Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sarah Palin endorses the next losing congressional candidate from New Jersey. Why does this name sound familiar?

Courtesy of the Kiss of Death's Facebook page:  

Steve Lonegan gave liberals a fright in 2013 by putting on a fight like the Garden State had never seen against liberal Cory Booker in the special election for U.S. Senate. (Actually he lost in 55% to 44% during a special election which historically favors Republicans.) Never backing down from his conservative principles, Steve won support from Democrats, independents, and a unified GOP in his campaign. This good mayor isn’t done fighting for what’s right! 2014 has called him to run for the open U.S. House seat in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, an area he carried by five points in the Senate election. 

Steve is the type of conservative leader we need. He believes in the free market principles this country was founded on because he has seen first hand how they can lead to success. Overcoming adversity in his own life, Steve built his successful business from the ground up and was elected mayor of Bogota, NJ. In Washington, he will be a dedicated fighter for lower taxes, balanced budgets, and lessening the burdens of regulation on small businesses. Todd and I enjoyed joining our friend Mark Levin in getting to know Steve and his wife Lorraine on the campaign trail, and I know these patriots are just the type of fighters we need in Congress.

As Palin mentions she endorsed Lonegan back in 2013 as well, and of course he lost.  Same will probably hold true this time.

Lonegan gave it his all last time, whihc included questioning Cory Booker's sexuality. But still came out the loser.

Of course for me the most iconic moment of that campaign came during his concession speech.

Oh yeah, the consummate compassionate conservative.

I think I will very much enjoy watching this blowhard lose again.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I swear, she looks for the biggest losers there are.

    1. That's ' so she won' feel so lonely.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM


      Andrew Sullivan wants you to ask him anything.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      no "other" option. I don't much care about the options given. I'd rather ask him to contact CBJ and MatSu, or show up ala 60 minutes and ask hard questions. If denied access, film from the parking lot and ask the questions and broadcast all over.
      But that's just me.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      When is $creech gonna endorse an Alaska candidate, like her boy Sean "Oil Shill" Parnell or DNR Dan or Joke Miller??

      Gee, when $he quit she said she could do more for Alaska from the $idelines. LOL

      Yep, $he can do more for Alaska by staying gone forever in AZ.

    5. Anonymous11:25 AM

      to 9:17: if you scroll down to the end, there is a space to enter your own question.

      I asked him to give his explanation for her rise and continuing presence on the political scene, including how he thought history would judge her.

    6. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Alaskans cannot stand her and she knows it. The Palin family is considered a joke in Alaska as well as being considered nothing more than uneducated white trash!

    7. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Thank you!! I found it and asked him to ask CBJ about her continuing education, updated surgical skills and medical malpractice that allowed her to be a high risk obstetrician. I also asked him to ask MatSu to see their standards and procedures for high risk pregnancy inducements. The current PR person listed on their website has apparently been gone since January (if you email her that is reply you get. Is there no one handling their PR currently? Has everyone quit in futility? Decided they can't lie when questioned????

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Some people are SLOW learners... Handel & Lonegan. The second time is not a charm with Palin.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    This Kochsucker is a perennial loser. He also lost races in 2005 and 2009 for Governor of NJ. One day, the Koch brothers might actually be successful in buying a job for this brokedick bagger.Until then, he's on the AFP payroll, along with the Quitter Queen®.

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    This guy has no respect - for himself or anyone.
    GO get another job Lonegan!!!
    On the plus side, perhaps Palin will stump for him again. I may try again to ask her some questions I've been itching to ask her!!! The last rally gave me a nice weekend ride in NJ with my son but we were a little too late to get really really close. We will leave earlier this time. The problem was my Garmin had a hard time finding the damn venue - it wasn' t in the directory lol.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Good luck getting close enough to ask a question of the Quitter Queen! You KNOW she will never take unscripted questions that are not pre-approved, and will likely slip out before facing anyone. Why, the Paylins pay someone to do their grocery shopping in Wasilla because they all are so afraid to face anyone in Alaska. LOL LOL

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      9:51 I'm thinknig I'll start with a sign right under her nose that reads "I KNOW you are not Tri-G's birth mother" to rattle her as she screeches. Lots of people were holding signs last time.
      Watch they will ban signs now.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Does Palin intentionally pick the ugliest losers she can find to make herself feel like the beauty queen she should have been? This guy, RAM, Handel... there's a pattern here.

