Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sarah Palin is now conducting boring interviews for Guns and Ammo?

Okay so the guy in the middle of the picture is Sgt. Dakota Meyer, who just received the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor.

Apparently his reward for that is to be subjected to a truly banal interview by Sarah Palin.

Here are a sampling of the questions she supposedly asked:  

Now that you’re out of active duty, what are your short- and long-term goals? 

While you were serving our country, what was your favorite or most valuable experience?

ZZZZ. Oh sorry, nodded off there for a bit.

Of course this is Guns and Ammo, so there must be a few questions know...guns and ammo.  

You grew up in the outdoors and value the traditions of American sportsmen. What can we do to get others involved in the hunting, shooting and the outdoor lifestyle? 

How can we get more people involved in firearms and to realize shooting them is a safe and healthy sport? 

What was the first gun you ever fired and when? 

"Does your daddy load your guns for you when you go hunting?"

Sorry I added that last one. 

The answers to those questions are just as boring as the questions. In fact the entire "interview" feels like it was conducted by e-mail and only attributed to Palin in order to attract interest.

But here's my question.

Just how many phones does this crazy woman own?

Okay so now that Palin's fake reality show is coming to an end, and Fox News is essentially done with her, is she now down to freelancing as a reporter for whatever Right Wing magazine will give her a couple of dollars?


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Nothing says the "great outdoors" like clutching one's cell phone (Roger Ailes might be returning her call!) and making sure you're always connected to wireless service;

    And, WTF is Todd doing in this scenario? When I was a reporter, I didn't have an assistant trailing along behind me;

    And why is she wearing camo for a magazine interview? And why accessorize with a pink scarf, which vitiates the entire need for camo, if she had needed to play hide-and-seek?

    1. FuckTheNRA7:04 AM

      For the Tundra Turd, camo isn't functional; it's an accessory just like "her" guns, and I'm not talking about muscles.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      It's just plain creepy that Todd is constantly by her side when she's "working". Weird!

    3. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Look the former governor of Alaska. Both of the Feckers!

    4. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Anonymous 6:38 said:

      "And, WTF is Todd doing in this scenario? When I was a reporter, I didn't have an assistant trailing along behind me;"

      Anonymous 6:38 you seem too have forgotten, that son of a bitch Todd had to trail that son of a bitch Sarah as co-mayor and co-governor. Todd had to sit in on that dumbass mayor Sarah meetings and Todd was the acting co-governor and had to be cc on her e-mails as well as the people working for Gov Sarah also answered to Todd. That's why Todd is seen shadowing Sarah at this interview, graduations, New York and just about everywhere Sarah goes.

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Todd is her "handler". Sarah is mentally ill and Todd is there to wrangle her when she goes off the rails or forgets who she is and what her tasks for the day are.

    6. Olivia7:47 AM

      Toad is merely there for the paycheck. His presence is as pointless as the pink scarf and camo.

    7. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Well, Toad can't be too dumb, he is wearing boots ready for all the BS $carah will be spouting.

    8. Sometimes he seems to be keeping her upright, yet she's been seen in airports alone. I suppose it depends on the level and type of medication and where she is in her bipolar (?) cycle.

    9. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Because Sarah Palin is a fake. Everything about that photo says FAKE FAKE FAKE

    10. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Yes, read Bailey’s book. He writes that every day she was governor her staff was informed by Todd as to her “mood.” I can’t even imagine our ex-governors Tony Knowles or even Murkowski needing their wives to call the office to let staff know the governors’ moods! Palin is definitely mentally ill. Whether it is bi-polar or whatever, she is not to be on her own for any length of time obviously. It also explains her poor parenting and the obvious lack of personality in her kids. They are traumatized people. They were never exposed to even-tempered or rational parenting. Levi’s descriptions of the Palin household are spot on. To think this woman was actually a VP candidate defies all reality.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I've never seen any other interviewer clutching their own phone constantly. Sarah must be waiting for the next story on IM !
    Sarah and her need for the security blanket of her phone is a true sign of mental illness.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Sarah keeps insulting President Obama, and she is waiting for his phone call to apologize to her. No, Sarah was always photographed holding two Blackberries, even when she was governor. She was photographed going into some fancy banquet clutching her Blackberry, while other people put it in their pocket or purse.

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Dear Sarah,
    Sportsmen, and women, around the globe go hunting. There's nothing specially "American" about it. It's been an occupation since the days of the caveman.
    /s/ A Neanderthal

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      She can't hit the broad side of a barn!

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Oh how the self proclaimed mighty warrior Queen Esther has fallen. Pardon my shit-eating grin..........

    1. I think she was heading toward some sort of televangelism, but she burned that bridge with her careless baptism/waterboarding comment. It would take a pretty dense rube to follow her now.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      I have to disagree with you. She can't go in the religious direct because she can't remember any bible verses.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Why doesn't the Sgt. wear sunglasses all the time, as Sarah and Todd do?

    1. FuckTheNRA7:01 AM

      They wear them to hide their dilated pupils. The sarge probably doesn't have that "affliction."

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Because he was Photoshop'ed in ? I'll bet he's never even met the Palins.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Because they are Hollywood celebs now, of course!

    4. Anonymous8:13 AM

      In their own heads!

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    It's not a scarf, it's her shirt/jacket. My guess is it's what she showed up with and they made her wear the camp outfit for the photo op.

