Saturday, May 31, 2014

Remember that guy who stole the memorial sign for the Sandy Hook victim? Yeah, well they threw his ass in jail.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A Virginia man who claims the massacre of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut never took place has been arrested after stolen memorial signs for two 7-year-old victims were found in his home, police said. 

A sign honoring victim Chase Kowalski had been removed from a playground in Mantoloking, New Jersey, and another, in memory of Grace McDonnell, was taken from a playground in Mystic, Connecticut. 

Both signs were found on Friday at the Herndon, Virginia, residence of Andrew David Truelove, 28, and he was arrested on a charge of receiving stolen property, Herndon Police Chief Maggie DeBoard told reporters. 

She said police tracked down Truelove after he emailed a reporter who had written about the thefts and the journalist passed along information to investigators. 

Grand theft charges for removing the memorial signs are pending in Connecticut and New Jersey, DeBoard said. 

Truelove told police he is one of the so-called “truthers” who do not believe the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook School actually happened. In the incident, one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history, gunman Adam Lanza, 20, a former student at the elementary campus, killed 20 children and six adults before taking his own life.

This is apparently the outcome when people believe that the right to own guns is more important than the lives of children.

I was amazed at how many people got caught up in the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.

I also hate the fact that crazy people like this undermine efforts to expose ACTUAL conspiracies or unrevealed facts about things we think we know.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Perhaps the police should show this jerk the autopsy photos. Whether or not he believes it, those photos will be in his brain forever.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      That is a brilliant idea. I hope they do that. It will sear into his consciousness for the rest of his life. Let him live with those nightmares until he begs for mercy.

      He should also be assigned to community service for cleaning up gun crime scenes where children are murdered. He should also be forced to publicly apologize to all the parents that lost children at Sandy Hook.

      Damn, he's a real fuckwad.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      He'll just say the parents were in on it, paid well by Obama. I've seriously read comments to that effect. It's insane.

    3. Anonymous5:00 AM

      I had an ex who believed like things. He upheld that on 9/11 the government got all the people to lie that their loved ones called them from the plane that went down in PA. He insisted the government shot the plane down and everyone lied to hide the fact. It became evident the narcissist personality disorder pathological liar ex believed everyone was like him who would destroy people, manipulate people with lies (like Charles Manson) to do his dirty work.

      Red flags wave about anyone to me who are convinced a small town would collude with the government, orchestrate fake murders to get what they wanted. I wager the guy that stole the signs is projecting.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Off topic
    Remember that guy that thought Sarah was qualified to be the VP? No not Joe Miller, John McCain!

    Well he knows just who he wants to head the VA. Tom "C Street" Coburn!

    1. Apparently McCain mistakenly thinks he is the President. McCain doesn't get to nominate the next head of the V. A. Given his choice, thank god!

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "Truelove"...more like "Truecvnt" I'm betting he's also a Holocaust denied and believes that the moon landing was filmed in a movie studio.

    he ought to be committed involuntarily and "baptized."

    1. There's one down below. I'm sure he denies the Holocaust and has "proof" the moon landing was faked.

      Probably keeps his coffee in a locked container in his locked refrigerator in his bunker.

    2. Welcome to Wonderland7:52 PM

      Damn woman, for somebody who claims to have 2 masters degrees and knows how to use them, please prove it to us.

      I am trying to have an open, honest debate about the facts that are in the public record, on what we are apparently on opposite sides of and you keep making lame comments about me, someone you know nothing about other than I disagree with you on this matter.

      What are you so afraid of ? Are you so comfortable in your ignorance that you use it as a safety net ? You lob insults with absolutely nothing to back it up.

      If you are not afraid of the facts, I encourage you and others to read and view the Official Investigation Report, that was included in a Friday document dump right before the Christmas Break, and then come talk to me.

      I have read and viewed this information many times since it was released and until you do the same, you are not qualified for this debate.

