Monday, March 24, 2014

Purity Balls part deux.

 Courtesy of the You Tube page:

Witness smaller and bigger girls swear allegiance to their dads. Fundamentalist Christians convince daughters to avoid all contact with boys until they're married. By going on a date to a ball and exchanging vows and a ring, the girls promise to abstain completely from any and all interaction with the opposite sex. 

"It's the right thing to do, and the Lord wants us to do it." Says the clearly brain washed young lady.

The video up above is from 2007. At that time this was a phenomena that was fairly isolated.

But as we learned in Friday's post these balls now takes place in 48 of the 50 states.

In other words this kind of creepy incestuously tinged religious control is being leveraged against young girls all over the country.

All in the name of Christianity, and ancient superstitions about the value, and bargaining power, of virginity.

Remember in ancient times a "soiled" young woman, who had allowed her virtue to be stolen away, was worth nothing to the father seeking to use her as a bargaining chip to gain access to wealth and position.

While the young man was encouraged to sow his wild oats and bed as many wenches as he could, the woman was expected to remain chaste until given, like a prized farm animal, to her future husband. Who would then treat her as his possession for the remainder of her life.

Such is the value of "virtue" in ancient times.

But what's the excuse for this continued overreach by a modern day father into his daughter's potential love life? 

P.S. By the way according to this (5:35) 82% of these young ladies will break their vow of chastity before marriage.

Just imagine the kind of emotional pain that must cause them. To feel they have failed their church, their God, and their Daddies.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Abandon ship!

  2. Anonymous4:40 AM


    One U.S. State Dept. analyst, off the record, said, “If only countries were like pro sports teams. We could trade Palin to Russia for Putin–he could then enjoy the thrill of being a well-compensated, mean-spirited airhead pundit with no real-world responsibilities, and she would experience the lucrative benefits of reigning over a kleptocracy where all your demented opinions are taken seriously.”

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Why all the pressure on the girls? The daughters? Are sons completely evil, innocent and / or without fault in these scenarios? If there weren't daddy issues before, why wouldn't a marriage ceremony to them not create one? Fucked up righteous assholes. Those are the kind of girls that ended up on Girls Gone Wild. . .

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      In their tiny minds, I'm sure it's all well and good for the sons. Wouldn't want 'em turning gay while they're waiting for proper marriage age. It's a choice, ya know......RME.

  4. angela5:04 AM

    Okay, when that woman quoted W as a reference for kids being abstinent, everything just got dumber and creepier than before.
    Maybe if George had abstained from too much alcohol and cocaine he wouldn't have crashed the country with his depleted brain cells. He is actually the bellwether for what happens to someone who believes intrinsically that they are listening to god and can't do anything wrong. Except--he got it all wrong.

    I guess locking the girls up at home and homeschooling them so you can try to shelter them from the sex works---until they go behind the church at a youth rally and suddenly become fifteen and knocked up. I guess mom and dad will then find the nearest women's clinic (unless they live in a red state and its already been closed down).

    I don't mean to rant---but I had always been a live and let live kind of person when it comes to organized religion---until the last few years. These crazy conservative evangelicals are truly screwing up this country. Once their kids get out from underneath them, their eyes open. Meanwhile women are being subjugated and being dragged back to the 1800s because money talks. And because churches don't have to pay taxes--they have a whole lot more money to buy politicians and lobbyists to create this incredibly patriarchal and hostile environment for women.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      Angela, I wholeheartedly agree. Don't think of it as a rant, it's the truth and you said it beautifully.

      Girls and Women have a difficult enough time under normal circumstances, add this degree of crazy, who can they turn to for advice? It's at the point where we need a new word for mental abuse.

  5. Olivia5:30 AM

    I am pretty sure during those ancient times (and even now in some places) when girls were supposed to remain chaste, they weren't 'given' away like a prized farm animal, they were SOLD like a prize farm animal. You can call it a dowry if you prefer; but to me, money or goods exchanged for something qualifies as a sale.

    1. hedgewytch10:35 AM

      Except the dowry was paid to the GROOM, not the father. So in reality is was saying, here's some money to take this girl from my house and take care of her.

  6. Anonymous5:47 AM

    And in indoctrinating the girls this way when they are so young, it sets them up to be obedient to their husbands when they are married, so that their husbands will have total control over the marriage, the money, the women's votes, how the children are raised, educated, etc. These girls will become silent and obedient wives, at least those who don't have a mental breakdown or turn to drugs or alcohol to numb out from their insane life, will.

  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    One must wonder, if these girls DO get married, just how easily daddy dearest is going to relinquish control (because that's what this "is") to the husband. He'll meddle the rest of his days.

    1. maple6:52 AM

      My bet is that these daddies know that "having" their daughter would be sinful, but they're sure as heck going to make sure that nobody else can "have" her either. If she has sex with a boy, then in her daddy's mind, she's an adulteress. Sick, really truly sick.

  8. Chastity before marriage and fidelity after marriage are supposed to guarantee a man that his children are his own children. To avoid male shame and ridicule, female sexuality must be tightly controlled. There is power in procreation, but only men are allowed to have power.

