crazy ass bitch! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      She is so befuddled with drugs and her own stupidity, she can't even keep her lies straight!

    4. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Daily Kos has a poser of Rafael Eduardo Cruz w/ a caption: The Sarah Palin of the 2014 cycle" LOL

      And oh yes, my 20 something sons always stop and think: What would Ronald Reagan do? ... To them, he is just a name in a history book. $arah is just so up with the times, you betcha also too!

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "Bristol has been covering Saeed’s story for a long time on her blog."

    I'll bet Bristol would be surprised to hear that!

    1. Sally in MI6:41 PM

      "Saeed who, Mom?"

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Covering? So Bitchtol's a top now, huh?

  3. Sally in MI2:50 PM

    Bristol's been 'covering this on her blog?' Seriously? The few times I've stumbled on that page, it's been staged photos of the kids (except Track's of Palin doesn't exist) and tales of how wonderful life is in Alaska. She doesn't talk about political prisoners or news events. Come on Sarah. Billy Graham is almost as big a shyster as his son Frankie, and is very ill. I doubt he even read that ad. Kind of like you expecting to see Dame Thatcher and 'pay your respects.'
    Oh, and what would Reagan do? Really? You mean besides fire union workers, grow the govermnent threefold, double the military and then raise taxes several times? That Reagan?

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Neither Bristol nor her mother could find Iran on a map if they tried. They wouldn't understand the concept of political prisoners if they tried. Now do they have any understanding of religion - anyone's religion. This family of phonies just keeps going on and on and on - just like the Energizer Bunny but he's a lot cuter and, I suspect, a lot smarter.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      I would be shocked if Bristol has a clue about what all they use her blog for. They brief her when necessary, I suppose. She still appears clueless.

      Very odd about Track baby and Britta saying the divorce was fine with her. Uncle Junior Heath claimed there was a birthday celebration for Kyla Grace Palin, Track's baby. The photo posted showed no sign of a birthday and no Track, Britta or the baby girl, toddler if she is two now.

      Sarah was holding her brother's daughter, Sophia. He frequently posts Sophia, the child he had with the school harlot he conveniently wed. I wonder why they are all so cold toward Kyla Grace Palin?
      It can't be because of the wedding date being so close to the birth. His uncle, Sarah's brother did the same and worse. That child is accepted by the family.

    3. Sally in MI6:41 PM

      So Sarah's brother ALSO had to get married? What is this.... a race? Is there no one in the family who got married and THEN had a child more than 7 months later? And she waves that Christian banner all the time...yeah Sarah, you are many things, but Christian is not one of them.

    4. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Look how even her own sister heather turns away for and doesn't want to get close to $tinky, $kanky $carah

    5. Reagan was over rated as a President.Tax cuts for rich.

  4. Sally in MI2:52 PM

    Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman wrote Monday that the president had been indicted Sept. 18 by a citizens grand jury in Ocala, Fla., and convicted by a people’s court of defrauding voters by using a false birth certificate to prove his eligibility for office.

    Klayman said Obama waived his right to a jury trial by failing to plead a response to the indictment, thus “thumbing his nose at We The People.”

    A citizens’ judge then sentenced Obama to the maximum sentence of 10 years, Klayman wrote, and ordered the president to surrender himself into custody.

    “Of course, Obama will not willingly obey the law of the people,” Klayman wrote. “He will attempt to hide behind the iron fences of the White House, perhaps cowering under his desk for fear that the people will rise up and demand his ouster.”

    Klayman said that day could be Nov. 19, when he’s calling on “millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality - his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda — among other outrages” to march on Washington and demand the president resign or face prison time.
    There appears to be more to the 'swarm DC and force Obama out' story than reported..these guys had a trial and found him guilty of not producing his birth certificate. My God. The stupid.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      None of the things they're accusing the President of being --- Muslim, socialist, pro-radical gay ....etc. are against the law! None of these are actionable offenses.