      Word on the street, where I have actually been, is that Sandy Hook had been closed for years before this event. Watch some of the videos and look at some of the pictures contained in the report and then try to tell me that it looks like that place was open for business.

      Where is the blood ? For all the carnage that supposedly happened that day, why isn't there pools of blood everywhere ? Why are the clothes that Adam Lanza was supposedly wearing when he shot himself in the head, blood free ?

      Go to Google Earth, like I did, then explain to me why every other school in the area had buses and cars in the parking lot but Sandy Hook looked deserted. These photos were taken BEFORE the shooting.

      Do a simple background check on the purported victims and you find people with multiple aliases and people that do not exist in the public record.

      I could go on and on, but until you at least attempt to get up to speed, you are not worthy of any more of my time.

      This is the link to the official report.

      Read it and view it, THEN you can tell everyone on this blog, how, in your great wisdom, you have come to the conclusion that everything that the local and federal officials claim happened, is clearly represented in that report.Good luck with that one Grasshopper.

      I have done "my" homework. It's time for others to do "theirs" or just sit on the sidelines while people who have done their research can discuss the subject on a factual level like adults.

      It's 11:36 PM where I am sitting and I am going to call it a night. I will return tomorrow evening to see if the potential for an intelligent debate still exists, if so, I have no problem discussing this further and in more depth.

      Good night all.

    3. You are still fool

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    saw this child's parents on the news the next night and could not believe how calm and peaceful and unangry they were. If my baby was torn up and murdered by bullets, in no way would I be able to do the interview they did. They have a strong faith and believe their angel is in heaven. I guess that is how they coped and such. As an atheist, I would be only angry that this had happened. I just thought it was a really bizarre interview and foreign reaction. No anger whatsoever. Maybe it was medicine??

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      I suspect that they were simply in complete shock.

      Often tragic incidents take some time to fully come to consciousness, years sometimes, and then it hits like a brick wall. You stay in disbelief for awhile, even though you know intellectually that it happened, it takes awhile to catch up emotionally when it is such a huge blow to one's being.

      I have seen it happen time and time again, and it's what I experienced when I had major loss and trauma in my own life. It takes a while to completely sink in that you live in a new reality when someone is ripped from your life. A reality that they are no longer a part of...even though you keep looking for them, listening for them, wanting to hold them, hear their voice...but they're gone.

  5. Good. The more of these nut cases they throw in jail the better. Don't believe something happened? Fine. Defacing public property because you don't believe in said public memorial? Not ok. Hopefully it's a felony, asshole.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Thanks, Fox channel, for turning millions of our otherwise decent citizens, into scared, misinformed lunatics.

    People who hate their President, and the entire American government, but who still see themselves as "patriots."

    People who hate the poor and the sick, but who attend church and feel very Christian-like.

    People who regularly use the words "nigger," "kike," "fag," and "raghead," but who start the sentence with "I'm not a racist or a bigot, but..." (which makes whatever follows, okay).

    There have always been crazy people...but Fox has made it an epidemic, by encouraging the absolute worst in people.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      excellent points, 3:40.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Some of the fox fuckers got rich doing it. For shame.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      >>but Fox has made it an epidemic, by encouraging the absolute worst in people.

      You are absolutely right about that, and then it's perpetuated on Facebook and Twitter and other internet sites and it grows like a tumor. Like minded seek like minded to act out their rage and fear and prejudice and racism and hate, while Fox stokes those fires with innuendo, outright lies, smarmy reporting and plants seeds of fear and doubt every chance they get.

      They've done more to destroy this country than anything in my lifetime and I've been here since the early 50's. I've watched otherwise good and kind people turn in to Islamophobes, bigots, racists, fear mongering, close minded drones that I don't recognize anymore. Parents, grandparents, full of seething hate and judgement that they never had before they started to watch the toxic spew on Fox.

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    O/T but this is pretty entertaining G.

