Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Both of Sarah Palin's endorsees went down in flames last night. So in solidarity Palin went down in flames as well on Fox News.

As Hannity starts his interview with Palin the numbers are still coming in and Palin is not yet aware for certain that Chris McDaniel is toast. However Hannity asks her whether Cochran's attempt to woo liberals into voting for him will have any affect in the General, which suggests that he assumes Cochran will emerge victorious.

"Well you know as for the primary, and perhaps if it's true some shenanigans going on there, nothing should surprise you, but that's that old school politics where it's a bit of the status quo and that's got to go. (Oh look I rhymed!) It's very rare in a Republican primary that the candidate who promises to bring home the bacon, promising bigger government, which is requiring higher taxes, and more burdensome government, actually pulls it off in the primary. That's a rare thing. (Has this woman not been paying ANY attention this election cycle?)  It'll be surprising, and yet or perhaps not, to find out what that cross over of Democrat voters, how that does impact the general."

Hannity then decides to focus on a rare Tea Party victory, and asks Palin for her take on Eric Cantor's loss to Dave Brat. (One of the few Teabaggers that Palin did NOT curse with an endorsement.)

"I..I..I think that it speaks for itself. That it is the constitutionalists, those who understand in the end that the Constitution is the blueprint towards a more perfect union and if politicians would follow it our country would be better off. And included in that, kinda that principle of following the Constitution, adopting the free market, adopting any policy that would allow thriving of the American people. The entrepreneurial spirit to once again grow. (WTF?) Cantor wasn't representing that. (Probably because that was all nonsensical babble.) He was representing the machine, the establishment, that had been there too long and was part then of that status quo problem, and refreshing to see new energy get in there, and not necessarily new ideas, because these are time tested truths that work for an economy and for security of a nation. And I think know we saw results that reflect that." (I'm thinking that Palin has no damn idea why Brat won, so she just throws out a bunch of conservative jargon in the hopes that it sounds like an answer to those not paying attention.)

Next Hannity asks Palin if she was serious when she threatened to leave the Republican party if it did not get its act together.  (Wait, is she still actually IN the Republican party?)

(Palin starts off looking a little constipated.) "Well if Republicans are going to act like Democrats, then what's the use in getting all gung ho about getting more Republicans in there? We need people who understand the beauty of, the value of, allowing the free market to thrive. Otherwise our country is going to be continued to be over regulated, driving industry away, driving jobs away. We're going to be a bankrupt, fundamentally transformed country unless those who know what they're doing, and aren't going along just to get along with those in power, it being today the Democrats. That does no good. So yeah if Republicans aren't going to stand strong on the planks in our platform then it does no good to get all enthused about them anymore." (Seriously you have to watch the contortions that Palin puts her face through during this diatribe. She is riled up and med free here my friends.)

Hannity of course agrees wholeheartedly with Palin, and offers up his simplistic choices for fixing the party. That inspires Palin to exhume the rotting corpse of the Gipper.

"Well Ronald Reagan said that there are no easy answers, but there are simple answers if we have the courage to do what is morally right. And we need candidates willing to serve those who are courageous enough to buck the status quo and do what is courageously right. And then to implement those, pretty simple solutions that you just named, other..other long did they go without even having a budget? You can't plan. You can't efficiently invest and have priorities that work if you don't have a budget and that's what we lived with." (Batten down the hatches boys, the wig's about to blow!)

Hannity then tosses Palin a question about her mention in Hillary's book, saying that David Plouffe is essentially saying that Hillary lied about being asked to attack Palin, and what she thinks about that. (Gee I bet I know what she thinks about that.)

"Well I've heard David Plouffe lie about other things, so I..uh..I don't put a lot of stock in what he says. But no the reference in that book I think was more evidence of this 'War on Women.' And certainly the first shot over the bow, in my campaign, it was shot by Barack Obama and his ilk. They're the ones that want to essentially oppress women by keeping them dependent on big brother government to take care of all their needs. Part of the 'War on Women?' They started it."

You know I am going to vote for Hillary, but I am NEVER going to forgive her for giving this idiot the ammunition to rail against the President in this way.

By the way my transcription can in no way actually illustrate the craziness oozing out from under Palin's stapled on wig in this interview. She is manic, she is raging, and she is making almost no damn sense.

And I can only imagine how much worse she would have become if she had realized that her candidate Chris McDaniel joined her other endorsee Oklahoma's T.W. Shannon as the most recent Palin picks to crash and burn into the political realities of 2014.

Not that McDaniel is ready yet to concede to the reality just yet.

I think there is little doubt that Palin has finally reached the rock bottom that we all predicted she would hit way back in 2009. Sure she is still flopping around defiantly trying to get her little broken legs back under her, but with recent political setbacks, and her desperate attempts to drum up business for Todd's new no-tell motel on the lake, it looks like Palin's star has just about blinked completely out of existence.

And it is about damn time too!


  1. By the way, some of the transcription may look as if I made grammatical errors, but I did not.

    That is what she said, and it is rife with strange sentence structure, and grammatical errors, which should surprise no one.

    Limp word salad, peppered with soggy croutons of lunacy.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      It's RIDICULOUS that this stupid vapid woman is even allowed on a TV "news" station or quoted on websites like politico! It's even more ridiculous and disgusting that McCain chose her as his VP running mate. She is stupid, inarticulate and insane.

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Yes, she has repeated the same sound bites for so many years now I can almost recite them by heart.

      Her memory must be slipping.

    3. A beautiful description Gryphen ... see Beldar down below, Gryph does give her credit for her wordsalad. Personally Gryph, I like your observation that she looked a little constipated upon being asked one question.

    4. Anonymous7:07 AM

      A limp word salad, peppered with soggy croutons of lunacy, swimming in a dressing of sour vinegar and slimy oil.

