Tuesday, June 03, 2014

It's primary day folks, and the last of Sarah Palin's credibility is on the line.

Please, please let somebody win today.
Today there are eight states holding primaries today including Iowa, Mississippi, and New Jersey, and Sarah Palin has a dog in each of those hunts.

In Iowa she has the gun toting, pig mutilator, Joni Ernst who is surprisingly up in the polls and may emerge victorious. And in fact I heard this morning that almost all of her advertising money is coming from outside groups that are spending on her behalf, and that her own fundraising is very underwhelming. 

Here is what Palin posted about Ernst last night:

Joni will make Washington's big spenders squeal. Let's send Joni Ernst roaring on her Harley all the way to D.C. to put government back on We the People's side.

Oh yeah, I'll bet they are just shaking in their boots.

In Mississippi Palin has pinned her hopes on Chris McDaniel, who is currently leading his opponent by two points, but whose ties to a blogger who took pictures of the incumbent's sickly wife has almost derailed his campaign.

Here is what Palin had written for her concerning McDaniel:  

Chris McDaniel provides what Mississippi and all concerned Americans need; please provide him your vote tomorrow to halt the liberal's fundamental transformation of the nation we love. 

In other words yet another Tea Party obstructionist bent on sabotaging the government from within and destroying any chance for the kind of progress that we desperately need.

And finally there's New Jersey's Steve Lonegan.

Of course we all know about Steve Lonegan....

....so there is not really that much more to add.

Lonegan has a reasonable chance to win this primary today, which has New Jersey Democrats salivating at the idea of facing him in the general.

To be clear ALL of these Palin endorsees are on the Democrat's wish list to face off against in the primaries, so their victories today could in fact be good news for the 2014 election cycle.

However if they all fail it would essentially signal the end of the Tea Party as we know it, and virtually destroy Sarah Palin's political credibility completely.

So on the one hand if they all lose, that would be awesome. But then again if they all win, that would be awesomer?


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    seditionist sarah will hopefully slither on back to AZ soon, so sick of this vapid fucking waste of skin!!! She has nothing of value to say or bring to any conversation, just methed up word salad and hate for our President. Go the fuck away sarah you sickening bitch and take that whole grifting clan with you, soon she will be working a pole at the rainbow lodge bwahahahahah

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    That district is pretty red, afraid he might have a shot. And the old crone will crow about it.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Remember her big Facebook lecture on gloating? If she does, just one more example of the hypocritical harridan projecting!

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Did you hear his excuse? The guy is LEGALLY BLIND and he was simply shrugging off an assistant's unnecessary placement push. [eyeroll]

    So, he's a dick to his wife, even worse to work for. Who wins with a guy like Lonegan with power?

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Point taken. But he looked right at his wife's chest before he brushed her off. He knew very well who he was dissing, but you're right he does a lot of dissing to a lot of people.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I've seen that video countless times and the impact of him brushing away his wife still makes me pissed off. He's in all ways a loser. I hope he loses today.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

      He IS legally blind, but for his excuse to hold water, the same should have happened a lot in the past. Why no examples if he's using it as a crutch?

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Some thoughts about Sarah endorsing candidates:
    1. It's easy for her to post a ghost written piece on her facebook
    2. If the candidate pays for Sarah to show up, she loves having the visibility. She isn't seen in too many places these days.
    3. I don't see any mention of Sarah actually donating money to the people she endorses.
    4. She endorses the fringe, the weirdos,the ones who would be easy to beat in November.
    5. That means that once the poor candidate loses to a more qualified candidate, Sarah's work is done. She is not into doing hard work for a long period of time, campaigning from now to November.
    6. The Establishment Republicans don't seem as in love with Palin as they used to be, which is why she's supporting the fringe. She didn't endorse Mitt for President until the very last minute.
    7. What else does Sarah have going for her? If she writes something really outrageous, then Fox may put her on for 5 minutes. Sarah's reality show was a flop. She is rarely on Fox. And other than a county tea party event, Sarah doesn't have much on her calendar.
    8. It's never too late to get out the Belmont Girls for the race this Saturday. Count on Sarah to do something sensational to keep her name in the media.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Sensational or pathetic? Looks like she went to some rummage sales when she was down south, look at that blouse!! Unless someone loaned it to her to cover up her scrawny arms.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Come on stop hating on Sarah.
      Regarding number 7, Sarah did appear at a high school graduation.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      The Establishment Republicans told her to shut up and sit down. She was told to stay away from Tampa in 2012 when she should have been headlining after 2008. Hence they became the "elite," which makes me laugh considering she couldn't wait to be a part of them. She's even badmouthed McCain. Sore loser bitch.

