Monday, July 28, 2014

I KNEW that the Sarah Palin Channel sounded familiar.

The Sarah Palin Network from Michael Pastor on Vimeo.

You not to be unnecessarily judgmental, but if your big idea for making money and getting your message out is taken from an SNL parody of you from several years ago, there might be something wrong with your business model.

Just saying.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    WHOA! Tina Fey has a case if she wants to sue imitation-pants for taking HER topics , LOL!!!
    $he virtually took the whole palybook and made it her own SMH.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    If someone wants to tweet this, it's yours!

    @sarahpalinusa now offering unlimited blowjobs for only $10 per month.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      No thanks you crass person. You make liberals look bad.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Tweet this you dumbass.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      It's yours...YOU tweet it!

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Lord I love pissing off Palinbots.

    5. Anonymous7:03 PM

      5:11 PM

      Conservatives do that all the time, pretend they are liberals looking bad. Not all their ideas are bad however.

    6. Anonymous4:17 AM

      5:03 pm
      Not only is yours a crass, misogynistic idea, it's a way to go broke. Sarah's going her own way and we're going our direction. Her fans who actually agree to pay for her rants are the real losers.

      Based on her inability to communicate or form sentences, it's safe to speculate that she's slow-witted, angry, and has other emotional/antisocial issues, but calling her a prostitute is a nonstarter. If you're going to be a troll, you need some practice elsewhere. And if you're going to try to troll under the guise of one of the resident IMers here, your shtick needs to be tighter, relevant, and closer to reality.

      That's the beauty of mocking Palin--- you don't have to make up anything. The video of Tina is a true-to-life depiction of Sarah being Sarah, the mental midget that Sarah is every day.

      You're not one of us, so take that crap back to C4P. Mission Failed. You're fired.

  3. Caroll Thompson5:06 PM

    I remember seeing that and thinking it was parody and would never happen. I was wrong. But I find the idea of a Sarah Palin somewhat amusing, so I guess we will all be reading all about it right here on IM. And G lets us comment for free.

    I read that on the Sarah Palin channel, you cannot comment (or even read the comments) unless you fork over your credit card information to Sarah.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      The Sarah Channel needs a data breach. Hello, hackers!

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Talk ain't cheap, my friend. Ya gotta pay to play. Free speech? No, $10./month.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Sounds life a media filter to me.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Hackers gonna have some fun. Scrarah still won't learn who she can trust. It is really true about her IQ.

    5. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Maybe we can get ANONYMOUS on it? I'd love to see her rake in money from 100 rubes and then get shut down and have to pay them back.

    6. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Hmmmm. 7.99/mo for streaming Netflix or Ten bucks for essentially Sarah's Youtube channel of Sarah. Seems like a slam dunk for anyone but a PeePonder who has no normal life nor even any hope of having one. But I say give em what they want and if they're willing to pay the crazy lady, I won't stand in their way unless I'm their adult guardian with power of attorney. Bless their Hearts.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Well, unless you are an acutely delusional Tea Party Republican or work for the wingnutty press. In that case you can’t help but make up crap like this. It’s in your DNA.

    Ever since the first inauguration of President Obama, right-wingers have been trying to undo the people’s decision to make him America’s chief executive. They declared that their top legislative objective was to make Obama a one-term president. In pursuit of that goal they have blocked most of his policy initiatives, judges, and government reforms. At the same time they have been hyper investigatory on everything from Fast and Furious, to the IRS, to ObamaCare, to his birthplace. All of this was squarely aimed at crippling or revoking his presidency.

    This year Obama’s critics came out of the impeachment closet and began openly advocating for that legal nuclear option despite not having any legal basis for it. While many Tea-Publican whack jobs were earlier to the gate, Sarah Palin burst onto the scene a couple weeks ago with her own demand that Congress do their duty and trump up some phony articles of impeachment. It got so absurdly intense that Obama addressed it himself with fitting mockery.


    ...There you have it. The evil genius in the White House orchestrated the whole Obama-hate campaign from its earliest days in 2008 just so that he would be able to use impeachment, which is every president’s dream, as an election strategy six years into his presidency. He had the foresight to anticipate that his anti-America agenda, developed in concert with the Muslims and Marxists in his inner circle, would make the 2014 midterms so difficult that he would need something positive, like having himself prosecuted before Congress for high crimes and misdemeanors, in order to stem the tide of opposition that would rise up.

