Tuesday, May 06, 2014

A day late, and many brain cells short, Sarah Palin finally comments on the new pistol packing ad by Joni Ernst.

As all of you remember we here at IM already had a good laugh at the pig mutilator's ad yesterday.

A number of hours later Palin decided to weigh in as well: 

Watch this pistol-packing mama shake it up in Washington when good Iowans send her there to do the people's work! It's going to be great. Joni Ernst is a wife, mother, soldier; a farm girl who castrates hogs (the DC establishment won't know what to do with her! Good. It's about time!) and the icing on the cake is she also rides a Hog! Joni Ernst will keep the shiny side up for America.

Now I am not exactly sure what  Ernst is going to do to "keep the shiny side up for America," or even what the hell that means.

Perhaps Palin sees America as a penny, after all she undoubtedly sees the world as flat.

By the way I think that Palin's description of Ernst as a wife, mother, soldier, and farm girl who castrates pigs, and rides a hog a little limp.

I thought my description of her as a "motorcycle riding, gun toting, pig mutilator" had much more punch, and would certainly inspire more of the paint chip eaters to support her campaign.

Hey, maybe Palin could send a little of that SarahPAC postage money my way and I could help her to add more pizazz, spell the words correctly, learn grammar, and possibly even start to make sense.

Oh never mind, she does not have nearly enough money to make THAT worth my time.


  1. Since she capitalized Hog, I'm assuming she means a motorcycle. "Keep the shiny side up" means keep the rubber side down - in biker lingo, it means drive safely. But, all that aside, it's still an asinine assessment of what is needed to govern.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      I guess that Palin is going after the biker vote. Yeah, they really stay tuned into politics.

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Keep the shiny side up is trucker lingo don'cha know?

    3. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Kathy, thanks for explaining shiny side up. Riding a motorcycle and shooting target practice at the range are not things I would use as a guide for voting. Or helping her dad cut piglets balls off. Did she hold the piggy, weld the pocket knife, or just round up the baby boys in the holding pen. Perhaps, she served the sandwiches, jello, and iced tea for lunch after the deed was done. Helped, in what regard Charlie?

      But, here in Kansas we are working to get our hard boiled Gov, Atty Gen, and Senate, and House seats out of office. Taxes were cut for the rich and now the State credit rating was cut as a result. Revenue down. We were promised that cutting taxes would make Kansas more desirable for business and new residents. That everything would be SUNNY SIDE UP.....What we got was eggs Benedict Arnold.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      I thought it was a further grasping attempt to make herself seem more Reagan-like, with that shiny city on a hill. . .

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Long time Harley owner here... I don't know one person who calls it a "hog" anymore. She's watched one too many movies I think.

    6. Anonymous9:24 PM


      Not a Harley, but still.

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Aren't there any requirements in the military these days about weight?

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    the three heifers in the above pic could use a little less hog and stand to go to a fat farm

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The incredible shrinking woman-child will continue to shrink The shrieking for attention will get shriller of course. After all, she is the baby who will not be ignored.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM


    while over at the DeBarr Costco last night I encountered creepy squinty eyed chuck_tard sr and his bumbling wife sally as they were waiting for a cart full of meat from the butcher dept.
    i wanted to mention that their retarded crosseyed daughter always makes mention that their food doesn't come wrapped in cellophane but instead fur but i didn't.

    instead i looked that old perverted bastard straight in the eye and did say that everyone at immoral minority sez howdy - creepy chuck mumbled something and i couldn't tell if sally was shaking her head from the effects of alzheimer's or maybe just disdain, probably both.

    i'd love to encounter me some needle dicked todd or the crosseyed skank sometime, i really do ..

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM


      Good job.

      Maybe next time mention that Palin's Deceptions blog is on hiatus but not forgotten. Also too.

      Or you could ask the old fart if Sarah is still mad at Dan.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      You're in for a let down.

      I encountered Sarah and Todd (sans security) in an airport concourse.

      Both braced against the wall when I gave them the Hawaii stink eye.

      (Sarah smells like Aqua Net)

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Should have asked ..... did you ever have sex with your daughters?