    I think she's using the iPhone in the last picture as a voice recorder. Or staging it to look this way, as I doubt she actually conducted an interview, took notes and wrote something. Probably beyond her capabilities at this point in her life.

    Also, on the last picture, my god does she look old. Where has her jaw gone? She looks like a senior citizen without their dentures on.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      It's from all the work she's had done and why, in some pics taken when she's speaking, her mouth looks like a donkey braying.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      We have seen dozens, hundreds, no, thousands of TV people interview someone. Not one of them holds a cell phone to record what they are saying. The TV camera which records the interview holds the playback. If Sarah was an actual reporter who was going to write an article about the guy, she would record the interview. But we know that Sarah does not write anything longer than 140 characters. She maybe staging the look of recording the interview, but no one who does an on-air interview holds a cell phone at the same time. Palin was also holding a cell phone when she posed for photos with the Duck Dynasty. Was she interviewing them, too?

    3. PalinsHoax9:25 AM

      "But we know that Sarah does not write anything longer than 140 characters."

      What's a character?
      ~ $arah

    4. I think you're close, Anonymous 6:57 AM, about what the purpose of the phone(s) in the pictures/during the interview.

      The questions, and possibly even the answers, were on the screen of the phone. No one believes that "GovSP" came up with those questions on her own, do they?

    5. Yo! Palin Sux!3:45 PM

      Good point.

      She recorded his answers and gave the phone to RAM to write up the interview.

      Her and todd are a package deal. No one blinks when she wants to bring him. They have worKed (ha!) To keep the ruse of todd and Sarah alive and well.

      Only we knOw how much they care about each other. ;)

  7. FuckTheNRA7:00 AM

    I want to see her diploma AND transcript because honestly, I don't think she even took and journalism classes. SHE...TRULY...SUCKS...AT...IT!!

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      My daughter's high school paper would produce a better interview -- and without the obvious political bias.

      She, her classmates, and real adult journalists produce great results with reporters' notebooks and pencils. Maybe Sarah can't think and write at the same time, so she needs to record every little thing.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Guns don't kill people, six year olds do. Maybe Sarah can do a firearms safety interview or two.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      We can't say it was my fault, it was my nephew's fault, it was my father's fault.

      Yup, that's a model responsible gun owner talking. Too bad the NRA couldn't supply every family picnic with a good guy with a gun to keep everyone safe.

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Maybe she throws her phones at the refrigerator (or Todd or anyone and anything) instead of cans so she goes through a lot of phones !

  10. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The questions are inane enough that she could have written them, but really, she just showed up for the photo op. 'Hold the phone like you're really asking him these stupid questions."

    F her

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      That's not really a phone it's a tiny teleprompter.

  11. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Holy crap, those are middle school interview questions!

    And how is shooting a healthy sport? Only if you're measuring health by your trigger finger.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I suppose a magazine line gunsandammo has a fixed list of questions so that an interviewer doesn't blunder into something like "tell me how exciting and stimulating it feels to blow someone away with a honking great assault rife penis extender".

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      8:54 I would dearly love to hear that question asked!

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    and in that first pic, she looks like she's freezing - the guys aren't. ANorexia will do that to you.

  13. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The photos look awkward - - Ms. SP looks like she's very cold in the 1st one and why is her hand under her chin in the last? Usually she stands very close to her co-picture posers - - - must have been an assignment that she wasn't very happy to be participating in.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      The last one looks a little flirty to me. Poor guy, was he warned that there would be crazy cougars at this shoot?

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Her hand is up in the last photo to keep her turkey neck waddle from blowing in the wind.

    3. Yo! Palin Sux!3:48 PM

      Anyone think she hides her knucklEs because she has bulimic signs?

      Bulimics bite their knucklEs and the acids start to eat away at their Fingers.

  14. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I think the corporation that owns The Sportsman's Channel also have several hunting magazines which includes Guns and Ammo. She is using a smartphone like a teleprompter to keep track of her questions. There wasn't enough room on her "palm pilot."

    And, her hair don't do: Just received a copy of Catalog Favorites this morning, there is an item V4-468 Camo Flair Hair Visor that for only $24.95 you too can have hair just like Sarah in the G & A magazine feature. And, shade your eye's at the same time.

  15. Anonymous7:31 AM

    *Toad is not wearing camouflage.
    *The guy in the center is wearing a camouflage jacket.
    *Sarah Palin is wearing a camouflage jacket and pants.



    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      You have written about 20 comments. I can tell by your bad grammar and potty mouth. I know you hate Sarah and think you are clever, but calm down girl!!

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      8:23 AM How do you know it is a girl? You are just as bad as those that you criticize.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      @8:23 am

      You have commented multiple times so why do you care if someone else does? Gryphen has no limits on comments or he wouldn't put them through. Now run along back to the peepond where they do that sort of thing.

      Sarah's whole personna is based off of photo ops. She can't shoulder a rifle, load a rifle, or shoot.

    4. Anonymous1:45 PM

      8:23, why do you care? eff off dickweed.

  16. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sarah's 50 remaining fans floating in the pond think she's the great communicator of the third millenium. Funny, cuz she never speaks to THEM.

  17. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Why is Sarah Palin so tanned? Was this interview after the Memorial weekend? Did Sarah get tanned during her well deserved vacation from writing her "I hate the Obamas" comments on her Facebook?