    5. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Dear gawd!! I watched with the sound off, it is too stressful to listen to her. Watching her eyes roll around in different directions, makes a person dizzy. I wonder if Toad slapped her across the head, or Trig did? The "Hot sheets Motel" is too pricey for most people, isn't it?

    6. "Limp word salad, peppered with soggy croutons of lunacy."


    7. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Gryphen, my eyes crossed while reading her words. You deserve an award for your transcription.

    8. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I hadn't listened to audio from a video clip of Sarah's rambling bobble headed screech for well over a year (maybe two years) until last night. But some Relublican friends who were watching Hannity while we we live-blogging MS Senate GOP runoff election returns were trying to describe what she was saying, and it made me curious. After I watched the full clip of 6 minutes or so, I realized why they basically said, "You'll justify have to watch it yourself. I can't pick out one thing that she said that makes any sense. She was just blurting out random words and thoughts, repeating most of them in no particular order. There's no way Hannity could've asked a coherent follow-up question, because he didn't know what the hell she said either."

      They were right. She's gotten worse. I used to think she was just lazy and underprepared. But it's not just those. Her manic behavior and inability to organize her thoughts and communicate have regressed even further than before, which I thought would be impossible. SMH & Laughing. What else can you do?

    9. Anonymous8:58 AM

      FOX is the only media that allows her on - but, she's got a deal w/them remember. She gets their questions and can memorize the answers that are STILL total bullshit and much the same as they have been throughout the past decade.

      Watch the movie "Game Change" - the McCain campaign group had a horrid time working with her! Poor Steve!

      Bill O'Reilly doesn't have her on his show anymore - he's referred to her as an idiot!

      It's only Hannity and the woman that looks like a man - Greta! And, I'll bet they can hardly wait until they don't have to do the evil deed any longer! Those two know she is a total idiot too! Hope they both write books about her in the years ahead (when no longer employed by FOX), as I'm sure they would be best sellers!

    10. Anonymous9:04 AM

      those crossed eyes were totally going off - LMFAO !

      needs moar lip gloss on the upper botoxed lip too as skank didn't quite reach the bottom of her beak - almost but not quite ..

      fukin' braindead inbred retard ..

    11. Anonymous9:40 AM

      That was hysterical!! She is pure comedy. No way could she be considered a serious politician. I haven’t had the fortitude to watch with the sound on for two years and it is just getting better! She is looking more and more like a wooden dummy.

    12. It amazes me that a native English speaker can't speak English. There is no way Palin earned that degree. She must have slept with professors to pass classes and moved from school to school to cover it up.

  2. laprofesora6:11 AM

    Just what I would expect from junior hi Paylin: "THEY started it!" She never fails to disappoint.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Somehow I got through it! ( reading this post) She continues to twitch even though she is seemingly done . Thank you for keeping this bombastic idiot visible where we can see her . She is a piece of work alright . Watch your wallet .

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Watching her twitchy face, eye-rolling, and quick breathing makes me want to call 911.

  4. Beldar j Conehead6:28 AM

    Gryphen, as always, you're a little too rough on The Screechy Wretch(tm).

    You criticize her laughable extemporaneous statements, without acknowledging that she's the rare public figure who can spontaneously expound with lyrically poetical gibberish on virtually any subject without preparation or knowledge. To be that consistently ineffective is not as easy as she makes it look.

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. It is a talent, we'll give you that Beldar. I agree ... Gryphen should give her some credit for her wordsalad. There is no one who can match her!

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      + 1,000

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Gabby Johnson (Blazing Saddles)

    4. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

      Bravo, Beldar! Just the right amount of snark mixed with sage advice!

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    It's Sponge-Bob SquarePants revenge. She used him as a fake belly, and now she's taken the wrong turn, plunged down the 90-degree road to Rock Bottom. From Bikini Bottom to Rock Bottom.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    One word for sarah palin. LOSER111

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Sarah spit out her "soggy croutons of lunacy" and had a rather crazy hair-do to match. Willow needs to go back to "hair school" - now! That style only contributes to the crazyness. It's kinda floating an inch off Sarah's scalp in all directions. Only makes the thinning hair problem more obvious. Weird.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      God, you would think they could at least comb the wig! How can she look in a mirror and think she looks "hot"?

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      It looks like a wiglet sitting on top of her overdyed black, dry, dull hair. It seriously looks like one of those $14.99 Halloween wigs that are like straw.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Nope, the light shit is her own over-processed, dried out, thinning hanks. the longer black stuff is extensions. Her failed attempt at ombre, which went out about a year ago.

  8. phoebebngus6:38 AM

    I cannot listen to that screech but watched with the sound off. The result is to see the unimaginable facial contortions she gets into. And her pleasure in being herself. She tries to be coy and flirtatious and comes off as ridiculous.
    It is very difficult (impossible in fact) for me to understand how anyone can look at and listen to this creature and believe she has an iota of credibility, sensibility, or any other ability, except her ability to make herself a caricature of a real person.
    And still Fox noise has her on and a few people hear something resembling meaning in her words.
    Maybe with all the endorsements that she made failing, we won't have to deal with her much longer.
    She is like a car wreck that a person does not want to look at and yet cannot look away from.

  9. Anonymous6:39 AM

    How are those failing ticket sales going in Sieverville, TN? The Tea Party Clown Circus is having trouble attracting their Braindead crowd. They would be better off at a KKK Rally in that area. Sarah Palin's Last Money Begging Stand.

  10. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Usually I would insist that my comments should only be made on the message not ad hominem, but since she always says the same thing over and over and over.... OMG! That hair! Those bangs! and that star of David... when did Sarah convert to Judaism? Imagine if a Jew wore a cross? Poor thing, she is so confused on so many levels.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I was thinking the same thing. Is she a Christian or is she Jewish? I don't know any Christians who wear the Star of David. She is just a groveling, grifting panderer who will do anything for a buck or attention. Loser.