    4. WA Skeptic12:02 PM

      Actually, the question is "Have you stopped having sex with your daughters?" There is no correct way to answer this!!

    5. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Let's be fair to Chuckles. Maybe he was buying moose chili, made from a moose that someone did shoot.

      While we're talking about Chuckles, what does it say about someone who has to show that he is the great white hunter, advertising it with a huge pile of bones in front of his house. It strikes me as the same thing as the guy who has to show off by driving some big car. Big pile of bones, what a killer!

    6. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I've wondered whether Heath's bone stack is tied down. Otherwise it could get real deadly and dangerous in a strong wind. It's what those in real estate describe as an 'attractive nuisance' or in other words an accident looking for a place to happen.

      Lucky for the Palin/Heath clan, rules and zoning laws don't seem to be an obstacle much less an ounce of common sense.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sarah Palin is a real sick ticket. So is Jodi Ernst. Something is seriously wrong with both of these women.

  7. Cracklin Charlie9:29 AM

    What a weirdo!

    She makes it sound like Iowa voters should send Joni to Washington to shoot and castrate people.

    That "endorsement" is just all kinda crazy!

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Palin is AGAIN wearing those same black pants!!! She has zero class or status!

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      those are her "penis" pants.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      The penis jeans. The stichching on the front looks like a penis.These are really "classy" jeans.

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Can't get enough of the black pecker pants.

  9. PalinsHoax9:31 AM

    Hey Ol' Desperate One. When are you going to lend Joni your camo faux pregnancy belly so that she can strap it on and pretend that she is "with child"?

  10. PalinsHoax9:31 AM

    Hey Ol' Desperate One. When are you going to lend Joni your camo faux pregnancy belly so that she can strap it on and pretend that she is "with child"?

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Funny that Palin tried to copy your statement, IM! No doubt she and/or her klan read this blog!

  12. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Is Joni a closeted gay person? I get that impression.

    1. Anonymous4:52 AM

      She might have the same issues of growing up with an abusive father and/or older brother like Sarah.

      Sarah seems to be fascinated with the emasculated hogs. Is this supposed to be a metaphor for a threat to the male-dominated US Senate?

      Sarah makes another appearance and continues to build her wardrobe with more College logo swag. Her next endorsee should also give her a pair of clean khakis or new jeans and some decent flats to wear so she won't be dressed so tacky. Sarah doesn't seem to know any better and she's too goddam cheap to pay for sound advice on casual but professional career apparel. And she wonders why absolutely no one with any gravitas wants to be seen in her proximity. What's her endorsement record this election season? 0 for 5 so far?

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Joni looks like she has eaten more Hogs than she has Castrated. Is Joni going to fight to cut Farm Subsidies that her Father receives? Sarah Palin has picked another FAT loser, what else is new?

  14. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Sent out over Palin's name, but clearly written by one of her ghosts.
    Even though it's laughable, with all those ridiculous judgmental buzz-word adjectives, the sentences are too short and the grammar a little too polished to be a middle-of-the-night, mad (crazy, angry) stream-of-consciousness Sarah production.
    Joni Ernst will never make it to Washington, on a Hog or otherwise.
    The news around here is the murder and torture of three Hell's Angels by three of their colleagues: the motorcycle culture she romanticizing is the "icing on the cake" of a violent, crude, drug-taking sick motorcycling world.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Women aren't held in very high regard either.

      Do you still have to sleep with ALL the members just to hang around?

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHA Sarah's Wig is way back behind her THIN hairline. Sarah is going bald and it ain't purty. Maybe if she had washed her thin hair more often, and laid off of the Meth, her hair would still grow.

  16. Anonymous9:54 AM

    There's a word for Sarah Palin: Unchangeable

    Her talk, the accent, the cutesy-sexy-down-home-dirt-bike-tobacco-chewing-jerky-eating duck-calling, high-heel hunting, cheap, unwashed-looking, teased bedhair wig-wearing, hoe-down kind of gal just gets really tiring. This woman could have been in the Oval Office with her Administration of emasculating females, with kids running amok with their questionnable boyfriends passing security and running up the back stairs to the bedrooms.

    It's just too awful to imagine.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I agree but you did make me smile this morning so thanks!