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I don't think it's a tan. If you look closely at the middle picture, the skin on her face is veering into John "Orange Is the New Black" Boehner territory, while her ears and hands are a totally different color than her face. It was the first thing I noticed when I looked at the picture. Good Lord, how much makeup is she wearing?!?

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      her hair and her face look orange...

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Trig is the best thing that ever happened to Sarah Palin. That must be Trig taking the pictures since Sarah would have the best thing with her.

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      That of course is why she named him Tri-G for Trisomy G for Trisomy 21.She loves him THAT MUCH!

  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    If you zoom in on the middle picture, you will notice that Sarah has her tongue out. Is that a retard thing?

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      The tongue thing can be a tic developed from long term psychiatric drug use.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      She doesn't look very happy nor comfortable in the great outdoors.

    3. Olivia8:13 AM

      She saw pics in one of Todd's sexy magazines and all the girls in various states of undress had their tongues stuck out. So, just as she tried to emulate Ivana Trump's style, she wants to appear sexy like the porn models do. She thinks she looks hot and I am sure it excites those old poopy pants men who are her fan base.

    4. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I am offended by your use of the word "retard"... people who comment o this site are usually a lot better than that!!!

      What I think is that the tongue-action is just symptomatic of her insecurity and her stupid desire to seem young and frisky. Another woman who does that is Gov. Chris Christie's wife Mary Pat- check it out, it is not attractive. At his victory celebration she marched on to the stage with the tongue out for some reason. I have nothing against Mary Pat, so I'll assume it was just nerves.

    5. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Dry mouth from drugs

    6. ibwilliamsi9:02 AM

      She's hoping to grow up to be Miley Cyrus.

    7. Anonymous10:46 AM

      8:39 I am one now that uses the word 'retard or retarded' when talking about Sarah Palin. I truly believe she is to a degree. If she'd stop acting like it, I'd stop using the word!

      I would also like to suggest her family members enter her in a mental health facility for her needs. And, the sooner the better.

      Todd would then be able to quit being her shadow - which would likely be good news to him!

    8. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Sarah called Tri-G the retarded one, so we are allowed to as well.

    9. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Sarah called Tri-G the retarded one, so we are allowed to as well.

      That has to be THE most assinine (yes I spelled it "ass') that I've seen on this thread. Please tell me you're only 7 years old?

    10. Anonymous12:58 PM

      11:52 That is a correct quote as to her referring to the one child 'as bring me the retarded one'! Levi mentioned it in his book!

    11. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Palin-"Where is my retarded baby":

    12. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Anonymous11:52 AM

      Sarah called Tri-G the retarded one, so we are allowed to as well.
      Anonymous8:39 AM Concern TROLL it is a TRUE QUOTE by your QUEEN so STFU!

    13. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Nope, I'm 50, same as Sarah.
      Even if we don't call him retarded, simple saying his real name is ALSO calling him retarded.
      Let me skool ya a sec:
      All of our chromosomes are given numbers as well as letters. Some chromosomes are grouped together. The extra chromosome in DS is chromosome 21. Back until the early 1980s, DS was called Trisomy G in the medical literature because chromosome 21 is in the "G" grouping. These babies were "affectionately" called "Tri-G babies by some medical and nursing staff.

      Now, it is probably one of the most odd coincidences on earth that Sarah named a Tri-G baby Trig. Isn't it??? The universe sure is a funny place sometimes.
      So, really sweetie, while every time his name is written or spoken, we are calling him retarded anyway.Sarah. Grizzly mama is so cleverly stoopid..
      You may do your own medical literature search if you want to verify. In fact, please do!

  20. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Hey Baldy, how goes it? You know, they have that spray-on stuff that fills in the bald spots with fake fibers. Try it, you'll like it!

  21. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Her body language is strange in all three pictures. Her arms are held close to her torso, and she seems to be hiding her boobs. She looks very insecure. I think she forgot the Belmont Girls, and she's embarrassed to show her REAL chest!

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Crossing one's arm is a sign of insecurity.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Crossing one's arms that tightly means that she is hiding something. Or, she is so tense and frightened because she cannot conduct an interview without a script in front of her. Making up the words to form a conversation is beyond her ability.

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      She still looks like a smug bitch to me!

    4. Yo! Palin Sux!3:55 PM

      She is intErviewing (no idea why my phone does that! ) a man who acTually served on the military; who acTually knows how to shoot guns. ..

      It would be like a fake chef trying to interview a world master- the fake would be shitting because they know they have to tread carefully or the jig is up.

      That's Probably also why todd is there:
      He is supposed to listen and step in to redirect the conversation if Sarah steps in it.

      Hey hey - look over here!

  22. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Is Sarah Palin shrinking at her old age? I thought she was taller.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Only when she wears 6 inch platform heels.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Her camo stripper heels are in the shop so she had to go with flat shoes.

  23. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Why is Todd with Sarah while she is supposedly doing this interview?

    Well you remember the last time Sarah interviewed the college basketball player. I guess Todd wants to make sure no funny business will happen?

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Sarah is not a desired lay anymore.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Another comment by you. Maybe you don't realize how easy your comments are to spot. You start with a question, then some stupid insult you think is funny but isn't. And usually you use bad grammar.
      Can't you make just one or two comments? I know you are enjoying yourself but you are so obvious.