    2. A. J. Billings5:53 PM

      That star of David is a pure pander to the rill Christians who favor Israel over all else. It's truly disgusting and sickening.

      She's showing off to same crowd who don't care about global warming, womens' rights, gay rights, ammosexual death squads, or Dominionist candidates for high office because Jezuz is a comin' back, so WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?

      Palin has no idea how offensive it is to Jews and Israeilis to wear a star of David, as though she knows anything at all, about Jewish history or scripture.

      Pop quiz $arah!!!

      What book of the bible contains the best accounts of the 1st temple being destroyed? Do you even know there was more than one temple? Was the 1st one in South Africa? /sarc

      Who is known as the "watcher on the wall" in the old testament?

      What is Masada, where is it located, and who led the rebellion of the Jews at that location?

      You will need all three Masad parts to get any credit, and without google, you will have to admit to yourself that you are a miserable and utter failure.

      I'm a confirmed atheist, and I know my history of the Mideast, my bible, midrash, and new testament one *hell* of a lot better than you do, you punk poser!

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      And she's also become the lipless wonder - well no top lip, and the bottom one looks like a kiddo who ate the fried chicken and didn't know how to use a napkin. EEEEEUuuuuuuuw.

  11. janice6:40 AM

    Did she say she was voting for Hillary? If so, then if she campaigns for her on her facebook page and Hillary wins, she will take the credit. Hillary will absolutely not let Sarah campaign with her permission or go on the trail with her. Hillary knows Sarah is a loser and loose tongue.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Palin won't vote for Hillary and Hillary won't have Palin anywhere near her on the campaign trail should she run for POTUS.

      Sarah Palin would never be able to keep up w/the likes of Hillary Clinton. Hillary is so much more experienced, smart, well educated, a much, much better parent and on and on.

      There is NO comparison between the two except for the fact they have vajajas!

  12. Anonymous6:45 AM

    You know I am going to vote for Hillary, but I am NEVER going to forgive her for giving this idiot the ammunition to rail against the President in this way.

    Totally agree. Unless someone better runs, and there are better choices, but unfortunately I don't think they will be jumping in in 16.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Same here. I'll begrudgingly pull the lever for Hillary. She needs to stfu about her and Bill's wealth as well. Why not just be honest and say "we've worked hard and been very fortunate to have done well for ourselves"...

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Hillary and Bill had huge legal bills which put them in debt.

      If you go back to Sarah Palin's rant about her little term as 'quitter' governor, she said the same thing. Remember, Palin was found to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature and many other things were brought up against her before she quit!

    3. Ailsa8:59 AM

      Exactly, 7.07am.

      I have a lot of problems with Hillary. And my blood still runs cold when I remember her saying, as a reason for staying in the race, that Bill didn't wrap up the nomination till after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June.

      However, we need to win ........

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      RFK assassinated in 1968.

      Clinton elected POTUS in 1992.

    5. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Thank you 9:31, you beat me to the comment. 8:59's memory is off by about 6 presidential elections.

    6. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I'm not voting for Hillary. And won't lose any sleep over it. She can't lead. She thinks she's entitled, and she's prickly. I mean, really, who in the world thinks Terri Gross is a hard-assed journalist.

      Let us hope there will be a Green Party candidate, but, no, Hillary won't get my vote. Her bona fides are questionable at best.

  13. Anonymous6:46 AM

    She will be spitting fire in Tennessee guaranteed! BWAHAHAHA seditious sarah strikes again.. A loss for the teabaggers and the wendigo from wasilla is a boom of activity for refrigerator repairmen wherever the skank resides now. I hope that this is the final evil round from this stupid grifting bitch! One day soon I hope she will be utterly ignored and brought to task on all the divisiveness she has brought to this country. Just go the fuck away seditious sarah and start practicing on that pole BWAHAHAHA

  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:53 AM

    Oooh, I can only imagine the fun and hijinx at "Sarah's Last Tango in Tennessee" coming up--is it tomorrow? They'd probably be better off renting a bounce house, a ball room and selling adult-sized diapers imprinted with the Gasden flag than letting any of the drips featured on that grade school poster speak. At least a overgrown toddler party with balloons, cake and the occasional pants-wetting episode would be more productive--and more symbolic.

    PS--the paid penny wranglers at the Palin Playpen are really out in force today--they're not only talking SP in 2016 as usual, but saying that the playing field may "not be ready" for her until 2020!! The grift continues...

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      I doubt she'll be around in any form in 2020.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      2020 - Hopefully, she'll be gone from this earth by then and remembered as nothing more than a pebble on a beach!

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      i doubt she sees 2016

      the sooner the better

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM

    McDaniel is not ready to concede defeat even though he came out in second place. The Tea Party refuses to acknowledge that President Obama was elected twice. They're like little children throwing a temper tantrum, and threatening to hold their breaths until they get their way.
    Please, Michelle, publicly announce that breathing is good for your health!

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      That describes Sarah's appearance on Fox perfectly, a child throwing a temper tantrum. She looked out of control.

  16. Puhleeeeeeeeez say it is so. PLEASE. Please tell me that she is flopping about on rock bottom and it is about to fall out from under her. I may have to resort to my drastic techniques of incantations and godful prayers to push her over the edge.

  17. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She absolute looked bi-polar manic in all it's glory. Her wicked-looking smug smile, goofy dumb looks with eye-rollery, then crazed anger emotions displayed in only five minutes, says there's something wrong in that mind of hers. No other guest or interviewee/contributor does this "Sybill" personality thing like Palin.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Drug addiction.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      She is the reincarnation of Sybil! What a 'right on' comparison. Sarah Palin is a mental mess and a loony tune to boot!

  18. 2020? 2020? One, my health will not take even her occasional appearances until 2020. But two, and most importantly, can you imagine what she will look like in 2020, IF, very big IF, she is still living. What she will look like? What she will sound like? What she will smell like. OMG!

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      She'll look like the old, sun fried lady from Something About Mary.

