Thursday, August 28, 2014

Attorney says newly released video of man shot in Ohio Wal-Mart while holding pellet gun, shows police "shot on sight."

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Police claim Crawford ignored their commands to drop the weapon, and the former Marine who called in the report and witnessed the shooting said Crawford “looked like he was going to go violently.” 

But attorney Michael Wright said surveillance video from the incident, which Ohio’s attorney general allowed him to watch with Crawford’s family, contradicted those accounts. 

“John was doing nothing wrong in Walmart, nothing more, nothing less than shopping,” Wright said. 

The attorney said surveillance video showed Crawford facing away from officers, talking on the phone, and leaning on the pellet gun like a cane when he was “shot on sight” in a “militaristic” response by police.

When I first covered this story last Friday, a lot of you blamed the victim and accepted the police version that he was being defiant was seen loading the weapon.

Now it turns out that he was doing none of those things: 

Wright said the family objected to the piecemeal release of evidence, such as dispatch audio and video on the day of the shooting, was biased toward the police. 

“Everything released is one-sided,” Wright said. “There is nothing favorable to John Crawford. You can’t show different pieces, show it all, don’t trickle pieces to gain favor of the public.” 

He said the video suggests Crawford probably did not see or hear officers as they arrived. 

Crawford was speaking by cell phone to his girlfriend, who was with his parents, when he was shot. 

“He said he was at the video games playing videos, and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were,” said LeeCee Johnson, the mother of his two children. “The next thing I know, he said, ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting, and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him.” 

Johnson put the phone on speaker mode, and she and Crawford’s parents heard him die. 

“I could hear him just crying and screaming,” Johnson said. “I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.”

I think that we are getting to the point now that when we hear of a black man being shot by the police, we should almost automatically take their report of the incident with a grain of salt.

I have long been somebody who usually took the police at their word, even though I am aware that there are bad cops in the world, but now I am far less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt.

P.S. I almost forgot, but Ohio is an open carry state.

Which means that it is quite likely that if this were a white man, in the exact same circumstance, the entire incident would have played out differently, and there would have been NO loss of life.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    P.S. I almost forgot, but Ohio is an open carry state.

    I almost forgot too. However, I remember you posted a video of some dim-bulb teens carrying semi-automatic weapons while walking through a neighborhood trying to start stuff up. The cops showed up and not a single shot was fired. I wonder why?

    snark off/

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      There was the idiot teen in Aurora Colorado earlier this month, walking around with a weapon not too far from the movie theater where the mass shooting occurred. I also remember a picture of a dad standing on a street corner I think in Cinncinatti, holding his assault weapon along with his baby in a baby sling. And I think the baby might have had a pink toy gun. And no one looked twice at him.

  2. Bigots walk among us. They are cops. They are schoolteachers. They are bosses, coworkers, pastors, neighbors. Racism exists. Recognize it when you see it.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Since George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, how many unarmed African American boys and men have people, including police, shot to death in this country? It is a national disgrace.

    1. sallyinmi11:32 AM

      Oh, Beaglemom, there were so many before Tray, and now so many more. The white male has never gotten over the end of slavery. The need to feel in charge and on top of the heap runs deep. My husband used to umpire adult softball leagues, and he quit because so many of the umpires were power-hungry jerks. We saw it with a state cop we knew from a band as well. He was insecure, and a bully. The truly sad part is that the NRA wants to now arm all the bullies in America. Soon it will not just be black men being shot on sight. It will be the ex-wives, the girlfriends who got sick of being bullied, the teacher who gave their kid the grade he deserved. We are turning into a country I do not recognize, and very quickly.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I agree with you, sallininmi, 1000%. I'm just curious if anyone has kept count since Trayvon Martin was killed.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    So sad

  5. Gryphen, this is the most chilling post I've ever seen on your blog.

    The last paragraph is riveting and incredibly difficult to read.

    Because it's true.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Isn't this like the Michael Brown case? The police release things in drips in drabs to support their case while making the person who was shot look guilty? When I heard the shooting was in a Wal Mart, my first thought was "Let's go to the video tape" since most Wal Marts have as many cameras as a Las Vegas Casino. If the video supported their allegations, it would have been released the next day. Look at the case of Michael Jeter in New Jersey a couple of years ago who could have gone to jail for five years. The dash cam in the cruiser behind him makes him seem a criminal as you hear officers yelling at him to stop resisting and quit trying to grab their gun. But the dash cam from the cruiser in front of him shows him with his hands up, not resisting and getting hit by the officers. They tried to hide that video. But, hmmm. Stop resisting. Isn't that what the reporters in Ferguson said the officers were yelling while handcuffing them at the McDonalds. And where is the video from McD's? He was trying to grab their gun? Hmm. Isn't that what the officer said in Ferguson and what they said in LA when they shot the mentally ill man last week? Almost seems like a script. And let's not forget the cops in St. Louis who stated the mentally ill man there ran at them with a knife in his upraised hand. And what did the videos show? So yes I support the police these cases are showing that we have to ask questions. Look at the choking case in New York. There has been one arrest at least. Oh, wait. The arrest was of the guy who took the video showing the illegal choke hold.

  7. We need to be relentless in publicizing these incidents.

    For too many years, well-intended white folks were able and content to reassure themselves that only Bad Guys would be killed or mistreated by the Good Guys, the officers that are here to protect and serve.

    As more and more of these incidents are shared on social media, with supporting documentation that shows the victim's side, it is becoming shockingly clear that yes, people can be assaulted and murdered by police and their constitutional rights violated.