      Second, two Hawaiian governors (one Republican), all political opponents -- Clinton, McCain, Romney, not to mention Donald Trump -- have investigated every dot and line on our President's birth certificate. It's legitimate. If it weren't, he wouldn't be in office.

      Case closed. Send your dozens of supporters back under the rocks they came from.Then, follow them there.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      yeah they're gonna march on the whitehouse & demand he leave town. Reminds me of the time all the Palin fans were going to stop their cars on freeways and bridges and honk to show their love for Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods. These people are nutso!

    3. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Imagine the imagery! (There wasn't any.)

    4. Sally in MI6:38 PM

      And more recently, that wackadoodle who was calling on all the patriots to bring their loaded guns and march into DC..then he had the brilliant idea to film himself with a rifle IN DC, and got himslef arrested. These people are not working with a full bag of marbles.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Just how often do Bristol and Sarah go to church?

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Hardly ever. Bristol is due for her first exorcism though. Sarah is due for another one since the first one didn't take.

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Do they have beds in Church? Then Bristol is not interested.

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Bristol, herself, said they are way too busy to go to church.

    4. Anonymous8:29 PM

      You can't exorcise demons from one who is a integrally demonic. No vessel, $carah pure evil, through and through.

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Old photo of her - she doesn't look like that anymore!

    Franklin should take her for an airplane ride and accidentally find that she falls out the door of the plane.

    It's really getting old watching all the attention she is trying to get! Now, we're back to her unlovable kids and religion.

    Sarah, you are not liked! You teabagger group has very little support nationally, the Candian/Cuban you backed is being mocked nationally as are you!

    Take some advice from many of us - shut the fuck up! You do NOT act like a 'christian' and you have lived a life that is not christian in that we have proven throughout the past five plus years that you are a liar, fraud and one dumb broad!

  7. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I am so sure Bristle has been following this and totally understands the situation! (not)

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    From wikipedia:
    "Palin was born into a Roman Catholic family.[331] Later, her family joined the Wasilla Assembly of God, a Pentecostal church,[332] which she attended until 2002.[333] Palin then switched to the Wasilla Bible Church.[334] When in Juneau, she attends the Juneau Christian Center.[335] Palin described herself in an interview as a "Bible-believing Christian."[331]"

    Billy Graham ain't no pentacostal. His sort of Bible-Belt "Christian" loves the KKK and hates Roman Catholics and Jews, among others.
    I doubt Palin can describe exactly what a "Bible-believing Christian" is -- in opposition to other Christians.

    In any event, Gryphen, as you point out, the religion of a falsely held prisoner should not enter into our country's interest in his release.
    Sarah's just cozying up to the few remaining Billy Graham adherents out there who might throw their dimes and nickels her way because she says she's one of them.
    Until someone with more appeal comes along, and then she's one of them. Heck, she'd become a Roman Catholic again (though I doubt they'd take her) if she thought she could siphon off some of their weekly donations.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Her father was always a heath(en). The mother was a weak Catholic and left the church. How hard was it for Chuckle to influence her?

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Seems she quit a lot of faiths the way she quit her jobs.

  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    We ask ourselves "What would Reagan do"?? WHO asks that? First off, he would ask Nancy to consult with her psycic most likely that is if he even remembered who Nancy is, remember he had Alzheimers for many years while in office. I have a question, since $carah, Billy, Franklin and all the Heath family have been brought to Christianity, why are they not depending on prayer to release this man? I doubt very much if Bristles even knows WHO the man is, her blog is ghostwritten for her. One if the Real Housewives of Beverly hills (VanderPump) was just pelted with eggs in the grocery store. Let's hope $carah is next.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Actually, I am amazed Palin hasn’t hooked up with the 700 Club, Apparently they don’t like her.

    2. Sally in MI6:34 PM

      Yesh, me too. She and Pat Robertson would make quite the fundraising team. When Fox drops her again, I bet the 700 Club is next.