  9. There's a link between the perceived values of virginal chastity and re-virginal celibacy. The idea that a time of abstinence can 'cleanse' away the sin of fornication is also becoming popular. So if a girl is no longer a virgin, she may yet be 'reborn' by halting sexual contact, then remaining celibate afterwards until marriage. The idea fits nicely into the Christian belief of divine forgiveness also, too.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      So true. We have one in our family. She got pregnant, shacked up with a guy for four years, then wore white at her wedding, both her mother and the preacher defended her "purity". The kid was her ring bearer. Easy as pie!

  10. Anonymous6:18 AM

    This is so wrong on many levels and really creepy when you listen to them trying to justify such weirdness. With an 82% failure rate it obviously isn't working. Just more damage being done in the name of religion.

  11. At a 82% success rate they should really think about rebranding: Fat Chance Purity Ball
    Or in Palin lingo...$uckers!

  12. At a 82% success rate they should really think about rebranding: Fat Chance Purity Ball
    Or in Palin lingo...$uckers!

  13. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Incestuous is the correct word. Having a girl swear her sexuality to her father? I'm betting most of these families have a history of sexual abuse.

  14. Anonymous7:34 AM

    So when Daddy is sexually molesting them he can be rest assured no other man is touching her.

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I remember, growing up in Europe, we heard about customs in Italy, where the newly-weds had to hang out their wedding-night bedsheets the day after, for all to see. It better be blood stained, or else! (It seems many women would cut themselves, or save some blood and smear it on the sheets, to prove they had been virgins before marriage...

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I lived in Bologna, Italy for 10 years, the only place they practiced this was in the southern area of Italy, mainly in small villages. My grandparents came from Northern Italy and no one in their village did this.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

      My parents came from a small hilltown near Naples. I remember perusing the wedding photos of relatives, and I noticed a popular accessory was a long hat pin. I asked my mom about it, because none of the brides wore hats, and she explained the tradition. I raised one eyebrow and she said "Don't you DARE go there!". LOL

  16. hedgewytch10:32 AM

    The emotional blackmail is child abuse. These young woman are taught from day one that their only value is as a breeding tool and as a servant. They are not taught that they are valuable, that their wants and needs are important, that knowledge and power are something that they can and should have.

    No wonder so many of these young woman end up alcoholics, self-medicating, in abusive relationships, divorced, and miserable for most of their lives.

    These purity balls are not in any way a freely given oath. Can you really imagine any girl saying, "Thanks Dad, but no thanks. I just don't see myself being able to keep that promise."..?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Not unless they don't mind being smacked across the room.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Their also taught that their nether parts are somehow special, when really, they aren't.

  17. This tape was done at least six years ago, as the mother is referencing Bush. I wonder how many of those poor little girls stayed with the program? Not many, I'm sure.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      82% got their cherries popped or got knocked up, so the answer is very few stayed with the program. As is to be expected.

    2. Did you get that figure from another article?

  18. Beldar J Conehead2:29 PM

    Gryphen, was I misinformed?

    I thought "purity balls" was a painful genital condition suffered by severe conservative family-values fathers who are attracted to their adolescent daughters but who strive mightily to keep incestuous contact with the girls to the bare minimum, ya know, for the good of the family or whatever...

    "Go on, Tiffany Jean, you sit on your daddy's lap like a good girl. He's got purity balls again."

    "Oh, Momma, do I HAVE to? It's so... GROSS."

    "You watch your sassy mouth, little girl, or you'll be chained up in the cellar under the barn like your older sisters, Tiffany Marie, Tiffany Ann and Crystal Meth! Now you take your bible with you and sit there and read till your daddy's done. Do you hear me? "

    "Yes, Momma...."

  19. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I wonder if the sons/brothers of these fathers/daughters have purity "balls" as well.

    The evangelicals often seem to have a double standard when it comes to premarital sex.

    In the boy's case, it is just "boys being boys" (as Sarah said)....all the blame is placed on the girls.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      Yeah, but there's an out. If the girl does have sex, she can abstain and it doesn't count. Don't know the limit (3 strikes and you're out, e.g.) My cousin was living with a guy for four years in a one bedroom apartment, when they got married, my evangelical aunt AND the preacher insisted she's a virgin and she wore white. Her son wore a tuxedo and was a ring bearer.

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    That is some sick shit.

  21. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Oh,and the boyfriends have purity blue balls for the duration too.

  22. Anonymous3:56 PM

    What is with all of the fancy hairstyles, makeup and gowns for young children? Doesn't god like girls the way that he made them? It just seems weird for girls to get all dressed up like women to marry their dads.

  23. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Dates with daddy.... why are they sexuallizing a father spending time with their child?
    Dates are for adult and not with relatives! What a bunch of freaks

  24. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    Considering the failure rate, I wonder why Bristol never hopped on that bandwagon? Notice these families always have have tons of kids? I would venture to guess that guests would be expected to bring gift$ to thank the Fathers and their betrothed daughters. Renting a hall, disc jokeys and a honeymoon suite costs a fortune these days!
    Yes, boys, go out there and spread your wild oats, get it out of your system before settling down! Boys will be Boys! Girls are property. Check them for lice and fleas, and make sure they're up on their shots. While you're at it, a full dental exam is highly recommended.
    I like the girl who picked a red gown for her daddy's special day. Something tells me she's one of the 82 percent.



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