    1. F U McCain7:33 AM

      Yes. She J's been that way since childhood.

      She does not have any real friends, But she could not tolerate girls who were prettier than her.

      She took the Mean Girl out of grade school and into adulthood.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Yes, she does pick the biggest losers. If they won, Sarah would have to keep supporting them, make appearances, and do some actual work. No, no way.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM


    1. Anonymous11:18 AM


      “It’s no secret that the U.S. tends to get more and better intelligence out of computers nowadays than people,” Snowden told anchor Brian Williams. “I was trained as a spy in sort of the traditional sense of the word, in that I lived and worked undercover overseas, pretending to work in a job that I’m not, and even being assigned a name that was not mine.”

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Why don't I believe a thing Snowden says? Surely Brian Williams felt dirty doing the interview! Cannot imagine having to sit in the same room w/the traitor.

      He needs to be brought back to the US, put on trial and executed publically for all Americans to view.

      He thinks he is superior and above the law! Time to go get him, President Obama and SOS John Kerry!

    3. Anita Winecooler4:27 PM

      I missed a lot of it, but how Brian Williams was able to keep a straight face was beyond me. Squeak from Russia all you want, man up and come back to the USA. People have been known to get themselves lost in Russia once Putin's done with them. And they're Russians! Just sayin', little boy.

  7. Maple7:25 AM

    Giving his wife the brushoff tells you everything you need to know about this teabagger.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Yup. Like she was annoying fly. I wish she had grabbed his armed and twisted the shit out of it right there.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM


    3. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

      In the second photo above, he's blocking Lorraine from the camera while she pushes the clueless scarecrow further away from him. You can see her hand/arm holding her at bay.
      And he had questions about Booker's sexuality? Lorraine married down, wish she'd wake up and leave him.

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Some thoughts about Sarah's endorsements:
    1. Sarah endorses some candidates in order to justify her PAC
    2. Sarah endorses candidates in order to appear at a rally
    3. The Establishment GOP turned its back on Sarah, so she is stuck with the fringe candidates. That's OK because if her candidate won, she would have to keep supporting him/her, show up at rallies and donate.
    4. It's easy to have a ghost writer provide the facebook post.
    5. Sarah needs to stay visible in order to attract donations to her PAC. This is the least political effort than she can make.
    6. When YOU go to vote, do you really care who endorsed the candidate that you are going to vote for?

  9. "The Establishment GOP turned its back on Sarah, so she is stuck with the fringe candidates."
    This is especially comical when you consider the clown parade attending the republican leadership conference. If those are the "establishment" candidates, Palin's picks must be somewhere well past fringe and all the way to howling at the moon crazy.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      You will get no argument from me, Nefer!

    2. Oops! I meant to reply to Anonymous 7:36 am.and their excellent summation of the value of Palin's endorsements!

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      When is $he going to endorse an Alaska candidate for gov or US Senate? Bwhahaha

    4. Anonymous11:49 AM

      9:52 No one in Alaska wants the Palin endorsement - which they know to be the kiss of death!

      She is no longer favored in Alaska. Their Republican party has even pulled away from her!

      Alaskans know too many things about her and they have proven her to be a liar and fraud! As is her husband, Todd, who has the two-toned dick and is a proven pimp! ("Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey Tripp)

  10. F U McCain7:44 AM

    Okay, So I know this is totally ot but I was thinking this weekend:

    Why is Brisdull so hideous?

    And, while there are many examples, I think the most egregious is her FALSE CLAIM of RAPE by Levi.

    Let's all take a moment.




    Brisdull has used creative writing to get away with things before but this is beyond the pale.

    You see, She was hired by Candie's to speak about ABSTINENCE.


    what the fuck does ABSTINENCE have to do with RAPE????????

    You see my point?

    If Brisdull were DATE raped by Levi-

    Wouldn't she be speaking out about DATE RAPE??

    DATE RAPE is incredibly prevalent and is exacerbated with the addition of alcohol.

    But Brisdull couldn't give one shit about date rape because she only thinks of herself - and she wasn't raped.