    4. Anonymous12:54 PM

      10:26 AM
      Sarah speaking at the New Hope, Alabama, commencement exercises is almost predictable since New Hope is known for it's rattlesnake handling preachers and their kinfolk. Not that any of them were necessarily involved with the commencement but just pointing out that those people are accustomed to hissing snakes.

    5. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Republic, WA was also someone she knew. Where's all the big invitations? No universities? The blackberries don't ring. Period.

    6. Anonymous3:46 PM

      4 million friends on Facebook and no special appearances for Sarah. Some friends -- or some friends?

    7. Anonymous4:15 PM

      3:46 PM, you can pay for likes on Facebook. That weird Pete dude on c4p watches 'em like a hawk and reports. They go up in such big increments at a time, that's what's going on. It's called "postage."

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:43 AM

    Ya know, in a rational, thinking world, Dems definitely would win against these blathering morons in November. With the sleazoid Koch network involved, though, I'm afraid that there would be a $udden di$covery of mi$$ing vote$ in someone's laptop, pickup truck or shoe just before the winner is announced. Didn't something like that happen a few years ago?

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Lonegan's wife getting wardrobe advice fro the Palins?

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    That chain on Sarah's neck looks more like something Madonna would wear in one of her mock/religion videos.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    G, if I'm not mistaken you talked about guinea pig porn today, and here we have another post about all variety of pigs, even one who mutilates pigs! What's gotten into you?

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      I'm starting to crave bacon.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Here's some Beatles "Piggies" that's right on topic with this thread!


  9. Anonymous9:57 AM

    If she loses these 3 endorsements, it won't discourage her to stop. She'll keep meddling in other state affairs. Crowds booing her and angry facebook comments won't faze her. Sarah Palin does not understand that she's not liked. She can't understand how no one wants her. It's just not possible, in her mind.

    She's got some people telling her she's important and her vision of herself as some savior has warped her brain.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      That's for damn sure. The Kochsuckers.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      He'd only be listed on the Congressional race in that district

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Both McDaniels and Cochran belong to some Confederates-R-Us outfit that holds dances where the preferred dress is antebellum, Gone With Wind attire. This group alleges that the election of President Obama is akin to the Reconstruction era post-Civil War. They pine for the days of Jefferson Davis, and plan for a return to the Confederacy.
    Choosing one of these nasty men over the other is a tinker's choice, but, personally, McDaniel has been described by those who have worked with him as a narcissistic bully, with no core beliefs other than personal opportunism.

    Guys, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the Confederacy lost. The Union is united. We're in the 21st century. If you hate our democracy so much, why fight to go to Washington to be a part of it? Go sip your mint juleps until you look and sound like Haley Barbour.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Um, Sarah lost all credibility with the Belmont Girls.

    Keep 'dem gals in the news.

    (Let poor Ted "Clueless" Cruz continue to dilute his already flavorless "message" with Sarah sauce.)

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    If Oklahoma and Nebraska are any indication, red states will vote for the CRAZY over ethics and policy every damn time. I fully expect Ernst to win, McDaniel and Lonegan "oh LAWD I hope not" but there you go. People just do not understand what they're voting for because they refuse to research. In this day and age, there's no excuse for it when it's right at one's fingertips.

