Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sonic and Chili's become latest restaurant chains to ban guns.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants. 

In separate statements to The Huffington Post, the companies said that they were asking customers not to openly carry firearms in their eateries, following a similar move by Chipotle earlier this month. 

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.” 

A Sonic spokesman said the company will defer to local laws with respect to storing guns in vehicles, but said it will no longer permit firearms in its dining areas. 

“We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas,” said Patrick Lenow, Sonic's vice president of public relations.

What did I say about the outcome from having all of these open carry dipshits walking around with their metal penis extenders on display? And I hope that many other eating establishments will follow suit.

Yesterday somebody provided a link that labeled these 2nd Amendment fetishists, "Ammosexuals."

THAT is going to be my new label going forward.

Damn I don't have a Sonic up here to reward with my business, and the Chili's up the street just closed, but I'm sure there are a few more in town so I think I will plan to eat there sometime this week.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I would like to point out that those nutters kept choosing chain restaurants and NEVER showed clips of themselves trying to enter local/Mom and Pop establishments and I know why. First of all, there are more locally owned in San Antonio than chains.
    And here is the reason they were targeting the chains:
    Because the managers had to check with corporate policy before kicking their asses out the door.
    They never film themselves getting their asses kicked out of locally owned places because no one has to check with "company policy", they just tell them they will not be served immediately, no chance of sneaking in even for a few minutes to get their photo ops.
    They forget, that these "protests?" or idiocy walks as I call them, in Texas are only a sure way to fail. Business owners have rights and in Texas no one is going to let some nutter challenge those business owners rights.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Too bad these owners did not foresee this problem, while they did nothing to ban open carry laws. Who wants to go there, if people are in the parking lot with guns? How do patrons tell if they are robbers, or gun nuts? The powers that be should have thought long and hard when these laws were being put into place. I certainly will not patronize ANY place with gun fanatics in the area.

    2. I think these big brave he-men prefer venues filled with women and small children who are more likely to be obviously frightened and intimidated.

      That way, the lazy fat-asses don't have to exert themselves as much to get their desired "I'm so big and powerful" feeling. Also, the chickenshit pants-wetting cowards don't have to worry about someone threatening them.

      They are not pulling this horseshit at places typically more adult male-oriented, are they?

  2. Maple6:34 AM

    Makes sense. Why would anyone take their children (of whatever age) into a restaurant where guns are allowed? Let's hope that all restaurant chains follow suit, and keep the bums with guns outside. If it were up to me, I'd ask justice to issue restraining orders too!

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Most restaurants don't ban concealed. You are probably eating with at least 2 or more (depending on where you are), people that are carrying. I guess ignorance is bliss.

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      I am a concealed carry holder my self. But, what these ass holes are doing bringing a tactical weapon into family places openly for every one to see is intolerable. I spent four tours in Afghanistan I know what m4 and ar 15 are use for . Besides open carry takes the tactical advantage away if a problem does arise.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I would pass Gryphen. In all honesty, you are probably more likely to die from their crap food than get shot in the long run.

    Heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of death at around 50%. Then strokes around 7%, then respiratory disease 5%, accidents 4.4%, then diabetes around 3%, and on and on... homicide (not just by guns) is around number 15 at 0.7%.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      So how do you feel about smoking bans in restaurants?

  4. Maybe this is why the NRA pleaded with their members not to carry weapons in Restaurants, go figure

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Face it, the NRA appeals to the lowest I.Q. People with any BRAINS leave their guns out of sight, they do not carry big honking penis extenders everywhere they go. Interestingly, guns are forbidden at any of these political road shows taking place right now. What are they afraid of? Don't they want "their people" to honor their rights?

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      It wasn't the NRA, it was the Open Carry TX people.

    3. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Check your laws!! Texas has No Open Carry. Only conceal carry.

  5. Maple7:20 AM

    I don't understand why folks don't regard people with guns as threats to their own well-being? If I were a server in a restaurant filled with customers wearing holstered guns, I'd be terrified of accidentally or unintentionally taking a wrong order or serving the wrong plate. Is this why they want open-carry? Not for their own protection but rather, to intimidate people to do what they want....glad I live in a country with saner laws!

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      @ 7:20 Maple "Is this why they want open-carry?"

      They want open carry because it's no fun to stay home and fantasize about the excitement and stimulation of blowing someone away. And, of course, at home there's little chance someone might cringe or leave at the sight of their penis extender which is also very exciting and stimulating.

      In short, open carry is about sex and/or dominance by people who have a distorted view of sex.

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I would love to see a group of gunhumpers show up with their deadly dildoes on display at a Chik-fil-a full of mothers and children.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Or at one of these "Leadership Conferences" the tea party and gop are holding!!

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I was going to say the ammosexuals and guntards need to stick to Cracker Barrel, but they aren't even wanted there!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

      I was going to say exactly the same thing, Anon 7:20.