    Cue the video of her telling Greta (while holding tripp) that abstinence is unrealistic.

    Brisdull really seemed to embrace the fact that she was a sexually active teen on that interview.

    Took a ghostwriter to mangle the wine cooler - date rape debacle.

    So, that is why Brisdull Palin is fucking scum.


    Thanks for letting me get that off my buxom bosom! ;)

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      The rotten fruit does not fall far from the withered tree.

    2. F U McCain8:25 AM

      Two more things:

      Brisdull called tripp a "mistake".

      You are not raped "by mistake"-
      You forget to take your birth control.

      If Levi raped Brisdull, Why didn't she file any charges against him?

      Are we to let RAPE slide if it is a boyfriend? If it results in pregnancy?

      Levi needs to challenge Brisdull on this evil allegation.

      Can he get his custody lawyer to call this as a character assassination?

      And therefore could they subpoena their friends from the infamous night of tents and winecoolers?

      Brisdull is accusing Levi of a FELONY!


      You can NOT throw rape allegations around with no consequence!

      It harms every single rape victim.

      Seriously, though, it speaks to her character and her lack of maturity or knowledge of consequences.

      If she can lie about her son's dad raping her just to take the criticism away from her for being a sexually active teen-

      What WON'T she lie about?

      Is that who you want having custody of your son?

      Teasing him how to treat others and conduct themselves in the world?

      She's a mentally unstable narcissist and the judge in the custody case should be aware of all of this.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Just like her mother with the "wild ride" story, Bristol didn't figure out the import of her words.

      She wanted to show that she wasn't sleeping around, so she alleged that Levi raped her. But this "rape" didn't result in baby Tripp. He came along much later. Levi wasn't continually raping her -- she clearly consented to sex multiple times.

      But she couldn't admit that she purposely got pregnant, or she would no longer be a passive victim. nor could she euchre megabucks from Candies.

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM


      I agree. The rape description was top of her hideous ugly list. I also put her effigy of Levi when she shot him to smithereens for Tripp's memory album. Hideous, most of all because so much of what she does is aimed toward Tripp with the penchant to disparage his bio-father. For Tripp to have this record of his family is sick and hideous. They think they are loving him? There are so many hideous Bristol moments I can't list them all. That set up at the bounce place with Tripp when Levi was to have stood Tripp up. That is another top of the hideous list. You can add cruel, sadistic and ugly to the hideous.

      I think Nancy as Bristol is hideous ughly to flake out on their blog when the 'Pregnant Woman to Be Hanged for Her Christianity' is posted. It is over a week an no one is bothering to comment or no one is monitoring or cares to activate the post's concerns. A big FU from the Palins to the Christian lady who may be dead. Hideous, hideous people do that blog.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM


      You can NOT throw rape allegations around with no consequence!

      She obviously did. Why are there never any consequences for Palins?

    6. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Awesome thought!
      Yes, date rape is a huge problem and she would have been a better candidate for that, given her official story lie.
      Yeah, we should start asking her about that. A lot.

    7. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I see Bristol's compassion for the victims of the California shooter are profound (not). She should learn about what had been going on at UCSB, near Isla Vista, in regard to women pre-massacre. Raptist are a problem and women weren't safe. The massacre hit both sexes. The shooter's problems and why he attacked only compound the long on going issues for women. Bristol says there is no war on women but she wrote about being 'raped' (however she clouded that word) as if she was a victim of a man and her warrior-self was battling back by calling her 'rapist' out. Bristol claims she is not afraid of life. She paints herself as if she is in a war. It takes strategy for a boy or a man to set up a target and fill them (against their will) with an intoxicant in order to take advantage of them. Bristol made it sound like she was a victim of a war on a woman.

      Any female that suggests rape when it was not rape deserves to be publicly called out one way or another. Most of all someone with the history and false press she gets about her so-called accomplishments and lifestyle. She's a spokesperson to help unwed teens and single mothers. An example for remaining re-virgined and abstinent. She worked hard as a dancer and doing a skin job in Anchorage. Her ploy when she acts like she could consider to run for an office was never retracted, so she still has her political claims out there. Her false narrative about her resumes and her do-good blog of Christian life. What can't she do to lead young women and youth to follow in her Christian footsteps?