    3. ibwilliamsi9:01 AM

      8:27 AM - What's your point?

      And no, I DON'T see anything particularly identifying Anon at 7:53 AM's comment. Most everyone has questions about Scarah and most everyone follows them up with a well deserved insult.

      Why don't YOU use a name?

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      7:53 Sarah Palin is no longer a sex object as to bedding her (except possibly for the old, fat, moon-bellied guys in the Republican/Teabagger party who can't get it up w/o Viagra!).

      She is also menopausal - ups and downs as to moods - perhaps no longer interested in the sex act and possibly hasn't been for a long time - explaining why Todd used/uses Shailey Tripp (prostitute - "Boys Will be Boys").

      With the nasty, cold and evil personality Sarah Palin has portrayed for the past recent years it shows she would not be a 'giver' in the sack!

      If she does it at all - bet she is nothing more than a taker and the act is all about her and not the partner (be it Todd or anyone else!).

      Plus, she is no longer an attractive woman physically - to men around her age or younger! Can you imagine her nude - w/o her Belmonts and wig? NOT a pretty thought!

    5. Yo! Palin Sux!3:57 PM

      It's a comment section...

    6. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Anonymous8:27 AM

      Another comment by you. Maybe you don't realize how easy your comments are to spot. You start with a question, then some stupid insult you think is funny but isn't. And usually you use bad grammar.
      Can't you make just one or two comments? I know you are enjoying yourself but you are so obvious.
      Wow trollbait. No meth or what?
      your are annoying with your sanctimonious attitude. We have no "blog police" here. Suggest you start your own blog where you can Censor everyone.
      And use "proper" grammar...

  24. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Caption for the last photo:

    Her: "Now that you’re out of active duty, what are your short- and long-term goals?"
    (He thinks I look more gorgeous in person. He wants me.)

    Him: "Umm, uh... oh sorry, what was your question again?"
    (OMG, I had no idea one person could wear so much makeup at one time!)

  25. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Weirdest thing about this interview? Todd Palin. Why does he have to be everywhere? Is she a hostage of his? She can't do anything without Todd being right behind her, or beside her.

    This is a first in women's professions. Having a husband beside, or standing backstage, or in the audience, or hovering around the professional in studios, being constant travel companion. Sarah Palin is in a category of professional woman all on her own. The Katie Courics, etc. who do their jobs, don't have husbands' shadows lurking a few feet away when they do their interviews, jobs, etc.

    Politicians of both sexes, Republican and Democrat, do their jobs, interviews, press conferences, jobs without spouse a few steps away at every moment. They can be seen doing their jobs and making their own way.

    This "Todd" thing (shadow spouse) who is everywhere Sarah is is very creepy. Why can't Sarah Palin handle her career alone? She's been seen in Fox Studio and even then, she'll make a reference to Todd, who is backstage. He's always there..............I'd love to know what professional journalists think about this behavior?

    1. Olivia8:15 AM

      Maybe she is doing a Michele Bachmann thing and needs the husband there to carry her purse and pick out her clothes.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Toad does not work, he is keeping track of his money maker, $carah.

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I had a student who took his girlfriend to every event we offered. I thought he was trying to interest her in the subject (she was clearly not interested). Another student told me he just wants to keep an eye on her because he doesn't trust her. That was so creepy! Now I watch couples to see if they are interacting or if he's acting more like a bodyguard/bouncer to make sure she stays in her place. Creepy.

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Todd has always been her shadow - even back to Wasilla days when she was 'acting' mayor!

      He was proven to be involved and do some of the work when she was 'quitter' governor! He got copies of all of her emails and attended committee meetings, etc.

      He knows how stupid she is and has tried to basically protect his income generator for their family members (none of them actually have jobs!).

      We've seen him on video 'jump in' throughout the years when he thought she was going off kilter!

      They truly are an odd couple - cannot imagine having to live w/in their supposed marriage or as the supposed family unit they try to portray in Alaska and/or Arizona.

      Their family members/children are disasters - no jobs - not educated - a giant mess - just like their horrible parents!

  26. Anonymous8:01 AM

    No wedding ring either, wonder if she threw the new one in the lake. As for being cold, menopause means you lose that brown fat that keep you warm and makes you look curvier. She might also have Raynaud's Syndrome and be cold all the time due to poor circulation. Even in the summer I wear socks and gloves in the AC. her lack of proper diet is also at play. Her skin looks under nourished and lacks flexibility, More surgery will only make that worse, not better.

  27. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Which rich friend is keeping the Sarah stick employed, and giving her these cheap little jobs? Can't she do her own show? Doesn't Guns and Ammo have staff and writers that do their own interviews?

    Sarah and Todd never seem to have any real business, not even a butcher shop, for all that meat they seem to hunt. Entrepreneurial types would lunge at lucrative business deals and want to advertise it? Why do the Palins never talk about their "business"? Sarah once mentioned that they were busy with Todd's "business". Is it up there in Alaska? Why didn't they invite Guns and Ammo or the Sportsman's Channel (Sarah Palin's Amazing America) staff to broadcast their business?

    That is very strange.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Todd has fished in Alaska - for themselves - nothing less and nothing more! He is NOT commercial fishing and hasn't for a number of years!

      They have no businesses w/the State of Alaska currently. They had one that was dissolved after Sarah had an affair w/Todd's partner in the business (which occurred a few years ago).