    1. Anonymous4:23 AM

      I am no fan of Bobby Jindal, bur he was correct when he said "Our party will NEVER attract the truly intellligent people" Why does the gop/TP attract every strange, stupid, nut around? Palin is a prime example. Her entire family, herself included, are train wrecks. Yet, here she is with cameras all over her house. Where will they hide all the grandkids? How will they stop Trig from slapping her? Also, too, Bristles is, like, not exactly, like, awesome and like whatnot. I.Q.'s barely room temp. yet bound and determined to show the rest of us HOW they live? Yeah, another load of moose crap like $carah's screeches. Pretty soon Tripp will be spilling the beans about all his brothers and sisters, trial husbands and one-night stands. Classy family - NOT.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    "Out of all the conflicts and injustices in the world, why are so many folks incensed about Israel? Why not China's executions? It's horrible oppression of Tibet? Putin's aggression? Bashir's nightmare behavior in the Sudan? Venezuela's gangster government? It's because Israel is full of Jews, my friend. Folks have a fix on the Jews. Stop getting mad at me and take a look in the mirror." He does have a point. People are obsessedddddddddddddd

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      In Africa, millions die at the hands of other Africans. The conditions are terrible, drought, crime and killing. There seems to be enough unrest in Libya for the US Embassy to be evacuated last week. No, the war between Israel and Gaza is easier to cover. There are problems for both sides.

      It is also no coincidence that President Obama has been the target of some really racist comments. The move to impeach him or sue him or as Mitch McConnell said on the first day after the 2008 election, all the Republicans wanted to to was obstruct him and make him a one term president. I doubt if there would be the same level of hatred against a white, Christian president. A woman or a Jewish president, that's another story.

    3. Anonymous2:46 AM

      So are you saying let's just ignore Israel's atrocities because Israelis are Jewish?

    4. Anonymous5:14 AM

      For those of us who grew up in the immediate aftermath of WWII, the State of Israel was seen as a shining example of what good could come out of the horror of the preceding years. Many of us have become disillusioned by the reality of Israel today, a country into which the US has poured billions of (at one time) optimistic dollars, a country that is guilty of apartheid and, worse yet, a country that has sealed off a large segment of the Palestinian population into Gaza, a ghetto of no escape, the worst sort. The average age in Gaza is 17.

      Now that the standard means of news has shifted to social media and Israel cannot control the picture portrayed by the media, the world is beginning to see that the Israeli government has lost its hold on righteousness. Yes, Hamas fans the flames of Israeli injustice to fuel the eternal war. The Israeli government counts on that. It's a kind of dance macabre, where the dancers destroy the young and the old.

      That is why people are paying more attention to what's going on in Gaza right now than to other hot spots around the world. We are so saddened to have seen Israel continue to go down the path to intolerance and now, to something close to genocide. Most sadly, the hatred will continue to fester and grow once the guns have silenced. Both Israel and Hamas depend on it.

    5. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Keep in mind that Netanyahoo is the John McCain/Palin of Israel. Conservatives around the globe love their wars and profiteering.

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Virginia overturns gay marriage ban!

    Congrats Virginia!!

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      You'll notice SS marriage is one subject Palin steers clear of.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      You would think RAM has an opinion or a belief. She is silenced in the worst way or something? Sick company they run. RAM may have been smart and educated she sure sunk herself into a useless pit.
      Almost pity her.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

      Yeah, you know, Franklin gives off that vibe, her only bff with a private plane who shares.

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Yea, Virginia...Virginia is for lovers!
      Now let's turn Virginia blue this fall...let's prove everyone wrong and take back the House and rock the Senate! Let's shut up Rove and Preibus and little PoorMe Sarah too.