  14. angela10:20 AM

    Lets see-- a state rep who rarely voted in the assembly, called a mass shooting an accident, makes gun ads for her campaign and broadcasts that she castrated hogs (poor Todd). A Mississippi confederate with ties to white supremacists, and a man who does nothing but run for offices that he constantly loses and is a rude prick to his wife.

    Sounds like Sarah's kind of people.

  15. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Love the see-through black top with black bra and mandatory cross, in the McDaniel picture.

  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Did she really go out in public looking like that? Grifticia Alopecia's hairline is drifting north. That's some serious testosterone imbalance. I see Chucky Sr. on that scalloped scalp.

  17. Anonymous11:00 AM

    O/T: Open-carry rally scheduled Saturday at Home Depot in North Richland Hills


    Even though I do not live in Texas, I am boycotting Home Depot until they come out with a statement that they are not going to sponsor these foolish extremists. Last week a woman's arm was grazed by someone who dropped their gun while she was holding her baby in Walmart. It's just a matter of time before this happens again and it could be your child who gets killed. Please contact Home Depot ASAP and let them know what you think.



    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Don't hold your breath waiting for the big guy at Home Depot to be reasonable about anything. He's as radical and extremist as his newest stable of yard rats.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Americans need to boycott Home Depot based on the ugliness of their big guy. I've not stepped into one in a long, long time. There are many similar outlets in your cities and towns that provide the same products or items.

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Lowe's? I can boycott Home Depot.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I've been boycotting Home Depot for a few years now and will continue to do so. The only thing that will get the owner's attention is a drop in revenue, so the more who refuse to shop there, the better!

    5. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Home Depot treats their employees like shit, small pay raises, and woe to those hired only for the summer. They aren't told it's only seasonal, they think they're full time, given full-time hours, and laid off in September. My husband worked full-time there fourteen years.

    6. Anonymous4:16 PM

      What if everyone made their local independent store their first call? What if that happened and the people who worked in indepedendent hardware stores and the people who made or supplied the goods weren't stood over by powerful national chains? What if that happened?

    7. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Anonymous 4:16
      I'm with you a hundred percent. I don't even mind paying a little more to shop local, but these box stores have destroyed so many small businesses, there's no competition. Our local hardware store closed years ago, we lost three good neighborhood diners, an art supply store, and a fantastic clothing store that did alterations on premesis. The closest we found to a "family" hardware store is "Ace", so for now, they've got our business.

  18. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Ernst is expected to win her primary. McDaniels has a good chance to win his. The thing is that a win won't be credited to Sarah Palin. A loss won't be blamed on her either. She's not important enough or influential enough to matter.

    According to National Journal's 'Races to Watch':

    "The chamber, the Senate Conservatives Fund, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's PAC have all run ads on her behalf. Mitt Romney appeared in one of the chamber's spots and stumped for Ernst in Iowa."

    "Club for Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund have gone all-in for McDaniel"

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      The Ernst win if she wins will be credited to Romney:) regardless of how much the inmates at c4p wail and regardless of skank's endorsement-Romney will be credited!

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM


      Romney stumps for Ernst

    3. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

      " Mitt Romney appeared in one of the chamber's spots and stumped for Ernst in Iowa." They have gold coated chamber pots big enough for Mitt to fit? Just kidding.
      Does Mitt know about Ernst's penchant for testicle removal? Every sperm is sacred, and she's playing God with a form of sterilization. Will she graduate to humans???

  19. Anonymous11:19 AM

    North Richland Hills police investigating raffle at Saturday Open Carry demonstration


    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      How funny is that? Inbred retards armed with dangerous weapons wandering around all day and the police are unhappy about a raffle?

  20. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Todd is in frantic mode...desperate...calling everyone and anyone, begging to get Sarah a slot on Fox News tonight. Will Hannity at least take a call from her on his radio show?