      Sarah is such a friggin' liar! That mouth of hers moves - her statements are made - before she even thinks about the fact everything she utters can be verified and fact checked throughout the nation!

      Lies move out of that rancid mouth of hers faster than a speeding bullet!

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Doesn't Todd supposedly own part of a hunting lodge in Alaska? Wouldn't the amazing American show be a good place to feature it? I'd think there would be a couple crazy fans who'd love to spend $$ so they could be close to their idol. Maybe it's a front for something? Hmmmmm

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      11:47 Or, a cabin of ill repute!!! Prostitutes there for whomever went to Alaska to fish or hunt w/Toadie boy (with the little, two-toned dick per S. Tripp, author of "Boys Will be Boys"!).

      The Palins are frauds that continually counter the laws of Alaska and the nation!

  28. Anonymous8:05 AM

    She'll do anything to get away from her kids, won't she?

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Wouldn't you?

  29. Anonymous8:08 AM

    She knows many honorees in the milltary, I've determined. Been at many ceremonies.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      8:08 AM Sarah and Todd Palin are Grifters, been at many PAID ceremonies.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee, we can't tell who you are. Do you think you are helping Sarah?
      How have you "determined" this. Through Facebook?

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      As Toad asked "What's in it for us?" They do NOTHING without being paid. Now they most likely demand CASH, to avoid the pesky IRS.

    4. ibwilliamsi8:57 AM

      Whatever you say, Upchuck.

    5. She sure the hell has not been at the White House ceremonies where Medal of Honor recipients are recognized.

    6. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Nefer, he's not allowed within a mile of the whitehouse.

    7. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Sarah and Todd Palin are NOT honorable enough to be invited to the White House for ANYTHING!

      They would NOT pass the investigation process that is done before they could even gain entrance!

      Remember, Todd belongs to the AIP group in Alaska and Sarah spoke before them when she was quitter governor. AIP was organized to remove Alaska from being a part of the USA! I believe it's referred to as 'seceding'!!!!

      Read "Game Change" - Sarah was caught lying about Todd's membership to one of the members of the McCain campaign committee and he called her out on the lie!!! Todd was a paid member of the Alaska organization for a good six or seven years and the McCain campaign committee had proof of it!

      The Palins are liars and frauds - individually and as a couple! And, they are a huge embarrassment to the State of Alaska!

    8. Anonymous12:40 PM

      >>She knows many honorees in the milltary<<

      I've determined most spell military M I L I T A R Y unlike others apparently.

      I was at some spelling bees in my younger years, and, also, too, have been writing complete sentences since elementary school.

  30. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Question. Who in the Palin Heath families have big eyes? Tripp and Kyla both have the same eyes, minus color.
    There's a strong resemblance between Jim P as a boy and Tripp. Same eye shape and smile.

    Once Kyla's hair lightened from black to brown she started to look like Pipers twin at that age. And Tripp and Piper have the same eyes when they smile. Piper also looks just like DeeDee.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Huh?????? What the F are you talking about and who the F cares.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM


      It's called inbreeding.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM


      No, it's really called inbreeding and these Palin creatures excel at it. It's about the only thing they are good at.

      I'm not a pedophile, I don't know any and I don't play one on TV, but there are lots of them on the web that certainly appreciate Bristol's photos of Tripp half naked rolling around in a bed full of candy and shirtless enjoying his Easter candy haul. They also appreciate him being a bad, bad boy on her TV show and acting out and being petulant.

      Bristol should get some kickback dollars from the photos that get distributed of her son. Believe me, they don't just show up on xtian websites, that's for sure.

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I'd say someone trying very hard to establish that Piper is in fact a Palin. "Look how much they all look alike!" Surprised he/she/it didn't toss Track into the mix. Because he looks so much like Todd, also too (dammit)

    5. Anonymous6:41 PM

      "I'm not a pedophile" "Bristol should get some kickback dollars from the photos that get distributed of her son. Believe me, they don't just show up on xtian websites, that's for sure."
      If it quacks like a duck...
      I'm not a pedophile.... you are or you are a stalker...which one is it?

  31. Anonymous8:17 AM

    It looks like the same iphone, with a different case. Now, I change my case every couple days. I have about 7 cases I bought for CHEAP online. But that's the same day.

    It's inconsequential though. There's no reason she'd need to now, as opposed to having an 'office job' and would need a work phone.Maybe where they went riding in the ATV she felt she needed a tougher case.

    Not really worth talking about.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I'm wondering what kind of reception she has way out there in the wilderness. I prefer the hypothesis that the questions are on the phone because she can't remember them.

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      It is worth talking about because that is where Palin has the questions she is asking the guy! She cannot even remember the idiotic questions she is doing in this interview!

      Read "Game Change" - she has no memory and zero historical knowledge of anything. These questions are horrible....she should watch David Letterman interview a military man and take lessons from him!!

      godfree, but she is retarded - proven time and time again!

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      8:17 AM Your comment is not really worth reading.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Anonymous8:17 AM
      So why are YOU????

  32. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It seems this show started awhile ago. It's always good when people can highlight positive things in the country.