  17. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:01 AM

    I don't know if it would be worth your while, Gryphen--at this point you could create a Sarah Palin Mad Libs game that would make more sense than her usual dribble.

  18. "wife, mother, soldier; a farm girl who castrates hogs "

    Which provides no information at all regarding her stand on any issues other than ACA/Obamacare (she wants the insurance company death panels to come back and start killing Americans again).

    There is nothing to indicate she has any idea what it means to govern. She is a member of the Iowa state senate, and that buffoon Palin didn't think to mention it?

    Apparently actual governing experience is unimportant to these two ill-bred jackasses. Having catchy (no matter how stupid or irrelevant) bumper sticker slogans = qualified to govern in their angry little minds.

    Of course, in fairness to Tundradunce, it is entirely possible, maybe even likely, that she has no idea what Ernst's current job is. Doesn't matter! Tra-la tra-la! She castrates pigs! Make her a senator!

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      that's because in Palin world, it's all about style, not substance.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      10:32 What style? Palin has none! She's nothing more than 'white trash' from Wasilla, AK!

    3. Anonymous12:29 PM

      penis jeans .. pean jeans, peanz jeans, peanz jeanz or Pean's jeans.and so on Whatever it is it is the Palin's style

  19. Anonymous10:32 AM

    This 50 year old grandmother is wearing cheap black jeans with white stitching. Oh my god. I mean, we always knew she was dowdy, but, aging and trying to look shabby young is really pathetic. As much as her verbiage.

  20. Anonymous10:32 AM

    "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists."

    Hogs and pig mutilation is how Sarah Palin thinks she looks politically relevant? The mutilating defection is a sorry one. Can't RAM or someone do better for her? They did better with Track and Trig.

    “Can you give us evidence for your crazy pregnancy stories?”





    Bristol could use some positve mama support with her custody matters... wtf Sarah? Cat got your tongue?

  21. Where is that ring that Todd gave her?

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Right above where his testes used to be, just guessin'!!! Sarah's got a "Thing" for Joni, the hog castrater/ polyester wig wearing Betty Bower wannabe.

  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Conservatives are engaging in identity politics — and it's working

    "If the GOP establishment and the conservative grassroots have finally jumped on the "Mama Grizzly" bandwagon, they're still a few years late to the game. Sarah Palin endorsed Handel (and even narrates one of her ads), as well as Iowa's Joni Ernst (you know, the candidate who "grew up castrating hogs").

    Palin's apparent preference for supporting female candidates — even occasionally over arguably more conservative men — isn't new, nor has it escaped the attention of political observers."


  23. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Palin must believe that most Iowans are barely one step from the Hatfields and McCoys, circa 1860.
    " Castratin " pigs is a resume enhancer for a worker
    on a hog farm ,
    not a US Senate candidate.

  24. How could someone who claims to have majored in Journalism in college demolish the English language as much as she does, and need to hire ghost writers to do her witting for her. Wouldn't the School of Journalism require that their student have excellent command of the English language and know proper grammar. I've always had serious doubt in my mind that Sarah actually studied Journalism, much less graduated from college from college when she seems to totally lack any logical thinking skills.

    The fact that Sarah refused to provide her college transcript to the reporters during the 2008 campaign only reinforces my suspicions. She also reinforced my suspicion she may have had an abortion or something else she wants to hide from us since she refused to provide any of her medical records. Instead, she only had her doctor write a vague letter saying basically she was healthy and she only provided that the day before the election.

    I believe Palin is hiding a lot that she doesn't want people to know. Partly because of that, and the fact she knows she would never be elected to a national office, she'll never run for office again and will only act as if she is to continue to grift from her small ignorant base.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Sarah Palin has no college degree.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      10:55 No one has EVER seen the diploma she received in 'journalism'! It was something they put together when she ran w/McCain - he promoted her having a college education.

      I don't believe she ever graduated from that Idaho school. People tried to get copies of records from them and were never successful. Folks were interviewed back then that had been instructors and they didn't even recall ever having had Palin in their classes!

      We all know what a liar and fraud Sarah Palin has proven herself to be!

      The McCain group had to make her look as good as possible once they realized how inept she was for their ticket!