      She needs to get on the ball. Serious and effectively she must clear up her book where she indicates she was 'raped' by the father of her baby. That is one of the worst and a most hideous mistakes on Bristol Palins part.

    8. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Bristol wanted to fuck more than Levi did. Levi is the victim, not Bristol. Bristol begged for a baby, even though she has no clue of how to care for one. Has Bristol claimed Rape for all of her other Pregnancies?

    9. Anita Winecooler4:44 PM

      The tent wasn't the only time they had sex, she admitted as much in her book when she said she lost her moral compass, didn't listen to Mama Dearest, and kept having sex with Levi because he bought her nice things, and she thought it would keep him around.
      The way she tells it, it was a one time thing and she got pregnant.

      "Pause before You Play" was her brilliant idea. Pausing does nothing and equating intercourse with "play" sends the wrong message. But she found her moral compass, got herself forgiven, and ran to the plastic surgeon, realtor, reality tee vee, and pontoon boat dealer each time a check cleared.

    10. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Don't forget Bristol and Sarah with Oprah. Sarah was so close to her daughter she had no clue she was constantly fecking her stud or studs. Had Sarah known she would have prayed more, I suppose.

      One of the more hilarious Oprah moments --- when she couldn't believe the hair! It must have been before Willow was hard at work on her hair career.

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    He's a dick politician. A dick husband. A dick power-hungry candidate. She's a dick also too. Don't know much about that district, but I sure hope he doesn't have any chance there.

    1. F U McCain8:27 AM

      Your reply made me think of Sandra Bullocks character in The Heat when she finally curses at those guys.

      "You're just a bunch of Dicks! And. ..ffucks.

      A bunch of Dick Ffucks!

      ... Not you, sir."


  12. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    I guess you must have been day-dreaming or throwing spit balls during your high school American history classes, because you have a risible grasp of basic history..

    The United States of America was established before the Industrial Revolution, before railroads, before most canals; people stayed in one place for most of their lives, and goods were not mass produced.
    Markets were mostly agricultural. Most of the population was rural. Market towns existed to exchange agricultural products and the few goods that were produced from outside the immediate area.
    Merchants and the mercantile world were base in port cities. Only a handful of the population was involved in such trade.

    Thus, there were no special "free market principles" that were uniquely American. Just about everyone around the globe lived and worked in an economy like ours.

    You exhibit a fundamental lack of knowledge when you speak about economic and historical subjects.

    Next lesson: Keynesian theory and balanced budgets.
    Then: David Stockman and the fallacy of lower taxes.

    Please get to class on time, with several sharpened pencils and a notebook. I'm afraid you failed today's lesson.

    /s/ Ms. Crabapple

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Sarah got a D in economics.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I think that we get into some pretty messy history if we look at the kind of trade that was going on when colonies were established in North America by a number of countries: England, France, Spain, Holland. Those were the days of large European trading companies (British East India Company, the Dutch had a similar one). The colonies were the source of raw supplies that the European countries needed. We grew tobacco, indigo, rice and cotton on southern plantations, operated by African slaves from the slave trade. Ships that brought tea and china from China regularly called in Boston as part of an international trade network. The British objected to the colonists' private trade in rum, cod, slaves, and tried to tax the colonists-- one of the contributing factors in the American Revolution. We have been part of large international trade networks before the United States was formed. It's complicated, and it's a big part of our history.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Yes, 8:49 -- but Ms. Crabapple was responding, with words Ms. Palin could understand, that America was not uniquely a country based on "free market principles," at least in the simplistic way Palin alleges.
      The slave trade, foreign trade, the colonies vs. their parents -- all these are much too complicated for her tiny noggin.

  13. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Once these republican pols get on the government teat, they refuse to GO AWAY. Go get a REAL job, wife abuser. To disrespect his wife so openly, it makes me wonder what goes on behind closed doors? Maybe Fux News will find a spot for him?

  14. O/T but excellent article at Politico.

    Title: The real origins of the religious right

  15. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sarah Palin is lazy, and endorsing a candidate via facebook is the easy way out. A ghost writer (RAM?) puts together a couple of paragraphs, and if the candidate pays for Sarah to make an appearance, even better. That way, Sarah can maintain her PAC and keep collecting money from the few remaining fans who think that she is going to run for president LOL.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      While RAM may be trying to put the Palin slant on the daily FiB posts, the actual talking points or enemy of the day suggestion comes from a source higher in the Repug/TP cabal.