  8. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Conservative Christian Candidate Calls Creationism A ‘Scientific Theory’ In Race For Top Education Post In South Carolina

  9. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    He kept these memorial photos for what? Souvenirs? Anyone who finds joy in the grief and pain of others deserves jail, With the ministers of bigotry and hate loose on cable tv, facebook, the airwaves, we'll need a hell of a lot more jails, which means more jobs for the economy and fewer of these hate filled shit cannoli's on the streets.

  10. It really is time SOMEONE invented the sure for stupid.

    1. There is. It's called The Darwin Award. Unfortunately not everyone can win one.

  11. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Imagine if these Open Carry activists in Texas were Black (images)

    ...It was in May of 1967 that two dozen members of the Black Panthers walked into the California Statehouse carrying rifles in protest of a gun-control bill. That action prompted then-Gov. Ronald Reagan to comment, “There’s no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.”

    It’s now 2014 and predominately white organizations like the Open Carry groups in Texas feel it necessary to enter restaurants where children are eating with their families in protest of gun laws. Now imagine if their groups consisted largely of black members and they approached motorists on busy streets with rifles strapped to their backs.

    Whatever the race, intimidation is illegal. The difference is, one group was black, the other is white.

    Imagine black people holding loaded rifles with signs reading, “Come and take it.”

    1. Bet all those open carry nuts worship St. Ronnie too.

      But like the Bible, they pick and choose which scripture they like and which they'll suppress.

  12. Anonymous9:25 PM

    See, I'll take it a step further. I think the guy should be released since I don't even believe those memorial signs exist. I think that the lamestream media just created those signs in photoshop to trick Americans into thinking there were real signs.

  13. Anonymous10:24 PM

    9:25....another one that needs a keeper.

  14. They are so angry that the government is faking all of the so-called mass gun shootings to promote the librul anti-gun agenda that it's making the truthers seriously consider a mass gun shooting of their own, in retaliation...

  15. Welcome to Wonderland7:00 AM

    This is a test post to see if the G-man is censoring/deleting my posts on this subject or if it is the G-men that are doing it.

    If intelligent alternative views are actually welcome on this blog, I will be back later this evening, east coast time, to see if I am being blocked, if not, I will be offering $500.00 to the first person that can provide any credible evidence whatsoever that Sandy Hook was anything other than a staged event.

    Do your homework and find your best evidence that it did happen and I will be back with overwhelming evidence that it didn't happen.

    I will gladly paypal whomever it is decided has provided ample proof to have won this challenge.

    This is not a bet. You are risking nothing. I have my money, along with my credibility on the line. I put it out there every day because the truth DOES matter.

    If this post does make it through, let's make this real interesting and either bump this thread to the top of the page or present it in a thread of it's own.

    1. People like you can never be convinced they are wrong. No matter how much proof is provided.

      Give me your address and I'll mail you another roll of tin foil.

    2. Welcome to Wonderland6:39 PM

      People like me, who have done hundreds of hours of research and actually have family right down the road from where this "DRILL" took place.

      Could you please tell the readers exactly how many minutes or seconds you have invested in getting to the bottom of what "really happened out there that day.

      Why don't you enlighten us on what credible evidence you have uncovered to support your opinion ?

      Talk is cheap. I am putting my money where my mouth is. What are you willing to put up? So far it's nothing but a couple of asinine, ignorant comments.

      Bring it or get out of the comment business. It entertains no one but yourself.

  16. Truther. Just another name for moron.

    1. Welcome to Wonderland6:45 PM

      The Gospel according to the "Book of Sheeple".

      I have no idea if you are now a regular on this blog, but back in the day, when I was a daily visitor, you certainly wouldn't have made the cut.

    2. No fool prove it

    3. You are still wrong

  17. Welcome to Wonderland6:07 PM

    I am back, just as I promised. I just put $500.00 in my debit card account. I am ready and willing to send it to a neutral third party of the blog regulars choosing, as long as this person has an established online business with an impeccable rating.