  19. Anonymous6:59 AM

    She's acting high on the air again...BTW, sarah attacks on you aren't the war on women, they're the war on imbeciles...

  20. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Let's not forget that Ted Cruz also endorsed some of those soggy tea bag losers. Not a glorious night for the right fringe.

  21. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Noticed now brusque Hannity was as he ended the interview. I think even he had enough.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      I thought the same thing.

      Seemed like he could hardly wrap it up fast enough.

  22. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Skeletor meth-head in a bad wig.

  23. janice7:06 AM

    I bet Sarah has so much money overseas and mucho money from big pacs for spewing her hate on Obama. It would be interesting to see what private property and interests she is invested in which is not listed as her assets.

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I really don't think Sarah and Todd Palin are as rich as some think they are! The money assuredly isn't coming in like it use to and that has been going on for awhile.

      When she travels outside of Alaska (which isn't as often either), I would think she has substantial mileage buildup!

      If she's going to a specific event and is asked to speak, I'm sure she tries to get them to pay for her airfare and hotel. But, it would be fun to see how many of her fewer and fewer ventures actually reimburse her.

      She tain't what she use to be! More of a 'has been' now and certainly not as attractive. Too nasty and mean - not a happy soul!

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      They don't have much and they spent too much when it was pouring in. Too many non working people trying to live high off Sarah the hog.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      keeping people quiet's 'spensive

  24. Anonymous7:08 AM

    She looks like an aging stripper.

    I think Palin is upset that these two Tea Party losses last night were losses for her. And that the Cantor victory was by a candidate who did not want her endorsement.

    She's not doing too hot this year.

    Four out of the five Mama Grizzlies this year have lost. And most of her other candidates have also lost.

  25. Anonymous7:08 AM

    So let me get this straight; the GOP in its subservient quest to placate the Fascist Tea Party has already shifted so far right that Reagan would actually be ostracized as a Marxist is, according to the Quintessential Idiot Sarah Palin, acting like Democrats. Palin, it’s official. I’ve held off for years with this, because it’s a serious allegation that gets abusively and gratuitously used by all sides, but if you think that the GOP is not far right enough, then you are a Nazi, no other way around it. We already clearly understood you to be a remarkably ignorant bigot, but like Rush Limbaugh, I’m now convinced that if you were the exact same person living in 1930s Germany, you would willfully and happily join the Nazi Party.

    1. Maple7:31 AM

      Some folks call it the politics of resentment. Yes, Simple Sarah would happily be Hausfrau Sara in a Berlin minute!

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      DING! Welcome to the AIP.

  26. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Like the hair, Sarah. Halibut oil mousse?

  27. Anonymous7:10 AM

    So she didn't support Brat and yet she did everything short of sucking Shannon's d***, wow, she's some kind of political maven.

  28. Anonymous7:11 AM

    WTF! she looks like she just woke up. The entire top of her botox injections are still active, but the bottom of her face is sagging as if she had a stroke. LOL...I actually feel sorry for her on that interview. The woman looks like SH$it! She's wearing the same wig she wore with her chi-fil-a uniform.
    I have a feeling that she's going for the "willo" look since she must have read that someone thought she looked like willow at the park while watching the soccer game with barstool and her latest trial husband.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Wasn't that the photo that looked almost as photoshopped as that "big fish" picture Sarah posted on Facebook?

  29. Proof that skid marks on underwear may be sentient..

  30. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Now I guess no one needs to ask if that guy from Oklahoma, and his extended family, get free native health care for life, while he rails against affordable care for others, wants to completely repeal the Affordable Health Care Law, according to his web site. Mika was rather hard on Mrs Palin this morning, until Joe intimidated her into silence. Something about Mika wondering from the video of her endorsement, if Palin even knew the guy's name. Also pretty funny....the clip of Cruz and Palin "had the feel of American Idol Season 13" according to Steve Schmidt.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Mika wasn't "rather hard." She called a spade a spade!

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Unfortunately her co host rarely allows her to complete a sentence. (Nor does he allow anyone else to finish a sentence, either.) I wish she'd just ONE TIME, turn to him and say "stfu you moron, I'm speaking".

  31. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I thought the new wig and the new makeup style was quite attractive, much better than the "crazy old aunt" appearance of the ones she used to wear on FOX.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM


    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Well the eye-rolling did distract.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Yes, I agree with 7:14, the Clown Parade look is more fitting for a loser who appears on Fox.

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      7:14 yes if you think crazy old two bit whore look is better than crazy old aunt look.

  32. I'm Jewish and I resent her wearing that huge Star of David! Why on earth is she wearing it?

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I'm not Jewish and I resent it.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Pandering but to whom?

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      She's part of a Christian cult who hopes dragging Israel into a war would bring about their (Christian) rapture soon. Why conservative Christians and conservative politicians are so very interested in Israel.

    4. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I'm Jewish and as long as I'm still here in the States, the Christians aren't going anywhere. Israel has to be exactly like the time when Jesus was around, which means that we all have to go back there to make it work. It's not going to happen.

      And, Sarah wearing a star does not show support for Israel. For a Christian (or so she says) to wear a Jewish star is a sign of disrespect. It's an insult. Or it's a sign that when she looked in her jewelry box, she couldn't tell one thing from anther.

    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I'm not Jewish but have Jewish friends who are offended by her wearing a Star of David.
      I'm offended by any politician wearing a religious symbol of any sort -- worse, one that isn't even one of their own religion -- to get votes. Sacrilegious pandering.

    6. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Why didn't Sarah wear her flag pin and her blue star pin, too? She is all about wearomg symbols without any of the content.

  33. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Is she wearing a clown wig? And what's with the lips, the chin and the neck. I don't know much about botox, but she should apply it evenly.
    She looks like a drugged up clown. tsk tsk tsk..SMH...

