Saturday, June 14, 2014

Released POW Sgt. Bergdahl arrives back in America, along with stories of his horrendous mistreatment while in captivity.

Courtesy of Fox News:  

American Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, while held prisoner in Afghanistan, was locked in solitary confinement for two straight years and did not see another human face for that entire time, senior military sources with knowledge of his "reintegration process" told Fox News. 

Officials said Bergdahl, during that period, only talked to his captors through the wall of a six-foot-by-six-foot metal box, in which he was kept. 

The box was just big enough for him to stand up straight and stretch his arms. If he was ever taken out of the box, Bergdahl was apparently hooded. Bergdahl told officials that this treatment started immediately after he attempted to escape captivity. 

"His mental and physical state match this description -- and we believe him from what we see," one official told Fox News. 

The details emerged as Bergdahl arrived early Friday at an Army medical center in San Antonio, Texas.

Two straight years without seeing another human face, and without hearing his native tongue.

That would destroy the will of just about anyone. 

Seems to me that he will need a lot more help reintegrating back into society than simply purchasing him the Rosetta Stone, right Sarah? 


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I truly fear for the safety of this man.

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    By the way, go fuck yourself, Sarah Palin- you miserable, dried-up old hag.

    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      That goes double for me.

    2. Anonymous5:14 AM

      That goes triple for me.

  3. Caroll Thompson2:38 AM

    I wish this young man all the best in his recovery. He has gone through hell and back. And anyone who thinks differently needs to STFU.

    I cannot believe the reaction from the right wing chicken hawks, most of whom have never served a day in their life.

    I thought Secretary Hagel did a real good job the other day . shutting the hypocrites down at the hearing. As a Marine Corp veteran who served in Vietnam, he wasn't having any of their nonsense and good for him.

    1. Anonymous4:37 AM

      I agree 100% with what you said, and you put it very elegantly.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Bill Maher was good last night, and the blame for the upsurge in Iraq right now was put squarely on Bush and Cheney's shoulders. A "told you this would happen" in the lead up to 2003.

  4. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Sarah Palin Proves: It Takes A Village Idiot To Exploit The Suffering Of Children

    Newscorpse takes no prisoners, spits out chunks of Sarah Palin.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Fox News? I can only imagine the comments.

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    When I read this last night I couldn't get the image out of my head. The contrast between a 6-foot-tall kid in a 6x6 metal box for two years straight, no eye contact, no human contact, removed only with a hood on his face and the selfie of this "potential" presidential candidate and her vapid daughter with their "WTF!" face. They disgust me.

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Anything good that Obama does the RWNJ's will find something to be critical of. If Obama did not secure his release, you can bet, the RWNJ's will be screaming that he left the soldier behind. You can't win with these nutjobs. I hope that the Bergdahl will be safe.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      I hope the entire Bergdahl family will be safe!

      We are such a third world country now - have American terrorists within our ranks and they are the Republican party! Fucking messed up country!

      Thankful President Obama and VP Biden are in charge or things would be so much worse!

  8. How 'bout we put scarah in 5' 6" square box and see how long she lasts?

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      How about 'water boarding' for the retarded one?

  9. ibwilliamsi6:59 AM

    I wonder how John McCain would have felt in '71 if we hadn't pulled out of Vietnam. I wonder if he could somehow explain the difference between our intervening in their civil war as opposed to our intervening in ALL of the civil wars in the Middle East, and what a "win" would look like.

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Viet Nam - now a communist country! Another place the USA should never have fought! As to John McCain - he should have been left there!

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Just think, Sarah Palin would have thrown him to the dogs.

  12. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The only difference between his treatment and those confined in Guantanamo is he wasn't also subjected to water boarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques.

    Yes, we the USA are so much more advanced and humane ...... (extreme sarcasm)

  13. Anonymous2:48 PM

    To Anonymous 7:17 "As to John McCain - he should have been left there!"

    I don't like John McCain; I question his humanity every time he opens his mouth. That said I must disagree with your last statement. If we as citizens of the USA do not do everything in our power to leave no man behind, perhaps it is not Mr McCain's humanity that needs to be questioned.


  14. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I am just furious we were not able to welcome this young man as a hero. His plane should have been met with a band, banners, food and warm handshakes. Why this wasn't done is just beyond me!

    Texas Mel

  15. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    Solitary Confinement, Sensory Deprivation and being kept in a box are beyond torture. When I first heard he was headed back to the states, I thought "So soon?". No one knows all the facts, but this man better be treated with respect and not spat upon like the soldiers from Viet Nam.
    I was beyond pissed at McCain's earlier comments, but even he realized he was wrong and walked them back. He sided with American propaganda" Newsflash, when you're a POW, you write what THEY want you to write. I admire Hagel for his words, and I support the Commander in Chief for getting him back.

    Someone needs to "WTF Hire Bristol and Sarah translators".


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