Thursday, December 12, 2013

In attempt to insult HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Republican Congressman gets his Korea's mixed up.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) insulted either Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius or a U.S. ally Wednesday in a testy back-and-forth over Obamacare, in which he compared her answers to something he'd hear from the "Republic of Korea." 

Shimkus was attempting to get Sebelius to admit that the cost of providing preventive services under the Affordable Care Act will raise insurance premiums. But she was not buying it, arguing instead that preventive services lower costs. 

"You cannot say these preventive services are, quote unquote, free of charge, can you?" said a heated Shimkus. 

"They are free to the consumer, yes, sir," answered Sebelius, provoking apparent disbelief from the Illinois congressman. 

"There is no free lunch, Madam Secretary," Shimkus said as she tried to point out actuarial estimates of the benefits of preventive care. 

"All right, all right. I got it," Shimkus said before Sebelius was finished. "We're going to have to agree to disagree," he added before groping for a suitable, unflattering comparison. 

"It's like talking to -- the Republic of Korea or something," he said. 

The Republic of Korea is an American ally, generally known as South Korea. It does not have a reputation for being difficult to talk to. North Korea, which is notoriously difficult to deal with, is known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.  

You may remember Shimkus as the dipstick who denies the existence of man made global warming because only God can destroy what he created: 

Speaking before a House Energy Subcommittee on Energy and Environment hearing in March, 2009, Shimkus quoted Chapter 8, Verse 22 of the Book of Genesis. 

He said: 'As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.' 

The Illinois Republican continued: 'I believe that is the infallible word of God, and that's the way it is going to be for his creation. 

'The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood."

I'm sorry serious public officials, who couch their arguments in science and facts should NOT have to suffer the indignity of being questioned and then shouted at by imbeciles like this.

Oh and by the way, Sebelius is right. 


  1. Do I even have to open a tab to Wiki and hunt, or am I safe guessing? Pro-gun, pro-business, deregulate everything, anti-choice, anti-gay, lots of drug testing, cut food stamps, oppose minimum wage increase...?

    Another privileged overfed straight white guy nearing the sunset trail with too wide an ass and gut and too narrow a mind...?

    1. fromthediagonal4:50 PM

      dvlaries @ 10:52... Yesss... great rant, short and to the point!

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Jesus what a dumb ignorant fuck. Even without the Korea mistake he's dumber than a farm animal. I wouldn't be surprised is he did a few lines of coke before this and was coming down all cranky and bug eyed. I'm so glad this is making the rounds. Thanks for posting, G.

  3. hedgewytch11:18 AM

    This guy probably has barely a 3rd grade level understanding of mathematics - which is why he just can't understand actual - you know - numbers and figures that add up and mean something. We really need to get these dipsticks out of office.

  4. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Plus he's unschooled in world politics... and probably everything else. He just shoots his nasty mouth off and makes an ass of himself in the process. Sounds like a certain half-term, personal-hygiene-challenged, belligerent fool I've read about.

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    So did the bitch Palin. Even insulted our president on foreign soil, but that's okay, RIGHT, $arah? Hope you like people breathing down your neck because they ARE and we all know it, now don't we??? Happy Holidays, Skeletor!

  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    He did nothing more than make himself look like the idiot w/no 'listening' capabilities or skills! What an ass!!

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I'm sure Shimkus was home-schooled. His ignorance emphasizes that likelihood.

  8. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Sounds as ignert as a Texan. As a fellow Illinoisan, I face palm this pathetic representation of my state. Must be from the neo-southern part.

  9. Anonymous12:03 PM

    What is it about these ignorant Republicans -- this joker, Miz Palin and their tea friends -- that they don't remember that we fought a long and ugly war on the Korean Peninsula just 60 years ago to stop the spread of Communism from China?

    Remember Truman, MacArthur, Eisenhower, "Old Soldiers?"
    The 1952 Election? The entire post-WWII fear of Communism -- including McCarthy, the John Birch Society, and, eventually, Vietnam?
    If these gumdrops don't have a passing acquaintance with world history, they have no place in politics.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

    Didn't another idiot Republican Assclown stand with our North Korean allies? That, in itself, tells you all you need to know about Shimkus. Good Job, HHS Sebilius! How DARE a Democratic Woman be factually correct!

  11. Anonymous4:39 PM

    A Tea-Party bozo that I know asserted that Kia and Hyundai are able to produce inexpensive cars because they do so in a Communist country.........there is no fixing stupid....


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