  34. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The greasy slimy lips, the shag mullet hair, she has never looked worse! I thought she had her eyes fixed, they look more crossed than ever, yikes she is a disaster!

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Shag mullet, LOL. I thought that it was a two-toned mess.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Her eyes keep getting more like Charlie Manson's.

  35. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Tea Party LOSER has such a nice ring to it.

  36. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I think Palin looks especially twitchy at the beginning when Hannity talks about Democrats helping Cochran win. I wonder if the situation reminded her of becoming governor. Didn't a lot of AKn Democrats help elect Sarah? And once Sarah was governor, wasn't it Democratic legislators who helped her raise taxes on oil companies and pass a doomed gas line plan which bestowed up to 500 million dollars on TransCanada to tinker with the idea of a gas line? The AK GOP didn't like Sarah and it wasn't because she was a too conservative for them.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      No, Democrats did not help elect her, she was elected by the religious right in Alaska but once elected was too lazy to do her job in Juneau so she let the Democratic Caucus craft legislation which she then slapped her signature on.

      Dems had her number even before she ran for Governor, there was no way that we'd be voting for a "religious" madwoman who speaks in tongues and couldn't even run the city of Wasilla without help.

      Thanks, but no thanks. Then we pestered her so much that she quit her job (according to her). Didn't take much to drive old Miss "Still Spine" from office, huh? Dead fish indeed.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Thanks for correcting me. I vaguely recall Shannyn Moore's admission of voting for Palin and thought perhaps other Dems had also, too.

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I thought I'd be for Hillary this time, too, until we were all reminded these past weeks of the several decades of Clinton baggage, and what I thought were some self-serving Hillary statements that didn't help the President, and made me fear that there might be more on the way.
    I'm hoping that there may be one or more Barack Obamas who are not afraid of the Clinton juggernaut and will offer an alternative in the primaries. I think there would be more support for such candidates than might be imagined by what's in the news right now.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM


    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D)

      down the road....CA Attorney General Kamala Harris (D)

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Don't worry, Hillary has enough votes without your fake one.

    4. Anonymous10:34 AM

      10:18 -- no need for nasty snark. Hillary's no saint. The Republicans have no one, but Clinton is no shoe-in. Get real.

  38. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The way the woman was dressed in the platform with TW and the see-though blouse she was wearing for McDaniel made her look like a CHEPO. I'm shocked they asked for her help. She looks like a washed up drunk clown who just got out of bed while campaigning, on her FB, most pictures AND this interview.
    She can't even write or speak properly. No wonder they lost. What do you expect. Voters probably think her endorsees are just like her--ignorant, uneducated and druggies.
    She is a national embarrassment. And to think she lives off for free while pushing her drugged up ignorant craziness….SMH

  39. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Watch any and all of the other people who comment on TV. They look at the camera and speak in normal way. There was something wrong with Sarah last night. She looked as if she had just had 50 cups of coffee. Wired or manic! Her face was an exercise in contortion. She looked like a comedian trying to get a laugh with a rubber face. There is something wrong with her.

  40. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Why was Sarah Palin wearing a Jewish star last night on Hannity? I thought that she said that shew as a Christian. Christians - cross, Jews - star. What's Sarah's secret message?

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      The secret is that to Sarah, religion is a fashion she takes off or puts on to go with her outfit. No deep convictions there. Christianity is just another scam for her to shear the flock.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      It's her middle finger to Jews in America cause she figured out we don't like her. She tries to cheapen the symbol and slam us by associating it with her hate filled, mean-spirited rhetoric. I think Netanyahoo is her only buddy in the fold and he's as despicable and hateful as she is.

      Many think her love for Israel is for its place in the supposed end-of-times nonsense. The only sign I've seen of it is $arah's emergence as the Whore of Babylon. She doesn't believe in scripture nor is she a Christian. She's an opportunistic, religionist shrill who uses the religion of others as a tool to further her own personal gains, nothing else.

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      A reminder about Sarah's visit to Israel. If it was so important for her to see the birthplace of Christ, then she should have done her homework and read about what was required for the visit-- a passport. For important people visiting the Church of the Nativity, they also had to check ahead of time with the Palestinians since they are the people in control of that area. Sarah just got to look at Christ's birthplace through a chain link fence two miles away.

  41. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sarah, I know you read this blog. I'm trying to help you out this interview with the sound off. In fact, watch all your interviews with the sound off and take it from there...As you can see, it's not a pretty sight.

  42. Anonymous7:53 AM

    One of Sarah Palin's endorsees, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, sailed to victory in his GOP Congressional primary race yesterday. Crickets from Sarah. What's up with that?

    "Dan Bongino was endorsed last election cycle 2012 for Senate. He lost but that was not unexpected, but he was re-endorsed by Sarah Palin May 2nd."

    It looks like she quietly un-endorsed her re-endorsed candidate. The endorsement is no longer on either her facebook page or the SarahPAC website. Didn't she do her homework before anointing him?

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Bongino's check must have bounced.

  43. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Sarah and Todd was in Huntsville Alabama last night. They just dropped in for a visit at Waff TV. Both had pictures made with the news people. This is the station that has interviewed her a couple of times and a couple that work there are Tea Party. Needless to say I will never watch that news again.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      She's pallin' around with her friend Cathy Maples that paid $63,000 for dinner with her. Maples was up here last week with her grandsons. Maple's company has a private jet so of course Mrs. Palin was going to fly to Huntsville prior to going to Tennessee. Gotta get that sweet chartered jet experience while there's someone willing to foot the bill!

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Why were you watching it in the first place? Sounds like it causes brain damage.

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Let's finish the story of Cathy Maples. Those were her grandsons who appeared with Todd on the Rainbow Lodge fishing boat. The fishing guide, Erin Rogers, posted a photo of them, saying that he had to guide Todd and the boys. Yes, Todd, part owner of the Rainbow Fishing Lodge needed a fishing guide.

