Saturday, March 15, 2014

One in five Americans say that religion is not that important to them.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Americans are losing faith. At least, that's the conclusion of a new poll on religion. 

Jointly conducted by NBC and The Wall Street Journal, the poll found that 21 percent of Americans feel religion is "not that important" in their lives. 

This, NBC News writes, is the "highest percentage" recorded since the survey was first conducted in 1997. "The poll showed that these less religious Americans are more likely to be men, have an income over $75,000, to live in the Northeast or West and to be under the age of 35," says NBC.

Progress can sometimes move inexorably slow, but move it does.

Every year we are seeing faith receding and critical thinking expanding.

It is almost enough to make this godless heathen shed a tear.


  1. Randall3:05 AM

    One doesn't need to believe in nonsense to be a good person.

  2. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Oh my. Robertson will be needing another Depends. Not to mention Fraud News, who will blame Obama for not making his church attendance more know, because all those photos of the Bushes and Palins going to church weekly made Americans so anxious to be one of them...oh snap...the Palins are too vibrant for church, and Bush just went for photo ops....
    I do think Sarah is right that "Americans are waking up." We just aren't 'waking up' to her point of view, whatever that is today. And since she is not religious in the least, I'm sure there's a FB rant coming over this.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Just so you know folks - the Palins are not known to attend church in Alaska or the Valley where they reside.

      They don't practice faith and assuredly don't live it! Looks at their family morals!

  3. Its them damm libruls whats makin peeple resort to that for letter "t" word: think. Thell burn in hell four that!

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Thank Dog!

  5. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Any sane, omnipotent deity would certainly outlaw all forms of man-made religious organizations and/or worship ceremonies in any and all of their creations.

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    This information doesn't surprise me at all when we continue watching how the 'supposed' Christian folks act across the nation. They are a horrible breed! America will not be a majority Christian nation and it isn't too far off!

  7. An European Viewpoint2:48 PM

    Heard this week in a supermarket from 8 to 12 years-old boys :
    Boy 2 : "Have you seen that weird boy making noises ?"
    Boy 1 : "Oh that's nothing. I know this girl, she's so weird, we were at the rugby outing, and she just sat and read the Bible, while we were having fun on the field."
    Boy 2 : "Ha ha. Huh, she was reading the bible of what ?"
    Boy 1 : "The Bible, you moron !"

    So our youngsters with atheist parents who read "the bible of C programming" or "the bible of sewing" now have a hard time making sense of "the bible". I love it.

  8. Anita Winecooler4:41 PM

    If someone needs rules, fear of punishment, or a promise of a better life beyond this one in order to do the right thing, it doesn't bother me at all. I just think they're going about it the wrong way, just as they think I'm going to hell because, even though I do just as much "good" and maybe more, but don't need to show off nor toot my own horn, just do what you think is right and leave the rest of us out of it.
    Joel Ornstein was on the radio talking about the safe in his "church" being robbed of over 600 grand one weekend, those people are doomed to hell, should give themselves up and do the time. But no worries, the money will be replaced by insurance.
    Does it sound like someone walked in off the street and opened the safe? OR is it an "inside job"?
    Why is it that no one knows how much is in "The Vatican Bank"? Why do they pay no taxes? How much is insurance for six hundred grand?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.