Tuesday, June 03, 2014

John Oliver explains net neutrality in the most entertaining way possible. Update!

Net neutrality is possibly one of the most important issues of our day, but it is very hard to explain to people in way that gets them motivated to do something to protect it.

In fact I have only posted about it once, which considering that my blogging could be adversely affected by the loss of neutrality is pretty shameful on my part.

However in the above video, which runs a very reasonable thirteen plus minutes, Oliver does the impossible.

He explains net neutrality in a totally NON-boring manner, and also gets you fired up to protect it.

So please take the time to visit FCC.GOV/COMMENTS and let them know that you will not stand for any "cable company fuckery."

Update: Courtesy of Raw Story:

Many of our commenters noted that the FCC comment page that Oliver pointed to, FCC.gov/comments, appeared to be down for most of the day, either suggesting wonderful irony or that Oliver's call to action has been monumentally successful. The FCC has put up some tweets in which it apologizes for technical difficulties, without explaining why they were occurring beyond "heavy traffic." 

Who said that liberals can't take direction?


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    OMG! I am so loving his new show! He's brilliantly funny and hard hitting at the same time.

    FCC website crashes thanks to John Oliver’s call to action on net neutrality


  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Also, get in touch with the Congressional committees charged with oversight: Senate Commerce; House Energy and Commerce. The relevant subcommittees are: Senate -- Communications, Technology and the Internet; House -- Communications and Technology.
    Search to see if one of your Senators or Representatives serves on a Committee -- otherwise, just get in touch with the chairmen, or any members you have time to write to. An hour of your time spent now will be more than repaid if you don't have to wait for slow downloads in the future!

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Remember the 2010 afghan killings instigated by a staff sergeant? This new sitch reminds me of that. WHO is watching the COs? That one then led his soldiers into situations they never would have been in. This was reported by the blogs because J Morlock was sadly one of the good men who was drug into it. And the ONLY underrank who is serving time for no legit reason. The only person who should serve time is the SS, who got a life sentence thankfully.

    The army is sure shady and it uses poor soldiers as collateral for its eff-ups.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Sorry but you're mostly full of shit. It's too bad that his friend, Gov. Sarah Palin, didn't respond to his request for help and get him out of Afghanistan but, please, Cpl Morlock was photographed treating a dead Afghan civilian as a trophy. He had a military trial and was found guilty. His history includes anger issues and domestic violence and there's no reason to hold his superior or the entire military responsible for his wrongdoings.

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I saw the show Sunday night. I jumped up cheering, laughing, applauding so hard I hurt my hands. The FCC segment was magnificent. John Oliver is magnificently entertaining and informative.

    I suggest also contacting the White House. I thought Pres. Obama was committed to net neutrality. His FCC appointments and their recommendations are unacceptable

    Also, it's disappointing and telling that the MSNBC (Comcast) progressive shows (Maddow, Hayes, Last Word) aren't covering this issue or the Comcast/AT&T merger. The corporate filter and censorship is securely in place and means I can't trust them to keep me informed. What else aren't they reporting?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      MSNBC has been making major changes as to the way they 'use to be'! Chris Matthews has become an absolute disaster and Rachel Maddow has changed considerably too. They are talking anti President Obama much more often than they use to and I suspect it is to increase their ratings which have dropped substantially during the past year.

      I wish to god that someone would say something positive about President Obama and give him credit when it is due. The Republican party counters every excellent thing he does and the majority of it is complete bullshit and lies. They so dislike him and the fact he is smart, well educated, has a wonderful wife and family, good morales, displays a constant steadiness and is a hell of a negotiator and planner, and is well received in crowds and throughout his travels around the world! Some Republicans are also racists because President Obama is HALF black!

      MSNBC needs to grow balls, research the facts and counter the announcers at FOX and CNN especially!

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM


    Alabama bible school quotes Hitler on the positive uses of childhood indoctrination.

  6. Still down as of 2pm AK

  7. And it was incredibly effective.


  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I, too, love his new show!!! Has nailed it every time!

  9. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Thank you for posting this. I must admit that I didn't 'get it' until he explained it. But now I can see that it's just another way big corporations are screwing us.

  10. I doubt they broke it. I think the FCC has taken it down so that those wanting to leave comments can't. They figure by the time it is up again, most will have forgotten and won't return to post.

    Fascism at it's finest.


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