      She has a college degree just as my housecat does! It's all total bullshit! She can't even form a sentence correctly!

    3. Crystal Sage2:37 PM

      She does enjoy wearing a college sweatshirt. Probably the closest she ever got to a real college. Fifty year old grandmothers don't usually wear such garb when attenting a public function. Looks like someone before a "fashion makeover."

    4. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Usually a person who graduates from a university will wear their alma mater's logo if they wear *any* university logowear in public. But for someone who still insists on being called by a job title five years after she quit unexpectedly mid-term, I guess that she wouldn't understand. Such pandering is actually an insult to those who are from those areas. Otherwise, why wear Iowa State U gear instead of Univ of Iowa stuff? That's right, alienate half of the voters in a state-wide race, Sarah. That's just smart politics. And yes, I'm being sarcastic, Stupid Sarah. Do you see any other person wearing ANY logowear? No, I didn't think so, idiot.

  25. Anonymous10:59 AM

    10:45 How can they say 'it's working'? The elections haven't evn taken place as yet! Palin is the 'kiss of death' when endorsing anyone!

  26. Beldar Rodham Conehead11:06 AM

    Say, Gryphen, can you confirm or refudiate a strange rumor that seems to be circulating?

    Apparently, the GOP is about to announce their willingness to stipulate without contention Hillary's inevitable ascension to POTUS in order to "save the country a protracted, divisive and costly election process". And let's be honest about this: look at the asshats lining up to run against her. It just can not end well. So I can see them conceding to Hillary.

    And in exchange, they simply ask for the opportunity to investigate in Congress one hazy area that might possibly be evidence of a "departure from standard practice" involing one or more Clinton family members. You can call it 'a scandal' for short.

    Specifically, they will invite prominent attorney Kenneth Starr to serve as special prosecutor and determine the answer to ONE simple question: Whitewater land deal, Vince Foster, Monocle Lewinsky, Lincoln bedroom, 9/11, Benghazi!!, Benghazi!!. Benghazi!!? That's all. No witch hunt. Just focused on that one question that Americans demand an answer to.

    I know you look less favorably on our esteemed friends, the unsufferable douchebags on the Right, but I gotta tell you, I'm figuring this might be a good thing for the country. Like lancing a boil, a little pain and then it's over. Even anonymous senior GOP party officials are expressing optimism that if the investigation begins within minutes of Hillary's inauguration in January 2017 and is funded generously at say, $250-$500 million per year, the investigation could be over and Hillary could be impeached and imprisoned well before the final weeks of her second term.

    Can you think of a better way to waste a billion or two dollars?

    If the rumors are true, it looks to me like a win-win for everyone, if by 'everyone' you mean America's abundant supply of low-information, severe conservatives.

    I say, give it a chance! Bittersweet feelings, tho... I just wish Henry Hyde and Dan Burton would have stayed around long enough to dance their malign victory jig in public.


    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Hillary just lost my vote, on Mother Jones there's a story about a fund raiser for Hillary given by a billionaire, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, she's disrespected this President since 2008, I can't tell the difference between her and $arah, so if this the kind of support she's after, bring on JOE BIDEN!

    2. No one can "stipulate without contention" anyone else's "ascension to POTUS". It's not a throne. There's an election process we engage (or endure as the case may be) but it can't be just summarily dismissed by anyone. That is the most outrageous thing thing I've seen in print regarding how our president is chosen. Frankly, I think it's a fake. And incredibly dim-witted to boot.

    3. oh, momma....

    4. Anonymous2:17 PM

      omomma, you must be new to this site. Beldar is the IM satirist. Sheesh! Get a grip.

    5. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Yea, 12:20, that's what the pubes want, divide the Democrats so Chuckabee can waltz into the White House in 2016 and make the Bible the law of the land.

    6. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Beldar for POTUS!
      BJC for VEEP!

      (is that even possible?)

    7. Beldar J Conehead aka BJC3:26 PM

      Not only is it unconstitutional and a metaphysical impossibility, it's just an all around very, very no good, extremely bad idea in every conceivable way.

    8. Anonymous4:30 PM

      "Not only is it unconstitutional and a metaphysical impossibility, it's just an all around very, very no good, extremely bad idea in every conceivable way."