  7. Since I don't watch TV I never saw that one, thanks.

  8. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I said this back in 2008: Palin will eventually devolve into being the internet version of the tele-evangelist. "Aaaah have sinnnnned! AAAAHHHHHH HAVE SINNNNNED! Religion has nothing to do with it. Huckstering the buck is what it's about, Her deteriorated apppearance and credibility are just right for this. Just like a Tammy Faye Baker. I think she will have a run with this kind of business in an attempt to gather those last scraps of low-hanging cash. And then, as usual with persons of the tele-evangelist persuasion, there will be a scandal and jail -- because they all have so much material for that, esp our Sarah, as we know but the MSM won't admit. Just a short hop from this network thingie to the AAAhhh haaave SIINNNNED collection plate.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

    That woman is an absolute genius! (Tina Fey, for the trolls, not Sarah the seventh dwarf)

    Are you smarter than a half term governor? LMAO

    Hey Sarah, Good photo of Michael Steel, nice clip ofTodd beating on a black man, eh? wink ouch wink ouch

  10. Anonymous7:29 PM

    If Glen Beck can make millions doing this I guess it could be lucrative for Sarah. Probably not as much as Beck but enough to keep her grift going. I guess the PAC isn't cutting it anymore, huh Sarah? We really have a lot of suckers in this country and Sarah knows how to charm her bots. I hope Jon Stewart gets a subscription and provide us with some great laughs!

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      We don't seem to hear very much about Glenn Beck now that he isn't on Fox. Maybe the same fate awaits Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous11:38 PM

      Well that's the beauty of it from the nuts' perspective. It don't take many commited loonies ponying up to make you fabulously wealthy. But of course the money won't cure the addiction problems. Or the laughing stock problems. Those will get worse.

    3. Anonymous12:15 AM

      That's the beauty of this 'model' - you dont' have to be popular in the large sense to make the huge money - you just need a small % of dedicated crazies to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Ask the televangelists.
      The money can't cure the addiction or prevent you from being a laughing stock, but it's something. Her house will still look like shit, as will she.

    4. Anonymous6:20 AM

      It seems to me $arah has royally screwed her most loyal followers with this subscription idea.

      Now they have to pay $99 per year to hear the same steaming pile of shit they used to get for free.

      She is screwing the pooch with this one. Stupid idiot, she had a good grift going with her followers but she just lost them.

      And to the trolls who say we "don't know her personally"... well, we do now! Cameras in the house makes it awfully hard to claim a right to privacy.

  11. Anonymous7:29 PM

    The old hag would love her own network but that would take work and Sarah hates work, just like the rest of her family of bloodsucking leeches. Her own internet site has been a long time coming but she's worn out her welcome everywhere else.

  12. Anonymous7:52 PM

    This blog may be funnier than Tina and she is gut busting hilarious.

  13. Anonymous8:00 PM

    They are killing her on twitter with the #PalinTVShows hashtag. LOL!

  14. Anonymous8:13 PM

    With the acceptance of more blood money and working with the archfiend, the doting Sally 'Dottie' Heath is a sure sign of the defeat of Belial's queen and the rout of her army.

    Did Sally pick out that word or was she used? Is she the person they claim? Inquiring minds want to know. If I pay $10 a month I want what the ad tells me I am to get. What will it take to get the truth?

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      This is seriously funny...almost as funny as the Tina Fey/SNL skit.

      Picture Sally Heath speaking in tongues and writhing 'in the Spirit' and you're question will be answered. You're welcome for saving you $10 a month.

    2. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Next week: Sally Heath reads her refrigerator magnets. Here's a check for you, Mom. I know, we used to call it postage. Now, you can be a daily columnist on my TV station. No, really, flip through the dictionary and pick another word of the day for next week. (The word will last for 7 days. They are slow readers).

    3. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Doesn't Sally attend the secessionist meetings? Remember the recent photo of her with those guys with guns? Maybe THEY will buy time on this lame show.

    4. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Now that Sally is employed full time as the "word of the day ' gal , did she notify social security to stop her "big government-get out of my life" monthly payments.

  15. Anonymous9:09 PM

    The skit is still hilarious. Palin has the entire family in on her act with her new channel and they have a new source of income!

    Will a million fans sign up @ $9.99 a month? If they only get 5,000 that is 50k a month net! The Palin's may make a lot of money and have the last laugh to the bank.