    3. Anonymous10:28 PM

      I can just picture Brisdull floating around on her poontang, er... pontoon boat worrying herself sick over Saeed.

      It's as unbelievable as the things "$arah" writes for national rags. pHOny.

  10. How many hundreds of years old is he now?

  11. If President Obama did what Sarah Palin is asking, and "appeals" for Saeed Abedini's release, she'd turn around in a New York second and attack him for begging, pleading, and embarrassing "real Americans" -- you know, the ones who've already written off Pastor Abedini as a secret Muslim with a really weird name who can't possibly be an American like them.

  12. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Sarah's BFF Franklin Graham, have been loud and insulting to Muslims, now that Obama and Iran is making some headway, they want his help. Pres Obama and Kerry have been working behind the scenes, she just want to jump in to get attention.Mealy mouth Cruz should do the job, but we know he can't.

  13. Anonymous3:26 PM

    >>We often ask ourselves, “What would Reagan do?”

    Uh, WHO asks themselves? I sure don't ask myself that. Ever. The way that she is using that phrase reminds me of Gollum and the Ring.

    >>Bristol has been covering Saeed’s story for a long time on her blog.

    WTF? Did she have maybe ONE post about this, and Crafty Sarah is making it sound like she's some sort of investigative journalist. What a bunch of BS.

    You stupid FUCK, Sarah. Do you think that President Obama isn't on this way the hell before you jumped on the bandwagon, you fool. He's been 'working behind the scenes' since his inauguration (if not before).

    Iran Frees Political Prisoners on Eve of President’s Visit to U.S.

    On the eve of a visit by Iran’s moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, to the United States, the Iranian authorities on Wednesday unexpectedly freed 11 of Iran’s most prominent political prisoners, including Nasrin Sotoudeh, a human rights lawyer.

    ...The release of Ms. Sotoudeh, 50, is especially significant. For a long time, she was the only lawyer in Iran taking on high-profile cases, defending children, activists and minorities. Unlike some activists, Ms. Sotoudeh never chose to leave Iran, despite constant pressure on her by Iran’s intelligence services, which arrested her in 2010. In addition to her jail sentence, she had been banned from practicing law for 20 years; it was unclear Wednesday whether the ban had been lifted.

    In his annual message for Iranian New Year in 2011, President Obama specifically singled out Ms. Sotoudeh. “We have seen Nasrin Sotoudeh jailed for defending human rights,” he said.

    And why isn't Sarah crying out for this young man???

  14. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sarah Palin: Christian or not? I say not. But, the reality is she is failing miserably in the political and the evangelical is her last resort. We’ve seen it coming for a long time. The Mid East is her bona fide apocalyptic cause celebre. And there
    are people out there who see her as a Christ-like victim. She will milk it for all it’s worth. Stay tuned.

  15. Anonymous3:29 PM

    St Ronny sold weapons to IRAN!!! in exchange for funding for his illegal "war" in Guatemala to arm the rebels there. HUGE scandal!!! But let's forget about that, shall we?

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      God knows Regan sure did!

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      LOFL!!! 4:04p.m.

    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Really. For those of you who don't know, Google Iran/Contra scandal.

  16. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Palin Adviser Used Dark Money Group to Fund 'Mystery' Attack-Ads

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      It's Tim Crawford!?!

  17. Anonymous3:31 PM

    In Sarah's mind Catholics are not Christians.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Right. Her religion teachers her so. She is better.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Sarah has a mind? Sarah attends a Church?

  18. Anonymous3:33 PM

    just send the hag some money & maybe she'll stfu...