      Don't think for a second that I didn't have those exact same words in my head about Bush/Cheney. And look what happened...... :)

    9. Not new, post all the time, never make it to print, haven't ever paid much attention to conehead Beldar, will now!

    10. Anonymous7:20 PM

      BJC2:08 PM
      oh, momma....


    11. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Beldar alone makes IM worth the price of admission =D

    12. Anonymous9:17 PM

      gina too ..

    13. Anonymous3:32 AM

      YUP, nice satire/wake up people break for IM readers/commenters.

      Thank you Beldar and Gina...carry on!


    14. Anonymous5:11 AM

      Beldar, we need to talk.

      P.S. I'm pregnant. ;-)

    15. *GinaM slowly reads the comment @ 5:11AM and reaches for her rolling pin and crosses her arms "Big Momma" style and says*

      "HMMPF....uh Beldar...what's 5:11AM talkin bout?"

    16. Gina, c'mon, baby, put the rolling pin down! I was just thinking about you! 5:11 is an old friend! She never said I was the father! Anyway, people can say anything they want. Doesn't prove anything! C'mon, baby, we can work thiis out, I swear! I'll go on Maury and we'll do the test! It's probably not even mine!

      (5:11! CALL ME!!)

      My god! Gina, you are SO sexy when you're mad! Just the other day, I was telling Gryphen how the green and pink wallpaper and the dusty, yellowed lighting fixtures here at IM brings out the fire in your eyes and the soft glow of your dark curly peri-menopausal facial hair.

      C'mon, Gina.... don't kill me this time and I swear, I'll stop tomcatting around, and I'm not just saying that... you know... like last time....

      Anyway, I bought you a big surprise... it's.... out in the car... and... I...uh... I was taking it to the... gift wrapping... place near the.... near the mall, that's it. You stay here and I'll be right back, I promise!

      C'mon, Gina, baby, have I ever lied to you besides that one time? And maybe that one other time, before that?

      That's a good girl, c'mon, gimme a little sugar and I'll go buy you a nice present. I mean, I already got the present, like I said, but I need to... um... check the size and yeah... the wrapping... You're, what? about a size 24? 52DD?

      (5:11! Meet me at the Waffle House on Main Street near the interstate in 45 minutes!)

    17. *GinaM reaching for the her rolling pin ANNDDD her baseball bat and says through gritted teeth to Beldar*

      You best get your affairs in order Beldy....I bout had enough of your mess! Me and your 5 hungry ass chilluns have been waiting for you to get home for three days now!

      First ya said you had to testify at some "Ben Gazzara" meeting in DC...and then ya said you had some kind of "rally" for some rancher in Nevada!

      When I sent you to the store for a quart a milk...a stick of butter and some cigarettes...you said you'd be back...that was a WEEK ago!

      You can compliment my "stache" and "back hair" all ya want...but I'm taking the kids to my mama's house and if you show up she's sickin the dogs "Sarah" and "Todd" on ya!

      PS...FYI @ 5:11....that Waffle House on Main Street is where I'll be in 44 minutes....bet not see you there!


    18. Do NOT play me for a fool, Gina, do not!!! A lot of those kids you say are mine don't even look like me! Besides, you know I had the mumps when I was 31, so nice try!!!


      I ain't afraid of those dogs, either! (your mother frightens me a bit, I'll be honest with you...)


    19. *GinaM sucking her teeth*

      Oh...okay...it's gonna be like that huh Beldy...mmm...hmmm...see...I knew you was gonna try that "kids ain't mine" thang!

      Guess what...I already DID the DNA on all the kids and YOU! Member that time when you fell asleep after drinking...well...I swabbed your cheek and the kids cheeks...sent the samples off with the DNA kit I got from Walgreens...and VIOLA!


      NOW WHAT?

      PS...ummm...ya might want to ask my "sister" Bernice why did we use to call her "Bernard" back in the day?**

      **note**...this is NOT a slur on transgender folks....end note**


    20. Gina, let's not fight. Tell the kids I'll see them by Christmas.

      Bernard, huh? Now that you mention it, I always thought your sister had an unusually large adams apple. She told me it was a thyroid condition....