    I have noticed a small change in stories and articles from Us (white folks and the cops/good guys) vs. Them (probably a thug/gang member anyway) to Us (ordinary people clearly minding their own business and doing no wrong vs Them (hey, cops aren't supposed to act like that!).

    I am an idiot when it comes to social media, but it may be key in fighting back against those law enforcement officers and prosecutors and judges making a mockery of the constitution.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      I saw this on the news this morning
      A mom telling her son that she is pregnant. Innocent Youtube you'd think.

      Read the comments, then you might realize that we have a long way to go toward healing this country of racism. Or the world, for that matter. The hate is epidemic.

      I'm stunned, and very afraid we will never get over it. One good step would be turning off comments on these videos, it just stirs the shit up more.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Great video...too bad that the misdirected heartless hatred of 'others' (nonwhite, most specifically black) is so blatant, vitriolic, and downright arrogantly ignorant.

      The saddest of all is that many of the nasty commenters believe what they they've been told about 'the blacks.'

      They want 'their' country back...because history does not matter to them.

      Lord have mercy on us all.


  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Just think of all the murders committed by Police before there was so much video around. You now see why the Black community does not trust the Police. These are not rare instances they happen all the time.

  9. Anonymous9:57 AM

    An outright execution for being black. Sad.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Gryphen didn't you know? The second amendment is ONLY for white christian men. It says so in our constipation.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'm in the St. Louis area. Morning walk on a quiet suburban street, watched two county police with hands hovering over holstered guns as they talked to two young men. At only 30 feet away from me, I was scared sh****. Made myself walk by and NOT run.

    I'm white, grey-haired and small. Didn't used to be afraid of police, but now I am.

  12. I don't think I've been "somebody who usually took the police at their word" since at least Rodney King. I've never known anyone who's had their car stolen or a business or home burglarized and the police got their stuff back.

    I've always wanted to know too what happened to those two Milwaukee cops who handed Jeffrey Dahmer back one of his victims, who later numbered among the dead.

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Why were armed cops even IN the store? Did someone call in a 'help!black man with a toy gun on the phone!' call? Meanwhile, the whiter ammos are welcome to wander around with LOADED ASSAULT WEAPONS anywhere they damn please, and I have yet to hear of one them being shot by a cop. America is certainly not a good place to be right now...I am so sorry for this man's parents and family. And if the cops are not fired and charged, Ohio should be ashamed.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      From what I read about this earlier another customer made a 911 call from the store, obviously misinterpreting what he/she was seeing. Maybe the fact that these police crimes are being recorded by people on their cellphones will finally help spread the word about how awful they are and bring some convictions of policemen who shouldn't be anywhere near a badge or weapon. In addition maybe the fact that the internet is covering these crimes will lead to better training for police and better screening of police recruits.

  14. Anonymous11:59 AM

    this is just so sad. words fail me.

  15. My first real eye opener about cops was when I was dating one and found out he had another girlfriend back in the States. He threatened me that if I ever told her, he'd "hunt me down like a dog and kill me." I didn't doubt it and got far away from him. She got obscenely obese; he got prostate cancer. I wasn't sympathetic.

  16. Caroll Thompson12:44 PM

    It has become quite obvious that there is a problem with the police in this country. Sure, there are a lot of great policemen, but there are also some very bad trigger happy types running around.

    I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that what happened here is nothing less than legal murder.

  17. Randall2:20 PM

    OPEN CARRY is only for white Christians.

  18. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I fail to see the connection that this happened because the guy was black. It seems that this was the result of an overzealous 911 caller and overzealous police thinking they had a potential mass shooter. But because he was black? You folks really want something to be there, that isn't there.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      It is extremely doubtful that the police would have fired on a young white man standing in a toy section with a b-b gun pointed at the floor and talking on his cellphone. It's also unlikely that the "overzealous" 911 caller would have made the call had the young man with the b-b gun had been white.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      I have not seen anywhere... and I mean anywhere except on this blog, anyone saying this had anything to do with color of skin. If the cops think they have a potential crazed shooter, which in this case they made an enormous adrenaline fueled mistake, they come out guns a-blazing regardless of skin color.

  19. That " former Marine who called in the report and witnessed the shooting" who said Crawford “looked like he was going to go violently”...deserves a little blowback at this point in time, too.

    Legal blowback, of course, Like, maybe Crawford's family should sue the bejesus out of him for inciting a deadly police confrontation. I wouldn't want to suggest the "former Marine" is a wingnut bigot who deserves a little of his own medicine.

    Same goes for that busybody in the Ferguson convenience store who called 911 to report what seems to NOT be a robbery.

  20. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I thought that Walmart allowed open carry in their stores. or is that only if you are white?

  21. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    This is by far, one of the most chilling posts I've read on the subject. I hate to say it, but all the media jumped the shark on this one, and it just stirs the hornet's nest of bigotry even more.
    The media's got to stop this distortion, reporting of hearsay as fact, and making things up while there's some time to spare. Especially early on as events unfold, or they'll lose people's trust and make things even worse when it comes to racism and bigotry.
    These are real people who's lives were needlessly snuffed out for nothing but the color of their skin. It's been going on for way too long, and we need to find a way to stop it.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      For crying out loud, where has it been discussed anywhere except for the crazed speculation by Gryph and his sycophants that this shooting had anything to do with skin color?? The cops got a call they thought a shooter was on the loose and they waaay overreacted obviously, but when they think they have a shooter, they don't care what color skin they shoot down at all.


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