  19. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Bristol wrote her Blog while Barhopping. The Skank will never stop telling LIES. Did Billy Graham lead Todd Palin into a life of Sex Trafficking? Did Billy Graham lead Track into a life of Drugs and Crime? Did Billy Graham lead Bristol into a life of sex and Bastard Kids? Did Billy Graham lead Willow into her Colony Girls Gang? Did Billy Graham lead Sarah into the Bedrooms of Brad Hanson, Curt Menard, and Glen Rice?

    1. Sally in MI6:30 PM

      No, all that was coincidences..planned by God. See, the right sins, then asks forgiveness. It's how Newt managed to join the Catholic Church after being divorced twice. And how Santorum married a woman who was sleeping with her employer, an abortion doctor. Meanwhile, I am reading about "monica" again from the right. They are truly, to quote Sarah, "pathetic.

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Now THIS is clever!

    A new Tumblr promoting the Affordable Care Act was rolled out this week, presumably to target those Americans susceptible to the influence of small, fuzzy animals.

    Taking a page from Reddit's ecosystem of all things cute and meme-like, overlays images of baby sloths and very wee pigs with text related to provisions of the Act. Some posts direct viewers to visit for more information about the health care exchanges, which are set to open Tuesday.

    The White House tweeted a post from the account Thursday, and its official Tumblr reblogged an image of a sad panda Wednesday evening.

    Sharing the Adorable Care Act, one cute animal at a time.

    You're losing Sarah. You like to MURDER small (and big) animals for fun. These animals are helping their fellow Americans.

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    What's all of this Sarah Palin activity in the past two weeks about anyway? Is it because of the ACA's bit rollout date on Oct. 1? Does that mean that she'll crawl back under her moldy, musty rock by Oct. 2? I sure hope so.

    1. Sally in MI6:04 PM

      Either that, or something big is coming down the pike regarding the dairy scandal she's in up to her scrawing neck.

    2. I think a lot of it has to do with the two major republican-manufactured crises going on right now (shut down and default) getting a great deal of news time. She is not involved at all, what with not being in office or having any governing responsibilities for over four years now, but she is trying desperately to latch on to these attention-getting crises to get herself back in the news.

      Everybody is paying attention to shut down and default. If Palin can become a part of shut down and default, *she* will get lots of attention.

      Bottom line, she wants to see a government shut down and default, and she wants to claim the credit for her blatherings "inspiring" the republicans to finally, once and for all, bring down the President.

    3. hedgewytch8:20 AM

      Oh yeah. Dairy Gate. Tax audits. Wonder what else is causing Sarah sleepless nights? All coming to visit her this holiday season!

  22. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Oh, her consultants are REALLY on a roll now. All Palin, all the time! The biggest loser EVER!! Pimp! Pimp! Pimp!

    Question, Sarah! Did you have Franklin down your throat?

  23. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "As my dad wrote about in his book, Billy Graham was the man who led my mom to Christ years ago, which resulted in the rest of the family becoming Christians in the 70s."

    Uh, no. That's not what's written in Chuck's book.

    p. 274-5 ‘While on that trip [Sarah’s cookie delivery to native Alaskans], Franklin invited Sarah to meet with his father, Billy Graham.

    “Not long after I joined the Going Rogue book tour, Franklin followed through on that invitation. We left the bus caravan, flew by private jet to Asheville, North Carolina, then drove by car to Dr. Graham’s residence. Our group included Sarah, Piper, Trig, Sally and me, and Sally’s sister Katie Johnson.
    “For us, this was one of the highlights of our lives. Sally and I had attended a Billy Graham evangelistic crusade when he came to Alaska in the 1970s, but we never imagined we’d actually get to meet him, much less visit him in his home. Later, Sally told me that while we were talking, she kept thinking of how her parents would have enjoyed being there with him. Although they were a dedicated Catholic family, Clem and Helen watched every broadcast of Billy Graham’s crusades. Clem particularly enjoyed the music of George Beverly Shea. All I could think of was how glad I was that Sally was there. She had been enamored of Billy Graham’s preaching all her life.”

