Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bill Maher's final New Rule from last night: Rapture's Delight.

"If you think the world is about to end that's your right. But you don't get to vote on next year's budget, because it doesn't concern you."

If some of you think this all sound familiar, it's because it is

(P.S. In case HBO decides to play spoiler and takes this clip down, you can still find it over at Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I love Bill Maher and try never to miss his show on HBO every Friday night! He's smart, well read, knowledgeable, a political junkie, sarcastic and funny!

    Really encourage ALL to watch him!

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Off topic, but you got to check this guy out.

    Jeramy Baker, CEO/Founder of the Alaska Basketball Federation posted this on Facebook:

    Democrats do not consider;
    1. Protecting unborn babies
    2. People are the result of their own choices.
    3. Federal education has united the satanic church and the state under the mind control religion of evolution. which republicans oppose.
    4. Facts should be taught in school. unlike the hoaxes like evolution taught in schools now.
    5. Many older woman that lived during that time. Told me that when when woman got the right to vote the country became divided instantly and thus they have only observed that their rights have diminished rapidly from that point on.
    6. A social phenomenon is the only way a country can survive tyrannical dictators such as bush and obama.
    7. It is a fact of science and common sense that homosexuality is not a natural lifestyle as it does not produce children nor natural behavior in either sex thus is just the promotion of chaos.

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Whoa the disconnect, she actually invoked Senator Frank Lautenberg. . .

    If New Jersey, a blue state, sends a conservative like Lonegan to Washington, President Obama and the Democratic leaders in Congress would understand that their policies and message are failing, Palin said.

    "New Jersey, know that the eyes of America are on you now," said Palin. "You can turn things around. Something big is happening here,"

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Holy shit, nutjob Lonegan says Sarah Palin represents New Jersey? They really don't understand how government works, do they?

    "Sarah Palin is a wonderful mother, she was a mayor of her town, a governor, a vice presidential candidate. She is an absolute wonderful model for women voters," Lonegan said in a brief press conference before Palin’s appearance. "She represents New Jersey."

  5. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Also, too:

  6. Randall5:26 PM

    I don't always agree with Bill Mahar
    but boy, howdy did he ever nail it this time.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    Even Chris Matthews was laughing his ass off. I know he's too abrasive for some folk's taste, but I love his humor. Bachmann's lining up her new career, the one she was trained for. Pat Robertson's replacement, but I doubt even the evangelicals will warm up to her.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.