      Your pal,
      Beldar - which evidence suggests is not even my real name....

    21. Damn you Beldar baby...you know I can't resist your sweet talk!

      Okay...okay....we'll expect you at Christmas and I'll tell the kids to not shoot ya...that it's just "Santy Claus" coming to visit! WINK!

      Your virtual wife,
      GinaM...mother of dragons....err....I mean of your children!


  27. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Um, about the part where you're willing to help with spelling and grammar? Not so much.
    Vocabulary, research, and witty phrases are your strength.

    1. I am both insulted and honored by your comment.

  28. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Is Stain secretly working for the Dems with her endorsements? They certainly aren't helping the tpubs.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      We should be cheering for the crazies to win their primaries. Remember how well Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle did. The Democratic candidates might have lost to stronger candidates. Once Todd Aiken gave his scientific version of "rape, a woman can shut down that thing," the Democrat won.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Ditto for Mourdock; Donnelly won.

  29. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Amazing how far c4p cult will go to twist the bible and themselves into pretzels defending water boarding:


  30. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Rolls and rolls of duct tape cannot shut the narcissist up. Make sure and tape her ass because that is where her brains are/aren't. Somebody, please take the wicked witch down to the dregs from whence she came.

  31. Caroll Thompson2:25 PM

    Hopefully the Democrat will win the race in November and this will be just a distant memory. Charlie Cook, the best political pollster alive today still has this race as Leans Democrat. Let's hope he is right (he always is and may that continue in this case).

  32. Crystal Sage2:40 PM

    I just received a Tea Party post from a Facebook friend that proclaims: Let only citizens of the US vote in US elections! WTF? Is this the companion piece to Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi?

  33. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I have never met a farmer, male or female, that thinks castrating farm animals is anything other than just another chore. I can only think that for some reason the word "castration" tickles this idiot candidate's imagination (and stimulates Sarah Palin's very strange sexual kinks).

    Other than in the context of farm chores, the word castration has a pretty violent, unpleasant feel to it. It mystifies me that anyone would use such a word in a campaign for elected office.

  34. Anonymous4:25 PM

    What if a male candidate used an equivalent phrase pertaining to women's vagina's? how is alluding to castrating the DC Establishment not an unacceptable statement? sure Sarah has the right to her free speech[ Like she ever opens her mouth for free] and if she wants to sound like a man hater well that's her right to, but civilized people with class and half a brain would not spew this garbage....oh wait it is Sarah after all!

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      I guess "I neutered pigs" just doesn't have the same effect with the nutjob crowd.

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Experience form my an sci class ac couple decades ago. - hog castration isn't much of a challenge - it's more like clipping poodle's nails. The "hog" is a piglet, a coupl days or a week old. the testicles have generally not descended, On eperson holds the piglet on its back, while the other person, using a sharp sterile scalpel makes an incision and pulls out the sac, which is really just an enlarged part of what looks like a spaghettii strand and snips it. this is wen you also clip incisors and dock tail.

      Castrating cattle - now that's a different story. But the most dangerous - palpating cows to see if they're pregnant - you can get your arm broken rather easily.

  35. janice5:47 PM

    It looks like another Palin endorsement in North Carolina has lost again. Poor Palin, this is what happens when people ask for her endorsement.

  36. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    Haven't read the comments, but the ditz who used rolling thunder for a photo op and got her knuckles swacked means, when mentioning "Shiny side up" is Motorcycle language for not taking a spill on a bike. I'm sure she had to look it up somewhere.

    She's still going all "Shecky Green" with her sexual comments. Does she realize a hog castration is what she called a "two bull" in women? I've grown to expect it from her, she IS the queen of teabaggers, so Joni and Moanie should get along well.

    BUT. This is all distraction, smoke and mirrors. Sarah desperately needs to re-visit her "Waterboarding as baptism" comment or else she'll be buried by the Christians, not sure what Muslims and other non christian religions have up their sleeves.

    Hey Sarah, google "Salmon Rushde" The longer you let this fester, the more it'll come back to bite you!

    But hey, you're smart, you don't need advice from me ; D


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.