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      You expected the truth? From Esther? Wait for her "Christ in Christmas" book. I fully intend to have SO much fun in bookstores.....

    2. She is a RWNJ - they LIE - to anyone and everyone - but also to themselves - sad fools who have one thought in life - money

    3. hedgewytch8:22 AM

      I've met Sally Heath. She's one of those intellectually challenged woman who couldn't think her way out of a paper bag.

  24. Anonymous4:07 PM

    shouldn't the title of the thread read ; skank's ghost writer pimps bris_stools ghost written blog

  25. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hey, underwear waver, sexual innuendo Esther! Only one month until you put the Christ back in Christmas! What you do the other 10 months doesn't matter, right?

  26. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Man, she's desperately flailing in an effort to keep herself relevant! Truly, a lost cause. Other than the blogs that love to hate her, and Fox Noose, NOBODY is talking about her! Get used to it, you skank.

  27. All the palin's posts sound like bustol's posts. They should difference consultants to write their posts.

    They are real non church goers and only use their god as a prop.

    She should ask her witch doctor for their release.

    Fuck this racist bloodclog. She is using everything for her self interest and is stinkin up place with her zombie body.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Fake 08' BUSTol got her Judas money for it just as Esther did hers. Pretty telling when even REALITY TV has no place for them, try as they did. They're nothing, a worldwide laughing stock. Their attempts to remain relevant are snort worthy.

  28. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Fuck that drug addled skank and graham. Both are lying grifters who make money off of the uneducated poor.

    I for one am sick of this idiot paying for postage stamps for someone to write gibberish on her behalf. Her consultants can consult the facts-which are "who gives a flying fuck what she has to say about anything!"

    My president doesn't give this low life skank a single thought ever! His world is filled with love and compassion and intelligence and grace. Hers is filled with everything ugly.

    She needs to go off on a bender and never come back.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Yurite. Hence the mania. PLEEEEASE pay attention to me, beautiful black man! And he doesn't. Why would he? He has beautiful and intelligent Michelle.

  29. Anonymous4:25 PM

    LOL @ Bristol has been covering this story for a LONG time. Who knew Brancy was a journalist like mommy also too? Best laugh of my day!

  30. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Spooky that Lewis and that picture. She's a secessionist and most times her behavior isn't even Christian like. Number one, no spreading of legs til you are hitched, at least that is what my friend said when in Jr High. How strange for her to be for something, she always against the number one man in America and even calls him names like a first grader.

  31. Anonymous4:33 PM

    OK, show of hands: If somebody gave Sarah a world globe without borders on it, one marked only for terrain, how many people think she could actually find Iran?

    1. PalinsHoax4:53 PM

      Psst Anon 4:33 pm. What's a globe?
      ~ $carah.

      P.S. Say, isn't Africa a country? And did I ever tell you that I can see Russia from my crooked hockey-rink house?

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      LOL, she might have a better chance than retard Bristol

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    She really shouldn't bring Reagan up as an exemplar of hostage negotiation, since he made sure the original Iranian hostages weren't released until Carter lost and he took over.

    Wild Tortoise (with a long memory)

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Didn't George HW Bush have a hand in that deal, delaying the release so Carter wouldn't get any credit.

      Another example of Republicans never putting country first.

    2. hedgewytch8:23 AM

      Yep. Pretty treasonous behavior. But they got away with it. Also what Nixon did regarding getting us out of Vietnam.

  33. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Like normal America would believe that for a fact, "B has been covering this for a long time.." ha! Does she know how to spell it? I bet not. She is in her own polluted cloud that so called mother of 5.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      You name it, B's been on it! Isn't she still waiting for a phone call from President Obama? Bwaaaaaahhhaaaa!

  34. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I agree, there are lots of people working behind the scenes just like when Ronnie was in the WH Scarah. Don't you know he wasn't even coherent. It was all made believe. But in O's WH you just know he has intelligent people working on his behalf all the time! And yes when things come to light things get fixed. Please just be quiet and read and listen and stop asking for money. You haven't provided solutions for anything in the past years since you ran and never will. Be quiet.