    1. I don't find the military positive. They are dehumanized,trained to kill, and since the smart kids go to college, they get the uneducated, easily led, passive aggressive types to suit up. This guy may be an exception, but overall, the military is just guys with guns...who kill other human beings. I find nothing positive about that scenario.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Yes, it's important to worship the gun culture and the NRA that sponsors many of the Sportsman Channel programs. They have done nothing but tear this country apart with our own domestic violence. As for highlighting something positive in the country, the soldier was awarded a medal of honor for serving abroad, in the heat of battle. He did not earn it for hunting and fishing here.

    3. Too bad Palin isn't one of the positive things in the country.

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      8:42 You know - I actually agree w/your statement. Look at the wars that were started by Bush - they used majority black and brown - 18 year old kids - they were paid pittance wages to go out and be killed by the 'supposed' enemy that Cheney, Rummie and Bush Jr. cooked up!

      We are seeing the veteran problems of today and it galls the hell out of me to see it blamed on President Obama and the guy he appointed a year ago or so (who many want fired, if you can believe that bullshit!). The guys 'inherited' this mess - it is NOT their 'created' mess. They are left to fix it and it is NOT something that will be done quickly even though that will be blamed on President Obama and his administration too.

      Americans are the most stupid folks in the world! They don't read, don't research - don't know their own history - and all they want to do is blame, blame, blame!!!

      Americans need to get out there and volunteer and help the vets - contact their many organizations folks. They would love to hear from you!


  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    So Sargeant Dakota Meyer, who received the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor (congratulations to him), no doubt had this handed to him by President Obama in a ceremony.

    Now Sarah must do the same, "See ME, see ME!!! I'm talking to Sargeant Meyer tooooo!!! Is this is 'stickin' it to the President' moment?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      That poor Sargeant. Sure hope the Palin curse doesn't get him. Maybe Obama's gesture will have a protective effect.
      M from Md

  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I would imagine the interview was written by the show. No interviewer on tv (maybe a few out of thousands) truly conducts their own. Barbara and Rachel M are exceptions

  35. Anonymous8:23 AM

    How is that banal? It's informative

    1. It's the info you can get by looking at his WIKI page..banal. A true interviewer asks interesting questions that give us new information. Barbara Walters' tree questions were interesting. Asking how to get more people shooting guns is stupid.

  36. Anonymous8:24 AM

    The trailer for this episode calls her " A Red Hot American Icon" Really? She's not "hot" and she sure isn't an icon, as far as being American i guess that depends on your definition of one,she was born in America [ or she may be an alien as in from some other planet] the one thing you can be sure of is that the NRA is paying this Bimbo to promote guns and ammo. If we throw a stick will she leave?.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Without my glasses I read "Red Hot American loon"


    2. Anonymous9:47 AM


    3. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      Sarah? and Icon?

      I con stupid people into sending me money
      I con stupid people to get my family on television
      I con own property and not pay taxes until I get caught
      I con birth a pillow after a plane ride from Texas to Matsu or Anchorage.
      I con go on, but I won't

    4. Anonymous2:36 AM

      I con stop laughing at your comment.
      Very good.

    5. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Good ones Anita!!!

  37. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It's an interview you'd expect. Ask him about his experience, background and plans.

    That's banal?

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM


    2. ibwilliamsi8:55 AM

      Yes, that's banal. Anyone could ask those same questions of ANYONE and call it an "interview". She's done no research into the background of her subject, and therefore will come up with nothing that makes her subject special. THAT is banal. Not that you'd know the difference.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      8:26 AM That's Banal and you are Anal.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

      what's banal? Dictionary dot com is your friend. Banal are the stupid questions she asks a real war hero. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

  38. Anonymous8:29 AM

    One thing Palin has a true knack for (and, believe me, it has NOTHING to do with journalism, politics or parenting) is looking like a mess in cheap, slutty inappropriate clothing (unwashed and un-ironed) at any and all appearances. Since she returned (?) the uber-sophisticated clothing from the 2008 campaign and began choosing her own wardrobe (sic) it has been nothing but K-Mart stuff she found on the floor and anything with camouflage or patriot symbols. Her footwear is cheap and ridiculous and she rarely seems to bother with hose. The wigdo/hairdo (sic, again) is beyond comment. The least she could do is wash up. But, alas, I suppose the icon she is in her own mind does not require hygiene.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      So true

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I've done quite a bit of clothes shopping at KMart and Wal-Mart over the years. It's easy to find there inexpensive clothes that look clean and fashionable,if you have some taste, and a clue what normal people wear. Lack of money is not the reason why Sarah looks bedraggled, in dirty clothes.

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      @ 12:15 I agree, but apparently many Walmart customers need some help to git the clean and fashionable thing dun.

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Deteriorating personal hygiene/grooming/dress is a big time hallmark of mental illness.

  39. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The Marine's story has been examined for veracity:

  40. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Her brand has shaped her for the niche that presented opportunity for paid jobs by defining her self and dressing to appeal to a stereotype of redneck minded people. What a change from 100k speeches and failure to dress appropriately for past gigs and put effort in to do her homework (2008, interviews, Fox etc). This works for her to trash everything she is not, promote obesity

  41. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I've watched David Letterman interview metal of honor winners. The interview is about the guy, and Dave made sure that his story of heroism is what people got out of the interview. Love of guns? Tradition of outdoors? Hunting, fishing, outdoor life style? No, the question would be how any of that influenced the heroic act of saving his fellow soldiers while they were pinned down in a battle. In the interviews that Dave conducted, it was about the training and instant reaction of the soldier in an emergency, his selfless act to risk his life to save others because that is what his fellow soldiers would do for him. The most recent medal of honor winner that Dave interview saved a man's life by using his belt tourniquet because the other tourniquets were already being used on other soldiers. The whole point of the interview should have been about the soldier's heroism which earned him the medal of honor. There are plenty of people who love guns, hunting, fishing and the outdoor life style. They are the ones reading Guns and Ammo.