      RAM may be a bit smarter than Palin but there is no way she is well versed in the subjects Palin tries to pass off as her 'expertise' on just about every effin' subject on the planet. Two stupid women trying to make bog bank on the backs of a bunch of gullible no-nothings.

  16. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Conservative Lead on Social and Economic Ideology Shrinking

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I am thankful that Repubs like the Bush dynasty, Chaney and others can not distance themselves or the GOP from Sarah Palin. She represents all of them because they can't tell the truth about her and they are complicit in her crimes.

      Of course, John McCain has the face of Sarah Palin for all of history and eternity.

      The longer and the more they all cover up the Palin crimes the better for the world. Her face is the GOP and she is going down.

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Sure is an ass to his wife! And, the photo of Palin sending him a kiss, literally makes me want to barf! She's wearing the Belmonts at the occasion! Up and down and down and up - we just never know about the physical appearance of white trash Sarah Palin!

    The guy has been given the kiss of death AGAIN! Hope he loses big time!

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      That she is, wearing the Belmonts. Totally unnatural looking, whatever they're made of.

  18. Anonymous9:01 AM

    O/T but Gryphen, this guy is scummier by the day!

    EDWARD SNOWDEN: 'I Was Trained As A Spy'

    ..."I'm in the process of taking steps to change my appearance," Snowden said, allaying concerns Greenwald and Poitras had about leaving the Mira Hotel without being noticed by other reporters. "I can make myself unrecognizable."

    Read more:

    Edward Snowden Says The US Stranded Him In Russia — Here Are 4 Problems With That Claim

    Read more:

    Two Top Cold War Spies Made The Same Troubling Prediction About Edward Snowden

    Read more:

    Inside the Mind of
    Edward Snowden

    In a wide-ranging and revealing interview, Brian Williams talks with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about the global impact and debate sparked by his revelations.

  19. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Palin is the most unprofessional supposed politician in the universe! Sending the guy a puckered up kiss is the height of stupidity! Can you imagine Michelle Bachmann or Hillary Clinton doing that?

    She has no class - everything is sexual - look, the Belmonts are on again in those photos!

    She is nothing more than an embarrassment to our country! And, did you notice she was not named in the Top 100 Women today? (again!)

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      the most unprofessional supposed politician

      YES! And I love it that she represents people like Jeb Bush, even Barbara and the rest of them. Oh yeah, never speak the truth about the Palin because she is you (GOP). Sarah Palin is the rogue, maverick leader of all Republicans.

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Of course she would blow him a kiss!!
      When she though she was speaking with Nicholas Sarcozy she actually said
      "John McCain and I LOVE YOU"
      She said this to a foreign head of state (well, really to two Canadian disc jockeys) but SHE believed she was speaking to Sarcozy.

      The burns.

  20. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sarah's favorite publication makes an ass of itself:

    The Blaze Mocks Sexual Assault With A Series Of 'RAPE!' Skits (VIDEO)

  21. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Take THAT Sarah and Karl!

    Most Americans Didn't Like Rove's Comments On Hillary's 'Traumatic Brain Injury'

    Anyone subscribing to the idea that Karl Rove is engaging in some devilishly smart politics by going out of his way to talk about Hillary Clinton's health and age might want to take a look at a poll that dropped Wednesday morning.

    The latest Washington Post-ABC News survey indicated that the man hailed as the "architect" of George W. Bush's two successful presidential campaigns may have outwitted himself. Two-thirds of Americans said they disapprove of Rove "raising questions" about the former secretary of state's "age and health."

    Only a quarter of respondents said they approve of Rove's comments.

    Rove has spent much of this month discussing Clinton's fitness for the presidency after he addressed her late-2012 hospitalization at a conference in California. He insisted that he never said Clinton had "brain damage," but contended that it's fair game to talk about a would-be candidate's health.

    On Monday, Rove was at it again, calling Clinton is "old and stale."

  22. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Look at their daughter's face -- she's standing on the left in the photograph -- she seems sad but not surprised by her father's physical rebuff of her mother. That's all we need to see of their family dynamic, and a good reason not to vote for someone who isn't shy about being a bully in public.