  35. Gryphen, love the Sinclair Lewis quote - it's so true, but he wasn't born until 1885. He was, however, the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1930.

    Also too, Sarah's pimping of Bristle's blog is just an attempt at a deflection of Quittypants' part in the failed Cruz circus.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Narcissistic mothers often live through their daughters. We laugh at Bristol as Sarah's Mini Me, but Bristol is completely under the control of her mother, and that is really sad.

      Bristol has no life of her own. She is just an extension of her mother.

      When Sarah turns on her, if Bristol dares to express herself, she will be in for a horrible awakening: She wasted all those years of her youth pleasing Mommy Dearest. I know; I had a narcissistic mother.

      You can't get those years back, Bristol.

    2. I like the way Frank Zappa put it -

      "Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons". - Frank Zappa

    3. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Sadly having a NPD mother is only one of Bristol's problems. Setting aside the question of intelligence, clearly her parents did zero, zip, nada to instill any real work ethic. And then of course her character flaws made her a star. For someone to overcome an upbringing like hers, they have to dig deep in themselves to draw on strength of character. By all indications Bristol is going to find that well pretty dry. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one...but I ain't waiting up nights.

  36. Palin wants your money - any publicity is good cause the dwindling supporters starve themselves a little more to benefit their savior

  37. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Why Rape Is So Much More Common In Alaska

    While researching a story on how Americans commit crime, we came across a disturbing fact. There's a significantly higher number of rape rape reports in Alaska than most other states.

    Alaska has nearly 80 rapes per 100,000 residents.

    Rape often goes unreported, so these statistics may be less reliable than other crime statistics. However, Alaska had a reputation for having a problem with rape before the FBI's recent crime report came out. In 2010 a poll of nearly 900 Alaskan women found that 37% had experienced sexual violence. This chart also shows how much Alaska has struggled with rape over the years.

    How did Alaska get to be such a dangerous place for women?

    Two possible causes are its high population of Native Americans — nearly 15% compared to the 1.2% national average — and its remoteness. South Dakota is also a rural state with a a high Native American population of nearly 9%.

    Native Alaskans make up 61% of rape victims in the state, and Native Americans make up 40% of sex assault victims in South Dakota, The New York Times has reported. One in three Native American women has said she's been raped in her lifetime, according to a frequently cited Justice Department report from 2000. Native women are 2.5 times more likely to be raped than women of other races, that report found.

    Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape. Some experts blame alcoholism and the breakdown of the Native American family, The Times has reported. In the past, Native American tribes have not been allowed to prosecutive non-Native Americans for raping members of their tribes, which also could have compounded the problem. (Obama recently signed a law that gives tribes more power to protect Native women, though.)

    In very rural areas, like Alaska, women simply can't rely on police to come help them if they're raped. One 19-year-old Native Alaska woman who lived in a village of 800 called the police after a stranger broke into her home and raped her in the middle of the night, the Times reported in 2012. The police didn't answer, so she left a message. They never returned her call.

    One study found that just 11% of rapes reported to the Anchorage Police Department between 2000 and 2003 led to a conviction. This lack of culpability could be another reason for the prevalence of sexual assault in Alaska. As one blogger in the state wrote, "Why is Alaska the rape capital of the U.S.? Because we allow it."

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Rape is higher amongst Native women in Alaska for one reason, The state of Alaska has taken over Tribal governing when they don't need to, thus making any tribal government a defuct lobbiest as a protector of their own.
      I have long stated to my fellow tribe members and to members of other tribes in the lower 48 that we need to organize and fight for the rights of Alaskan natives.