    If that was a professional interview, why was Todd standing around? He doesn't sit next to her when she appears on Fox. He didn't sit next to her in front of the green screen. That was a tacky move to get some money for Todd, who must have to accompany Sarah everywhere she goes.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      DING, we have a winner!
      And pimp Tawd is wearing fishing boots.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Actually Todd's boots look like my teenage daughter's Hunters. Quite fetching. Think he has a matching purse?

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      lol, that's what I thought too.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM

    She looks gross.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      that's because she is gross and offensive.

  43. ibwilliamsi8:53 AM

    That long shot photo of her at the top makes her look like a skeleton in a camo sack with a bobble head on top.

  44. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Excuse me, Mrs. Palin? Follow up question to something you said last weekend sat the Alabama HS commencement:
    You said "Todd is busy commercial fishing in Bristol Bay. How is that possible if he accompanies you to all your jobs. ?"

    Man they are short people, also ,too.

  45. Anonymous9:03 AM

    So Sarah, any hard-hitting questions about the recent upsurge in toddler-on-toddler murders?


    Some fucking "journalist."

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I'll bet the idiotic questions she is asking this guy are in her phone - as reminders or references.

      Most of us know what an idiot she is after having followed her from Wasiller days as the 'for show' mayor - she actually hired another person to do the job! Fraud of a person who has always been so!

  46. Anonymous9:05 AM

    What the fuck fuck would Sarah do had she been elected VP? Toad certainly would NOT have been allowed to be the "Shadow VP>"
    A very teeny tiny part of me wishes she had been elected - she would have failed in a heartbeat and then also I bet everything and I mean EVERYTHING would have been revealed eventtually or at least a lot faster than it has so far.

  47. Palin and her phone clutching is just her re-living (or living still) the glory days of the 08 campaign.

    Remember all the news stories and photos of her, with her not one, but TWO blackberries because she was so incredibly important what with bein' mom and wife and sister and daughter and oh yeah the GOVERNOR, when she wasn't disemboweling mooses and whatnot and tanning hides and catching salmon in her teeth.

    She could bring back the bacon and cook it up in a pan just like that lady in the commercial back in the 70s.

    Well, get over it, toots.

    Nine year old kids have smartphones today.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Sarah used two phones as quitter governor because she was using her personal emails and info to hide her actions from the "state phone" so she could do inappropriate things without it showing in the state's email records and phone log usage records.

      This is a FACT and caused problems when they asked for her email records since so many of them were done through her personal account. Was her personal account personal, or since it had "official" state info on it, was it accessible by the state?

      You'll also recall the guy that posted her email info online PROVED that she was doing state business on her personal accounts. Why do that unless you had something to hide?

      Also, since I'm on a roll. Wasn't the kid that guessed all her simplistic answers to her password info prosecuted in part because Bristol was so scared what with all those Secret Service guys surrounding the house?

      And Sarah used the court scene as one big photo op--look at MEEEEEE in my super short mini skirt.

  48. Anonymous9:27 AM

    7:30 AM has it right! Sarah is not using her phone to record anything. The questions for the interview are in her phone. Sarah is not capable of carrying on a normal conversation beyond, "Hi, what's your name? Where are you from? What do you do?" Without a teleprompter or a script, Palin cannot communicate anything beyond 140 characters.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      "Hi, what's your name? Did you travel far today? Thank you for supporting this activity." Verbatim.

      That way nobody takes up her time telling her where they're from and she doesn't have to remember anything about the event she's at. But her fans have such empty lives that they feel so special being patronized for money by the cunning old bitch.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Much like she can't answer questions that are more in depth than "what's your favorite color?"

  49. Anonymous10:05 AM

    You won't learn much about Dakota Meyers by watching Sarah chit chat with him about the great American outdoors and guns. Here is some information: At the bottom of the article, there is a detailed description of Meye's heroism in rescuing both American and Afghan soldiers who were under attack (in 2009).

    But there is more about Meyers: "A year after the Battle of Ganjgal, after drinking at a friend's house, Meyer attempted to commit suicide using a Glock pistol kept in his truck's glove compartment. The gun was unloaded. Meyer later sought help for post-traumatic stress disorder." He was also the co-author of a book describing the lack of leadership in the military which put him and his fellow soldiers in such a dangerous position in the first place.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Thanks for that extra info. We owe the military volunteers credit. It's important to remember that what's on the surface is just the surface. War sucks and it hurts everyone--especially those who fight. I'm glad he spoke up about the lack of leadership. Maybe someone will listen to a MOH winner.

      As for Palin, she wouldn't bother to even Google the guy or scan his Wikipedia entry. And you'll never hear her mention the "darker" side of the story as it doesn't fit the Happy Warrior, Guns are So Good story line she follows.

      Plus, she has no ability to relate to or understand what the man must be going through. Nor does she care 1) to even bother learning and 2) that he might be going through difficult times.