    4. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I carry all the time in chik-fil-a. Concealed of course. If you and your children had ever been stalked and hunted by a crazy ex-husband and the law wouldn't c.f. o anything to HIM unless he killed might understand it better

    5. Anonymous6:45 PM

      My sister was attacked by a man when she was jogging in Austin Texas. It was a good thing she had her concealed license and her glock 27. It saved her life. The perpetrator raped two other females before her. It doesn't change the fact the open carry group here in Texas are clowns. They make real responsible gun owners look like uneducated tards.

  7. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Those assholes in Texas especially deserve this.

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      You just made yourself the asshole by making that comment. Have some class.

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Be sure you tell the manager that you chose to eat there because of their gun policy/

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM


      It is so simple, so obvious, and so brilliant.

      I can't wait to do it.

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    This makes me sick. WTF? These assholes need to be put down, and fast. They think they're such big guys, with their big guns that they are bullying our troops?

    Armed Open Carry Groups In Texas harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day, follow him for several blocks

    A former Marine in Texas named James was harassed by gun fetishists and it was captured on video. James got a couple calls from friends who witnessed the scene in downtown Fort Worth: The group of about a dozen people, largely consisting of men, were hanging out in the middle of the city’s cultural district, armed with semi-automatic rifles.

    Mother Jones reports, “James quickly knew what his friends were describing, having recently encountered an open-carry demonstration himself in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. An independent TV commercial producer who sometimes films live events, James headed downtown with his camera to get some footage.”

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    O/T but YAY!

    Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist arrested after stealing memorial signs, taunting family of victim

    According to police, a Virginia man who believes the Sandy Hook school shootings were a hoax has been charged in the theft of two memorial signs in New Jersey and Connecticut dedicated to victims.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      That could be one of several truthers over at c4p. They post a "conspiracy theory" and how it was carried out within minutes of every massacre we've had since Sandy Hook.

      Geez, "every massacre". What a sad country we are.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Good. What a sicko

  11. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The food at Chili's is more dangerous than the guntards.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Would you say that if you were having dinner there and a family member or friend you were eating with got shot and killed by one of these trigger-happy cretins who thought your friend looked at him funny? Yeah, I'm sure you'd console yourself with the thought that at least the spinach and artichoke dip or the chocolate hurricane cake didn't kill them, but a nice, healthy, bullet.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Now I suppose you're gonna tell me that chocolate hurricane cakes don't kill, spoons do. As if I'm gonna eat my cake with a spoon!

  12. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'll be happy when chick fill a bans those open carried penis extenders. Groups should push it with them.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Still think we should start carrying around 3X5 card-sized- papers with the most polite message printed on it, "Thanks for keeping this restaurant "gun free" so our family can come eat here." The whole family could sign it, kids could put on little drawings of the family, and it could be printed on the computer. Start leaving them EVERYWHERE you eat, with or without your family. And, keep an alternative message on hand in case you are in an establishment and men walk in with guns. IE, "I and my family just left your restaurant because of the guns being brandished, and we won't be back until guns are banned. We are waiting to see the public announcement that your restaurant will be family oriented in the future, without guns. "

  14. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I won't be shopping at Home Depot either, they let the gun fondlers in as well.

  15. Anonymous12:08 PM

    You know what I'd love to see the next time the open carry folks hold one of their demonstrations?

    How about if we could find someplace to make up some three-foot long rubber penises complete with leather carry straps. Then we get a bunch of people to sling them over their shoulders and parade up and down next to the gun toters. Maybe that would finally embarrass them into just going home.

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Gun carrying loons are a small minority. Loss of profit will lead businesses to ban guns. Don't forget to boycott businesses that allow weapons to be carried in their stores. Most stores do allow guns,if the local law allows it.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    Awhile back, two of these guys tried to make the same statement at a mom and pop grocery store and were lucky the owner's didn't shoot to kill, one got a graze wound in the arm and the other lost his hearing temporarily. The owner politely asked them both to either buy something or leave and repeated the requests two times. I don't know what caliber guns they had, but they were assault rifles with long barrels. The store owner had a small pistol and kept them on the floor until the police arrived.
    Now they're going to chain stores for their metal exhibitionist fix. We need MORE stores making their policies clearly known, and the public can choose which to do business with accordingly.

  18. ajweishar5:39 PM

    I think I have a solution to the guys with rifles in restaurants. I like to eat with a lit blow torch or running chain saw on the table. Granted it's a little noisy, very sharp, hot, and could shred or cauterize someone if I bumped them. But I have a right to carry them.

  19. Anonymous7:21 PM

    2 things. They REQUESTED that guns are left at home, BUT will abide by the law. That means if someone comes in, and is legally carrying for the area, they won't kick them out. This is not a win for you, here!

    Also, when Chicago's ban on handguns was removed, Chicago has reported less gun violence since the 50's!!! The ACTUAL facts are not on 'your side'! Take out the top 3 cities--all which have the strongest gun laws--and this country has a very low gun crime percentage.

  20. Anonymous8:54 PM

    You said it, 7:11. The ignorance of gunhumpers and don't tell me they aren't ignorant, is the bliss they feel from the close proximity of their metal penises lovingly carried next to their bodies, with the titillating secret knowledge that even though they may be of modest looks, if you only knew...they're really PACKING, and they are ever vigilant for that opportunity to let you know. They're sick bastards who pollute the earth.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.