    1. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Sarah will have to pay the writers, the TV people, there is a cut for Tapp TV. And think about having cameras in all your rooms all the time. If Sarah doesn't want Big Government on her back, she has some strangers in every room. Even if the red light is off, they could be watching and listening. There is a price for fame, and Sarah already objected to stalkers and a writer looking in her bedroom window. Now the hypocrite has a camera in every room.

    2. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Since there is no action in HER bedroom and has not been for years (according to Levi and Todd "I do not know HOW she got pregnant") they can shut off the cameras there.As far as cooking goes, she will make "I love Lucy" look like real life drama!!

  16. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I have a healthy sense of humor except where Sarah Palin is concerned...except the Paul Revere video and, now, this SNL skit. Thanks for the snickers. This will be a welcome antidote anytime I take Miss Heath too seriously.

    On a serious note, this internet tv effort gets to the core of what Palin is about and it's not the money. She's completely fixated on her (false) image. This thing could blow up in her face if someone in her supporting cast (a kid) gets fed up with the pressure she puts on them to perform or if her paying subscribers insist she broadcasts live at a regular time each day rather than edited/pre-taped video.

  17. "Going Rogue" was taken from Tina Fey's SNL skit.
    "Sarah Palin Network" was taken from Tina Fey's SNL skit.
    Is there anything that the Sarahskank doesn't steal?

  18. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Sarah Palin does not have the mental capacity to form original coherent thoughts.

  19. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Headline in a Melbourne, Aus, free newspaper today "Sarah Palin airhead 24/7". News gets around!

  20. Anonymous6:18 AM

    That is the laugh I needed this morning! Thank you for posting that, I never saw it when it was originally aired, made my day!!!

  21. Anonymous6:33 AM


    The online channel is hosted on its eponymous website, and comes with not only news videos, but also “quotes of the day” and “images of the day,” complete with viral memes from our Founding Fathers. ”Hello, and welcome to a new project!” Palin exclaimed in the introductory video. “This is a news channel that really is a lot more than news.”

    "Charlatan's Web" Brian Paul Stuart

    Brian Paul Stuart #PalinTVShows "Charlatan's Web" #SarahPalin #SarahPalinChannel

  22. @Jeanabella6:44 AM

    From American Prospect "The production value is poor, the Palin syntax in some of the monologues suggests that lots of content isn't even scripted, and the same cultural perspective can be found on Fox or GBTV [Glenn Beck TV] or talk radio. All of which is to say that the site offers just one thing you can't get (in comparable quantity) elsewhere: Sarah Palin herself. If the channel succeeds it will be on the strength of her ability to sustain a fan base." I believe this is a right wing site. She is an embarrassment to conservatives!

  23. Anonymous7:06 AM

    This Klein guy supposedly says he met with Palin in Wasilla to discuss the contract and he ate her moose chili. Is that all she ever offers guests?

    WIll her show give out free recipes or will her family charge members for their recipes also? This channel might very well turn out to be a Sarah Palin Shopping channel; t-shirts, jewellery, Piper-designed stationary, fridge magnets with Sarah quotes, bumper car stickers, autographed used shoes and antlers, autographed photos of Palin/Heath family fun, and even possibly a new line of Moose make-up, Moose Menswear.........ughh, I'm giving them ideas.

  24. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The hypnotic spell Sarah has over her bots and fans will break. When it 'hurts' them in the wallet. When it finally dawns on them that they are dishing out more than they can afford to their idol, they'll see the light.

    Honestly earned-money has a funny way of snapping gullible givers out of their spell. When it starts to hurt to give MORE of their hard-earned dollars to multi-millionnairess Sarah, they'll say NO MORE. The scales will be removed from their eyes.

  25. Anonymous7:15 AM

    NBC can probably sue Palin to change the name of the channel

  26. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I want you to talk to directly to me.”.......

    Okay Sarah you want us to talk directly to you? Hey retard how about you stop thinking about yourself and try being a mother to the best thing that ever happened to you, you know that DS photo-op grandchild you claimed is yours.

  27. Anonymous4:46 AM

    “Sarah can flip a switch anytime she has something to say”

    So basically it is not a "channel that provides you with all the dimensions of her personality." Only when she flips on the switch-grand kids out of site, she is sober.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.