      If it ain't Sarah, if it doesn't deal with lining her pocket, and if it requires one iota of thought or empathy---Sarah ain't into it.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      PTSD is such an important issue today, especially with vets unable to get treatment in the VA in a timely way. Sarah (or her ghost writer) have been promoting the cause of one Marine with PTSD, unable to get treatment in Florida, who drove to San Diego to get help. His problem was that he crossed the border with Mexico "by accident" and he had 3 weapons with him, illegal in Mexico.

      Sarah, Bristol, Nancy and their crowd jumped all over this story, "Bring back our marine," without asking why the guy didn't try to find treatment closer to home. San Diego is not just around the corner from Florida. Did he seek private treatment? Did he contact a congressman or an official in his town for help? Taking off for San Diego doesn't help.

      And, it's hard to imagine an unguarded border crossing that he just stumbled across in the dark. If there really was such an unguarded, unmarked road, the Mexicans would have found it long ago. No one crosses into Mexico by accident. Sarah took up his cause, without touching on the same issue with Meyers. It shows how truly insincere she really is-- or she has no idea what her ghost writers are writing for her.

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Somehow they connect the Marine and "aliens" and their RW nutty politics. They don't seem to know the issues.

      Nancy's Bristol blog is mostly defunct. Since May 20 she is stuck on the 'Pregnant Woman to Be Hanged for Her Christianity' They must not have many followers. Only one new comment since the other day. That makes 15 comments.

  50. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:14 AM

    Damn, 16 Magazine did better interviews, and their target audience was about 12 years old! Are her overlords making a pathetic attempt to groom her as an F-List Cee-Lebritee interviewer for the lamestream media? Better brush up on your "gotcha questions", Toots...

  51. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Wow, look at how little hair she has left- and that mess presumably includes her stupid ugly weave! Scrawny old meth head, keep fading away.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      She always looks dirty. ALWAYS.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      It's a good thing that Willow has all that experience in styling hair and Bristol has all that experience in skin care. Too bad that Sarah doesn't pay them enough to fix her up. Or, maybe they did fix her up and that's an example of their training.

    3. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Bristol and Willow probably learned how to make
      healthy hair and skin look good.
      It would take a medical degree to make Sarah look good.

  52. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Gov. SP: How can we get more people involved in firearms and to realize shooting them is a safe and healthy sport?

    Shooting people is a safe and healthy sport.

    I read her question wrong at first but it's probably true in Palin-world.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

      Stand right there and put this apple on your noggin

  53. Still no wedding ring? But I thought Toad surprised her on their anniversary with a new one (that we have never seen.) Does she have to lie about everything? Oh, wait. Pathological liars R us.

  54. Anonymous12:35 PM

    She's going to be on Hannity tonight. I guess they are in NOLA with the Robinsons. Oh JOY.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      the homophobic, racist family?

  55. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Todd is her bodyguard. Get too close to her and he'll shoot your balls off. She also carries a loaded handgun. Be sure and watch the last episode of "Amazing America" tonight.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Thanks but no thanks. Also too, Sarah Palin couldn't hit the side of a barn, even when her daddy is reloading and cocking the gun for her.

      Although, from the pitch of little Toddie's voice I might have to reconsider that. She was obviously a good enough shot at one time in her life to shoot off his balls and make him into the neutered little castrati boy that he is.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      So Todd is only 5'7" or 5'8" and about 150lbs. I'd heard from friends of Sarah that she was down to 95lbs and the top photo really shows that. She's only 5'3" but that weight is not looking good on her.

  56. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Where was Track and his needy buddies when the combat warrior was being interviewed? Did they hang out and swap war experiences? Did Track take him out hunting?

    Where was Track during Meyer's visit to AK?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Needle buddies.

      Fixed it for ya!s

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      snorting crack, shooting crank?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      They have so much in common! Medal of Honor, both interviewed by Sarah, same haircuts. Gee you'd think Sarah would be proud to show off her first son, he got his guns and ammo in the divorce!

  57. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Photos makes her look at least 10 pounds heavier. The clothes are thick, she looks about 20 pounds heavier than she actually is in that shot.

  58. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Track Palin did meet Sgt Meyer at grandparents place. He cleans up real nice. He may get his own show.

    Isn't there one person who served with Track who took photos with him?

  59. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Judging by Sarah's and Todd's mess on their heads that was a waste of money sending the young Palin to hair school.

  60. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Sarah do you think Ba ba Walters, Ann Curry and other journalists had their husbands follow them around wherever they go? Sarah time to cut the apron strings and see if you can handle being on your own professionally. Todd needs to find a job and be a man and I'm not talking about managing women.

  61. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Anonymous8:27 AM

    Another comment by you. Maybe you don't realize how easy your comments are to spot. You start with a question, then some stupid insult you think is funny but isn't. 

    by the way "by you" is spelled " bayou".

  62. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    Hasn't he endured enough? Fresh from getting a metal of honor, he's interviewed by the biggest loser. That's enough to give a guy PTSD being that close!
    Yeah, she's got phones for every occasion except camo. I think they came in those gift bags she looted in hollywooooood years back. She uses them to effectively parent her kids, look for alerts from the police, mug shots, see who friended her on facebook and to do face time with Trig. .

  63. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Grandma Sarah posted a picture of herself standing next to DD on her Facebook photo page. She is wearing a black dress that reveals two stick legs, thin arms and a manly chin.

  64. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Mz Palin looks like a skeleton.


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