      In addition to paying $63,000 to have dinner with Palin, it was Cathy Maples who suggested that Sarah be invited to give the high school graduation speech. One of Maples' grandsons was in the graduating class.

      That's really all that Sarah has, cultivating her rich donors. And, I thought that the fishing lodge was going to be Todd's sideline business. It's a good place for Sarah to entertain her special friends, too.

    4. I think she was here to do the Hannity Show. I was not watching I quit the first time they interviewed her. She was not on the news. Reporters were posting pictures of them with her and Todd on face book. The same station that has interviewed her a couple of times before. I let them know how I felt about her and it was not good.

  44. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It can't be said often enough, that woman is a freakin' idiot!

  45. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Maybe she should buy a bigger Star of David; that one is a little hard to see...

  46. How in the hell does this woman not crack up and roll under a desk when she starts her imbecelic word salad?

    Anyway---I love the way Faux news people feed her neurosis.
    "Sarah wanna cracker"? Hilary . . . .Obama . . .Bad wigs (oops
    thats not one of 'em. . . .The woman became a parody a long time ago.

  47. Chenagrrl8:21 AM

    T-P Express big cheese Amy Kremer was tweeting Tuesday that if McDaniel was defeated, the TP would split with the GOP. She has a big mouth, and didn't respond when challenged. TP Ex is naught but a pr company. Surely old sister sarry is praying for a splinter group to grift, uh, lead.

  48. What is Palin's first language? (LOL)

  49. Chenagrrl8:31 AM

    Update: My bad. Amy Kremer quit the TPEx in April to help a TP candidate running against Mitch McConnell, a Mike Bevin who got crushed. Guess she's vamping for a return gig with TPEx.

  50. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Sarah's wonky left eye is still trying to meet her right eye.

  51. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Huntsville, AL is where Todd's Sex Trafficking partner lives.

  52. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Flirtation with viewers, looking cutesy and girlish is all she's got left. The squirrely ideas running around in her head don't make sense.

    Hannity's questions, like how Cochran's win will affect the General, result in Sarah's refusal to discuss what specific policies will ensue and who or what outcomes will emerge if traditional GOP's are still in control versus tea party policies, she goes off onto the juvenile trail, talking about the 'drama'.....with word salad including 'shenanigans', 'nothing should surprise you', 'that's old school politics', 'status quo', 'that's got to go'. At the end of her answer, she goes on: "It'll be surprising, and yet or perhaps not, to find out what that cross over of Democrat voters, how that does impact the general". This last sentence virtually doesn't answer Hannity's question at all. She basically is asking the same question that he is asking her, finishing off with a glib answer like, "we'll find out whenever, whatever".

    Hannity asks her a question. She shows frustration like a teen mean girl by stating the obvious, then doesn't offer a solution or insight into how these results will effect the nation. No solutions, she doesn't even care that it shows she's not prepared for this interview and just wants to hear herself talk. Pitiful.

    Fox News knows. Even Hannity looked perturbed.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      haven't you noticed how the host; Hannity in this case; speak a loooonnnnnggg paragraph real fast and then ask Sarah "so, what do you say to that?" or "how do you feel when you hear that?" or "don't you agree, Governor?"
      Poor Sarah, what can she do but spout the same ol' same ol'.
      Fundamentally transformed.......

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      fat boi sean just goes through the motions

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      She has always reminded me of ME when I was in junior high and high school and hadn't done my homework.

      That is exactly how I would try to bullshit the teacher.

  53. Anonymous8:41 AM

    get a laugh. watch and hit pause throughout the vid and you get the most hilarious contorted faces and some ugly faces.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      She has the mannerisms of a teenager...always has, always will.

  54. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Yeah, don't know what she said, but her face was weird.

  55. Anonymous8:42 AM

    just ridiculous.

  56. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Really! How stupid does one have to be to ask $arah Paylin's opinion on anything?

  57. Anonymous8:52 AM

    So, she's Jewish again I see.

  58. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Americas Last Stand is being so professionally put together that the site for tickets gives the wrong location. The first page is the convention center but the inside has Smokies Stadium, Sevierville, TN. The tickets are named for parts of a stadium like field and concourse.

  59. Anonymous9:00 AM

    What is wrong with the old farts that watch Faux News, they seem to love this batshit crazy woman. I think they just turn the volume off and daydream she will polish it off for them with that nasty mouth of hers... sorry about the inappropriate imagery.
    She does have a lot of nerve to believe that she understands what this country needs when she can't even raise healthy kids. It starts at home Sarah, teach your children to be humble and kind, something you obviously need to practice yourself.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      that ship done left port and sailed

  60. Anonymous9:04 AM

    argle baargle bargle-y blargh
    smug face
    blif blather barfgh boof
    stern face
    biggles wiggles stillish spurn
    self-satisfied face

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Well that's a fine way to describe this stinkbug of a woman.

  61. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So the sevierville tn tea party last stand got moved to an indoor(smaller) venue due to risk of inclement weather?
    Forecast for sevierville tomorrow:
    Jun 26
    Partly Cloudy

    WNW at 5 mph

    Oh okay big risk of bad weather isn't it? And breitbart had an article a few days ago about the event listing thousands of seats still available!!!! Baaawwwaaaahhhhh last stand you betcha:)

  62. Anonymous9:16 AM

    No way Sarah Palin's endorses went down in flames!

    Sarah Palin is a king and queen maker.

    Right Sarah

  63. KanaW9:29 AM

    If you watch it with the sound off, she looks like one of the mentally ill homeless people who wander the streets yelling at ants on the sidewalk.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      LMAO !!

      beautiful !

  64. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I think her new nickname should be "twitchy", just when you think she couldn't add to her crazy druggie look she adds another twitch, now it's the wrinkling of her nose and she has really upped the eye shifting and rolling. I am always expecting her to answer a question with "whatever" like a ticked off teenager. I would comment on her rant but seeing as it had no substance to it as usual it doesn't justify bothering with it.The entertaining part is watching her mannerisms they are in a class all by themselves. Twitchy is like a study in abnormal behavior, fascinating in a car accident should not look but can't help it kind of way.

