Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Daily Show mocks perhaps the most mock-able thing in the news, Ted Cruz's non-filibuster filibuster.

Click image for video.
Part two: The Bore-ax

There were a plethora of choices to post today of pundits taking shots at Cruz's ridiculous ineffective grandstanding yesterday, but it was not until I watched the Daily Show last night that I knew what I HAD to post.

Not only is it spot on, it is truly hilarious. 


  1. hedgewytch12:56 PM

    Rachel Maddow had a great piece on this as well, pointing out that Cruz had reading comprehension issues.

    BTW, did you see the Compass piece that Sen. Fred (can't keep my laws outta your underwear) Dyson wrote in the ADN yesterday? What a hoot! But he got national attention, even the President got word of his outrageous statements:
    "You had a state representative somewhere say that it's 'as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act.' Think about that. Affordable health care is worse than a law that lets slave owners get their runaway slaves back. I mean, these are quotes. I'm not making this stuff up."

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It's so nice that Sarah Palin kept Trig and Tripp up late so that they could hear Ted Cruz read "Green Eggs and Ham" to them on TV. According to Sarah, she had the kids listen to Cruz's speech so they could discuss it afterward. Right, and then they each copied their favorite portions of Ted's speech in their diaries.

  3. She is such an incredible liar. We know her uneducated kids are as.stupid as her.

    I hope she sat them down and discussed her quitting her elected position. They can write that in their non existing journal.

    More shit from the shit starter.

  4. I loved the Lorax parody, but more so the editorial on Cruz' choice: a stubborn pinhead that condemns something he's never tried, then when he finally agrees to try it finds that he actually likes it.

    Freudian choice, Teddy?


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