    I need to be certain that my money will be returned if nobody can provide reasonable credible evidence that Sandy Hook involved the actual killing of innocent school children. If there are any suggestions as to another acceptable option, I will be willing to listen.

    It's not that I don't trust Gryphen to hold the money, but being that he appears to have already chosen a side in the debate, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to have a tiny bit of concern that my money might get held up for some reason. If he will provide some sort of assurance where I would have no worries about getting my money back once this exercise has ended, I will listen to that option also.

    For the record, $500.00 is a lot of money to me. I am a 50+ yr. old self employed blue collar worker that will probably have to work until the day I die. I am willing to risk losing it because I am 99.999% positive that it will never happen.

    My father lives in a town right down the road from Sandy Hook / Newtown and the DRILL that occurred on that day is the worst kept secret in those parts but everyone is petrified to speak in public about it. It was down right creepy to be talking to people, when there was no one else around, that would start whispering as soon as I started asking what should have been simple questions to answer.

    As soon as I started doing some in depth research, the official story crumbled like a house of cards and there is no doubt in my my mind that any reasonable person will come to the same conclusions that I have when presented with the same set of facts that I am working with.

    I realize that no one can provide pictures of dead bodies or autopsy photos because they simply do not exist. We will need to establish a set of parameters where common sense and a preponderance of the evidence will be where the bar will be set, much the same as an intelligent, objective person not needing to have been sitting next to Sarah Palin on her "wild ride" to know that it simply doesn't pass the giggle/smell test and more likely than not, DID NOT happen.

    I prefer an honest, intelligent debate, but after reading a few of the responses posted since I posted mine this morning, that's probably not going to happen which is fine by me, but be prepared to receive return fire if that is the way in which you choose to defend your position.

    Also, I haven't had a chance to research it fully, like I will in the coming days, but this whole sign thing already has me ready to call bullshit on this one. I am tempted to offer another $100.00 to anyone that can provide proof of being able to find the personal phone numbers of "any" of the purported parents of the victims, let alone the 2 families that you just happened to steal the signs associated with.

    A lot of common sense is required to get to the bottom of any of these false flags and I refuse to throw that out the window when researching them. I go where the facts take me, not where I want them to take me.

    Let's do this !!!

  18. Welcome to Wonderland6:02 PM

    Oh well, I came back to defend my opinion with cold hard facts but everyone seems to have moved on to more important things than finding out that they are being punked on a scale so large that it would probably destroy any hope they have for their children's future.

    This is exactly why they can and will continue to pull this kind of shit, over and over, because everyone is so convinced that if Sandy Hook had really been faked, they would have somehow found out about it.

    Well gang, some people did find out about it and they are shouting it from the rooftops, but you are just too smart to listen.

    Sandy Hook is the low hanging fruit of the fake massacres and you can literally find proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, in under 30 minutes, that it couldn't have possibly been a real shooting.

    When people aren't even the least bit curious to find out what a "Sandy Hook Truther" is screaming and pointing at, why do any of you continue to cling to the hope that Sarah Palin will someday get outed for faking her pregnancy.

    At the root level, her hoax is no different than any of them and the same people that will never let the Palin story be told are the same ones that are keeping the lid on Sandy Hook and all the other fake shootings and the proof is only a few clicks away, but apparently, that is a bridge too far.

    There are far more people that know Sandy Hook was a hoax than there are people who know the truth about Trig Palin and there is far more smoking gun proof of the Sandy Hook hoax than there will ever be about anything Palin related, yet most of you haven't even bothered to take a peek at the evidence.

    Can any of you really expect to get someone to listen to any of your ridiculous sounding stories when you have just proven that you are unwilling to listen, when the stories are coming from someone else.

    If nothing else, I think I have helped you guys figure out why "your" little Truther Tale has been stuck in park for such a long, long time.

    Good night Crickets

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Good night Crazy


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