    1. PalinsHoax6:12 PM

      Woo hoo twitchy woman,
      Twitching here and twitching there;
      Woo hoo twitchy woman,
      She's so bizarre, beyond repair.

  65. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The pee pond last night was a thing of beauty and they're still bitchin' today.

  66. Anonymous9:55 AM

    My wife turned on Hannity to see how he was faring
    with the tea party burning and crashing.
    She yelled to me you have come and see this !!!
    Palin looked to have a giant tarantula on her head .
    The fright wig was jet black at the tips.
    We turned off the sound after a couple of seconds and we were struck as others were ,
    by her eyes rolling around like a Kewpie doll.
    With the sound mercifully off, her facial tics and exaggerated
    expressions were very noticeable.
    Her immobile forehead and high eyebrows was clearly the result of Botox.
    I have no explanation for the Tourettes like quality of her bizarre facial expressions.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Drugs, especially meth, cause all kinds of weird tics.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I think that she was off her meds. I heard that she took adderall for attention deficit hyperactivity. That would account for her dry mouth and tongue licking, and the weight loss. Either she forgot to take the adderall or she mixed it with something you shouldn't mix with speed, and there you are--
      Sarah Completely Unhinged and Bat Shit Crazy. She would have to be to keep repeating things that made no sense the first time and in picking that God awful wig to wear.

      I know that I shouldn't offer to help her, but I do have a suggestion for Sarah. Have Todd attach a mirror to the TV camera so you can see what you look like when you appear on TV. If you can't see how awful you look, then get Todd to take you in for some new eyeglasses.

  67. PalinsHoax9:57 AM

    Watched the Ol' Spitoon with the sound off. Have to say that I couldn't take my eyes off the grease that was above her top lip.

    Listen Ol' Baby Oil, we know you like to play rogue and outside the lines. But when it comes to your lip products, it really would behoove you to stay within the lip lines.

    You look simply laughable otherwise.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Have you already forgotten the tattoo lip liner from her earlier days? It was drawn over the top too (gag) and always reminded me of my colorbook days when we outlined everything. Such a clown in her silly clown masks. Too bad she's not the least bit funny or entertaining.

  68. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Kudos to Gryphen for transcribing that mess.

    Hannity: How will that [Dems voting for Cochran] impact the general?

    Palin: if it's true some shenanigans going on there, nothing should surprise you...[...] It’ll be surprising and yet, perhaps not, ta [sic] find out, with that cross-over of Democrat voters, how that does impact the general.

    Holy crap!

  69. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Sarah is a bad actress. She's trying to look ernest, but can't cover up the fact that she is bat shit crazy. I guess all her fans don't care that her words don't make any sense at all.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      She say's nothing. But she says it with certainty and 'energy.'

  70. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Pissy Poor Loser Sarah is pissing all over the democratic process and throwing shade on the election. If McDaniels had won, I wonder if she would be doing the same...not likely. She is SOOOO full of shit, trying to act like she's taking the high road and trying to fight for voting integrity. Such utter crap. She just can't stand that she lost, he lost and they're fucking sore losers.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Which apparently means when Palin doesn't like the result.

      "with potential legal violations . . . "

      Of which there is no evidence.

      '...politics MUST be put aside and the irregularities MUST be fully investigated.'

      Because people who whine the loudest should get do-overs!

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      " I reFUdiate all'y'all!"

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Her entire argument seems to rest of the fact that some African-Americans voted for Cochran and hence the election is automatically illegitimate. Because, well, you know...

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      "When an election is questionable, with potential legal violations, politics MUST be put aside and the irregularities MUST be fully investigated."

      Unless it's me.

    5. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Cause we ALL KNOW that it's illegal for black people to vote "Don't 'cha Know" because they are not "Real Americans"
      The fact that it is an OPEN PRIMARY does not penetrate the 14 pounds of hair (most of it fake) that covers her empty head.

    6. Anonymous11:04 AM

      When an election is questionable, with potential legal violations, let the recount in Florida continue without bringing in outside troublemakers. I bet Gore would have won. Oh, I guess that Karl Rove's dirty tricks didn't matter when it came to the Democrats.

  71. Anonymous10:37 AM



    25 people liked this.

    You lost, get over it, yada yada yada...
    5 people liked this.

    Honey Cari-Boo Boo said:

    When an election is questionable, with potential legal violations, politics MUST be put aside and the irregularities MUST be fully investigated. Regardless of party, we owe it to voters and to democracy within our Republic.

    And that is exactly what she said about Bush v. Gore! Right?


  72. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She didn't even know about the Brat v. Cantor race and how there were "shenanigans" as she puts it, with lots of Dems voting for Brat in the open primary in order to unseat Cantor. Bitch still doesn't read.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Reading are hard!!!

  73. Anonymous10:45 AM

    It's almost as if deciding to exclusively cater to hateful lunatics diminished her political pull or something.

  74. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Funny how Palin was mum and didn't voice any concern when McDaniel's campaign workers were found locked inside the courthouse at 2 am, where the ballots were located during the primary. She had no concern then, I wonder why..

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Or when they were caught photographing that poor woman in the nursing home. Those dirty tricks don't count.

    2. Yes, talk about "shenanigans"!

  75. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Saint Sarah MUST be investigated for noxious bumblefuck dumbfuckery.

    Martin Bashir's implication was right-on: Sarah of the North oughta be force-fed a steaming pile of shit.

  76. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Palin looks just plain goofy in that above photo!

  77. Anonymous11:00 AM

    From the looks and sound of Sarah Palin, it looks as if she went down in flames last night, too. What a mess!

  78. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I watched sista Sarah w/the sound off and noticed more than anything the fact she blinks her eyes constantly! What is that a sign of for crying out loud? Compare her to Hannity's eye movement. Big difference!