    Hannity had her on the other night when she crashed the RLC but he didn't tweet about her show appearance. He tweeted about Phil Robertson (a lot) and Bobby Jindal...but nothing on Sarah. Greta has stopped retweeting her.

    Her FN contract may have expired but do any media journalists even care?

  21. Anonymous11:41 AM

    In the top picture she looks like the psychotically religious mother in the movie "Carrie".

  22. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Love how she's really the one featured in all of the photo "endorsement ads" on her FB page. What a narcissistic nut job.

  23. Anonymous12:53 PM

    That is one shit-eating grin in that first pic.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      That's smug bitch, not shit-eating.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      These various photos of Palin that IM puts up need to go national by forwarding them to media outlets. I'm tired of them using her 'older than dirt' pictures that no longer reflect the 'real' Sarah Palin!

      Her evilness has grown with her over the years and she no longer is the sex object she once was...except to the moon bellied, older Republicans that are slowly dying off.

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Yep, 2:00 PM, go back and look at her in 08-09 and compare to now. That's what evil and anger do,

    4. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

      That first photo, whew! That's one shit gulping smug look. It comes from years of constant slaps to the eyeballs while teabagging.

  24. Anonymous1:11 PM

    ugly face, ugly clothes, just ugly this sp. oohh wearing even more skanky "see through" clothes. riahnna got the idea from her....hahaha sp will jut her jaw.....creepy sp.

  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    NO boobs, sloppily dressed.
    See through shirt
    BIG BOOBS and still inappropriately dressed.
    Sarah Palin= BOOB

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Sponge Boob Square Jaw

  26. Anonymous1:42 PM

    @ 10:26, when $carah stops being hateful, in word and deed, we'll consider your suggestion.

  27. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Slightly O/T: http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2014/06/03/the-palin-tendency-and-bowe-bergdahl/

    Andrew Sullivan on Ms Palin et al and the commentary on the release/exchange that brings home a captured American soldier.

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Every time I see that smug face with her large protruding chin, all it makes me want to do is to is come up under it and literally knock her block off!!

    The evil idiot deserves nothing better!

  29. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sarahrah doesn't care whether these clowns win or lose. She got to go traipsing all around the country, strutting her stuff and squeeching her squeech, and getting her ugly mug in the media.

    That's all she cares about. And her endorsements don't mean a damn.

  30. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Watch out. Wasilla in the house.

  31. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I don't follow all of Sarah's endorsements
    Just waiting to vote for her again in a national election

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Hold your breath until she does!

    2. PalinsHoax3:38 PM

      "Just waiting to vote for her again in a national election"

      You'll be waiting until eternity for Ol' TWOBULL to appear on the ballot.

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Snort! A national election for what?

  32. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Yeah! All of Gov Sarah Palin's endorsements won.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      No they didn't. http://politics.news12.com/new-jersey/election-results/

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM
      "Yeah! All of Gov Sarah Palin's endorsements won."

      LOL @4:05PM

      MS SENATE UPDATE 9:30PM(Central)

      U.S. Senate - GOP Primary
      1266 of 1832 Precincts Reporting - 69%
      Max Runoff Cands=2
      Name Party Votes Vote %
      Cochran, Thad (i) GOP 99,549 50%
      McDaniel, Chris GOP 94,314 48%
      Carey, Thomas GOP 3,314 2%

  33. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    She's a regular statistician now, you know, like Nate Silvers!

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Sarah can't even keep up with the real and fake birthdays of her kids and grandkids without reminders from IM. And I dare say that the Quitter cannot spell "statistician", although she will now insert the word into her screed in consecutive "sentences" within the next day or so. She can't help herself, because G owns Sarah. We are her vocab builders here at IM.

  34. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Lonegan LOST :-)

  35. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Lonegan lost .
    Ernst is expected to win her primary although polls show her losing to the Democrat in November.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Lonegan lost, Ernst won, and McDaniel will be in a run off.


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