  23. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Her pose and facial expression in the second photo is of course a mainstay of her long grift. The dimwitted codgers on the right think she is pursing her lips for them. What a whore.

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    He doesn't seem too pleased when Sarah's touching his arm, either.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      No, He does not.

  25. Anonymous9:55 AM

    That's probably Lonegan's daughter on his other side. Notice what happens to her smile and her eyes when she witnesses the brushoff.

    1. Her bright-eyed smile became forced as she held back a sneer. Lonegan's daughter was obviously embarrassed and disgusted at her father's behavior, but she did her best to keep smiling to maintain the illusion of a good "family values" candidate's happy family.

      Lonegan is an asshole, and this .gif is all the evidence required to prove it as fact.

  26. Anonymous10:03 AM

    How come Sarah Palin is endorsing everybody under the sun but Sarah won't run for a Senate seat or for president?

    Sarah don't be scurred.
    You can do it!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Sarah is scurred she would be embarrassed plus she frightened to show her health records and afraid to debate anybody.

  27. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Sarah Palin will show up at Steve Lonegan's rally but Sarah Palin DIDN'T show up at the Freedom convention and fair held 1 1/2 miles from her house in her hometown Wasilla.

    Is it because the Freedom convention won't pay her or is Sarah afraid to speak in Wasilla?

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Yes and yes.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Si and Si

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Da i Da comrad

    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Sarah Palin is scared to death of Alaskans. She knows she is no longer favored in the state and has little support from the Alaska Republican party!

      She doesn't appear in Juneau - very rarely in Anchorage and rarely in our own home town - she doesn't come off the compound and dead lake when in Wasilla, AK!

      She's a chicken shit hiding behind her computer and the compound! What a friggin' farce!

    5. Anonymous1:07 PM

      11:37, we'll take that as a oui.

    6. PalinsHoax3:08 PM

      You betcha & you betcha!

  28. Anonymous10:57 AM

  29. Anonymous11:00 AM

  30. Anonymous11:55 AM

    The primary election is next week. It sure took Sarah long enough to jump into this race, especially since Lonegan is a candidate she stumped for last year in the Senate race against Booker.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:00 PM

      She's a learnin' Bristol with index cards how to lie believably in court, kind of a crash course in victimhood with two heavy dashes of vap o rub under the eyes, between pedicures and trips to chic fil a and hobby lobby.

    2. F U McCain6:09 PM

      Well, Anita, it is that busy family that keeps Sarah from running for president and saving the republic!

  31. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Where are the Palin robocalls this week? Some of these tea party types rilly need her hep!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Don't forget about Todd. Todd is instrumental in making robocalls for the Tea bangers. Did they ever get back from their Memorial day vacation?

  32. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Just another lazy conservative Palin crony who refuses to get a real job. The Australians have a saying: "Wouldn't work in an iron lung." That's them. Palin and co won't lift a finger to earn their own money while there's all that OPM available for grifting.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      You are so right. At his concession speech (where he pushed his wife's hand off of him) he was quoted as saying: "I'll return to the private sector and put my money where my mouth is and try to build a business and create jobs. And I think my wife probably likes to hear that."

      He sure didn't try very long, did he?

  33. Anonymous3:53 PM

    If you want to see Steve Lonegan in campaign mode, watch Anytown, USA, a documentary about his mayoral race in Bogota.

  34. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

    How lazy (and stupid) can one grifter get? She's basically endorsing a candidate using her facebook page. And why would Sarah pick this loser once again? She "thinks" no one else is paying attention to her, but they are!
    I would LOVE to see Lorraine invite Sarah to a picnic. Lorraine doesn't look too "pleased" in any photo with Sarah. What better way to make amends than a family dinner. My money's on Lorraine's aim in the cast iron frying pan toss. It's a famous local game played in Bogota for generations. New Jersey girls may not pump their own gas, but they sure as hell have strong arms and good aim!

  35. Also, too, an inconvenient fact re: Lonegan. He was the mayor of Bogota NJ, which is a small town in North Jersey near NYC. BUT he could never win a congressional race in that area. He moved to South Jersey recently so that he could run from there for the 3rd district.


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