  79. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Not only is she a quitter, Palin is also a sore loser. When will she realize she does not represent the views of the majority, just her idiot supporters who want to destroy our government?

  80. Anonymous11:06 AM

    How it went down:

  81. Anonymous11:09 AM

    You mean Americans are waking up to the garbage these demagogues have been spreading for decades? I hope so, but don't believe it.

  82. Anonymous11:09 AM

    It is surprising, and yet perhaps not, that Sarah Palin cannot manage to articulate a single coherent thought and perhaps if it's true, some shenanigans going on in her brain.

  83. $arah professes to be a Christian. Why does she wear the Star of David? She should be wearing a cross. But maybe $arah doesn't know what either means and thinks they are interchangeable.

  84. Shame on all those voters who crossed party lines to ensure a person who won the election AND be willing in part to represent them also too. Compromise....such a dirty word.

  85. If Sarah Palin had a white streak in her hairdo, she would be the spitting image of Cruella Deville!

  86. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I am noticing more and more that Hannity is not drooling and smiley over Palin anymore. Thoughts?

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Bitch is too old?

  87. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Remember when Rush Limbaugh pushed "Operation Chaos" back in 2008?

    This was a script devised by GOP strategists, using Limbaugh as a megaphone, whereby GOP voters were encouraged to cross over in Democratic primaries in open primary states and cast their votes for Hillary Clinton in order to disrupt the Obama campaign. I guess back then Rove and Frank Luntz and the rest of the boys in that smoke-filled Republican back room thought it was an awfully cute idea: they certainly kept emphasizing the notion that it was legal, although in some of the states where they had Limbaugh flog this tactic, there were serious legal questions.

    Not in Mississippi, though: no laws were broken in the making of yesterday's delicious farce.

  88. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Mississippi has open primaries. No one committed "voter fraud." Every time I think we've reached the bottom of Tea Party stupidity, they just keep digging.

  89. Anonymous11:49 AM

    First off, why is ANYONE asking Sarah Freaking Palin about ANYTHING? She has less credibility than the fly I killed on the window earlier.

    Secondly, McDaniel is sure a crappy loser. I wouldn't vote for anyone with that shitty of an attitude. But I hope he DOES run as a write in. He could split the republican party and lose the race for them in the end. And this asshole seems to have the ego to do just that.

  90. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "black" "steal"

    Did you get that?

    That's just ringing a Pavlovian dinner bell in the tiny, lizard brains of thousands of conservatives. You put those two words together like two big, dripping, bloody handfuls of red meat, and you chuck them at the primitive conservatives, and tell them to have at it. Then you step back and watch the slobbering animals whip themselves into a frenzy. Then your job is done. The creatures take over from there. All that is left is for you to later claim no responsibility for the actions of the vile beasts that you trained.

  91. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I seem to remember a certain rotund, drug-addicted radio host explicitly urging his listeners to do this in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primaries. I guess it's only outrageous when it goes against you huh?

  92. Anonymous12:03 PM

    LMAO. They are complaining that out of state liberal billionaires like Mike Bloomberg poured money into the election. Well they should be mad. Everyone knows only the Kochsucker brothers have the right to do this.

    Hoisted on their own petard.

  93. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Why is Caribou Quitter Twunt Barbie wearing a big old Star of David around her neck? Is she looking to convert? If so, Jews around the country are screaming "dear G*d, please no!!! Our people have suffered enough!"

  94. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I just listened to Palins interview from Hannity. It's amazing how she can construct those bullshit phrases she has committed to memory into answers to any question. It's like that stupid fucking 8 ball that you ask a question of, give it a shake, and an answer appears. Palin is even more stupid. Hannity is stupid, a douche-bag, and is reported to be a steaming pile of shit. Still waiting on that POS to submit to water boarding as he promised to demonstrate it isn't torture.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      You hit on it with the 8 ball method. Makes me want to find a word counting program and run a few of her transcriptions thru for some repeated word counts. I bet we could guess the first 50 most frequent, eh.

  95. Anonymous12:50 PM

    She's losing so much money, or should I say not grifting any money lately, that she's a wanna-be-jew now so she can get money from whomever. What an effen joke of a loser.
    Shame on you palin using religion, ethicity, immoral moves, etc. to get free STUFFF. Get a job!

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      When she pimps a pimp lodge, yep!
      How dumb does she think we are?

      Form your third party, $arah, and RUN.
      I DARE you, coward. NOW for all your rhetoric. Let's see what you're made of.....we know you won't.
      Because you can't, can you? I know why!

  96. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Ironically, voting records show McDaniel crossed party lines in 2003 to vote in the Democratic primary.

    McDaniel initially denied doing so, but a spokesman later conceded the candidate had in order to “have a choice in local competitive races.”

  97. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What happened to Sarah Palin's Alaska flag lapel pin? Sarah not only quit on us as our governor, she's saying fuck us after we gave her money for that bullshit Sarah Palin's fuck you Alaska.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      $arah didn't want to go back to Alaska. $arah never cared about any of you. It was always about her and still is. She is getting her comeuppance.

  98. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

    Sarah "Schmaltz" Palin has resurrected her beloved Star of David Bling. Whazzzupwitdat? Can't be wearing the memory foam tatas, those angles are dangerous, and I'm talking about her face and skeleton. I had to listen with earphones. Don't want the bats to start crashing to the ground.
    Is it me? Or does she come off more idiotic than ever? Where was her Matzah Ball Soup recipe in her long forgotten war on Christmas?
    Dollars to Donuts she didn't read Hillary's book, but why does Sarah group herself with women and the war on women when all she does is go along to get along and endorse men against women's issues?

  99. Anonymous7:56 PM

    HER campaign? What a stooopid bitch. It was Mccain's campaign, she was just a bit o tinsel on the old war horse's tail.


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