      Little Rabbit Beargrease
      Proud Great Grand daughter of John Beargrease
      Prod member of the Fond Du Lac Clan of Ojibwe

    2. Anonymous10:34 PM


    3. hedgewytch8:26 AM

      And because many of the men in power in this state feel that "rape" just isn't that big of a deal. Woman are owned by their men and if they get raped, they were asking for it. Or deserved it in some way. Or it wasn't that bad, so what are you whining about.....I've heard it all.

  38. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

    Like Baldy OR her mini me know the behind the scenes workings of the Obama Administration. But Nancy French and Rebecca of Dented Fridge Farm DO.

    Isn't Billy Graham a day younger than dirt and eats strained food which someone scrapes up his chin with a rubber coated spoon? Didn't Sarah already do an exploitation piece, replete with photos and gushing commentary?


  39. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Exactly. What you said, G.

    It is great to see people helping out those imprisoned because of religion or for any unjust reason. But why doesn't Sarah and Bristol ever remark on the rest of them around the world? There are many, including Muslems who are incarcerated injustly. And, more than 5 years ago, a young Israeli soldier was kidnapped and has been held by Palestinians. He's been holed up as a prisoner somewhere and his parents have never seen him. I believe he was taken while doing nothing more than guarding the border.

    I would take offense at Sarah and Bristol if I were that young hacker that spent 2 years in jail because they claimed under oath that he was responsible for Bristol being scared and feeling threatened because she was in the deep woods.

    I don't think Sarah cares about the hard prison sentences of Alaskans or the supposedly bad conditions and abuse that took place in some prisons under the old boyfriend of Sarah. I really don't believe she cares one bit about this Iranian guy. He, like her children, is a tool to make herself appear righteous and caring while trying to put President Obama as derelict. The same old same old.

    Why doesn't she go over to Iran and meet the new President and work out a deal with him? She's got plenty of time on her hands.

  40. Anonymous6:41 PM

    arely do I disagree with you, but I do on this one. Like it or not, American or not, as an international traveler you are required to follow the laws of any country you enter. Even if you are a "christian peaker".

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I agree with this post. When I was uoung I heard a speaker bragging aboit smuggling Bibles into into some poor "godless" country or other (I forget which one) She was so proud of herself...telling us all it was okay to break the law. That minisfer knew what he was doing was against the law. Period. Case closed.

  41. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Notice in her letter she references herself and her mom and family as born-again christians. She certain does NOT act like a born-again christian. Billy Graham crusades bring people to their knees and ask God to be the Lord of their lives. They confess and walk the rest of their lives as Christ would live. Well, obviously, many fail in that regard. But, still, the conviction that people receive from these crusades has changed many lives for the better.

    For Sarah to bring this up in her letter is an absolute tasteless and obvious attack towards President Obama. It's like she's saying to him that she stands as a christian and he's a Kenyan socialist muslim. She's a disgrace as a christian Ambassador, she's a disgrace as a mother, and she's a disgrace as a human being.

    She has to boast about her 'christianity' as though it's some badge she wears on her lapel or some magnet she puts on her dented fridge. To her, it's an institutional idol. It's a way for her to fake her persona and grift off naive people. She not only defames the Body of Christ, she defames Christ by using Him as a tool for her schemes.

    By your deeds, Saray, it's by your deeds that people will know if you are a true christian or not. I feel sorry for Sally Heath, because she may have at one time really been touched by God and now her daughter has blasphemed and is pretty much like Simon the Sorcerer, who wanted the power of God so he could sell it for profit.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Sally Heath raised Sarah Palin. I don't feel sorry for Sally Heath.

  42. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I couldn't get pass the part about Bristol covering it on her blog because I was laughing too hard. Sarah and her corrupt bitches club are great for laughs.

  43. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Since when is buying an ad = taking action? laughable - $carah and Graham.

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  45. Anonymous7:02 PM

    If you read the book Liberal Fascism you would fully understand you are the fascist, not Sarah Palin. And you would understand Lewis was writing about you.


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